“Hung my. According to a recent decision of a. French judge, railway companies are bound to conform to their time-tab- les as regards their fast trains, and travellers inmnvenienced or annoyed by arriving at their destination be- hind scheduled time may recover damage from the raalroad. The very sensible View taken by the judge in letting this precedent is that time: tanks are a form of watt-net made by the company mm its passengers. and should awarding]: he fulï¬lled: 1! {his} 6993in a! this Web juflgé was made t9 apply‘te Canadian railways. the Meet «(and be a. well: same we t9 the trawling warm, The mvgmeaee and interests 91mg puma wig-M 1116“ be man emgulwd in the making 9! “magmas and in the looking 19 the emlormity at the train:_ m m advefliaed aehedulga, Mower â€vague wank) :39 3mm be the prevention of my maidens. (or it is a wallâ€"known and amgnote ed fact that the majority of the week- on the railway- au-e duo to the gmuddle and mix-up cauaed by the trains not running 03 a strict schedule time. A law making it compulsory for Canadian railroads to fulï¬l their contracts as implied In the time-tables would work no (. ommon-seI nunr Iaws ed. ' ‘ hardship to the can-yin: companies.j Their schedules would simply be so adjuaed as to make the correct ar- rival and departure of trains 81171th a certainty, and the travelling put;- lic, even though ‘réceiving no diaer- mt mice or time to that now giv- en, would in any evept have the so}- iemction of knowing exactly what to expect in the mtta' of the ar- rival and 60me a traits. moral reform. The Pioneer has no party aï¬ili-ations; no political lean- ings ; no interests, save the interests of temperance and the advancement of temperance and moral and social reform. The Pioneer should, and does, voice to a. very large extent, the opinion of a great body q! the best men and women .of Ontario; and it has condensed into a few Jim a.- high compliment to the Whitney ad- ministration in the following sensible words: “The vigorous law-enforce- ment policy of the Ontario Provin- cia) Government has given to the public a. convincing illustration of what may be momplished by the common-sense policy of treating li- mmr laws as other laws are treat- Even the Liberal party press has giv- en its meed of deserved commenda- tion to the Ontario Government in this matter, and where the interests of temperance and morality have been held above petty considzrations of party expediency, the comments from the Liberal papers have been most generous and appreciative. While such comment must he gratify- ing to the Government, and to the great party behind the Government, the following few lines from the Pio- neer will be double satisfactory. The Hioneer is a. temperance journalâ€"pub. lished in the interests of social and moral reform. The Pioneer has no highest wish was that he snumu MAKE history; while Sir Wilfred would be content simmy to write it. Sir John A. had his heart’s de- sire. He made history. Many a page of this country’s progress and enter~ prising expansion may be traced to the cool judgment, the shrewd fore- sight and the courageous energy of the Old Chieftan. The WatchmamWarder tru the present Premier may also attain to his high wish, and it is humbly hoped that he may write better and with less moral obliquity than he has used in his attempts at building. Senator David suggests that . Sir Wilfred would like to retire now from public Life and devote the rest of his years to literary work. Certainly, Sir Wilfred ! You are entirely we'l- come! We care not who writes the country’s history, so long as Mr. R. L. Borden has opportunity to erase the blots on the last few pages of the book and to then go forward to make historyâ€"a history of progres- sive government, clean politics and flood service. sts that Neutral-3, one of Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier’s