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Watchman Warder (1899), 19 Sep 1907, p. 10

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”The threshers are new awt Wonk, and wee-IE. although the grain is yielding fairly, A new cement walk has been plac- it is not fulfilling the expeCtations 0f ed in' front of the Methodist ChuI‘Ch, the farmer. Wheat is pretty fair,. and improves its appearance very peas gOUd- barley medium, and oats much. Mr. Griffin had the contract. Smemlly “gm- ! The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist ,,-\ lawn- sncial was held at the home ‘church intend having an Oyster sup- vai Mr. Wm. Si-mms on Friday evening per in October. last. The lwtxutiful lawn was lighted: by Chinese lanterns. A gond crowd usemhntxi. and enjoyed, themselves well. A booth was erected on the _ V Y - ‘ grounds at which ice cream, candies, HALIBI'RTOI“ HAPPERINGS. and Other duinties were sold. Supâ€" .. ‘ pa was also served. after which a (bum the Recorder.) program 0f recitations, singing, etC., Dr. Mackenzie is leaving his medi- was rendered, and 3‘“ then disl’eWCd'cal professmn here and is going to to their Several homes, satisfied “'lthi'l'oronto, probdbly next month. The . ,l , -A. _ _)- Ila-‘4‘ ml IIFn frnm thfi VillaEe ____._¢â€"â€"-i._ iHE WEEK’S NEWSof the. _ mum and DISTRICT Interesting Items Gathered by Correspondents ' porters from Around the Neighborhood. lord's upon it- Herb. Switzer, who has been work- ing for Arthur Switzer, has now gone L at-_....Ano-k u:q ago was very badly putting up a, track in barn. is making very mat. and will soon around again- The recent rains hz‘ good towards improvi also the root crop- Mr. George Dunn i5 the proceedings. gang among friends ,Powle's Corners. Lug AU: .15 unu- ~----_--, V v back to his home at Monmouth. His sister, Miss Ida, was also visiting at Cameron. Arthur Switzer, who some time ago was very badly injured while putting up a. track in Mr. Sluggitt’s born. is lacking very rapid improve- merit. and will soon be able to be stoci Mrs. McRobex-ts is visiting her sis- ter. Mrs. '1‘. Brisbin. Mrs. R. Handley spent a. few days. in Haliburton lag}. Week. | Miss E. Nichols, Victoria. Harbor,3 is enjoying a. pleasant holiday at Mrs_ D. Nichols’. E , _._ --. A. ;mh them W- Anglican cl members or. ltiss ev. Mr. Seward, Kinmount. deliv- "-v__ . \ Clara. English, of Lindsay, vi- Bumt River friends over Sunâ€" instructive semen in the church on Sunday. The of the congregation were to have their former rector 31331.43 is on the sick list. ,_---_-, Hill has rented Mrs. Lang- 1. and has begun to plow CAMERON. of Toronto, is vis- is at Cameron and I Mrs. Austin, Bobcaygvon, visited her granddaughter, Mrs. Shcehen, last, HALIBIVR'I‘ON HAPPENINGS. (me the Recorder.) Dr. Mackenzie is leaving his medi- cal professxon here and is going to Toronto, probdbly next. month. The doctor’s departure from the village is considered a great loss, as he Both practical and genial. The Dr. Mackenzie lS leavmg ma [Hutu- cal professmn here and is going to Toronto, probably next month. The doctor’s departure from the village is considered a great loss, as he l'toth practical and genial. change is for a broader practice the city. ' Lest Sunday while Messrs. Chas. The uncillors Deyman and Sims. m tee of preVious- meeting read and ap-. FENELON FALLS COl'NCIL. Fenclon Falls, Sept. 10, 1907. Council met in lieu of regular meet- ing. Present, Reeve Mason and Co- proved. Mox'ed by Dr. Sims, seconded by Kellett, J- Anderson. H- and W. Aus- Mr. Austin, that the reeve sign orders tin, were returning from a. trip their gasoline yacht down the lakes. they encountered 9, wildcat swimming? in the water approaohing the shore. The apparent dauntlcss courage of in for the following accounts :â€" 11. Rutherford, sidewalk work, $7.