0n the initiative of Ald. Kyres, the clause in the tobacco license by-law was amended so as to require a $50 Iicsnse for the sale of either cigaret- 12w. cigarette torucco or cigm‘ette paâ€" per, or all three. This amendment created much discussion. 1 hate was some opposition to the amendment, some of the Council believing that it would he Letter to put a. Special li- Ccns": on each of the: items. Ald. Eyres explained that his: object was to restrict us much ax possible the sale of cigarettes. especially to boys. The anwntlnu-nt is 50 arranged that those ulna-ml; paying a $.31! license __._-n n... Ivâ€.- fn “HY o-X'tl'il {01' the L'P‘S'U'P' I . , . Snlnc discussion took place on the "’9†0‘ l""“l-V manor of repairs and ulhm' wm‘ls hmm- o-n Sntun in conmction with Chairman Rew‘s The deceased department‘. 'lhc- Mayor pomted. out. fur "RUIN excel that the Louncd had pledged itselt _ I he r d] against overdrafts; that full consid- an! “ t an nation Should kt.- given to everyliuexn ‘)f pxppnditnre by the whole ()mlncil.‘ Crntury the lat or the result would he the dreaded actively concorl .~)\'nrdraft. It, had been agreed ‘ utl ï¬ning n. the t glr-vious meetings that no further ex-, ‘ ‘ ‘ t ( ionsive work shoux‘d be undertaken, pn-sontod that unless it was a very imperative cull, Cnnscic-ntiously 22d then th’il‘hfglllmc“ smouldhdicgdc rcovo and us a v matter. 3 ; avur t. oug t at - ‘ . - . it\' C u ‘11. 01 AM. Rea should exercxse particular ' (3 m care in not being drifted into ox- the Lount3 1‘" gu‘nse that could be avoided and thon‘ half-mast in re end up as last year with an over-l Scully who help :lralt. Thv (mum-ll dismiss-m1thls1nat:.th0 County Co 102‘ at some length. and the VM‘VVS 01‘ ‘ the Mayor were generally concurred â€'3‘“ ï¬rm. in. in view of the ï¬nancial ennditiun â€â€˜9 deceasmi of the town and the eleCtinn promis- ï¬ve dwughters, 03;â€) t f h ‘t :the other near a ' g 1' v ‘ .“ZV .. . u paymon. s or c In . pumosut lrwnds Will he called up Some discussion. It was dw- ‘ ‘ - - l. - ‘ thv ,, Huh“... 1‘ (Ln-9"] _ . ‘ regrl't tot l . ["0 r 1mm WORK TRANSACTED. BY- LAW AMENDED RE CIGARET- TBS, PAPER AND TOBACCO. DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL MATI‘EHS. ' On Monday evening there was a Special meeting of the Town Council .l 5|.“ â€Jana-u! Eyres explained that r to restrict as much as sale of cigzvrettcs. espe‘ The anmnmm-nt is su ; those illTl,’-'Ml"~' paying “fill nut hanc to [ray c3 handling of the named "A .u'v mm.» fur ln-lmots, ruhlwr emu-s, "ht. l'ul' lh ~ tuwn ('nnstN'hlu-s [tnnnlx- m! mum.- .Iight, (minim-m, us it wus. 11‘.â€th that. tho- uI'th-s chum-n wurw trl' smut-Wham hm (-lummt text- m‘r unll [)l‘ii't‘. (u .\ â€mum-r of mquvsm fur I'vltuirs and m-w sub-walks, 1-142, wvre thor- â€1“;th discussed. In View ()I' the ‘mun's ï¬nances and the rum. that tho Hume“ had pledged iLself lust elm!- tinn nut to have ovurdrufts suggvst- ed the (ioI'n-rring of all but the most n.~cc,~.\s-.ujv walk at this tinm. .\ pc- '1;'ninn. for n smver on Elgin su‘eï¬t TIM met from WiHiam street was up- hrnu-d, us the work was most nec- MEETING OF L‘OLLFH'TOR APPOINTED. The hy-law to appoint a collector of taxes was giv its- regularly .reâ€" qujrcd readings a ï¬nally passed. with Chief Vin-cent. as the Collector. The payments for charity purposes called up Some discussion. It was «1v- cidmi that some now securing charity Ala) v: v . vv_w_, uLy Reeve J ordan, and Aldeï¬he'n Ey- res. Rea, McLean, WyJordan and plain. (l (ht .n’ furnwr Q (jun Hf HI. {prnurd On Monday evening there was a Special meeting of the Town Council and a regular Session of the several .nmth’ “hm-r math-r “rm-m v â€mm-s. .