3633333“? 3: were 81100wa in procuring at my reduced prices about ten ‘ samples in ladies’ fancy handkerchiefs, prices from 18c to Sleach. klHie}!fltrnent. iswell anal-ted. ll 1. 1mm 'IOIIIS Lï¬htionery Departnhnt has re- ceived a new stock in writing pads, envelopw, and fancy note paper and envelopes. MW Form .13 History, MU PhD-Jed for muo- d I..._ Ulinnity, or Toronto Ouâ€" o!Hu1¢,8tudio and B.- Hies’ Waterproofs "PB and FIRE msumcn Pascoe Bros. Much†I. mama 3:5! otvm Gama-no. It: “Thou, Madam!- p.._:,9°‘_nWP0ht,_ Canon n1 £11: ““3100 MUTUAL, noted it. . sf; dating and prompt aet- % “in so the NORTH BRITISE I mw‘.;‘.;':mmE. and other re!!- DIES’ PURSE-S, CHATALAINE BAGS, WRIST BAGS, Em, rang- ing in Britta from me. to $1 each. W09 BIOS. 600d Drugs r-'_ us a. mu before buying. If we have not the kind on hand you wish, we will take particular: and 01er one for you on ap- proval. . Ladies intending to buy 3 m1?- proof w:i_II_sa_ve mpney by giving 1" _. ï¬t! with The Standard 'on Co. to sends quantity of fashion sheds and designs each momb. also a. fashion book to order patterns from. tial as diagnosis in his profwsion. 80 must JOHN P. CUNNINGS webes" OAKWOOD Ol' NBUTHAM. Of Dominion Bank I will be personally; 3mm 11m, '02. Coming to Canada. London. Sept. 9.â€"-The9.trical circles were much surprised yesterday when it was learned that the- European magicians, Le Ray, Talmo and Bus- co, who were one of t_he feafcures o! bu, V. “v - vâ€" v v 7 the theatrical entertainment given here a short time ago in honor of the Shah of Persia by His Majesty King Edward had accepted a. Canadian en- ment, as their services are much in demand in continental capitals. Toronto, Sept. 9.â€"Another tbducâ€" tion cm was reported to the police yesterday, when Mrs. Zolda. Rosen- berg came to Toronto from Montreal and mod the mat of Harmon Davidson, 1. Roumanian. The girls in the case in a. daughter. ~01 Mrs. Rosen- berg and 3 cousin of the prisoner. DtVidson in said to have a. wife and “to children living in Roumania. The girl was handed over to the cus- tody of her mother. Mrs. Rosenberg my! her daughter is but 15 years of , but Davidson declares she is neatly 20., The prisoner is 28 years of age. A. Mona] Halifax, N. S» Se? tional tummy 9°?“m "vâ€"wâ€" 'â€" o’clock last night, W’ M jumped from t}. of the ferry Dunno" bar and ended his lif Montrml. Sept. 9.-â€"Yesterday in the Lower House of the General Synod, a most interesting discussion took place on a. motion- of Chancellor Warren, that the name of the Church of England in Canada :<hou1d be 9.1â€" tered to one of a. nati "ai :baracter. Judge. McDonald 5: .mgiy opposed the resolution, which \ us dafcated by two votes. London. Sept- 9- over. Pennants of Spain Stung by Tarantulaâ€" A Strange Remedy, Madrid, Sept. 9.â€"'l‘he territory of Osuna. Andalusia. Was invaded by the deadly tarantula. spider. millions of which crawl in the ï¬elds, while tens of thousands have invaded vil- lages and houses. To cure tht‘ afflict- e'd people an army of guitar players and other musicians Was prescribed, {or music invites dancingâ€"the only way to cure bites. To throw 05 the poison the persons stung must work themselves into a perpetual sweat, and no better or other cure has ever been eflected. While all Osuna is dancing. the military performs the necessary liar-vesting work. Wilkes-Bette. -Pn., Sept. 9. â€" Two Italian striking miners named Frank Portay end Sistine Vsncostello left their homee in Swoyersville, near here. yesterday morning to go on a. hunting