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Watchman Warder (1899), 24 Sep 1903, p. 11

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. :,. l ‘ ,,., tm’“i"'“'i ,r_,., we 511,0 add Halilmrton' to ‘lluskoka by Ietun s its-rem h.) m Victoria. ' Nowthe greater. part. of, Haliburton ‘ . has formed part of Victoria for fed- ,. 22:1 . pujro‘oses since“ Confederation. . . Op. 1 ste - 13 ‘ u 'cially and politically at- 62 turn? bags, 1. mug; 1:011?! :1ng way («ride R. S. 0.. Pu 33° ‘ge aShing‘ton ; 2 ' . . 7)- The associa' tions 0! ‘ lebm‘l‘zlgllggh .12 w. H. Webster, 2 ca. Hahburton with Victoria are “inti- D..- us: are 1 J... :22: I; :m ... Woe.- . ~ 5 .. .. ages, 2 John ,, .a. erways, trade. co . t) positions Kague: ’ 2 cucumbers, 1 George Mc- Voters lists, politics, lumbering. set- ‘jepl- 155 . 13191116313. all in Haliburton, are more THE FRUIT aSSOCIated With Victoria, and Vic- . . 12 fall apples. mam d r . - ‘ toria alone, than are any two parts it'lrtfif'fd Pnnug“ 2 Win. Webster, 3 Win: Id’ggiaglcfé 0f almOSt any Other riding in Onta- Jayt Cw); :1 3t - ' ‘ (v, A, ,m l Winter apples named, 1 Wm Web- :10. The distances are not great,â€" ster, 2 Wm. Brimacombe 3 ‘W R rom extreme of settlement to as . . . . treme being only 80 miles, with rail- , Swain - 12 crab ’ ,. 8LPples named 1 . .. . . James Rich 2 - , ’ “ ay Connections to every art ex- WPOSA FAIR PRIZE LIST fiascoe ; best, collIeggnDi?:pp?ethi $3M. two, which have alwayls been in I â€"â€"â€"â€"-- ~ am 5 ' - . ' , lctoria 1' ' ' WebsierR‘lcfé 2 W' R- SWam, 3 w. H. Acti'n pSv'lttlical'ly' - . pears, 1 w, R. Swain. g 1 Judgment, I have tomat fou ht to rot ' ' 3 . oes, 1 JOhn Degeer; be“ COI- hopge and beliaelfn 1.1:th ribonmelinbtctrs _,:,.,}-:o-.ul lcCtion of tomatoes 1 Mr rn dl o no a y .. CO.“ 2 years old, 1 leverla t' ' â€" 3- Minte ;, would be ive . Th mm as ' first birth y . 5 mg flowers, 1 Mrs. R. Short; g n e gove nt continues to celebrate 198 . ne year 18 t a! - " .lolltl l)L‘”CeI‘ : COIL [Val‘ietv of . 7 yet h . - ,7 o _‘ . _, lantxs , . , . awe not agreed u on the two . . Juiw'é 11‘1”} be?" 10““ plants. 1 ariid 2 M1231," 30“}; oagfilag? members, but as I barge appealed to g eke The S. S. S. camemto being one year ago and 7'1 iii-‘4“ W” ‘dmught collection of cut {loo-ere 1 £13; their ”985°“ and sense of fair play. thence for merchantile honors. Now ' keep forging steadily ahead. ‘. 1. 1 ‘; ll.l. l, ' .. -, 1 (Hull? 1111111113: Se hell, 2 George Washington. fags: Eggiainfiizgrid tlo rtnake p0; th F l’ bee: .. .. t- g c ap rap an is yw- in 9 use our . and foul, 2 John ._ _ DAIRY PRODUCE and factions opposition hope has - gm. '5 will. 1 J allies 0 ernt§ batter 1 It) each, 1 Mrs, not yet been abandoned by ”me. But Hug: colt 1 year 0- “- Ixing, 2 Mrs. R. Short; having, With Dr. Vrooman and the .