\.~ Mrs, .lucksnn haul R-mt‘r-‘l'. mulm‘ Cvrumn vu~_\‘ cnml 1:) 1;†thu- Hunk- ul' living“. IlHY'a'HII) (-nuld “0W ln- (lull; \ l'evitt mitt ulllnht'l‘ (II. LU'CUHHU‘ zlnnu m- mark of thu tmvn [m :nlh-u- uml the unlin- mm “uniniHn-I- \Vul't' (L'Hll \Eith .\[RS. .1 ACKSUN AGAIN. Hamlin-n of Mrs. Eva Jucksnn, 7- mu! “1911!. was again brought rd us Cunzplaiht 2L! uut the con- 1 Hf th' place hu-(l ln-cn maulv to \‘inccul. Mayor \‘rummnn (‘X- ti thv circumstxnm-s and details 'ntm' M’I'm'ts tn H-ttcr the Cum“- â€1' th's lmly. Sunk-thing Would, Us“. huu‘ to m- (l‘nw Loin“: “in- 1 in. us it “as u-lmust cmLIin â€14- um lauly (:nuhl nut snrvivc wr “hm-r Huh-r prw-nt vim-um- HINIH C [G A RETTE BY-LAW ('(),\I\H'l COMMIITEES \V un' uvt-uunls and 0th' 1h" tmvn m'nm-x't ex Ll'u gmnls. A G Al N lim'ugv. l (Iwflll with L‘h'u Jacksnn, gain brought out the con- hm'n mzulu to :71. 7.52:7- :7. I 5.:1. .....r. 3.2.1:: 7.5.3: 2.7.7 nmliHnnH .m«-. â€H Ht Ill-Calm:- P‘“ â€" . Vcaew of contagious dim â€"- called )"up much discussion. The total ran 1up to about $500. It was felt that the Board of Health had not by any means’ worked in the “W 0‘ the town in the matter or expense, and the general opinion of _ the aldehen was that the Health Board were a little too lavish with the towu mon- ey, and evaded the responsibility they ought to feel bout the matter. Tobacco, bananas, .ranges, sardines. and a motley crew of other luxuries we’re billed against the town. It was pointed out that the law suggested that all who could pay in such cases shall pay, and it was freely said that the Board of Health-should have seen at least that a. reasmzable percentage should 'be borne by patients able to pay. After a general discussion, and the consideration of several necessary re- pairs, pan, the Committees adjourned. Mr. Dennis Scully, one of the most resm-cted and best known of the far- mers of Emily township, died at his hu-me on Saturday evening. The deceased was esteemed alike fur many excellent qualities 0f mind and ht'ul't and his death will lye much regretted. For over a. quarter of a. Century the late Donn-is Scully was actively concerned in the municipal afl-zxirs of the township and he has r0- presentod that muniCipality ably un-(l Conscientiously as a Councillor, a DEATH or THOMAS’ HICKEY, ops Mr. Thomas Hickey, the well-known and popular agent for the hearing (0., died at his home in Harvester achr an 111- ()ps on Sunday morning, m-ss 01‘ only about six; months. were hardly WW- Begg and Eyre! '9†‘ look into the manor. ‘ IHE [ATE DENNIS SCULLY, EMILY. rcox‘e and us a member of the (‘mm- On Monday the flag 01. t)“ Council. at the County building was flying half-mast in respeCt to the late Mr. Scully who had been a member of the County Council for more than 000 term. Ho could pay in such cases and it was freely said that of Health-Shayla have seen leavos ï¬ve sons and and to these and to relatives and closq extended all sympa- LI'NINGHAM-4MILANEY.â€";\t Pe. terhoro, on Wednesday, Sept 4th, 1907, Miss Marguerite Milnncy, se- CO'nd daughter of Mr. Luke Milancy, Potvrboro. to Mr. Joseph Cunning- ham. of Lindsay. GRIFFINâ€"ELLISâ€"At the Metho ‘ t Parsonage. Fencion Fu'lls, by e Rev. M. Cragg, on Wednesday, tember 4th, 1907-. Mr. William . (lritï¬n. to Miss LaVin Ellis, b h of 3hr Township of Fenelun. F1SHERâ€"RICHARDSON.