trip. As they approached the Harry E. eolliery they were held up by the pickets. who mistook them for armed non-union men going to work. The pickets at once attacked the Italians. Vancostello was shot in the leg and his brains beaten out with stones and clubs. His compan- ion. Portw was knocked down. his gun taken from him, and he was so severely beam that his life is de- epeined of. The friends of the dead ltelinns have sworn vengeance and thmten to kill the men who com- mitted the assault. Troop. Held In Beadlneu. Shenandoah. Pe.. Sept. 9.-â€"Ce.pt. Shermerhorn. of the second city troop en'd Colonels Clement of the 12th end Hellman of the 81h regiments, were ordered last night to hold their command- in reedinees to move at a moment’s notice. A special train is in waiting et the Lehigh Valley sta- tion to tronsoprt the troops to Wilkee-Bnrre. W. H. Mud Thought 1!. Red s an.- doa to Preach the Gospel. Ottawa. Santaâ€"William H. Brad- ford. the young man who disappeared from his home 93.320 East. Gerrard street. Toronto. on Aug. 22, was found here yesterday afternOOn, and will be sent home toâ€"day in charge or a friend. named Stewart, who arriv- ed from Toronto last night. Brad- ford was walking towards the lake about 5 o'clock. when he was met and recognized by Chief Green, who had received a circular from Inspec- tor Gregory of Toronto giving a de- scription of the missing man. Bradâ€" ford readily admitted his identity. and declared that he had left Tor- onto to preach the gospel. The young man is n nephew of E: P. Roden of the City Engineer’s Department, To- ronto. London. Sept. 9.â€"The‘Lancs.shire coal tru‘de is rapidly improving, in consequenco‘of purchases for the Un- ited States. It is said that orders aggregating hundreds of thousands of tons hove neon placed in South Lon- cashiro oolliories for shipment to various ports of the United States. They Wm Won by Striking new Picket: For Armed Non-Union Hon A Striking Italian Miner Shot and than Ctubbod and Stoned BRAINS BEATEN OUT HIS COMPANION MAY ALSO DIE Going» Wart and War. Pronptly Modâ€"Mud. of the Victim: , Pro-11.. m '1'th in: Am Thai. Anglicans Will Betam Name. HIBSING m LOCATED. DANCE TO KEEP ALIVE. English Collin-io- Bonoflt. Judge Knock Toronto. â€"-A sensa- re at 11 r. unknown "card rail :0 :he har- boat. He 13:2 years I“. H was ‘uncan My in- mom- ct rv'w . are'c-s {'90, >01: “5 alt-m day O! IDS :ile rilâ€" ers Ed. L'C‘nl'. co ial of?“ a1 com advised Iain th tion yn Mr. Sc Boer 3"." British Toronto, Sept. 9.â€"â€"At usgoouc Hall yesterday, W. J. Bradshaw broi'g‘ht action against the C. P. R. for 810.000 damages. Bradshaw was run down by a shunting engine last Man-h and had his arm badly mangled. Various Improvement. to the 8!. hi . renoo Route Suggested. London, Sept. 9.â€"A letter has box-n forwarded to Hon. James SUlbcl- land, Canadian Minister of Marine and Fisheries, by the Elder-1h mp- ster_ Steamship Company, suggest- ing various improvements to thv St. Lawrence route. Many points should have fog signals,†the company do- clnres.. more lights are necessary and existing tog signals should be stronger. The chart of Belle Isle Straits should take in 60 miles round Belle Isle. The company offers the On Saturday 25,000 bushels were marketed. A peculiar feature thin year was that many farmers cut night and day. men running ahead of bindeus with lanterns. Wheat. is turning out 20 to 35 bushels to the acre, and prices quot- ed are 53c, to 57¢. On Mennonite ReserVe it ranges from 20 to 23: around Roland and Emerson, 30 to 35; around Melita, 25 to 30; Portage Plains, 25 to 30; Brandon, 30 to 35. sen'iCes of two of its most experi- enced captains to confer with Hon- James Sutherland in regard to im- p: o‘-'cments to St. Lawrence naviga- P; 0“ tion Hired Men wmi Lanterns Show“! the Binders the “'ay. Winnipeg, Sept. 9.