QT WE WEEK’S NEWS of the COUNTY and DISTRICT Miss Ella Brynell visited in Toronf come to Mrs. Go 1:0 last wL-ek. : Mr. Bateson, 01 MiSS Hazel Sharpe has accepted a. friends Saturday position with Terril 3:05., of town; Miss 1511a, Fe Misses Florence and Clara Belling-7 ViSited in tOWD MiSS Teenie At ham and J. Murchison visited in Norland last Sunday. lis agueSt of M Mr. Arch. McKendry left on Friglay town. to resume his work in Cobourg. Misses M.'Litt Mrs. B. Maybee visited Cameron tleton visited in Miss Shannon, ,triends last week. _ Bliss Winnie Maybee returned home mg Mrs. H‘ [ï¬t from Toronto. Her many friends'fnont’h’ left on 1 1n Napanee. will be glad to know her health hasi R _ _ improved very much. iSt eggrr; :01†‘ . v pu will be glad improved ve Mr. J 08. I cey spent a. Toronto. I M133 Ferris, of Picton, arrived in town last week to resume duties in .Miss Washburn's milline'ry rooms. I Miss Greta Smith visited in Lind-i1“ it h my own- Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) Bing-ham. of Brooklyn,, ‘3 the guest of Mrs. W. L. 1R0bson,jf of town. ; Mrs. (Dr.) Gould is spending afew r days with Cambray friends. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Honeybourne, of Lind-I say, were visiting in town this week. 1’C Mrs. Hepburn and children, whoi have been the guests of Mrs. 0.11 Smith for the past few weeks, left 041135 Saturday for their home in Peter-i1 1 horo. Mr. Dick Lodge left for Bali-button county. PM}! was 3‘ 2110613335 33AM In ï¬ve minutes after turning on the drafts she will have a good. strong Ere. The good housewife always feels like bestowing upon Pandora a cheerful “good morning." Why? Because the Pandora always has a nice bed of hot coals as a reward [or checking off the dampers closely before retiring to rest. IIIHHL ,4 Should she sleep two or three hours longer than usual there will still and dampers are so scientiï¬cally arranged that the Pandora can be McFarland Hand and Miss Gra- days of last week in on Monday VVDAIV vv -_ t Mr. BateSOn, of Cameron, called on I- frien-ds Saturday evening. ‘ Miss Ella, Ferguson. of Glenarm, -7 Visited in town last week. ,1 MiSS Teenie Atchison, of Deer Lake .is aguest of Mrs. Geo. Martin, of A town. vv '5 Mr. and Mrs. W. Grifï¬n arrived home on Monday after spending their ‘honeymoon in Toronto. The scribe ‘- joins their friends in hearty congra- ‘. tulations. Misses M.'Littleton and Mina. Lit.- tIeton visited in Toronto last week. Miss Shannon, who has been visi-t- i'ng Mrs. H. Littleton for the past month. left on Friday for her home in Napanee. We don’t know‘whether it is a long "rain-or-smne or “medium†or short â€topper," but We do know it"s a 20th Century or Progress Brand Coat and that it will more than satisfy you. None of the bothersome â€try-ens†that the custom tailor inflicts on his patrons. There is nOt a man inSIde none of these coats but is well dressed. A--‘ Rev. Mr. Keith, of Burma, occupied St. Andrew’ s pulpit last Sunday and delighted the. audience with two very brilliant discourses. friends Last week. Miss S. Martin returned from To- ronto on Tuesdax Messrs. W. Teirs and Tohn Elliott zeï¬t this week to try their fortunts in the Northwest. Mr.-Fred Terrill is the guest of ReV. H. B. Kenny. of Belleville. Mr. Ellsworth Austin, who has been assistant in the G.T.R. sta- tion, left to resume school studies. His place is now ï¬lled by V. Cham- bers, of town N._ P. Martin called on Lindsay There is,.a..Fa.ll Overqoat in our Store that was made for you. and Re- Lit- chal’s. Mr. Jethro Graham, left last week to attend Woodstock College. Mr. L. B. Hartle, of Picton, paid Fenelon Fallsa flying trip last week. Duck shooting is the order of the day around town and vicinity. Mrs. W. Savage and dangxhter, of Michigan, were guests at the home of Mr. G. Martin for a few days last church will be held on aum Monday, September 28 and week Rev. Dr. Thomas, of darn: suw. Baptist Church, Toronto, will con- duct services. ’ Miss Mae Denny and Andy McIn- tyre called on Norland friends on Sunday. Messrs. N. Fitzgerald, M. Reeves and J. Stanton spent Friday in hind- Mr. Sid Gainer is visiting his par- ents in Minden this week. Mr. Bid Burgess of 1 Tailoring Co., of Lindsay, cepted a position with J. ley. -vd . Miss Bessie Littleton left on Mon- day for Toronto where she has se- cured a. position. Mr. J. McLean, of the pea, factory. Lindsay, spent a few hours in town last Sunday. Mrs. Ryall.