\red, and absolute. : sell. . One N0. 4. Star" r-Vw , he Act, which .eter. The thli Ii. h 0' ‘ an Offending itill harsher Deng“? shall be ready for s in Men s and Boys’ omise this season; for size, elegance ed by any house In cted from the lead- but. what we are n cOnï¬olently recom- g frmn time m time unolreds doâ€"but 3â€Â¥M“C333033 â€$929999“: 11: Ouri - 3 g Store; nildren a Novelties in den 5 Hats and Haber- ;hat a man or boy can you with rightfm Pink and Buys' Lindsay Dental ches ;oaxs indsay 9 ‘s Rtaiements With; You might- as well Q t9 htve j (liit thu:far.W We“: (1 for 3 our wearing: \- in. stmke. sm 1.: In. v"- '1’ table (0., limi can b0 “‘3 "' enlarged tho“ 373333" 5 haw, |‘i‘r'e h imposed A Beautiful Complexion The directions and recipe for ob- Was a faultless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master minds of the ()RIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obtained after yeans of Work and at great. expense. It is the mMod used by the fairest and most beautiful women of Europe, Hundl‘edï¬ of American women who ‘9' uSe it have expressed their de- 1‘8“ and satisfaction. FREE h Opportunity for every woman t‘iflobtmn both for a. limited time 0 y. hat beauty is more desirable than an gxquisite complexion and elegant The secret is eaSily understood and l1male to follow and it will ave {0“ the expense of creams,coemet1°3 flea418. etc. Itï¬alo'ne is worth to you many times the price we ask 3'0“ t0 .3“ 10" the genuine diamond ring of “511 dais-n, We a‘311 you this ring as one small â€95‘ “0‘76 manufacturing cost. The pace is less than one half what “9'“ Charge. The recipe is free ml: "9"? ring. “1†‘3 a genuine rose cut diamond “3 0? Sparkling brilliancy absolute- FMnteed, Very dainty. shaped ï¬gs Belcher with Timmy setting of R F- sold mm at your loan jud- . ’ “'O‘fld cost considerably motr 1. Don. blow W‘. and forever give you a "beauuiul complexion and free your EFLfrom pimples, bad color black- m': it is a. necessuy LU “‘5_uov nu ma development. All nature rests. The mighty alba- tre§ sleeps on the swinging Waxes. fill deer, 1f denied his need- The wake un- edfleep, is run down by the mounted Indian. Thv very surges of $8563 seem to sleep at. times, and we restful win.“ do not always hlow. Even the human heart, for- “:er mail you this beautiful oom‘ M03 recipe free when your order is Merv“ for ring and 3?. 00 m money order Shams or bills. Get your hm in before our supply is ex- INK, and that know; but it i - Y‘ Premi‘im E “ N St“ New‘ We have been â€11w look at I â€â‚¬993in that .“18 offer is made for a. “mud “Manly as a means of advmg “d mtroducing our goods. 531:“ tO-day before this opportunity, M‘A-" '- .uvuou-JA â€5‘“ 23rd Street, New York cm :me success In the great hum h am: To women for collectilg nï¬rpes and selligg‘ourn e1 new. we ve ROI £25011; name gtirday immng g volt. w rite md‘ly. Addra- n. a. CREATING LABOR. ' Tug NECEFSITY FOR REST. THE BEAITTIES OF REST, RE- KEWIXG STREN GTP, certainly do need Kendall's Spuvin Cure. Wacthr.‘ it'sxrom a Bruisc, Cut. Strain‘ 5â€}ng or Spavin, KENDALL’S will we .22: lamenL'asâ€"quzcklyâ€"Complctely. Ctmn, SASK.. May 16th 'as. "I have used Kcndall's Spnvin Case for :oynrs and ï¬nd it a sure cure.