greatest ambitions is to write a, History of Canada. In this ambi- tion the present Premier shows the difference between his hopes and Sir man-Wardet was mptea w Suapovv as much from the Wu.eleetlionr turns when the Campbell-Banmman Government was returned. swith such a majority. O O 0 According to Senator DaVid, of Hartman, one of Sir Wilfrid Laur- ,A__:-- bwn complimented time and again for its efï¬cient enforcement of the laws regulating the liquor trafï¬c. Watchmghwmr m b, m 'm' 0" “MN m The Whitney administration has Thanksgiving Day mnual report of the British ' Commission shows a dioqui- journal very aptly points wt mcme in insanity in Great day is not a holiday, lut rather says The Globe. The Watch- should be considered as e L'cly day. rder was tempted to suspect The observance 07 ’lhaukSgivmgVDay ' lshould partake as much as possible l from the germinalelectionre-l . . the Campbell-Bannerman of the' religious nature; it is meant hen nent was returned swith suoh'to'be a national expression of a peo- 'i‘ty, ple's gratitude and thankfulness inr blessings and mercies received. .‘That‘ few nations have more cause for thankfulness and gratitude that 0- nada will be readily admitted, and perhaps in the abundance of bless- ings temporal and otherwise the spir- it of gratitude has been largely for- gotten and neglected. Bountiful har- vests, security of life and property, liberty of conscience and freedom of Speech tend towards forgetfulnees of the Power that confers. In there- cure abundance of worldly beneï¬ts there is liable to be indiï¬erence as country's progress and enter-i to where they come from, and it is when prosperity is lowest that men expanSion may be traced to. and women are most likely to ap- L judgment, the shrewd fore- ld the courageous energy Of: predate and be grateful for 8111811 Chieftan. !mercies- The religious elementâ€"orig- atchman-Warder trusts that inally the one great feature of ent Premier may also attain Thanksgiving Day igh wish, and it is humbly superseded by the desire to iing to Senator David, 01 a, one of Sir Wilfrid Laur- aatest ambitions is to write ry of Canada. In this ambi- 2 present Premier shows the e between his hopes and i his great predecessor, Sir . Macdonald. Sir. John A.’s wish was that he should history; while Sir Wilfred e content simply to write it. ohn A. had his heart’s de- = made history. Many a page .4 M. 1.... mm, write better and day a holiday of pleasure and visit- in Toronto last week. Mine 8. Waishi of Toronto. is visit- ing Mrs. J ; B. Marion. ' Mr. L. Williams“ 01 Toronto. was, a. Lindsay visitor this week. 3111-3. Stephens ,nnd Miss are visiting in Owen Sound. Mrs. M. J. Carter returned week -from a visit to Toronto. Ear-Reeve W. H. Wilslm, of riton,~'visioed Lindsay this wevlr Miss M. Donn. Ottawa. was the guest of her uncle. Mr. J. Boxall. MiSs Marie Chirpaw spent her holl- days at .her home at Victoria Road. The Misses Murray, of Toronto. are the guests of friends in this vicinity. Mr. G; 7P. Devitt m returned home after a" pleasant visit to ,Hamilton frieDdS. Stephens] this Mer- ‘I returned L'Miss Mabel Burke last week frog a visit to Toronto and Niagara... ‘ ' ' ' Mr. J. Penrnse, of Arthur. Ont, was the guest of relatives in Ops Township. _ Miss Tessie Hearn, Barrie, returned home last week after a visit to Lind- say friends.‘ Mr. S. Eplet, of New Liskeard, is spending-.3.- {cw weeks with Mr. J 0hr. Graham, Emily. wâ€"has been largely Mr. G. A. Macdonald,~.editor of the make the Watchman-Warden spent the week end at Ancaster. Mica Miami LV‘tle left on Saturday and moral and social Pioneer should, and ‘o a. very large extent, a great body Q! the No pro-judgment of the case, no ï¬nding of the accused men guilty of [criminal negligence, would be per missable or just at this stage of the proceedings, but no fault can be found with the very commendable de sire of the jury to have a. thorough investiglatioï¬, and if blame and pun- ishment are deserved to have the same meted out to the deserving. The meeting at the Lindsay Poultry and 139% Stock Academia“ we. held in the amt.» at Ir. 1". H, 369 . 