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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Sep 1902, p. 11

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99m 10 WV“ tion and éome ‘ ciaily the 3 year a In Aicrricts. and 333.33 it ht Phefgtg : Large Stock Lowest Prices. MGM. [BWAHDSL cu. Ting humus proper ,1 that the S dep‘ W BflflKS Hardware Merchants Readers, Scrib bl e r s, Exercises, Note Books Drawing Books, Copy Books, Envelopes and Paper, Slates, Slate- pencils and Lead-pen- dls, Leather and Can- vas Shool Bags. ieVictoria Loan and Savings C0. a, Wa‘ds, Shot, Ming Tools, Shot ins, Winchester lifles. ‘Mmist and Fancy Goods 9916. Kent-st. Lindsay P! taken on Deposit and ,l Debenture. ‘ mdell Shells, Black d Smokeless Pow= act“ from our gupfll‘b “11.1-qu for wed- ' silver wedding i‘ “c. hA‘V. them in the IN and most exclusive do- ‘39 thfl moat skilful work of r“ 'Y th’ and in web to choose from that idiom taste can be tilfsctione‘ ‘ fast mm with I‘ -â€"AT- JAMES LOW, manger. - $300,000.00 5,400.00 South Side Ont. DEPTEMBER 11th, . -'.\ t5Wo-4year.om cmm g; 311, ...... Woofls, .Dollartown, .fell jntp afimall hole in the ground_ at; the back of ’t.‘he house. and when. found,“ few min- Utés' later life was-extinct. The .child ' ‘ othervjuSt a, :iew ' , had gone .to the 138011: of the..honss:.-ywhqmwj;gfell :into the hole, and beingWAQfio get, out. was dram" L ‘ The entire northern slope ol MOUI‘IL Kasbeck, with the glacier above, then began to mm'e rapidly. Village af- ter village Was swept away. and ev- erything in the path of the landslide was destroyed. Within a few min- utes the valley, which is nearly twelve miles long, had been (levee: tated' by a wall of rock,‘ ice and earth. The valley was completely filled pp in some-places to a. depth of nearlv 1,000 feet by the matter which was ,hurled into it. A fierce hurricafle raged at the time of the landslide. and the bodies of. people and animals were {lung by the wind - . *‘ -.I 4.011%“ to a. great we rocks, , flurritane. Earthquake and Lani-lid: Work Awful flavocin Austria At 7 o'clock of that evening the entire valley where the hot springs are situated was filled with a demen- ing noise resembling thunder and loud underground rumblings were heard. The vallev stream swelled to the dimensions of a mighty torâ€" baithers at the hot springs there scouted the idea of a catastrophe, and in spite of warnings remained in the town. y Vienna. Sept. 4.â€"Correspondence received here from Tiflis, Transc’auca- sia, Russia. gives a graphic account. of a. disaster which occurred AugUSt 17th, when, as the result of a landâ€" slide. supposed to have been due to seismic disturbances. some twenty villages were destroyed and nearly 700 persons were killed. 'On the northern slope of Mount Kasbeck lies the watering place of Tmenkau. Ear- ly in the morning of August 17th subterranean disturbances were noted at Tmenkau, bfit' the hundreds of a man’s liver has a great deal to do with his destiny at such times : that excess in living has much to answer for and that in other cases. especial- 15’ those of suicide. illâ€"nourished brains, tragically engaged upon the problem of how To live. too often seek. with the aid of the weather, bow to die. Depressing Weather Leads to Much Mur- \d:r and Suitide in London. London. Sept. 7.â€"Madness seems to have come OVer London. a passion to murder and commit other desperate crimes. Since the Old Bailey sess- ions five weeks ago Twenty people have been murdered in London. In the same time there have been 350 deaths from violence. including sixty suicides. It will be a long black list. on the next 01d Bziiley calendar. A well-known London specialist lays the blame on the weather. It. need not be too 1101. he explains, to drive people mad. It need only be depressing. and i'L’ has been that. In his opinion there is nothing surpris- in:r in the large number of them ser- ious crimes. He has a theory that a man’s liver has :1 meat deal to do Fitzgerald made 91} in a. ton biddingâ€" The president’s that 10 cents was expected 11 Flavelle to say “We pay 14 Ct eggs and cannot listen to 1 who mt us to pay 15. _ about. offered my limit to-day The president said that ta ,- naignin'g their cheese were 1 mare money than those sellil ahe board. Cambray was 8111' this year already. The pr was going to hold out for hi ces after