†,# â€"â€"«7 ._ n A---“ Lame Horses ‘ cs Avcr’s Hair Vigor m 4 ak scalp healthy, and keepseist t] ular hair-fOOd . t: , ‘ It is a reg is thc real secret of its w o derful success. mve been speaking a good deal work; perhaps it is just, as 0 look at the other side. It, is 53in that men learn how to and that they practiCe all they! but it is just as necessary to 10255 that, we learn to rest. great struggle of ï¬fe the bow )e bent, and the string must. twanging as the arrows seek nark; but if that bow is to re- 9 power it. must learn to un- Leisure is not merely a lux- t is a neCessity to highest huâ€" The Christian T. C. MOSELEY LEARN TO REST NJW’ Revealed The Secret of LV" ' ir Vigor stops fallin! se 2. Aycr’s Hair [es the hair grow. Ayer’s Hair Vigor ndruff. Verse 4. [if Vigor makes the by, and keeps it so. m:- hairâ€"food; this «are: of its won- 7.7.0 .10 , Aye: Go†0! 9 NOW York “"0 Sept. Price 3x-6 for 35. Accept no what:- tutc. The great book- “Tmtise on the Horse"â€" frec from (Seder: a. I. J. mu a 5mm [1% AN: E. Arum. Guardian) Van-ant: ".81: as one small' 11¢ mg cost. The mi ) pals. wfhat. an. :cxpe xs roe in cut diamond for mcy absolute- py lajntv- mood ac] ;. Verse 1. Sometimes We need simply a social chat. It is strange how nervous ten- sion relaxes when one talks freely with friends. It is true that there are campanions “hose presence is a, strain; we do not refer to these, but to those others, often of the light- hearted, merry type whose presence is a. nerVous tonic. Such companion- shipa mean real rest. Rest hours are never wasted. The days we forget our work may be more fruitful than the days we toil. Let us outgrow our hurry. One would judge sometimes, by our strenuous earnestness, that the very world de- pendeduupon that Sung, or speech, or letter. It is not so. We are not as big as we think we are; and our labor is not just as important as we deem it. The World does not stop even when its greatest die. The sun will not cease to- shine even if we should cease to toil. Let us learn our true place in nature; let us learn to do our work; but let us learn also to unbend the bow. We are not speak-i ing now or vacation quiet or of leng-l thy periods of inactivity, but of the: regular unstringing of the bow. Sometimes such an unbending Comes: with a. good story and a heart)" laugh. There is often real helpful- ness in a good laugh. Tt clears the air. It relieves the tension. It leng- thens life. Only last week a geod brother told us of the help he got frorn that deepised column of our pa- per called “Wise and Otherwise." To some a comical story is a thing to be despised. Probably their sense of humor is still in the rudimentary stage. But in busy times there seems no dowbt that there is healing medi- Cine in every gleam of pure and gen- uine humor. ‘ { -â€"-râ€" 7 Sometimes a book, even a. useless book, will give the needed rest. A book that is foolish, that is one we almost despise, nQy Sometimes he the one that will best relieve the strain. Well for use to understand the need and the cure. -. 77L fora. brief 8133593 ful hour, the jaded fresh streugm tori hours, or half-hon! But some one says. “I cannot rest. Business cares. family cam, social worrieS, surround me, even in sleep." It may be we have forgotten how to rest, bu}: we will have to learn. Somewhere, in our rooms, by lake- side or quiet stream. where the ripe grain waits the reaper, or where. the woody silences are full of magic cures for care, somewhere, we should drop our burdens and lose our wearied, over-burdened selves. u-uu uâ€"v ~ Than sometimes, perhaps oftenest. it is best to get alone somewhere, and talk with God. It may-bewhere the lofty, silent stars look down up- on us; there, alone with God and nature, we look up and breathe new life. In this higher air earth’s fever leaves us. Night’s cool hand has calmed