â€"In Toron- to. on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, Miss Belle Richardson. of Toronto. to Mr. (j. X. Fisher. son of Mr. Dunâ€" can Fisher. of Lindsay. 'I‘AYI.()l{â€"'I‘.-\YLOR.â€"At the resi- (ionco of zhc bride's parents, in Min- (h'n 'I‘own'fmip. on Wednesday. Sept. 4. 1907, by Rev. J. Findlay Malo- colm. Mr. Archibald Taylor. and Miss Ada Taylor. both of Mindon. MW ,7 Thetuneral tookplaoeonq‘ueldtyâ€" morning, and Was very largely “a. I ‘ A ‘ Mr; Wilbert DaVison. the pump Smith, spent the latter pert 0: last week at Toronto Exhibition.‘ Mrs. James Thor-burn and two children visited her sister wt W ville- ' Miss Tana Patterson is nolidaying with her brother and sister. Miss W. McKinnou and Miss Mc- Phadden were guests of Miss A. Mp- Kinnon on Iriday evening.‘ . \ school' at Forest Hill on Sunday. Prayer meeting re-cmnmenced- ' on Wednesday evening. Rev. Mr. Wes- ley, the pastor, conducted the ser- wees . ï¬r. Hamilton Collins. of Ospgwa. renewed old acquaintances last week. Mr. J. Milne visited the Sabbath school' at ForeSt Hill on Sundw. THURSDAY. SEPT. 26th.-â€"By Elias Bowes, Auctioneer, credit, sale of farm stock. implements and house- hold fumiture, the property 01' Wil- liam James Maxwell. lot 15. Con. â€"8. Eldon. Sale at. one o'clock and without. reserve. 0 THL‘RSDAY. the 24m Sept. llm'i. By Elias Bowes, Auctioneer. farm stock and implements. the pron-rt)- of Mrs. James Hattie. neur Ret- tio's Sturtion. Verulmn. Sale at 1 o'clockâ€"3742. ON SATURDAY. the 14th Septemlt er, 1907. by Elias Bum-s. -\uciior.~ eor, household furniture and effects, at his residence, No. 3 Sussex-st.. one door south of W. )1. Robson's store. the property of Robert Rich- mond, consisiting of new cook stove and parlor cook-coal stove. drop- head Singer sewing machine. exten- sion table, dining and kitchen chairs, side board. rockers, washing machine, wringer and frame. sofa, bedroom sett, bedstead toilet sttt. dishes, 20 yards Linoleum. New Kam organ. and . various other articlesâ€"374. FARM FOR SALEâ€"100 acres, Lot 6, Con. 12, Janecvme." About 3: miles south of Janetville, cIOSe to schoolhouse and chm-oh; brick ve- neered house ; all cleared ;. barn 32 x. 86 (eat, on stone ; straw shod 35 Farmers and others requiring frcoh meats in large quantities call at. Cal- vvrt's as We intend aching at reduc- ed prices. WAX’TED. â€"â€" We «in begin picking over peas about the let. 0f Septem- ber and shall require a number of Smart young women. not under 16 years. Any who wish to Secure a place forA the season and have nut _1 _-ll mussus. LAIDLAW‘A’NU MACDON- ALD want good places to winter cattle. Apply Victoria. Road, 0m. FOR SALE OR TO RENTâ€"Solid brick house, four bed rooms up- stairs, double parlor, dining room, . kitchen, w00dshed, good celiavr. Ap- ply at 92 Fair Avenue, or at. this . ofï¬ce.â€"37-tf. 4 acres land, I'mmc- voltage, [mud well, house to necouxmvdam 300 hens, brooder houses, K: x (BU. Brood- ers, iocubators, hens, etc. lllhmlth reason for selling. Fur particulars write J. P. Riley.â€"-36-3. ELL OTT LOSTâ€"0n Monday, August 26th, a. rod cow with u white spot. on her forum-ad and a large white star on her left. hip. Anyone knowing where she is pious: notify John Rooks, ...I,.it,tlo Britainâ€"86+). (hnrnnr Yang}, timid Aluxundur Stream have secured positions this yeï¬'r. Demand i.- fm- greater than the supply. Edueute. for business posi- tinns and you will get them. but the edueutl u must be First-Clams. Students admitted at, any time. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal 01 x 20 iq connection. Further par- ticulars may be Vhad from Thomas Reaslip, at J amtville.-364L 'IAvv yes left their names will pleasd call at the ofï¬ce at, once and do so. The work is clean, easy and health- ful, and smart Operators can earn from $14 to $18 per month. Wages paid fortnightly. JAMES. M SQUIER SON.â€"33-4. Hundreds of Students of the Popular and Successful A ELLIOTT fl,â€- Poultry Plant for Sale Farmers Attention SALE REGISTER ll. CALVERT 6'; SUN. Academy Block. Marriages l’uruntu. Um. 138 6'05; Establ’d ( 7*. v' This is the event that heralds the arrival of Fashion’s neweSt conceptions---the formal showing of our latest importations of Women’s 'Raimen't from Paris,’ London and New York, The Cleverest designers in these fashion centers have contributed their smartest creations to this exhibit---an assemblage of beaut1ful Fall Ellects which is a tribute of good taste every discriminating woman will appreciate. to wow“ The most careful discriminationâ€"the most prudent economy, are here afforded an unusual opportumty themselves m the selectton ot Carpets sultable for every room. . . \ Union Carpets Tapestry Squares Brussels Carpet: 7 Bruno!- Squam Floor Oilcloths Axmi S ““65 Wool Carpets Wool Squares Wilton Carpet. Inn... Squares» Cork carpets Oilcloth 1‘} kinds Tapestry Carpets Velvet Squares Axminlter Carpet Ema ï¬gure. Linoleum: Mats of a tall ‘ do your Take advantage ofthctfgefï¬fags anithe special trains that the railways nï¬'er to you on our Fair days, and A black Taffeta Special. imported direct from the makers, it’s a. rich lonking silk and has a good feel to it -- soft in ï¬n- ish and promi e: to give good service. It's cheap just now when raw sxlks are so high in price. Yard 850 Black Taï¬â€˜eta Noblesse. a new black taffeta silk. with the words “wear guaranteed" woven on the selvcdge. very rich jn co!ur and ï¬nish. We claim for this silk that it is better value! thanzwr: gave» last seamm zglthough silks are costing us much more During our opening days we will make it per yard ................................ I ...................... 850 Artistic patterns.Ȏombining a reï¬nment of design with .a richness ot weaves exceeding any former have seen, distinguish the new Carpets now ready for your inspection. _ ' The Sink creation of those designers whose ideas establish the latest vogue the world .over are duplicated in our new displays of Fall Headgear for Women. Trimmed with the artistic touch which betrays the hand of master-miliiners, this showing of the newest eflepts in flats and Bonnets furnishes a treat indeed for women of particuiar taste. We consider this array of smart Headwear our greatest Millinery achievement. A very special line of black I’eau de Soiv: Silk on sale dur- our opening davs, this make we quarantee and can fully warrant eve '3! yard to gi 'e good wear. We have only a limited quantity and it 'won’t last long. It’s French make and dyed, that‘s what gives it such a lustre... 790 The new weaves and color-combination. are suggestive of the outer apparel of a. most oharmin g characterâ€"they furnhh a most inspiring study for the woman who will have her garments tailored to order. Gathered together in their respective sections of the Store are the new dress materials which will predominate in the making of this Fall’s attire for fashion- able women -a brilliant profusion of exquisite Silks, augmented by an assortment of Dress Fabrics which exceeds in richness and range of patterns anything we have ever offered. Extra. Values in Black Silks‘ The New Fall Millinery Silks and Dress Goods shOpping with in}. , We can. save you manydollartbf gidiigflaivï¬vit‘u‘isé;’§ Greatest 510“- Carpets of New Design OF FASHION’S APPROVAL A distinctive note runs all through these new Fall Garmentsâ€"it is a} parent in the tailoring as well as the fabrics. Summing up ‘11 . 