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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 Sep 1902, p. 2

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unwing- -Room and ‘ Parlor Suites, Dining ‘ Room and Kitchen i ; Furniture. Handsome bulges, g Easy Chairs, Rockers '“Siu. i‘am‘azmw " ........ “:13 Mann‘s!"- in Canada. h , I. manually and manually my 0mm“. sumofleoml. $15k ourdru tforfiul‘umhdk- mike noo cgumkmrfiaJlmagnd on: andmm Pd“. 0. . 1 box' Kaglodegreeoluongerfisperhox. 5:. torhwodonxeodm ofprteemdtvolâ€"eem Mp!- n- beacon-my Wing-molt Turns Bad Blood into Rich Red Blood. No othot remedy pom ugh perfect cleansing, healing sud puri- fying properties. Externdly, heal: Sam, Ulcers, Abscess“, and m Eruptions. Internally, restores the Stomach, Liver, Bowel: and Blood to healthy action. If your -appet_ita in poor, your energy gono, your ambition lost, 3.3.8. will reatoro you to till full anjoymcnt of happy vigor." PAGE TWO MODERN .Ogok’s catty: 396% compound No trouble to OUR GAS LAMPS SHOW THE DARK A Visitor Says the Town Has No Light to Speak of TWO FAMOUS CITIZENS Taken as a excruciatingly ers so much E es and miles kes the taxes A correspondent of the Orillia Tim- es signs himself “Tourist” under a. column of comment on Lindsay. Part of his letter is as follows : Taken as a. wiiole the streets are excruciatingly bad. The town cov- ers so much ground that keeping» mil- es and miles of streets in repair maâ€" kes the taxes high. Washington has been called a. city pr “magnificent distances,” but the streets on Uncle Sam’s capital are kept in repair by the nation, and the nation has lots of xmoney. ~It is a great mistake to spread out a Canadian town too fast and too far. Paving, lighting drain- ing, and_su=pplying with Water, soon send the taxes up. _ ‘G‘SG ““WV‘” V? r â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -â€" . LindSay is a big-hearted town. The people do not put on any superfine. exclusive airs, but they have hearts as large as a park lot. A man who has had one good taste of Lindsay hospitality is always sorry to leave the place, and glad to get a chance to go back again. Some towns ex- cel in one thing and some in .anoth- er. but for genuine whole-souled kin- dness and hospitality give us Lind- say every time. " Fix a high’ mark for your cow: this winter. If they do not. reaci “(find out, why. The fault may Ix your own. . wâ€"vâ€" LmdsaV' has fifteen doctors, thir- teen lawy,ers three editors, and a. large number of preachers of ability- Is the watering apparatus in wax-I;- ing order so the cows Won't have t(- go to the creek in a. cold storm? , are arriving every week at the port of Boston, While probably dauble that number land ‘at New York, Phil- adflphia, and southern coast cities. 'l'hese people can live in luxury on wages that would drive an American to the pcorhouse. The supply of lat;- orers is therefore greater than the de- mand and much distress consequently exxsts. My advice to yhe young mtn and women of Canada. is: Stay a; lzome' Their opportunities are bet- ter three at the present time than they are hen .â€"--President Uplmm of Boston, Mass.” Canadian Club. . - It. is a good Sign to see the milk» have a. thirst, for milk. It. is a cm‘ tificate of cleanlinessâ€"Farm J0m- nal. Cows that are regularly brushm and gleaned will yield more milk i1 proportion to feed; {en there ‘ i: grain in the currycomb. I! you have trouble in getting a}! the cream from the milk of com: that are nearing the end‘ of the milkâ€" ing period dilufic with warm water before straining. Don't leave the hgrd out. in a cold wind. . The industrial. condition of thx‘ United States is not what it Was twenty or even ten years ago. In those days there were ample oppor- tunities for all who wanted work. At the present time nearly all branches of business .are centralized. the great trusts are in 'control, laborâ€"saving machinery has displaced hand work. wages have been cut down, and thou- sands of men and women are now Walking the streets of the great cit- ies, who would, if they could. eager- ly embrace the opportunity to earn a. few dollars a week to keep 111- wolf frdm the door. The enosmnus immigration ~from Europe. especially from the southern part, has gluttexi the labor market and. been a power- ful fact or in lowering wages. From Italy alone about 1,500 immigrants '. J. D. Flavelle and Col. S Hughes Advertise Us