into restful quiet many a feV- ered brow; and the great bush of God's peace has stolen upon many a. wearied soul like some magic river of peace. that has carried them swiftly and silently beyond the reach of their petty, earthly cares. True, it is only - 4-; :_ and. mat- Bobcaygeon lose sight 0‘ The hours of hushed activity an hours or blessed meaning to men. '11:. voice of wisdom echoes its words of good only in moderation. An Eng- lish writer says that many people look with jaundiced envymn the Car- ' and Rockefellers and Pierepont of the world. They think a. 's all motor cars and champagne; They yearn to dress in rich attire and siller hae to spare, forgetting that man. unlike m hap- py. hump camel, has only one-stom- ach, one month. and ‘ one automobile at a. less, purblind. silly persons. Listen to the MM wealthyâ€"Andrew of biddensleep yetbestsleosofla lawmmmwm, or vammdiud‘Mu-O “mm“n“ Wydmlwmmmhmpumwm. I Thehoursofhushedacthity nap-39th:: oimï¬ghtnmrmtbrodatmmcfldd hoursofblessedmmingtommthom Ioeadon'l, 101.528de 112.009,! awhile.†Even highest toil did loftâ€" iest endeavor are subject to this law. Now, We are not pleading [or a slow- er pace, for that is not in cm- con- trol ; but we are pleading for the re- gular and frequent, mending o! the bow, which 18 within our power. and mm It: a... ._ f - wealth deereaaes happiness. rme mil- 311 are rare: You mother for an hour or two, am she wilLbe a better mother afterwards, The busy man, with a thofxsand irons m the ï¬re, must forget both tr e and iron: for pwhile, and he will return to them with adaed strength. Rest a. while ! ~ Wealth vs. Happiness ml] to mam. but they necessity if the toiler of do his best work. Leg, us as well as toil. I life is all motor cars a; They yearn to dress and siller he to spare, ,v- cares. True, it is only age; but in that rest- aded spirit gathered for its work. These hon", Of stramlem life of relaxed tension, are Independent : well-atufled Gt costly Wflk‘n Motions by Messrs. menu; Varcoe. that upon Messrs. A. Mr. Stacey reports that he has ï¬n- ished putting on the concrete floor- ing for the bridge on Lot, 18, con. 10, and his statements shows the to- tal cost to be $58.40. The Reeve presented communica- tions from R. J. McLaughlin ‘thre'at- ening action if the Council did not repair the road and bridge at Lot 19, Con. 5. Messrs. H. McMillan, N. McArthur, and Henry Fowler desired to have the McArhhur drain cleaned out. The Clerk read a oommun-idation from Messrs. Weeks and McDiarmid pointing out the duties of Councils in regard to cleaning out municipal drains. Mr. G. Graham wished an in- spector for the Dun-das drain. Mr. J. J. Glass stated that the judge required him to produce the as- sessment roll of Mariposa. at the county revision of the assessment rolls in Lindsay, Sept. 10. Mr. John McKay desired to be re- funded his payment tow-ardWhe ex- pm of survey of the Grant drain. RESOLUTIONS PASSED. sum of $279.15 expenses already in- curred be charged against the lands of those persons who signed the pe- tition as provided by Chapter 226, Section 1.8, of the Municipal Drain- “av - -, W The Reeve was authorized to sign agreement; with the contractors for the different parts of the Dunn drain, as per contracts let by the engineer at Oakwood on Sept. 3, 1907. The Clerk was authorized to issue an order for 8650 payment of the steel bridge at lot 18, con. 10. The Clerk was ordered to deliver to Mr. Glass the assessment rolls for use'at the County Revision. Mr. Richard Rich was appointed In- spector 04 the Dunn drain at $2. per day of actual service. -AAA __-. age Act, 1897.