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Watchman Warder (1899), 26 Sep 1907, p. 9

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OfHou” ge of very choice every 1' eqnirement. 7elvets or BrugSegs ize with the rest all patterns. .V, Wools and Un- : money they cost. consult 1137mm- we you money in t9, anyway we are Ip-tp-date furnish. ,2 so popular for m Madras Muslim. re them almost any 9: money n any window. In me shnwing some my and patterns \ o impurted up”. is, «wanna trade. them lwfom buy- {and ‘llzellilics are m in those, qualb 8 know will give Dd Service. Smooth well Covered and new patterns that oks well but. wear )ME AND SEE DWINGâ€"It will fat 8, closes at 6, Saturdays when til 10 p.m. ac stove Pipe "0"“ w at either side. m has two wins! m being the " Lying CW“ ’1'. floor “out. 2 attractive M leums Cloths won down the W- single tailored W as Mus- ,nd Nets ofgoods mmmell‘ts 1801118 Ieatul'es evenings town-I’d ”r crown of -Lindsuy gem "more like New Wk every day." The. latest inno- mion is H!» instalhttkm of, an aut- omtic pay station for the Bell Tele- the Company at the G.T.R. de- M, The prinmplo of the appamtus Similar to the slot machine. You firopu fiVO-(‘vrfl Mocc 1n the slot if Sou “ish to talk to 8. Lindsay mn- nection and a twvnty-fn‘e cum. piece {crlrmg dismmw. The machine is in- Mlhd at the waiting room of the GT-R- 09PM. And it i< an up~to-da.vbe lflajr in every particumr. ~The mystory as to the parcel of “the! Iound a week or so ago und- h'n woodpile in I’otcrhorough has Mmlvm. l‘vtvrhm'oug‘h journals '3‘ 11in 1mg.- nh‘l‘ the mystery ap- le thinking- t‘hu‘y had same deep N neverto-he-solml suicide or murder to plume mnmwlves on 88 ““132 that I‘vtm'homnvgwh is really ”it,“ where thmgs do I'm-PW“ once a While. ’l‘h.- (-lmring of the mya~ “W FObS thv papers of this fond “ODE. The clnthm “mm simply plac- min the wnmlpih- for safety by 8- '3“)!!! to whom they had been Siv‘ mm charity. Thus is the mystery ”I“. and I’eterborough will sleep “undisturbed. To mdge from the nth“31mm of her cmzens and the Naelavishod on hvr ex‘eq T‘y out- ”! PeterhorOJgh sleep must be 1filmwledgod to ho a. “beauty sleep” We prettiness of the little city In”disputed. NI- «lenu l'allfl (lmllfl 5â€"HT. Th0“ “Hum.“ has [mi-u at Uudmy a muplf Ur lmwa this \vuck, where he jmgn-runmuhug the placing of the l-lbransl (*lmllh‘ m a new ”mt which I}. ll Austin hurl had built by Mr. JPerrin, or Lindsay, tn mplace the strank‘r "Daumluss‘fi destroyed. by filewmc um» ago. The new craft, lhmh will lmar the name "Island M.” i9 ‘37; iwt. long by 7 feet Mm, and. if all gues well, will ar- m at thw l-‘uns on Saturday or early npxt week. Don’t You (ome mmipn mil! 0! ”I “”‘l‘ hm ham! \\ ”mating u M with mung :1mm 1‘ 111' “1” 1‘0 htld [mllwi V en‘ni ng Without seeing selection of Thonms I‘UIOY- ‘ misfortun" to WI “hih‘ on ‘ niCe PRIcns mam h‘mmwl MEX. ([ARK 10 [119 fair SIJIIINGS r tho Mae-«m \\ sl UH uwl Inn. of (Yohomnk ‘ lmy‘nml m‘t‘hlnht “1“"? I." 4.“ in mm.»- and m \vrulmn nu ‘I‘uofidny In mmu‘ hmlflk‘l‘ MI M drnnn an in NW MW \u-r) mum. Thu {Mm- gm \II‘L‘PIM‘O by "I“ Gm- roll 01' I‘uloy. of Woodville, mv to have his po- \ (\n the trmiu Sat- l'hp [rickpock-ot se- m‘ twenty-five (101- our the Trent Valley Canal, with a. View to preventing the wholesale destruc- tion of fish, as has happened before in the winter. “Sis in New York” was presented at the Academy of Music on Monday evening and was enjOyed by a. very large audience. The comedy was a. light piece, full of uproarious: fun ‘and good specialties, but with little of in- terest in the plot. It must be said that the company presenting it were excellent, and their wandering was above reproach. John Henry, the hired hand, and Sis. the country girl were almost faultlessly taken, and