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Watchman Warder (1899), 19 Sep 1907, p. 2

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it?!” ti] r1 nun u‘ "n... : “Stop your Vébovfn'!" commanded 38am. giving his enemy 1: push with {his shoulder. “Nor I. neither." said another. . Thus em-ouraged. Sum bristled up to 1:13 opponent and looked down at him lueeringly. Bradley didn't give way ‘an inch. and the two boys rubbed jackets as they moved slowly about each other. The surrounding group .looked delightedly expectant. _ 1-3 manded. “You. Who do you s’pose?” “Well. you’d better shut up.” “I had? S’pose I don’t want to?” “Then I’ll make youâ€"that's what!” “You will?” “Yes. I will." “You ain't the size. Takes a man. not a monkey." In” M... 1 “I'll put a head on you 50’s the old maids won't know vou.” _ '“Wtio are yJu ifi'l'kin’ to?” be de- “1"1Vlishow 'you whether I’m the size or not.” “You will '2” mg Inwk , “Aw. gee!" said one of the bigger boys. “I wouldn‘t take that from no Wellmoutb kid. if 1 was you. Sam.” lid in school this moruiu'.” “Well, Sam," exclaimed a spectator ln huge disgust. “ 'tore I'd take that!" The Hammond boy did not really want to fight. but, thus goaded. he sud- denly gave Bradley a violent push with both hands. The next instant both youngsters were clasped tightly together, grlpping each other about the neck and wrestling savagely. In a moment they tell with a thump and rolled over and over, pounding. kicking and sentehlnx. The snow flew. and ,1 __j all“ “LDwâ€"uâ€"v. the crowd ‘whooped and pushed and strained to see better. Then there yas a rush. a frightened scurry. and bot combatants were pulled apart and Jerked to their feet. while Mr. Daniels, holding each by the coat collar. glared down upon them. “You may come with me." he said. with chllllng calmness. .. L n-‘ At half past 4 thnt afternoon Brad- ley. with the note tightly clamped In N: hand. walkod dlomally go the vol]: ~A__LA m the “Stop "I'll PAGE TWO. make you sulvel worse '11 you §;)11rself.” said Bradley. push- Transform l : Your I I ‘ Kitchen Into A Cheer? Dwelling Room By Installing XIIJBLEI: door.’ The thought BUCK’S i” HflPPY‘ THOUGHT RflN GE matador nutkoopinm’nd. .Andtho mmmunms mutation tunibdlpurpouaâ€" \ 1 mm. “to to]... Buck’s Ha. Tho t Rap. 0 oookmg’ or bootingâ€" tho stmgapgytho tugging moot dopndsbb. “Mind-um. A "mygnr 16a! dodor, ortfibufimiflmw Sent fmonroquuttosnyuddreqninm " 1‘ p‘lfi Mr. Daniels tripped. mssns. BOXALL 3. mmtm. 1. BUCK STOVE C0» For sale by “mum .Andtho mmeom Brad‘ “Héigays you were flghtin’ and there was somethin‘ else.” said Miss Prissy. “Tell the whole story nowâ€"every word." , . _ u v. u. The boy begun slowly. He told of shutting the dog to the closet. but was Interrupted by the older ulster. who demanded to know whose dog it was. “Whose wnn It?“ she asked. “Why don’t you nus. .1"! Don't you know?” “Yen’m.” “Then whose was It?” Bradley shifted his feet uneasily on the mat. , {hat he "had disgraced nimseu Lurevcl: in the eyes of his protectors burned like a fire under his new cap; also there was a bitter feeling that Gus, the cause of all his trouble. had not been near him to console or ask pardon. It was typical of the boy that he had not thought of_destroyingothe note. He handed it to Miss Prissy the moment he opened the door. She read it and sat heavily down in the chintz rocker. “My soul and body!" she wailed. "Tempy Allen. come here this minute! Here, for mercy's sake. read this!” Miss Tempy’s agitation was even more marked than that or her sister. “Oh, oh, oh!" she cried. waving the condemning sheet of paper like a