heavy Draught Homesâ€"2 year om entire out. 1 Ayameu‘ Samoa, 2 '1‘, J 01W. 3 W. :1. Hancock; gum and Load. 1 «Tm Crawford. 2: '1 nos. 11- Waddnu, 3 John Slugger.“ d ycdr old Lilly or [581ng 1 Joan .Siug- gent; 2 year can mu or. tsetmng, 1 John amaze“. z 1.; nooay. a mama‘s Cranium; 1 year and fully or 3644’- ing. 1 Chartias Group; pair horsas, 1 James Scott, 2 (Emma Grawloxu, .. John Brook; toad ' of 1907, 1 u'rhomaa fl. Weldon, 2 Thomas mwwtonl. a jr,. 2 Gaming 15:05; Zyear md mm, 1. .Wm. Chmnon; 1 year old mm, 1 Ebomas qugahl 2 J. H. Hopkins ; bull can, 1 Chemise GMT... 2 Cayhy;Bru; now, 1, 2 and 3 \Wm. (Shannon . 2 year 0M hell-fer, 1 and. 2 W'uL Channon, 3 may 31113.; 1 yea: old heater. 1 and. 2 Wm, Channel), 3 J. H. Hop- kins; heifer calf, 1-J. IL Emkina, Q-mnd 3 Wm. Ghmoa‘: hard of Du:- mg: ,1 John R. Simon; pair. homes: m wagzgon, 1 W. Roddy. 2 L. hoocg‘; toe! of 1907, 1 m u. Waldou, Z and lindsay Fall Fair Prize List ;air homes iniwmyon, 1 Peter Sum, 23 E. L. Willhinmmn, 3 Bowen Bros; 140811 of 1907-, 1 Roy Greenmwam Aagm'ioufltmmal gHorses â€" Marc and toad, 1 (D. H. :Wnlldon, 2?. and 3 Jun: R Simon; 3 year odd [idly or geld- “, 1 R. Cairns; 2-year old .goidiw; or ï¬zhly, 1 and 2 John- }; Slssou, 25 W; M; 1 ygalr om flatly! or geld- Carmina» Homesâ€"2 year-old enthtc wilt. 1 an. Kennedy; mm and load. 1 Jam MnKinm 2 0115353 . MoLuu; 2yeard¢fllkyorgelding1 andJB. John Sluggefct. Below wogï¬ve them of:~ Lhe prize-winners at the Lindsay (Jen- u‘ail, the ï¬st elf which has Win:- m‘shdd us 'by the enengetic seamtary, cm: 2 Albert Asbmom, 3 Isaac De- yexfl; ï¬nal of. 1907. 1 and; 2_ James Mc- Kimwn, 3 Cunnlixs Sr. MoLaam. , OP TORONTO, will be at. lillbrook Dominion Hotel, Thurs, Oct. 3 Lindsay Benson House, Friday, Oct. 4th Stoutfville Queen's Hotel, Sat, Oct. 5th Road Horsesâ€"Mam and. foul. 1 T McKee. 2 0". McKin’mn. 3 Dr Bread; 2 year old ï¬lly or gelding,‘1‘me m. 2 G. 1W. Curtis, 3 John Deâ€" yedxl;t.wupair homes under 15 _12 11 frbomms Cawan. 2 »Wm.. Barton. .5 yearntwupair homes under 15 _lz 11 frbomms Cawan. 2 »Wm.. Barton. 3 A. 8. Beta. Single home under 15 1-2. 1 Dr. Aachen 2 Albert WW, 3 Wm. Stewart. M of 190?. 1 James ~MJO- Kinnnn. 2 .Taomaus McKee, 3 James MacKmno-n. Stallion with foil: tone, CATTLE. Durhamâ€"A3111 build, 1 Juhq queu, PROF. PEMBER National School of Telegraghy PAGE Lady Operators for commercial work are in great demand. Qualiï¬cations necessary are few but absolutely essential, viz: a, common school education, strict sobriety, honesty, industry and carefulness. C. J apes, and scores of otherS, all now holding high positions. Address NATIONAL SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, LindSay, Ont. Several thousand Temp]: operators will be m variouszailway companies within the next nine no on AUGUST m, I will open a school in Lindsay. 1 HORSES. Homesâ€"Mam and. foul. l T 2 0". McKinxnon. 3 Dr Bread; old ï¬lly or gelding, ,1 Wu“ 2 G. 