- 60 ; E. $29.30, H. York, water to Lane‘s fire, $2 work on streets, $6.65 - Minu- , Lansfield. balance sprinkling, l i l l l i I l 1 l l l l l the animal probably saved’his life, Frank York do. $3.75 . W. L. Robp for the boat crew viewing the fact of having no fire arms. were willing to allow the animal to proceed unmoâ€" lasted. What appeared at first to be a fatal result of an electric shock oc- curred at Mr. Wm. Hudgins' near the Buck-Horn road, about six miles south of the village, when his youngl son, freight on. lumber, $9, on shut-tâ€" ing for tower $5.26; J. Jones. sal- ary, $36.25; Water, Light 6; Power (30., current, $37.02: Pedlar People, sheeting, etc., for hose tower, $160.- 40; T. Scott, drawing plank and work, $8.50.-â€"Carried'. Council then adjourned. __.._â€"+â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" v '--v- Later reports of Monday's storm state that a bolt of lightning visited the school house about three miles south (.-_ the village lmuwn as Mr. Fly.» '5 school, striking and splitting the flag pole while school was in pro- grgss shaking the pupils un .m‘ly. also the teacher. Miss Murray. A tremendous thunder storm pre- vailcl over this locality last Monday at nofi'l time. The vivid lzghtning. acCOmpanied by immediate peels of almost. deafening roars of thunder ga 19 evidence of its mamess. After later than Sept. 20th, parties to no- tify the Clerk on or before Sept. 20th whether they will accept the same. Vunstoneâ€"Gordonâ€"The account of Fred HePpenstall for $3 for drawing tile be paid. ‘ lordonâ€"Vanstoneâ€"That this Co- uncil levy for all purposes $2,000, and a. by-law be passed to that ef- fect. By-law 127 levying rates as fol- IOWS : County rate $295.64. Village rate $848.82, School rate $598.00. Debenture rate 8257. 4. layâ€"law Heppenstallâ€"McKeeâ€"JI‘hat and 127 hopesaed, and the Reeve ~~ Clerk sign and seal the same. Gordonâ€"Vanstoneâ€"An amendment to by-lnw 126 to read 350. per rod instead of 25c. The Council then ed- a" 1035: as he .ing. Present. Reeve M850?! and 00-} ThlS is a Vale of tears! MRI-there- [Dd genial. The uncillors Deyman and SimS. Minn-1 fore let us draw a veil OV'er the tanker practice m tee 0f PFBViOUS‘ meeting read and tip-i sparse attendance at our iii-5L Gun-d proved. :meeting. The whole Society (tradi- 1" Messrs. Chas. Moved by Dr- Sims, seCOnded hyition and all) seemed to be on the n. H- and W- A“? Mr. Austin, that the wave sign orders H‘rink of eternityâ€"one false step and from a "i9 1“ for the following 'accounts :â€" Hts remains would lie shaken? at 1 down the lakes. 1?. Rutherford, sidewalk work, $7: the bottom of the abyss! (figura waly wildcat swimming 3 60 ; E. Lansfield. balance sprinkling,§speaking)-. But it was not yet to be! “whim; the Show' $29.30, water to Lane's fire. $2 IWith the genius inborn of’the tactiti- tlcss courage 0‘ H. York, work on streets. $6.65 ' lcian our minister came to the res- l-V saved’his “‘8' Frank York, do., $3.75; W. L. Rob-:cue, with the brilliant suggestion iiewing the fact 0f son, freight on. lumber, $9, on shoeb‘ that meetings should be held “very ’ were willing to ing for tower $5.26; J. Jones. salâ€" two Sunday evenings, under 1hr aus- to proceed unmnâ€" ary, $36.25; Water, Light Power-{pious of this; same Guildâ€"and a was (30., current, $37.02; Pedlar People,fwen with us. ‘ first to be a sheeting, etc., for hose tower, $J60.-‘ On Sunday evening last. he Rev. electric shock oc- 40; T- 360“. drawing plank andJH, I). Loitch gave a short midi-ea; on Hudgins' near .the work, $8.50.-â€"Carried'. iJoh-n Knox, the famous Seuttish about six miles Council then adjourned. 