dis- tress signal. “How could you? How. could you? I don‘t b’lieve a relation of the Aliens was ever whipped in school before. What shall we do. Prissy? And his first day too!" Bra-Hie): ' with. direfui thoughts or self destruction in his mind. twisted his new cap into a ball. but said nothing. nullenly. "Ain‘t mln’ to tall? Why. I news: Hhe Wan lntvrruptvn. The door l1 1mm Hmdlvy flew own. and (Bus I pmwml. luurl‘ul. hug dvtormhwd. "All“ l'l-lnny uml Mlnu ‘l‘ompyJ‘ sue lmgnu. "llull'l you ll'uld Hrmllvy rdon't yml. nuw. a lull! lt wmn all my fault. wavy mlta at It. on. dour. dam" Al-,...ln And. with not»: umi amid ma aJncuia- Noun of the iiaioniaiwd Hinton. she told the wiiuiu awry. omitting nathiuu and waving herself nut the least. What: the recital was dubbed Mina Prim was the first to comment upon it. p'ny. then I don’t know. Auguaty. you'd better go home. 1 think." Gus looked at Bradley appealingly. then at the sisters. and. with another burst of sobs. flung herself out of the door and slammed it behind her. '5wéil" she exclaimed “this u did mostâ€"I never didâ€" There. Tempy. it this 8111' t a lesson in keeplu' bad com- “That awful dug girl!" sputtered Miss Tempy. “i knew what she was from the time she spoiled this very floor with ‘her dreadful critters. Brad- ley Nickerson. don't you ever speak to her again. qu promise." But that promise the boy would not make, although the argument lasted for an hour and ended in his being sent to his room without his supper. “It looks to me." said Miss Prisay that night. “as It we'd got about as much on our hands as you and me could handle. Tempy." “It certainly does." agreed her sister nervously. “I think it's our duty to (ink Cap’n Titcomb's advice right off." CHAPTER IV. HEN the captain called. which ' he dld the next torenoon. the tale of Bradley'l eventful - first day at school was told hlm in all lts harrowing completeness. Miss Prlssy. by previous agreement. acted as story teller. and Miss Tempy was a sort of chorus. breaking in ev- ery few moments to supply a neglected detail or comment on a particular fea- ture. “And we dkin't know what to do." concluded Miss Prluy. “Ho wan't goln’ to tell us whose do: It was, yd"â€" “I don‘t b'llevo he ever would hue told." broke In Min Temp). “It tint 'dog glrl' herself hadn't come bouncin' In. and"â€" “Anti he 1'.th 2:29.130“ 1195.29 W nln't your to tell. ‘Eifil diséFaw’d 'hinEat Toffier muttered be- up- mEs’Prlssy decidedly. “Yes,” said Miss Tempy; “and she likes those dreadful dogs." “Umâ€"hum.” answered their tvisitor. with unimpeachable seriousness. “Of course that’s a terrible drag. but may- be she’ll cut 'em adrift when she gits older.” “Well. we don’t like her." said Miss Prissy, with 'decision. "And we wish you'd speak to Bradley about it. You know.” she added, looking down, “I put a lot of dependence in your judg- ment. Cap’n Titqonih.” , , h_. 2 ‘I_Iâ€" - anon“ vur _ _-- “So do I," 3813 Miss Tempy quickly; “jest as much as Prissy does. I b'lieve in you absolutely, Cap’n Ezra." ' L__IAAI-o -;L n‘ J vvvvvvvv - v - “Yes. yes. of course," hurriedly re- plied the captain. “Well. I’ll speak to the boy by and by and see what I can do." 'f‘Brad." he aid, as they came out of the Allen gate after dinner. “what’s this I hear ’bout you gittin' the rope’s end yesterday? Never mind spinnln’ the whole yarn. I cal'late I‘ve heard ._A cuc vv uv-v J -.