ins list of ya and tn Scp. no .good {c 'or O! ates fl 'SL an ‘chett. Homese pgcial mpeg ’nto band DING ) 23. Se :kers’ STERB VII WV. J. HI. and Alexa: ite for c; Inter an that {In ‘ ighly aa mramee e. are “than Eur iaciliti ourisz i: to get: he nexti; bare aqu n the [X LIOTT .nt 1m) Int-st. Phom Mind I )RnNTU 1L! "W 1 REAL I]. Hi: i! MIN?! 1) Mm» mac: hm PIOIA ailing] {piippny yph Ilia grit-mu: P9." PAGE 1 N. S! Hm H‘F an; OFFICE Haul-s: 10 to l and toï¬. Sundays 10 mm. to l p. rues Epile y Eczema. Asthma Syph “ D spepsia Catarrh Strictnre ‘eumatism Ru ture Emissions lost Vitality Dia tes‘Varicocele Skin Diseases Kidney Aï¬ections One visit advisable, but if im pos sible send history and two. cen stamp for free reply. Consultation Asthma Catarrh Ru tare Dia tes: and buildings, etc., and that the Lindsay merchants, bankers, pro- fessional men, fair directors and oth- ers helped to make such a journalis- tic enterprise possible by using lib- eral space for their business an- nouncements. This special exhibition number contains 4 sections of 8 pages each, and every one of them containing news and information o! a decidedly town and Victoria coun- â€3. par and White 26 Toron two-st. Toronto Ont. ‘ year is the LindSay Watchman-Ward- er oi Sept. 15. What appeals to us particularly is that the contents are almost entirely of a local and ex- hibition character, being well illus- trated by half-tone portraits of leading citizens, exhibition ofï¬cials Bowmanville Stateeman: One of the very best town and exhibition boomers that we have received this SPECIALISTS The {01101111113111.0130 of ll. Daily Wudorâ€"Delivored by m orbymul to town nub- Iuflb‘crl, 85¢. per month. By mail In out-id. points in Uganda. or the It!“ Empire. 82 per your; Tho wgtehman-Wu'der (Weakly) II par year in advance; $1.25 1! â€id during the your. Footage to fluted *S’umiasg oxtr; - Dailx or} THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1910. PAGE TWELVE. Watchman-Warder WEEKLY EDITION DUN CON ’8 Exhibition Visitors will but be served at A GOOb BOOMER Epileï¬y All-n Gilli... Proprietor WW ma? 9:»: Pres'crlptions mu -â€"wmma-i' - Toilet Goods Brushes- Perfumes Chocolates Stock Foods Shamâ€? ll oto u 98 3601p» lrlï¬ed Subscription Rates DRUG ITORE Telephono‘jffl. :a.t]L1ndayJ [Ontario Eczema. D spepsia ~eumatism Lost Vitality Skin Diseases "In g. Nimble hint in Michigan’s enter- told, will attract new students to the univa'sity, which claims to be the long needed organization of the thousands of graduates, whom nup- port and interest, as in the case of Harvard, will be invaluable. This alumni wherever any number of itself to o. fraternization with the alumni wherever anymmnber of them could be con-sled. The result was , This is the age of publicity. The Boston Herald notes that even uni- versities are coming down from their pedestals and undertaking advertis- ing campaigns. The University of Michigan has set frankly and system- atically to work to spread the gos- pel of its own virtues abroad and tion of formal “catalosues,†a half dozen members of the faculty were }recently sent on a. tour of the Gen- tral, Western and Paciï¬c States. Lectures were delivered on education and illustrated with colored slides of the life in Ann Arbor. Placards showing vital statistics were pre- sented, and the delegation devoted, small means, for it is a very great, though a common mistake, to supâ€" pose that we must wait till we have accumulated a good deal of money before we can accomplish anything. Perseverance is in most cases far better than a full purse. Many peo- ple fall behind, or miss the way al- ltogether, because they do not per- [ceive the simple and abundant means ‘of getting along which surrounds them on every‘side; and