« :- , lwst foal of 1%:00k butter 10 Ibs, 1 Mrs. Albert E, majority of the Conservative party. 2 Frank “0”." sebSt‘ir’ “ Mrs. D- W- King. 3 Mrs. supported the alliance of Haliburton ~ :;-.'z'i l“13‘2‘l‘>‘"‘ 1101305 111 *hoit' factory Cheese, 1 Morgan and Victoria. County for two memâ€" < l‘oz-eculllleu, 2 Geo. Le‘VlS 3 loaf homemade bread, 1 Mrs. b91‘s, I could not and would not in- 1-:._..lll and carriage D- Dundas, 2 Mrs. Joseph Found ; sult the splendid people of that 'llcauâ€" ' :11.l:‘~- and foal, 1 John 3:211 31:31:31 hglney. 1 Mrs. D. Dunâ€" tiful, though rugged, region ‘ by ‘ooolllt‘ldu‘u’: ,colt 2 ' - ~ - I‘ . Webster; ik . )racticall ' ' ' ' llr'v‘miv 3 William {”375 couecfi‘m’ 1 MrS- Kerr :Icghileesd iurther uge trilliliicxiittelgnc: iraciinigllll: 35c New Ziblline Salli!!! 25¢ 1-35 Fluuclette WNW?“ 95‘ fism‘ies tasnd ‘fid‘lgwgfi 1133‘; my old, 1 Alex. ”‘1‘“. bt‘St collectlon, 1 Mrs. J. B. Suit my convenience to be rid of New Zibelines, 42 inch, colors naVy Sgtraiilg; “8:81;?510, bed): Annivxemarjsl. THE HORSES ill-arc and foal, 1 v- .1: cu“ “muwuwummusu r. .., new“. ,‘ . n" ..1...- 'le - ‘wsl foul of W“1'd0"» 2 MrS- Kerr' fruit jellv 1 them Those wh . ' ' 1 did . , .. ‘ .. - ‘ ‘ . ,, . 0 know me Will green, 1318ka and EN)" sp en , . . ' ' was. 2 S. \\()01d-,‘\hs-' ken. 2 Mrs. R. Short; toma- vouch that by me never was frignd for children's wear, the usual Wide flounoe, and lined waist, 3.8â€" Sale Pnce 13 only ~ . j..;a<.,;<. 1. lllcll. t9 c‘ltSUD, 1 Mrs. D. W. King, 2 Mrs, deserted or betrayed, nor enemy or 40c kind. Anniversary 25c 801'th patterns, V81“? 31-30 ’80 . ,',.,,g.,_,. : single [Ixcrr :l hgmeriéads buns, 1 doz, 1 Mrs, opponent avoided. Sale ...... _. ......... ..., Anniversary Sale Price ...... toms- and over ' 05091 ‘oun , .. Mrs.» Geo Washinm The good ' ' . ' ‘ _ , ’ . D ‘ people of Hall‘bm ton and 1', . -_3 lJ...l lull-111st: ion. MANUFACT _ \ ictoria'who have the best interests 65c Heavy Homespun 496 65’0““ of Walking Skim 5.. d , my»: unlit: 1 oz, . fl - - , . IRES of the district at heart emphatically 500 yards Heavy Homespuns for A “‘8'. vagity of newtcdrerls: an shirt waists the patterns are exâ€" . I _ lull. “l 0.a-[â€"' Lalllage covered, Single, Open sin- desire the union to be maintained, separate skirts or suits, 5 inchw Walk”? 1118' mill; riah ire elusive and, exceeding-Iv pretty. ,ll;;-ll.llll)sâ€"â€":()u.ln ‘ ale. and lumber. wagon, 1 R. S. for the reasons already given, as wide, dark grey or black 4, "'9‘“ bcotch cflefits,d lug”: come 25 cent value. Anniver- ' : .\. It. . \\ am, 5 Robertson; set Single harness light, well as the hope that if two Anniversary Sale Price c Sins; dFI'Enilhc :2: Fall designs” sary Sale Price 1’0 . a e l ' . """""""" . ‘. 21mm; old. 1 iand heavy, 1 Fred Coad, members cannot be, will not be giv- 1 a bl k nav or rey 1...