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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 Sep 1908, p. 12

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I3 M m‘l ii the grub. Quite a. large crowd gathered at the Methodist church Sunday, it be- ing rally day at, the Sunday school. Rev. Mr. Adams, pastor, gave a very appropriate talk to the children. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, of FleetWOOd, Visited at Mr. A. Corby’s Sunday. Mr. Hugh and MissinIIay Lowery peas, whicn nav the grub. Quite a. large the Methodist c1 ing rally day 9. Rev. Mr. Adams appropriate tall Mr. and Mrs. r-v â€"- Mr. and Mrs. James McMullcn vis- ited a. few days with friends at Pet- erboro. i5555555 G 0 U G H ’ S cflffiifi Swim: ' G 0 U G H ' S 633E515 (é; _________â€"â€"â€"â€"______________________â€"â€" Hundreds Have Purchased BOYS; S c h 0 0! S. u I ts H e r e. H 6 ve Y 0 u? Aug. 31,â€"Farmers are still rush- ing the harvest, some few being fin- ished. The yield is expected to be fairly good, with the exception of peas. which have been destroyed by totheWest. ”miliééhce Wright has leased the Middleton farm for a. term of years. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stinson spegt ple’s. shinny with her sister, Mrs. N. Dental.â€"0ne of the firm of Neel- Imne, dentists, Lindsay, beat the Queen's Hotel. Wood- Lindsay’s new east end drug store is now in full swing everything new and fresh in the DRUG line at the Rigg’s 01d Stand R. L. MORGAN Mrs. Joseph Calhoni, of .‘AGE no COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. Druggist. Optican and Stabioner. Otto Spencer left Saturday in the harvester-3’ excursion LOT 1. Boys’ Russian Blouse Suits in Canadian Tweeds, nea ly 1 95 made, fitting boys’ of 3, Li, 5, 6 years of age, worth 3.50, sale price . LOT 2. Boys’ Russian Blouse Suits in Canadian Tweeds, in fancy checks and stripes, well finished, fitting boys 3, 4, 5, 6 years 2 95 of age. worth 4.50. Sale price .............. . ........................ . LOT 3. Boys’ Russian Blouse Suits made of imported tweeds, new pat- terns, satin lined, fitting boys 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 years of age, 3 45 worth 5.00. Sale r'ice ................................................ . LOT 4. Boys’ Russian Blouse Suits in imported worsteds, fancy stripes and checks, new designs, satin ’ lined: worth 6.00. 3 98 fitting boys from 3 to 7 years of age. Sale price ................. . where, with no sacrifice Whatever of Quality, there is only one place you can (10 COME WITH THE CROWDS AND SECURE YOUR SHARE OF I LOOK OYER THIS Special Prices on all Boys’ Knickers, Shirts LIFFORD own correspondents. and Miss May Lowery at. Mr. Richard Sta.- Boys’ Russian Blouse Suits 7 7 our boy needs a new suit and you want is visiting her brother, Mrs. G. Mré.’ GI. w. Anely' was visiting at her father’s, Mr. R. Biliance, of Beaverton, for a. few days last week, but has returned home. éapt. iééraw and Lieut. A. Wake- lin took a large number of our young men _from the surrounding AL- AH‘L Aug. 31.â€"The Women‘s Institute meeting will be held on Thursday next, September 10, at halfâ€"past two o’clock sharp, ‘at the home of Mrs. Ronald McFadyen, Hartley. The Auâ€" gust meeting was largely attended. and five new members were added. All the ladies of the neighborhood are invited to attend. cinity have realized a prosperous harvest, and are now busy at their threshing. Mr. and Mrs. Bingtham, of Toron- to, are the guests of Mr. Geo. Peel for a time.‘ 0 Miss S. Black, of Glenarm- -visited her friends 11 Just week. Mr. F. B tnell expects to make Allely, for P: feytdfiys. va-‘o country :s‘ volunteers for the 45th Regiment to Kingston, for a. two weeks’ training for active service. 'rliIr: Allan Currihs, of 'Ops, spent last Sunday with friends in this vi- cinity. Vil‘iigs Currins, of Islay, visited at Mr. R. Robertson’s last week. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Francis Brien in the loss of his two fine barns by fire, on Saturday, Aug. 22. The loss is partly covered by insurance. We understand Mr. Brien is preparing to rebuild. Miss Sampson, of Lindsay, spent Sunday of last week visiting .her brother, Mr. Robert Sampson. Mrs. Campbell has returned to Manitoba after spending some time visiting at the home of her father. Mr. John JHay. Inspector Stevens paid a. visit to our school recently. his departure for the West. Mr. ’omrles c. McKaguc is spend- ing a. time with his many friends in Toronto. Aug. 31.â€"Threshing is the order of the day. Miss Lizzie RobertSOn entertained a number of her lady friends on Wed- nesday of last week, and all enjoyed a. pleasant afternoon. Aug. 31T;Th€ farmers of Miss Mill'igan is visiting friends in I If you haven t you should get here at once. Such an opportunity to buy Boys’ School Suits at such ridiculously low prices just at the time when they are needed most, occurs but once in a lifetime If The Parents who have already purchased here know that they have secured exceptional values. ds a new suit and you want to save Twenty-Five Per Cent: of what you would have to pay elseâ€" 0 sacrifice Whatever of Quality, there is only one place you can do so and that is here. ~â€" ~â€" - â€"â€"-â€"â€" â€"- w ‘7“ Hfiflnn‘lfl VIIYYD E" K “E OF THE BARGAINS PLEASNT POINT ISLAY ‘Where 'the Good Clothes Some ijom.” (Registered) THE DAILY WAF A number from this section were in Lindsay on Saturday of last week. Mr. D. Noble had a “bee" drawing lumber from the Baker Lumber (30 9. yards in Lindsay on Saturday 1st. for the purpose of rebuilding his house which was destroyed by fire last. spring. Sept. 1.â€"'I‘hreshing is the order of Supt. 1.â€"1n the "vantage mourn. the day in this vicinity. n1," Toronto, on Twey, August Mr. and Mrs. A. McKay were the 1-53 Mary Matilda Bradley, beloved guests of Mrs. Frank Wickett Sun- wife of Mr. C. W. Wright, of the 8th day. ll‘ne. Manvers, passed away. to hu‘ A few of our young people spent a‘heavenly reward, at the age of 5'.) pleasant day at Ball mum. on the yam-s. 5 months. On Aug. 5th the 19th. :dccensed lady was taken to the has Quite a number from around here. pitul, Toronto, to undergo a critical intend taking in the exhibition. operation for cancer of the stomach, The many friends of Miss Clargwhich operation could not be suc- Rich were sorry to hear of Ler de- cessfully completed, and Mrs. Wright parture for the city. inotwithstand-ing her intense sum-r5 Mr. Alex. and Miss Mammie Fo- ings, lingered until. Tuesday, Aug. rest intend taking up their residence 18. She had been ailing for almost at Pine "Hurst farm soon. one year, and endured all her suner- Mice Mammia Forest and Miss May ings with Christian fortitude and pa- What proved to be a lucky change for Mr. S. Tremeer, was proven a few days ago. It appears he had taken a load of grain to Canning'ton in his trouser-’3 pockets, but on go- ing to bed, instead of hanging his trousers on the bed post, he hung them in a. closet. hanging an old pair on the bed, with nothing in them but an old jack-knife. In the morn- ing they were team! in a nearby field with the pockets turned inside out, and the knife gone. It is thought that the thief followed him from Cannington after seeing nim place the money in his pockets. and being sure that the garments hanging on Some 01 the young ladies from around here enjoy riding in rubber tire buggies. August 31.â€"There will be two ser- vices here next Sunday. Mr. Hardy of Manilla, fiill conduct the morn- ing service. Our pastor will con- duct the evening service, commencing at 7 o’clock. Misses Fledda Mark and Meta Var- coe have returoed to school at Lind- Quite a. number from around here. intend taking in the exhibition. The many friends of Miss Clam Rich were sorry to hear of Let de- parture for the city. “M;ssMammie Forest and Miss May McKay paid Oakwood a flying visit one day; last week. rue "mug lllcuua v. m“...