â€"v _ the most of lt. You and the Hammond boy had a scrimmage. too. dldn‘t you?” “Yes, sir,” snld Bradley doggedly. “Hum! Thlnk you'd have licked him if the skipper hadn't took a hand?" Bradley looked up at hls questloner. saw the twlnkle In his eye and un- swat-ed with a abeepiih grin: “Don't know. Guess I'd have tried mighty hard." 7 , u”. “a The captain roared. “I presume llke- ly you would." he chuckled. “I under- stand you've sort or took that little Baker craft next door in tow. She seems like s smart girl. Do you like her '2" “Yes. sir." “I jedge Prlssy and Tem-py wonidn’t enter her for the cup. Now. Brad. mind I ain't coaxin' you to go back on a friend. but the old moiâ€"that is. your ladies at home, have set out to make 3 man of you. They're your owners, and you're expected to sail 'cordin' to their orders. If there's one thing that I've always stuck to it's ‘Obey orders or break owners.’ Sometimes owners' or- ders don’t jibe exactly with your own ideas. but never mindâ€"they pay .the wages. see?" “She's s good girl." said the boy stoutiy. “She came in and took my part when she didn't have to. end I like her. And I won't promise not to speak to her, neither.” - -. 7- -1. A..- I-AI- Byvu- v â€" The captain looked down at the [ad'- square Jaw and whittled. “Well." he said. “I don't b’iieve you need to promise, but don't whoop too loud about it. Run as close to the wind as you can. and don't carry all all in a two reef breeze jest to show you ain't afraid to. Catch my drift?" “Yes. sir." answered Bradley. rather doubtfuily. “You mean he chums with the girl. but don't tell Mlu Pris-y and Mia Tompy about It! “No-o." Cepteln Ezra looked eome- whet put out by the literei interprete- tion. "Thet ein’t jeet it. Beâ€"weil. he eeey. endâ€" Oh, thunderl bet it so et thet. I gueee you know whet I rneen. How do you think you’re goin' to like your echool?” Bredley enewered. “Pretty well. I iueee. when I get more need to m” but. eithouth he did not eey eo. he wee oertein thet' it wOuld teke eome tune to get need to it. AI in matter of tea. however. thet very lively ant dey wee the only eerioue trouble for him during the entire term. lie wee quick to leem end eo found little dlmculty with hie etudiee end ed‘venced ee repidiy ee other h vs of hie ego. Ae tu- hle be- hevlor. it wee no woree then thet o! my other heelthy youngster. At the end. 2 the yeer he wee “prom "â€" thet e. he wee no longer e member 02‘ the fourth clue. but ineteed proudly left hle eent when the third wee celled. Gus was “promoted" also. much to the surprise or the “old maids." who could not believe there was any good in the “dog girl." They gradually ceas- ed to urge the boy not to have anything to do with her. for the very good rea- son that in this matter their urging was of no avail. They grew to understand theircoltbetterasthemonthspuaed. and they learned Just how tight a rein it-was advisable to draw. Bradley mo grew to understand the aitérs. he dischex-ed that was PM: was the business woman and tint the paid all the bills. bqnghg an‘tho houn- hold supplies and did It without con- sulting Miss Tempy, whom she treated unsort otdouwlthamechanmn that must not be jatmd. ‘ ‘ Bradley made friends among the v0- lageboysanddidnotmkemvhâ€" lent enemies. He had his Intel-mull "‘1‘Mnk you'd have licked Mm!" THE WATCHMAN-WARDER . Captain Titcomb came home in All!!!