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Watchman Warder (1899), 17 Sep 1903, p. 3

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' as: pares BELOW. oJERTOWN ‘ ' t of Success in Toronto. Ont. can m “3-..... 49- w. mun-3r... . Y. EGAN, Specialist, 33'. 539, Toronto. olicit- (C . ed on m in run rorce ' ontlnued â€" I from last week) “I was not thinking of having your to l . . 0m“ No. C smiled, “that I can’t W‘e‘lf'see how We father disturb his investments ” he ’ can show independence right now.” - said- “The truth 18. I have met 'Vi'ith‘i C ““"811, I think I see a way," said LIiL little financial disaDantment in a. cer- . = ler, the flush stealing ove h . l t 1 . ‘ again “1’ °. 1‘ is face a n direction. For the last three “"1 . i on see, there is no doubt that months 1 have been raking and scrap- 1 son s on his high horse simply be- ; lug among the dry bones of my invest- }:auseh he thinks he could call on you i ments to get up exactly $25000 to se» hot t at $C~oC,000 and put you to some l cure a leading interest in a cotton mill 0111316 ralCSmg it withoutâ€"without, I at Darley or which I was to be presi- Barristers, say, throwmg your land on the market. dent. I managed to get the money to- I cant blame him,” Miller went on. gether. and only yesterday I learned County or; ' ° u 9 smiling, for its only what any busi- that the northern capital that was to Montreal i should consult no as h hopeless (”an“). was. ness man would do who is out for guarantee the thing was only in the ‘ J . . . it ' m. I ADIES sufler‘lng iron . of ”o W n, W“ corner of a tellow's eye up in Bostonâ€" . ed . u a man that had not a dollar on earth. \ ӣ013:fi‘gimkae;mm§hfirfilixu Don‘t allow them to grow up handicapped in the race of life, Well.'there on are! I' - co.- . y ‘e “0.000 and “Ah," ”W said 86110118111. “if you could MY CHARGES mwithin tench y p ace to put it. I thought if you had 0"!“ do u!" ntishctorfly W, no NM m _ 0“ ‘h - firm/Barrismrs' “How do YOU propose to get around just as soon owe me the money as Wil- mother'and-yeS. to me. I hun'gér for | VARIBUBELE from tbll terrible affliction in some way. :1. _ . .-, .. 3 QppOSlteC the knuckling Process?” asked Alan. son that you‘d really be doing me a independence " . There is no other affliction to which w is heir thst incompletely unfits him for the who had caught the depression influ- fayor to let me take up the note. You “Then it shall be done," he said ter- dutics or pleasures of Mt u \‘arimccle. CC, loaning 1110-; .3 large 5111115 to encmg his parent. see, it would actually floor him. He vently, a... an rm, ,1 Cool. on: grow worse as more oomplicaikd» leading to imâ€" wuung. stricture, lumbsgo sexual exhaustion, etc. Do you intend to , lowest «pd simply take up that note," said C means business, and this would show no ‘ ' ‘ ' "on to up away your viuiityl It is doingso now and if no'; embed will i . sillit-ilde tel‘iliS. ' u r , . . -- C I the lawyer. 