â€"Carnied. The Reeve was author Win-a Andrew Carnage m that ail flan M Mr!» hughmmo mnmmoaober m-lm;thuldbeswunâ€"l- JB‘ instromxmnwholsstriving to amass a. tor-tune. ' It is well to lay up that which en- Mystery 0' P0“ sures modemte comfort for the per- FIC'd’S [I iodinmawhenthcpowerswm- â€" ing, but as yo; value your happiness 'Ihe despatch put) don’t ammuIate more than sumcient m to the ï¬nd for moderate comfort. pmtmoL xmne'd P. s'. -Ma.rk, 135 days' inspecting roads and bridgeS, and 32 days build ing bridge abutments, etc., at $2.00 per day. Commissioners' accounts. #AJ‘I (on- per day of actual sag-vice. Accounts aggregating $290 were ordered to be paid, including lease for gravel pit, part of lot 6, con. 4, $75 ; printing and postage, also Mr. rr_-_L:..‘ Messrs. Albert Davidson, Leslie Webster, Robert Eakins and Foster Thompson desired the eastern and of concession seven opened up. Mr. Wm. Coad desired some im- brovements on the eastern and of Con. 10, as the road aeross lots 23 and 24 is very bad. Messrs.._ J. J; Glass, J. Martin, 0. Yerex and G. McKague were appli- cants for the collection of taxes. per um. vv ........ aggregating $304.81 were paid, in- cluding $96 for cement. ' Mr. John McKay was refunded the sum of $10.59. payment of expenses ed out forchwibh and in case of ne- glect for 30 days the engineer will†called in to let tho work \at their expensp. By-law 616 was introduced and read the usual time: appomting collectors for 1907.: The resolution of the Councilperso- ed in 1906, relating to improving the road and bridge at M 19, con. 5, was rescinded, and proper legal steps will be taken to close that part of the road‘hom the south limit. of the drain ‘to‘hhe north side of the “m hrï¬fm. mu. Shut and PROCEEDINGS OF MEETINGS ON short time. Mr. Shaver was elected chairman pro term The mimrtes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Brooks drain report was read. but on account of protests-and dis- oouragemeuts, the scheme has been fully abandoned for the present at least. of survey on the Grants drain, Mr. G. McKague was appointed tax- 001- leC’oor for the north half ~.of township at $50, and m. David Yerex -for the south half at the same price. The Clerk was ordered to notin the par- ties interested in the,lchrthur drain I g. @001. P055 â€I†“IN tâ€"nwâ€"J - station. Five miles from Dunuord where than is good market, etc. Fine up-to-ato atone home with 3.11 mod- «I aux-um.†99mg! S’BE‘E‘TSTT; “3’11"? 33% SEPT. 9th. 1907. The members were all present ox- MARIPOSA COUNCIL MdNabb. withdrawing think of beeide the mere mechanics.“ drudgery of his every-my oeeupetioni â€"eomething he can enjoy while ebn sent. and look {ox-wen! with pleasure to return to. But eupposing him to have been fortunate in the choice 0! his b00k. and to have nlighted upon one really good and of e good clue, what a source 0! domestic enjoyment is laid open ! What e band of family union ! He may read it aloud, 0! makes his wife read it, ,or his eldelt boy or girl, or pass it round {tom hand to hand. All have the beneï¬t of it, all contribute to the gratiï¬ca- tion of the rest. and e. feeling of common interest and pleasure ie ex- cted. Nothing uni-tee people like companionship in en intellectu-l en joyment. It does m‘n'e. it gives them mutual respect, ani to and: among them gell- “reaps“ that corner stone 0! all virtue-~81:- John Her- sohell. Of all the advantages which can possibly be imagined for a hardwork- ing man