â€"Tho wathcr yesterday was clear and warm, and by last night 85 per cent. of the crop in Manitoba and 70 pér cent. in the Territories was cut. Thrahing is ' For'tmhâ€"é Territories the best of saw! reports are received. The yield is high, and 70 per cent. of tho barn-st is over. Goatolndla. London. Sept. 9.â€"-Lieut. Walter '.'eid, .~on of W. J. Reid, leaves on ‘-=;nt.n=.nday for India, where he has --v-n appointed to the unattached list ._.I the British military stall in 1b ihrprugress all over, and would be more general if hands opuld be secur- ed for the machines. Accident to 3 Young Mn at Panther. on Momy. O Peterboro, Sept. 9.â€"â€"Albert An- thony. a math‘inist at the William Hamilton Manufacturing Co.. at noon yesterday attempted to board the G.T.R. express from Lindsay to Brock street, missed his hold and fell. having his left foot badly mangled under the .wheels of the train. He was removed to St. Joseph's Hospital. where the phy- sicians found it necessary to ampu- tate his foot near the ankle. 7 London, Sept. 9.--The Prime Minis- tor of New Zealand. Mr. Seddon. de- lixered a characteristic farewell at}. dirss at 1‘1vath yestezdav upon‘hu dlpnrture for home. Mr. Seddon de- clared that he believed the people were prepared to go further than were lh:ir repxesentatiies in the re- cent colonial con: LW'rence or the Imper- ial ofï¬cials. He ad\ ocatt‘d a nation- al council for colonial aflairs, and advised Colonial Secretary Chamber- lain that the leaders of the opposi- tion were \isitinz all of the colonies. Mr. Sc" ldon sai'l the cheering of the Boer 3: nc: .1!s v. as not consistent with British dignity. and that it would not (Ollllliefld itself to the colonies. not ( omxzze: Peterboro', Sept. 9. -- A triple downing accident occurred in Che- mong Lake Sunday evening. resulting in the death of Mr. J. M. Roberts; 0' Smith Township and his two sons, aged 10 and 12 years. The three had crossed the lake in a canoe to attend a church service at Indian V3183- on the reserve on the opposite side of the lake. They left the village to re- turn home at 8.30. and that was the last seen of them.. The drilting canoe they had used is regarded ‘8 evidence of the drowning. It isaup- posed that the father, who was 8 good swimmer, perished in his efforts to save the two lads. who were un- able to swim. Mr. Roberts. who ‘9 forty-ï¬ve years of age. and a son 0‘ the late Rev. E. Roberta. former-l.v Baptist minister of Smith. was ‘ very highly respected resident. He was a prosperous farmer, but took a most active interwt in church and temperance Work. Woman's Body Found. Parry Sound. Sept. 9.-The body of a woman, afterwards identiï¬ed as Mrs. C.’ L. White, wife of C. L. White. lig thousekeeper, was found on the s ore, about a mile from here, yesterday morning. Mrs. White and her son. Jackson, left here Sat- urday evening in a sailbOat for the lighthouse, and, it is supposed, a squall capsized their boat. No trace of 'the body of the boy or the boat has yet been found. Drowned in \Vater Barrel. Winnipeg. Sept, 9.