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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Sep 1902, p. 12

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mi "if“ mum FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"Being “sf/half lot 24, con. 9, Brock, one mile north of Manilla, 4 miles from Cannington, 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, soil dark clay loam. On FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€" 150 acres on the 12th con. of lanvers, 80 acres working land, the rest in wood and pasture, well watered. . Good orchard, large frame house, good out-buildings, barn 30x60 with stone foundation. This farm is convenient to post oflce, store, cheese factory, school church, blacksmithshop, station and IPARM FOR SALEâ€"100 acres in the Township of Penelon, Lot 13, in lot con., eighty was cleared, ten acres hardwood, balance pasture. Good clay loam: log house, log ‘barn 70 ft. long, withnstabling, un- derneath; never tailing spring V; good fences. bearing orchard. One .119 from Inlay grad school, 11 alien from Lindsay. 81,000 do“ balance to suit purchaser. Privil- rm FOR SALE OR To RENT IN": "FEE TOWNSHIP OF KAN- Whatptht14, Con. - A14. Veontdning 114 m. Frame hogan, Dame barn, log stable, good EED WHEAT FOR SALEâ€"The un- dersigned has a. choice sample of fill wheat seed for sale. A sample cheat grown this season can be seen at my premises. I also have a. few choice thoro- ughbred Berkshire Hogs, which I will sell at rea‘sonable pricw. J. W. HANCOCK, lot 22, con 11 Mar- ipoea, or Linden Valley P.0.-34â€"4. OB SALE BY TENDER.â€"Sea.led tenders, addressed to the undersignâ€" ed.a.nd marked tender. will be re. ceived up to 12 o’clock noon, on October lst, 1902, for the purChase of the thoroughâ€"bred Shorthorn Durham Bull “Strathcona,” the property of «me Emily Agricultural Society. The animal, pedigree, the farm is a good stone housejair. outbuildings, orchard, two good wells and never-failing spring creek. Fall ploughing well advanced. Ap- ply l! by letter. GEO. JOHNSON, Box 53 Cannington, or on lot 2, con. 13, Mariposa.â€"6â€"tf. agifimy be seen at William Cottingham’s, Lot 11, Con. 4, ily. The highest or any tender not marily accepted. 0. G. WIL- LIAMSON, Sec. Emily Agricultural Society, Omemee P.0.â€"37â€"3. grain market. For further partic- ulars apply to the omenâ€"JOHN BROWN, Fleetwood, P.0.â€"36â€"tf. mm. Apfilyouthbfirom- has or ummanm ARE TO RENTâ€"Lot 12, Con. 9, Ops, 100 acres, 80 plow land balance bush. Good brick dwel- ling, eight rooms, summer kitchen and woodshed ; frame barn, frame straw-house and horse stable, and tune cow house. One-half mile tom Reaboro, school, churches. cannery, etc. PossessiOn March lat, 1903. Plow leave alter har- vest. Apply to J. H. MOORE, Lot 28, Con. 7, Ops,.Lindsa.y P.O., or on premises.â€"34-4â€" m to plow any time. For fun- th-r mum apply to Pm 011mm, Inlay P.0.-354. FDR nu: OR TO REIT FOR SALEâ€"Lot 8. con;_1 t.â€"”-18- 23 Adelaide-st. . sharcs will be x 549, Peter- FOR SALE CHEAPâ€"A good and box stove for wood.â€"H. PIANO FOR SALE â€"- Good upright piano for sale, cheap. Apply at 51 Pottingerâ€"st, Lindsay.â€"34-5. TOWN LOTS FOR SALEâ€"In South Ward, south of Catholic church. Lots 4, 5 and 6.‘ east, Wolfe-st- Good location. Price reasonable, terms easy. Apply to JOHN C'ARMODY. Downeyville P.0.â€"37â€"5 FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE-â€" North half lot 11, con. 6 ()Ps. three and a. half miles from Lindsay, 100 3cm, 5 acres under clover, brick house; go’od bar‘n, 36x90, stone foundation. Terms of payment made very easy. ANDREW ROB- ERTSON, Lindsay, Ontâ€"364. WANTEDâ€"Good general servant to go into the country. Wages, $10 per month. Apply at this office.â€" 36-2. FOR SALEâ€"Large residence on Col- borne street. facing north ward school grounds, property of the late John «Magwood. Modernly fitted house, hot. water heating, bath and electric light. Recently renovated throughout../ 'Beamfiful lawn. Sta:- ble and garden in rear. For par- ticulars apply to McLAUGI-ILIN, GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.