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Watchman Warder (1899), 18 Sep 1902, p. 10

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2. PROVIDED theft if in any year after the completion of. the said works, the said works are not kept in operation for a period of six months, then the said Company shall pay a. proportion of such years taxes cor- responfling '80 such time as the said works are closed down over and above the said period of six months, but this clause shall not apply to such periods of time as the said works shall be shut down for the purpose of necessaryrepahs thereto, or for the putting in of new main- ay or the rebuilding of the said me i! destroyed or partly dea- ‘troyed by fire. 3. IT IS.ALSO ENACTED that the votes of all the electors of the gun municipality o! the Tombip ’o: the income of the said Company; such exemption is to extend for a. period of ten years from the date of coPing into effect of this by-law. ““ Aâ€"-.__ * mid manufacturing business, (and not to cover or exempt dwelling pro- perties of any kind), and as to all 1. PROVIDED that the said 28an like Portland Cement. Company. Li- mited, shall with all convenient mead. proceed with and erect works tor the manufadmre of Portland ce- ment in the Township of ~Bexley, op- erations for the »building ofi such works to be commenced within six months from the date this by-law come into effect, and said‘works to be ready for manufacturing opera-‘ firms within tWO years from the said data. and provided that the said company shall keep the said works in operation for at least six months in each year, in consideration thereof the said Company is hereby granted exemption trom taxation, except tax- as for school purposes, as to all the real estate and personal property of the said Company used in connectiOn with and for the purposes of their A BYâ€"LAW TO GRANT EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION, EXCEPT SCHOOL TAXES, TO THE RA- VEN LAKE PORfl‘LAND CEâ€" KENT COMPANY, LIMITED. WHEREAS the Raven Lake Portâ€" hnd Cement Company, Limited, ihave mposed to establish manufacturing marks at or near Raven Lake, in the Township of Bexley, for the manu- hcture of Portland Cement and its products, and building supplies gener- ally. provided that the said Com- my is granted exemptionjrom gen- em! taxataion and it is deemed ad- mle in the public interest of the; laid Township to grant the said ex-J caption and secure the erection of! the said works in the said Township; THEREFORE the Municipal Coun- n‘l of the Corporation of the Townâ€" ‘ip of Bexley enacts as follows : § § “WWW333WW3 ‘ ‘ ' - Corner of Kent and William -sts., , 4- ' ‘-â€"- - LINDSAY Ont. O¥¥CÂ¥O "‘ " 333333333vv09vvvvvvvwvg Bu-Law NO, 357 Township of Bexley ’,J., J¢JJJ-’" ’~”’ 4 7 J J H BARGAIN Biowsmfis for home folks and visitors who want to save money. We’ll be on our best behavior during the approaching vuâ€"vâ€"_ FALI: SUITS and OVERCBATSâ€"In advance of the regular season. An immense stock bought below the usual wholesale price list. Qualityâ€"the Highestâ€"Prices the Lowest. Our store is running over With Goods that the men, the young men and the boys are look- ing for. Come in and run over the lay out. Don’t lay out a dollar bill till you find just what you want. Everything will be priced so much lower than you expect that you will be robbing yourself _to REZPCfOTC coming to Gough’s. ‘ A‘annn L 1‘0 T.- “Acvnounn of a Lively Fall Campaign. We aae out for a record this fall, and propose to make this the liviliest season ever seen in this growing town, if the right kind of goods and rock-bottom prices will do it. .A . - _ . - U ___-A. __'_2A.L PAAAn l-Lnf The First Gun as the said 1 over and six months, 't apply to the said In for the its thereto, sew mat-Lin. V. ' B. J. GUUGH, Wood’s Phosphodine is sold in Lind say by all druggists. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed by-law which has been taken into the con- sideration of, and will be finallypas- set! by- the Council. of the Municipal- ity of the Township of Bexley, in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month from the Eleventh day of Sep- tember, 1902, being the date of the first publication thereof in the Wat- chman-“larder newspaper, and that the polls for taking the votes of the electors thereon, will be held 011 the Tenth day of October, 1902, com-, mencing at nine o’clock in the fore“ noon and continuing untilflfive o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, in Polling Sub-Division No. 1; at Odd-1 fellows’ Hall, Coboconk, with Peter- Finlay, Deputy Returning Officer, and in Polling Sub-Division No. 2, at Township Hall, Victoria Road, with Alfred Taylor, Deputy Returning 01- ficer. . gravel, $2.25 ; a» nu.) uluvcu uy an]. "wawr uuu seconded by Mr. Mark that the coun- cil confirm the judgment cl $10 by treasurer to Eliza Worsley for grav- elling on his beatâ€"Carried. On motion of Messrs. Mark and Palmer, T. H. Rutherford was grant- ed 810 to expend on Fenclon and Verulam boundary. On motion of Palmer and Gregg, Mary and Sarah McFadyen each re- ceived 85 as charity grant. On motion of Palmer and Mark, payment of Mr. D. Moynes' bill of $30.75 was deferred till taxes were collected owing to it exceeding exceeding amount granted. On motion of Webster and Mark, the following bills were ordered to be paid : Geo. Sackett, 65 loads gra- vel, $3.25; James Isaac, 45 loads Jno. J. Smithson.87 loads gravel 81.85; Neil Sinclair, 139 loads gravel $6.95; Walter Stephen- son, L -___h Fenelon’s share of_gr_avel on, -u AA Dated this Fifteenth day of August 1902. 7. THAT the Eleventh day of 00-‘ tober, A.D. 1902, at the office of the} Clerk of this Council at V‘ictoria.‘ Road in the Township of Bexley, at twelve o’clock noon, is hereby fixed a the time when, and the place Where, the Clerk of the said Councill shall sum up the number of votes! given for and against this byâ€"law re- apectively. to attend at the various polling pla- ces, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of the Council respectively, on behalf of the persons mterwted in the promoting or oppOS- ing of this by-law, respectively. 4. THIS by-law shall come into eflect on the Thirty-First day of December, 1902. 5. THAT the Seventh day of 00- tober, 1902, at the Township Hall, Victoria Road, in the Township of Bexley, at ten o’clock in the fore- noon, is hereby appointed for the time and place for the Reeve to at- tend for the appointment of persons Pollihg Sub-Division No. 2â€"TOWn- ship Hall, Victoria. Road, Deputy Returning Oflicer, Alfred Taylor. Polling Sub-Division No. 1â€"Odd- fellow’s Hall, Coboconk, Deputy Ro- turning Officer, Peter Finlay. law, be taken on the TENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1902, commencing at. nine o’clock in the forenoon and con- tinuing until five o’clock in the after- noon of the same day, at. the follow. ing places in the said Municipality. by the following Deputy Returning Ofioers : -â€"37-3. Di ALFRED TAYLOR, Clerk. day road work 500; Wm. H. Powles, postage and stationery. $5.26; Chas. Hore, extra work on his beat $7.50; John Day, culvert on con. 9‘. lot 11, $4; Wm. Moynes, filling washout on con. 5, lot 18, $5; Poulson and West. repairs to grader 65c; Wm. Harris, repairs to bridge on his beat, $1.50; {The Clerk, expreps charges on voters' list and grader arms 65: R. C. Web- ster, work with grader, $4.50 ; Clerk ha}! yearly returns. births. marriages deaths, 89.203; John Graham. extra. roadwork on his qeat, 35: Jan. P.§ Palmer, expense 'of working grader for 3} days, $35.80; Wm. Cooper, for oueday roadwork 31: Dan. Fen-i gluon. managing m, 89.75; Jno. V Palmer and Craggâ€"That a bylaw be now introduced and read a first 0 time providing for the levying of the ‘f annual rates and for confirming the appointment of collecter .