after his daily toil, or in its intervals, there is nothing like reading an entertaining bookâ€"eup- POSing him to have a taste for it, This is not. we nrsc name we nu": seems. coal mine." With that the _vis- itors took the farmer in hand and gave him a. sound threshing. From that day until his death, the fellow was know to everyone as “Coa'l Hm Johnnyâ€, Brockville, Ont. Mystéry of Pontypodl’s Coal Field’s Explained ‘ ertlmeoftheyear. Intusummer months Little ones are the victims 0! diarrhoea. cholera. lnlantum. dysen- try and stomach troubles. Thesecome suddenly and without. warning. and when a. medicine is not at hand to give promptly the short delay may mean death. During the hot weather months Baby's Own Tablets mould bowel troubles. Or 1: the traumas come unawareo a prompt Lama! this medians will In ing the child through â€381V. Mrs. J. Renard. New (39433- RICK IEEEAN and long before there was my thought of a railway running thro- ugh,coe.1wa.smuohchee.perthan it. is at present. There were a. few farm- ers scattered unong the tall pines. and one who lived in his log cabin conceived the idea that ~601ml was on his term, if not it should be. He dug several holes in the crest of the hill but. found nothing, so then he bought a. large quantity oT‘coal and dumped it into the holes and covered them up. Sometime afterwards he got hold of some America prospectors and took them out his coal mine in the woods. The promectors were du- bious from the start, but Mr. Farm- The prospectors, who had been winking at each other all the time, burst out laughing, and said, â€You â€"â€" fool, what do you think we are? This is not the ï¬rst time we have 0.0 o: my cum but a. sum a» tack of diarrhoea which the N10“ promptly cunod.†son by media“ dealers or by mail at 25 cents .box from me Dr. Willitm' Mining 00.. er was enthusiastic, and he took his shovel and walked right. over t3 one of the holgs he had ï¬lled, .and ‘ after digging a. few mnum he brought out a shovefnl of coal, all ready for nae. It needed no washing and did not need to go through a Breaker. The prospectors, who had been on Con. 11, Emily Township, near Downeyville. Convenient to dumb- el. sdlool. post once «:67 mflwuy More little lives are lost during the Advantages of a Book illustrate 5 serum typo of hen- Dldtriot Attormy Jerou. st s p b Nov Kerk. mu ti. fol-7 ‘19:.pr inn-13 mod. , ï¬gmmxwï¬ maiwnrow FIRM ’1‘0 RENT Pmof of IIonesty Baby’s Danger months than at any 051‘ o! Baby’s Own T1156â€- ‘ â€â€˜13 u “no 'V‘U ,' Apply to PAT- , Downoyvillo R0.â€" .1 P; R can. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 11.8.0. 1897, Chapter 129 and Am- ending Acts, that all creditors and other. having claims against the es- tate of_ the said Each-m McEachern. who died on or about the ï¬rst'day of January. 1907. are required on or before the Twelfth day of October. AD. 1907, to gend by post prepaid or deliver to Alexander McEanher-n o! the Township of Eldon (Argyle P.0.) Administrator of the said estate. or to McDiannid Weeks. 0! the Town of Lindsay. his Solicitora the Christ- ian and surnames. addresses. and de- scription: and full particulars of - A. _1_ intrator will proceed to distrmwe the assets of the deceased among the par- tiea entitled thereto' having regard only to the cldm of which he shall then have notice. sad that the acid Aaninistrator will not be liable tor the and assets hr my part thaw! to any person or persons of whose claim notwe has not been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated the Fourteenth any of Sep- tembc A.D. 1907. McDIARMID WEEKS. 