7 good qualities, we might say in a word that it’s their exclusive styleéhz1r acter which will appeal to fastidious dressers. r. They are here in numerous modelsâ€"fashions from beautiful Broad cloths, Cheviots, Barges and Tweeds. ' Children‘s and Misses’ New {all coats, three- quartcr and full length. loose bacxs «rapped over shoulders forming at Gibson style. tummed with fancy buttmngwaist and sleevcs lined, colors are in brown. navy and myrtle green. also in mix- ed t ' ed‘. Price .“f. S $7.00 Price i’ 1 Jill Ladies' and Maid’s Tweed Coats. in long, loose back sules. made with three stra 3 down backs, Gibson 5 oulders. double and single breast- ed. these are in dark greens and browns, and several lines of mixed twecds,waist§ are all lin- ed, sizes. are {row 30 to a??? $10.00 Two Coat Specials Another vcrv fashionableliue of ï¬ne dress ; Sedans Ur Chifl'on ï¬nished Broadcloths. :30 m6] ï¬nished like a piece of :utm. They come {n Wt 0t browns. biues. reds. wines. grcens and 1 mm also ifl black. Per yard Scotch Tartan Plaids arc again to be much. show in this dress goods stn- k a full range 0‘ rrtans. it’s a British cloth. 43 in. wide. it's 3 tag! the plaids are brought out in clear strong C“ suitable for waists. skirts. children‘s dresses. 1" Some thirty-ï¬ve pattern Dresses of the very 1 and ï¬nest qualities. These come in the rich nev browns. blues. pueres and dark clarets. The very handsome invisible plaids and stripes. q only one dress ofa pattern, Prices $12.50 to I Fashionable Dress Goods Misses' Navy Biue and Grey Venetian Cloth Suits. double breasted and semi ï¬tting coats. skirts are 15 gore. Seams are double stztched in yoke effects. and pleated from yokes down, sins are 14-, 16 and 18 years. Ladies’ Cloth 8: Tweed Suits. made with coats of the new cut away styles, with tight ï¬tting backs. braid and appli- que trimmings. skirts are pleated and very full around, these come in colors of brown, navy blue. myrtle green and black, sizes 34- to 40. Prices- $35.00. $30.00. 233:3?:‘::: $20.00 Price The Fall Suits $15.00 Ladics‘ Mid and Dark (3 rcy Tweed Skirts made with straps and pleats. fancy button trimmed. made in styles sptcially for stout ï¬gures, waists are from 24 to 36, lengths 38 to 44 inches. .‘ffffzxxxxz; $4.00 Ladies’ black Panama Cloth Skirts. hard ï¬nish. ed materials. will not gather much dust. made in ï¬fteen gore styles. pleated down each gore, full around bottom, a lull range of sizes to select from. The price coo-coo... ...-. Two Skirt Specials flaw-covering g colorS. ,. Per Yd r‘ latPSt dCSi‘ms new shadiflgs 0 Fhe designs a“ :rv flC :1: $6.00 $22.50 3 $1.75 worn. the leading serge flux 51: est This seas .beautiful 8}) turersâ€ar1. Alsike Red Clove Timothy We are again pro] pay the very H1 market price for all g Glover and Timotwl Show us sample b0 cellâ€"it will be to Vantage. Will send q by return mail to a iorward us samples. J Farmers mav 1w ‘ e!" mills at Mariposa, hnd,B1ackwam.1 Cmswell, etc, 1‘ R CHARGE to clean L! thn’ s GoldeJ M Wheat for The wea designs Yer) Before 5" Fall Mani You’ll ï¬nd i Daily arr‘ Long Coa garments an in the most Gxu‘ Bri' moot. cw o! Ritual MI Bank M It}