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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Sep 1907, p. 7

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Iur benefit STITUENCY .II’ WA! Bhflmtitm Dances for the Machlné’s Benefit H ‘mlinuul from Page 3.) Laws that the}? were second “1916* ! Mr leirld mm: not. appear t0 have «amt ilr‘ smnu to go anywhere W oiidfim a \indiratiun, as he did With Mr I-mecranu, nor dld he W G mutual friend to obtain a, statement frm Mr. Sifmn in regard to rumors fl MFL‘Ulallnn its was done in tbs 043:; of Mr. Hyman. couc- :\BSI".NT 'l‘lil‘llrl‘MENT. , Mr, Human went aJhi’Oad in Novem- Some firsr of ‘1‘st yvar. He began to refligfl ernment “13 sea: at the same time and keptirlfle' T" ail: (luring scx’nral months, fiM'HY‘ mu)“ 3“‘7"9*‘f1irwq almnt the first of April. tractor, “.13 his Salary as Minister of Public doesnm \\ :As at Simm a year paid doWn the ri- 3'3 the am‘vointment of Mr. Pugsley a. were mi "a *‘15 ell 1110 same Lune mlu wry , “-3 durinv 5. “my months, finally: cesaione are to be made to the con- eminw at...“ the first of April itractor, hfom whom the Government V“ hs Ntlurv Us Min-eater ofPublic doeSnot seem to'be able toget all t \S ,I my...» a War paid dowu the . rifles. on which large advances1 3 “1‘? 3P ‘0 ntnunc of Mr Pugstevy a were made years ago. The contract. “‘7 duh 1:24) ‘7 has been violated repeatedly and per-‘ HP AY LFS“ ORTH S lsisvtflntly in (aim: of this contractor, ATISFIED. I ‘ \ mmgnq 0' [he 0 t Reform and many believe that he has himsel!‘ \Mc at m n aria ‘suflered heavily by demands fqr po-i he ' M" Md ”“5 “'99“ m litical contfibutions. or. for adm- ”. n ’ “r‘ ‘ “worth t°°k °c‘ sion at anagrams. meanwhile the “”11 “‘ \LV that Sir Wilfrid hm!G Go I III ii the Boss'i‘oflé.‘ :19?“ ”W West man in 9131“" whtle the cantpetitots mime impen- " h” ” ‘-“"‘*"* “W a“ the 0mm" amt cantata the the weapon thatm if”? ’“" "F“"Wd 3“ Graham discafiédd fat the heat flower, \ 1 cm rth “ ould say that Sit {as flaunt” W m m {1m 59 “.3: “ml 3 9r r '1 d ”If snne when he“ passeti: My {:3 r». hut-d and call‘édin mi 3535 m m {with with the WW!“ :tjcvrlyroty h msplf but 111‘; hefty ié “W 3 t “a” m , ‘ .. .nnt ummhrlonslv of Hit“: 81”“- w a}. em‘m my“ 1'. .v :2 Th .‘Iinis-‘er of tastiest Mb“ 4%“; M m :2!“ who (\f hi: dwfl WWW“ WM and :PM h gh praisé dfi HF W 31‘ ~,,. ”N 1mm m. cmattet a? £33 m xv in its last at”; five“ ”3mm: await MP; WWII :2“ “m Mum haw » ‘r Want Me MN! kg m w 8’“ “it. 94mm , grim; nt‘ theme " stat Ht Wt ‘ “H98“ tussmtmfi; hm!- hm Mam “new“? it M81699 that mum ‘ ' "F as! Ms 34 inches Wide, in browns, gen and burgaDdYS, all ‘WOOI' A‘ We inviteypu {0 our FSH Opening and Anniversary 5319,. V151tors,to our ' Hal-r” will do well‘b’y‘cOming to thlS store and maklrfg Itoyour headquarters while in Remembar Our New Promisel, H- ' ...... if...’....$1.oo J. W. WAKELY Lindsay MMFMQ 9"; A GREKiV Some one has ernmen't organs Irifle. This may Icessions are to atee wag have as political magi: gage” adding; “Wg prefer the 5mm 19 the, inwrnfltmfl This mania m Ma 99% reflectien upon the mw Minister of Public; Works, Palm: 931 allegiance sits lighsly an Mr, Pugglgy. and Ma intermission have boat; numerous and varied, To make things still more intereshing tha President at one of the 1‘0th Libs era! organizations declared that 089 of the appointmggts to the Miniatry "ma g diagrams in Sir Wilfrid Lauâ€" rier." Black Broadcloth Coats, “Imâ€" ported,” loose style, a. leader at ........................ $10.00 Double breasted Coat of blk. Kersey clothfiJapanese “shoul- der efl'ect, very stylish $15.00 Coats of good quality black cloth, trimmed with vélvet and military braid. Special at only ........................ $5.00 2 dozen ‘pnly, Tweed Chats, good style, well made. Clear- mg at...... S pecial Ladies’ Raincoats of blue cra- venette, well made, good style. Clearing at ............... $1.50 Two dozen only, Ladies’ Raincoats, tweed efl'ect, well made, rainproof. At...$1.98 Call and See Them This is one of our new De- partments and is overflowing with new and stylish furs. Lindsay’s New Fur House BEST OF ALL SEE OUR PRICES Fur Coats, Caperines, Knife, Mafia, etc., rang- ing in price from $1.90. to $100.00. All New AGAIN TEE ROSS Mantle Dept. One D'oor East of Dominion Bank Plum “'1 started out the GOV‘ to praise the Ross that new con- mum; MES? 55 m am new a WILL FIND NEW STRENG‘TR IN THE UHE OF DR, WILLIAMS PINK FILMS. A great. may young man end w0= men are swdenly sailed with week: pass, Their appetite tails them; they tire on the 1m: exertion. and bee come pgle and thin, They do not. feel any specific painâ€"rjust weakness. But that. weakness is dangerous. It. is a sign that the blood is thin and watery; that. it needs building up. Dr. Williama' Pink. Pills will restore lost strength because they actually make new, rich bloodâ€"they will help you. Canoernlng them Mr. Alfred Lepuge, of 81:. Jerome. Que., Iaye: "For several years 1 Mafia been em- my 1 stmngihrlbexggnnto leave {no ; I W -â€"â€"u grew‘v pale, thin and extremely week. Our family doctor ordered a oom- plate rest. and advised me to remain Ou't'of doors as much as. possible, so an uncle who lived in the Laure-n- tides. I was in hope that the bracing mountain air would help me, but it didn’t. and I returned home in a. dupluwble stats. I mm subject to dining“; ‘i‘ndlgestiou and general very ‘simnar to‘ my awn cured rat lwn u... . n..- Waugh , the use at in»; Mining .-;_.-.-= 1 PM #1139; m1 1 aaeiaed in are} Ag mamas“; mimnmm and 3‘ than a mat Arm em {Hui 38:39 BMW were am- day 911;“ng as a? the guns 1 Mt WM? simmwfl: a, wish 61 ms ems enemas: v30: .3 533mm 9m m was {mm mm: lm m we; why sum me; i smug” “may Ma; “Ma H! mm amateur m a; and mu u ifliflwfimuasfih-W' 135mm m I 1 Mmkmnaam m B; W?” :' Inummm WEAK. SICKLY PEOPLE . . duo 03:58.3 .50 alum; .335“? {53.988 Ziaâ€"33.833685» .393 ”13 :Sauuowuuuonniuo RECEPTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE D.R.A., AND [85. HUGHES, WAS A BRILLIANT FUNCTION. The Ottawa. Citizen in its report of the D.R.A. matches at Ottawa last Mrs SOCIETY AT THE D. R. Matches ion Cartwright, Mr. 3nd Mrs. bol- lard, Mrs. and Miss Nectmt. Rev. and Miss White. Mrs. Crawford Ross. Mr. Steacey. Mr. and Mrs. Niqola Mrs. H. P. McDonnell, Mrs. cushy. Mr. Chas.‘ Stuart. 31'. and In. ‘ T. G. Rothwen, m.) at. Case Chap- ter Rowéé, Dr. and Mrs. Echnn, Mr. Hamilton M’Carthy, Miss McCarthy, Colonel and Miss Irving Dr. Robin- , Captain» Hart. Pat 1qu the Prize tain; Hart; St;~ John. Mr. i. May. mm, Mr. Denis Miss Lily Beason, M188 Mar- bx: girlhood u [’0’ C.P.R. TO BUILD fROM KAMLOOPS 10 EDMON ION NAL DOCKS. ' It mustb‘e conceaed thatthe c.1>. R. has figured very largely in the growth of theWeat. and it is inter- estingto note that the railway in- tends to grow with that growing country.‘ According to the Edmonton Journal a. line is to be built [mm Ed. mated to Kamloops in the mar In- ture. The Journal says :â€" COLIPQNY HAS THE ROUTE SUB- VEYED AND PLANS PREPAR- ED. ESTABLISHING TERRI- R. Max-pole. ofthe C.P.R., reached here yesterday to meet “he shippers or the city who are dissatiSfied with the terminal arrangements now in (one in connection with tht l“. N.‘ railway. When theline was. in the‘ hands of the Hon. Jas. Dunsmuix’ the; depot at Store streets and the yards them and in Victoria west sufficed {or tramc. There has been such an enormous development under me new managunent that the congestion is hampering business badly. The com- pany wants to clear the C.P.R. lands on Vancouver Island. but so tar the railway and land company have not been able to complete arrangements. 