‘I'\;lil'. 1‘1“ . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"+â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" - ‘ - ' -'. ' ' CO r8 m ac! ' . ‘ \ l I l l i , in no“, another redistribution Will ‘ 25 New French Broadcloths 39¢ wogtlh r larly up to 37 58.0 85C Wm“ Carpets 67C 0 "L“:r 2 'l‘mn I result in the accomilishme t f that I n 0 New French Broadcloths, 54 inch, Anniversary Sale Price ..._ 500 yards heavy 2â€"ply Wool Car- 36 inch, several new pat- ; 4:1 . 1 ll. Sigh-lulu, WELL AN) SIRONfi design. The mandate on all sides of l d'd , ht 1 separate pets : . “Vii Alf-U. 1 “11105 everv noble S)il‘lt0d man has been ’ SP en 1 welg‘ or ' ' - .fi 3:”! 3 .\""'~H'>‘ old. 1 0 e. “ DerSL‘l'Ve the: district intact with skirts or suits, colors navy. I35 Chlldl’tl's Dress“ ”C terns, regular 856' Anniversary L Hw'fiwfl [\il‘a‘ii bull 1 two members if possible, but in any black, green, hght’ and dark 5 dozen Children's Dr'eSSCS, made 01' ' *' SWAIN. :3 Thomas .AFTER ELEVEN YEARS OF GREAT event retain the integrity of the disâ€" fawn. $125 value. An 89c 900d heavy printed flannelctte, niversary Sale Price ..._... with yoke, trimmed with braid, , l\- self, 1 \\. l‘. zllid Gorâ€"t SUFFER. ti‘ict ,, . . . 7 . lNG . . ..e my. 1- ,l‘llllll. rllioâ€" There were two‘iiiotions last night)" ages 6 to 10 years. An- ,8 . ‘ i i v . ‘ 7 h I ' ‘ - ~ - 00 ' rds best En lish Ta' cstry unis-coup 111 (all Ol)‘ one for two l-iding‘s, made up of ViC- 700 pl!“ C0313 5.00 niversary Sale Price ...... C 3carig‘t 27 iHCh may“, “8:” patâ€" . / WM “Rm“ 1 ’9' L zAWO'lllei’flll Tribute to thePowerof DP tOl'la and Haliburton. This I for Cravenette Raincoats for women, . terns 1' Her 60c. Anni "VALUE Old’ 1 t ‘ llloilllis have preSSed before the coin- new Collar and cuffs, in grey, 8.50 Womens New Jackets 675 velsa'ryeglale Prim W 446 ' . yam": '1'__}1, E Williams Pink PlllS toCure Stubborn mittens. the house and the country. {mm or green; also a. very ser- Women’s New Zibelinc Cloth Jae- 1"” ””1" call, 1: Diseases Dr. Vi'oomau, M. P., also advanced \‘iccziblo rubber coat in blark or kets, stylishly mad, an excel- 10%Women's thudette Gowns 75c mullsâ€"lie fox. 2 mid Sllllpoi-tl-d it in the house last fawn with colored flounce, Value lent Jacket for $8.50, but for Women's Flannclette Cow’ns, lace night, as did all the Conservatives $5.50 to $", Anniversar_ 5 .0 our Anniversary trimmed pink, blue or white, 31 O icui'e when doctors, hospital ti'ontâ€" . . . . Price ""' -' value. Anniversary Sale 3mm ‘lllll all other medicims 1'qu PM“ Hummto“ to the “"“ds"""" Price .. C L c ‘ ‘. t . . . . . . ...vu... â€"..-.â€"“ tP-ll'lliyl d limbs hiv ht m llstmed to detach it from Victoria and let It We Underskirts 59C ”'50 Women s J‘d‘ets 10.00 c t e ' l . i O h '1. . . .. . . . ,. .