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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Sep 1908, p. 13

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Ink AM rd Bank in k 'nited States. and. ERS I $10,000,000 0,000,000 3 and England ived letters from m farmers are ad- }? Hydro-Electric -tion of the m had in the over. in ministry. ‘OUI‘ Manager” IED 1807 which is to rep- 0 Hudson- Fulfil York. received a civh danfles LE 5. LINDSAY with gale!) NOW «comm â€"-Miss Josie Buck returned last wm-k from Lansing, Mich, where she has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. (1)21) McMillan, â€"-.\'.rs.' J. S. Hughes and Miss E.‘ Wilson, of Kirkwood, are the guests .,{ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowhey, Duke- â€"â€"Mrs. ’1‘. J. Allen and daughter Heu'guorite, returned after a months’ man. in Webbwood and Little Cur- nut, in Algoma district. -â€".\‘lr. W. M. IiobSon lei-t, 101‘ '1‘0- rnnto this morning to attend the ex- hibition. Mr. Robson will show sev- urul varieties 01' fruit at the big fair. ‘â€"â€"Misses Gertrude and Glydes Ed- jvk, have returned to Toronto after a pleasant two weeks’ visit with friends in town. â€"Mi$s Edith and Helen Lebrau,‘ n! Peterboro, have returned to their home after g pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore, Peter-st. -Mi55 S. Moher, of Dum, spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. J. H. Flu- rey. â€"Misses 1.. and M. Kylie, of Roch- ester, are the guests of Aid. and Mrs. Kylie. Kent-3L, west. «Miss E. Broad, of Manma, is vi- siting hm" cousin, Mrs. Allen, for a few weeks. â€"Miss (.‘ertrudp Hartnett, of To- ronto. spent Sunday the guest. of Miss Kate Hartnett. â€"-Mrs. J. H. Flumy and ,Miss Gert- xude Flurey “ore in Peterbqro yes- ten! ay â€"Mr. 1. E. Weldon, Miss Weldon‘ and Miss Weldon, left for Toronto this morning. â€"Mr. Gerald Warner, of Fort Wil- liam. is spending his Vacation in mm: the guest of his mother. â€"Mrs. (.‘laytox; Woese and son (Ivorg'v, is visiting her mother in Toronto. â€"â€"Mrs. Margaret Campbell nipeg. is the guest of Mrs. (‘ampbelL â€"â€"Dr. Clarke has returned pleasant trip to Seattle and L'ifit' coast. mme From Tuesday’s Daily. â€"-l.r0 Rogers and James Gillogly, Mt for Toronto this morning, â€"Miss Leona Keenan, of Tweed, spent Sunday in town with friends. â€"â€"-Mr. Arthur Cotey is visiting with friends in Midland fora few days. ‘ â€"Missos Loretta and Annie Hutton are visiting with friendsiin Toronto. A.Higinbotha.m Uruggist the uhuwr noodl. What. von luck to mnka your kit mmpletn you ought to bus and .hnnm have it now. W6 htndlo llw hon-t. old style and “My; anon and «mm ”M!” for “If M“?- Hn'npu. may». bfllflhfl. mm,‘ ”mug” and everything else that You am entitled to Q whom, an. infm'tory uh Wing OM55. M I!" («w on Inga that are d mum of such mum: m, satisfaction. THURSDAY, Personals from a the x'Pa- of ‘Wilh Lindsay 3989911 F: Denny. at Walkérvme; died a few mamas mama; taken in an amiss: mm» to a hospital n W. ma. A mane spam! appeal fer mere 11mm Kama has been made by the ed a “mean” that shook his entire frame and incidentally loosened his new set of teeth. which shot out over the side of the boat, hit the water with a splash and disappeared be; match the dark surface; It Was a situation that was new men... plea: 9am. anthers was nothing :6 it but to be» me less as eemplaeenuy as BMB’Qt I It wasa rather sad accident that‘ befel a Peterboro man who is en- gaged near the mouth of the Otona- bee river on the new lighthouse. A few days ago he came up to the city and procured a set of teeth, which he' had adjusted in his mouth 81111eg and comfortably. He started back to the lake, but met with an acci- dent on the‘boat which set him back to'his initial condition. He was en- joying the sail down the river, and when about at Smithson’s he sneezâ€" ! Farmers commence cutting at 4 in ”the morning and by a relay of hats- es cut continuously, and in some cas~ es cut for hours by the ligh‘t'of the full moon. Sefi'enty-nve per cent. of the crop will be safely harvested in~ Sid-ea couple of days. LOST SET OF TEETH. Calgary, Alba., Aug. 30.â€"I“armers are jubilant as a. result of existing weather conditions, vhich are unex~ celled. The days are warm, with abundance of sunshine and the nights maintain a temperature that mater~ ially assists in filling out the uncut grain. is the Tg‘uest o , â€"Miss Eliza a- . . . are V‘lSltlng f . â€"MI‘S. II. B 1?