- - -w-.. Rich were sorry to hear of Ler Ile- ’cessfully completed, and Mrs. Wright parture for the city. inotwithstanding her intense sum-r1 Mr. Alex. and Miss Mammie Fo- ings, lingered until, Tuesday, Aug. rest intend taking up their residence 18. She had been ailing for almost at Pine "Hurst farm soon. one year, and endured all her suner- Miss Mammie Forest and Miss May ings with Christian fortitude and pa- m-mw naid Oakwood a flying visit ti-znce- one day; last week. - ‘Almost her last words were: "My SOme young fellow from around hope is to get better, but neverthe- here is looking pretty gloomy 0"91‘ less I have commended my spirit. un- the fever. Cheer up, Alex, 511‘ to the Lord." hasn’t got it yet. ' She leaves behind to mourn the Mrs. Bert Cameron and son Stew- loss of a. IOVing wife and Inother, 9. art, of Oakwood. spent a few days sorrowing husband. four sons, and at the home of Mr. A. McKay. m dammn Mrs. James E. McGu- Messrs. Jewell and. Western spent Sunday in this vicinity: 5 bed were the same that he wore [ring the day, that they still held e prize. The thief .did not invest- ate until after getting out of the .use, and it would appear that he dnot like to risk going back. ‘7 Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Invison, -of Index-land, spent a few days with a brother of this place. , Kr. and Mrs._ A. Vat-coo. of Ash- n,spenta1ewdqswithffiendsmhmor,smm “y" mandatlsnflla. ReV. C. M. Carew, of London. oc Oshawa L cupied the pulpit here Sunday. Rev. m St Mr. Peckover was also here, Mr. Mc- guest 0‘ ! quzie not being certain that Mr. last week Carew would be present, so that we PLEASE were unusually well supplied with Will the eloquent speakers; any- Peckover' We ' me! the lesson. mods 3M short. ’01 gm though sbleramrksrsunl’hri- tinned: sass, showedusswddsglsaoost WM SALEM CORNERS THE GLEN th}; money, placed it 3 pockets. but on goâ€" LOT 5. Boys’ Blouse Suits in navy blue and grey-flied mixtures, fit- ting from 4 to 8 yearsof age, neatly made, plain tro 1.25 to 1.50. Sale price ..................... .. ....................... LOT 6. Boys? Norfolk and Pleated Suits in Canadian Tweed, lined throughout, fitting boys’ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, years of age, worth 2.75, 1 75 3.00 and 3.50. Sale price ............................................ . LOT 7. Boysf Norfolk Suits in Canadian Twerd, neatly made, fitting boys 8, 9. 10, 11 years of age only, worth 3.50 to 4.00. Sale 2 45 . price ...................................................................... LOT 8. Boys’ Norfolk Suits in imported Tweeds and Worsteds, fitting boys 12, 13, 14-, 15 and 16 years of age, worth 4.50 to 6.00. Sale 3 45 ........................................ U price ...... Boys’ Norfolk and Pleated Suits __9 111-.-,“ u :4... :n an: yak] no anr] mnmtweed m1xtures.fit vuv, A unauxvu tug-ht some time s from nouncement. place Mr. Arbhu being finder; of r on of Mr. Geo: wore , Rev. C. l I She leaves behind to mourn the loss of a. IOVing wife and mother, a sorrowing husband, four sons. and one daughter, Mrs. James E. McGu- hey,eas east ward, Lindsay. The sons 'are: Alfred, who resides near Janet.â€" ville; Richard and Milton, of Lif- Iford; and Lawrence. near Bethany. ny, assisted by the Rev. G. Snow- don, of Janetville, Rev. Mu Gomm. Pontypool, and Rev. Mr. Chapman. Pontypool. ‘ The, last loving token of rapect was shown by the beautiful wreathes two being placed on the casket by the family, another having been sent by her old neighbors and dfriends o! Orono, and one by friends in lake- ed League were much impressed by the words of our pastor, who had charge of the meeting). the subject was 1"Vacation Rel on. ” Our pas~ tor again takes the topik fit Thurs- day evening. We hope to see a lar- The funeral, which took place on Thursday, “he 20th. to Orono oeme tery. was very largely attended. the services being conducted by her pas- tor, the ReV. Mr: Adgms, 9! 1201:118- yer crowds than ever. as won as ev- erâ€"increasing interest in the beam work. A missionary program is spoken of some time soon. - Watch for the an- Mr. Arthur Cosh and Miss We turned helps from their ?rip to Bos- Meader.’ of Bobcayseon. were M“ ton. Haas. Likewise. Mr. and Era. 0131:. (ieoi'ge Palms-t 911 Sunday.“ 3. Conny mm to their home in August 81.â€"-On Thursday evening last those young peoplg who attpqd- 7' m thgm are times sisters and one brother, who reside in,the Unit- ed States. . 9.11th 0} Influx-0c Oahu" inst gnaw. n--- MANVERSâ€"Bth LINE. .