â€" Apply to Dr. Neelands, Lindsay. ‘ WANTEDâ€"For Ross Memorial Hos- pital, Lindsay, Ontâ€"Cook, Ward Maid, Laundrws, Porter. Good W8»- ofiered. A man and wife pre- ferred. Apply evening: to the Sup- erintendent, MISS SCOTT, Ben- son Houseâ€"364. WANTEDâ€"Probationers to train in the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lind- say Ont. Young women of superior education only need apply; course three years. Write to the Super- intendent, MISS SCOTT, or make personal application at the Benson House. Personal application desir- able.-â€"36-2. HAPPINESS INSURED by getting your marriage license from Thos. Bean. Licences issued either' at his house on Albert-st, or at his omce at G. W. Bean’s jewellery store, Kent-sf", Lindsay. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.â€"In the Surrogate Court of the County of Victoria, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the creditors of Mar- tha. Matilda; Sanderson oi the Townâ€" ship of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria, widow, deceased, who erty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any Dart thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim: of which they then have notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim the exe- cutors shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution. Da- ted at Lindsay, this 8th day of September, A.D. 1902. McSWEYN : WELDON, Solicitors for Peter Anderson and John F. Cunnings. Executors of the last will of said dawnedâ€"3743 ficDIA amp PEEL died on or about the Eighteenth day of August, A1). 1902, are re- quired on or before the Twenty- sixth day of September, 1902, to send by post. prepaid, to McSweyn ,4: Weldon, Lindsay, their christian and surnames addresses and occu- pations, lull particulars of thein claims and the nature of the secur- ity (it any) held by them. The ex- ecutors shall, after the said 26th day of September, 1902, be at lib- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ”MMOE ”DENIES HELP WA "TED cook KITCHEN GIRL WANTEDâ€"Highest wages will be paid a. competent. person. Apply st. Vdech’s hotel. STRAYEDâ€"fiom lot 20, con 6. Foo- elon, on or gnout J m 1n, 3 year- ling heifer. color red with some white on sides and stu' on head. Anyone giving iniormntion u to her whereabouts will be suitably ro- warded. B. H. MAYBEE, l-‘enelon Falls. 0nt.â€"31-8. NOTICEjs hereby: given that the firm of McLaughlin, McDfiarmid and Peel Bm-risters, has been dismlved by mutual consent. Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Peel continue to practise in the old 015395 and all account: 'due the firm are to be paid it» them. Mr. McDiarmid will pne- tice alone in the offices over Hr. Geo. A. Milne's store. on the south - __.___â€"-_- In Verulam township, 100 was, 90 plow land, balance pasture. Good dwelling; frame barn 90140 with stone foundation; milling for 85 head cattle and six horses. Also ranche 01 100 acres close to lake. In Ops Township. 3} miles from 11n- deny, 100 acres. good clny loan, 60 plow land, 1331an bush and pasture. Frame bun 60:80 with stabling. also 103 stable; comfort- able dwelling. orchard. etc.; school close by. A good form at a, mod- ernte price. In Ops, six mil. from Undo” â€" 100 acres. 95 plow land. Solid brick house, 10 rooms; born 86 x 60 with 9 ft. stone wall; stable, driving shed, Implement she'd; hog pen. Ste; good Vorchu‘d. Tenn; liberd. Eight miles tron: Lindsay. on lake shore; 150 was. all plow land ; clay loam; good dwellings and outbuildings. A um fun .4. a. fair price. Three and a. half muss from mm, 116 acres first-clu- land; brick dwelling, good outbuildingl. Poo- seaaion this full. Near Manila Junction; 50mm with tram. hon-o audios-tibia; running stream; 80 m cloud. One of the best farms in the county, a few miles from Lindsay. Pur- chaser can have 100. 150 or 200 acres. Well-tilled clay loam, guar- Lon-donfSopt. 9.