it .very of- ten happens that these means are aids to getting along which can be had for the taking, but which no amount of money could purchase. Money is all very well and a very useful article in its way, but it is possible to get along- with but jinx through diï¬culties to acquire 3such a knowledge as will be of use to himself and others, offering a good example to those around him, that membetrulysaidtobegetting alongintheworld. ll There are diluent ways or " get- ting along,†as prosperity is some- times called. It does net always mean simply making money. or be- coming a. great Man for other peo- ple to look up to with wonder and admiration. Leaving on a. bad hath it for a. good one is getting along ; ‘ to be careful and saving, instead of thoughtless and extravagant. is get- ‘ting along; to be active and indus- trious, instead of idle and lazy, is getting along; to work as diligently and faithfully in one’s employer's ab- sence as in his presence, is getting along. In short, when we‘ see any one attentive to his duties. persever- shall warm with pride amino): 0. goodly heritage, county would be but {.0 out a. nu- uvon her, many when it cm to agricultural graduate and .n the not which go to make up anew or village fair. Our county can pro- dude exhibits. in ovary 609mm, second to acne. Then when the vow; cream a! such la extracted and put. upon the show cable or in mum. crinthoco'op orwbethorit be ban or them. as we gather round to How the dismay our very heart: ty ï¬tva'. We mutant; Ir. Ah Ian 6min, Editor and Pam and the mag-was bush-on me: 0! Elm“: on thin 3pm «Hutton amber and hope such commendable united enterprise will ruult in Und- Icy Central Exhibition on Sept. 22. as and 94 being the but and mm mecca-ml in its already brilliant his- tory. THE MODERN WAY GETTING ALONG FA LL FAIR SEASON propaganda, we 0N RECEPTION comm ception Committee to""1‘ay Pay " 0' Connor, who will be given a. big" receptiOn at Massey Hall, Toronto. on ject the winning or the world hv mm study and practical work, I felt it my duty to comply with the '3 ians that look upon this question 3 from a different standpbint altogeth- , er. Neither can I condemn any per- son for dancing lest they might see in my life some apparently greater inconsistency. It is my duty as a Christian worker to do the more practical part if I consider it an evil to use every possible endeavor to re- place it with something of a higher‘ character and win the young people and others that are indulging in this form of amusement. The life demands social intercourse and am- usement. especially the young life, and they must be won aggressively. We must be «lieu-est on all such Jects. I have in my mind where two or three dances sprung from a re- j mark used after 'a; social evening 1 where there was no dancing. The remark was to the eflect that that 4 was one time we made them sit in ; the corner. Now, these few lines are I written at request. and feeling myseli': responsible by the position I hold in a movement which has for one 0b.: "HE WATCIMANWARDER. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. Sin-Kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to briefly ’6:- press my views on the form of arm usement known as parlor dancing, from my point of view. It is wrong jirom the fact that it is questionable on the ground that it is a. stepping stone to something 0! a difl'erent‘ character, that of the public ball‘ room. Now, as I look on it as wrong from my point of view. I don't tor a moment say that a per- son can not be a Christian and dance. There are many sincere Christ»! W. 1-1. Men-ell, who now resides near Bobcungeon writes the following lit- ter to the editOr or the Barnum Independent: 1! your hair is getting thin, grad- ually rolling out, it cannot be long More the spot appeal. 