â€"Carried. The bylaw was given the usual read- :iing's, signed and sealed. On motion of Palmer an Mark it " was decided to defer payment of Mr. BMcLaughlin’ 8 bill of $75 until some ' taxes were collected. On motion of Faliher and Mark, payment of Mr. D. Moynes' bril: of $30.75 was deferred till taxes were {collected owing to it exceeding I exceeding iamount granted. gravel, $2.25 ; Jno. J. Smithson.87 loads gravel 81.85; Neil Sinclair, 139 loads gravel $6.95; Walter Stephen- son, Fenelon’s share of gravel on' boundary, $1.60; James Pollard, 40 loads gravel, 82; John T. Palmer. «5 On motion of Messrs. Mark and Palmer, T. H. Rutherford was grant- ed 810 to expend on Fenclon and Vernlam boundary. It was moved by Mr. Webster and seconded by Mr. Mark that, the coun- cil confirm the judgment Cl 310 by treasurer to Eliza. Worsley fbr grav- elling on his beatâ€"Carried. Also a. motion by- Messrs Palmer and Mark granting 15¢ rod bonus to Arthur Switzer for 20 rods wire fence at pt E} 7 in con: 6. » On motion of Webster and Cngg, Samuel McLean ,was paid 15c road bonus for 20 rods wire fence at lot 17, con. 2. On motion 01 Palmer and Cragg .1110. Christian was paid 15c‘a rod bonus for 15 rods wire tence along road at his lot. On motion of Webster and Mark the reeve was empowered to employ a surveyor to locate the Ops and Pen- elon boundary lines at can 2 Feudal. Council‘ met at Cambray on Aug. 28th pursuant to call of peeve. Min- ute-s of last meeting were read and adopted. Palmer and Websterâ€"That the the council levy a township rate of $1900, also a. poor rate of $200.â€" Carried. On motion of Palmer and Mark ap- plication for position of collector was received from J. E. Fittal who was appointed at. a salary of $70. Penelon Council Proceedings. THE BIG, CLOTHIER x v _â€".â€" vâ€" â€" vv vlvu in it. comes from the entirel; human beings who are-its members. Sato- ita doors as you my, than The church is an honored tad hon- arable institution.‘ Any imputation :- 14 7 ‘ There are a few matters about the fair that might be improved. The placarding of pens might be more we- curate and "Polled Ang‘un" or other misnomer not be carelessly lett above the Jerseys. I am a, love!) of horses but they are almost never to beseen in the stalls. Either they are out or shut up. On the whole we have a goéd exhibition and even i! to please the crowd the names of worthy bottom of a, very light prm. .we mayenéoythebetter part and 5 MM for the stimulus to mpg-ova meat received by the farmers and the Plenum of an outing for “P. ‘to see a gaping crowd. often located lower than her platform, amused by the immodeety of a fellowbbelng. In this I am not finding fault with the directors of the society. hey see all the evil of the situation and regret it. Their theory is that the fair is yalued by the majority for amuse- ment and their gate money make: the giving of a wkler list of 'prim possible. so that the fair is helped. There is something in that. but one side or other must prevail. I dislike exceedingly to age the taw- dry, attenuated garménta o! the (9- male {air dancer: but I dislike more The Fall Fairâ€"Ems: Church Ale-hers (By “An Autocrat”) The directors of the agricultural society are doing a good work in providing the fall fair, and the pub- lic owes them gratitude.‘ To bring together- the best prodlwts of this section is a stimulus to producers to attain to an evidently possible of perfection. It is therohre a mat- ter of regret that interest in the es- sential features of the show is wan- ing and that a demand ‘for swifter 1horse races and more varied special attractions has succeeded. Lest year the stock pew were deserted and the crowd hung about the platform. I should regret the passing of the fall show, either into nothingness or imo‘ a sort of circus. Let there be harem races, not run by professional trot- ters. but by. those locally bred. so as to encourage breeding of better steeds by our farmers. Let there be athletic exhibitions and, if need be, acrobatic performances engaged in, not by professionais. but by locals and thus entails-age the development of skill and muscle through the fair. Cunningham, work on his beet, 8.25; A. F. Cm“, expense 0! working grader, $42; reeve 'oonlerring with reeve of Mariposa. re drainage. 88 ; Duncan Clarke, extra {or pulling stumps on quarter line between lots 10 and 11, con 2. 85; Duncan Clerk, filling washout, 83.50; D. Clarke. culvert and gravelling at lot. 10, con. 2, 89.50; W. B. Felt, treasurer Orange hall for meeting. 