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Watchman Warder (1899), 17 Sep 1908, p. 6

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s‘ 5.4 Preserving Kettles Mlin and Windsor styles. Sue: Pans, square and tapered Double Boilers, Cereal Cookers, Ten Pots, Coffee Pots, Tea Kettles, Tea Drawers, Pie Plates, Cups, Water Pails, Stove Pots, etc. 9 An assortment of Jewelry as varied as is ours, otfersa Wide range of cnoice for Bridal, Anniversary or Birthday. 9 The September bride will delight in the watches, clocks, toilet requisites, silverware, mounted 'and unset stones, beads, chains. chatelaines, belts. buckles, etc. I] \Vedding Rings and Harriage Licenses prucured at G ranite ware For Segtember Brides If it is graniteware, we haveit See us for Graniteware Boxall Matthie _-_ ,____-â€" Send in the newsâ€"we want all the news (it to print. It is local news that makes a. local paper popular. Don’t wait for someone else to send the happenings. You send it. DRUGGIST. mmovposite ] itiooon. falleothe marofthe 0n: nstanteflnrtistokeep abreast of ~111 advances so that our customers may be insured the ben- efit of the best goods and the lat- est and most scxentific service. We want the trade of careful, ex- acting drug buyers. FOR GLASSES Go to Murphy 8 Druggist and Optician, 2nd door West, Gough’s. LIN] Because he gives perfect satis- faction at 10West prices. Broken lenses replaced. Frames repaired L. AJMURPHY HIGINBOTH AM WTMAWW “The biscuits which please us must be brown ~ and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well-raised, evenly-baked crust. V “Mother says such buns require a steel oven, scien- tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated -â€"‘PAND0RA’ OVEN EXACTLY.” 9' When you see a “Pandora”. Range the sale ls m PHONE 7 . McCarty LINDSAY LINDSAY . iver. an old Lindsay boy, of Uxbridge, is in .town for a few days renewing acquaintances. â€"Mr. Arthur ()‘Leary, of Rochest- er, spent yesterday in town visiting â€"Mr W. J. Strong and Mr. A. Lee, of Belleville, are in town to-‘ on business. â€"-Mr. and Mrs J 01m McKague ' their daughter, Lillie, town Saturday laSt. ,â€"â€"Miss Green, of the Robert Si Son 00., Toronto, has accepted a sition in the mantle department. Wakely’S- , n-‘.‘n11‘7 and da‘ on, w... ._ his sons th. and G. Simpson. â€"Mr. L. J. Hunter, of Bobcay geon was in town for a. few hours this ter, Mary. Warder ViCtOI'lun. ronto Saturday e Sunday with her She returned to this morning. an: duties at Hogg er having enjoyed lidays of her life. â€"â€"Mrs. A. E. “An-w u,â€" . in town over Sunday. â€"-Mr. H. Bush, I Peterboro, is in town for this week at the Lyceum. -â€"-Mr. Fred ,Peake, of Campbellford, Was in town to-day on businesa. -â€"Mr. Charla D. MgCafir-ey. of Ome- LA__‘ . C. Guensolass, of Pet were in town toâ€"day on th Bobcaygeon to attend the the late Mrs. Jackson Reit -â€"The engagement is an: Port Hope of Miss Helen daughter of the late Mr. A peth, Q.C., M.I‘.. of Linds Henry (‘hishol-m, 'lluncan Port Hopeâ€"Globe. â€"Miss Beatrice Woods, ( rias. returned Warder V icto rnnto Saturday ew-ning. e -41.A.. era, is Visiting friends in town. -â€"Mr. I-‘réd L. Scale, of Edmonton is in town for a few days visiting m fotito, where they 5; week visiting friends. __Mr. and m8- 1 ed this morning where they spent weeks - 11.... -â€"Mr. Byron Green, of Montreal, returned this er an absence of a con] visiting friends in Kings er eastern points. â€"â€"Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E s. W. 11. S Mr- and mrs. this morning 1 tend the fun Jackson Reid. .Mr. and M â€"â€"Mr. master. to-day . friends. _VV_ â€"Mr. J. Henderson and Mrs erson of Bobcaygeon, were i: to-day. W. “JOâ€"J34 John A- lSimpson' in town 1'0:de *3 James Connolly a y, returned toad-a3? here they spent I. R. Donnelly, G.