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Watchman Warder (1899), 18 Sep 1902, p. 12

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MK [7‘1 1}}. ,. r4 I-‘ARM FOR SALEâ€"West half lot 3 con. 8, Eldon, 100 acres, all cleared and in good state of cul- tivation. Fenced into seven fields. free from stumps and atom. Forty five acres seeded in clover. Frame dwelling and kitchen ready for veneering ; two frame barns on stone foundations, pig pens. driv- ing shed, etc. Two good walk. One and a. half miles from Grass; mu 5' six miles north of Oakwood, 5 miles east of Woodville. This in meat thebesttarmsintheconnty. Apply to MALCOLM MYLES, Har- IARIIS FOR SALE OR TO RENT IN "PHE TOWNSHIP OF MAN- VW East pt Lot. 14, Con. 14. containing 114 acres. Frame I'm FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€" 150 acres on the 12th con. of leavers , 80 acres working land, the rest in wood mid pasture, well “tend. Good orchard. large time house, good out-buildings, horn 30:60 with stone foundation. 11:13 farm is convenient to post We, store, cheese factory, school dutch, blacksmithshop. station and groin market. For further partic- du-I apply to the omenâ€"JOHN BROWN, Fleetwood, P.O.--36-t1. I'm FOR SALEâ€"100 acres in the Township of Melon, Lot 13, in Int con.. eighty acres cloned, ten acres hardwood. balance pasture. I'm FOR SALE OR BENTâ€"Being out half lot 24, con. 9, Brock, one 2110 north of Manilla, 4 miles tram Gonnington, 100 sores, 90 acres dared, soil dark clay loam. On the 1am in 9. good atqno housoJain outbuildings, orchard, two good voll- md never-failing spring creek. Fall ploughing well advanced. Ap- ply 11 by letter, GEO. JOHNSON. Box 53 Cannington, or on lot 2, con. 18, Maripoea..â€"6-tf. out half came lot, 138 acres; lair buildings, nice orchard. These forms are 9 miles south of Lind- say. half mile from church and school, and convenient to PD. 'uld Wth shop. Combined than FARM FOR SALEâ€"North half lot 9 and south half lot 10, con. 11. Eldon township comainingr 90 make a. grand stock and grain farm. Apply on the prem- ises or to WILLIAM INGRAM. Ornamee.â€"29-13 house, frame Barn, log stable. good water. Also west half Lot 14, Con. 13, and south part of the FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE-â€" North half lot 11, con. 6 0P9, three cm! a. half miles from Lindsay, 1:09 Good clay loam; log house, 103 barn 70 ft. long, with stapling un- derneath; newer tailing spring ; good fences, bearing orchard. One mile from Islay gnd school, 11 lines from Lindsay. 81,000 down names to suit purchaser. Privil- qe to plow any time. For tur- thtr puticuian apply to PETER etc., may be seen at William R. Cottingham’s, Lot 11, Con. 4, Em- ily. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 0. G. WIL- LIAMSON, Sec. Emily Agricultural Sodety, Omemee P.0.â€"37-3. houao.H~a.1f mile ifom Glenarm. For particulars apply on the prem-a acres more or 1655. Good comfort- able house ;!ba.rn 42x60, hip roof, atone foundation ; pig pen and hen inéa ‘ to AMBROSE H. ELFORD, (Hana-m, P.O.â€"38-4. of the thorough-bred Shel-thorn Durham Bull “Strathcona.," the property of mm Emily Agricultural Society. The animal, pedigree, all and marked tender. will be re. caived up to 12 o’clock noon, on October lst, 1902, for the purchase OB SALE BY TENDER. â€" Sealed tandem. addressed to the undersignp £8119 fiery easy. ANDREW ROB- ERTSON, Lindsay, Ontâ€"43H. acres, 5 acres under clover, brick house; good barn, 36x90, stone inundation. Terms of paymept $80.00 cash will buy a first-class building lot - just son“; of ,R. C. Church. Apply at thin aha-i884. TENDERS WANTEDâ€"Tenders will be received up to SATURDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1902 at 2 o'clock for the purchase of the following ar- ticles used by the Township of El- don in the recent smallpox' out- break : Two ~ Tents. 14x24, Six Pairs Double Blankets, Sheeting, 2 cots. Lamps, Pots, Pans, Forks, Plates, etc... The articles have been thoroughly disinfected by the Board of Health, and pronounced .free from infection. The lowest ~ or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. B. McARTHUR, Commissioner. â€"38â€"2. IAPPINESS INSURED by getting your marriage license from Thos. Bean. Licences issued either at his house on Albert-st. or at his once at G. W. Beall’s jewellery store, Kentâ€"sf... Lindsay. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.â€"In the Surrogate Court of the County of Victoria, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Optario. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the creditors of Mar- tha. Matilda. Sanderson of the Town- , ship of Maxiposa, in the County of; Victoria, widow, deceased, who died on or about the Eighteenth day of August, AD. 1902, are reâ€" FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. â€"Fi1ty acres just outside corpora- tion of Lindsay. Clean and rich. Good frame barn 40160. Will sell reasonafibfly for cash or exchange ton ...town property. Apply to Box 397, or 37 Sussex-st" Lindsayâ€"384. ted ht Lindsay, this 8th day of September, A.D. 1902. McSWEYN WELDON, Solicitors for Peter Anderson and John F. Cunnings, Executors of the last will of said deceased.â€"â€"37â€"3 FOR SALEâ€"Large residence on Col- borne street, facing north ward school grounds, property of the late John Magwood. Modemly fitted“ house, hot. water heating. bath and electric light. Recently renovated throughout. Beautiful lawn. St'ar ble and garden in rear. For par- tipqu-s apply to McLAUGHLIN. McDIARMID PEELâ€"35. - FOR SALE CHEAPâ€"A good cook and box stove for wood,â€"H, J. TOWN LOTS FOR SALEâ€"In South Ward, south of Catholic church. Lots 4, 5 and 6. east Wolfe-st- Good location. Price reasonable. terms easy. Apply to JOHN CARMODY, Downeyville P.0.â€"37-5 of which they then have notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim the exe- cutors shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution. Da- PIANO FOR SALE _- Good upright piano tor sale, cheap. Apply at 51 Pottingerâ€"at, Lindsayâ€"3+5. quiz-ed on or before the Twenty- aixth day of September, 1902, to send by post. prepaid, to McSweyn Weldon, Lindsay, their christian and surnames addresses and occu- pations, fall particulars of them claims and the nature of the seculv ity (if any) held by them. The ex- ecutors shall, after the said 26th day of September, 1902, be at lib- erty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties .entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims Building Lot for Sale NOTICE TO CREDITOR: TENDkRS WANTED “MOE uoma me early on Saturdny night when he yu- thrown out o! the wagon and Mmummmmm. W. PLAVBLLE. Honey taken on Deposit and Bebe-tire. MONEY TO LOAN on productive real estate, at lowest current rates, re- gayable i‘rvxmteggs go suit borrowers. armers ' ' a great advantage to deal with a Company whgse Head Office is in Lindsay. The Victoria Loan ‘ and Savings. Co. LAXTON, DIGBY and LONGFORDâ€" Notice is hereby given that a . Court will be held pursuant to the “Voters' List Act,” by His Homr the Judge of the County Court 01 the County of Victor-h, at Victoria Road, on the first day of October, 1902 at 1 o'clock. to hear and de- termine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipalfly of Luton, Digby sud Longiord for 1902. All persons having business at the Court are required to sttend st the said time and place. 'Dated the 18th_day of September 1902. ED. WARD BUTPERWORTH, Clerk of the said Municipulity.â€"88-1. NOTICE is hereby given that the firm of McLaughlin, McDiarmid and Peel Barristers, ha been diuolved by mutual consent Mr. W and Mr. Peel continue to practise intheoldomcesandallaccounts duethefirmeretobepeid to them. Mr. McDiannid will preo- tice alone in the omen ow Hr. Geo. A. Milne'e store, on the south side of Kent street. WUGHLIN PEELâ€"374. GOOD GIRL WANTED for general housework. Apply to Dr. Neehnds, Lindsay.â€"38-2. ‘ STRAYEDâ€"fiom lot 20, can 6. Fen. elon, on or uncut June ht, a. year- ling hener, color red with some white on sides and star on head. Anyone giving intermuon an to her whereabouts will be suitably re- warded. B. H. MAYBEE. Fenelon Falls, Ont.â€"31-8. GOOD GIRL WANTED for general â€"-MEN WANTEDâ€"I want. 25 good men to work on newer mam-Mon. Highest waga. P. G. Pilkic. KITCHEN GIRL WANTEDâ€"Highest wages will I). paid s competent person. Apply a thch'l hotel. housework. Aplly to In. A. B. TERRY, Kent-st.â€"38â€"2. 0188010710. 0F PARTUERJIIIP THE SAFE, SATISFAC'I ORY:51'0RE CORRECT JACKET smfs M ”.15 Women's tailored suits. nude 0! dgrt grey wool m cloth. It’ll-l: cut. excellent fitting, vdl Bud throwbâ€" out. ONE or m m VAL- Ums my snow. For Prieluey'a cabin-nod Wool 8;- teen. 42 inChes wide. extu nae qudity, black only, will make a For MflXchm For a. fine French Serge. 