â€": n. . . ‘5 ll" added to Muskoka, lNlilssm . . .. W ’ F “ ll ‘ me ,lo sti‘CligB., rheumatic. sullcrcrs madg f. _ . ‘ .- , . . I. 1- g. 40 dozen Women’s Black Sateen Swell new box back and fitted back 75c Ollie! s lannelette Drawers 49c ' ll \l'l“" ' ~ . . - w '- ”“5“”95 0" Pettll)010, adjoining, 0‘ . - Jackets for women ‘30 to 34 inâ€" Women s Flamll‘ict'e lhawcrs - » . ~\ - well. weak, anaoinic gulls and women , , - , 1. ., 17ndprsk1rts flounce trimmed. 90c - . â€" . . . . . . u . Mark: :2 made hl‘iirhf active and “Your!" “0 llmepicscnted entirely, ‘1”(1 “1“ value Anniversary Sale ches long, in about a score of trlmmed, assorted colors, 7.x; . b ., t c - :3 ‘ _ . " '. , ~ 'e 0 ~ . v. . -»- ‘. 1 :_ 11, Mark: lielll'ulqic pains banished. and the 0111} 0118 V'Qtond, I had the 11101191, _ _ ................. 59‘ different popular styles, smh as \alue. AmiAc-isary bale «1' i'el‘xii- 1 “- poor (iix'glu‘l'ltlc (“iron .1 new dilwetmn 1” ”mms“ “"th bi” rtny power. t ’1‘“ the new corset coat. and others, Price _....... ......... , 3. , a s n‘ l' - congrauatc _. t 1' ho - " ' u... .3 l., ll, ., - .,, . , q 74“ h‘mg una '3 0, _ -. no one o t m that is not. d N 1“me “ht 111M SLtllllIled aliiiostillop‘cll,ls;t to] my 1.9110“. (‘onscrvutlvcs on the“ B? 2.25 Salaam Undersklftsl48 1",,“me SlVlo calm. and finish MPn'F Undlrwear 49C ‘ “ n 4 z ' "l. ‘0" s z , - - q- - l, . . ' ‘ '. ' . I ” 5"“ 4““ r l, 21‘ :h t 1),( \Vinjun” l’inl- action “1‘0“ thls second ‘WOIM‘UI‘ 5 dowvn “omen s Black Rhianna lln '1hov come wth collars, or col-. 2.") Dozen Men s Underwear â€" c - l - L ', . 1 .~. - - '. - . ‘ . - ‘ - - - ' . .. -)‘_11(1lll_1 “lilo: 1“ 1:11 ”(I stl‘mlf‘TlI 2ftei\' lust lug-ht. But, Sir, thls is not tut, dl-rsklrtS, m-ade vpry full and lurloss, Wlth the new capo ellects Winter wed". shots and drawers, L '1 b L f1 3*. {rhino an}. L“; p}, u first time I have 5‘0"“ prncilcally' 'vrv dailitilv trimmed. $2.35 "8- and new pull sll-cvo, material are in fleece lined, wool, or union .. rpm .4 .r,‘ _, - ’, .‘ )‘l‘ . fl .. '. , . , ‘ 3' ~ I ,_ _ _ ,_ , AVD LOT FOR C LE 2 ‘ I. ‘ '. ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ . ' .2 fiat. 3.1; . d .,.--1, t‘ :f .4, 1110110 In the Conscnatne pull}, and, Inc, Aanelsm‘y Sale 148 tweed clients, [lln’llncs and plum qualities. Anniversary Sale 4” - ~ A -â€"~ , ,. . . . Li J “H: “10“” “NH“. fl ’ f- yet lune lived to see not only myl l‘l‘ice ......................... . cloths, big range or all thcwant- Price _. ...... -5t north, double fram ' A A ‘ 1:“130" (2110., and tells 01 1”“ _\eais leaders but the countrv, admit my ' 8 rooms each, summer ki of suffm'inq as follows: " l‘.l-!