5 The grentest remedy to stop the hair from falling in SALVIA. the great American Hair Grower, ï¬rst discovered in England. SALVIA fur- nishes nourishment to the hair roots and acts so quickly that people are‘ amazed! A large bottle for 50c. ] 0!. Wnbotham m an mentor that will grow hair or non-y but. The time to takocgn o! yourhdr 13 when you have hair to taco cm me o! the {mu in Vlctofla county. wllh the main; am “my wlll in turn brush-ck a equal amount when next you-'- crop 19 Wanted. may will In turn in given next you to other lumen by the speculum. Thus the puny-Mn flu but in the province. wlll be distributed throughout the out!" provlm. and the grain o! the pro- vince improved. 1 KT. 1): A. WC; 3.8.Au Of the Lindsay branch, of them“:- meat 61 mutate. has "aim twoï¬ushels a! pï¬wwmmg «u. and this In will distribute mm All .M prize-winning pun which wu than n the Toronto wu- tion in a. competition held by the Proï¬nctd Government, bu boa du- mbutcd throughout the proï¬t“ to the fourteen agricultural mun-u, who will distribute it among the‘ far-mm o! the district, (or seed. Pnze Grain ' ' ' ‘* Distributed in ' Victoria County former citizen of Lindsay, Mr. HARM IN DANCING. Makes Hair Grow 1°11 with “3 aImmune :1: an vurd-Boston aviation meat has one of the finest and most com- plete printing houses. he has been very auccessrul. This afternoon ha was the guestch C. D. Barr, who showed him around the town Mack and three children and’by Mrs. Mack's father, Mr. Mch, o! Whit- PROSPEROUS DETROIT PRINT- ING HOUSE MAN IN TOWN. Mr. Joseph Mack, proprietOr of the Joseph Mack Printing House, De- troit, and formerly of Lindsay, is in town to-day, having motored in his large touring car from Detroit to Whitby and {tom Whitby to Lind- Iny. Houseman-led» Mrs. from Saskatchewan last Thursday. as did also Mr. Ernest Heruhey. Both look ï¬ne after a summer spent on the western plains. the races were well contested. The display of ladies' work. vege- tables, dairy produce, etc., is good. nocal runner, assistant at the G.T.R. station here. Mr. Ed. Lyle ran a good race in the ï¬vemile event till within a couple of hundred yards from the ï¬nish. 0n the whole day. The half mile and ï¬ve-mile races were run yesterday. ï¬rst place in both events being won by Ir. McInmy from the north. Second place in each to Mr. H. Ward, our‘ Kinmount, Sept. 20.â€"Our fair is in: 1111 swing; beautiful weather yester- Running Races at ' Kinmount Fair DUNDAS PLAYELLES LIMITED Whene’e’r you see a Gentleman With perfect ï¬tting Shirt and Collar, ‘ And dressed upon the neatest plan, Why, you can bet your bottOm dollar-- that he deals with us and is always sure of Linen perfection’ Shirts and collars are our strong point. We are most exactin' in our purchases, hence we don’t care how exacting our cu: tomers are. «Our new styles in neckwear Wlll appeal to the dressy man at once. We simply mention them and let the goods continue the argument. ABOUT SHIRTS VISITING OLD IIOME “‘9 E08136}: urinal: arrived home Clothing Furnishing Department â€"Mwu: 7â€"7“. "v""'“'“"°rvll)'0llwn~m unu; “HAN-ova" h m "My gut!!!- man. iwm alum-clad you!" In; 3 hmwmhyu.fl§‘ '5 â€with humor: illustmuomw he. m â€Wm“ ome. Every woman 8N“ In!) W mmmmuys.“¥ou mus: haveanwfl" . Of . I II “M Mound themselves with my†d WWI. I will explain a simpk W: W Gmn Sickness. and Pam“! {all a ‘ M! s‘mmwmum resulttromm'ï¬l’ mo » a 5“! « ‘mmmwggknowandwï¬ï¬‚t â€It.“ It ’hu “mm‘lmwdmakeevfl': I'll} .00 1mm '~-mmmmmmd8ye'mw m w. ‘ ’n’“.wmmflmmuun. Address: 0 "“3 an - wmnson. 