801's {or Adm'r. iea. if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such 1m mentioned data: Q11 Adm1_n- ed. After some hesitation, he gave the name of a driver in the ï¬lm’s employ. The driver. he thought, would vouch for him. 'A clerk sought out the driver, and unload him if the applicant was Ibo- ‘Honest ?' the driver said. ‘Why, his O'clock.â€"37-2. honesty? been proved ago/in and ON SATURDAY, 28th SEPT. â€" By again. To an; certain knowledge he's Elias Bowes, Auctioneer, on the Market Sq um. Lindsay, the prop- been ’ t’ es f bealin , 1 arrested 11111;;1111 or :itted i erty of Mr. John Brohm 2â€"2 fat and ever} tune was acq ' cows, 3 heifers rising 3 years old 'The 036103 21 young cattle rising 2 years old, 15 lambs. Six months credit. Rate of 6 per cent. discount for cash. râ€" _.â€"-â€"â€"_â€" â€"â€" N’s WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 9TH.â€"-By Elias Bowes, Auctioneer. credit A , imnlements' and In the matter of 'the Estate of Ecchern McEachern. late 0! the Town of Swan River. of the Prov- ince of Manitoba, Timber Inspect- 52 Shirley Sta-ct, Toronto, Ont, Feb. 10. 16. " I have used five boxes of your oh and ï¬nd it has done me a great dml of good. My Kidneys have troubled xge for along timeâ€"have been forced to it: up as many as ten times in the night fore a IVA-5 no..- ' as many as ten times in the night rliel’or‘e I could go to slee . My ï¬rst box 0 Bu-Ju convinced me that it was just the medicine for me. You may use my name as recommend- in Bn-Ju. for I cannot say enough {or it or troubles like mine.†Yours truly, . , ALEX. Bnomn. You can cure yourself easily at home. Simply take Bu-Ju regularly and faith- fully. and a cure is certain. Moreover. 3A :- _.-__o“.l in, if .n-ln Am len rugs;1 dozen boxes axlegrease â€".ny Price; 2 dozen heavy. sweat pods. large sizes: 1 dorm wool blankets. new ; § dozen wheelbarrow: new;1 good second hand buggy; 1 set second hand single harness; 1 set scales, weigh 5001be‘; 1 pair ï¬rst class racing hobbles. Always home Saturdays. A discount at the rate of 7' per cent. allowed for each on credit amounts. flyiyanéï¬ai Eu};- is certain. Moreover, it is guaranteed. For if Bu-Ju does not reheve and care you. we will prompt- ly refund the money. 50¢. a box. At druggists, or sent diregt. 1n: cunm CHEMICAL co.. um'rm wanton. ONT. 78 FOR SALE, in the Vinlge of ‘Litth @ ELLIOTT % i E; Toronto Ont. have secured positions this year. Demand is far greater than the supply; Educate for business posi- tions and you will get them, but the education must be First-Glut. Students admitted at any time. Write for catalogue. momma. Hotel for 3.1., wagon paid. Apply to IRS FORD, 10 H.111 Statâ€"388. 7, Con. 1. Fenelon, Baheep on or about. the 8th of September. Own- er in «quested to prove property. m expenses. and take them any. CHARLES WOOLAOOT'I‘, Cum- brayâ€"38. tel; a. property of tin hto Joseph W. In connection with the ham that will be a. quantity 0! houohold fumitm for sale. For rumba information gpply to_ Juno: Roam- Luuo Brian}: a: hint, Oakwnod. _ Hundreds of Students of t Popula- and Successful A ELLIOTT flM‘ w. J. Inna“, Principal turner Yam and Alexander sum-'5 the matter of the Estate of When I Ecchern McEachern. late 0! the worth y Town or Swan River. of the Wow it w inee of Manitoba, Timber Inspect- ?8ELLIN or. deceased. In). md ‘otioe is My given pursuant to agentl' 1 LO. 1897. Chapter 129 and Am- DumPS I ins Acts, that all cmditors and 811th on having claims agmnst the es- J DE 3 of_ the said Each-tn McEachex-n. ' 3 died on or about the ï¬rst'day January. 