â€"In the “Cottage GOUGH’S , Ties, Hospn. August beloved ghe 3th Upward: of 600 people attended the baseball tournament held_ here last Friday afternoon. and over 8100 was realized at the gates. The pro- ceeds were in aid of the mail): pm)- lic library a! visit to Mr. Larissa Edwards. who 'is very ill, and we regret t any that alight hopes are uncertain- ed for his recovery. Mr.anera.W.Rtino‘ushuvereâ€"‘ turned home after enioying a visit with Mr. and lira.- Jeasie Valet-mp, of Victoria. Harbor. {our daughters, of Hamilton. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Var-coo and child- dren. of Ashbum, also Mr. Richard Pearce" of Toronto, spent a few days recently the guests 0! Mr. G. with his parents here, and othe'r re lativw, after an absence of fifleen and it a. subject be supplied we sup- pose it would be The Great Change." The semen was some; what longer than we are accustom-‘ ed to, and the night was very hot,‘ yet in spite of this. we think that‘ everyone was more than pleand with 0 Mr. Carew's discourse, and it was in-] tcresting to note some of the means. the speakers employed (perhaps uno' consciously) to make his sermon in'i teresting and impnessive. Questions sometimes asked and answered :1 sometimes merely asked; quotation from eminent men, a few short stor-l les well told ; these combined with a bleautilully modulated voice and won- ! dertul heart-power tended to make his sermon endure (not merely for a! season) in the hearts of the people. i Mr. and" Mrs. Edward Dixon, and two children. of uthbridge, Alberta. are spending a. two monthq' .visit. Dr. Carmichael. of Peterboro. was in Maniilo. last week on a. profession- Mr. Hugh Carmichael. of Port Per- ry, paid some of his {fiends hen brief can last deay. Sept. 1.â€"Mrs. Berkley. with he Hats and‘ Caps during this Sale WE ~- 0- “my?” -re we think mt :vvw' â€" an pleased with 3°23"; ‘ . anditwuin-lm the Pr me of the means 5d; 0‘ la: a (perhaps “n. will éxteu his sermon ilk. West Lor ive. Questions and answered :1 RBV- R- LOT 9. Boys' Three-Piece Suits in Canadian Tweeds, fitting 10, 11 years of age only, nicely made, worth 4.00. Sale price LOT 10. Boys’ Three-Piece Suits in fancy twaeds, stripes satin lined, single or doubled-breasted, worth 4.50 and 5 Sale price ....................................................... LOT 11. Boys’ Three-Piece Suits in fancy worsteds, satin or double breasted, neatly made all sizes; worth 5.50 and 6 LOT 12. Boys Three-Piece Suits in imported Tweeds an single or double-breasted style, fine satin linings, yvorth 7.04 9 00. Sale price .................................................... oa-ooocoooonaoo dou‘ Miss Jessie Binghnm, of Canninrp Iton. Mrs. D. Bingluun. and Hrs. D. .Janison were in Lindsay last Satur- Nay. ' It is reported that Mr. Forbort, o! .m. 5"“ ww.v-vg wâ€" "'â€""4 led to Beuverton last. week. ‘ Miss Susie (Toot) Stoddcrt, re- itumed this morning to Port Hope 3 Hope Collegiate. accompanied by h ibrother. Master Warren. Mr. Elliott” station agent here. will soon leave for the West. In. 'l‘onchbum. of Lindsay. visit- ed here with her sister. In. Donald fiiss Swift, from Uncle Sam's do- min, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. William Stone. Capt. N. L. Patterson made the "I" ”V III l-"Wh’" trip to Tory Hill on Monday of last. ____.. Xféwm 233,331.53 fg’nfi'; Lindsay will have the pick of m: mend or F company to R. H. Ander- Web at the L31)" Day “om-N Tom son, a brilliant young omogr. who, Longboat, Percy Sellcn and the 1C. we are sun: will keep No. 6 company A.C.' short distance and woizht 30:34:.“ ranks in numbers “'1'm2will be p t. Selim 5nd m“ We Ferguson. who was Longboat will meet two new Indian successful in the Post contest. foraudu'k how" in the 313mm“ the Quebec trip, is now enjoying the Then Woods, the Brantford boy. 1‘1? grand outing. m the first. Canadian to cross the Mrs. 'Albert Cameron, of Oakwood, tape in the Olympic at England will Visited with Mrs. Gus Prom over 1180 be here. nose were all up- Sundny. punched to appear in Stratford. but Miss Etta L. liming, o! Hartley, have decided to come to Lindsay. remembered some ot- her Woodville Hilton Gm. Claude Pearce, Bi}! friends while enloying the beautiful Moms. nun-om Smith and a couple my among the 1000 Islands on 0' m runners will represent the '1‘” Wilma-Wade!