â€"Oo. Baha'- Ico- rotary said last "vain. tht the Boer generals expect their tour 0! th. United State- to own” in months. The genernln will mm to T],- Hague to-dgy, i. order to attend th. gathering of the Boer loaders my prepare . prop- luv a. film FfiRMS I0l° SflLE anteed free from foul weeds of my kind. First-class brick dwelling, three fine barns, one with accom- modation for filty or sixty head of cattle and eight or ten horses ; other outbuildings first-class. Abun. dance of wow, good orchard. on. of the best and cheapest farms in county. 1 Township Tu. nu: Midland. 100 acres, 65 dented. balm M. Frame house. new hung born. good outbuildings. Splendid market gt Midland ad VM Harbor 10! Price 31.300. grain, stock‘s!!! Inuit hm. 1311a Dunsford ; 100 acres. .11 P101! land; side of Kent. 51 PEEL.â€"37â€". DISSOLUTION 0F P‘R’lERJIIIP Duluth-hum“ STMYBI street. McLAUGHLIN Km 0 o n o. m m 85% o o o O TORONTO 8?. “PIECE MARKET. Grunâ€" Wheat. red. b ...... .soostosgcs Wheat. white. 1115...... 065 068 Wheat. spring, bush ..... . 0 65 . .. Wheat. 3009. bush. 0 (B O 65 Beans. bush. ........ 1 00 1 25 Pm. huh. '0.......I.OII 0M 0... 3,." hm. 0-,...3000080- 051 o 0.. Bule’. bllih. cocooooonoo- 0‘0 "’ Outs. new. bush.......... 03* 035 Buckwhui. bush. ....... 055 .... TORONTO rm PRODUCE. I Whom Chicago . .. . .. Toledo ........ Duluth, No. 1 Eu. baled. cu lots, tom. .89 75 to 81000 Straw. baled. cu- Iota, ton. 5 00 5 75 Butter, dairy, lb. roll. ..... 0 18 0 17 Button tub. per lb ......... 0 15 0 16 Butter, creamery. lb. rolls. 0 19 0 21 Batten cmmery. boxes... 0 18 0 19 Butter, baker-2 tub... 0 13 0 14 Em. new-um, au...‘ . o 15 o 15% Honey. per 1b..........)'.. 0 as o 09 Honey (muons), a ... 0 121,5 0 15 - TORONTO a n WOOL. Hide; No. 1 act-en. ted ..... $0 on Hides. No. 2 ted .. 0 (B Hides. No. 1.113: ed... ........... 0 08 8““ N0. 2. ‘ oooooo O ....... 0 07 Rides. No. 1 cured. telling .......... o 08“ cm No. 1, elected ..... 0 10 “unfitzselected... ..... ....008 Ducal (dunes). etch... ...... ....oeo Pen “ch cocoa-” “ (0 w 0 mm M 0-0000... 0 ‘ on w M "‘b-ooo-Oooo 0 1’ a... '33." “Moan..." 001 .... NI' '0“ an MCI. In York. It”. tâ€"loonoâ€" £93.13?“- 5‘ “NB hue: _ __ -‘A A“ Lower Price. rol- Grain-Declines .0 Both Liverpool .6 thcn‘oâ€"Tho Latest Quotations. loud” Evening, Sept. 8. At Liverpool to-du when (mum closed 1:: to M lower 3nd corn "tutu {id to M er. "At Chlcngo 10-day Bepe ember when! dosed Ific lower than Saar 5‘. Septembet corn 1%c lower and bptembu- out. at Ill Idnnce of 36¢. 4, As compared with a week a: o.the visible supply or when: in Canada and the United States bu increased 455.000 bnsueit; corn lam-ed 554.000 bands; on. increaued 1.159.000 buah'. Jug-u.“ wv Scott has been employed at the Vanish Works as ; laborer {or the past few months and was well acâ€" qunlnted with Benshnw. About 11.30 last night Scott walked into the. work's. and while Renshnw was in u. stooplng position. Scott picked up a. bevy monkey wrench and hit the Watchman 0\'er the head {our tunes. Renshaw was stunned by the blows. but recOVered sufficiently in a few minutes to engage in a. fight {or his life with hil wouldâ€"be murderer. The watchman is a powerful man. end dragged him out 01 the premises end across the street to the home of John Boles, at 17 Horse street. Boles took charge of Scott. while Renshaw hurried Lack to the werks and telephoned {or the police. Then he had his wound dressed. THE YISI BLE SUPPLY. macaw ’03 an » AM .- Nighthmh-u loo-law brow-too wgu. .VIlo-ow lut r lots. ton. 5 00 O ”11...... o 16 lb......... 015 '. lb. rolls. 0 19 r. boxes... 0 18 tub... I... o 13 un...‘ . 0 15 ........Y.. 008 b a .0. o 12% Kazan) Wu 3° 000.00. 0“ 3°00000000t0fl 3° 'OOOIIOIOIU HANG QQOOO-IQOI, $° 000000000.- 8" noonloaovo. 8°. .00... can .0 .C..‘8n 8° .0... Wm! 4.55. "gaOOOC-OIoI-IO BgclogIWn no. .000000000 No 0......00 o. VOOIOIOOIO e; 0... E6000. .8 .00. ‘....' 'fly wife Wilb- mnum N500 mmmm ”500 71‘ on.“ But. 9.--At a meeting 0! 'he (in: Council last night, it was deuMymSit-u nnum- manna-am. Terrible Maldon- ot Nun" Are Prop- hodod For That Country. London, Sept. 9.