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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 Sep 1902, p. 7

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mm” ’Q and both!- est Patent Medicines. are also well assorted now, and ' if We haw not on hand anything the pubEic wants, it Will be with Pleasure that we order it for men), as We are desirous of sup- plying the wants of all our cus- tomers. as far a3 possible. OUR STAFF is laz'we enough, SO that a People coming in to purchase In . I. hurry can be attended to at .~.ow ‘M ‘ lady-Made Clothing Wineries. MEET PRICES paid for Butter and Eggs, either for cash or in Mange for goods. CAIN BAGS. prices 32, $2.50 um!- 83m. “’8 heavy Hole Pants, reg. 81. k90oents. Pascoe Bros. G. W. BEALL’S Ken's Navy Blue Serge Suits, medal at $3.98. A 11108 Grey in Ian’s Suits for $7.50, and in fast ”thing We haVe in this line you 1111 find goods and prices right. We are in a. position to suit the requirements of the trade in this {lie of the house, as our grocer- lea are not. on the shelves long along!) to become stale; Values here are also as low as the low- We, are oflering a good Wool Tweed Suit. to order for $12.50, flack clay twills ; also Black Ve- netian for $18, with best. trim- iut "M share ‘06 More buying 913°" ' gum-.1 vglue in Black_ Velvet- -m You 56 70W TERMS : Cash or Trade :; Furnishinxs ~BUY YOUR OAKWOOD ’3 Oxford to of: §on° fixichiu ' ctreet rthe strike. The 8‘ on filje. The flame: ed before serious d m tails are fin‘ ‘Largg number! Of F )trnnderred t0 "9‘31 Florence, Italy. Sept. 1â€"The em- ployees of 40 different callings have joined the 'strike which began last Friday. The town appears to be in a. state of seige. Six thousand troops have been necaiied {mm the Iranoeuvres. and every square in the city is occupied by a 'company of. soldiers. Strong infantry and can'â€" alry patrols are parading the streets and subarbs. All meetings and pro- cessions have been forbidden, and hunâ€" dreds of suspected persons have been arrested. - - - --7 a- “M: The Boer leaders in England with their astute political mating-T. Delt- gate Abram Fischer, will certainly not i’ail to use their political advan- tage. Precisely what they seek. Le- sides money and an understanding on? the question of education, is not yet known, but their claims will prob- ably appear more reasmnble to Sec- retary Chamberlain when he remem- burs the dire trouble they can max: vu'n the radical ccmmission in South AiriCa by reviving all the axgz'y pas- s‘ions cf the last three years, and looks at the spectacle of Dr. Jam- eson as a. loyalist leader. General Brab‘ant, the commander of Brabant’s Corps during the fighting in South Africa. sailed yesterday for the Cape. Speaking of the political situation, General Brabant expressed the opinion that it Was not satisfac- tory. He addedzâ€"“We are in danger. of losing everything we, gained by the war.” They Cut the Gas Supply in the Ci-y Florenceâ€"6000 Troops Out posed of Lord CW Justice Alverb stone, Judge Bingham, and Major- General Sir John C. Ardagh, will be gin‘toheur evidence in the colony next week. Despite the prominence and standing of these men. it is al- ready obvious that it is the Parlia- mentary Commission alone which will enjoy the confidence of the Cape Dutch, who were chiefly aflected by martial law. A BOND. LEADERS SMILE The appearance of Dr. Jameson as a party leader can. only be said to mark the present barrenneas of Cecil Rhodes' political heritage. The up- pearaxfle of the leader of the famous raid in the centre of the political stage at this juncture is one of those things that make the Bond leaders rub their hands and laugh. It will surely save‘chein the trouble and ex. pense of electoral canvassing. For Mr. Chamberlain, however, it is a more serious matter. His refus- al to suspend the constitution was conditional on the good behav-iur oi the Cape Parliament. But. however troublesome the politicians in their Boer sympathies at the Cape have now become. it is out of the question that Mr. Chamberlain should take his orders from Dr. Jameson. 