‘ of Allandale, was funeral of , --..,_ I, of the Robert Simp- nto, has accepted a po- mantle department. at. Hour. ice Woods, one of The ias. returned from To« Ly awning. and spent town her mother in to Mariposa Station and will resume her '3: 8; Lyue’s office, aft.- ved one of the best ho- Geo. SimpsOn' 11. Simpson Isobcaygeofi ‘0 froh Bobcayg‘eon' the PaSt couple 0‘ ryson and SiStcr' lemoe. Who have Mr. and Mrs. S- ge-st., left this to join Mr. Bry- r undertook the public Schools ‘ed Haskell and of Peter-borough. on their way to \d the funera‘ 0f -- ---, is announced in Helen Hudspeth. Mr. Adam Huds- Lindsay, to Mr. V or P011: Per‘ I son. of Camer- ‘r the “at Of Reid. of Peterbcl’o o wgvbfi to a" the late Mrs. Field. return- o! CobocOnk. G.T.R. road- ’as in town barrister. were in s. Hend- in town and and left - â€"Miss Della Brokenshire, of Ion Fallls is visiting Linden: Toronto friends. . int-“And Mrs. William Workman re- turned home last night after a plea- sant ViSit to Toronto. â€"â€"-Mrs."(151:.)fi Johnston, who his been visiting Mrs. Yarnold for ‘ the past. weekrhag returned to her home at Port Hope. 'Mr. (Friday) Madison. hack driver, leaves to-morrow for Hot Springs. The visit is made with a. View to re- COVering his health. ‘ .â€"Mr. J. C. Warrington. Pcterboro, has returned to his home. after spending a few days in town the guest of friends. - --Mr R. 1!. Bean is in Montreal attending the convention of the Ca- nadian Manufacturers’ Association. "3‘ vv w- . â€"Mrs. 1. Vlirgliefishire: of Fenelon Falls, the guest of Mrs. Fred PurVis. . He :49 :chmpanio'd by Mrs. Bean and two daughters. :Mifis; 'King, 0} Toro'nto. returned home this morning after a. short. vi: sit to Mrs. G. L. Thompsor}._ -Messrs Jack and Cliflord Saunas have returned from Myrtle where they have been spending a few days. â€"RCV. W. A. Calm-ran: won-known- in Lindsay, as the loader of‘ UM Me'- Master Evangvlistic Baml'. prmchal his first sermons on Sund'ny in moor street Baptist church. Town". to the pastorate of which he is to be inducted on the 15th inst. Hockin. of Huntlny-st.. who with -â€"Mr. Edward Hopkins left this morning for Guelph to attend the On- tario .‘.gricultu.‘al College. He will enter as: a second-year student upon V -â€"A1demen Charles Pepper. of 0t- tawa, who has been spending a few days with his brother. Mr. Fred Pep. per, left by C..P.R. this morning to attend the trade convention in Que- ~msn Fanny McDiu'mid. of Will- mington. N.J.. is visiting with nels- tiVes in town. â€"Miss Hazel Hancock has returned from a. visit with his brother in Au- 1 tom. â€"-Mz;~. Nelsm Weldon. who has been visiting town friends. has returned to he! hum: in Oakwood. â€"Mr. and Mrs. N. Hockin' and Miss Mrs. William Dundas and daughter. F1 Dorothea. of Lindsay. have been spending the‘summor at their cottage "North Lawn Lodge.” Muskoka. haVe returned homp.â€"Toronto S’tar. -â€".\Ir. nd Mrs. Joseph Coots and son Jo ph. of Jcrsoy City. left town Saturday after a plousant visit with Mr. Coots' sister Mrs. 