“ for an intended stay of two weeks. and he made the boy happy by akin: him for an all day sail and blue fishing excursion 0E Setuckit Point. ~â€"-.L¢‘ alled on Miss Prissy and her sister- the morning of his all"! in Orham and, as was his custom. had brought each or them a presentâ€"exactly alike. of course. He had promised to dine at the Allen house the following Sunday. But it happened that Pele: Myrlck wanted to make one of his infrequent visits to the mainland that week, and be seized the opportunity to hail the catboat containing Bradley and Cap- tain Ezra as it passed ms qumu‘ dory and beg for a passage up. Mr. Peleg Myrick was a hermit He lived alone in a little t'wo room shanty on the beach about half a mile from Setuckit Point. He owned a concen- tina that squeaked and walled and a Mexican dogâ€"gift of a wrecked skip- perâ€"that shivered all the time and howled when the concertina was play- ed. Peleg was certain that the howi- ing was an attempt at singing and boasted that Skeezicksâ€"that was the dog's nameâ€"had an “ear for music jest like a human." ,II‘L_A_‘- hm "Well. I‘olog." said the cupunu an the cntbont stood about on the amt leg of the hum-ward stretch. "whnt’u the now: down the (much? Any of tho nnnd nenn got married Intel: 'I" "Don‘t ask me for no news. Cnn'u ms!” rophod Mr. Myrlck. “You're the mm to have news. You Iln’c mur- flnd y". be you?" _. WAALI-.. h .n "Well. 1 MM fooltn'. ! thought you "qu1! b0 umrrlmt by now. Lam tune I was up to the villum~'long In Jun! 'twuwl coo M'uuy But-toad. tud the mud 'twml common talk that you wu courtm’ one tho old mama." Captain Tltcomb uoowlod and 100306 anon-Hy at his panama. "She did. hey?" In grunt“. “You. I told her I dldn't take no ntock In that. 'Cap'n EI.’ I says. 'hu I u"- i I" nu "Nu: nut '31“.- I'm wnlfln’ to no whim girl you pick out: than I'll m what'n loft.” been oourtin’ too many times aence i can remember.’ I says. ‘One time 'twaa Mary Emma Cahoon. 'nother time 'twas Seth Wingate's sister's gal. then ag'in 'twas' "â€" “Ail right! til rlsht!’"hroke in the captain. glancing hurriedly st Bradley. "Never mind that. How's the qua. haugin' nowadays? _Glttin’ a fair price?" “Pretty fair." replied Pele; Then. with the persisteucy of the horn gos- sip, not to be so easily diverted from his subject. he went on: “I told M'lissy that. but she said there wan’t scarcely a doubt that you meant bns'ness this time. Said you fetched presents every time you come home. Said the only doubt in folks' minds was whether 'twas Prissy or Tempy you was after. Said she was sure you was after one on 'em. 'cause she as much as asked fem one time when she was at their house. and they didn't deny it." Mr. Myrick talked steadily on this and other subjects all the way to ’the wharf. but Captain Esra was silent and thoughtful. He shook hands with Bradley at the gate of the Traveler's Rest a'ntlfiu’ld Eoodby tn tn absent- mlnded way. “I a'pose you'll be 'round to dlnnor Sunday. Oap’n Ex?” uld the boy. “Hay? Sunday? Well. I don't know. It might be tho: I shall be called back to tho Ichooner sooner than I expect. Cnn't tell.” Sure enough. the next day the oil- ten received I note from their ex- pected cue-t win; that he was obliged to leave It once for Portlnd and «odd not. therefore. he with then! on Sun- dey. 'rhe iediee were diuppointed. but thought nothing more of the net- ter It the time. it was neefly eix monthe before the «pain visited Oo- heln 03810. and during thie vielt he did not come near the his honee. He wuieid Brediey. however; asked him all about himeeit. how he wee getting on It echooi end the like. but when the boy eeked If he. the centein. men't “comin' mend to eee the folk “shore leave.” the follow!“ Novena. bar. Cumin Tltcomb aw Brunt, moral tuna. live him n ax bladed Juckknlto and took him for a drive our to the b1; cranberry swunp on odbythoOIublecompumbuthodfl not call on the old lauds. fleunrubouthbelothunow.nndw necktie- remnants-ahead?” I‘oiog." said the captain an sh; a minute we 5am m..-“ -,.