'l‘he Boer leaders in England with The first is the decision of the Cape IfigislaLtui-e to appoint a commission of its own to take evidence and re- port on the operation of martial law in the colony throughout the war. The second, which is perhaps more significant. is Dr. Jamieson’s assump- tion of practical leadership of the Opposition to the Ministry of Sir Gordon Sprigg, with the immediate smpension of the constitution es s policy. Theefiectof each ofthesesteps is to make deeper and clearer the align: ment 0! the forces oi‘the Attitude:- Bond, which is now master of the Parliamentary situation in the colâ€" any. the ' r‘emnants of the Rhodes party. and the so-called Progressives. The appointment of the commission is a. distinct challenge to Colonial Secretary Chamberlain. whose own cmnmission on the same subject,com- London. Aug. 31.-â€"â€"There were two notable events in the Cape Parlia- ment during the past week which will have an important bearing on the radical crisis in South Africa. Both come at a. most opportune mo- ment for the Boer leaders in Europe in their struggle with the British Government for concessions toward rehabilitating their people. Gen. Bnbant Says Britain is in Danger of Losing All She Has Gained SOUTH AFRICA YET IN DANGER There are Grave Fears That the Dutch Sentiment Will Prevail CAPE LEGISLA YURE DUTCH éirikers include the smxéks IN ITALY LIN own an--- workmen- who» were repair. elfry of the Engiish church, il’i ctreet refused to, join a. The strikers thereupon. ;roleum over the board fence ng the building and set it The flames were extinguish- serious damage resulted . :hose When your childâ€":whether it is a ulers big child 'or a little babyâ€"sullen will from stomach or bowel troubles of . ex- any kind, is nervous. fidgety or cross and doesn't sleep well. give Baby's r, it Own Tablets. This medicine is the 'equ- quickest and surest cureâ€"and the salt was 'est because it contains no opiate or r of harmful drug. No mafiter how~young rever or how feeble your little one is the their Tablets can be given with a certainty have that the result will be good. For guantvery young infants crush the Tablets take to a powder. Mrs. Geo. W. Porter. Thorold. Ont.. saysâ€""My baby had with indigestion badly when he was about Delt- three months old. He was constant- 1inly ly hungry and his food did him no wan- good as he vomited it as soon as he , Le- ltook it. He was very thin and pale g ou’and got but little sleep. as he cried ; yet nearly all the time. both day and H‘Obâ€" night. He was constipated : his ton- Sec- gue coated and his breath bad. Noth- nem- ing did him any good until I got. nzut: Baby's Own Tablets, and after giv- outh ing him these a short time he began to get better. His food digested properly; his bowels became regular, .lam- he «regan to grow. and is now a big. healthy boy. I always keep the Tabâ€" er of lets on hand and can recommend ltinE them to mothers." The Tablets can be obtained at any drug store or you can get them by mail, post paid, at 25 cents a box by writing direct to The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine 00.. Brockrille, Ont.. . v or Schenectady, 3.1. Help Little Babies and Big Children In all Their Minor Illnesses Forty miles of wire must be put up betWeen here an'd the Falls, for our law plant. It is quite a prob- lem to get the lines put up. for it is not safe to have the men Working when the current is on, so they work on Sundays and holidays. We hope to have the whole thing in running order before the end of the year." “Iv-n“ â€"-_J r_-_r-__ We had to make the addition to our plant : in fact we should have begun it before. The demands on the. present plant have multiplied so rap- idly of late that it is likely to be