'l‘hos. O’Sefll. for Columbus. Ohio. whore they wfll attend the convention- of the B‘rnfh- orhood of Locomm.ive- P'ircmon‘ and Engineers. Forest fires are raging in- the north country. Hundreds of acres of woods are on fire and a lot of tin- ber is being destroyed; Grass was accidentally set on fire by a. match carelessly thrown on the ground, and the fire caught on the railway fence north of Kinmotmt a tow miles. Four miles or fence was burned before the fire was put out. _ _. e, , “_‘I_ fI'R‘Iu Much Damage Through Country by Fires -Mr. R. Begley, Peterboro. was in toun on Sunday._ the guest. of â€"Mr. Jack ”ht-yell. pursor on the Str. Esturion. has finished this sea- son on the boat and will sum! a couple of weeks at his home before going to Toronto to continue his studies in [’nivorsity. HIV 1'“ Jus this side of Fenclon Falls Jordan’s woods is ablaze and ‘ lot. of damage was done by fire this week in Hethe‘ington's woods. BUSH FIRE DOES CONSIDER- ABLE DAMAGE. (From Saturday's Daily). The intelligence was received this morning from Ennismore that. a. bush fire was raging in the woodegl property of Mr. Edward Corkery and Mr. Wm. Crough, between the bridge and the Cross. While it was not extremely large there was, however, a danger of it spreading to more ex- tensive woods. The neighbors have been fighting it during the last few days and are Onvthe alert to keep it‘ within a sinall boundary. The season for trout ended Mon- day. There were a large number or fishermen at the trout ponds on the closing day and a number of good catches are recorded. wcommendatim of Mr. F. H. Reid ENNISMORE BUSH FIRE An interesting event. took place at two o'clock Monday am Toronto, ot 8 Prince Arthur-ave” when the mar- riage was solcxrnizedz of Mrs. Mina A. Hubbard. widow. oi the hue Dr. Leonidas Hubbard, the famous ex- plorer of Labrador, and daughter of the late .las. Benson, of Buichly. Cmda. and Mn Herald '1‘. Elia. son of the lion. John Eduard Ellis. formerly under-secretary of Stole for India. The ceremony was performed by the ReV. G. W. McCall, of Napimo. an old friend of the family, in thelnrge drawing-room. which was decorate! with palms. and flowers. The afl‘air has a. romantic tinge. Mrs. Hubbard is well known in the different capacities of teacher. lectur- er. and writer. "A Woman’s Way Through Labrador" has given her a wann place in the hearts of those in- terested in the frozen province. ‘ While lecturing in Miami 3 your ego. she. met Mr. Ellis through their 1comm0n friend, Mrs. Green. widow of the historian. Mr. Ellis is an Eng- ;lishman of considerable means and is is. director in the Welsh collierlcs. His ifetherfis the Right Hon. John Ed- uard Ellis. a Quaker politician. iden- tified with the Liberal party. The cliffe sinqe 1835. and Underâ€"Secretary for India since 1905. Also he was temporary chairman of the House of Commons. well-Known exhibitor st the Linda! Central. “when he usually m to carry '08 the pdzad mum. Mutts of Sable Opposum. flat shape with 2 heads and tails. sale price UULLI.3Ly|ca u um L. Iv 0U ............ v -w-- r ,,,,,,,, Coats of Black Astrachan, 28 in- 603830! Black Persian Lamb, ex- ches long. nice. fine curl. all sizes. tra well finished, satin lined. neat fit- ' 80.00 ting, sale price .......................... 62.50 at ............................................ Fur Garments shown by us are from the best skins that our knowledge and skill can procure. Quality is the mostimportant factor tn 9. Fur Garment price ......................................... 