this. Then Mr. I bid thirtcmâ€"sixteenths and g1 Rock 170 b'oxes. Fenelon Fa] North Verulam 125. Camera! Bobcaygeon 195. Palestine 7 Blariposa 118. Buyer Fitzgerald ofl‘ered the same and took Maple Leaf 118. Rea‘boro 138. Pine Grove 56, North Ops 57. Omemee 133. ['mnsford 14], Star 120 and Janetville 59. The price was euevenlsixteenths higher than thaw of the same date last year. Afterward I-‘lavelle gave Fitzger- ald Mariposa. and Palestine and took Dunsford and North Ops. Buyers Flavelle and Fitzgerald were the only buyers at the Cheese Board on Monday- They divided the factories between them at nine and eleven sixteenths cents a pound. Before bidding began Buyer Fla- velle read a letter he he‘d received from Buyer Wrighton at Peterboro denying the statement made here at the lam; meeting to the effect that cheese sold at Peterboro had been ’9’. had because the. buyers had paid' too much for it. Mr. Flavelle exâ€": plained that he had merely heard 80.? and Mr. Fitzgerald made a similar, defence. ' ‘ g The factories will pay half of the' inspector's fees at nen meeting. The board fees will not be collected, be, cause there is 342 how in the tree-y SHIV. ‘ Cheese was not Bought and Re fused, as Stated Here. The Board was Cleared on Mon- day at Nine and Thirteen- Sixteenths Cents. M r. Flax PETERBORO’S DEFENCE. MANY SHOCKING DEEDS. L £NDSUDE KILLED 700 Havana ofl'ered ald made 9‘} x13 "otv o-‘-_c t«height a'nd dasified-agin8t mold child pf Mr, Wm. town, .fell'.ihtp 41.513311 round at» the back of ,vwhen. foundaav few min- was;extinct. The ‘child its motherjust a. few 2- but had goneto the will pay half of the at man meeting. The not be collected, be- ;42 how in the trea- d that factories zese were making those sening on 5' was $100 ahead The president out for high pri- hen Mr. Flavelle rhs and got Red enelon Falls 85. 3. Cameron 122, , round of L’s remark .ed led. Mr. 14 cents for to farmers I have which and As the man ran he swung the re-! Report for We volver in front of him. Wbmen night. September screamed and some of them fainted“ TEMP] and the Canadian crowd started in' High-ct, pursuit on foot. on rigs. and oh bi"Lo.weet cycles. Ahmt thirty chased him 'Wnrmcqtmdgemfig across the thdge. up Whirlpoobsnk-eecg Como“; ‘ ' on the American side to Clevelandâ€"f The week’f‘ avenue to Mam street, thence to Nit agara-‘avenue'and east to Twelfthâ€"1 ‘PRRCIPITAT street. up Tweifthâ€"street to Cleve. Greatest full ¢ land-avenue and east on Cleveland to? 0.23 Thursday. Twenty-fifth-street, where he was Rain Iell on 3 captured. 1 Total rain-fall As soon as the nmn entered on the bridge the American police departâ€" ment was notified by 'phone. The whole department w’as turned out, on patrol wagons in every direction. 01'â€" ficer Cvarmody druflned intoflservicg a milk wagon at th'e North End and with this vehicle, lasb‘ing‘ the horsw into a gallop, he joined in the chase with the crOWd, which by this time numbered about 200. , FACED HIS PURSUERS At the railroad crossing on Cleve- land-avenue a. freight train was passâ€" "What foah ?" and quickly draWing from under his'sweater a large glis- tening revolver. pointing it at the marf. Crmmmnded him to stand back. and. swinging in on the surging crowd he jumped through the enâ€" fiance on tn the bridge at 2.45 13.111. Leaving Canada. he Was chased by Ontario police through the same channel as he entered it last Friday morning. When once on the bridge he let. out on a run across it. dodg- ing through the crowd gathered to witness Percy's rem. face, as if fearful of being apprehend- ed by an officer. The-man at the gate said to him : “You better pay at the gate office." He replied "What foah ?" and quickly drawing PEWEE SWUNG HIS REVOLVER.i ' INTO CROWD ON THE BRIDGE There must have been about 75 people Gathered at, the bridge portals waiting for Percy to make the tripl through the rapids, and all at once recognized in the approaching man the desperate negro, Pewee Johnson. as he stopped under the bridge .por- tals. He looked as ii hounded and chased to death like a wild animal. His eyes stood out like two large white balls, rolling quickly from one side to the other on his inky black At 11.10 thismorning the Watch operator. Mr. McIntyre. .t scamtord switch, noticed the dusky Mu" crossing the track between his 0m“ and the Sher-if! and Co. wine {acm- coming from