1011 Lno under the n- l hl that e are DOt aSLlng any favors l CHAPTER XX ‘ III' result in the above conditions Yo matter how scrio you be t n! . '.' as reasons , 'me 'oedCorhcf'L ure you may have experienced in trying to be cured by medicineâ€"trio ' I _ t w ' t ‘ .fl .. . ,‘ . r S- q . . n. L. , \UTI . tract we are privxleged to pay it to- l of him. In fact, I.have an idea it would S the elevator in the big build- Bmtono system will cure you ; the won-y veins "’ H . morrow it we wish. ‘It would sim scare him out of his skin He'd ’n ‘ ply ~ till k ing was taking Rayburn Mll- Elem“ orgsns C{occurs proper nourishment, thepu-u . owl-pour] one 1., huts PERXANENI‘ one. prepared toC paralyze him. He’s so confident that we had another opportunity of selling. _ 1 r ToWn and you can’t take it Up that he. has not t I'm dying to do this, and I hope you’ll lvirjl‘éfl Seoutuhrérxtio [fiddoTrclds glint}: l’flnwm "’°‘3"Zz“£d me “lull “perk“ you 3 even written to ask if you want to re- let me work it' Really I think you company many refleCtiODS passed hm" Cram a 33:60th :hgr;m°dWII-L VISIT : . new it or not. Yes he‘s confident that 0“"ht to consent. I'd 119“” drive you ed ' m d C . a ti ly through his in FundS. hell rak g - _ w _ _ -.. n e in that security so confident to the all and well he “1‘th “You are going to get the usual cold , _ l bugvgogcolnigg‘r : e that he has been, as you know. secretly l All eyes were on the speaker. Bishop shoulder from Wilson " he mused “but D .1, C 0 . buying land near yours.” C had the dazed expression of a bewil- he'll put it up against somethinr'hbout ndsaS- “But,” exclaimed Alan, “Ray, you ; dered man trying to believe in sudden as warm as he's touched in many a “S n 0 S u.â€" l l k ’ â€"â€" z ‘ l ’. ' ' ' ‘ ' Co CngC now we fither has invested that good luck Abner Daniel 10““9‘1 ms day. If you don‘t make him squirm. it - am . a . . laughter. C to. Friday, all day and ‘ rather let the land go at what was; about it. You take the rag or! the papers and now and then giving in- money, and the truth is that he andl head and 511001; With low, subdued will b l ' l mother have already had so much wor- I e on y because you don t want I' 0. . . h v ' 0 ” . ,, o - y “U U U °°UU “We SU‘UVUUY' “ ' over ills of lading, receipts and other ° ' 7 all day [131115-30 p. m. TWO DAYS ONLYâ€"Dur- c r x n 5 l j. '1‘] i l public to cm facilifi as for t-ClaSS Paj . l C - - n nter ind risks. . 9133' 90k“ With "0 stakes, hilt Ali's “All. how are you. Miller?" he said airing, and put .. - ' you c - . . - v . . ' . . 6 now to bring mama?“ " a” detentnres. ILVES-IC this elucrdation of his condition and: _ ll. - C _ , rCmonOY for a}??? : sat silently nodding his head. The very ‘ m a game With half the earth put up indifferentlv giving the callcr his hand 5.50 upon mnnic ‘IC thought of further risks stunned and agin another fellcr‘s wad as big as a -- 1 :52. b , investment stocks: h'llid h' l bale 0’ ha' Pl . d . “f “ i. . “1t 10‘“ r‘b‘n" MoLAL’GHL-IN c 1 Ce . 1m. C C 3'. a) on n. - . 11.1) again, ch?" Millers embarrassment now descend-t down. '10“ ve got a full hand an’ Rayburn leaned on the top of the t plenty to draw from. desk and knocked the ashes from his CC I“: coulin’t Clet you do this, R335” cigar with the tip of his little finger. ”x0395 a! ”91 Crnl- 8“?“ u “te Alan. . “Partly that and partly business,” he But I assure you it is merely a mat- returned carelessly. ~.