'W. Cum, 3 John De- Prof. Pember wxll be glad to meet those who val- ue their hair, and its condition and appearance. He will give all necessary ad ise free gratis, and will ex- hibit the advance Hair Styles for Ladies. in the cor- rect. and most becoming makes. A special showing of the new Toupec for gentlemen who are bald or par- tially so. Come and View the Hair floods that set the fashions for Canada. Every Lady and Gentleman that has poor hair, or any hair or scalp trouble, is in~ terested in this, as Mr. Pember is the master-mind of that-headquarters of Hair Fashions, Hair Treatment and Growth,“'l‘he Pember’ Store,†whose ideas and styles a e imitated everywhere. It’s Unusually Important to You year aid 1' and 2 G. H. Mark. Tamworthâ€"Board, aged, 1 A. ‘A. Ooflwï¬ï¬‚l; Iboatr ovelr sand amdunder 12 months. 1 and 2 A A. W5 hm udeermnnrthal andZA.A.Lol- vï¬IIII; somatgdd. 1;,2andI3A~A.C)I- viii! : saw our 6 and W 12 mont‘m, 1‘, 2W3A. A. OoIl'vï¬Jll; cowumlen' 6W.1,wflalnd3iA Oolvull Yarflnshï¬am Whiteâ€"Boar. sized. 1 and 2 R. 'E. W; ‘boar over 6 mi unddn 12mmtlis. land‘Z-B. E. Fl'huznsban; ‘boar under 6 moathm. 1, 2 and 3 :B. E. rl‘bumtgn; now. used. 1 0111111513 and mm, 21mm! 3 R‘. E. W; sow over 6 and under 12 munrths. 1 011111113 8: Mean. 2 and 3 R. E frhmbanzouwomqaml under 18 Incubus. l Callie Mchyl. new. 7 1115110111, Drown SauthdowneBam. aged, 1 AMI-ed 2 Gordon King, Ayme. 2 and 3 S. Rommel-13h; um PulIetâ€"Leghorn. shean‘ï¬imag. 1 and R R. 8. Huldwwortb Rovbson, 2 Gord< Sun: Pram Ilamlb. 1 Altman: Aer. 2 Chant. Henâ€"Mi and 3B. L.Hnfldmmmth$og;zâ€"1and2J.P awe. aged. 1 Alfred Ayn): 2 am 3 R; Minorcas-, Black- .L. 'Hnflldlsvwï¬vth Son: «Ave shear- J. P. Ryley. Pu thing 1 B. -L. Hdldm‘mrtxh. 2 ALE-red . 3, (1â€"1 J. P. R and 2 Levi Skinner; ram shoal-ling. 1 and 2 Juhn R. 'Ketlsay, 3 Levi Skin- :neir; mam lamb. 1 Levi Skinner. 2 John R Kefllsey‘ 3 Levi Skinner: el‘e. aged, 1 John -R. Kelsey. 2 Levi Ski-1- ne’r: ewe shearfli'mz. 1 and 2 thn li'. Kelsey. 3 Levi Skinner: ewe lamb. 1' and 2 Levi Stinger. 3 Juhxn R. Kel- new SouthdowneB-am. aged, 1 Mixed Aylm. 2 and 3 S» Hofldsworbh; um shaming, 1 and: B. R. 8. Huldsawortb 8:. Sun; tram ilamlb. 1 Alfmeï¬d: Ayxe. 2 Mmzl R. L. Hdldsi'ortlh. SALE'I'ed Am, 3 R. L. Holdamtxh Sou; awe llama). 1 .R. L. Huldswomt‘h, 2A1- ired Aylm. 3 R. L. Worth Rem Shmt-Wooflxzd Sheepâ€"1' Jonin R. months, 1 G. H. Mamk; boar under 6 months, 1, 2 and 3 G. H. Mark; sow. aged. 1 G .11. Mark; sbw over 6_ amid W 12 months. 1. Z and 3L Ldoevster. â€"-Ram, mood, I H. amdN. A1110. 2 Wm. 5110152111.; 111:. 3 John 0111- was; mm. shehnflnz. 1 and 2 1:1. and N.A1111m. 3 John 0111115: 1mm Lamb, 1! and 2 H. N. Album 3 John 011114.; ema. aged. 1 Wm. McKnight, 2 H. and N $111112. 3 John 011.1113; owe abeamltimg. 1 and 2 EH. and. .N. Allin. 3 Wm. MuKnï¬zh-t;e1wo Lamb. 1 Wm. Mmeght. 2 sand 3 anhn 01111.13. Cobswddâ€"Ram; -aged.1 G. H. Mark; ram shaming. 1 and 2 G. H. M-.a.rk ram 11am 1 and 2 G. H. Man-1k; ems. aged. 1, 2 and 3 G. H. Mark: awe, abetalrtlmz. 1. 2 and 3 G. H. Mark; awn llama, 1 2 G‘. H. Mark. Rein thong- coiled Sheep â€"1 H.411d N.A1111m.2Wm. M-zKHfleegpht. 3 G 1.1. ram wmmg, 1 won 3: u. n. mans. cram Ilamlo. 1 and 2 G. ,H. Mack; ems. algidd. 1, 2 and 3 G. H. Mark: awe, abetau‘tliamz. 1. 2 and 3 G. H. Mark; awn llama, 1 2 G‘. H. Mark. Rein thong- coiled Sheepâ€"1 H. and N. Addict). 