- Quebec ‘u-ip. Irish-Canadians. at the Straflord Ir. m Wokolord and may: meet. when the annual St. Marys- ”: moving to mint-ton this week‘smthl‘d road race is pulled off on mywiubomuymbyuwir inborn-y. It is reported that Mr. Forbort. of Lindsay, will open up a, dice store here in the premises latent occupied by R. Switzer. A law number from hem attend- ed the games at Kirkfield last Fri~ Mrs. Anna Campbell and daughter, Marjorie, of Toronto, who has been visiting friends here for the last two weeks, returned home this morning. Miss My Eagleeon. of Lindsay, who taught school at. Grant. in form- er years, is visiting her friend, Miss my Ross. of The Glen. Aug. 31.â€"Rev. Mr. Blair. of Carp- bellville, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here last. Sunday momingan evening, and delivered two very able sermons. At. the congregational meeting held in the Presbyterian church on Tues- day 0; last week, an unanimous call was extended to Rev. Mr. Jinan, of West Lorne. Rev. B. A. Whatham and family. returned home last. Friday after a four weeks' visit. to friends in Pic- ton and other eastern towns. Boys’ Threg-APigce Suits 0.0.0... U ‘Where the Good Clothes ’ Come From.” (Registered) 1-H Three-Piece Suits in imported Tweeds and Worsteds, -breasted style, fine satin linings, worth 7.00 no 5 95 E A ............................. a I F opooocoootcuouooco Switzer and funin mOV WOOD VILLE u xoung l the com- Lindsay will have the pick of m. R. H. Ander- Wild: at the Labor Day e\'ent~. Tom 05°F "‘10 Longboat, Percy Sellen and the 1c °' 61W”? AHC' short distance and well” n ”d men will be present. Sour-n and on, who was IKE-Wt will meet two new Indian ’ contest. for; M horses" in the Marathon 'enjo l the MWoods, the Bruntfom boy.1h0 yng I'm tho first Canadian to cross the 6am 8- Oha film-5:- cf F‘no-lnnd WI” 1' her trimdn such insinuating remarks as to “1‘ party. courage, that he was almost inclin- m. at Beav- ed to line up. but. Tim 0' Rourki Ill: 16- took him any. He took his PM“ on visiting tion in the ave-mile event. how”? and yew-ad opmad his mouth wide 79W) atomic the-attain He *0“ ‘ nmmmthiaevmt and an 9min! exhibition at runninfi a, no“ than nine- moor than '1‘ ~ ‘3‘ mâ€"W Star {washout m the center of 8“ }u-acuon. and when he first appemd :on the new and logged he" "V" W the M, be got an ovation at Ham-x. He was about the cm tu' oi; the field throughout the aft?” noon, mm the hammer. WWW ,“du'k horses" in the Marathon. M Woods, the Brantfond boy. who [was the first Canadian to cross the tape in the Olympic at mgland will also be here. M were an ap- Pmched to upper in Stratford. but hum decided to come to Lindsay- INDIAN WON CLEAR-CUT \‘ICTfl- teaching at Gelert. Miss Mary McKinnon and Miss 1.11- lie McKay, of Glenarm, called or. friends heme last week. Hies Jennie Grant, trained nurse, who has been home for her Vacuti.m_ returned to Gait last week. A great many of our citizens r»- 03in tokens of remembrance from the young ladies of Woodville and Hartley; who are now enjoying that, grand Quebec trip of The Watchman- Warder and Post, your correspondent having received no less than time souvenir cards from those jolly trip- The Best of the Club Will be at Lindsay The Misses Feed, 0! Cannmgwn, visited here last week with their un- cle, Simon Feud. Miss Minnie Campbell, of this vil- lage, who taught school at Essen- ville for the last {our years, is now Dental.â€"One of the firm of NM- ands and Irvilie, dentists. Lindsay, will be at the Queen’s Hotel, Wood- ville. on Tuesday, Sept. 8, and at Campbell's Hotel, Kirkfield. on Wed- needay, Sept. 9'. Call early in the LONGBOA'I'S HVE MILE satin lined, single i‘.‘f‘...".’:‘.’.°.: 2.95 fitting boyS’ 9, ’f’: 3.95 Efi checks, h‘ way with $019 COUNTRY BANKING 8% SIS] Paid Up Undivid¢ Too fe being posse Real Estate the coin its Ba Total As When considerabl‘ to sell. “ ' price. The M One I reitc: aside somet save their starting a E 10 m 3 o'ch Saturdays

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