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Watchman Warder (1899), 22 Sep 1910, p. 9

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§ I EXHIBITION ‘WEEK sts Millie, who had charge of Imry's millinery department last year, is again over the same depart- Mr. W. Smythe, a, student of our high school, has secured a. position u domini of a. public school near Gravenhurst. Mr. Cronk, of the stat! of Ivory’s general store, and whose emciency and gnial disposition have made him many friends. has resigned and lea.’:e:~: this week to accept a. POSi' tion at Moosejaw. 0:.â€" electric plant has ‘ resumed bflice and our streets are again il‘ luminr-fed at night. Mr. c. H. Shield drove out to‘ Mount Pleasant on Saturday. The Misses Parsons have returned from Toronto. A number of our citizens attended the pins-i: at Downeyvllle on Wed- nwday On ’1'»,- j-Iwhodists have improved the appeafhlL-a of their property by trimra :; the shade trees and paint- 1'11;th outbuildings. Mr, Eidrry Beatty, of Welland. is down; '21: river hunting. 11:. was. T. Beatty and Miss Beat.- ty, 797% visitors to Peterboro on UN Weeklygjltémsifrom Omemee Village [.E.W.MCGAF F [Y 'mday Interesting List of Values Friday Waning, confirmation ' wore held in m m Supt. 19.--The Anglicans ,2 ed their property with a. ,; leading in from the pub- : to Lhe church. firm, who is removing, an- ; some of his household furni- , private sale. J . A. Wylie returned on Mon. 3:;an from a. visit to the ex. .. and anther father’s home in 53rd YEAR. HOSIBRY AND GLOVE]? Heavy ribbed hose for boys, 25c and......... . . 350 Ribbed cashmere for ladies’ and misses, special this 25c Cashmere and wool gloves for early fall, 25c, 35c 50 . C and ............ , ........... 3 Patterns, pink striped, special ...................... 8c 36 Inch Flannette, good range of patterns ........ 1 0c mGrey woolflannel, 18c, 30c 25c and .................. Apron gingham l2§c for 10c, 15c for ......... 1 20 FLAMBTTES 3 Leaders. Mr R J- Adams 10°81 “Kent °’ days or, last week in Oakvood. Hr.- E Campbell. oi Tomnm. and the Massey-Hams Co has beenpro- We are very sorry to learn that Mr. George Hughes Bale, propi-ietor mated to the POSition 01 8900131 trav Mr. Rube Thomas In: a bad attack of the Packet. 01-11113, Ont. elling' representative, the duties of of typhoid fever which he has already assumed. 0011- The diam mjamo aidno- gratulations. Bob- Hr. Geo. Weir Practicallyaverythiwism In tot-w in that iota-10¢: email! , 1 Mr. John Bennett has returned ‘from a. lengthy and extensive visit ‘of travel through the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al» berta. He speaks of the boom that is behdld everywhere in that part of the country, and the optimism of its settlers. who are flocking in in ‘large numbers. Wealth is being amassed by all nationalities under varied conditions. The strenuous life is exemplified throughout the prair- ies of Western Canada Cmada. Mr. Bennett is so favorably impressed with the outlook that he has decid- ed to dispose of his valuable home here and remove before the cold or winter sets in, to a growing little town on the G.T.-P. railway.. ; Miss Muriel Morrison of Peterfi boro,, is visiting her mother. ‘ Mr. Thomas Palmer, whohas se- cured at position in the Electric City, has moved his family thereto. SECTION [W0 Duck hunting has been pursued with vigor by our-local nimrods, ‘but their luck has been none too am couraging. The highest record re- ported in the early stages of the shoot was seven in one day. Fishing seems to be poor and there is much adVerse criticism of the vagaries of the tinny tribe. Mr. J. B. Hayes, agent. of Stun- geon-st. station, was of: duty a few days and down the river bombard- ing the ducks. Mr. W. H. Kennedy is busy pur- chasing apples. He reports the sup? ply as below the average. With fine weather this week, there should be a. record attendance from this part, at the Lindsay Central Fair, as almost every person is talk- ing of it and of being present. Mr. Thos. Kennedy has announced that his blacksmith shop and tools are for sale at a moderate rate. Miss McCaflrey m mumm- of tuition at the Lindsay Collegiate Institute. { Ladies’ kid gloves, black and colors, 3 leaders, 7 5c, $1 and ................. 1 .25 , Bleached table llnen, 60 ins. Flannette sheets, $1 1.25 and ............... br: OOOOOOI’IOIIOOIOOI0.0.0.... DRESS 60093 Satin cloths, Wales, Serges, R' ,P 1' ,th' k , p3,};ardopums... fiwfeu 500 11-4 Heavy weave LINDSAY, ONL, THURSDAY, SEPIEMBER 22. l9") WHITE QUILTS daysotlastweekinOukvood. Wemva'ysorrytolearn Hr.RuboThoma.slnsabadl ottyphoufrm. - Mr. Cecile Smith left on Saturday morning to accept a. position in To- ronto. ‘ c .00... CIOCCO". Mr. Arch Beecrolt renderdd‘a. .very pleasing solo in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. Miss Hannah McArthur In“: for Toronto on Saturday evenmg. qulville, Sept. 19.