--~ m in f “ri‘nte 'unrlsl , . I. A I 7 , _ t._""i.:“0\1Â¥l: $35.1 STFlCRS i 1. fl ‘2 .. . tcr 0f busmess Wlth me,” declared the “Two birds ch?" '; .. Bank Building,.l- . : ”“3““ '10“ k1?” 1 m ”“U‘ri’Sted “That's about it. I concluded _ ; _ . , j v; _- CC :C . myself, and I believe we shall come were not coming up our way soon f’tuf, all “gut“ I m 3mm!" “an“; to ‘10 80 I decided to drop in on you" sorbliig your attention. 1 ‘ . CC . “’i'cs: glad you did." “'ilson glanced : gave up counting on you." they?” Bl-‘JOD S face “9:5 ablaze. Th? 39‘ at the papers on his desk and frowned. 'C Wilson so {ar forgot his pose that he Miller smiled and shook his head. . Sllrnnce that :1 CW1“ young buszncss ”Wish I had more iimc at my disposal. looked up in a gmruod sort of way and “As their lawyer, Mr. “’ilson, I simply ' man would consxier a purchase of his I'd run up t0 the 01111) With 3'0“ and E began to study Miller’s smoke wrapped i couldn't answer that question." 017 5113310101“ value ’(0 llllt a large show you my Kentucky thoroughbredS. . profile. i The blow was well directed and it C amountCof money on pleased him, bau- but i really am rushed, today pariicu» ' “you say they are notâ€"~have not been . struck a vulnerable spot. ’ 4- . C .. C . -. : lshcd his foul-s, tllplllt’thlCllm. . larly," counting on my company toâ€"to buy “I’licg your pardon,” Wilson mm. - CCOnomical, all DCl'f I 4 . ,. z.. tr," 1 It you [“01 that “vuy' .116 saxrl. ”311' “01" I haven‘t a bit of time to spare 111“” land?" mcrcd. 7 ‘:i did not mean to suggest taStC' CC ‘4 bb _ . L- 2.2,; .. ._ CC "xi-,3; . z . CC: 3 ing at the corners ofChls month. {:0 myself: i take the afternoon tram “Why, “0C" 53m Miller in accents i that you would chtray confidence." HO _ a Our to y is _ CC ._ ‘ . .. ; C filli’lld- 1 “UN “10“ but “but you home The truth 18 I came to see you Wellrvsclnlllingtllose or slow and gen-l ((-mUm“... .m 1).,“ 4) vlted- f :1: t ‘ 4 h d ' ~. t t § ‘ a“) plumb l‘l'lllt. It will Show Wilson {03' Iii." Clientg- 111“ 1‘3151101‘5‘7' nine surprises “W113. you have not l M/Id ' .. ‘. that “'0 illll'l llCllOldt‘li t0 llllll an’ Will "Alp I set" \VllSOll’S face clouded 5110“.“ llle slightest interest ll] the mat- ‘ SCt 'ii‘d t0 WW1; 05 31151113332? “UL" over by some mechanical arrnnccnn-ni 101- since we day you made the loan. l So it was finally svttlcd. and no one known only to hixnsl-lf. “\\'cl‘.. 1 can't and naturally they (‘03st to think you 1 SEPlllOd 50 V30” ploascd \"lth the ar‘ really rpport any prC‘C‘rx-GSS in that n)at_ “'llnlvd the land. vrhc only rousofl 1 lC as that the note is payable to sure and permanent cure {or all ; i'angcnlcnt as )lillcr himself. Adele ter." 11.. said. “All the company {1111,}... (‘fllli'd w i cntwrcd the room with the air of one Bishop's figures are awuy out of {'03- day anti"â€" 1 .adder Troubles. 2 ‘1 half fearful of intruding, and her son. 31,1 the truth is right x}(\\v we are "Uh, SOS. by .‘lovc! That was caro- 'i‘he interest is due. and ; BACKACHE 1 three H’lilli‘\'95 (liliétlf “'lthdl‘CW. 108‘“ ovcr head and cars in operations in loss of me. . "CWâ€"M‘w‘ 5 is the first sign of Kidney Trouble. 1an he? to Ofiicl‘mmC the sm‘b‘t- . otnvquuuz-tcrs, andâ€"~wcll, you see now km“. it would be all right and I had “ t l . '1”. ~.’ E‘ererboro, : Don't neglect it! Check it in time! | I WON’JL‘F what 3 1119 matter With it is: ' no idea you would bother to run down C ‘ .‘.~: End third Serious trouble will follow if you do!“- . "lcs. I think I (10." Miller smoked a for that. Why. my boy. we could have C lakWGGd ' ‘ Cure your Backache by . eyes followed Alan from the room. mum... "in fact. 1 told my chum, drawn for it. you know}. C , . "Oil. brother?" laughed Adele. “N0 last month thntfi‘n': .matter “:35 pot 111* \lillcr snilcd inwardly as he locked c E on) i'W‘s to law: 11 with his whims ' ' C . , ._ C , ' . , l vmessors ‘0 Hogg 8(09. . t 1‘ ‘. L p p * U mlml) and txcdl} through his smoke E and iancues." into the unsuspecting visage upturned :2 - " int, really,” said Miller in a serious m him. C . . "he has mystified me lan-ly. I . “But the note itself is payable to- . s v: . . day," he said, closely on the alert for a lTallonng "all ‘rtment- facial collapse, “and. while you or I l . . might take up a paper ' {or $25,<m For the past year the ballot- ng dc- through a bank. old fashioned people WWW“ has llf’onn“ "0’? “mi“ . Bi h , id 1 1 para. of the hilblnebfi, The people», ”“3 M" “d ”’5' 5 0" “°” 9° C h-wo been well pleased with Mr. l fallsiaple and fancy lines ' , _, - "- ' ‘ ' ,, ' ‘ ' C treats me rather coldly. that of neces' safer to have lt done by an agcnt. Champion's workmanship, also at next order for grocer: C . s “011, if you waste time notlcmg Al city 3 shoeâ€" That's why I came." quail y of goods and prices. “'6 you'll become 11 beggar.” And Adele maker must : Miller in silent satisfaction saw tho have almost an entirely new ('e of his antagonist {all to pieces stock ofTwecdsand \Vorsteds Lo . ur gOOds. . ~‘: I “.l‘v’hr” C _ ,, .. .- .7 . n .. . , , t Cf vi. " "‘33"! Lina-5‘57» l 21 . - - gave another amused laugh. “Take t to [AM ST. A A : .tiii- {fwd peqt'isuy' t. 22- " ' ' . ~ and let him alone.” I ' l . .. a ddcnly shat. offer, as we hare cleared out, the. .ntaininz a very largestock ; 2. . , ,, _ college, g 30. _, . . . . - _ know w , . ._ ten «1. an stock atarrlcesfw San, shim . C .~ ,. '~ " . . . - ‘ - - - , ' a . .. ere regar ass 0 cos Liris:- and Famy Proxndtlm’ ‘ ' ’ ’ " '2;- _ « .‘“.I;C‘;C-:_th° note?” “590d Wilson. l’AC’I‘iOK G1?A.BANTEE:J.} “1 know what he thinks ails him." Miller puffed at his cigar and gazed F . at his victim as it slightly surprised MS 0 c o o the girl responded. - , .. . . “And won’t you tell me whatâ€"what 2 ‘ over the assumption that his clients , , W881i had not all along intended to avail Byordering your Furs from us he thinks ails him?" C “x0, I couldn’t do that," answered . back themselves of that condition in their you Will save money and get :1 better article. If you call at. the our young lady. With a knowing smile. i bng- ‘ contract. . . 1 “You mean that the BleOpS m store and give US particulars We ' we Will select rsonatiy from the. "Voila”? hCWI- 1.3. From Belleville -â€"â€"'--- ' :‘If you areCever any WE: r ::rtt:'lsdlcl>:.r It bears Of 8' shoem ’ . read to"â€" Wileon be u again on an- Ject, you Will haw o g 5' C The kidneys ge pod C othefbreathâ€"“to pay if: the $25 UGO?" 311:6;de who genie tgogscs, with ' ‘ rstan mg a. you are l l , Lindsay. C _â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€""-â€"â€"_â€"â€"_________’_________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l l l ' your brother.” Miller remarked as his 3-: tne‘, it'n him several times of late, but he seems to get around it. Really, it scezns to me at times that ho . . .CCT'rQLCO University 54; .