\'Oll conduct the proper one in each case. stable, etc, good garden years ago, while working in ,1he1Two notablp instances. One of them ‘- Sold very reasonable. Appl bush. 1 strained myself and brought ‘1 had the privilege 01- hearing the S. D. CORNEIL, ' \\.1._ Proof upon proof has accumulated l ‘W ' that Dr. Williams" Pink Pills will .. . . _ - . pl'ns‘wnt. lllc succecdmg motion, to Sale PriCe __ ,,,,,, _ ,,,,,,,,,,, , ou terrible pains in the buck anleon. Sir Charles 'I‘uppcr frankly stomach. where the‘tl‘oulile seemed confess to a score or. more 0,- his ' ' , .. . , _ to llll'ult‘. I had ll‘m‘llueut his 01 l’orllicr followers, would have been M 1-1-," ‘ - ' i ‘L‘ 'f I" ‘ Vomiting. which caused much diSâ€" "really superior to the policy 7 ABEL B WINIER I ., , . - ‘ I ,2, i, Irnss, Sometimes I Could work. and pal'tv‘adopted. I refer to my ° ' . ‘ then again for months at a time I man'd on the Yukon question. opposâ€" SOPRANO , ‘ ' “ ‘ ' would ll.‘ wholly unable to do ‘ny'linq the Liberal proposition from the‘; ref Voice Culture and Piano ‘ " ' _ ~_ . ‘_ . _, _ l'oiuLt: but (‘Vt‘ll at the time I\(.OE11'l’d Sticknn River to the Yukon. am} “1-; prepared for examinations ' ~ ‘ » ' Y l . Furl" I in” always su‘nenig" ‘ t1“: sisting on an allâ€"Canadian hill: from? 0mm" College 0‘ Music 1“ - 51 " , , “fix-"lit times I was Elem“! ‘3 t “U“ lx'itllllat or similar harbor. ‘ . , , . h , .. l . . . ., ‘ ”001013. but they “910 unable to The other was the Manitoba rcmcâ€", ‘h outl- Ott w Au 18 â€"D'r Bound“ €1tS,REC1H‘5AEH0m€b- - T" -V ' 1 'H' ‘7 3‘913’ m'" Then I went to Montreal dial bill- I OPPCSL‘d the impositi‘mi mates of the dune!“ loci duo to l Director‘of Expeg.rirnentnl.Farms m . H V ' and but myself under the care o 1 a of am, system of scpak‘aite schools on‘ Wednesday'. storm m 82,000,000 ‘8 making his ”mud to“, “atom “0‘1”" up?” “18 llll‘dlClnC Wheved that PI‘OVinCC by either the (‘ouserv-z on and around Manhattan Inland} the West, wires as follow: to tho ‘ alone. So for eighteen “v. ut Department of Agriculture: “Cr-0pc me while I was inactive, but as soon ativc party or the Liberal party , ~ known to have been lost in theI from Winnipeg to Brandon mostly as I attempted work 01’ exertion Of My aim was to defeat Sir Wilfrid, Separate sealed tenders llllll‘kt‘d any kind, the pains returned worse Laurier's ‘six months' hoist " and “TENDERS FOR SEWERSn Will be storm. and 1‘ ll MUOV“ “I“ num- light. Some good fields 0! Whu‘ than DOI'OI’C- All this time I was thus prevent his being: sent for toreceived by the undersigned up to I be! W111 5| double 'h‘ all mmi Will probably average fifteen to eight- wl. ‘l 'l‘llw- growing weaker and less able to re- form a cabinet; and also onltwelve o'clock noon on ...... m in. locn bugholg, Will average better I. 2: [Avon Lou. lnorthern and wutern portlonn.’s :.E l}, King-z gist the inroads of the trouble. Then "the main motl'on to defeat mu- 01:“! . ! ;l_‘,‘~,‘l MAY, 1 l‘l‘. \l'illiams’ Pink Pills were Conservatch Government. Then is 25th I903 KOflOIk, VI... 809‘. lavâ€"‘1‘. 