11.8. A. the many armatativc of the Ontario Deputmqat of Agriculture. on Friday awning. Among those present were‘he-Mm. D. c. 'I‘rew. Johnson Ellil. J ., P. Riley. 0. Frost. C. Blackwell. T. Hadden. J. William- son. G. Calvert and othm. The ï¬nancial mm were found to be in excellent condition. Receipts amounted to $615.48 for the you, and expenditures to $594.84, leaving a balance to the good of 821.09. A. discussion of the condition of the Association caused much satisfaction as the society is flourishing and pro- then certainly justice would 3180 r6!- qp-ire the arrCSt of others higher up. It is unthinkable that these two men would wilfully so act, that such an accident should occur. No one believes such to be the case. On the other hand, if the accident occurred through incompetence then those re- sponsible for incompetent employees holding the safety and lives of hund» reds in their keeping should also be called to answer. If the accident oc- curred 'through carelessness, then those responsible for the employment of careless men should also be re- quired to suï¬er. A railroad 'is the last place on earth where a careless or incompetent man should be allow- ed employment. JAN; @1111 AND 99nd TEE DATES; MEETING OF TKE FOUL'PRY ANï¬ I'E‘I‘ BTOQK ASSOCIA= ‘I‘Iï¬Nz Th9 1111169113 Peultry Show 911 Jan. 919% and 99ad.1§08. is :0 ha the bi t sueeess yet ,ueh 1a the b91191 a! the 11999919.: 11911. and energy and 9.91m being behind belief. 11 will no 61911 t “at: “9:2? in Jammy; 11319391113}. .1; , The by-election 1n Brock‘rille has been. ï¬xed for OCtober 7th. Eva. Fox Emmaâ€, the adven- tux-ens arrested in Teronto. now who sentenced to MW in New York. ‘ Twatrï¬wpormmmm thoDomiï¬onExhibitiona-t Sher- mmmun.wm mkMtflmn‘an‘ LINDSAY POUUTRY SHOW The Coroner's jury on invest-flitting the Caledon wreck, found that the acoident was caused by the criminal negligenCe of the conductor and em- gnneer on the ill- fated train. The jury also censured the C. P R. for placing inexperienced men in charge of so important a train. So far, so good. perhaps. 7 The (Erectors or last year were re- elected, with Mr. Johnston Ellis .88 president, and III. C. Frost as secre- It must. be confessed, however, that the jury, or the law, had not gone far enough. I! the evidence given warrants the arrest of these men, “'70 It is along this line that one good argument, is brought forward for the observance of the day on Monday. Monday will allow many to go to their homesâ€"that may be distantâ€" for Th-anRSgiving. 'mze rest ele- ment will also be more eï¬ective. It is argued that men will be more likb- 1y to attend and appreciate the Thanksgiving Day services ext home and with the element of rest, not rush, predominant. Then the jury ordered that the con- ductor and engineer be arr-Med â€and held on the criminal charge. So far, So good, perhaps. ing Who Is Responsible ? V not go higher up as well 7 “ Kiss 8. Walshi of Toronto. is visit-1 :- ing' Mrs. J. B. Myriam . Mr. L. Williamson. 