â€"â€"Rev. Mr. Steele. of Glenarm. occupied the pul- pit of the Presbfiertan church Sun- day morning and evening. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Bingham, 0! Pilot Mound, who have Men visiting friends around here, left. on Monday for the west. may hear or our old friends from time to time. Crops in this and the surrounding country are fair, wheat averaging from twenty to twenty-seven bushels to the acre ; oats about fifty. . There is a. mineral lake about three miles from town, fourteen miles long and from three-quarters to one mile wide, the waters of which have been proven by analysis to be second to none in the world in medicinal prop- erties. This is destined ‘to become the gratest health resort in , Amer- Watchman-Warden Lindsay. Ont. Gentlemen,â€"K1ndly send weekly Watchman-Wade: to Watrous, Sash, instead of to Kinmount as hereto- fore. We want the Warder that we may hear or our old friends from LETTER FROM KINMOUNT CITI' and asks rum-m 0! all 0111 customers and so many new ones as may find it adVantageous to deal with him. “WE WANT THE WARDER” ZEN NOW IN THE WEST. Yours as ever. :31}: 1.50 WOODVILLE. ::: 95c 30c H. C. WOODHEAD a. few MAN-WARDER. Among the friends present from outside points were noticed : How‘s. L. and T. Monypenny. Mr. and Mrs. J. .Flavelle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Io- Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Band. 19, mmmLProf. andllrs. W. Havelock Cooper, of Winnipeg, son of the deceased, Mr. J. D. Flavelle, son-in-law, Mr. W. M. Flavelle, Lindsay, Mr. J. W. Flavelle. Prof. W. S. Milner, and Mr. W. E. Bundle, of Toronto. Hymn 89'9 â€" “Aspirations utter nearncss to God. " Addressâ€"Rev. J. P. Wilson, B. A. Addressâ€"Rev. Dr. Bishop. Hymn 117â€"“Chrlst. the soul's only Hymn 152â€""And forbid that I should glory. save in the cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ." Prayer-Dr. Bishop. Quartetâ€"“One Sweetly Solemn 'Ihought." First Scripture Lessonâ€"Rev. J. P. , Wilson, B. A. Second Scripture Lessonâ€"Rev. Dr. Bishop. The front of the interior of the churchâ€"organ, choir loft and pulpit â€"-was nicely draped in silent mourn- ing for the deceased, who was the only surviving trustee of the church, and as the remains wet! borne down the centre aisle by the pull-bearers. the Dead March was played sweetly on the pipe organ by the church or- ganist, Mr. Cecil Carl Forsyth. The order of service was as follows : During the service a. mixed quar- tet comprising Mrs. Ford W. Moynes, Mrs. (Dr.) Nesbitt, Mr. Harry Brim- mell,-and Mr. A. B. Parish rendered a. beautiful selection, " One Sweetly Solemn Thought.” words by Phoebe Carey and music by R. S. Ambrose. The above selection was one of the late Mr. Cooper's favorite pieces and was rendered by request. \ The funeral service was conducted ‘by the pastor of the church, Rev. J. P. Wilson, B.A., assisted by a former pastor, Rev. Dr. Bishop, of George- st. Methodist church, Belleville. Two feeling addresses were deliv- ered by the two reverend gentlemen, both speaking in the highest terms or the good and God-like character of the late Joseph Cooper. I At the house and at the church there were many beautiful floral trl- lbutes, among which were noticed a ’magnificent spray from the employee ,of the Flavelle Milling Co., a large and beautiful wreath from the o!- ficials of the Cambridge-st. Metho- dist church, and a pretty wreath with Masonic emblem from A.F. p3: A.M., Lindsay. The funeral oi the late ‘ Joseph Cooper. who passed away to the great beyond on Monday. Sept.19, iwas held on Tuesday and was largely attended by the many rela‘ ‘tives and friends or the deceased gentleman ; many iriends of the de- parted one were present iron out- sidepoints. The coflin was carried from the family residence, corner Victoria-ave. and Francis-st. at two o’clock and the remains were convey- ed' to the Cambridge-at. Methodist church where a very impressive ser- vice was xheld. The large edifice was crowded with people who paid their respect to the dead, and many expressions of ' regret at Mr. Coop- er’s demise were heard, he being the friend of all his acquaintances. lmpresing Service In Cam- bridge-st Church fUNERAL Or LATE JOSEPH COOPER were: Mr. David needay of last week. A phonogmph helped to entrain the people besid- es an the moving pictures. mum light views were bountiful and Mrs. A. E. Smith: They came down in qw- guollne yacht. All those who unaided the Show given by Ir. J as. SW. of Peter- boro. were well pleased. It was held in the Presbyterian church on-Wed- bitt, McKay. Herman. Mira. H. Ewen and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goad. Messrs. John Smith. G. Phylum, H. Simpson spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. A. Fraser and her daughter. Miss Sangster, returned home on Monday after spending a. few weeks visit with relatives in Newmrket. Among those who motored to Woodvme to attend the fair with Mr. Daniel were Mesa-s. Jack Nee- bitt, mom. Herman. Mrs. H. Kirkfield, Sept. 19.