8"- "‘â€""â€"'â€"â€":"â€"â€".-_’- '~ "“1"" 1 “$011th to my notice, and I began Excellency would have in duty bound; “ fly, 9” . , ash Itemship Roxby. Captain ' t‘l‘lmrgso?wchs:rnnlu 13:11:32:ch I , ‘ . w. Ir and to use them. From that time I be- to summOn Sir Donald Smith, ”now. Shieldl, which mm bore yuterfi dzmzndotrom the. union which a ..__ , 2,:1- aw] lzu- gun to regain strength and by the Loy-d Stx-athcona, to form a cabinet. for the construction of day morning from Port Inglis, hug bodiea . 10 per cent. raise in th- W. .li‘ul sow ulldcl‘ time 1 had taken thirteen boxes I In this present case I was delight- on board Domingo Ballo Royu- 1 work The Cuttm' M horny, the sole survivor of the crow! rates in p see 10"; Aflocmuon has E” :‘:*“"k~ Tim” Was once more a we” strong man. ed with the support 0f the (“‘“Sorv‘l ° iOCll Sanitar SEWCB and Merchant Tai ' Nine y of 22 men on the British steamship! y decided to "j.“ tho W0“ ‘ l 7“”3'“ 5"“ "l“m proof of this is that I can do as ativ‘O party for two members for . . . ‘ ll , -. . 1n practu SIX lllCll Cellar Dra ’ Mexicans, which laundered with alll poultlon of tho union tor. the 10 9.. ' 170131 71- 123‘ ;hard a day's work as anyone and Victoria and Haliburton, but reg-rot- .. gm. of swine. lllever have the. slightest symptons of ted their unthinking. conduct in subâ€" 11 on board on the 31011“ com Tu.- cont. r5180. ithe old trouble. I am sorry that I sequontly seeking to throw Hahn about 2000 feet long; on Russo . W 318'!“- . . . x V t 160 feet east 01 ‘1“. It!” Wmhodâ€"ll Ltd. Contact Jumper. AM 1"‘111’ l I'd not know of the Pills sooncrâ€" burton adrift. But they will. as in street from a 90in (I am to see the “”0“ 0’ Huron street ‘0 Hum“ Street them" Damlorucottn. )1... Sept. 18.â€"- Montreal. Sept. 21-â€"Four employ.- a. Twil-"l lthoy would have saved me much sufâ€" other cases, 10 .- \ - . Hum-l1». (~11- ? {urine and money as well. " their way. . “malady along Huron Street tfilm Two vouch. the Ichooner and. D. of the Gurney 06-. TorontO. have V: '1 \ ~‘pil‘3‘1x A“ \V ,_l IWil‘h such proof as this- that eV-en SAM HUGHEb dout street, $110110? westerly ong “d Lulu. been mooted hero charged with. ' ‘ H ’ A ' H A cases can be Ottawa Sept, 18th 1903. Ridout street to Mill Star? [3, gdfoxtl' mHCkerd .00 ’umle their contract... “a at. Mill street from a paint 1-0 00 I”. 0‘ GM: John Campbell, John Watson, John - 1‘. uml H. Kill: : {apparently hopeless sonable \l?.n',l».- Vi ~ , . . ‘ . . . ‘ an e 110 Tea. ____-â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" ’ v ' ” ”‘ m ’ “'“d‘ “me 0 north of Padout street ‘0 he“ on Pununild Point during a- night bowl. and Alfred Blackburn. The! . - 13573:". . . . , ~ - . 