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Watchman Warder (1899), 26 Sep 1907, p. 8

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coming towards the back. with rosette of tan ribbon “Id Gains- boro pin, completes'this picture. In mourning 800(15' Dundaa 8‘ Fm. velleahoveamoatmmw'd' mm m. One design in. «am End id made 0! {clad .down MM- W- with wings and-um“ An Alice blue, Gainsboro shape, is another attractive design. This hat is of Alice blue velvet and rib- bon, crown fairly high, made with a bow formed right from the crown. and with elegant, Alice blue plume to the side front. The Strand shgpe is. another very popular line of English pattern. This is a large shape of black velvet, with tafleta face. An Albania-1 bow of black Velvet with three large black plumes completes a. nandsome design In tan shadef a very attractive One of the attractive showings is a. pale blue flop with tan crown, band silver embroidered. This handsome model is completed with bird to- wards back, with shot greens and blue with coque feathers in same shades. Three-quarter plumes are most fa- shionable for this season, marabout and stiff wings in handsome trim- mings being quite stylish, and shot birds shown very much with conue feathers. A lot of dresden ribbon is also being used and lots of flowers shown, large roses being in the as- cendant. In all these the big depart- mental of Dundas Flavelles is a. genuine leader carrying a wide range of beautiful goods. Some of the dainty and modish de- signs utterly defy description and must be seen to be appreciated. To tempt the lady readers of The Watch- man-Warder to visit this big display of the latest and best in millinery, the following notes on some of the special styles are given. than even in previous years, this fine stoma-«a credit to its progress sive management, and to the County of Victoria a. matter of prideâ€"this store was one of the chief centres of attraction. For the opening, Dundas Flavelle had a magnificent showing of the newest and choicest in millinery. This department is in charge of Miss Taylor, head m‘illiner, and Miss East- man, head trimmer, and is a veritable garden of beauty. The millinery rooms are elegantly fitted up, the parlors were brightly lighted, and the charming display of headwear was c0mplete in every detail. The popular shades for this year are plum colors, Alice blue, tans and browns. and here they are shown in the prettiest effects, the most charm- ing styles and in fashionable designs original and exclusive, to suit 3.11 tastes and all purses. The large and well appointed store of Dundas Flavelles is too well known for its elegance and its up-to- date fittings and methods to need much description to the people of Lindsay and Victoria. County. In the fan openings this year, however, this store surpassed itself. and this his the highest praise that could be given. Carrying the largest stock in town, larger, more varied and full of charm say are deserving of much commend- ation for the displays offeredâ€"they would do credit to most cities-and the Ladies of Lindsay and district are to be congratulated on being able to see and secure right in their Own home town such. a. choice of the most fashionable in handsome and dainty efl'ects in mill-inery. seems tn take spewially harmonious and beautifu1 lines, and the Shades and trimmings used easily adapt themselves in the skilful and artistic hands of the local mill-iners to beau- tiful and charming efiects. To be appreciated the displays must be seen and the following paragraphs are simply given as a suggestion and With-the desire to tempt ladies who have not yet attended the parlors since the arrival of fall styles to vis- it and feast their eyes on the ele- gant and fashionable she“ mg in all kinds of hats. The milliners of Lind- There seems to be a. pleasant riv- dry existing between the millinery parlors in Lindsay, and each appears to vie with the other asto the taste, (”Why and fashionable charm of the creations displayed. The openâ€" Luge of the Various parlors were very successful this season, and largely attended. The visiting ladies found at each millinery shop handsome dis- plays of the latest styles and shades and the original and charming (‘14.L signs were the delight of all. Some of the stocks ShO’WD were larger than others, but it would be very difficult to award places to the respectiVe parlors. for outside the sizes of the displays, the fashionable shapes and shades in bats were followed almost invariably with much success and with originality and charm. The headwear fashionable fur this season, Fall Millinery Opening; ., , large. Modish