--,, _ Then suddenly, as If she had made up her gnlnd. she rose. gave the dlnlnz room door a swing that would have shut lt completely had not the corner of a mat lnterfered. and. coming back - -nv'.’, um I “ to nor chutr. aid Mom). “Tatum. I'm afraid wo'll uovor be able to and Bradley to oollouo." The proolouu manuscript fall from Min Touxpy'u up to the door. "Whyâ€"why. Prhuy Allen!” ab. ox- clulmod. "Wilt do you mean?" "I mean '0 can’t do what we've hoped to do. Oh. dear! lâ€"l don't know what we'll do. Tomw. wo’vo hurdly so: any money left!" CHAPTER V. R I moment we: Temp, made no reply to her sister's speech. Instead she sat there with her eyes fixed upon Mme Prisey’e face and her run finger. picking nervously at her dress. _L- _- “Haven't got any money?” she re- peated after a pause. “Haven’t got any money left? Why. thenâ€"why. then, we'll have to take It out of the uvln‘e bank up to Boston. 0! courts. Bradley must go to college. You know he must. Pricey.” But' Mlss Prlssy shook her head. “You don't understand. Tempy.” one uid. “I ought to hnve talked with you about it long ago. 1 con see now tint I ought to; but. oh, dear. father elven said you was too deiicnte to bother with money mntten. nnd I've beenneedtoukin'niithecnremy- self. end so I've Jest (one on and on. worryin’ and plannin' end lnyin' nuke night: until I can't go on nny tur- ther. 0h. Tmpy.” she cried. nnd the tents rolled down her cheeks. “you don't nndeeetnnd. The money In the Boston bunk has all gone too. We haven't got more than woo left In the world. and when that’s gone”- She wued her hands deepen-Inst}. But still ulna Temp: did not compre- “sud: Oh. I don't doubt I said 111 can: of nuns: to keep you from know- lp’. Butlnold'emtoholppym bull. Ammuyouwutookdown mummmmummt bl: doctor's bill. nod than Bradley “Why. ell of It cen't be gone!” ehe um. “All of the lnennnce money end everything! Why. It wee “ON!" She mentioned the nun revenntly end In en eweetrnck whisper. “You.” said Ilee Pusey. trying herd not to be Impatient; “yen. 'twu $5.000. end tether died ovc ten yen-I ego. end we've been llvln’ on It ever etnce.’ up. And then It come home to me, a you might say. and I realised what we'd been dour. Oh. I've tried and tried; acdmped hero and pinch“ there. What do you 1'90» 1 sold the wood lot tor! And then the cun'by may!” {‘Why. you and we (“ain’t need 'cm. and It was too much trouble to run "Oh. my anal and body! Anyhody'd think 'twae a mutton. Jeet'thlnh. new: jeet think! We've lived on It for pret- ty nigh eleven yeere: paid for our clothee and new and havtn’ the home painted at: year- m. and"â€" “Bnt It needed palafln’.” “Needed It! ! ehonld think It dtd! But It coat more’n we'd onuht to apend. Jeat the same. Oh. It's more my fault than anyhody'a. Lonre father lived theyheewaeheptnuand yonandme waeneedtohavln'thlngeaegoodaa on: nel‘hbora. and I wanton and on. never thlnktn' we waa too extravagant until all at once the money that we Int out In the aarnlea hank waa need came. and he had to hue clothes and a little money to spend. Ilka tho otha' hon. And now!" mmmmmnu n'uaaa-leauEu-uu EBARGAINSE A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++¢+f$£ F 00H- ¢++++§§+§§§ CHINA HALL. WILLIAM IT. LINDSAY.E OROOIRIII. HINT IT. +++++++++HM++Mnuuouuumi yet. but every the 0‘? Mia Prleiy’u sob. was to her n can for help that needed In Immedlete newer. “there. there. there. dam" she laid. math; to the other rocker and putting IIOI' um around her sister'- neck. “You poor thing! You mustn't cry like thnt. You've jut won-led your-elf nick. You're :11 won out. I Ihonldn’t be surprised If you've got 3 little cold. too. In that draft: ochoolhonu. not no mkoywanlgcupotpeppu hot right away: now do." mu Prluy tux-nod: oohlntontooblo “Oh. dear no. Tompy.” Ibo uld. lay- lnc her hand on the others mu. “I b’um you think popper tu'll can maxing. out: n empty pockotbook. l rm: mu my bllll: than. I don’t know but ['4 drink a honhead. But It won‘t. nor «7111' won't. either. 