‘ L'i-Ts- of Dental Eur-.24. ‘7» latest improvedl56. r»: (at-.4. price; moderâ€" 94, ,irderson 5: Nu- 45_ TORE . Oil Cake, Rock Salt, etc. id at Mill Prices (r: <: s ' ill? :5: E ’ 1’ ’ . , . wquomM OOOUQOW I; H °’ .09". DEP ABTURES . 12. For Bellevillo .â€" ...... 6.30 m. C -' 9-- - from lim." C . . C shamed, are unab t «And the interest for six mommy not asked to We g “Cass 51. ' F r Whitb -â€"-â€"---- ~ as ey 3 ‘ quietly added Miller, reaching for a satisfactory. 21' F" T°r°nt° "' 7 "10 53 am ofmusic ...... â€"- - - - arrange some sca ~ . . . .. . . their disordered condition by mak- ; match on the desk. “I reckon you.“ , H 22' . . . -11-005-13- ained on the hearth. his . th b k h d W ' wrinkled in; mg e 313’ 80 8 l got the note here. [don‘t wantto miss ' There isn’t much " Ponlll’y fluted. .411 have y wisdom from . liniments or stickin ' s a good business man. We are makmg “ran“mnts to training in New hande any quantify of Live .. .1,qu d ti . him.” 'repeated Miller, pronouncingf when the prime C .-.. Honor glimiuat enter}, Llnad- . . 9301‘ word ““11 sepf‘mte distmctneCSS.C lies in the kidneys. Chickens or Old Hens, also difâ€" figgitrtlry and Roy: 100 C 1oronto . asif one of them might prove the LC! l The remedv th . diplomacy. fcmnt. kinds of Fowl a. lititle later. . Lal College Allytho 1ogego of .. to the mystery. ' “Of course they can take “D their The ten departments always kept. New. ‘ name; of " °5 and “Yes, I should think two wise men . (1 kid note today it they wish." he said. with well assorted. , sfullv o .‘ littl ‘thing like that. If ~ alarmed frankness. “I was not count- . mot: t C . pg-AOtmed. . could settle a e . " ° ' . . e no. 5.3.6 over Gregorys , . not you may. call in the thirdâ€"you 1185’ 13w. . - Back ing on it. though. He rose to his teet. Bffi‘fififidng'k“ I’m“e Em“ 503' know there were three of you, accord- Miller's watchful etyfie detected a cer- 1 .- 338’ ' "'"""" or s lower lip. Hel ._ , r 3v} Urn _ u ‘g 51 r r {Nil-5m? 0, Collier Kent and W“. 18811 . ,, Kills \‘E " - into his pockets nerv- l ELRB‘DS - . - ton, m i , a IRVIIVE, Den- . . , . _ Terms Cash 01' Trade . Cnt:fll§§;CCof the Royal College ‘ .1 590113. We have all ‘C C C 3 - . - ound . .. - o . 5"“ Early Clo: mg late" _ st methods of Dentistry. LtcntiOIl will be - . tl C . mm to . C ' . . ll. Thj’511c;3Â¥:1 at?“ Bridge ’ to l J ' ° .nd - - q . u .. - exr t' " ’ - the insfiiitofas, (Sgtalized firllefé , . . . ,. ‘1” When the young Mg had me 0“" lo- day, Wednesaayq Fflday 11 es 9‘ e best artific’al . 7 , . - ° _ g his machine. Wilson‘turned to ' 9 ’â€" °l this :Cglclsmues to be a Specialty . ,_“As I understand it. you per- Eve'lags at 6 o Cl’Iz‘. . interest in the Bishop . l ' ' Om“ nearly op”â€" . AGE Ll . 57. either '. ‘~ W at his office ’in ' BEALL’S J swellorv ‘3 rasidema'o o. Alba-1 Thos. B681“ CC. ’ . b3 Oi p B

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