Display } The Various Illilliuei'y Parlors in Lindsay liwelllna Each Other in the Charm and Excluslvonm oi the fashionable Designs Shown. A Very Credileble Display for the fall Opening. Some of the Choice flats Shown. ‘ Successful Openings. , At Dundas Havelles choice in shades and styles and ori- ghal designs, but never varied in its adherence to good taste, exclusive- ness and charming elegance. The de- Signs are distinguished by pleasing effects and richness of material, and to see is to appreciate. Three' hats are picked out below for some slight Whiptionâ€"Mt, by any means in the hope of giving any real impression as to the modish beauty and tuition to be {blind in. this millinery open- and original in millvinery for fall. The opening here was very suscess- In], and to judge alone by the re- turn of sales, the display must be an entiCing one. A visit to these par- lors upstairs in Sutclifle Sons’ store simply confirms this opinion, for here will be found a large and charming collection of millimryâ€"w tempt some of the lodies'outto sea theelegutdisphyforthemelves. Intheunaflerahupesachuubs designiamwninaNewYakmo- delofeopperbmid, with pajamas In skirts, mantles, coats and fur- lined garments the display is exten- sive and most pleasing, and Miss Markham, in charge of these departâ€" ments, is an expert in these lines. Mr. Menzies has charge of the fur department, and the showing is sim- ply magnificent. In the larger furs, such as jackets, coats, etc., a. very heavy line is carried in Persian Lamb, plain and trimmed, Near S-a; ble. Astrachan, Bokam and Copper Rat. There is an elegant variety of smaller furs in stoles, ruffs, throws, muffs, etc., and a specially elegant assortment of minks in single pieces and setts. All the prevailing styles and new effects, every length and shape desired, here you may find them, and at prices ranging from $3 to $175. A bigger variety and a larger stodk than ever and quality up to the old high standard. The beautifully dressed windowsat Dundas Flavelles with the ele- gantly dismayed showing of new dress stuffs and trimmings attracted much attentioh during the week. They were the work of Mr. W. W. Staples and showed artistic taste and design of the highest order. The showng of ready-made suits under Mr. Harry Brimmell’s manâ€" agement, is a. revelation of the best in fashion and quality, and every- thing stylish without fancy price fig- ures. In business suits, working suits, dress suits, the lines are full and all good. The large, well-lighted and finely- fitted, nullinery parlors of Sutclifle Sons display an extensive and well- arranged showing of the fashionable In fur-lined garments, Duudas Flavelles, are showing the bcct lines and the biggest assortments ever of- fered for the money. One special is a Brown Chiffon broadcloth lined with muskratâ€"na'turad Canadian mink collar. For a sonwwhat simi- lar Coat $100 was asked last year, but this year for this mod-ish coat of similar quality only $85 is asked. The same style in a Hampsterâ€"lined coat, trimmed with real sable, 52 inches long, may be secured for $65. Another style is the Lock Squirrel with Isabella Fox icol'lar. force of the firm had been W' it: elegance, 1 trwted to make the millinery depart- W, m the the case, for every other depmmt reach their p‘ in the big store will be found up to :A dice shov the same high mark of excellence. In law in carp skirts, coats, mamtles,~ turlined 381- in the from a meats and furs of all kinds the same 7m quality high standing is noticed, and the much in evid same is apparent in sentS’ 800d9- efleCts my b: The aim has apparently been ‘50 rugs. These i make every department the b0547- dalliorne-i‘and In skirts the latest and newest 8f? and wood golorings m particularly fects are shown in exery possible va- attrsOfiY-é ' netV. One of the very new effeCts is The PM thus year in e\' erv sec- a.fu11 plea-ted skirt piped With blad‘ tion .is inter than in any PmViOUS taffeta. silk This is a. very elegant year at thgfi Jstore and higher praise skirt and in a. DOPUIa-r and fashion- than this is hardly necessary able style. Another popular showing This week‘some Irish Point Lace is in black Panama cloth in box Curtains have been opened and the pleated stVIe, piped with 131361“ tafi'e tasty effects that may be secured ta silk and with black silk buttons. with they: good goods is worth at- twist of corded black taflet'ap Mater» ed with two dull jet pins. While it would appear ”as if all the Sutcliffe Sons. for ' v r*"' progMuoftimednoethoflntopal- Wimtheadvmteffiehllm mgmmmbyammmmumnmu MadvmmumkaMWIdemflumrnyn the udagrowthzmthepopumyfithmmmmngmhlm thosewhodedm gm,- mummmt'mum very creditable showing of Parisian. One 01 the (luxury (weighs in mm and London fashion: in headgear popular um onset was a small but Browns and greens are lead-mg in "Med with ruching of tan Duch- ations 0’ the latest, designs. are be- ing produced at these parlors at this season '9 fashionable shades and ass ribbon around crown. With the , so they certainly lead also in the brim Ganght tight to crown 0n left.