- for a few day -â€"Misses Mi] j -â€"Miss Mary Beliskie, who has 'Ueen ‘the guest of Miss Nellie Cotcy. has g’returned to her home in Guelph. ? -â€"MISS Cunningham, nurse at St. i‘ Margaret's Hospital, Rochester, re- I turned to that city yesterday, after [a visit with her parents, South Ops. r â€"Miss Vidian, nurse-in- training at the Lindsay sanitarium, and Miss] Dorothea Henderson, and Mr. Hend- erson. left for Simcoe, Ont.. yester- day morning to attend the S. D. A.‘ camp meeting, which is in session at! that place. . â€"Miss Viola Bush has returned to money t0 DR". his fine and was a1- T01 onto. after a, pleasant 1isit with most compeiled to spend thirty days friends in town with Governor Jackson on Victm 1am -Mp, Geo Baldwin is in Toronto.! avue when he decided to consult 3.) 1‘01 a. fow dms attending the Exhibi 1 100a] bank manager and accompanied} tion by Chief \ incent, obtained the mn-f 411.95 Mary Beliskie, who has 'Ueen ney rrom the Mk and‘ “as ome} the guest of Miss Nellie Cotcy. has morea free man The informaion; returned to her home in Guelph, “as laid by Inspector 'l‘hornburv. 1 â€"Miss Cunningham, nurse at I ‘l,,_ H A. 7' .. . -. 5L [BITTEN BY DOG. â€"Mr. Geo. Finley. of Hamilton, is Thirty dollars and iorty~five cents the guest of Mr. Dan. Sinclair for a was the fine imposed ona Lindsay few days. ' ‘ youth on Tuesday by Police Mag- -â€"Mr. Melville Fisher left this istrate Jackson for supplying liquor morning for Toronto to spend a few t0 a man on the Indian list, on Au- weeks holidays gust. 11.1‘he young fellow had no â€"Miss Viola Bush has returned to money to pay his fine and was al- 1‘01 onto. after a pleasant \isit with most compexled to spend thirty 0833 riends in town 'with Governor Jackson on Victoxiaq -â€"Misses Minnie Cain 'and Mable Burke are spendinga few days in Toronto with friends. --Mr. W. . Campbell, of Winnipeg is the guest of Alderman Campmll. â€"-Miss Elizabeth and John Murphy are visiting friends in Toronto. â€"-Mrs. J. B. Begg is in Toronto for a few days visiting friends. â€"-Mrs. Jas. H. Thurston and son forty miles per day. Herbert have left for Suver, Oregon, MICA MAGNATE HERE. where they W111 30m Mr. Thurston M . H. G. Ch berl'n, gener l and reside in the future. They were. m r r of the Tzrl-gntolMica Co a accmpanied by Mr. William Thurs- anage ton and Mrs. H. Murdock, of Bob- and president and general manage; usury 1.0 puuuw between mmy and, O“ eaygeon. of the Mica Products Co., of No. \ k -M M M MW at W 8M3: :2.” 3:102:28? '5 the guest of \lderman Camplxn g on ay 0 0. mines at Tory Hill Tuesday. From -â€"Miss Elizabeth and John Murphx { , . . _ - there he willgo to Bancroft to in- are Visltmg inends in Toronto. 1 â€"Mrs. J_ B. '2 is in ’Joronfo spect amica property which “il be “:00 {so l â€"~Miss Helen Buck left for New York this morning. At Rochester she will be joined by her sister, Dr. Kathleen who sails for Spain on Thursday. the guest of her (author. Mrs. McFad- yen, Elma-at” for the past few weeks, returngd to her home. in Bisvo this morning. i-Mlan Dora. legk km; for To- ronto' Int owning wham the will play a Dominion plum lathe mule hall at the Canadian National Exhi- bitlon. â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. bodily. who haw Dom visiting their parent... Kr. and Mrs. Patrick INdy. West 09., returned yesterday to thosr home In Ottawa. r -â€"m-.‘ and Mrs. R. ‘w. nun-uni“ Hrs. Honk ulna Mr. W. :3. Km. spent. Sunday at the homo of m. and Mrs. Albert. Byvrs. of mm;- mm. ‘ guest of khan tam. I N. Foloyf'who her amen-f”: returned to hot- -- vâ€"‘uv 9am the. passengers 895 on bond. and mag in}: fie mucus: June “on. which was tmw‘flve nuns distant. from the me 91 the m. 239 flatten are soldier an Li. a. 0‘ railway. The conductor ”has“ On Thursday .of last week, there was an accident on the line One mile south of Gooderham. Five cars , loaded, with lumber on a south- bound train went on‘ the track V and the road was blocked for over twen- ty-four hours. Modern machinery for clearing up a wreck is about as; scene on the LB. 0. as common sense around 9. Lindsay newspaper office, and all the section hands along the line were summoned to help get the cars back on the track. When a tr‘ain from the north, of which were several Peterboro people. ’came along on Friday, one car Was still on the track, and the men were hard at work trying to get it on the rails .by using jacksserewaa The engine or the. wrecked train was still on the south side orthe place when the track was torn up so the pun W on the train from the lam got out and walked around the wreck towhere the locomotlve Hm; ,, bashed? were standing“ The. “if” as W caehnenu’uqu; ”GED L Were fixed “the“ - A-.. A sary to 1 so” forty mi] ”’1 MICA M1 “1‘ Mr. H 'ere