0! Toronto, was. y 9. Lindsay visitor this week. , Jim. Stepheng .and_ we? Stephen‘s'l a an. Hospital hing weéka Waugh ileum He returned to hit» hm hm week aaeompamied by his Maud. m. Siimwood. who remained in liq-ins coma weal“ waiting to bring- his Mend home. Mr. lam in very trawl for the Madam shown him by Mr. Silverwaod during hi. im um Mr. Percy Web-var M00 «div edatResimonhiuwtromVInv conver. wherhe'had quit part at the mama, and accompanied the party. as far as Tomato. In Im' my friends are pleased to use him home min and lookinc I0 wall utter hit long illness, Mr. Charge D. lane. at Cameren Paint. Raglan. who want, to Ecsta- tqen 89mg months ago WM! W. A“ levorweod and Pam; Wabawr. of Oahwepï¬. was} detained 31 the! lies Fmelon Falls Star :aMeaara. Geo. Goodwm. of Lindsay, with his cous- in. 090. Geodwm. at Winnipeg. and m. Chum mercy. of Lindsay, have bean making a trip at the upper lakes; They went out. 2mm Hambur: um and ewe mum via manna and Keaesea Lake. thence down the watm ï¬e Madam They report, we swim-y magniï¬ecnt and “:9 mm 3996. A French mieï¬titt haul-coveted a. method of procuring an electric sleep, which will replace chloroform and other anaesthetic. used in mtg! 'r a-l operations. , Mr. Allan Gillies, of the Stratfond Herald, and Mrs. Gillies, are visiting the.lntter’a parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Gillies haVe just returned Irom their trip to Que- bec with the special excursion organ- ized by the Herald for the ladies se- curing the most points In their Vot- ing contest. Mr. Jos. Clark, of Elora, visited Lindsay this week. Mr. Clurk was accompanied by his brnther, Mr. Ralph Clark, of the Haliburton line. Mr. Clark was a resident of Lindsay thirty-nine years ago, and was the ï¬rsb passenger engineer on the Haliâ€" iurton road. Miss Laura. Wilson, East Ops, re- turned home last week after a two week’s visit with her cousins in To- ronto. Mrs. C. Major, Toronto, and Mrs. J. McCutche-on, of the Michigan 800, were the guests this week of Mr. J. Dundas. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jordan were in Toronto Saturday attending the funeral ol the late Thomas Smart, brother of Mrs. Jordan. Mr. A. Cote left this week. for Mon- treal to resume his studies at Me- Gill University. after a pleasant. va- cation at his home here. Southampton Beacon :â€"Mrs. Ernest, E. Short and Master Everett are spending a month’s holidays with r latives and friends in Lindsay and Toronto. Mia E. Henley, of the Dundas 6: Flavelle stall, who has been ill for some week: past, was taken to the Rom Memorial Hospital for treat- ment on Sunday. Mr. G. A. Macdonaldpzeditor of the Watchman-Warden spent the week end at Ancaster. Miss Aileen Lytle left on Saturday to resume her course at. Mou-lton Mr. J. D. Flavelle left for Winnipeg on Thursday last for a visit to his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. McMil- lan. Mrs. Flavelle is at present. in Winnipeg, and will accompany Mr. Flavelle on his return trip. Township. . Miss Tessie Heam, Barrie, returned home last week after a visit to Lind- say friendSu Mr. S. Eplet, of New Liskeard, is spendingxa: {cw weeks with Mr. J 0hr. College, Toronto. Mrs. A. J. Briggs, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., is visiting relativw in Victoria County this week. Mrs. Beattie, of Rochester, N. Y., returned home last week aiter a. vis- it- to her daughter, Mrs. W. Coombs, Melbourne street. Mr. Jack Wilson, East Ops, ac- companied by his feiend, Mr. COTE cadden, left on Wednesday, Sept. 4th for Saskatchewan. Mrs. W. Simmons and children, 0! Rochester, returned last week to their home after a visit with Mrs. S. J. Fox. Mr. Ed. Clendennan, of Lindsay, left here On Monday for Kinmount, where he will be manager of the Northern Hotel. Mr. A. Jeï¬ers has returned to New York after a, two months visit to his parents here, Dr. and Mrs. Jen‘ers. D. Cdn'l Red Buy. m withdrawn. '1‘. Bodglou'u Kuwick ........ 1 Dr. Cowm'l Home. O. .. 2 Gaotgo Dottmu'n “tunic , Sept. 9th, u:- mam. suing Epworth Law On Honda: ev Grit opening exercise for the autumn Queen-twat BAD WEATHER A DRAWDACK. INTERESTING SPEEDING EV- ENTS. GOOD ATTENDANCE. The Kmmount Fair. under the sus- plm of the Gamay Agriculmml 80- ot , We: held on Monday and Weda hes m; of last week. On 'ruoqdw the mm» was de- cldoly untavonble. M on Mums day It cleared up wwdnrahly. .nd n large “whenâ€. m tron: the din: met and surround! 