2 Wm. McKnight. 3 G. I1. Mark. . mm. LFat Blimpâ€"1 H. N. Aflflin. 2 John Kefllsoy. 3 Wm. McKnight. SWINE Lend; 1 MGM heifer. lamid 2 LA. McLeod; vheéfer vault. 1 am 2 J. A. MoW;herd‘.1apd2 J.'.A. McLeod; "Grade Cattleâ€"Cum 1 Wm. Cnan- noun; 1 yaatr old heifer, 1 and 2Wm. Chammn; heater salt, 1 .Wm. Chane non; herd, l EWm. Ohannon. Shromhï¬re Down.-Ram, agcgl, l . Paton, «er': 19%; me for terms‘ by have, with â€" Beam? alged. ; saw under 6 En-oatM Principal- King. Cockerelâ€"Leghorn, Brown S. '(‘.--â€"1 Alf Robson, 2 T. R. Trotter, 3 Gordon King. Pullet â€" Leghorn, Brown S. C.â€"1 Alf Robson, 2 T R. Trotter, 3 Gordon King. Cookeâ€"Leg- ‘horn, Black S. C.â€"1 and 2 Russell H. Chant. Henâ€"Leghorn, Black S. C.â€"1 and 2 Russell H. Chant. Cock. eraâ€"Leghorn, Black S. C.â€"1 and 2 Russell H. Chant. Pulletâ€"Log-born, Black S. L‘.â€"-1 and 2 Russell H. 1Chant. Cockâ€"Leghorn, Butt S. C.â€" ‘1 Ali Robson. 2 Gordon King. lien .â€"Leghorn, Buff S. C.â€"1 Alf Robson, ,2 Gordon King. Cockerelâ€"Laghorn, iBuï¬â€"l Alf Robson. Pulletâ€"Ithorm' Buff S. C.â€"1 Alf Robson. Cock â€" Leghorn, White R. C.â€"â€"1 Alf Robson. Henâ€"Leghorn, White R. C.â€"â€"1 Alf ‘Robson, 2 Gordon King. Cockerelâ€" ;Leghom, White B. C.â€"1 T. C. Trot- ‘ter, 2‘ Ali Robson, 3 Gordon- King. 1Pualletâ€"Leghorn, White R. C.â€"â€"1 Alf ‘Robson, 2 T. R. Trotter, 3 Gordon King. Cockâ€"Leghorn, Brown R. C. â€"1 T. J. Cole, 2 Alf Robson. 3 Sam Snowden. Henâ€"Leghorn, Brown R. C.â€"1 Russell H. Chant, 2 Gordon King, 3 Sam Snowden. Cockerelâ€" Leghorn, Brown R. C.â€"â€"1 Alf Robson, 2 Gordon King, 3 Russell H. Chant. Pulletâ€"Leghorn. Brown R. C.-â€"l Alf Rovbson, 2 Gordon King, 3 Russell H. Chant. Henâ€"Minorcas, Black S. C. â€"1 and 2 J. P. Ryley. Cockerel â€" Minorcas-, Blackâ€"1 Gordon King. 2 J. P. Rylery. Pulletâ€"Minorcas, Black S. C.-â€"1 J. P. Ryley, 2 Gordon King. Cockâ€"Black Spanish-1 S. Oliver, 2 Alf Robson. Henâ€"Black Spanishâ€"1 Gordon King. 2 S. Oliver. Coékerel â€"Black Spanish â€" 1 Gordon King. Pullet, Black Spanishâ€"1 Gord. King. Cockâ€"Houdanâ€"l S. Oliver 2 Ali Robson. Henâ€"Houdanâ€"l S. Oliver, 2 Alf Robson. Cockerelâ€"Houdan â€"1 Gordon King, 2 S. Oliver. Pullet â€" Houdanâ€"l Gordon King, 2 Alf Rob- son. 3 Alex Horn. Cockâ€"Red Cap â€"1 S. Oliver, 2 Gordon King. Henâ€" Red Capâ€"1 S. Oliver, 2 Gordon King. Cockerelâ€"Red Capâ€"1 S. Oliv- er. Cockâ€"Andalusianâ€"l Alf RobBOn. 2 S. Oliver. Henâ€"Poland S. L.â€"1 8.; Oliver, 2 Gordon King. Cockerelâ€"j Poland S. L.â€"-1 S. Oliver. ,Pullet â€"; Poland S. L.â€"1 S. Oliver, 2 Gordon King. Cockâ€"Poland, G. L.â€"1 Gorfj don King, 2 .8. Oliver, 3 Gordon} King.’ Henâ€"Poland, G. L.â€"1 S. 0“ iver, 2 and 3 Gordon King. Pallet-w Poland, G. L.â€"â€"1 Gordon King. Coct‘ â€",-Poland, Black W. C.â€"1 S. Olivw;1 Henâ€"Poland, Black W. C.-.â€"1 S. 015 iver. Cockerelâ€"Poland, Black W. C. â€"1 and 2 S. Oliver. 3 Alf Robson. Pulletâ€"Poland, Black W. C.