â€"'l‘he threeyear- old daughter of Joseph Gagen. St. Boniface. was drowned Sunday in a water barrel. nu. mum's Body round a mum -“'t-:n m. Bullbofl on 80m Night For the manna With Her Son, But lo M “ Boy or Boat nu Boon Found. Mr. J. M. Roberts and Two Sons Lost in Chemong Lake. “OTHER AND HERSON DRQWNED DEATHS BY BROWNING MORE FOG SIGNALS AND L168“. CUT BOTH NIGHT AND DAY. Premier Seddon's Farewell. Claims 010,000 Duns†LOST HIS FOOT. 9.â€"â€"At Osgoode Sunk by Gum ()unbont. Cape Hay‘icn, Sept. 8.â€"'I‘hc gun- l'oau, Crete-A-Pinnot was sunk yostorâ€" day by the Corn :m gun boat Panth- er. The crew of the farmer had bean ordered to leave because they wm-c I‘rini'nists. Pvfoa‘c a. prim crew r: nm the Panther cou‘i tan rossosston lh" cruiser was sun to h-:- air: The Panther th-r. ï¬red on the ('rcmn’s- l’ianot. till the was inuucrscd. flan phoiv Fought. London, Sept. 9.â€"-Informtion has been received ut the Admiralty 0mm “of a. slurp ï¬ght in the Pen Gulf Brunet u bout's crew of tha rmzh gum hunting and (gun dhow. A bluojackot wi- killed an aux-era] WM.- Terre Haute. 1136., Sept. 9.â€" Thumu Burke is dead at his home here, with his head almost complete- ly severed from his body. while his Wife is in a denser-mu condition from either knife or rum- woundn. inflict- ed by Mutthew Alexander. . colored man. who had been employed :bout the house for the past. ï¬ve yeaâ€. Madrid, Sept. 9.â€"King Alfonso laid the ï¬rst stone of the extonsi 0 new harbor works at. Bilbao. Don Carlos, the Spanish pretender, has sent a lot- ter to a. Carlin deputy vigorously ('e e- precating any attempt at. n rising in the interest 0! Carlism. Toronto, Sept. 9.â€"-John Hagan. “ho says he belongs to Carleton, N. Y.. is in the General Hospital sufler- ing from a wound in his right eye, which has affected the pupil, and sev- oral bruises on his body. Hagan, “ho is a-middlwaged man, was tak- Ln to the hospital shortly after 4 o'ctock yesterday. He claims to have been robbed at a sum otmoney and several articles of value. How he came by the injuries he does not ;now. He says he reached the city from Rochester, and with a friend wvnt for a car ride. He remembers going into a salocn. but what folâ€" lowed he does not km. When he came to his senses he found he hhd been robbed and beaten. A policeman directed him to a doctor, who lent him to the hospital. London, Sept“ 9. -Sir Frederick Augustus Abel. .n honorary Seen.~ fury and Director 0! the Imperial In- stitute and former President of the British Association. the Iron and Steel Institute, the Chemical So- ciety, the Institute of Chemistry and other scientiï¬c podies. is dead. Mien-0.4363. Sept. 9.â€"â€"Elghty thousand soldiers camped in the opln air last night. and 12,000 more are quartered in farm houses. The troops were wsiting {or the {our days‘ sham battle on u imxmnse‘unlu. thst began st dawn to-dsy. Emperor William left Potsdun st 4 o'clock this morning. in order to be early on the field. .\ great blue and uhiiu pavilion»: fringed with gold hangings. has biun pitched on the southern shore oi the \Vi-issense and here lim- peror William will bivouac Wednes- day n‘ght.‘ He will lead the cavalry 'down into action on Thursday. Then- Wss some slight skirmishing by 1h cavalry yesterday. The ads about here are in wretched COBMD, hm- ing been cut up by the recen rains. Bunnie-ted no Notable (nests. Berlin. Sept. 9.