â€"A dclpctch to a new: wcy from Cucuttc. says that an earth shock but been {ch throng! out the l'rounro of Am. and tr London, Sept. 9.-Intcnse inten-st has been evaded here by the sun n: of thv revolutionary gunboat Crctw A-I‘cirrot at Gonaives, Hayti. by the German cruiser Panther, and th- morning pepem‘ devote lengthy em torlal articles to the incident. A ma- jority of the pt or: agree that tl‘vu- is; no likelihood of serious develop- ments from the occurrence. but thv)‘ oxpatlute upon the ominous possibili ties which the uflair has evoked. Shelbyvflh, Ky., Sept. 9.â€"Finhen Milton. s We convicted of wax ruucy, wu- Iold into servitude {m .welvo month- yosterdny at. public mutton to David Inmhy. I. negro Tamar. lamb, b” m I“ thr whom, sud and tin In mus mt [OVM by “uncut in math: :1». much-Io. but that in thought he was gating th- wart]! at his money. membuufidumflntm‘ to work but. New York, Sept. 9.-Tbe dssth oi John D. Rocketoller‘s ‘rsndSOn "Jock." two yesrs ago. has en- sbled two students, one at Johns Hopkins. aid the other st the Uni- versity of Penuylvenls ledlcsl Schools. to discover whet is believed to be the organism or germ of die- esse that carries on so many little ones every summer and which is com- monly called "summer complaint." my: s Baltimore specisl to The World. When little Jack died, two years ago. fir. Rbckefeller is said to have oflered s fund of 8200.000 to be do- Voted to reseuch. The outcome of this Oder ls the reported discovery of the {std germ. In forty-two cases the orgsnism found is nearly identified with thst which produces dysentery in edults. wwwmmmu Com “twinks-d I“. London, Sept. 1-531! Alfred J ones. an ardent lmperialist. is working out the details of a scheme {or circular tours gt an inclusi e price between Gl‘el.tv Britain and Canada. His idea is that ., passenger ought to be able to go to a tourist agency and pay for. 1 ticket which would cover all expenses. including those by sea and land. both traveling and hotel. ll.- has tied the scheme with the West Indian and the Cannry Islands and tune! to these pluses has been grat- ly stimulated. (‘hittugong division of Bengal. Th. ?nhablmnus were panic stricken. Tor Able convulsions of nature are pro ”belied. A? The Brussels correspondent of The “ma uye Steyn'e health continues to improve. Be con now move his hands nod arms a. little. Steyn will not. go to Menu-aux {or the present. The doctor. agree tho: the air 0! Holland in eqquly lovoroble to his convdeoceoce. rmrunxnprm from For October Next. London. Sept. 9.-â€"1‘he Vin; Gene at Memone, says the Paris corres- Pondent of The Times. has been hired for Kruger from the middle of Octo- ber. Festivities In his honor are proposed. _ ‘ ‘ But No Likelihood of serious "“11: mean From Gem:- Pmthcn Ac“ :4 " OXINIOUS POSSIBLLITI Es.” EARTHQUAKE IN BENGAL. mm GBOWIXG BETTER- tutu-mm ”W TOUR!“ SCHEME. muuumm: DmLY ur- cam .wuwzm, ”Paris, Sept Lesneven. D “ya that a 1. being held an important Thirty 11W”? puts of mm u: open-air s Quimper and d by a CFO-‘8 mm the chu Toronto. 59] GlumenS' “a" a n is "POT" M throw:h h s..tur'da."_ Quebec, 5‘ of St. EVa‘ who has 1" over two .‘ morning 1'“ Trunk, and Gagne brim-X $30,000. Kincaxdim found yester toot schoone ed on Wednt outside of S being A. E. Ohio It was use decided to 'iltrid Lauder on his r a. will be presented with ad “dun on behalf of ‘ 500 miles sh Town. America crs, Mr. Jardim Cur. Town anc occuSionally £0 a: well. hearty sleamSI‘ Day. a That-{4 M a. 811‘. cum London. Sept. 9.â€"A telegm Dublin to The Times says up of tho Sligo Champion. the p: o! P. A. McHugh. M.l’.. were sunning by order of the 0:5: sine-e. It is understood, he that arrangem-n's will be m publishing the newspaper. h annvs I 2,0 M (u shll 1 W003 Ottawa Not cumin 3|; Clerical .Bm nu md land mm: wrm AFB": All Abandum-d D. S‘Pt Day it. S V6 Nor“ AQ a Possible riaxdwin'fl dWl 16 osupum F0 an Cu {01

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