â€"1 and 2; S. Oliver, 3 Alf Robson. Cockâ€"Pol- and, Bufl Lacedâ€"1 Russell H. Chant. Henâ€"Poland, Buff Lacedâ€". Co'ckerel â€"â€"Poland; But! Lacedâ€"1 Russell. H. Chant. Bulletsâ€"Poland. Bun Immedâ€"~ EJâ€"W'yanéoéie, Golden Laced-1 Alf Robson, 2 Russell H. Chant. Pallet -â€"Wya.ndotte,n qudeg‘ Lagedâ€"l Russell fl__4 Hen â€" Andalusianâ€"1 Alf Robson. Cockerelâ€"Andalusianâ€"l Alf Robson. Pulletâ€"Andalusianâ€"l Alf Robson. Cockâ€"Poland S. L.-1 Gordon King, L)- \Ill'vl' u ‘naa A-vw an. vvvâ€" -v- and Bufl Laced-1 Russell H Chant lshod.~ - _ ' “'hent; m. bush ...... 084 Henâ€"Poland, Buff Lacedâ€". Co'ckerel - m- “d n“ J°h° Rm“ cm" mm» ged! bush «um-096 â€"Poland, But! Lacedâ€"1 Ru spell. H. William Jemxeson, farmer, nah: C0- nington, are flitting at Mr Edierd Ber-:éybml'velmml:â€:':::g Chant. Pulletâ€"Polaod, Bun spew hours. was caught in the wheels of Burton' 3. (main-w. tau-13;! .3. .... o u -1 Russell H. Chant. Cockâ€"Hamburg his buggy when his home run “my, Mr. and In. J. Clark all! {entity 7......“ 0.3.7 Market. Blackâ€"1 Alf Robson. 2 S. Oliver. 3 and was killed. _ ape-pt Sunday at Hartley, the guests Butter. «1mm nou- 02: Gordon King. Henâ€"mmg. Blink . ~ fur m w “I“ Butter. “bl ................. o a _1 ï¬ne-flan 16..., 9 All ‘Rnhmn ' 0,, ’ , " .,,, "8' - ; E'W- mm.,1h- â€In"?! Su'tnlï¬ï¬‚e; hen, Wyanddue. white. Chas. authentic; 000W. sWyan- FOUNDRY. Pullet, Wyandobte, whiteâ€"1 Charles Sutcliï¬e. Cock, Silver Laced Wynn- dotteâ€"l C. T. Rudder, 2 Wm. Han- cock. Henâ€"Silver Laced Wyandotbe â€"1 Wm. Hancock, 2 C. 'I‘. Bladder. Cockerelâ€"Silver Laced Wyandotteâ€" 1 Sam Snowden. Pulletâ€"Silver Lac- ed Wyandotteâ€"l Sam Snowden. Cock -Wya.ndotte, Golden Lacedâ€"1 Russel H. Chant, 2 Sam Snowden. Hen ~â€" Wyandotte, Golden Lacedâ€"1 Sam Snowdcn, 2 Russell H. Chant. Cock- ter. Hen-qSilver Grey Dorking â€"â€" 1 Gordon King, 2 Sam Snowden. Cock â€"â€"Leghorn. White S. C.â€"1 S. Oliver, 2 Sam Snowden. Hen â€"- Leghorn, White S. 0â€"1 Sum Snowden, 2 S. Oliver, 3 Alex Horn. CockereIâ€"ch- horn, White S. 0.1 T. J. Cole. 2 8. Oliver, 3 Sam~Snowden. Pulletâ€"Leg- horn, White S. C.â€"1 S. Oliver, 2 Sam Snowden, 3 T. J. Cole. Cock.â€" Leg'horn, Brown S. C.â€"1 Alf Robson. Henâ€"Leghorn, Brown S. C.â€"1 Sam Snowden, 2 J. P. Ryley, 3 Gordon. H. Chant. Cock, Wyanhotte, Part- ridgeâ€"1 Th'omas R. Trotter. Hen-â€" Wyandottc, Partridgeâ€"1 T. 11. ‘I‘rot- ter. Cockâ€"Wyandotte. Buttâ€"1 'l‘hos. Uv-v ‘VVVâ€" H. Boyce, 2 Alf Robson, 3 Russell H. Chant. Henâ€"Wyandotte, Budâ€"1 J. P. Ryley, 2 'I'ho's. H. Boyce. 3 T. J. Cole. Cockcrelâ€"Wyandotte, Buffâ€"1 Alf Robson, 2 T. R. Trotter, 3 T. All Muauu, a A. -------, H. Boyce Pulletâ€"Wyandotte, Buff-â€" 1 Ali Robson, 2 and 3 T. H. Trot- era for the Canadian Embnlmers‘ Ae- eocietion. We understand Mr. Mc- Crea‘ was entitled to a diploma by virtue of being in‘ the undertaking business and attending the course of lectures, but he preferred taking the written exunihetlon. The 0.31.0. Ry. are laying a siding and construction cattle yards at Ben- verton with a. view to a. share of the business of cattle transpoitution from this point. A gang of men have been employed during the past ten days gruelling the yards and other- wise preparing for tho muddy woe- neighborhood. Quite a number from this vicinity attended Victoria Road Fndr. The Lindsay Central attracted a large.ch 5130. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Blutchford spent Sunday at Eden, the guests of ther which will no doubt shortlyset Mr. and Mrs. Seth Armitnge. In. \ Omemee Mirroe: We notice in the mA-A-‘A 5““:151‘ ‘LA an“ AC .1 ‘M Mrs. Wm. Manning. of Hartley, ac- oi [Ix-bridge, visited Mrs. E. Burton -‘ ampeaied by her mother, Mrs. Jones sedation. We understand an. ucâ€" . Levi W anon )ent Bu nday cm was entitled to a. diploma by MԠn“ 3‘ business end attending the course of Miss Lanna Black has returner! to lectures, but he preferred taking the er home in Victoria Road alter writteh Winn. spending the summer with MrS- T- V Parse , . ' ‘ .‘ John Moore. son of Mr. Wm. 11 "d - Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fellini, of Beth- Moore.‘ was kicked on the side of , H the loco by a. horse at Kinmount any, and Mr. HOW‘W‘ Imm- 0‘ 10'“ manly, and wuld probably have amde. N.Y., spent Sunday with beenkilleduthahoree 1nd bamwm'm.¢hm shod. V ~- , ' . ’u" 4-1. “ul‘_'n‘- nfl AII ' nun- Omemee Mix-roe: We notice in the Toronto dailies the name of J. M. 11ch amongst those who succeed- ed in passing the Board of Examinâ€" been employed during the past. ten days gmvelling the yards and other- wise preparing for tho muddy woo.- ther which will no doubt shortly set Conference on sum-day approved the Hartley. and attended the {naval o! propogiflonto wesublish ï¬n intern: m mm ver chkwingâ€"l 8. Cum. Ben -â€" Bantum, Silver Duckwingâ€"l S. Oliv- er. Cockâ€"Baum S. S.--1 1nd 2 Gordon King. Horn-nun: S. S.â€"-1 G. S.â€"1 Gordon King. Cookers! â€"- Bantam G. S.--1 Gordon King. Pu!â€" lotâ€"Bantam G. S.â€"-1 Gordon King. Cockâ€"Bantam, Black Cochin-1 T. J. Cr‘lt. 2 J 0']: why. Hem-Bantam, Mk Cochinâ€"1 T. J. Cole. :3 J. O'Rielly. Cockcwlâ€"l‘nauun, Black -'mu :1: ~â€" T‘hos. R. Trotter. 2 J. O’Biolly. (Pu-l- Henâ€"Bantam Bunâ€"1 Russell Chan, 2 Sam Snowden, 8 '1‘. J. Cole. Cocka crelâ€"Bantam Budâ€"1 T. J. Cole, 2 Gordon King. Pulleyâ€"Bantam But!â€" 1 '1‘. J. Cole, 2 Gordon King. Male Turkey, bronzeâ€"1 and 2 W. H. Han- cock, 3 T. J. Cole. Female Turkey, bronzeâ€"1 T. J. Cole, 2 All Robson. 3 Gordon King. Male Turkey, bronze of 1907â€"1 Gordon King. 2 T. J. 3 W. H. Hancock. Male Geese. Tou- louse, 1907â€"1 Gordon King, 2 T. J. Cole, 3 Ali Robson. Female Geese, Toulouse. 1907â€"1 Gordon King, 2 Al! Robson. 3 T. J. 0019 Male Geese Embdcnâ€"l T. J. Cole. 2 Sam Snowden, 3 W. H. Hancock. Female Goose, Emttdcnâ€"l Sam Snowden ,2 T. J. Cole, 3 W. H. Hancock. Male Geese. Embden, 1907â€"]. T. J. Cole, 2 Al! Rdbson, 3 W. H. Hancock. Fe- male Goose, Embden. 1907-1 T. J. Coie, 2 Alf Robson. Male Geese, Af- ricanâ€"1 Gordon King, 2 C. G. Had- der. Female Goose, Africanâ€"1 Gor- don King, 2 C G. Hadder. Male Geese. African, 1907,â€"1 Gordon King. Drake. Pekinâ€"l T. J Cole. 2 Gordon King, 2 J. O'Rielly. Duck. Pckinâ€"l Gordon King, 2 JAO'Rieih'. Drake. Pekin, 1907â€"1 Gordon King. 2 J. J. Pogue. Duck, Pekin, 1907 'â€".- 1 Gordon King, 2 T. J. Cole, 3 J. O’Rielly. Drake. Rouenâ€"l J. O'Riel- ly. 2 Sam Snowdun. 3 Gordon King. Duck, Rouénâ€"l and 2 Sam Snowden. 