-â€"Emperor William entertaiued 110 guests at dinner last night in the new palace at Potsdam. His Majesty's guests were nearly all visitors who have come to attend the manoeuvres, and they included Earl Roberts, chief ol‘ the forces of Great Britain, Ilr. Brudrick, British dec- retnry of War, and the British gen- erals who are here for the man- oem‘res, the visiting German Primes and the commanding generals in charge of the manoeuvres. The Eni- press of Germany was present, sit- tint: opposite the Emperor, with Bad Roberts at her right. ‘ George Carefoot, Esq" Commercial Master of the Collegiate, has kindly consented to act as judge. mumhwdnm Moth. Empres- Opposite the Inner-Gone Ida o! the Extent of tho mun Display of Gunnyâ€"no â€your wm [and the Cavalry. this store offer any School Boy or Girl. I 5 years at age or under, a pair of Fine Box Calf Boots, worth not less than $1. 50. The drawing must be the actual work of the scholar, whose name and age must be written on the margin below. 4-DAYS’ SHAM BATTLE - All drawings must be handed into our ofï¬ce not later than Saturday night next, and will become the property of this store. After competition has closed, drawings will'be on exhibition in our store window. 80,000 Troops Engaged in the German Manoeuvres. BANQUET 0N EVE OF THE BATTLE The N. HOCKIN SHOE STORE DRAWING COMPETITION His Worship MAYOR INGLE Boston and Robbed In Toronto. Carlo- Wsntl No Biting. Negro'u 11on Crime. Frederick Abel M More Fun for the Boys’ and Girls FOR THE BEST DRAWING, FULL FIGURE:OF Or'gans Repaired. loam. mmxmmm. l haiie six town lots for sale in a [nice convenient locality within ï¬ve minutes’ walk of‘the market. ,2 Diamonds, Turquoises IN SEWING lACHINES â€" The Rotary Standard, The New Williams, ‘nxe Domestic and the Wheeler Wilson. . IA BICYCLES -â€" The Tribune and Columbia; also Therm: Vapor Baths, all of which will be sold on liberal terms. A few second. hand Organ at from $5 to .25. oaooooo duo-Macao ARE YOU SEBMCHING YOUR HEAD? P- J'- WILKINSON, Cambm LINDSAY’S LEADING JEWELLERS 3 Stone Combination ’ 5 Stone Clyster We will be pleased to have you inspect them. LINDSAY. ONT. We are showing a ï¬ne line of these beautiful stow . mounted in Rings: For months lpest we hsve been cadet-inn goods for the Fol Trade, end will hove them opened out in good time for me Annual Lind- say Fair. The managers of the Fair expect the longest exhibit they have ever shown. We wsnt you to come snd see us whether you bu ornot. We think we show the Ingest stoc in the county. \Ve cannot fail to plane you. Remember we are headquarters for Repairing and Engraving. ““‘MW â€-†SPECIAL ANNUUNCEM not at lam. Pearls, Opals, '. Wetheru p ORGANS' and PIANOS I recommend thc Bell, the Dominion and the Mason Risch. JEWELLER Have you reached the point where you know you need a Separator unddo not know what kind to buy? If you can’t decide the question,.wait until you see the TUBULAR, and unless you are very different from other people, one glance will decide the question for you. Take a look at this cut of the TUBULAR and then look at eome other Separator. 'Which do you think you would preter? The TUBULAR itself looks better than the picture. Are you in doubt as to what Separator turns the easiest ? 'lake hold of a Tul ulax- and. turn it, then try any other Separator; you will no longer have a doubt. The TUBUI AR has but three parts to the bowl, runs easier tl an other Separators, shims closer. is more d« usable and much more aim e at d conveniont. LOOK AT THE LQW _ VVN éUI-‘fPl.Y_ (_A.\_'. A post card Will bring on one for tml. lfgou live south or east of ndsuy, or south 01 Oakuood road, send to Geo. Hunter. Massm “Haxxis shop, Lindsay. If north or “est, write to Wholsalc and Retail Dealer J. J. WETHERUP, BRITTON BE‘TES ’etty PENT OPTIOIANS PAGE SEVEN mu Y