mana :- n‘s- ge _ b and prfes1 o ' of the Min e'r Madison °" through c ' {mines at .hv ‘ there he v spect a mi ‘to taken me )le present ex grade of e in SOLD T0 Jack Wallace, the young son of Capt. J. W. Wallace, Col‘borne-st” met with a painful injury on Mon- da) while going along William-st., "'- ' Ir. A. O. Bunyan lowly man- 15" “or o! amuse Sou icon ‘I Potorboro. has.nccopted a ponMon ho a manw or the drymdl depart- "- meat at Butt-Mao‘s and Son: atom ”I. In Lindsay and wm communco his I< ‘nlnow duties tq-morrow. Soptmbfiru 1‘8?" Mr. Suwym' "succum- W. M. ‘ 0' Lawrenco. who was unnatural to ‘ 11 the: Oahawu more nwuly. :1 ‘F munwm 400 MILES. A I taken over if the same comes up to! present expectations. This is a good grade of electrical mica. SOLD TO AN INDIAN. 'I Mann. Bert mum mad T. End-1 . lsy~Wilmot. o! Patorboro. have Just I returned after! long canoe trip up I to the Munkoka Dakota. They left Chomong Parv two weeks ago and! paddled up through the chain off Takes, reaching the Muskoka, district! on Auguutgo. Altoyether the trip: was of about 400 miles in length. [find in order to accomplish the jour- ( ney in two weeks they found it neces- sary to paddle between thirty and ‘ forty miles per day. ‘ [MIC'A MAGNATE HERE. I I l ‘ , vv--° ‘- v--a home by being bitm on I L bull dog. “I I‘L - Five persona. {ear etthem closely rotated. were mm mm at in Bouts. when an automabfle m Which they were riding wee streak by a test W emu. Amm'a mush sale In: partly Miss Bremner lost .141 in a fire that damaged her boarding-house at. Paris, Ont. Mr. W. T. mgrouchy. 0! Boston. was mum! dyad in his human in the Vinegar How. floating]; The emu: was mm in naming In the count 61mm the {are from the passengers and al- so looks After the mails. When he collected the fares from those who were riding on the freight car he apologized for so doing. He ex- plained, however, that the company expected him to get the money. Extra heavv BLACK TA FFETA SILK dyed in Lyons, France, color guaranteed, quality of the best, a rich looking cloth, suitable for hll kinds of ladies' wear. Width 2012 inches. Regular 5 $1.00 value. Per yard 7 C advertise them to be. We advise an early purchase of these offerings, there can be no repeats. Sale begins to-day. Extra wide BLACK TAFFETA SILKS of excellent qualitv, made soft and firm, best dyes used, width 21 inches, warranted to give good wear, suitable for dresses, etc. Regular ”4:30 value. Per [In BLACK TAFFETA SILKS of good quality, dyed with the same care as better qualities are, 19 inches wide, a good lin- ing cloth. Regular 500 value. Per yard ................... 39C partment is busy with orders. This Deoart v ' ment is growing rapidly under the guidance of expert modistes. Stylishiy-gowned women find great satisfaction in patron- izing this section. Let us make 3our next gown or dress. on account of their excellcnt cling- ing qualitics for costumes. Rich. lustrous, shimmering are the beautiful silks. In great demand You'll like these new ”dress ma- terials tor Fall. A dress goods dis- play replete with interesting style hints-«he. new id:as in vogue {or Fall and.winter are prominently disp‘ayed. ' Truly a representative showing of all that’s new and ”stylish. The prices show un- ‘mistakable savings ~ the shopping chance is yours. Dress Goods and Silks of. such beauty and worth are rarely offered at these prices, , Come early for best values. above remarkable silk values are Count Zeppelin damaged his bah 399nm his return mm from her: 1m. and m to decent m Muslim why. In Papaya} Vania. in m M m m math it In mm in m Lord nosebury will speak at an Ittizbudfiel meeting .1; Glasgow; An earthquake shock m M! was cam on the {Mam “Panama. BLACK SATIN ORIENTAL â€" A very rich lonking silk material, made 42 inches wide. Guaranteed to give excellent Wear. suitable for afternoon and evening dresses, etc Regular 82.00 1 50 0 value. For yard . BLACK PEAU DE SOIE -â€"-A rich- looking, all pure Silk dress material, color ' and wear guaranteed, width 20 1-2 inches. Suitable for ladies’ garments of all kinds. reg. 81.35 value, yard 1.00 BLACK SATIN MINERVA, a new soft silk material, rich in color and soft in finish, guaranteed to give good wea", Widlh 20 1-2 inches, suitable for waists, dresses, etc. Regular $1.00 value. Per yard ........................ 75C m «lath warm at his home. tn Durham. at new Jim Tim. on”! «mum «a. mu:- hi M In Sun'm. » Donors m the death of Joseph H‘ Marty, who died mummy m Wigwam. m due to been this manna: MW that the dam “‘1!me Wm numb» at taut ti?

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