too heavily taxed before we get the new one in. The power is greatly in. demaxal. It is being used for so many purposes. From running an he-cream freezer to a. flour mill. it is in use. The hospital is using live horse power for the laundry. and is being lit with it throughout. That takes 150 lamps. We are very rup- idly extending our lightning system. Five hundred new lamps have been taken in a. short time. The inquirieo we have for ,large power an“ makes it plain that in the near m- ture the whole of our plant will be reduired. _ A ‘ _ Even the bolt works have more than they can do. We wanted a. few thousand {ox-bolting the cross arms onto our poles, and could not get them for a couple of months. It seems as though Canadian industries are in a very prosperous condition. We shall not'be able to have the duplicate plant in tlll December. The firms from which we must get our supplies are so busy that we €38th get our orders filled. . Some time 380: I went to Toronto' to see about setâ€" ting a generator and the Canadian General Electric people said they could not let me have it before six months. I went. straight. to Pvterâ€" boro to see the manager of their works, which are in that town. H0 said, after hard coaxing. that he would try and let me have it in five months but. could not guarantee it. We have made arrangements with the Publishers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal by which we can offer a subscription to that great Family Weekly for the balance of 1902 Absolutely Free To every person paying 30c for a. subscription to The Watchman-War- der for the balance of 1902, we Will have the Family Herald and Weekly Star meiled direct from that office for the same period without charge. This is. without doubt the greatest, ofler ever made to the publie’ of Can- ada. and the sooner it is accepteu the more you get. To our Present Readers Friday, Sept. 26thâ€"By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements the property of Mr. W. M- Grant, lot 11. con. 15, Mnriposa. Sale at one o’clock and without. reserve. as Mr. Grant has sold his farm.‘ The stock com- prises six horses, one driver, two yearling colts, five milch cows, eight,2-ycar old steers and heifers, seven young cattle, 3 calves, sheep, pigs, etc. The implements are all first-class. \ “The Light, Heat Power Com- pany will duplicate their Fenelon Falls power plant this fall." said Manager Reesor. ”We no;w have 750 horse power of water in use there From that we develop about 600 bore“- "fiver of electric energy‘: for 3‘01! 3-" - .' it does not do to have your vr wheel and generator the same pmvcr. That is to say the wheel must, have a little reserve po- wer behind it to p0 good work. When we duplicate the plant we shall have 1500 horse power of water which Will; give us 1200 of electricity. Any present subscriber whose sub-l . . scnptlon to The Watchman-WW is;- â€"â€"-â€"-O-â€""'â€"" in arrears can have We F3111“? Heb. â€"At Viz-den, Man, on Thursday ald and Weekly Sm FREE for the‘ the 4â€"year-old son of Mr. Bryaon 11,4 balance of the year by paying up an“ Ms legs cut on at the knees by the ream, and one year in advance. binder driven by his father who took Address or all at The Watchman- them 8 miles to a doctor, but Warden Lindsay. Ont. loath mango. TWELVE HUNDRED HORSE POWER ELECTRICITY FROM THE FALLS The Present Plant 3% Peulon Falls Will b: Duplicated This Ann-II “The Light, Heat . Pow: puny will duplicate their Falls power plant Ellis fail. BABY’S OWN TABLETS Sale Register Mrs. Goo. W. Porter. says:â€""My baby had y when he was about d. He was constant- peop ple said they have it before six straight. to >Pe_tefâ€" distinction in the L'omenerate arm:- and W118 universally esteemed as a man of .conrage and honor. He held a. minor phsition in the I'nion Naâ€" tional Bank of this city. being one o! the two bookkeepers. When the United States bank ex- aminer came here to inspect