| ”Mom!" pnces' charming variety at Stamem's side by . bunch oi wing and finished One very pretty model was shown Coque feathers are quite the vogue “nth a knot of ribbon and Gainst- in drool 8 shape, co for the S on, ‘ i 1 S ion ,0 pins This creation is one of the plainly with tan couche velVet and parlors have looked am both qual- most exquisite 0‘ the 0mm“ “' ”m“ With pun“; °' t” we” ity I ly, as ll y have done signs shown in millinery in town. of (an ribbon, finished at left side also in the selection of choice and =1-Nioletioona 011110 popular colors. with fl°m 0‘ 118-1131031198 M. up-to-dwhe ribbons. MIME. etc. ' fashionable disdain ahawnhere and at the rid“ ‘01“ 0‘ riben Thedisp'layisanexcellentoneand manychann-ingeflecta. Wmceughttocrown with fancy pinend the designs are original, not copies- "is a. large ahape, velvet. faced Wh-ilt the leading fashions have been with white manna trimmed on carefully followed, originality 'and top around the mm mm v50. in rich black velvet. with narrow charm of design are among the W- ‘let flowers and W at m front from and low drooping back, (In ing- features of this display. with mm reset/ta and m“. only tanning being a. hat 0! velvet Atmmmmmpfilor’pmyjmleflskk‘Z»: . .ill bout, endtwo longhuxbome will also be found the lateBt styles m Bannon’s parlors are welleit- cogne plumes inning in either side instreet hatS- ' w, well lighted, and the M °t a” “W" l “PeterPen” and"Newburg". ml‘tsoneenauao-topihionoifiez‘r my Thevieitmhadmuchpmeetorg leading hats for misee, from Chlca- whovmtedduflngtheopemng ”new nation inbhck velvet go, are among the gotchy. yet tasty fittndety 0W” and gm. with wide brim rolling upward ct slvely. Trimmed hats, exquisite cre- specialties (ESPN. ' ' “nae M m m in WW ”I boat. ‘0“ M tell two .ty-i V an‘dpromeion. lifioetrififeufiu'l.mdtwolimph , . , mnlotmhrihben'firm'ith e Miss Bouillon "“ “1" Pin . Amongtheoiammm mmssmsfdlm ‘PWmfi-fl-o’bmw inLindnywiHbotonndflpnfillbo om \Mflmmmmmmâ€" fl A." wwmmut,mm ”pounding-mm the The Stamelen Milli-nary *\ Parlor makes a. specialty o! importgd Am- erican designs and there is a. produ- sion of the Wheat and daintiest from New York and Chicago, as well as a. At Mrs. Hettger’s old stand, east of the Benson House. is the Stame- lle'n Millinery Parlorsâ€"the latest ad- dition in this line to Lindsay. The building has recently been thoroughly overhauled and renovated, until now it is one of the most modern and Pleasing stands in town. The appear- ance presented by the well-fitted rooms and the tastefully arranged display of modish and exclusive mil- linery certainly made a. favorable im- pression on the many ladies who vis- ited the opening at these parlors. a specialty of doing stampingâ€"the Only place in Lindsay where this work is done to order promptly and well. Fancy work of all kinds is al- so taken on account. and the M-isaes Paton are, ready to receive orders for such new for Christmas work. the popular shades and there are many novelties in both shape and co- lor. Plumes and very artistic floral clusters as well as dainty ctr-‘atirms from ribbon are among the most used trimmings. Throughout the display is of a most desirable'char- acter and well maintains the excel- lent reputation gained by the Misses Paton during the sixteen years that they have catered so efficiently to the ladies on Lindsay in millrinery. In additioh to the fine showing of millinery, the Misses Paton have al- so a. complete line of the best in fiancy goods, sudh as cushion tops stamped linens, wash silks, wools of all kinds, beads and so forth. Some very handsome effects are shown in stamped tinted tops and in ordered embroidery. The Misses Paton make simply trying to maintain and over reach their present high reputation. A nice showing of the newest. and latest in carpets is {aha being made an the front of the second floor, and heme quality and quantity alike are much in evidence. Que of the new efl‘ects may be'Z‘seen in} the handsome a very attractive one. 'Bhe fashion- able Shapes, the prevailing colors and the most modish of designs and original creations are shown. Brown, [hemothrope and cherry are among rugs. 