'evanselist. Tho Misses Claudia and e, when his youngl ______‘____ .Eva Rundlo ably rmdered a duct, and ~ars was 1ylng on. nrnnn"f‘l 1' c‘ ("\lfml‘Il. Asmging‘ pract 59 was_indulg_cd in: SAL 5the storm was 9ver the hill gave 1p: Juf (f the contact by the riddled fitreus and wild furrows through the Isurrau- of the ground. One smxll R'CTiL”'-“?h 0" the electric fluid descended the chimney of Mr. Bain's house on ‘ "Vest Avenue, disconnecting the stove ' .pisws and escaped through the favor and Re- near the qtove in the dining zoom v'iinto the ceilar. Mr. Bain. who was sitting about three feet off where , . the boit penetrated the floor, was 011, “sued not injwred in the least exeept being nceheu, last, sonecuhat startled. His twu daugh- ters were in the kitchen, and were not somuch éurprised; Another °f’"“â€" “‘f“ “"“'“"° "" "I" . small bolt of lightning struck in: the coffin was procured at Mmdcnéd and yard beside the home of Mr. George the 59d heuntod mother: return next Potts, extracting from the ground a $211553:- {Ezqsgefitbgg mam-Sim- deeply rooted post used for the pur- â€"-M'l1d‘en Echo. pose of holding a. clothes line. Other. reports of destruction has reached? â€"â€"â€"--0â€"â€"â€"“’ here, but are not confirmed. Old' DENTAL. timers 533' it is a. long time 5‘1‘993 One of the firm of Neelands Ir- they saw such a downpour 01' Pam'vine, Dentists. Lindsay, will be at of such duration. . The streets look-l Goodcrham on Sept. 24th. Tory Hill on Sept. 25th. ed more like rivers than public thor-‘ Willmrforceâ€"forenoon, Sept. 2cm. oughfares. ‘ -_..___+â€"â€"-â€"â€" Kmmou‘ut on Sept. 27th. Call as early as possible. nuvmr Av vii l’ I u (‘nl’-\'(‘Yl. 'v. ~ The village‘ council met on August 29th. Members all pqescnt. _. .___ A letâ€"t}; was read' from Dr. Gallo- way, Pregident of the Agricultural Society, re wirg fence. n.- A . n, , "1 >74‘_ vvv-v . v.’ ' l-Ieppenstall4ordonnTha-t the clerk notify the Agricultural Society. W. Boacroft, and W. Grant to remove their fence, and the Council agree to pay them 350. per rod to put up wire fences, or in they do not accept the 35c. per rod that they appoint arbitrators, the arbitration to In not later than Sept. 20th, parties tn no- tify the Clerk on or before Sept. 20th whether they will accept the nanny . Vunstoneâ€"Gondonâ€"The account of Fred Heppensmll for $3 for drawing tile be paid. ..._ . ... n }o;o;x;\7anstoneâ€"mat this Co- uncil levy for all purposes 52.000. and a by-Iaw be passed to that. ef- WOODVILLE CO UN (11 L. On Tuesgg! evening while Mrs. Fry, of CWVOD, was returning fro-affo- ronto with her two little girls and accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Russell, of Toronto, who with her baby a few months old, was intending to spend a. few weeks with her uncle, llr. Wm. Russell. of Carnal-van. the baby died on the road just out from Gelert. The night was rainy, and extra pre- cautions ere taken to keep the child warm and dry, but these were the canoe of its death, as it smothered soon, after leaving the station. A coffin was procured at minder). and the sad hearted mother returned next morning to Toronto. She was enm- ing out for the benefit of her health. -â€"M'nden Echo. â€"'-v‘*o M Peter Wham favored us with two solus on Sunday, singing "\‘me- 15' and Nine" at morning service. and "Calvgur'" in the evcnrng. Bio-«(Hess to say lx- th were gi‘sen with hls cus- tomary clearness and rhxthm. The anthem. "Name: My God, m 'lhw‘ ' Wu.“ 91mg" bv the choir in totu. and the handling of the item reflects gl'vat credxt to all concerned. We have much pleasure in announc~ ing that a. pic sacral wlll be hula hero on October lst. 1n connection “ieh the St. Andrew’s Guildâ€"perhaps we should say an apple pie ‘aocial. for everything will be in apple pie orcln. The name of the auctioneer {lucky man) wnll be published at a Ruler Yet another member of .mr choir. Miss Jam-t McMillan. has dun-rte»! this (countrv) Life, and hetak 11 her- so” tn the city of Toronto. \"e «22-h her every success. The opening prayer meeting was held on Thursday last .with a fairly large nudlence. The gathering will be held on Wednesday evening this DIED ON THE ROAD. midumy between those two fields.; taxing total production of .".