Well Canadians \‘lwnld *tuv at Roma. Timely Dairy Notes. TRUSTS WILL BRING REVOLUTION SAYS MILLIONAIRE RUSSELL SAGE Cupiul Wlll Came Until the [eagle Will Ute Force Aunt It Mr. Russell Sage. in an interview in New ‘Yorkrecently, referred to a. published statement quoting J. Pier- pont Morgan as saying that the era. of great trusts had just begun and that more gigantic corporations are stored in the near future, some of which overshadow the steel trust. Mr. Sage said : “,Whether Mr. Mor- gan said that or 'not, combinations of all industries are a, menace to true government. Not only so. but they are oppressors at the people.” “What will be the result of stwh an era?" asked me reporter. "In such an event the America: people Will revolt against them. and there will be financial ruin. the like of which this country has never sea: â€"or any other." . It was 3W to Mr. Sage that there was a general opinion that combinations at certain times was 800d thing‘s for the country. “Yes," Mr. Sage replied, "when several inâ€" dustries are starting out in busing it is well‘ for individuals to combine for mutual protection until the bus- iness is firmly established. When the business is so established the cop- bination should be disrupted and con- ducted on individual lines. Then if one. individual became embarrassed ;it. would not mean the wrecking of Se industry. I believe it is best ‘0 have such industries to divide amofi several individuals than comuined in- to one great ombination, the em- barrassment oi which would mean the ruin of all." new} by mum, 2m: Exped- Certshfliqtdl‘hcnâ€"J“ x ueubeSe-t ; Mr. G. C. Creelmun, superin of agricultural societies has sent 0 a press letter in which he says : The Ontario Department of Agrian ture is endeavor-mg this year to , sist the fall fairs of the Prgvinoe. great many of. these shows hnve tirely departed from the original 1 tention of ,their promoters. The Ad. states : l ship Societies shall be to enoou improvements in agriculture. hort culture manufacture and the used?! arts: (:1) By importing and'otherwise prd- curing seeds, plants and animals it" new and‘ valuable kinds: (b) By offering prim for essays 0L questions of scientific inquiry "Q’ lating to agriculture, horticulture, manufacture and the useful arts: ’ (c) By awarding premiums for excel- lence in the raising or mtroductioh' of stock. for the invention or im- provement of agricultural or horti- cultural implements alnd machinery, for the production of grain and of all kinds of vegetables. plants, flowers and fruits. and generally for excellence in any agricultural or horticultural production or opera- tion. articles of manufacture ’ or work of art. ((1) By carrying on experiments ‘ in the growing of crops. the feeding 03 stock or any other branch of agrio culture, or by testing any system of farming through arrangement with one or more farmers of the municipality in which the Society is organized.” It is not necessary to. state how far our annual exhibitiom ha\e depart- ed from these rules. We hope to as- sist them in regaining their old sta- tus by advising weeding out many of the soâ€"called special attractions and replacing them with educational feaâ€" tures. Expert judges have been sel- ected to place the awards." THE LOCAL JUDGES "The object of District and To% The letter gim a. list of these ex- pert judges who are to judge at the different fairs in the province. Those who will judge at Oakde on Sep- tember 17th ane : In horses. W. F. Kydd, Simcoe; dairy cattle, and sheep M. Cumming, Guelph: beef cattle and swine, G. B. Hogd. Guelph. At Lind- say on Sept. 26th., the judges will be : In horses, J. M. Gardhouse, Highfield: ben“ 'w tle and sheep. A. W. Smith, Na. 10 Lodge; dairy cattle and swim, Wm. Jones, Zenda. Company, and from their decks thou- sands of people absorb the ozone of the highlands and View their famous scenery. The company 's boats can "be taken a; Bracebridge or Graven. burst and a trip made through lakes, Muskoka, Rosscau and Joseph and return on the same day. A week' 3 outing can be taken on these lakes at very small cost, for tickets good tartheroundtviprm Lindsaytg the head oz, thp Me- and Mm m Along the front, between Colborne and Toronto, the Argyle is the most. popular steamer afloat. She belongs to the LaJ-ieOntArio Navigation Com. pany. That fast and commodious excursion steamer traverses the lake in all directions during the