'Dhese in Wilton quality, me- dallions-: and nch oriental patterns and wood aoloringa m particularly Sutclifl'e 6: Sons are at present in- stalling an up-to-d-ate hot water heating apparatus for the “hole store and it is expected with this to make every department comfortable and pleasant throughout the coldest weather. This hOt water system has about 1500 feet of radiation, and is so Contrived as to be under complete and eaSy control. ery it‘s. “8qu mammt and gamma shows a! new amen lawns. trimmings. miter furl. handed ad codtumes. 1!! than line- the dilphy is large. varied and mm tor its elegance, modishness and good The Misses Paton show a large and pleasing assortment of millinery and their opening display has been tention. The Stamelen Parlors The Misses Paton. 71.231, mowâ€"WIII shions and the most artistic designs. prevailed. For fashionable meets“ moddsh shapes and shades and origio. nal and efiective creations in millinâ€" ery this parlor is among axe ltw‘ers. Among the handsome efleots on dis-, play here was a large shape rolled attaheleft sidemadeof Oopenhagm blue pam velvet, trimmed with two large light blue plumes dropping over the left side brim and held in place with bow of Duchess ribbon. and two stick pins. I One 04! the dainty designs in the! popular tan eflect was a small hat trimmed with ruching of ten Duch-l Special attention should be paid to this item of your home fitting as it is one of the most important. The new colonial’ designs in curtains are particularly good and are a mark of good taste in cur- tain selecting. Our prices range from 50c pair up to $7.50. Having bought heavily early in the season we are in a position to sell you the very best Oil Opaque Window Shades either plain or trimmed at former prices which mean a big saving. Our range of shade laces and insertions is very complete and includes very dainty designs that we im- ported direct. We carry in stock large shades and can give splendid delivery of all special order-:. Free Delivery Service to all trains, boats, and all parts of the town. Particularly good is our showing in these popular room coverings, and the range includes all the leading weaves and qualitiesâ€"such as Wiltons, in beautiful medallion and Oriental designs, all very new; Brussels, in new colorings and a large assortment of designs; Velvets, in soft rich shades and pretty patterns; Wools, in very serviceable colorings and good pat- terns ; Unions, for general wear these are particularly good and reliable; Ingrains, as a low priced line our range of these is very complete. We carry in stock the following sizes, but should your room require something out of the ordinary we can procure in on very short notice, 6 ft. 9 in. x 9 ft, 7 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft., 9 ft. x 9 ft., 9 ft. x 10 ft. 6 in., 9 ft. x 12 ft., 10 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft., 12ft. x 13ft. 6 in., 11 ft. 3 in. x 12 ft. We have just placed in stock some very pretty Lace Curtains, in Nottingham, Egyptian Net, Irish Point, and Swiss Net. The patterns are very new and many are exclusive designs and are pr'ocurable fram us only. Dainty Lace curtains tho “to side of an advancing market. Now big range-"for it's the Ingest we have over shown-"SEE THE alumnus. GET oun PRICES. and we kn" 1°“ ”“1 “'° ”n" by “m“ “‘3 ”m“ "der- J. Sutcliffe Sons An Immense Range of Carpet Squares lflowers, foliage. felt and beaver huts. ‘ribbons and plateau: are used exten- ‘sively. Trimmed huts. exquisite cre- ations of the latest designs. are be- ing produced at these parlors at i masonable prices. lOnever-ypmttymodelm daown here in the drooping shape, COW plainly with tan couche velVet end trimmed with plotting of two m beautifulLv and tastefully decorated with colored miflons. trays of flow- ers, wings and fancy feathers of all descriptions. and the many visitors who went through on me opening days were more than delighted with the general aspect. The drooping shapes whim were so popular during the summer season, are still in vogue. Fancy leathers. Window Shades This illustration shows our Curtain Stretcher as it appears in actual use. You can readily see that it is most simple in operation and we know that it does the work real well. The feet'are separate and allows the use of the stretcher only. Our price is very low and you can’t afford to be without one. Special No. 1, each $1.00 Beat No. 2, each $1.50 Feet each 12 1-2c Lindsay and Oshawa $1.00 Pair CURTAIN STRETCHERS CASH AND ONE PRICE I diocta and richness of ma ' t . 