the play was a. thoroughly enjoyable one, because it was so full of harm- less lun and laughter. It was well presented and much enjoyed. Mr. Roem'gk, manager of the opera house - ,‘_A_A -._..:.. Efiqfta of geopie Lo '8 42 r 1903 ha: Mrs. J. E. Terrill, of Linden‘ Val- ley, won Gough’s gold $5.00 prize at Oakwoocl this week for dairy butter. This, added to the fact that Mrs. Terrill Won the five first prizes at Lindsay Central Fair this year, as well as last year. for dairy butter, shows that Mrs. Terrill as a butter maker stands very high in Victoria County. suggested by the jouity anu 50w spirit suggested by the big crowds gathering to attend the Lindsay Cen- tral Fair. Friday was‘the 53rd an- niversary of the Battle of Alma, an engagement in the Crimean War in gagement raidem trict, and one of the very few olive who took part in the battle. In honor of the anniversary Major Martin wore the medals which were conferred on him at various times for his honorable career as a. soldier. The Full Assizes commenced on Monday, when court was opened be- fore Mr. Justice Clute, of Toronto. The King vs. Qartmill alleged fraud case is before the court, and the Grand Jury’s presentment re their inspection of jails. etc., was submit- ted. Tho asslzes are still in session as we go to press. Provincial Game and Fisheries In- spector Webster was in town for 96V- eral days inspecting various matters here, and in conference with Inspect.- or Bradshaw. Inspector Webster‘s mission was largely to secure data. .-, â€"â€"â€" 7 w is to be congratulated again on a. full house and an excellent company. Guy Brothers, on Wednesday, Octob- er 2nd, is the next event. Friday last Major Martin was re: minded of the strenuous times of the “439* and of other scenes than those Adam Ludwick. who was on trial M “hunky um; week for the murder of his wife near Sundarlaud. wwu do~ chu‘ed insane. and ordeved to be con- fined in: jail to await the pleasure at the Govemor-Ckmorad. His (laugh- tor's testimony made the story at the life and trugtdy of the man Very pa.- thetic. An order was issued on Monday (or the placing in the asylum or John “an-no. a. man cl‘ about. 24. who wan \wnkqmmlvd. hm; beau bhmmtunlng neighbors and otherwiae proving him: Half m be unfit to be at, large. The cummlttuwm was madc by Magis- ll'utv Mum‘u. A very severe thunderstorm passed through parts of 0p; and Fenclon townships last. Thursday. A burn be- lunging u; H. Johnston. near Pow- lea‘ Comma. was struck by lightning and hurmd to the ground. Two 0pm farmers lost cattlv in the storm. Capt. Archie layman, of Toronto, ' Lindsay on"'Sa.turday and Sunday next, Sept. 28 and 29, and conduct very migrating: services at the Salvation Army. The puhlic an invited t9 attend; Henry Campbell, an ex-soldier, liv- ing in Nestletun. was gentencod to 30 days in jail this week for theft from the Star Clothing Store. , Messrs. Toronto West End Y. M. C. A. 3.1“:- - Cook and Thomps in at the Mr. I. Stratton, editor of the Ar- 31’? to. gus Stonewall, Manitoba, visited come here as secretary no physical friends. here lm week director respectively, and under their guidance it is hoped “to make the as- sociation a power for good, phxsi~ ically, morally and Hiritually among :the young men of Lindsay. -â€"T-he ruling price at the Ele’teb borough Cheese Board last week was 125- -16 cents All the factories ex- cept one which sold at 12kc, receiv- ed the price above, though Fraser- ville did not sell at all. The num- ber of boxes oflered was 2,929. Last year at the same time 3,604 boxes were registered. For the previops sale there were 4,612 boxes on the Board. This shows a. big falling off in the IGl‘ierings on the Peterborough Board. and this ialling-ofi has been gem-ml throughout. the year. Up to (late Peterboro