1907, are required on or am the Twelfth day of October. Notice to Creditors â€"â€" .- . --A"‘ can then. Raw YOU? You KNOW III-h ' ' take my the pain, soothe the inim- ted nerves, neutralize uric acid, end make the Kidneys well and strong. YOU KNOW THIS. Then why don‘t YOU uke A. D. ICEACEERN, Adm' r.. Argyle P. 0- 'COUGE DROPS maniacs-«mum Mmmwmg Want. Highs-t. . of for “P on: me When buying a pump It would be worth your while to consider that it takes at least ONE THIRD THE .’SEI.LING PRICE to m 3899“ on Etbe md. Go to Dennis andsawetho “, w. __v ,_ we. rising 4. by HcNair, 1340 1136.; 1 cheethut mare 7 yum old, by Phil Rysdiok, a. ï¬rst class driver. weight 1100 lbs. ; 4 god horses. all good vorlnorl;1 boy driver 4 yous old; 1 bay more by Harold Hartwood, aged 7; 5 aettsncwsinglehnrness, double and stitched ; 1 set single har- ness, brass trimming; i dozen lined rubber lap rugs ; .1 dozen fancy wool- 27 horses, all classes ; 30 cattle. all classes; 1 grey geldim 5 years old, French Lion ; 1 black perchemn we rising 4, 1250 1133;, sound and brok- on. bythenotedBlaglf Duke lbay -A.‘ u- etorey brick house ad frame barn, with stone wall, 88 x 56 feet ; water- ed by two good wells. and bounded on the north by Balsam Lake. 125 acres working- land, and. balance good pasture 19nd. Can have possession Ag___l___ A__I-- it any time; For particulars sppb' at. this omoe. or to J as. Daniel, Kirk- Md. “to-47.8. ’BTYEIdon. Sale" at one o'clock and without reserve. 0 THURSDAY, the 24th Sept. 1907, By Elias Bowes, Auctioneer, farm steak and implements, the property of Mrs. James Rettie. near Retâ€" tie's Station, Verulam, Suk- at. 1 eale of farm stock. implements and household furniture, the property of Roland Whie, lot, 11, con. 9. Sana-ville. Sale at one o'clock, and without reserve. ON WEDNESDAY, 2nd OCTOBER. 1907. By Elias Bowes, Auctioneer. Form stock and implements, prop erty of Mr. Edwin Mark, lot 19, con. 4. Muripoee. consisting in port 01 5 hereon, 6 cows, 16 young eat- tle 1 to 2 years old. 1 high grade bull, 5 thoroughbred Durham cot- tlo, full eett of implements. Sale at. 10 o'clock, lunch at 11 o'clock. ON TUESDAY. 15th OCTOBER, 1907. By Elias Bowee, Auctioneer. Farm utoék and implements, the ery of Michael Gannon. lot 16, con. 3, Ops. Sale at one o'clock. ON WEDNESDAY, 16th OCTOBER. 1907. By Elias Bows, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and implements, the property 0! Mr. Walter J. Washer:- THURSDAY, SEPT. 26th. --By Elias Bowes, Auctioneer credit sa}e of ugénu' commission. Iron and woc pumps always on hund and in! guaranteed. J. DENNIS, THE PUIPHAN, Russell-st. Beng Lots 28, 29 and 30, and part at 31, in the 5th concessipn of Fenc- lon. 360 gcres, more .°'.. 4 m land. frame comm, (“ma wall, house to accounm-due 800 hens, broods: houses. '5 x 60. Brood- â€, wanton. hens. etc. 111 health Fm FOR SALE-Inn south half a! ht 17. CO“. 10. upon. “Wu u the Hu‘ to†M, in now 0!. bred for sale. (his property in W mo of tho chow; (arms of Impact. and mu an op- pox-mutt: a gym with; ‘to I‘m and other: requiring Ill-h meats in lam quantities call at Cal- vert's a we intend selling at reduc. ms'sns. ,LAmLAw AND mono» ALD mt good place- to winter cattle. Apply Victoria now, om. mm for calling. write J. P. mienâ€"436$. LOST.â€"On Ionday, August 26th, a mad cow with;a white spot. on her torebeu! and a large white star on her left hip. Wane knowing when she is please notify John Rooks, "um, Britam.