the north 0! the wt and traveling southeast towards Ni‘ agara. Falls Caitre. The 096mm“ quickly flashed this information to the operator at the Falls depot and the police were telephoned._ Chief Maines and men boarded a. south car to head the man' 011, and covered I the country side towards the farm of ‘Mr. Birkett. just southeast of the ‘ Wabash tracks. The man was 0108? ly watched by Mr. McIntyre. He jumped the fences and into a field or corn, but emerged on the opposite side and entered the Vegetable plOt 0h Mr. Birkett at 11.35 and helped him-; self to the growing vegetables. "NIP: ching and chewing them With an aP‘ parent hunger. After partaking 01’ this meal he doubled back and cross- ed bath the Wabash and G.T.R- tracks at Clifton Junction just west of the yards at. 12.40. where he was seen by Harry Steer. the tower man. with Chief Maine’s men about half mile behind. l l KEEPS CLEAR OF PUizSUERs He led out. on a run across the fields of what is known as the “hit- t,\' farm and into the bush near the Whirlpool. The poliCe trailed him: through the bush and ravines. The man seemed to keep clear of his pur- suers. He finally led out on the He Had Weapons but did not Use Illa! A CGLORBD FUGITIVE PROM LAW WAS CAUGHT WITHOUT BLOODSIIED Fox-several days last week a. col- ored despefado was wanted by POIice of the Canadian Niagara Falls. had eluded his pursucrs but. on Sunday was caught. The World thus d69- cri‘bes the chase and capture : No -mattcr' how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Aycr’s Cherrg' Pectoral is the best t ing you, can take. It’s too risky to wait until you have consump- tion. If you are con ' today, or a bot: e 0‘ Cherry ectoral at once consumption f any years. A: last she vs: give "up to die. Then she tried Ayer’serry Pectorsl, and vs: gpeedilrcured.” “My mothgfwgs troubles! viii: ”other " 7. P. Jbuy, Avoca, any ygm_.__ At I ‘ -A tmudgr5tprm with nan near t C atherines early Snnday morning { fled many small. birds. "13.8.1 Re ‘ prepared British known 1 put it"; 5+». ""1 9.1, 0.421 havoc and of all the bloodshed and havoc which is Still going on in the ‘Fhili’ppines was a lie, but the end of Ipoliticians was~served. In like man- !ner British people were goaded into imsouth Airman war try the belief 51'.th the‘ {armors of the little Trans- vaal Republic had made vast military P'rer’anutions for the invasion 0! the BfiitiShixfigpnifit‘ ‘, ”v is; also_ is now know! to have beet: p. poi-e figment/- *Bnt it” did Its 'work'. ‘ . , the Maine 3" was the battle-cry. The American people were gouded into the war with Spain by the belief that the Spaniards had ‘ blown .up the Maine. It now appears that the eX- perts in the Government Department of Explosives have been 'forced by re- peated insthnces of similar explo- sions to admit that the Maine was blovm up by the ignition of coal in} her own bunkers. The practical cause of all that bloodshed and She has. vurncd the verdure red: In the blue sky merhead. She the harvest moon has hung, Like a silver boat mo Shoals of starsâ€"brightnygbwels set In the earth’s blue coronet; She has brought the orchard's fruit To repay the robin's flute. ‘ Which has gladdoned half the year With a. music. liquid clear: Andahe makes the meadow grass CatCh the sunbeam as they pass Till the autumn floor is rolled Witha fragrant cloth of gold. â€"Frank Dumpster Sherman § The One Price Clothier and Furnisher. - . . LINDSAY ; 333fl3mfl3W$3333n3WWWC333330£ as a ruse to jump him taken back to Bufialo. ing‘ and the man Was shut out, and, turning ctr-‘01:: crowd, he swung hi. rOV’olver. commanding them to halt. which they obeyed. until the train passed. On ho flew, with the mob at his heels, when. reaching Twenty- fil‘th-street. he took through the field. The crowd tore down the lento am! through the field the milk- man's horse and wagon galloped. ‘ About the centre the Ngitive drop- ped and (nficer Carnaody and one 0! his Canadian pursuers. named Henry “ilson of the G.T.R.. wene on to the A‘Dog flu lath! (Youth's Companion.) A well-behaved and home-loving dog lay on his doorstep in St. Lou“. No, recently, when a boy ammpted to tie a tin can to his tail. and '88 bitten. The boy's father sued the owner of the dog and sought to have the animal shot. but when the facts were brought out in court the judge dismissed the case with these words: “Dogs and other animals have rights. The dog who bites a verso“ attempt;- ing to main or pain him wantonly is within his rights. and entitled to protection." All lumrs of animals will say with Shylmk: “O excel- Lowest ..................... c Warmest day. menu of Coldest ..../.