Board has had 1,879 boxes less offered than for. the same time in 1906. Mrs. - J. McSweyn and daughter, Mrs. A. B. McIntyre. are visiting Mrs. Calder at Boston. ' Mr. James Wilson. of Kinmount, was among the Lindsay visitors last week at the big county fair. Mr. A. B. McGill. manager of the Farmers’ Bank of Canada, ,Bethazns. was in town for the exhibition. Miss Francis Staples, of Kirknead. was the guest of Miss Thorndyke, of. Russel street. during the Fair. l Mr. and Mrs. W. Flavelle and dau-‘ ghter, and Mr. Aird Flavelle return- ed from the West on Saturday. Mr. T. H. Clayton, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilkioson, and also attended the Lindsay Central. 1 Mrs. Geo. Woolford and Miss Hazel] Worfolk, of Whitby, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Winn, of town. Mr. Stanley Pogue, of Valentia, formerly of the Montreal Bank, Lind- say, spent Friday and Saturday in. town. I The Raven Law Cement Co. have made an assignment. The directors and creditors will hold a meeting on ()rtuher :lIlth. Salvation Army ' of other scene by thg ‘jollity EM A freight train on the Port. Perry line struck and killed a. valuable cow at the third concessinn a. Week ago. The mime] was red with little white spots. No one in the neighbor- hood seems to know who owned the Mr. M. Clendenan. of Winnipeg. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Clendenan. Mr. Oiendenan had his foot crushed in an accident at Winnipeg recently, and his many friends here will wish him a. sure and swift recovery. merely grazed her lelt am, but the other pierced her side in the regiorn of the heart. The bullet has not yet been located, but the physicians are hopeful of her recovery. ‘vvrv- , last, and is spending auxin-cation in this district. Mr. 'I'hos.,Puley. of Woodvilla was a. busy man at the Lindlay Central Fair last week. He was at his ac- customed place as ticket taker at the gateâ€"o. positioa he has occupied siane the first fair. Mr.’1‘hos. Tremeer, of Sonya, call- ed at the Watchman-Wardcr ofi’sce on Friday, and had a. talk with the ed- itor. He has had his left eye hurt while working at Heslick’s black- smith shop (King's old stand) at Ma-nilla. John Jeflries. an employee of the American Hotel at Midland, is held on a, charge of shooting Bose Laten- ville, an unmarried women, cook in the same establishment. One bullet. Mr. P. Pluerd, of Alpena. Mich” formerly of Lindsay. was revisiting old friends and acquaintances hem Mr. Pluemd has prospered greatly in his adopted country. ‘ Rev. J. W. MacMillan, of Winnipeg, who came oust for aholiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Flam-Ila and Mrs Cooper arrived here on Spturdqy Mr ‘Wm. M. of mm. Rlvor, paid the Wutahmgm- Murder a VIM»- ant. call last week while hora tor Um culohrntud [.hudnnv (‘ontml Fnh. Mr‘ H. Grady. who accompanied Mr. Mux Clemlenun home from um Wont, left Wednesday morning for Ma hmne in Owen Sound. Mail and Empire :â€"Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jones. Lindsay, announce the en- gagement of their daughter Kathryn Maude. to Mr. P. A. Ferguson. The wedding‘will take place quietly on Oct. lat. ‘ Mr and Mn. John J. MW. of Fuulv. Halted Manda and took m the Idndoav (‘mtml um. wank Mr Manon holiovoa the Mr in improving right along. Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Mackey. of Toronto. are Lindsay visitors this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilkinson. WIN 0th. Pnrkin. lemtla. Ipent I-‘rldm and Saturday Nth her daugh- ter. Mina Leonie I’M‘Hn. who is M. tending the Dunno» Cullngo. Mrs. S. w. Finley and little non. of Kallapol. Montana. returned home last week after spending the summer with the farmer's mother. Mrs. J. Kelly. north ward. Mr. Stanley Pogue, of Valentia, formerly of the Montreal Bank, Lind- say, spent Friday and Saturday in town. Miss Lizzie Mmmes hnwreturnedjo town after visiting relatives in Man itoha and North Dakota [or the past two months. and satisfaction from us 7°“ 1““ right- "260m: V " ' ' 'dered above all In buymgaa watch there 18 one thmg to be cons: . othmâ€"mliability. You don’t want. to pay too much for It, and u want itgood. This is 5113th we ehine. yo Our reputation for “dependability” 18 u. gonna}! confidean ' ll ‘- LA _- I- Hun-“cub "I! 10 aw..- ._.- x reputation for VI‘ééfiéndability” is aponrceuot confldonog bisfaction to our customersâ€"mold be to you. In buying a you run abmlutply no risk. Prices mrig'hbéqnafity is Yfinmnmlyonwhatismoommyndoflby Afififiw 4% Your Watch! Where )vill you buy it? "l The groom was supported by 111'. Hugh McIntyre. L- Aner the ceremony the happy party 3 all repaired to the Wtully decor- HERRJMAN.â€"At Owen Sound. on Saturday. Sept. 21m, 1907, Herb- ert Russell Hen-imam youngest son. of Dr. and Mrs. Herriman. RICHARDS.â€"At. -vacnhurst, on Wednesday, Septt‘ISth, 1907, Mar- garet D. Richards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R! ‘ do, of Lind- say, aged 20 years,» 0 months. MORRISSEY.â€"In ily Township.‘ on Sunday, Sept. 15th, 1907, Mar-‘ garet Flynn, wife of Timothy Mor- rissey. aged 48 years. ‘ SMITH.â€"At Mindeo Village, on‘ September 15th, 1907, .Edith Maud Welch, wife of Mr. James Smith, aged 26 years, 11 months, 28 days. WALKER.â€"-Ir. the Township 0! Snowden, on September 13. 1907‘ Bessie Gilbert. wife 0! Mr. Jamel Walker, aged 84 years, 10 months, 18 days. THOMASâ€"In Cnmbray, on Nfiay, Sept. 10th, 1907, Annie E. Bag- shdw, wife of Samuel 1. Thomas,‘ ALSIKE WANTED.â€"Until further notice Mr. J. A. Steele, of Toron- to. or his repmtativo, will be in Little Britain every Friday morn- ing from 8 to 10 a..m. ; Oakwood from 10.30 to 12 gm" for the pur- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, by Elias Bowea. auctioneer. credit sale of farm stock, the property of Jan. Cap stick. lot 19, con. 10, Vern- 13,111, 1 mile from Bobcaygeon Sal. at one o ’clock, and without ro- som. 39-2 BROWNâ€"CROXALL.â€"At tho rd- dnnoo of ‘hv brido'l mother. Sept. 18. by Rev. John Hun-II. Mr. 011- hort. nruwn. wholoulo merchant, ’l‘orontu. to Mint Eva Croxnll. only dmzhtor or the late Juno. (fro:- nll. Elm. Ilrooklm. (‘AINâ€"TA'I‘E. â€"- On September 18th. in Harvey, by Rev. E. w. Foloy. Daniel Cain. o! Voruluu. to Mtu Etta 'l‘nto. daughter a Mr. John Tau. Harvey. THURSTONâ€"REEDS.â€"At the real- donce o! the anointing minister. Huntsville. on Woduooday. Sept. 11, 1907, by Rev. Joseph Mum. Charlo- Herbort Thur-ton. Bob- caygoon. Ont. to Emma Roads. of Lashburn. Sagk" formerly of Ron- boro. Ont. MASSALES â€" At Lutterworth, on Thursday, Sept. 19,1907, to Mr. and Mrs. H. \Iassalcc. a daughter MILLER.â€"In Fenolon Township. on Sept. 2nd. 1907. to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller. I son. OLIVERâ€"In Verulam Towuship, on Sept. 13, 1907, to Mr. and Mn. A108. Oliver. :1 non. SCOTTâ€"In Lindnny, on Tuchsy. Sept. 17. 1907. to Mr. and Mrs. w. A. Scott. a son. S\[I'I‘H. -â€"At Minden. on Sunday. Sept 15 1907. to Mr. and Mrs. .15! Smith. a daughter. um born. The mother only survived a few hourg. numerous to mention. Their many friendc extend the heartiest congratulations, the scribe included. Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre are very popular in this vicinity, as was shown by the numerous presents ne- ccivod, among the number being a beautiful velours and mahogam couéh from the Brandon Milling Co.; a. beautiful dinner sett from the Hon- ated dining hall, where a sumptuous repast weq hpreod. .Touts were pro- posed by several of the guests to which the groom responded. . The happg; couple left on the eight. o’clock train, emid showers of com letti, rig a)!!! old slippers. for To- ronto, Co'llltgwood "arid other points. The bride travelled in a handsome dark brgwn’military suit, with tan and brown hat to match. . aged 26 yeara. pose 0! buying Aleike. Extreme market prices paid. I! not conven- §ent to come in have word and sample with hotel men in either phoe,andwewflltrytoeeeyour Marriages Deaths Births. Ladies’ Jap Silk Waists, in black and ivory white only, made with silk embroidered fronts. a row of val insertion on each side and finiehed with a cluster of five bucks backs have a. duster of three tucks on each side of opening, tucked collars and cufi’s with val insertion edged with lace, these blouses all withthree uarberlengthsleevea. Sizes 34 to 42. EM?! ......................................... $1.50 Here is a Complete Exposition of the Fall’s Best Modes in Women’s Ready-to-wear Garments We are also showing an enormous range Girl’s Ulsters, in tweeds, friezee and plam cloths. These are made with full skirts, not one of them skimped in any way, they come in wine, brown, navy, grey, fawn, olive and 1] To say that we are showing exclusive effects would be telling only half the story. A distinctive style-character is rounded out by a perfection of tailoring and finish which entitles these Fall Garments to favororable comparison with fashionable modiste’s best works. Swell Black Voile Skirts, for dress ocean- sions, made very full around, several a les among. tbis let. 80919 9“ tfiwed with b 29k soutas'h braid, 'and others with tafi'eta silk. also pleated styles. Prices $10.00 to $18.00 {ll And when you consider that our prices are about half what a good dress maker would charge for the same clothing, you cannot well afford to miss seeing this beautiâ€" ful apparel betore ordering elsewhere. We can fit your figure and we can fit your purse. Emu-t Tailored Suits, Skirts end Coats in e ride unto of hund- some models and rich hhriosâ€"beeutiful Dresses, Gowns end Wnps for all occasionsâ€"chic efl'eots in Weists. including the net, Tailored Plaid Weists so fiopulu this season; of all these wear-things there is a. great my, depicting the best vogue as established by the dress authorities on both sides of the water. YERY SPECIAL LINDSEY, ONTARIO. COATS AND SKIRTS 42.75 to (12.00 Ladies’ 11p Silk Waists, with embroidered fronts, three rows of fine val insertion, finish- ed on each side with a cluster of four large tucks,‘ fastened inthebachtwo largetucks on each side of opening. three quarter length sleeves, cufeand collar. of fine tucks. and finiahed with val lace and insertion in black and ivory white only, sizes 36 to 40. Maid’s long Military Coats, in shades o myrtle, green and nav blue. backs straight loose styles, standing ilitary collars, fronts finished with black silk braid and brass but- tons. lined yokes and sleeves, len 42 m., for girls 10, 12, 14 and 16 years 0 d...‘10.00 Maid's long tweed Coats in light fawns and greys, fn'ezes in dark greens and browns, with straight loose banks with inverted guests down the the centre, double breasted onts, velvet collars, finished with good pearl but- tons, extra warm, sizes 10 to 18 yrs. $10.00 Ladies’ Tweed Coats, 4-2 in. long, in mix- tures of green and browns, self straps down back,Gibson effect over shoulders, double and single breasted styles. yokes and sleeves lined, good heavy cloths, sizes 34 to 4-0 ...... $10.00 Ladies’ heavy Frieze Coats, in greens and brown, barred patterns, collarless styles, 4-8 in. long. self strappifi, full ripple back with straps down centre, ished with large pearl buttons, sizes 34to 38 ........................ $10.00 Distinctive Character .oocooolznoonoca 0.00 ova-30000.00. WAISTS new, Mm?

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