1! the meeting to-day fails in clear- ing up the untteer it is likely the 0. RR. willdo the clearing by employ- ing machinery. The cleaned areas will be laid out in such away thata man may buy two hundred acres which pet-Mp. twentyor forty will be dared, the remainder being grail? able for. timber or cord wood. and the whole being purchmble at. a. mudi lower figure than under the original plea of clearing all the land. Mr. Harpolethinks the cost oi clearing will be lower than the estimates al- lowed, but thinks each of his gangs willbe chin to cletr up half an acre Several miles nearer the ooetn than Old Alborniu lathe objective of the C.P.R. {or its llne acrosh VmcouVor Island. according” a. statement by Mr. Harpole. He announces am the llne will becautlnuod fight down to New Albernla, where them ls deep water for the lloeru without dredging. He denles that the CJ’M. owns any townllte at Albemle. but states M has a large portlon of water front from the Andemon syndicate of La!» don. and will let thin to mills and other Induntrlal enterprises. Mr. larpole states the 1'2; and N. m“ seek a. subsidy at the next ses- aiou of the “murder an extension "1' the limtrom Cnmnl. to which point theyalwly haw a «tummy. as far as emu ufiwrx m 0.1%“. has decide-d w emnmmve immedtaw ly the construction arm lime from Kamlnam ca Waterman vi. the North Thampngn Riven This New mutton is flowed from Mum mm: ILL ‘LA Gfifl thiug twain Mont! Mush wim mu} Hague»! headquarters. fir. Mum alum tolhie plan (e piece hetero Hirl Thee, Sheurtmeisey when he arrives} in British Column in September” accompanied by some or the directors: at the railway. The 0.9.11. owuetba‘ charter covering the continuation of; this route and is in Damien of} comprehensive reports and field notes; which were made years ago when the intention was to build the main line‘ through the Yellowhoad Pass and down to the North Thompson River. Having this mics-motion at. hand. the C.P.R. is placed at. an advantage over competitive lines which plan to build lines over practically the same route; 'Ihe route as surveyed was by the eestubcnkuot the North River to the mouth of Gledrwater where it «oases to the west bank. It then {01- lowe the general course or the river to the Albreeda, River where it. again «once and there locus the Thomp- mn to follow theAl'breeda. on the west and north for some distance, and thence on the south and eqst sides 0! the river to Tete Jaune Cache, whens it would meet. the road from Edmon- wWILJON’. Mrs. Hette‘er's old stand MRS. 9’4 STAMELEN (late of Chicago) Hm morning. Such climate condi- tions came an a. pleasurable surprise 7to the majority of people, who had Neon led by the experience olthe past. six months to expect anything but brilliant weather. Given a. fine day. ’inothing else, is wanted to make the lahow one of the most successful in lthe Three Kingdoms. not Only as an ‘equlne carnival, but as n nodal {unc- A OPENS m SPLENDID WEATHER WITH ATTENDANCE LARGE AND BRILLIANT AND VERY SATISFACTORY ENTRIES. .1. Luv.” .â€"â€"_â€"--- Cowman mamas, sendstbe the impassivve judges Wawhman-Wuwder a. copy of The Ev-' points. in the boxes ming- Henld, (Dublin) of Tuesday, lippod agile grooms August 27th. containing a. nope i ' the great‘that of thawwitera Dublin Horse Show. The Hmld ontoâ€"everywhere th< |A__A_- -o -6onntinn sun It is probably the social side of the Show that .ppeala'co the many. 0: course its unique position amongst the home shows, as a horse show, goes without saying; but after all, the "friend of man" does not.make uniwrsul appeal to the public, and if it. were‘ to rely