‘ and the Misses ’. Ryan are guests at Mr. I lie. Mr. R. J. Cook is spending a va- cation in Detroit, Toronto and Uri}- Mr. W. Barkley visited in Toronto \ last week. Mr. C. W. Burgoyne was in Toron- to last week on business. Mr. Babbitt is visiting at the Brooks House for a few days. Miss E. Bryans visited in Toronto last week'. Mrs. Thos. PouISOn visited friends in Toronto. â€"â€"_U, A large number from town attend- ed Kinmount fair on Wednesday and report a good time. Mrs. J. Aldous and Master Gren- ville Aldous left on Wednesday mom- ing for a visit to Mrs. W. Ellis in Saskatdwwah. Miss A. The members of Lorne Lodge, A 1“ 1 8; A.M., he! their regular monthly meeting on Monday evemng, Sept.‘ 2nd. A large membership were pw: sent to meet with Bro. Walker, D.D. G.M. of Peterboro. During the pro- ,ceedure of the regqu Masonic quiet of business, Bro T. 0. Ivory read the following address to Bro. J. Patâ€" terson Knish, M. D., who is leaving Omemee for a more remuna'atiw practice at the Soo. “ \ . :ansi physician, but. more†especially as :a Masonic brother. Fox: over. age: â€Lorne anniversary Marks, of Toronto, is the sat-y of the Baptist held on Sunday and OMEMEE. a long â€rain-or-shine’ or a ,†but we do know it"s a 20th oat and that it will more than visited in Toronto 28 and 29. of Jarvis street Mr. B. Burt.- of the Clarke my, has 89- J. GI. Town- been signal, and your dealing in words and deed have been such that we cannot let. you depart from us without striving in 'some measure to Show our appreciation. We would, therefore, ask you to accept from us this small taken, which shall from day to day remind you or the breth- ten of Lorne Lodge, and of the times spent in Omemoc. Happy to meet. sorry to part, happy to meet again should you revisit us. Signed, Bro. R. G. Weir, W.M., Bro; W. J. 'ltorne Secretary. At the conclusion of the above ad- dress the D.D.G.M. presented Bro. Keith with a. Masonic Locket. togeth er with a few well chosen words of commendation and good wishes. The recipient. though greatly tï¬k'; an by surprise, sincerely thanked the members or his mother lodge for their. considerate token on the eve of his departure, and for their pleasant and proï¬table relations during his stay among them. Several .ehort breezy speeches, followed by ice cream and refreshments, gave the ev- ening a pleasant ending. The schools of ()memee have Open- ed after the holidays. The attendâ€" ance in the High School is almost beyond seating capacity in the junior ! A large number of people from this °vicinity visited Toronto Fair. Every- |one speaks in eulogy ot the ï¬ne ex- ihibi’ts. ‘ Dr. J. P. Keith is loading his i‘household eil‘eCts this week in 3 car for the 800 where he intends contin- uing his practice. Mr. and Mrs. :Keith will be missed greatly in the church work, aft-om our lawn exercis- es. and from the social life of the village. The good wishes 0! their gme‘ny' friends follow than. MiSS Thane, formerly mantie maker in.1)olibon's,store here. has returned after the holidays and opened a shop of her mm next door to T. J-. Par- son's grocery. The King stneet bridge is at pre- sent undergoing repairs. The drive- way is being raised and covered with cement: Mr. J. 'I‘. Benny's second store is being erected. The walls are of ce- ment. Mr. J. Munroe. of Robinson, has been visiting fricmds ley. Mrs. and Miss‘ Riley have returned to the city. tiniSO-IMI Jordan is M98 3 Iéw mam mama nu. Dr. 1 MarVin. A number of people from this loan.