the no- counts of the Union National Bank he discovered t‘hat the bank had been robbed of between $400,000 and 5500.000. It was a long time be- fore the myswry was cleared up. and it was then discovered that the rob- bery had been committed by Colomb and Leeie. with the assistance: of con- federates on the outside. When the marshal came to arrest Colomb the book-keeper took poison and died in a few moments. a. 52-pound maskinonge caught. at Kemptville in t1 river. Next day a, Smit ”respondent of the pope himself “ Fisherman, ' ' wrote terrogaticns : Somebody Wants to Know Some Things -Abont Fish and Thcit Locations The paragraph in yesterday's Globe about the ESQ-pound maskinonge caught/ in the Rideuu at Kemptvillc brings up a matter that bus always been a. puzzle to me. In the 'I‘r’ent and lakes o-onm-cted with it a thirty- pound maskinonge is a. rarity, and I question if there is a reliable catch of a. 35â€"pounder. The same would apply to any other place in the Do- minion where maskinonge are found. How, then. do ichthyolists account for the presence of these monsters,30, 40, and 50 and even upwards of 60 pounds in a section of the Rideau ex- tending from Burritt's Rapids down stream fifteen miles. Another curious thing I have observed about the hab- itat of fishes. Pickernl are abundant in the Merrickville and Kilma'rnock sections of the river. but are rarely found as- far up as Smith's Falls. Above Smith’s Falls the chief ml- cties are bass, pike. perch, Suinlt'n, Whitefish and herringâ€"though the two last menfioned do not take the book. For bass and salmon fishing the Ri- MMesistheparndiu01theflIh-n erman. but would some om explain the absence of makinonge and pick. ere! found in these other waters. Louis Colomb, father of Sidney Co Inble companies. lomb. was the central figure in one OFFICE rear at Dominion Bank of the most sensational bank scandals Buildings. ’where I will be personally and embezzlements ever known in present on Wednesday and Saturday New Orleans. Mr. (‘olomb was of of each week. 1d C l 1' H]. h d . ' d w‘th fisé’méfii 1‘3; Eonfed¢§2°arn2y. JoflN p. cummas and Was universally esteemed as a man of .cmlraze and honor. He heldl ___._. given two m'one weeks' vacation, left the city {or Canada. with his wile and child. Since then detectiva I have traced them as far as Toronto. where they were seen Friday after- noon. It is believed that Coiomb will try to find work in one of the Canadian cities. vuv vâ€" ‘3' v In Saratoga, Colomb went. broke on the races. Mrs. Coloxnb pawned jewelry valued at $300 for enough to pay their fares h_ome. ' -l‘¢l n When Colomb failed to show up at his desk Wednesday morning auditors were put to work at his books, and before noon they had discovered a delalcation 0! over 81.000. Three weeks ago he and his wife went east on his vacation. His em- ployers were astonished to hear he went to Niagara Falls. New York. Philadelphia and Saratoga. but they thought his habits so good they sun- posed he had been saving all year for the trip. palate ncoounu. Returning tron: his vacation Inst Monday. he found that. several inaccuracies ha! been ducov. cred. At this Big Shoe Store you and save money on every purchase. Henppearedattheomoeonm day, but. in a. short. while went home, and on the pretext phat. he kid beg} Detectives 3:: Club; II for six year. Colomb ha. Men qty cashier for Woolley l; (20.. whole-tie dealers in woollens. at. 212 Honme street. Chicago, Sept. 1.â€"-Chu‘ged. u was his father. with embezzlement, Sid- nay Colomb, manhu- of a family “1“. onecwuoneoltheproude-tinNow Orleans. is hurrying across Canada. with two Chicago detective. in clone pursuit- And those who know the younsmnnythatitheinaptlred history will repeat itself. at! he will blow out; his brains, a. his (other did when crest thrutened him. The 1 The N. HOCKIN $11013 STORE In h‘iday's An Immense New stock of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers Overshoes Travelling Bags, Etc. WHY THOSE BIG FISH AfltflNT ? FUNDS NOI' HIS OWN AND NOW FLYS PIOM JUSTICE he United States bank ex- une here to» inspect the ao- .’ the Union National Bank cred that the bank had been of between $400,000 and It. was a long time be- Giobe it. was said th naskinouge nan oeeu mptville in the Rideau day a. Smith’s Falls of the paper signalg rman," wrote these in- THIS White's Old Stand leading Salesman-«MIT. SI well-known all oucrjhese counties as the Reliable and Money-Saving Shoe Store. 8 ”NEWS GREATEST SHUE HOUSE 0. H. HflpKle. Act. at Lindsay Inc Ganada Parmaum and “stem Banana Mortgage corporation They Wuionly Ride Fine Horses to Death THE WATERLOO HUTUAL. noted toriu fair dealing and prompt. set;- tlements; also the NORTH BRITISH AND HERCAN’I'ILE, and other reli- able companies. OFFICE, mar of Dominion Bari]: Money to loan at very lowest rates at. any time. and terms to suit bor- rower. This Corporation being an amalgamation of {our companies and havin'g capitaJ and assets of over twenty millions, is prepared to. do businm on most advantageous termsw Private hands if preferred. G. H. HOPKINS The tollowing is! descriptive of the international cavalry races, held last: week' between Brussels and Ostend, a. distance of 82* miles : After passing the 62} mile point the hardest part of the ride began. and the affair developed into the se- vex-est. kind of an ordeal. ses {ell exhausted. Thre mals dropped dead before reached. When . near French lieutenant. Buuzil ed that his horse was his revolver and blew it: The aply English officer test. Lian. Gibbon. sa‘ The oply English officer in the conâ€" test, Lieut. Gibbon, saw his xxxount was was exhausted. and dismounted while the animal panted away. The scene at Ostend. when the Frenchman, Lieut. Madnmet, riding a Hungarian ' thoroughbred, came in first, was one of great enthusiasm. The horse died 8602: after the vic- tory. The second. third and fourth ot the finish were all Frenchmen. Then came a; Norwegian. a Dutchman and 1 Belgian. LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE We lave a had-Apply 01th and Bull. Menu. Our Puma! Bacon in II! to an ' we ham: ever pun-Soc yuung Wet-303m: can in buying our MtgpandButtex-‘spechlty. Lookin;zouan dumya see some. what. you mtcncdyforathmhing sud wowflloen it drixht. The timé of the winner, Lieut Wet. for the entire distance was six hours and twenty minutes For old times’ sake, Don’t. let the enmity live : For old timeo‘ sake, Say you’ll forget. and forgive. Life's too short 'to qumel. Ream too precious to break, Shaka hand- md let us be friends. Fbr old tim'C' aka. East End Meat Matket you get the best styles and most serviceable Goods J. PAINELI. IOIIIS BRUTAL CAVALRYMEN Fire Insurance 0. fl. CALVERT SON. For Old Tina' Sake Id Stand - Lindsay MATT. SISSON=--PELIX FOBERT LINDSAY. ONT. Buuzil. w )Sh Man 5' Will Run Sept. 16th; valid for Return until Nov. léth, ’02 RETURN F ARES TO Winnipeg. . . ..8% Grand View. .828 From a“ [mints in Omar 0. Azilda, Sault Ste. Marie. Ont... and east. Ap- ply to moat-est Canadian Pa itic agent. for pamphlet. A. II. Noun“. Asst. General Passenxu' Agent, | King-st.,‘eut Tomty '1‘. c. Matchcu. Ag!" Libduy. Harvest Excursions Monday, Sept 15th BACKACHE In tho first m «311qu mm the municipality A Court 0! Revision will be held uthohndalhbletomtheuid mtudunmoltheow- tutti-awhuofuutheycun be Madhomthelutnevioedu mmn. {snow tiled in the ofllco o! the Clerk of the Humid"!- ity and in open for inspection dur- Wampum-s: ,_ ‘ __ Take Notice List. the Hunicipd Council of the Corporstion of the Town of Lindsay mum! to put ; Byâ€"lcw providing (or the Wu 0! 3 Sanitary Sewer and 0011.! Brain on M “tact. tron Albert to Sun-3.x um J'fimmtlrommnw Kmmu,udtonssnlthefind Doétuegiect'm Chcckitintim! .- to: '- hub m. Scmhcon; Ravea Dam ..... $40. ;, Trunks, )PI Si) m

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