'k Pills - black iron 9198 7 ‘ ' (anal-«l. l Muph- doubt that Dr. Williams Pin . . rt -wester- ersis Pés‘a's ' :. (ll‘u‘lltllll mid Sucâ€" will restore health in all cases where 1ENDERS WANTED' street “gt, tt fife lgiwiaerngcsgog in- 15 um’” ‘ ... $5 . g a .15 ‘_ f V aha-l- Spangled. “1 lgiven a fair trial. T3183? pills 3-1.3 The Board Of Water Commissioners gugigtlzgirfy 5i ' . en but/'1” ‘ ‘ “'"T'E='f?': " it: < .' -1 ~ «- ll medicine ea ers or 1 . L‘ndsa are Pre‘ . IZED IRON , ~' .. g .,‘ .i ” , ”fl ’ 51.1 lmld b} av '1 t 50c. per box ior {0" the Town Of led tensders up to ty-three feet long t° _ RS , .. _, p .. - \l. l, and (,.. lbc sent by mm a , , . ed to receive 883 he sed sewer. CYLIl“DE ‘ , ml 2 -<lopholl Oli- {six boxes for $2.50. by W“%"%.‘l"' $3; on September 26th. 1903' ‘0’ ml t prom _ «. , . , , .. - ' c icine . . - Junlrl (llllls. 2 \\. [ect to the Dr. Williams 8. contract t . Aane “lCh 5““me Sewer and .' . . . . - the - llmnluns. 1 h. P. lCo., Brockvflle, .. See that ‘ to the Lm , . . ' . _\".-;l§l.}zl, ()Ii\'n;'; Leg- full name, Dr. - . _ Six 1nCh an“ M“, 1 S‘s-gulch Olchl'. 2 ifor Pale P809 1 Will S”mitt: Leg- lwrapper around every box. , about 1350 feet long On St- Pauh l Stl'llllwll ()lchl‘, 2 â€"-â€"-â€"â€"--.+.â€""“"“ be either. Y h. i t Street {mm a mm}; 165 fteeetetmarxtid Sllgu‘itt ;, Wyan- Pittsburg ( 0 lg ueen S_ l‘ . 7: ‘lllwn ()liver, 2 W. BMW" m VICTORIA the? Sta l’li‘l’lXVShlI‘e, red Editor Watchntjnâ€"Warder: ' east of St. Paul Stlwt . . ”'1'“ mm“- Min‘ Sir -â€"Will you please publish the streetv then“ ”"thefly tol willing: 51’2“.” mm)? : 1.21 mg herewith letter taken from the Tor- ton street. tbmee ~westtfvre3t side- ‘ ll. l‘. and G. lung: ’ t World of to-day? It should River Scugog. including 157” to , , .,‘,iw;"1(:}<:l. fwd came, 1 and 2 $2,}; stated, but the omission is drains each thirty-31;“?e 3ft”; gee“.-. $1311,li \T}\l.‘({:fi11'1ti1Â¥11513 Pl: mine, that neither my 1:113;- :3: A. the Street 0! p p. . ‘: ‘lm‘f. Toulouse. 1 and 2 13103:: 'lill n. lulu!" 1w“ '1' ea .- ,l ‘ SYN,” :1 5 .' '( ‘. ..Se, “"1l’te se‘verml of those . Gradute 0f \ lllf.l (HHQI , tlllk€}SyL t Halibul‘ton 0011089: Toronto. . V“ .0150": “011061510“ iglimed to me that they did t go'rner Kent and 0 fly for 5 per cen low 1, 1 Stephen (1 misapprehenSion of the exac night 69.“! prom E- must “company Us; ertion . ‘ DENTISTRY A SP will be returned when 5- ua ' ~ awarded. ' or one or both Parties may tender f ‘ l .‘Jctllel't-ll. l‘ E\' l“. l . b :1 .‘ .- , red. and spring _‘ Sh‘a‘n: bushel wheat Alllclklnd’ 1 James Wylie, 2 1, 1 \‘l‘lagui‘: bushel barley 2â€" ‘ :' “hi-t1. ”it E. Webster : bushel two Rafi", ~ Albert E. Webster .; K1516: ° Small kind, 2 George Mc-

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