- lity spent a short time at the Na- tianal Exhibition, and all express their delight in the improvement on previous years. - Miss B. Westlake and Mr. Westlakei were among the guests at their sistm er’s wedding. We are all extend our heartiest wishes for! long and happy life to Mr. and Mrs l’n v.11: The Methodist congregaubn reteiV- ed a very we treat on Sahnath ev~ ening, whenvlï¬u Pwi J ordan, of Woodville, very 1;th rendered the beautiful solo! “‘Faca‘to Fm." Lucy. Miss Vivian Marvin and her cousin. Miss Pearl Jordan, haw left for Al- bert College, Belbvillo. We wish them an eujoygble and prosperous Will take the anniverser â€Wk?“ 1 the Ebmwer church. on the ‘ ; been visiting friends in am Ll' Omemoe. Mrs. Monroe is a sist of Messrs. Henry and T. B. Laid of ,llillbrook. many at fort wuum. m were btought home on loamy interred in the Roman Catholic etery . We were visited by a. severe thund- erotorm on Thursday night. during the course of whidl Mr. DaVld Stew an'. mm was struck , by lightning. mars were circulated the dwindling membership of church choir. Dame Rumor is indeed a. ï¬ckle jade! We have now (We new . ._ - “ammo splendid account of themselves on the oceasion of their initial bow to the “allegation on Sunday last. Great improvement was notioecble in singing of the choir as. a whole. and the manor: is not far to seek. (or our chairmasler, Mr. Peter Wilson. has ooce more taken up his duties. More pouer to his .clbow 2 ‘ At the after-meeting on Sunday evenin'g the Rev. H. D. Leitch gave Inn, 1 an instructive outline the Rev. B. M. McCh tish miniswr and and known hymn “Jeh At the after-meeting on Sunday evenin‘g the Rev. H. l). Leitch gave an instructive outline of the life of the Rev. B. M. McCheyne, the Scot- tish minister and author of that well known hymn “Jehovn Tsidkenu."| There Was again a, large attendance. and some singing practice was in- dulged in, as a preliminary item. ‘ The 'St. Andrews Guild opened its‘ program on Monday eVemng. when our esteemed ministers delivered an address. .entitled “Our Bible." Prayer meeting will be resumed on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. when numerous support is hoped for. Every one is mueeted to kindly attend in «mad time. Those who come late more anon. The farmers are sowing their fall wheat now, and the English im- migrant who imagined that this par- ticulur grain was‘wheat sown before the {all of man. has now been an- lightened. - tn... The members of holding a concert i stitution has never Deal distinguished patronage augumtion. lasagna! to aka a position in the Hon ï¬nk. in’g’w. \ If the automobilist who makes it. his habit to pass through here on Saturday nights will give somebody else a turn, we shall feel much oblig- ed. Buggies monopolizing the side- walk is not. an edifying slght, and the acrobatic feats accomplished by the occupants of the sum-hare start. ling in the cxtrmne. We can recom- mend them to the management of Scarboro Beach. We hope all motorâ€" sists will remembers that. "it's the Pace that kills." Our village supplied quite a few visitors to the Toronto Exhibition, and we venture to'smu- that (his in- stitution has never been under such School opened here but week with a. very large attendance, especially in the junior department. Mr. A. Good as principel. and Miss Mary McCallum an mbmt, make a, very able 3M. Miss Belle Staple. leaves for Whit- bv this week to extend the Ontario here this week. ‘ Everything pronflses well for our fair on the 12th and 18th inst. with 8 larger numb": at entries than in any previous year. rho race track is in better condition than it has ever been here-to-forc. Th0 attendance ought to be a. large one. Road and Kirkfleld hat Visitors to Toronto E Visitors to Toronto Exhibition last week wen: J. Murchison and wife, Bella Carmichael. Maggie Campbell, Lillie Gilchrist. Aida Campbell. Dan. Jameson, D. J. uch. and Jessie D. Campbell. Mr. John Kirkland. who has had serious trouble in in: eye. for some- time post, went. to Toronto last week to consult an oculist. His daughter, His: Minnie, 'nmompaniod Miss Mary D.»Campbell, who has been visiting friends In Manitoba. for the last three monehsl returned homo Mr. Murray Wilson, principal olthe ‘ 'Clnnington High School. paid Wood-a ville a. visit last yeek. Stanley Monish. of Brockville. it not on tho stall at the Standard _-.