-â€": spent Saturday in Linda Lotus. visited Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan on Sunday. Illustrated Lecture ors gazed with wonder at the phen- omenon while not 9, few of the swarthy natives regarded the same with an evil eye and loudly protest- ed that "blossoms ineutumn was a. pranonition of death." Sunday. Sept. 25th. being the day set 3.th for the interchange of min- isters, Rev. Mr. Michael. of South Gavan, will occupy the pulpit here at the 11st hour, 8 p.m., and Ir. Patterson, that of South Gavan. ‘A crab tree 1n- the garden of our worthy merchant, Mr. 4. Kerr. was loaded last week with the whitest of blossoms, and but for the foliage and the surrounding ripened fruit, one would have thong-ht ’twas spring. Many of our summer visit- in carryixg out the danund of Christ as given in the text, “mt ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upoh you, and ye shall be witnesses unto Me. both in JerusalanendinenJudes.sndin Samaria. end unto the uttennost part of the earth." Mord. Sept. 19.â€"On Sunday In tho Isthodist church hero ROV.\ Ir. Pstterson dais-cred. an this address on minimum work. taking as his text Acts 7â€"8. The motion was not burdened with the custom- ary figures, but instead had set forth hetero than the distress 0! both soul and body of those in hesthendom, and the responsibility of Christians indsay. visited Kr. and Mrs. W. . Mulligan- last week. Mr. John Lowery, Mt. Horeb, call- ! on Liflord friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nicholson. 0! Real Lynx Seen PAGES 9 to l6 HARRIAGE. Wm. McWatteu. at Kirkfiekl at Lifford ,v M‘- nae lime The Directors and Queers have made most complete meat. for every departmmt of their M. _Foregnndproceldon,l_pleudiduo hibite and special ram-a. Babe-y goon tau- has a. most unque record. m.on andthiepromieeetobee ’ree'é'uk Stitt The C.P.R. will run a, medal train. from Lindsay «710.80 ‘Jn. on next Wednesday. the 28th last, to the Bobctygeon Fair. A SPECIAL TRAIN. FARMERS. ATTENTION. ‘ This is the season to give English Condition Powder,” old stock tunedy. A. 11131:: may have been gliding just as last about them tateolgoingthrolgh lite single-handed when suddenly the bow struck a. stone and it ‘wu all done in an instant. 111a “Beaver " crew, who were at the lower wharf, rescued the beat. etc" while the young dun. none the worse for his coId .dip, waned his way home for a. change of clothing. retumedthecanoebywayof the portage over the slip at the canal to the boat house. got a ducking. The current at the place run: some- whot swiftly, and no doubt thoughts One of our young men having had his fair lady out yesterday (Sunday) afternoon for a.- boat ride, and after having landed his partner. while he I Contmts Bang been let to Mr. Geo. W. Johnston for building of thru‘stretches of cement sidewalk, from Mr. F. W. Real's store south to King-st" from the Rockland hotel corner east on Canal-st. to William- st., and plong Wont-st. from Main- st. to Helen-st. ‘Mr. Johnston has been busily engaged the past wegk. and has that path-om Hr. Reil's south well under way, and will with fair weather have the greater part of the work finished this week. few days renewing old maintain“ and saying good-bye. Miss Gladys Thorne has gone to the ladies' collega’at Whitby to take up a. special course in music, etc. Mrs. Thos. Nicholle. who is going west to Vancouver. B.C.._‘had a. sale of furniture on the 10th. Mr. John Wan-en was auctioneer, and realized good prices. Mia's Mabel McIlmoyle left on Fri- daylastfor Calgary, whereshe ex- pects to engage in business. Mr. A. L. Phelps, of Victoria Col- lege, was in town last week for a. On Wednesday evening the Zion church of Nagey's Creek had their anniversary tea. Several loads of young people grove down and report a pleasant evening. rink on Holiday evening was tullyup to expectations. Both the church and the rink were very preuily and handsomely decoruted for the occu- ion. About 400 took dinner, and the church m tuned to its limit for the enterteinment. Address- wero given by RGV. John Mord. of FendonEalls.undRev.A.lL It‘- win. of Newcastle. In. Ju. Soy: nourrocited,e.ndthecho£rhndape- ciu music for the occasion, and ev- erybody was happy. The proceeds were about $100. 8W. Sept. 19.â€"The her- vest home services of the Media: church passed on quietly. Rev. A‘. M. Irwin. B.A., 8.1)., Newcastle. preached eloquent sermons both morning and evening to large 'con- situations on Sand” the lids. 1h harvest home dinner in the shuns CONTRACTS FOR CEMENT WALKS ’Caygeon --0!her Items $l.00 PER YEAR l1

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