7 country. 0m- oi ty came In alone rem Unduw.‘ e exhl-bm warn me. and numgrx ‘ Free-torch. Alph. Comm' Tom Boy W. H. Simpson's Joe yAlltn 3 Dr. Johnston’ 3 Brown GYP'. 5 Timeâ€"2. 80}. 2.29, 2.27i , Hacked Rue. $50â€" Mail’s Lulu mm ... w 1 s. Lambert}. Lady Brown 3 VI-ï¬n'oï¬iiiia; Had it)“ “chub were h'ovldenoe also. Inch inure“ was *0“ m tho npggdlnlyn glue flu.†, 7, _ W‘he mmm wow good. and human ou- and the quanty ma gummy of due 99mm and mm vacuum we pagtioululy mum ha «31le m the rum and the hats :â€" Fm' Rut- J. Your. Jun... ... 1 J. Ammm'u Pony Poa- v ° 31‘" 1‘1!‘ vvvvvvvvvvvvvv Denny's D 8km»!- 4 40 Ola-oâ€" Bodcaou' I Billy Raw!“ 1: 11 88 49 11 Johnatoa'umayp OI Mtw'IWOGm 1 Great Harvest in Very New In producing this diepley we have w that will pen-nit you to buy the very but absolutely correct. e have been careful to keep the prices down to a noteh you like best, sight ofl‘ the, show table as every one 16 1’ w I“, 5“- ' 0f the many inportsnt Millinery events this store has held, this season’s Fall Opening promises to be the best. We have Millinery thst will meet the demands of the most exacting buyer and the designs and color combinations are of such 3 high order that it is sure to win high praise from those' who see itâ€"and all should make a speoisl effort to be present at this opening display. .. . j____ A. - nnh'J-n We would be pleased to have you put some of our House Furn- ishings. If remodleling or building a new house be sure and see our range of Carpets, Curtains, Win- dow Shades, Draperies and Linol- eums. We can save you money and give you the best of values and guarantee you entire satis- faction. In Your Home M Free Delivery Service to all trains, bonus, and all parts of the town. KINMOUNI fAIR UV l"~""â€"""' Pall Fashionsv at Q QIQ'Q. J. Sutcliffe Sons Pu‘ Mantles l 9 [I 3 3 good. 1 9 We“: and“ lb. 1 to. on Io 4(9Wbopntodl at tho now when. who have not . chum) 1 9 1 9 1 . l “I. to who» Nit amok Mk. 3- duo 'u muchwowuthstoliorg- Wimmnnoutortlo my 1“"; °“ -1'1°°°-"!WÂ¥"‘ 6h- --“ ~__ -A mum“ Work: now: “my unlml wrench illness; when mm lender- hnw MM. qulu mum. to who the topic and do Ma Emu trying in cm cry w“ :o MID up “to mun†at me hum dum; m pummel- maths. Mao the organ“. mm Mt: View . on hand no.» owl-y am and w u“ to piano Ml; the 1m: .MudmflOud. who look- ntm- w mom Mum. and and: MK. h duo a mu 1!. In. “I. to when «can any on no» at up now when. 0m “not W» h on to a." you. people :ho has not a church home to “:3 o. on um um. om ho Wound. and no In! do you, STEPHEN OLIVER HEADS NOT To CHARGE OF mmmc STGNA-' TURES 'ro annssomr NOT-E . 88. CASE ADJOURNED. l 'l‘hecuobdonmnthuhon again-t Hr. Stephan 011m. of town. ongchtmntxmdcaum m ween mutation-uncanny; bellCo..o¢0hth-n. "Won hid-5.1‘hu-omtmw Wan} ofï¬ng-mind- Incinl convolution was the order. After the opening exercises the ‘le-on was rend by Mr. W. Nicolle. President. and the usual monthly consecration service was teken by the pester. Ir. Phelps. utter which about thirty new members. and Iavurnl trensfer members. pledged themselves to the Dengue. some as associate. and others as actiw members. With the help of those new workers. and with the poster’s presence exhaust them one more. the Imus is looking lor- wud to 5 ed honest during the cooler meat It Much rum In duo unworthy pm oldest. r. Wilbert Nleom. for his mum; you; up: Any yaw Lindsay and Oshawa Our Clothing Department has been rearranged and more con- venient for buyers to see just what they want and in fact everything is made as pleasant as possible, especially for mothers bringing their boys to be ï¬tted for new suits. Not only do we carry a large range of Men’s Clothing, but the boys who are to be the men of Ladies’ Suits ï¬iifyaéirfl’c‘f‘ Especially noteworthy are the new Fall Suits for ladits The growing demand for these garments