‘4-4 P College. on the stat! or we aw. here, Mr. Fred Gibbs living! COKE m and 608 SONYA. WOODVILLE a prominent merchant is flaking with friends (Jinn W31. 1" noun-0v. I!“ am. who hu-‘ whit to (rind. 1' by the remit- thI extend “‘9 . Mr. Stevens '11! “'1th V ictorh 3“ Win» ‘99?"- llr. “'In. Uriflin h“ I)... ~- ‘ .. -. i. j; 4 .. ‘ ., ‘ flaring mm at his a“ ' ‘ d»M L. j W W “5' flumps. Wm")! are so ‘ w > . .r - _ 41†north end. 1n n I â€(a ‘0 In. “W“ m w. 9‘“ grams will hun- on:o:h3: " I“ 0"“! MM church on hit utiful plgcos in the north sud-y . ' “W“ “m."s' 1"â€:er into in . ‘1ure, making 11 specidw q a " and chvrrwa, whichhe â€km ‘ , .v ‘ 359m" ‘ grown most auccmsfully hm mm, m banding! have 31h A. l‘iolder has 31d . WA mod gm during the put oeu- Mr. Harry WNW. a; it; son. I: mu Wt bu just has, voting bioa time to age“: In LINDSAY, om. [in Truman left on Suim at“. kflt, where she ‘I‘L‘b'k‘ > w K m t e ‘1th SChUH‘L WW3WWW33336383W m... Sadiep McCaughet." m MW.“ _ 7 ‘ 7 ‘ 7 ,, 47 â€t O day last week in Lt â€9- Miss McCaught-y “:9 ‘y to her school at Powr'es Mach Kiss Nellie MacLachlax: :s 1 I Week with her brother, Mr. Pumps One Plunger Pump. Size :3 In complete with rul eys, suitahh er or pumping water: a long distance. One 2 Pump. size 3 in. by 2 in. by 3 in.. dischargr Pump. belt driven. size of chamber 3 in. Din. for pumping Water for stock or ï¬re purmsvs. Tho show. are m in ï¬rst-elm condition : Owing to the fact that our present plant. is h be replaced with pumps of greater capacity. One Hancock Inspimtor No. 12. 2 in. delivery Exhaust Fan. 10 in. pipe. solid iron. 1500 rev. pm- [urge yteam banter containing 850 running feet 0‘ ,, AAA; 3... L:...|. ntoam nmscure. t' I": By I‘ 2 headers. constructed f 'v . or high steam ressure for septum radmtor for either steam gr hot w WW‘obmn (0., mm Of the most Complete and UP‘ Jewellery Business in the town 0 Giving to ill health I am forced to rctirc rm“ hub-mess if wall offer my entire stock of Watches, Cluck-5. Jew-1k.“ 3] Vel'Ware, China, Cut Glass, etc, etc., beluw Cust. T1115 15 :1 W to get good reliable goods at run ma 1 bargziin L WILLIlH-BT" LINDSAY Bayâ€"3 in.. discharge pipe H - -- - “L. 11: '. I x I. moo; 0‘ o “d '1" uk. M More the cold W 1 Ir. lune But-m.“ ho gm u added to Hit P40 wow-He mm a“... mt build“: of the mom, size 21 in. by m in.. u 5. suitable for feeding 8. One Nothgmy Du l Always means a pair a two of SCHOOL SHOE During the holidays “I. bOys and girls by; worn what they Wm: wear to school. very. One N0 pm minuw. 80‘ 9t 0f: 4 in' pi re. can be La. en water. 1;. Mia “W1 «m. being pipe u in. Um 16 in. stmke . ‘ “‘1'. Frank Boyaton. of '1 W Sunday and Labor Du; It parents at Portage Sta“ Ira. Hector Camrnhon '0!!! last week of the sermu 0‘ her ï¬sts, Miss Kate Mac] Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Mat-1r w friends in and around a“. Who earnestly hope for , rs at mg L “f“ of the mtg: momim ,_ “mm “a In. N. D. IcEachem and nah Cameron left. on Saturd It. and ms. Jas. Rusblun cm into their new house pk. 'Ihia is one of the m in town, and We all i'. and Mrs. Bushland every been in their new home. m Russel Smith has gm he city for a. few weeks' holi‘ u- Cralley â€tended Toro: W for a few days last ‘ lb Mitchell enuartained â€bigndim. G. C. Stu; in days last week in In. Staples' sister visim i in m to suit all I It, for you its many ‘ mum-ted MIME“! “'1 .7 . ,. J. A. waiter returned Ira week's holiday , T. . Walker loaves Ll ’ ' “l I. position in the '- d the bank. 01 ‘ ‘ m citimns ï¬ve a s‘ . ct the Camp“ Maw with his sisters. , and Ira. D. G. Btuce r Bruce are visiting irien mo and Brantford. . Arthur Sangswr spent wee} gith relativoï¬ it. St. In Balsam Lake to McKay's restauran‘ KIBKFIELD up go ï¬nd the long Burns 3 all req my other :, WhiCh Stapl