82. Council then adjourned to meet. at call of reeve. J. B. POWLES. Clerk. curried u bouquet of .vhive asters and smihx. The Menu-aid, Miss Edna. Spears. sister of the bride was dres- sed in pale blue musiin. and carried u bouquet of dark red sweet peas. Mr. H. flatten, cousin of the groom sup- ported him. . After the ceremony a wedding breakhat was served. Mr. The bride wu dressed in blue la- diea' cloth and but to match. and llyleeeel HUT'IUNâ€"SPEARE On Wednesday, September 3rd, in St. Mary'- ehurch. Almeda the eldest daughter 0! Thomas E. Spear-e. of town. and Thom Hutton of West 0]). were united in the bond: 01 holy, mtdmony. Rev. Archdeacon Casey performed the ceremony in the pres- ence o! a tow reletives. merdundiee of God himself. These incur the main injury themselvesbut the reputetion. end where they are numerous, sometimes the character 01 the church. suflers also, oflending ear-met souls without, who, need the church and its ministrations. It ehould be the desire of every good in and out of the church to heVe it kept pure. I therefore eupleud the. mined of Judge Elliott to exercise specie! clemency toward a breaker oi the luv: on the ground of his stand- ing in the church. It sometimes occur: thet, despite a. iormerly up- right lib. a. Christian my {all under e sudden insidious temptation to ewekc to e repentance more bitter than that of other men; but in the solemn portal: of justice, such a one must be content to suffer that rightâ€" eousness be vindicated. I! any man beg ior mercy, let it be the ignorant and trowerd. No good man will plead his good life. No worthy church member will seek to be de- iended by his Christin: profession. Ayel"! H..w' VIN h” been ‘11::ng color to 81'! or can, an?' it new I ‘0 do thl_s_ work, either. “I luv. ued mt Hub Vigor for In years and u- may pleased with it. h net-ably n- ” thc original com to “if. Rheum- ‘nYr a. u."-â€" rs. Hmmmy.‘.evPc.:tar4.Me. Black Hair Our farmer friends will find us with bush. els of stock ready to give them full measure for their money. Stacks of Rainproof Coats for rainy days, Raglans and Raglanetts. If it is raining we have the Rain Coat, if it is freezing we have the Freize Coat, if its slippery we have the New Fall Coat, if its windy we have coats worth blowing about. Come visitor and tooVns people, we’re right in the swim of the crowds, handy to get at, easy to buy from and little to pay. “The Sturdy Yeomen" of East and West Vic- toria will be meeting their friends at Gough’s store, and it will be a time for your life for buy- ing Suits and overcoats, flats. Underwear and heavier Furnishings for Autumn and Winter, Exhibition Days OF NEXT WEEK .““MW .Ihniel hatth‘ near 'ttorford i! mic on Fri of pearl gray la silk waist. Th North Dakota. My 0m“ and Janetville. hue the best “ at blend- tor a > married extend! can. Thebr 'her mtherzlmked lustre with chiffon won a bridal wre: {white bouquet. S Kins Minnie Pin? '10“, cousin of I? ”so dressed in ‘ Lari-ind a pink boll m cbly 811990“? hon, brother of ‘mts were num costly showing 0 which the bride is Y AM m the trap? My where W (or Tombo, Niaga when their only daugnu-x married to Mr. Richard Pmmus young farmer many took place on the fill arch of everg'eens am was performed by RM' in the presence of m. :- - Ilia! Scott played .M', ' -1 din-x much. WRIGHTâ€"R03 A very pretty wedt on Wednesday. Sep“ "IAKBViCW" the hom In. Wm. Robinson. I The bride an wing for Tom take a. boat. f0 eastern points their western month. The ‘ mam {fiends “ berta. ’. h-- ceremonj by Be“ \Ir. Johnsu Miss Annie Kennedy was bridesmaid and of Strathcona. Alba: 8700111. while the bub Margaret Swain. in dress, acted as flower was dressed in white bunch of feathery w mums and looked vet bridesmaid was dress ored grape de theme a: «ton. Miss Netti< the wedding march. wen were everywhere it um: .81! extremely p: The old, old a the human new, like the 1' time or U). L. shine, has .-. and Ira Hutton lei train for Toronto other western poi: tions. bride. “ WULLA C E-HI.’ STE! Nettie Swa d3! where the! s “'ef etty Mill! iobca; on”? dare-c0? Mrs 3% 13% .31 '3 arrested, broug May afternoon ti m3“! County .1 h M only com'vs tied to 81 [Hurray to i I‘ve:- arrive fist move w I, to be ex gin‘r J Mar at we “W n.Att( Pane pl w...“ blt ntry ethi that hooti 16.! Kiri l!) )R

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