101 J. w._ WakeLv'a store 32:15.13? was mum ad“ lda'splay manna thmughout with (.lev- from “ind ermrt-me‘l [or discrimination all the el t s- . and whxte $11k braid ‘flibil-itia that m tabs]: gander of folds of malil good mtg, while conforming t the! by seguin band 3% latest W models “a , ° |axde with jet buckle: 111W the Wish and )‘et eu-j from the crown. T‘ Mme“. A8 in the of”? plumes sweep down lather (1me in ”3“;me Ease on top by a single 1:11eg min the cl mg d" t 1 For the oponm: the We designs and m 'e‘ 8' new ideas were imr :31! towns. at wakely's 1:83;:de- ”fully carried om quality and mm ' qunong others being 0 e have most idea of displaying « 'cku-l been ' ' Ion. y at work In these par-lug whole store flm [was one Of the 3”” {1" mi side on. blue ribbon ”a! lam “ b0 ' the w: of paid k ‘ are 93‘ ” ooab and 3011 diSP1Z-Wd' “at. 19 best swms' and , we" is the O v.8 I :8 one of Mm popular design is Gun-bore: This is shown in muwm.¢wolarg Mplmhmngtowu M.twomvh1temnl M to“ WhiteMinfiGQ‘ afloat trimmed with pale blue noses‘noor are 0011.) large bow: of palc‘hr and all 11 . theother. lshiooabk‘ and W messianic thely'Sis‘mPOf. Gum. m is uhown in blackqth" “‘1 We” ‘44.-.. .‘A . .. . . . - . ~ mm). on cucoe clan-1y been at work in these Pflr°:"t,h:wv1;ol;r;toxle £100" mm" W; 10". ‘was one of the aitrnCIiW‘ “mm“ c" One Of the handsome models is “let sweet in the evenings an: 1 I 3 M in ton, with p1airtime fair, and the carp“ ledge buck molro facing and a, huge tan'play was a handsomt‘ and “5: pom 90'” '4 Side. that completes a mowing of ckgam goods in 8;: n “ ’ vary awn. design lent way ML 5_ nrguso at “'3 W's 5““ and ‘0 W'Sponsible for thee? femur” “‘d 0, m’ and “t thugs W10“ is shown‘ very fluttering Nmmm“ ”Me an. nova-a1 dag-It ducts in am m!m showing w M reward for A Dim M in pole blue, with Mic labor. M'hoo hang and huge‘ The run line m‘ :0 we I '-d (m the gv In the elegant well-lighted parlors most. complete display of .r-tistic, or- iginal and handsome designs in mil- linery. Distinguished by eh-aming In piece goods we havefm extua large range of very ChOice qualities, colorings and deslgm, smug-518 for <3\'ery requirement. For your better rooms we suggest )Mltons. \ .elvet-s or Bmsfieh and can show you colorings that mll harummze with the m of your furnishings. Borders to match most all patterm_ Then we have a big variety of Tapesty, Wools and L ions that, for wear are unsurpassed for the mum-v thevc n It Will be decidedly to your advantage: to consul} us {621: ing any furnishings you may need as “1- saw; you man: .1‘ every instance that it can possibly be done. anvwav “-91.13 in a. position to help you have the most Up-to-udate furgiii’ ings that the trade knows of. '1‘ Splendid Assortment of Good Wearing Carpets J. W. Wakely’s. narrow $1.50 Pair For the 09031": new ideas were intr cemfully 08"in 0‘“ W others Mi"? hr of folds of maline luld in by sequin band cumin-d at Bide with jet buckles at either from the crown. Two large back. $10“ is the stove pipe crow: or straight up at either aide, 5mm! sign. This has two wings smudinl bmwn ribbon holding them tong with huge jet buckle. A “dinning Parisian shape Was much admired has the am from and extreme long park. in“. m White Silk braid. «W111 shalta'“ n‘lfl $6 Store Open at b,c10s‘es at except on Saturdays \vhe it’s open until 10 p.111. Nothing so popular for draping than Madras Muslim. You can use them almost any where or on any window. In these we are showin;_r some new colorings and patterns that we haw impurted espec- ially for this season's trade. Better see them before buy- ing any. mean savmg 11101163 Madras Mus- lins and Nets Linoleums Oil Cloths \x (-11 tailorfii‘“ 0: ast- ’siC If: woodpile in 1‘ EM calved. hm Em quke largo ovd Mly thinking a: v "I! never-toâ€"besoh my Where things‘ I while. The ell! .. robs the pup! - The clothes * inrleigh mung the ma 'ps mill in V9! :1!“ week. In st id hand was dra .u’lmng it very ‘ dpember was (ire hp 3 five-Cent Me '00 wish to talk u lotion and a twel orlong distance. '1 m at the wait; ”LR. depot. and 1‘ M in eVery part: â€"'nle mystery as W found a wee Jllbrouk “Ion Falls 04 d-Robsml has bq “.30 of times thil‘ :gperintending thi fiend engine in d nun. Austin has I .Pefl'in, of Lindsa me: "Daumless' an, and, if a‘] g A! at the Falls My next week. -Lindsa_v gets "l ’0?! eVery day." luau is the insm‘ mic pay station hone Company at at. The prinCIple I! the mISIC Let picked “‘1 my evening M a nice T 'cuome time 83° III will hear Little L' A. fliQifl ‘ 4th Med for the sec lr.‘ Samuel 11 ,9 local servic , Navigation ‘ Ly. sturgeon I m Chemong 5!: Falls, Std Lakefield , III Ila-m of her 2 lavigmd on 'PMbor-oag rule!!! to u ”meanness ma 2:3; Thom-as ru- misfortu'm‘ km while 01 Violet Ill pa Prioa Fair Frid 011 of P!

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