solely upon its mer- its it. is doubtful if thename and fame of the great summer display«a.t Ballsbridge would ubtract Al TITHE OF THE ATTENTION that it does at present. he the dis- play 0! horses never so magnificent. This year the Show is even move conspicuously brilliant as 3 social inaction than ever before. The Inter- national Exhibition ins been a. mag net to draw thousands to the Inna capital during the past few months, and even before Horse Show week the hotel accommodation of the city was taxed to its Utmost capacity. Where the additional thousands who have come up for the Show can find shaker and food. in a problem that banal aolubion. If the fine weather had not come with such unexpected- neos. it is probable that some enta- prialna individual might have start- ed a city oi tent in the fields adja- cent to Ballabridge, with the VERY JUBTIFIAIHJC EXPECTA- TION oi reaping a iair prunt. The Show grounds. spaclom as they am. today gave plain evidence tint so far u at- m mt this year was goiq to namely ever more em. and ‘ use Mun-Gamma of g more maul pumnn character than (Wan WM4 showms came remember. am your no was Mum mm maple pasty. a! through the tummm; Maren than number will prumhly m INCREASED BY A THIRD. '1‘“ entries («his year total 1.815. which in beta“! the maxim tor 1m youkdfibb. It pi, however. above the ”map tor the pm on years. which was 1.898. The mm am 0! mm! mivad during the “my. years a! the nbaw'u existmoa was in 1897. when the mm M 1400. There lava been minus when they talk below 1.900. but “have boa Arm. It. should!» borne in mud, however. that. it is not to the: total any that the wow owes its amt- uau, but. to the (act. that it. in the must show of hunters in‘the world the hunter chases being the backbone of the fixture. This year's display of hunters shows no falling away fro u.) WQQUKy‘ , ; .4 ‘ "div PREVIOUS mans.“ ‘ 3 The Lord Lieutenant. Earl of Aber- ‘dem. «rived “the show inhis mo- tor“. 12.80. His Excellency, ’who D Beneath the smile of and/the Hon. Mefl'yn Williams, A D“ 0., was received at. the entrance by the Earl of WM and othflmetn; beta of the Council ofi the Royal Dub- as" 3min "imam am pm ”‘1- u v- vâ€". lin Society. The distinguished: party ill-It disputed the' hunters ma then prom to fltit the dimt rings. In addition to what our Game mm mm can the "but to." w W M #01331; WW Junâ€"(m... mm 1km same In summons £Mhieuh tram audit; did DUBlIN’S GREAT SHOW accompanied by Elliott. the Ontario Show benignart , ”gum o: thewedters in the manur- Hereld Into-cverywhel‘o the horse was the lean-m of attraction and surrounded limrt ' by admdring crowds. Conversation, to opflied a large em, dealt with the stable coma-"and the turf. Veterans spun yarns urprise: 0‘ the past. and the younger genera.- .n had “on discussed the merits of the pre- fingadmthebhzingwnthepm' tumue 3m looked their w- Everywhere was life and naval!“- Avowedly it w THE DAY OF THE HORSE, whewuthomdmired otalluhnir- ers. Inthoringlwemoquine beau- sent. Immc'ulately dressed scions of aristocratic houses, fraterniaed with shirt-sleeved, straw-chewing groans. who "knew a. thing or two," and daintily' attired lad-log picked their way among tbs mazes of the stalls to admire and caress the quadruped which had the honor to belong to their gentlemen friends and relatives. A SITUATION GWemmen‘ aha} Kent Street East ant. a goodjalary awaits eve:y graduate of the Jdntml Busi- ness College. Experience proves this positively. 1‘n1cr any time. Catalogues tree. Write W. H. Shaw, Principal. Yonge and Gerrard streets. Toronto, Canada. Civil Service Reform Writeufcrour ; ministened to his assiduity rivalllns I in the restaur- tennis! 09. d initial.

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