â€"33. him étock, implements and house- hold furniture, the property of Wil~ liam James Maxwell, log 15._ con: io obtain one on lost Day. umy fair Poultry Plant for Sale n. Sile gt 1 o'clock, and without Farmers' Attention SALE REGISTER Save Your Money B. CALVERT SON. Academy Block. to Rent It In 0'01“ buildihg'l. 3- FOR SALEâ€"Persian Lamb . .one’eourse. We have taught over 9e. than“! dress-snaking, and guarantee b give ï¬ve hundred dollars to any onetht annotlearn betweenthe ngeofu.‘ 4.0. You cannot lean: dress-making . as this course teaches if ,1- work in shops for-years. Beware of inh- tioon as we employ no one outside th school. This is the only experienced Dr. Cutting School in Canada and exeelled Ivy none in any other country. Wn'teat one: forpanienInmaswehnvecutourrateom» third for a. short time. Address :â€" m W W. um.m0nt.,0nnnb . I‘DHIC “' O O .. o «no. u an» cu". O on“ .IO 0 u.“ n . o O Lav. Tomato .................. II n o o o o blacksmith shop. churches, eflcJ 10 mile- !rom Lindsay. Sold at shav- gnin. u the proprietor wants It now below his Mum to lung. Ta. easy. For further particulars app}; to Elks Bowen, Ran! irate AM 415 KANSAS AVENUE. TOPEKA - KANSAS Lot 12, west half Con. 6, Marmara- Good buildings. One half mile from church, school, and cheese factory, and three miles from good market and railway station. Terms easy. Apply Box 81, Peterboro, 0nt.â€"37-3- lame. CANADIAN PACK]?! .2 RAH. TIE-TABLE. DAILY TRAIN SERVICE- Expo. to Toronto. "um mum .» nu" u "Among Point Arrive ll FARE FOR SALE. â€"100 acres, Int 6, Con. 12, Janetville. About 8', miles south of Janetville, close to schoolhouse and church; brick Var WEST HALF OF LOT 4, in 6th conâ€" cesaion of Eldon. containing 100 NR SALEâ€"Frame house and 1‘ m of land situated mithe: vilâ€" " Angora} Pom ...... 11.55 c.- Arflvc mm ......... 12.05 p.13. . I CAN SELL Your Real Estate or Business NO MATTER WHF‘PE L“?! ZED Properties and Buulncucl of all kinds ?|d uickly for cash in all ms of the Do ted ates. Don’t wait. W tc to-day describing what you have to sell not! give out: prim on any kind of Business or Real Estate any- where. at any price. write me our n-q um- mcntl. I can are you time an money. mouth. Wig-mateuhahowtod. ï¬gmputtogetherany gmm mshmwaistmtotbemeh‘!" mama. newhuehnilywkamh- .a" V“ ..w 00- on lllll ~50 0‘ m M so. no .‘u p n ’N " 01m 609 " Junctvflh .. 515 "5.. W. ...... â€Hg.- ct Finn's Jafllery Stone -or a his midence on AIM“ Lind-y. HARNESS-WWW“ hmw'fl-Inhâ€"qw ‘ “ Take a Formal Gonna as Salad. «MILâ€"Apply flea.â€"-37-6. property, and in within three min. of the villages of Woodville, Lorne- ville and Grass Hill station, ct each of which places there are good markets for farm produce. For furs ther particulars apply to Mr. Don- cld Jackson (East half I in 5th con. Eldon) Woodville P... or to MOORE a J ACKSON, Solicitors, Lindsayâ€"8541. acres. The soil is a. clay 10m, and is all clear'ed except between one and two acres. There are created on the premises a. frame dwell“ house frame barn and cedar amble.'1‘hm in also aneverfail» :3 Cameron Hotel. Good hall in connection. Stable and two zoo-l wells on premises. Apply t4° 1111!. J. Shnplon. Cameronâ€"38“. neared house; an cleared ; barn 32 186 feet, on stone; straw shed 5 x 20 in connection. ï¬rmer pa!» ticulm may be had from Thomas Heaslip, at J anetville.â€"36-4. If YOU WANT TO BUY mum) P. TAPE. THE LAND HAN Farm for Sale FOR SALE . for selling. too Wtu‘llman-Warder cal-- formerly 8.82 an; , 8.40 ta..- ‘ 8.50 min-3. 10.25 can; R KYLWAY nun.“ maï¬a... .737 mm