‘ ............. The Week .................. PRECIPITATION Wane Weumuuugemuteuoanesen Spefial lint: of Hell’s Suits, Raincoats, Hats and N:ckwcar passed into stock this week. WW Ws§wwmmo Bovs' 2 piece Blue Serge 1 Boys' 2-pie¢e Suits of Suits, fast incolor, slow ‘ do nestic wool Tweed: to wear out, pleated in small checks, patterns coats, well lined, pants of dark medium shades, lined sizes 22 to 28 extra strong linings, special pnce - l. 25l special - 2 00 BflYS’ SUITS... atest (all Thursday. n fell on 3 a! rain-fall {ECIPITATION lN' IXCHI for week ending Saturday member 6th. 1902. TEMPERATURE The Weather. September ran In one 80.80 Sunday 36.30 Friday 'f “7.90 8mm . 48.45 Friday That’s what you want, and that's what you ’re guaranteed in buying our Suitsâ€"â€" they’ re strong, they’ re good cloth, they’ re well made, they’ re good fitting, they’ re stylish and they’re the most for your money that you can buy anywhere Special cut prices in special lines of School Suits for boys all ages. T. BEALL 16 FOR ROUGH and TUMBLE SCHOOL WEAR He will be Remember '. J. CAR TER, Wand. 0.. Sept. 9,â€"Rev. C. P. Zimmerman. editor of the German evangelird magazine Sunday school paper. Inflow; dict! in this city Sunâ€" 'duy nizht. London. Sept. 9 ier has gone to 3 remain ten days I pi-oceudufiomn. 25 KENT-ST. Mummy ”02.qu I’M, I05 percent. ~ June. ".2. ever Jule I’DI fl “ « July, 1902. over July I”! 79 u « Mg, mz, wet Aug. MI 51 u The above are hard facts and should be ample testimony to the durability, style and :3th of our high-class Footwear. We aim to please our patrons by giving the best value in the maket. FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVESâ€"Webegan business In Lindsay in May, 1901,1nd have now completed 4 months of our second year with this gratifying rcsult: GILLESPIE Go. All Day and Evening 3 days onjy mum ur nun AUISES 5U Fl'lifl (rum this terrible stflicuon in some way. There i1 no other m‘liction m fi-Sch an In hair Hut nocJ-plaoiy unflu him (or the I VARIGBGELE. 359% duties or menu. of my a. "manuals. bunker-Janka” Wofthuoouldmom blogu'mund mum compliated-ladin¢wh- mac}, mummy m, ml moxhu‘tiomew. Do guanine-(m .1!“th fiction“ nptnvmrvihllly (“gluingâ€"030w sud‘ifum’chckddn resultinthouhonoondmou Nowmm‘nu rwybo tin-em, «was. mmmhnWthhurdby-oflchoâ€"(mm axioctricmy winger-yon; datum: vul- rcun t» their non-u candida-gamma unmmmhnugm ”whack-lugging m ma. mmuuunuuturm nomnoxm. No _ doctrine . .A. ,,-, 4,7,, Mm but come w one WON ch-loflg «may mu tau-rm. him win: to 00. Do I“ and m . ' d orb donned {mm min: further sauce. «r luau... u: r max-.1 matures consider you at. month. Beau” other: Med in your use you hum hm: diqcsunzed. This in the vcy “you Mid 091mm .0 u my reputation In been me in caring hope-leu- ( nod) can. LADIES sum (tom Sun-l or“) kr- o! ampere than“ mu hesi in m u: m: um?!) u 0.6.. Everythmx mica] rink and pnfmionu - IOTKIBCâ€"hok to your OXIMNI~ 0' U ‘50 till" to hue than cured, while you. mxummum-pwmpwumrga In, with rum”. lvcnuaxsmmmmad-n. winnwdlutherieh. m-b WMMMIWMM-umnmumdmmwhddg than you mu ennui! . Y. EGAI Minuteman M Establi sh ' Consult Specialist Early Penelon Falls, Mansion House, Sept. 29, 30 . linden, Thompson’s llotel, Oct. lst. Gone to mom LINDSAY, Benson House, During the Fair Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Gillespie C0. --Sir “Em-id hur- vitmland. He will I {was an! the. SPECIALIGT WILL VISIT: Boys' 3-piecc Suits of Imported and Domestic Tweed in 'dark neat patterns, extra quality of trimmings, our soc- cizl at - 2.75 bizarâ€" EJA b nab BELOW. . . 326 W. RichmondSt. , Speaahst, 9.0. 539, Toronto. Over 30 Years or Suwess 1.1 Toronto, Ont. . Sept: 26, 27 and“2__8 “8! young Orchard an“! spring on the now under lease Apply by tender to . mm. m in flu W (I m agenda: in In-alm Lima. Hem-Into. :xguerienced Ind ctpsbte an» that.“ returns: a to be drunk-gumbo!“ a“ sud Mun nvnid danger. Stop M b _' gaudy hu mum. Mm win: 00 do. I“ w ‘)J-'3d»'.i2 a: r mm :ul Milan»: consider you 2.75 I MEN OF ALL AGES SUPPER PAGE ELEVEN LINDSAY

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