8 Alf. Robson. Drake, Rouen, 011.907 â€"1 Sam Snowden, 2 J. O'Rielly, 3 Gordon King, Duck. .Rouen. of 1907 net‘. of 1997â€"1 Ali. Robson; Duck, Indian Ru’nnet, oi:1907â€"1 Alf. Rob- son. Pair Guinea Fowlsâ€"l Alf. Rob. son. Collection of Pigeonsâ€"1 Gor- don King. Hares Belgianâ€"1 Gordon King. Rabbits â€" 1 sud 2 Gordon King, 3 C. H. Marsh Guinea Pigs, smoothâ€"] and 2 Gordon King. 12 Largest ï¬gsâ€"L â€(John Brown. Or’illia tax rate for this be 23 mills. letâ€"Bantam} Black Cochinâ€"1 T9105- R. Trotter, 2 J. O'Rielly- Cock ‘- Bantam Bunâ€"1 Sam Snovden. 2 Russell H. Chant. 3 Sun. Snowdan. -1 Sam Snowden. 2 Gordon King Drake, Aylesbury, of1907â€"1 All. Robson. Duck, Aylesbury.1907â€" 1 Air. Robson. Drake, Indian Runnerâ€" 1 Alt. Robson; Duék Indian Runner â€"1 Alf. ‘Bobsqp, brake Indmn Run- Cole. Female Turkey, bronze, 01 1907â€"]. Gordon King, 2 T. J. Cole. Male Turkey. whiteâ€"1 '1‘. J. Cole. 2 Gordon King, 3 Sam SnOWden. Fm Turkâ€. whiteâ€"1 Gordan King, 2 T.'J. Cole, 3 Sam Snowden. Male Turkey. white, 1907â€"1 Sam Snowden. 2 T. J. Cole. 3 Gordon King. Female Turkey, white, 1907â€" 1 Sam Snowden. 2 T. J. Cole, 3 Gordon King. Male Geese. Toulouse â€"1 '1‘. J. Cole, 2 W. H. Hancock, 3 Gordon King. Female Goose. Tou- lousehl T. J. Cole. 2 Gordon King. Piano, Organ and Voice Culture Residence and Studio. 53 Sussex-st . 2nd dom- north of Bond. Examinations held twice a. year. January and June. HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN 8ND AROUND THE NEIG HBOR- HOOD. Ox ganist and Choir-master Cambridge street Methodist Church. Teacher of [ii regérted 9t South thgt _ tyrq Cecil Carl Forsyth DISTRICT DOINGS (Continued next week.) will Steele. Kr. and Mfl- 93"“ m. and Mrs. George 3*“ Arnott. Gilmour and P“ mount Fair. Mr. Jon. Cunningham. o! m MM. has Iokl MI vdunble {an to ï¬r. Dela Bell. 01 Victoria 803d. Jo- uph v!!! be flatly M in this mmmnnlty and tho his sister Kins Hum-b. ‘ Ir. Goal-gr Ridunan. the Balsam Luke Postmaster. has sold his (arm a. Mr. Robt. Hal-pave. Run-vat is about. over and thresh- mg m the order of the day. Mrs. John Richman has returned Mr. Roland Maconachio inu-nds â€to hold a sale of his fann stock and implements and household furniture on Oct. 9th. Mr. M-aConachie is giv- ing up farming and intends continu- ing his studies at Wyclifle Col‘lege. Both Mr. and Mrs. MaCo'nachie will be greatly missed from Burnt. River. Mrs. Forbert had the misfortune to am and Immune a bone in her grin last week. Mr. John Swanton is laid up. this week, having received injuries while working wt the quarry. The sale heid at Mrs Bettie's, was well attended. A great many from this vicinity attended the Lindsay Exhibition. All report. a ï¬rstwlass txmc. .