89! down. and I‘ll tell you Just how thing! 80 Mill Temp}. reluctantly giving thtoa”luec tot-unproc- ont. mt back to hot chair. and um PHI-y continued. “no money in an Baotou uvln'u hank II m.” the said. “and 3 year or non ago I wrote ,to the broker folk: that bought the bond for on when father died. and they sold It for me and got a llttie less than a thousand dollars for It. I put the money Into the bank at Heroin. and. though I've tfld my best to be economical. there ain't but‘flve hundred and eight; left. M and'the pllee heie Is all we've poor. and I thought we was rich. WelL l mu ("9 up that new bonnet I was 'em' :9 pate next spring, 1nd I (pone I hadn‘t cum “to 'inb'icflbe to The floaty-term. Idldthlnkoomuch II I bewildered Cushion Min: Temp)? than to grasp the situation. Ia always worth Framing and you wifl often be nurprised at it’s appearance when Framed. We have juet received I. lei-cc shipment of American Moulding and will give a. Special Low Price on Work re- ceived during the next month. A PRETTY PI 0 TUBE Bring Your Picture ih and let us quote you for a. Frame on it. Henley Bros., Kant-It. Nou- tho lukot CHINA HALL all In? what It'- worth. that money“: spent them vim In“. Dinner Set: Tea. Sets Toilet Bet.- Fanoy China. Lamp- omit-charm“ In New Goods at the Cu our vuluu before you buyâ€"â€" We tr. DIRECT IMPORTERB- . CAMPBELL, Thursday. September Variety in evmgvthin: hutqudim Ourswck is wp'wte u’ithrich " beautiml nnvvlitiw nndwo're -: ering them at prices tlm m '11 ¢ ly nbtracLin. Notably fine My ment of rings. pim and je-erfd all kinds. l'niquy md :n-tistir? signs and :‘ngant wurknmushl} Exceptinnal values. Even-yawn“ fully “nu-ranted. ’â€" Isl-ring. Lindon“ ;nd Weddin‘ Rings st The POPulaJ Jewelry Storq Rings to Cumin Stretch” Bk: 0310‘ 01-300 CHPP‘" Poultry“ “W Wuhinl Machine! Clothes min!“ Hard ware. McLennan 001 W. F. MCCARTY Cut Glass Flower Pot: Table Glasses Tea Pot: Em. Etc. Fxt the Purl I. E. HOPKINS, Box or for the Ontario B soon :1: lowest rates Him-mat" south. WART a O'COKN‘ Icarus. etc. [out w lowest. current I km. omen corn York-0t... Lind-u! 1'. 8mm, L. V. 0 man a. KNIGHTâ€"E fldmr. Noun-y Pnbli g. Wlwloo Hutu“ ] 00-.01Wuterloo ; F lam 00.. o! Ha. t tad Surety‘ dog. Ont. (”has 1 “hit. Imus Bloch? Idll'l Shoe Store. ( M.â€" InuUGHLIN, PEP. mm. Sohcxto 0300. Corner Ken m over Du V. Money to ‘ alt-m. R. J. Mcl I. n. wELDox, an: I w. Inner of [u . Women. in all M. Oakwood. 7â€"-â€"â€" 7 W Bunches 0' “fully ”tanned- nu. once over mom. corner [a »B. SU‘I'TVNV. hand Honor ¢N(lu.w £J‘ 'l‘d “‘3’ M "0le C0! Small. All th hm mama- wopwd wd .u. once over 1'0“- Wuuun. 81'0“- 3. 90mm. m-m'ns oppootu the pun! amnion I‘W" W “u ”C‘s-d V. PUK“'- ” (do .0, Dental Sun: In the but metho‘ Motion“. Crqu the inaction of the datum: continue- to g, y, A. WALTERS. .3. Honor grudua calamity {of} R054 at this office. Omce an. the Simpson Ho" “a Concitoru 10:- t. Mm und the Bu: lousy to loan on 1 th- love-t. current Nita-IL, Unduy. "‘01 titer-int. mm.lam D. loom. '0 eye'SIIBHPB‘ “d adjusted. “"9 L0 5‘ S‘ ' ‘ppointmcnt NEELANDB Cambridge 51b. cttmtion wil i. JACKS‘ S, hunt-t. l .I Collogv “('1 modern m"! dcpfl'tlnen‘ a Hours { Trinity 1 Medical Cc l1 attentio: men and Cl m 2 to o Soliciton‘ Dentistr; ”ca-d of U 1H

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