has induced many mak- ers to strive harder than ever to produce garments that will not only be perfect ï¬tting but absolutely correct in style and materials, besides their being already for street wear, doing away with any unnecessary delay in having a suit made. When in let us show you our range and we know you will be well repaid. to-morrow receive equally as good looking after at this store. Come in and see the many new tweeds that are being shown this seasonâ€"see the new and proper cut in all garments, and lastly save money on your needs. Men’s Fall Clothing See Our Fur Display gt Lindsay Central Fair CASH AND ONE PRICE ‘ Oliver Ltoho’ ON â€WA \' AFTERNOON. M. an new“ at tho (Julianna Md away in J: 0.;qu Chamber on â€thy Moon the women at purchulu u building {or a cum- "gamma “3““ m ‘3' up M a my on t- au. baud!“ M boon ohm: {or purch- to an new. In vtow o! a. hot that than van a†a mu MEETING OF THE 0. A. SOCIETY CHILDREN'S AID MAY SECURE A SHELTER 1150 cu. Sui â€adjourned unul Thur-aw of un- weak. «W. W mum "a m (“for at“ 0» an manta o! tho RAJ. Mr. 0. R. Hopkins nppured for Ir. Oliver. and It. L. V. O'Connor forth: Comp-my. evtduloe was largely preliminary de- mmï¬goodTMthltvhu-eweshine. .' 0F w in M‘lity" is a source of conï¬de?†Ill vm to our Momsâ€"should be to you- I" by“)? Mn you m‘m no risk. Prices are right-*1uï¬hty ‘5 m zone-n17 “rut-mended by v um GEORGE BEALL ~ JEWELLERY STORE Ladies’ Dark Grey Cheviot Skirts, pleated gores and trimmings of buttons and self strappings. Regular $3, for .................. $2.19 Ladies' Mixed Tweed Skirts. very prettily trimmed with self strap. ping and button. adjustable bands. Regular 84. for ...... â€.29 Siltcliï¬â€˜e’s dwwpwwwwkpw’sw' w 4 Your Watch! Here’s a few very special Skirt Values just as a forerun- ner of fall values at this store. A store where Skirt values are are always best and the range particularly large. N ew Skirts A Whisper of Fan Where WI" you buy it? “‘9 Gummy-mu m Qupm mud I “‘4’“!!! by l"ummw idubw WWMKV. "in! Ihv â€who chm " m 'MWï¬u'ut‘luN Mu lmul. N mamas; will go in New \‘urt W Mina Titanium Unmet. comm“ m 0' "an “[1de ï¬nd '1“ Iâ€; V uthuu inrurrpd nnd Ml canary umnlm Hm Nurvmr‘ I! In: In "19 uwmhorn too. a Mona. Me A""0qu the other good work W mu." attended to by me CA. 50(- W "M the sending of a ward (‘5 "I. Society tn the Orthopedic HOP PIN. in Torontu. {or treatment W Octal-mod fat. In vrdm to mfl‘ W The Society submitted a report 0! the work; in the north country. and the mating was of the opinion M the work should be carried on It completion in Halilnurtun County 'Amn-n Ohn nfhor HOOd ‘.0r“ '9‘ Store open at 8, closes at 6 except on Saturdays when it’s open until 10 pm. 01 {hr V'v- !' | wuuluhl â€a *m .u' ianiW" '. E _,'rhe deral _â€" You! “é†will take the nel “bow is trying «limelight with a m! ’3 Annie Finnegan. < Sdrivhg home from chm of vents ago they me bile 1mm townâ€"Mr. Rn Mn says the autt 3.1 l. high rate and d4 "Illa the horse beoal fit lzy rates the horse 1: lee and ran away, m renewed a. bad d pa mun-ed arm in an inn a the present tim“ 010va recovering ! of the mix-up. -Ir. J. Brown, of We ‘5 Mailman-Wand! “I thg e: m be will not sho Fur. is nevertheless w! both as it is re exhibit was in tho 1 (IN Mr. Brown 1'! he me kind) whic “'0 all“ since at lean-q “hr of last yrm‘ m Very mm 4 their 5“ 0' a y‘ ‘ 1h Mp M m m «mmfl “m. with n m1 tion ct vioï¬ at "" “C On um. MM 1"3‘ uxmmmu 1“ â€Mm mum†M m but m 401' Monday eve‘l'lim Dnut the Acmiem.V 0‘ Bis in New York" ‘ I mining and high-c} My Simcoe, the 1 mm of the "War Cry 7m Soldier," “‘in #63 13y. A. fliQin M POWderSv 3. Drug storeyâ€"3712 .ne detailing of flP.R. at Myrtle d Wmood, and i‘ guy explan‘tion is‘ Il’t You subject for de [en's Bible ('14 street church 0: '41} be, “lb-sol flit: Mr. James II!!! f appoints flier." “'i†S. A. this Friday friend?