‘IO lbs. milk and an M of 804 lb.» cow. But this hard includes «go per 0! the highest. indivtdml yi-ldfl -n the “mention, namely 1320 lbs. in 80 days. Simply taking averagus of milk produ den for calculating pro- fits from -a herd is unsatislcwtory in the extreme. One of the most. urgent JAâ€" :4. .- nuanâ€" July. Pine Grove, Ont... July 19, 1.13 cows average 818 lbs. of milk, 5.2 test. 26.6 lbs. fut; One good yield here is 1360 lb. milk testing 3.3. But. there are several poor individual yields of under 550 lbs. of milk. British Columbia. has now .3 assu- ciatmnm Two of meal have :=.: same. nverage matter the first periw'; linen Bank. 8.0., 278 cows, 771. I‘m. mile, 3.7 test, 28.8 ll). fat. and Delta, Ts. Ottawa, Augtwt 27. 1907 ml'xrigi‘n-iere. Quan. 99 cows, Jul 709 lbs. milk, 3.8 test. 27.] H): Rockford. Ont . 208 cows, . 898 lbs. milk, 1-5.1 test. 27R Judged hy‘ the eflects n has pro- duced, “'lhe Jungle" is- the book of the century. Not only did it forces Pure Food Bill through Congress in the face of the opposition of some of the gmtest trusts in the United States, but. it jarred the Canadian Government into responsive legis- lation. On Tuesday last all the large packing housas of the luminion came under the new ,rogimc, and henceforth their pmduéts will boprc- CAME IN'I‘) FORCE LAST WEF‘K. PURITY AND CLEANLLVMSS THE OBJECT. The following is from tho columns of the Mail and Empire :â€" [fir-ed under conditions calculated to guarantee purity and cleanliness. TAKING OCCASION BY THE H‘AND. It was never charged- that our packing establishments wen; _in the Bame class as those exposed by Owen Sinclair , and consequently the same need for reform was not obvious. but the connection was generally held that it we were not eating the canned filth put up in Chicago. the escape was due to the decent. feelings of the packers. not. to any constraint they were placed under by law. More- over. it was the psychological mo- PURITY AND CLEANUNESS. All meat. fish, vegetable and fruit cannot-{es doing an export or inter- provinciaul bushels come under the Maia!!! of the Act, and as there are tow, H aw counties. that do not sell stun outside one province. prac- tically the whole trade u included. Inthelargepackinghouaesom or more inspector- will be on duty every working hour ; and wallet estab- linhmmto will be isitod at «max. mom. for new laws. The yhole civi- lized world was sghm at the revela- tions of "The Junglg." The Canad- ian packers dared hudLv protest; and so the law was passed. $75,000 \ot- ed to enforce It, and forty men were created inspectors. potted times by omcinls clothed with authority to practically close down the business if the laws are not obeyed. If everything .bout the pnr muse-including plant and mechinery men and methods. new material and productâ€"is in a perfectly menu and wholesome condition. the menutuc- tum will have the right to use a stamp consisting of a. croym mg tho THE NEW LAWS . The new Act innit“ that all estab- liahnfnts carrying on packing or can- ning industries shall be ouitahly llght'ad and ventilated. and that all appliance- of every kind shall whom clan And sanitary. All m m nmumcture or preparation shall be approved by the lnqector's from a animal? point of View. 11» rooms In which the workudono shall be {M whim or .m‘ mdfiho equipment cum be oluldnd It‘ll“ Will [IB'U I” [88“. W I!” ux IMP consisting of a. crown and tho word! "Canada approved," which will serve a I” mum to the-19ml. U1 um “Iv-In wu-r--_' Jewellery Blaine“ in the town of Lind“! ‘_ _ ._ e65 VOWing *0 ill health I am famed to retxre from busln V mm m LAWS. , ‘ _‘ Jewellefiv 3;]. l The new Act insist. mild! catw‘ lwill ofi‘er my entire stock of watches, Clocks.t This is "0‘ i ts‘ . onpoc worm ' . cos. . nian 1M!!!“ ‘ mu be suitably vet-ware. Chums, Cuflalafis. em, etcn below 1 bargain paces light!!! and' mama. and that :11' man...