12.00 Cups of beaver Wombat, Seal and Pzrsian Lamb, all. sizes. wcll made. both:styles front: 1.75 to1 ...... 15.00 .. .0. _u no :.. J.W.WAK[LY u..i[;iÂ¥si..n.éé1;55§7‘8arble.flat style with ovierlap skin. efi'cct, large size} sale AAAA We Gunman Every Fur Will Give Satisfaction. Honest Materials and Best Values. Liniuy’s Leading Fur Housc. ELLI Sâ€"HL‘BBE‘IR D. HYHENENL ._. . , .ooco ...................... 1200 East got? Dominion Word hwbecn received! at the dent of Dr. C. H. Breatom who died i ‘ the Northmt. The-W at. one time lived' in Bethany. where he was no" and thvorablv m. He was 40 users of age. The late Doctor “as also» known to M I'dsny citizens. The dmh of the lite Mrs. Jack- son Reid'. which (1ch at Bobcuy- moon the- other day.. nee-over! a well- known and mpecmd citizen. She at one time lived in Lindsay. tho law Mr. Jackson Reid. her husband. who pndecensod her lust October. having at. one time conducted the Shanon House. The late In. Reid was so place to-day. LATE MRS. SOUTHERAN. The body of the late Mu. Souther- an, who died through burns received at her home near Head Lake opFri- day morning. pulsed through town this morning on the way to Nestle- ton. where interment will tnkeplnce The remains arrived on the Coho- conk train. and was tandem to the C. P.R. Much sympathy is felt for the ones who won bauved by the dreadful coolant. NELLTE DORAN. Another sad death occurred on Monday at the Ross Manor-kl Hospital, when the grim reaper uwvu, --_-._- young ladies of this town. in the person of Miss Nellie Donn. oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Do- ran. nelboume-at. Death malted at one-thirty o'clock. alter a linger- ing illness of six or seven weeks the result of typhoid fever. The young lady was not prone to give up and fought for life up till the last moment. But each was not to be. and the young lite ebhed slow- ly own. despite all the careful et- tendence 0! medical experts. Sotur- day she was reported to he a little better. but on Sunday she was re- ported to be worse. and m not ex- pected to mlve through the night. ;However. her Meade hoped and prey- ied for her recovery up till the lost. It seemed a pity that such a young} and useful me should be ended just} what: she was blossoming out into{ womanhood. , i The deceased-was a. favorite with; an the young people who knew hem: and her companionship wu enjoyed by all. She was “mired {or her :. C. H. BRE‘A‘ION. "7:33;; '0? V figs-cvhrérrcan Lamb with Alaska Sable Collars, satin lingd_. I Stolen. of American Sable, sat- in lined, 80 inches long, 8 tails. silk ornament trimmings, sale pnce ......... : .................... . ..... 8.00 Rafi, eight only, dyed coon Rufi's. 60 inches long, 8 tails, chain fastener, sale price ...... 7.50 Rum, full furred, trimmed Coats assorted lengths of black Astrachan, black satin lined, large collar, neat, curly. sale priee...84.00 Coats of Black Astraehan American ‘ Sable Collars, satin-lined, assorted sizes, sale price; ........................ 49.00 ‘ _ ‘ C ’4 I- sale J ACKSKO‘N' REID and: the funeral m ”19.3600. Every garment new and stylish. Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Capenncs, ‘ price .................................... 3.50 Stolen 'of Mink Marmoth, 60 long. satin lined, chain fastener. 2 tails. sal‘cA pric; .......... 13.5.15 SBECIEL SEPTEMBER SALE n “'u [JUL 1 )bed slow- 1 treful nt- 3. Satur- e a little I was f9. u not ex- the night. and PM)“ the last. a young! nded mad out intoi m withg knew her 3 I enjoyed L10? her this and!