‘ can: wu spent Sunday with her parents. m5; E. Handley left on Monday $918198 a course in nursing in St. John' 5 Hospital Toronto. Mr. Watson Hodgson Allundaale is visiting friends in Burnt R1v.cr Mrs. John Wilson and daughter, Victoria, Phrbor. renewed, acquain- tanoés last. week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cain, Toronto, m spending a few days in Burnt Miss Ethel Ward. of Qrgy spending a. few days at' Mr. McKague's, of this place. Mr. R. Wilson of Linda). visited her father, Mr. J. Cain 18.81. â€"""'u , _ ' Miss Josie Breathe-ll has returned Lo her friends ju Llndw {or a few months. \ from ill, I home Kr. Alfred Benson any 0( the entire 00 [recent bereavement. Miss A. Nie spent Sunday in Fenc- lon Falls. Mum-e of this place. ‘ The butcher of this Village isduing a rushing business. Mr. gnd MrS. Albert. Alton, of this place, have returned {rum visiting The people of this place have well patronized the county fairs this year. The correspondent of last Week must have had a. thorough experience in walking muddy roads on dark 110" R ivcr. a“: guest of Mr. Mr. Sam Burton attended the Kin The farmers of this vicinity ow busy gt their threshing. Mr. Frank l’rogley, of anon », vizimd at Mr. Ewing’s. of Ct Mark is visiting Mr. Ola Townsend, K imnount. BL' RNT RIV’ ER CAMBRAY. BEXLEY is all dome in this u like. Whue away ied' to bring their gentleman was t‘kon let-10081:; with them. amended the; exâ€" , of anontO. is T. McKague for 9-0.. rue-tine. rm. ‘1'. J.“ Neil Brown. mm. m. visiting a le who is visiting her. Ir Wm. rem-k is in Lindsay this week. He 13'0†of the fauna. Mr. and Mrs. Hernnn Owens m gunning to our village to reside. ‘They w‘fll occupy the home belonzing to Gramâ€"- Rnuiw. taktng advantage of her ro- oent treaty with Britain. has threat- ened to occupy North Pet's}: unless the anarchy on the frontier is supâ€" her hand Mrs. George H. 'I‘refl'ey. of Bawley. Oxtord Cnunty, aged 54 years, com- mitted suicide by drinking carbolic acid. The Government purposes to imro- duce legislatmn tor the better handl- ing of milk if. the Province. Mr. W. A. Lewis was nominated for the Legislature bv the Liberals of Brockva'lle. @ Twenty-seven Japanese ofï¬cers and men were killed near Kureat by an explosion on a battleship during tar- get pmtice. London. Ont., Trades and Labor Council have decided to nominate a candidate for the seal. in the Com- mons vacated by the resignation of Hon. C. S. Hyman. At the trial of aim Gram-J Trunk fur vicEntior of the Sundav law pue'c' meat was reserved to allow the Rail- way Commission to interpret what neCessary Sunday labor meant. New Zealmd's new tarifl‘ gives Brit- ain a preferencc of from 10 to 20 In order to obtain a supermeas staying execution to satisfy the re- cent great. ï¬ne, the Standard on Company must furnish a bond of $6,000,000. theré, {mind guilty of rioting on me night in question were sentenced to eight months In jail. The Foreign MiSSIOn Board of the Presbyterian church will requin- about $160,000 for next year’s ex- pensw. The Provincial GOVcrnmu-xt will ox-- tend the provismns of the succession duties act to provile hr in real-row? arrangement with ather l‘rovincL-s. At Chicago 8 (embor wheat closed 560 better that y rday. September corn )9c better. and September out: â€Ac bet- dectine to eï¬ter into negotiations with Canzda for the limitation of immigration from the Orient. Mrs. Thomas was acquitted at Wallaerton of the charge of man- slaughter, but. Ehree _ba_nc§swr Lro- A campaign for Sunday street cars will be started at. Lennon Ont. Centre Simcoe Liberals nominated Mr. Richard A Graham for the Leg- islaxure. proceed. J. J. Hamilton. foreman of the G. 