“ n. m awn! mlinhln goods at real ' CANAfiA’S NEW PACKING «N mmwmwmté'see‘eeéw 999M J. iHOUZER, Linqsgy PUMPS One Plunger Pump. size 21 in. by In in,I Mt driven complete with rul ys. suitable for f evdmg 51.93111 boil- plvx SW er or punfipinx water a. long distance. One Sothway Du . . Pump. size 3 in. by 2 in. by 3 in.. discharge pipe 13 m. Ourchflt‘; Pump, be“. driven. size of chamber 3 in. Dia. 16 m. struke. 5m" for pumping Water for stock or fire purposes. _ n be “on W“ Tho Mo or. all unfit-ch“ congiition and ca ing to the fact that our present plant is being enlarged those ”'5‘ be rep with pumps of greater capacity. One Hancock Inspimtor No. 12. 5’ in. delivery. One No. 4. Stuff; Exhaust an. 10 in. pipe. solid iron. 1500 rev. per minute: gogd 1“ ”in“ a heater containing 860 running feet of 3‘ in. {H . 1019‘“de 2 headers. constructed for high steam pressure. can be at 'en 39*“ for 90pm neither for either steam or hot Water. ”/ ,Vi, 3at a Goa In aid 0 Clearing Out 881 N e. W. o trouble to 511°" Cost 10"" goo“ When our doors Open in the morning we. shall be readv for: your opinion of the coming Season’s fashions in Men's and Bow". wear, also Ludies’ Skirts and Coats. We promise this seasoii: line of wearables for men and boys, which. for size elegance. and exclusivenecs, is not equalled or surpassed by any human: this town; r It is a stock, too, carefully selected f mm the lead-' ing manufacturers. There's not a garment. but What we are proud of. There’s not one but what we can (-(mfivlentlyrecom-. mend. We'll tell you all about our clothing frnm time m lime: in ourids. We want you to read thenlâ€"â€"lmwlred.~ uloâ€"but . I to bring the ad. to our store and cmnpare its ctatcnwuts mu the article we describe to youâ€"that’s fair. Yuu might asweli finish this ad. now, seeing that you have rcml it rhm far. Well just mention the leading line we have selected for your wearing. Men’s Suits and Overcoats Bovs' and Children's Suits and Over-Coats, ('hildwn's anlties in Clothing. Men‘s. Boys' and Children‘s Trouser» Men‘s Hawzmd Huh-x- dnshery nnd. in short, everything in our line that a man or boymu wear. Every department in our store will greet you with right woods at right prices COME AND bEE. Men‘s and Burs Rom I am also oflorln‘ GREAT BARGAINS to Lindsay Central Full- and Holiday Visitors. *“1 m unepncc w M the genuine dil , . 481811 '0 ‘11 you this ring nbove mnufactur Owing to ill health I am forced to n will 0381‘ my entire stock of Watches, vet-ware, Chinu, Cut Glass, etc., etc. I dance to get good reliable goods 00“ III and no the unitary v. ‘ m. germ". mi menui designed g};- »1 ' ma , L... no, can unlass accomgnnied n.- . mm; . ‘ , , [DOM withlwat the meats or 'mds mwtfij [nu-“hr naming nub omcially insvet'wd. Five in W dollars {im- may be impugn“- breaches m“ the Act. which Mk [ELI-9 THE STORY. waicicnt to deter. The “1me Mad Inuit be the name of an Offending ‘ or £101le “a .n- |wou1d be a still harsher mg“ I name . most Complete WILLIAI-S'l'u LINDSAY .WANT YOU mt inspect“ Ion u Rd to 1 Vessel earning gun} he at..- carcus-s and w" ed, unt‘. companies We ‘0"! zoom! mi menu; denim... . are its etatements with: fair. Yuu might as well. we read it thus far. We'll: selected for your wearing. 2 “11.8 “We that we lea. . "a“ great struzgle of .‘A D.- bent. and the nomad Indian. 'rhv w “ “ seem to Amp a' dag restful Vim“ d0 A Beautifu Comp WI: 0, faultless com} W long Med by Ht beauty is more 22”“ complexio ”and ui gran "t expe' Ilium.“1 med by the fail I]! women of Eu! W 0! America: _- .0 it have exprese . Ind notification. heat. in easily u: M to 101101. and m of creed u... and forever - . complexion . ~Uoln pimples, bad QC. It alone is Mum the price . .4. Leisure is not a; it is a necessity - fiVOIOPment' a flare rests. 1h do need Ice-4"! I Whether it‘s from I Brute. ' or Spcvin. KEN” cue the hmencSSP-qmw)" carat. Sasx.. ‘11 h Opportunity for e [cit-l- both, for a. youthis b! m “Lupe free whel managing mam»: christian : at that Naw Reveal The Secre but i! that at it must. sTRENG gout women I108 Chadd mu

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