- t J Lindsay’s Leading 10% Off-«All 'Furs Sold During September-«10 °xo Off ON TlRIO Big DAM AGED BY FIRE John Carewé JU ST A QUESTIQL? Why Is it somany of the best people in town an N phobognphed here? BECAUSE we ham the very best st _\ 1‘ ~ great variety at right prices. WILFRED M. ' We still have on hand a couple of cars of the difi‘ercm grades of shingles slightly damaged by fire, (Sum: places where only a. coal has dropped). We are sellin; these at a very great reduction as they will not do to ship. It. will pay you to buy now even though you do not require them for some time. We would mmindjou that the burning of our mi” does not interfere with our lumber and factory tradv u we have a. large stock bf dry lumber onhund and our Bobeaygeon mill is still running. Furland i Priced for quick selling. Fur Rufl's, Mufi's and Caps. Read on. Stolen and Boat of black. white and blue Thibet, good size, full furred. mufi's to matcn. sale price .............................. 7.50 Chad'- Bett- of white Thibet, new style, Well made, neatly trimmed. sale price ............ 4.50 Hui: of Isabella Fox. cushiOn style, two heads, sale price 6.50 Muff: of Sable Opposum, sat- in-lined. 5 tails, cushion style, 8 ale price .............................. 7.50 with silk ornaments. heads, fur tails. chain fas encrs‘ at 12.50, 15.00, 17.00 and ............ 18.00 Huff: of Sable Opposum flat sty_1e with head and tail, sale “mm ......................... 11.50 aoo 00.0.01... .0- House. PE PPER Sane 17, 1908. mill being HI SUM] Some visitor the ground: w Mayor liegg. Simpson, W. ‘ C. Trcw, .\c11 Ira John Hal half a mxlv 7M reachnd 34)" ml winds 1hquL'h kle-dfi’l' *" "‘ which 1hn hm: a half-milv mm was very hwnv ‘1de numnnm wanted to (<ch vantage pain the sigh”. use smm- I ing Wu.C W Spocm‘. r: Grand Trm brought. a intervonnm m dnu'! point! WW 3; 0. Th.- half a Gillogiy, hurl“ White, of the Wilson, Bert. V Cowan, Tom. others. M r. t and J umes '1‘): wood, were a] Allen, merchan boys ; Hotel Haliburton, w Brandon. of dons, Fun-'lon Geo. Barr)'- “" vid Dunan. present 88 am 'l‘horndykc of l the judges. ‘ EVENTS 0n 'I‘hurs‘duy but the big cri til Friday. 1“ Hihden; D. 3:: surrounded and dcflcriphm pictfureeqm'nvS! Kimount. the on {he Shah‘s village has a own, though 1 dusty sand. is sand lies int‘ht find manum-s 1 tion of cum-“9 wearer's mum: at tlv {air an the mynv bran poured tho su1 m. rolled am breeze allevim wt, and ph and cider kvr't comfortabln m Kinmuunt. for ed . number < 0121' their "drh last the sun-d: was wan m st prize-winm-rs ‘ Gray Nod, .10 Simple .lc»$~, *fified and i '0.” you “'11: IDEA Probahiy 1h< traction on t scrub P1100. J est. horsu- “as of! the xnonvy more eomplvx. temting, no ride his own 3 was striving 1 ahead and 1m which somehoc hilld. K0 “1 half-mile hvau 85 was ofioru-d The wr-alhv mtg- if it h‘ occasion Ti poured thP S“ Dun-y Bligh! 14mm Smih ter (3., owin haw): track 1 m of that (4 “ ”Vi“ "w country." Md This annual ‘t Kimoum Craig’s. hm'Su 00nd many. of fun. Some good out [or xhv s day. Among old campaign and driven b3 George l’owvl] a likely-lookil in Pathfinder. were entered 1 were beaten bf in being 0h' 5 have (anon N hegvy rim-r V back. and it In the gm taught for Lhfl owned by T. 1 drive: by Get race in strain Jae Patchen, history” FRIDA\ . Com" won 1 h " but good 0 Guilt INT} lnhn

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