'I'. R., was run ove! by an engine and killed at. Stratford. Tuesday Evening. Sept. 24. Liverpool wheat futures closed toâ€"day 96d to *1! lower than yesterday. and corn 36d lcuer. Tororrto dealers have put up the price of cowl twenty-ï¬ve cents a ton. The Provincial Governmem has orâ€" dered that indictments be drawn against. wraung alleged to be respon- sible-Ior the railway wreck at Myrtle. Charles Eisman, a little hoy. Was instantly killed hy being caught he- Lween the wheels of :1. stnnz'wagonj Following an the closlnk quotation: on Winnipeg grain futures _to-dny: “menâ€"sort. 81.05% Nd. Oct. 81.00% Nd. Dec. 81.“ bid. Outsâ€"Sept. (90 Md. 000. W b“. Dec. We bid. Liverpool Wheat F utum Ciose Lower. Chicago Highcrâ€"Livo Stockâ€" Tho Latest Quotations. .“Lhett. 99!“.- bemh ----- A 'I‘okio despatch says Japan will THE WEEK IN BRIEF order to obtain a supersedeas Toronto Grain "grit-ta. , IABKET REPORTS. OF INTEREST FROM AR- OUND THE GLOBE. Winnâ€"inc: Cations. Ont., Trades and Labor ‘. utoEdenwas cordial 1y invit- 4° 5 $0 ‘02: friends Fanning, Saturday, Oct. 23 horses, all cl years old past‘ 15 t1. mixed lot of (-a horse, aged. good wor sold : 1 may horse bykï¬gu. 5 years old; 1 black Mt. Morgan: 1 h . 1400 lbs; 1 baymm gmd worker, in ï¬rst c133 - 1 three year old nure wick. Cmtleâ€"l calm 0’“ . nearly all steers. In lot are' Lnree year olds, 15 two Ward; thoroughbred Jersvy co '- tered papers. 1 year-ll heifer, n’gisu-rod. l “urbane“ class nd-W mier 1 6 Sells Ml. harnmss, 6 rubber dash rug“; lun lap rugs, 1 dozen “TSP-bl“ new ; 1 94-: second hand single“ ness, nearly neW: 1 dozen bong. greaseâ€"sold regardless or NH} dozen sweat pads. sold de‘.“ price ; 1 good scoond hand. i ï¬rst. class repair; 1 second phaeton ; 1 new wagon; 4. wheelbarrnws, etc. Always home Saturdays A discount at the rate of 7. cent. allowed for wall on Q amounts. g 2nd doorm 1’04 .\'«-w l’rintinxOfl'ï¬â€˜ â€WWsQM Second class omwvay. on 3-" until Ocumer Blst. Proponionaxely low rams w POints. Ticket: and “dams: Transacts a general hawking bus" Interest at highest current rm lowed on depOsits on the daily“ Head Oï¬ce: Toronto ’ Branches in this District“ Pontypool, Nestleton, Jumm and Dunlford. $43.20 Lindsay Special Rates Farmer’s Bank‘ of Canada Our imam-(inn is ind‘rriduaL Students may enter on my whoa) db}. Our instruction in Bookkaepmz. «w. hand. Typewritmg. em, in main! d D r. B u r rows CORONER Write or call and (All: the mm and A. M. Houmx. Principnl. [bdnyh Prices - $15-00 “P FEDERAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Lou Wicket}; FROM LINDSAY guaranteed in one of nm Madam-Order SI'ITS Fall Tern is now 0pm The Lindsay We“ “We colt 3 m? hora-Q, 1400 lbs" (‘ ‘ouble, twist «he med- flood Workï¬'i grey hem by Him. THE =99 Red 010 Timoth] llsike Wmum‘ CHARGE to cl« flow as 33mph allâ€"4t will be flange. Will 801 I9] return mil ‘ some tim hold .11 our 6 weight Suits. sell at less t for Our stool .001le and ‘ and if you 2°†We are sgain y the very 111 E but I pn'ee £91 “a i‘ which