40 Inches wide, finished with smll embroid- cred all over dot. dudes grey. light and dark (um. an excellent. quality for aepmto must: and chfldmn'u (ix-cues. JUST HALF PRICE. MOCWICSI 500 yards navy all-wool Dre-I Goods. in newest. fabrics, such a Zebalinea, Chariots, etc, in colors oi blue, brown. green. dark garnet, coronation red. purple md grey, extra. heavy quolities. 44 inches wide, (note the width); this is an excellent line of goods, and you'll make a big mistake it you miss this opportunity ; human-No goods worth 75c to 81, sale price 25c. Miscmdac or black Ammo: Cloths. 86 indies Wide- brill“. finilh. medium weight. “WWI“ AL OFFERING- lea, extra huvy '“dlt. will give Excellent we”, all the wanted uh.- dea. THIS IS AN -EXCEPTIONâ€" or fine quality all-wool Homespun. black and white mixed, 45 inche- wide. stylish rough finish, for suit. inga, A SNAP AT THE PRICE. We throw open the doors of Allen's old stand. Come and en-oy the music of the Lindsay Orchestra. Wei sure it will be well worth com lot. You won't be asked to buy anythingâ€"just an evening's 011018- the ledies can see the first showing 0! Moneble Fell mum on the second floor, {24' all the approved styles in Women's Jackets md Suite; It will be impossible to not notice the superb .~' , wing of Dress isle and mm on the main acor. 0! course the men will accompany the ladle» :11 through the but there interest will be in the m Furnishing Stock just at your left on entering :- - atore. ON FRIDAY KORNING st 9 o'clock we're going to sell the following ttems. . the Prim '9 look too little to be reesoneble, just think of the way these bargains were bought. \11 one week five for OUR BIG SYNDICATE 0F STORES rounded the warehouses and factories .4 Montreal and Gen-do, an! bought. bought and [squat at prices which only the pressure of such I g buying can W- All (beeches-guns ere e. true reflection at the little prices we paid tor them. You mgetmw' H>+O+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+<+ ‘I'IIF NFW IMF“ I n 3m to an I 5 At sums“ 7Scto$l DrusoodsatZSc. At 61);: mass: WAKELY FORD value gt THE NEW DRESS TO-NIGHT AT 8 O’CLOCK Women's um Line 1411: Hum cum. exquisite pats-u. good 1"“! to choc-o tronâ€"two cor Prion or one. For Women’s Fancy Ennbroidered Bucks-union. rhoicoV aver 29 muons- Thy...- will go quickb. mefic hate“! WOMEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS Half Price 0... At 1254: mm a an: For Womb Coat. made of black bonds cloth, 4:: inches long. extra. hasty weight. lined throughout: Io;- ftyle fund durability you cannot For Women's Coat made at heavy wool Mae, we!) made. 42 inches 100‘.th hack, stylish dark m or black sha c. all m. A inches wide. su quality. small a M‘.’.“.. lFor a genuine U ’ white Checks: {8 For Children's Jackets, to fit girls 4 you: of age. at 81.25, and a trifle rise in the price up to a woman's cont. 27 inches Ian, at $3.25. sty- lilhly made 0! navy blue hm cloth, the best Juliet {or the mon- ey you ever saw. WOULD EASâ€" ILY SELL FOR MORE MONEY. “32.500035 Women's and Children’s J ackets, mule o! heury all-wool trim cloth. Manny finished with silk lining, fashionably cut, perfect fitting ; child's start. ct $2.50 up to small wom's size gt $5.00. but this coax. 11‘ IS ONE OF OUR LEADERD AT THE PRICE. CONCERNING FURS A! 81.38 to 322.. M 85.” lute“ 0138. to an $2.10 on your win. M 8|.25 to $3.5. M 89.85 u trims-17mm Malone. 800d m shades in pink. hm" a” pink stripe! 9", Celebrated B- c. w jun. trimmed in Pink “l tact. fitting. all sites. At 22: and“ Women's Black Cashw fine soft. wool. W “ ' one and fourâ€"one knee. heel and toe; m ‘ ' Cashmere, and heavy '0‘ sim7§t010in EW‘ ERS GET FIRST 0'01“ M ”c. W65" ULOVES, HOSIERY. W WEAR AND CDRSH SNAPS Atzsciuuudafld" For Misses' and Women's 051' in all the wanted and“. “ prices ; everyone a! M I“ dependable kinds. At 327.50 b Slfl. Women's Fur Jackets, Bind“ alum, made ofthe’best“ mrred well mulled“ ‘ oven glossy curl, We w... an...” ._.., ..__, satin lin'fd, all sizes all! - an Electric Sod. trim-II Stone Martin, :65; GM Lamb am $50; and 31" Lamb gt 8125. EN! guaranteed to “in“ “V " prices. R. B. ALLEN m M1“ rm n‘

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