whole season.carrying crowds of people out for the d_ay, and at‘excursian rates. Two or three times a week she mak- es regular trips nlong the coast cal- ling at all the main docks. The east- iest and cheapest way for local peo- ple to get a. snifi‘ oi the lake breeze is to get the Argyle some morning at Port Hope and take a. little run up, down or across the lake. Pur- ticulars can be had from the com- phy’s offices, Toronto. -The Michigan and Georgian Bay Navigation Company with handgun» ters at Gravenhurst, is every sum- mer at the service of affine a class of tourists as com to Canada from American soil. There is no more popular stamping ground for the hol- iday crowd than the Muskoka heights and their far-famed lakw. These lakes are pIowed by the hang‘lwme boats of the Muskoka Navigation Mr. John Campbell of “Fairview Farm" is a. judge on sheep and beef in division 11 which mcludes Walker- ton. Palmerston and seven other towns in Western Ontario. WHAT FALL PAIRS ARE FOR Navigation Notes li Ad Ix; no; ind m:- m 11:0an “beau a. M Ma“! Ichte'd R 1! m but than ndllum’ the! ““9 on. n. can liquid on when 5“ um um the pore- of I" mm. mm :hcpommmthop‘m g- - ‘__ â€"On nun-edgy morning there was a. serious clash between the striking coal miners, and the military. TWO meg on each side were killed. Work- men are being escorted to the mines. ’in spite of the strikers. The citi- zens are hostile to the troops and the situation is very serious. Tic new 8M M. p"- undiymmmw la. Dr. 21:. Hts-bar. “a. TM mum-nth and W“. ”at and: of bad back and d ”sum-gm " ' 9. Invest “It In- m To prevent the punt on Iron or wool non mun; all when exposed to tho weather um thoroughly wuh tho mu“ .5 firmly adieu an! ROI .1116:dean In both lrclnnd and Scothnd tho out in mm! as fuel. At Franzcnslmd the mini-rained [Wflt will not scru- such n purpose. The bog from which it in ex- tractt-d has been saturated throughout countless ages with miner“ water. and the product in a. strong cltcmiml com- pound. Thus n. moor hath in n mineral oath in n concentrated form. and et- facts are produced upon the system by taking 1 courae of these baths which cannot be pmducod. according to ex- [in-rm. by any mineral watch-Block- wood's Mansion. .00! Int“ The moor; haths which are provided at many Austrian and German health resorts. were first used at Frannena» had. In 1823 Dr. Poschmann. a physi- elan there. believed that he had found in them a new curative medium. and they have since become popular. Some physicians still question their emcscy. while others in Austria and Germany rely uponthem to render good service in many maladies. Though the bath is composed otprst. or moor earth. to which enough water has been added to make a thick paste 0" the mass. yet the peat is different from that which is extracted (rom s box in lreland or Dr. Pltcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets. nuamsmuunmmm ufltyonmmmmun acyclrlvorl. "fin-'10 u m ”Wouldn’t-Mind“. Does Your Back Ache ? to HELEN. son. No “unseat in necessary to convince the dalryman that. it is eas- ier to pour milk into the 10' down blin't'. buy unmiyou We " or south of Oak'ood road Lindny. It north or vat Harness E. “(011515, 0mm W. St. I‘m..,..................... do W. Albert. In Burnt Part B... EMA N. Queen ...... SW N.Durhunw. 'do . W.’ Cambridge in Put-‘1). 40' E. WHIP-rill) it.-.“ N. llary in Put m.-............._......... P“ Pl. .ocouo-ocnommuommmom-fiWOC .0. I. mew. Junta Subâ€"Div. Park-BullO... S. Vellum .. B ritish American ’ Business College “A max. 7m 8M In: Ireasum’s Sale of Lands fer {axes T0 WN OF LiNDSA Y Y. I. B. I. AI EQUINE" OF .5 TV'EWRITERS. VALUED IT OVER ‘10.”. IS AN INDICATION OF THE CO”. INC” OF OUR SHORTfllflb-TYPEWRI‘HIG ‘PIIT jDUAITIIIT. Sudeoumymtc‘uythe. Wriehrfi'eeahlogueandw LINDSAY'S LEADING ~ JEWELLERS m a w... I0 AHEUMEIT IS NECESSARY 3 Stan Combination, 5 Stone Cluster We V“ be pleased to have you inspect than, “o“.“mmwumo-onono~oc; Wemsho afinelineofdaescbeaufiflst mmommdinkmgs' : u om: â€" MAIâ€"WARM, SEPTEMBER Pearls, Opgls, 500...-..- If live south or ell-8t 0 cm. HUNTER. Ila-8883‘" nmsoN. FRESH 16 i 19 Wpt 47% ft 19 nun mum mm xnw 5mm BRITTON BROS wptuift 15 1" 5"“ 0‘11” he 1 maul bore d a “caption «‘1 in love with f m Yolande pom! upon mug,” u be it Edit is Gin-etio- Mthesten mum's "Fibrin tgir mm mm an?» Glyn!“ I liar iove WV you 19”“

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