0"“ want: Von a oompletc‘l'ouaï¬iw o to you that you and" Wu ï¬nd" It will cony on no: 'zhboconfln continue. ttwflloost you on] I’M†WWII-um. “you wish and I winsendfou" hum- i I. w in also send MM W'w wrymusmuons WWW mm Every woman M FURNITURE ANDERSON, NUGBNT Co. Putting Furniture FREE TO YOUâ€"HY SISTER We will do more for you than the banks. Our furniture is beautiful in design and for goodness and qualfty can't be beat at the price. is like putting money, in the bank. In is a safe and positive way of adding to your world of possessions. Just new we have many articles marked at a liberal discount. We Want to Show You mm a man" u in Your Home nu To You AND EVERY 5191" norm- Iua FROM woucu's MLMENT‘v I am a woman. I know walnut catering; , I “'0 bind the cure. I'm “of“: cha amino...“ .0“ % Mcgons {5 any suflerernu lemcntl. I want to tell .u womenm thi- m" 3'“. reader. for yourself. M W 70‘1"!» . or your sisxcr. Imam m V to cure curse)! at bomewltbm thy “Idem. Meir; cannot undersmndm m' WM We women know {to-6' mm bemumaézagny dgcwgcm Mam. a e an su‘ We! Winn-l: discharge. warms-.0“- Wm ottheWomb.Prolgtrc.salg mm 0 Ian gurus. also In asâ€: 13:4,:ch mumâ€- W.mgmz¢ï¬}fm who, Dela-duo . c ' Ilia. intro-cu. my gym bladder W M my when; mul!lf§°M 1‘ .m“, mama SEPT. 22 UNDERTAKING The presents received by the bride wet-p numerous, handsome and valu- lble, the groom's gift being a very handsome chatelaine. A handsome H0613 chair from the bride's parâ€" eats, marble clock from the groom's At the conclusiOn of the ceremony the bridal party and the invited guests wan to the home of the bride's parents where a reception mm 8“â€. the house being decorated with maple leaves, asters and ferns. T l ,1“ 5H COL unc jsm The bride looked charming, auircd Um in her beautiful traveling suit, and hOI carrying a bouquet of roses, Ocar- lot nations and maiden hair fem. Purl scene mane of great beauty U Rogers, B.A., the young coupln k? standing under a beautiful arc-h of " asters. roses and ferns. . Whï¬l Kiss Stella Betherington m |;\ the pipe organ commenced the mmic ’7'! appropriate to the occasion the q auditorium 01’ the church was nearly ï¬lled with friends of the young coup- le. both from tOWn and country, cm; mm Ind to seek seating room in the m. “1102! the bride (an; groom , came down the aisle, 1:.- McCONNELI .â€"â€"NA'I"I‘RA S S. A lhort account of the above mmv till event, which was of interest 10 Lindlay citizens, Was published in m Wards:- last week. Follouing is a. mom detailed account : Wk and Omemee Mirror : The mist church, Millhrcmk, Was beautifully decorated on Wednesday afternoon in honor of the wedding: whidl took place at 3 o’clock. I!» contracting parties were Miss Minnie Irene Nattrass, daughter of It. and Mrs. Harry Nattrass, of. mum. and Mr. Edward Sheridan 5 McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. 120-- heft IcConnell of Emily, the core-9 Try them. thoroughly tested by oven-ï¬fty years of use, have been proved a cafe and certain cure forconsï¬pationand dkbdredu-oublu. M daughter. Mm V16. Irene, was Blind In tho holy bond. of wedlock to If. Alonzo Wharton. also at Win 3190‘. The many Lindsay lriends of the happy young bride who formerly 117.6 In Lindsay, will extend hearty mmutions to Mr and MM ‘ WHAR‘I‘ONâ€"GRAH AM. I putty, 809th wedding M’ur Mud at the residence at Mr. .3! In. Joseph Graham. Winnim. an Nada-day, Sopt.14, 1910 when Consï¬pa’ion is the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills, at, â€51-â€!!! for these things enn- “an to give tel-vice that c annm M1 be «called anywhere. Drum that. could m m the interests of W it {I cemin to have tho qufllfln it should ham an mble and alilu to m as (Imam YOUR mud PRESCRIPTION A. BIGINBOTHAM ‘25:.ubox. my. 30122. 1910. "Wiltâ€. Lindsay; 0m m 111‘ Ric “‘0†pan Tor wm' hes! kno sub: Cam ado: to t Ion Min um I‘ li““( Mm vln Mr‘ Mm 7H!†('fll‘d prl-l "I