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Watchman Warder (1899), 22 Sep 1910, p. 14

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berm) pile- . y yph ma trictu u- ,.miss i on Varicocnl idney A 't adviu d hibtm free rep 'int 1m] "886 e tn get: he nvxsi: ; am! am] in th pt [.le :kers’ ST BRB VIA Lpecial imipeg Id that th: highly u Iuramec e: ure"th0fl utChato onto 0186 I . 23. Se Lina list. 0C io- n»! "d ant-at. PAGE '. ite for ca \V. J. KL) My! Alexa) Faro. PECIA 1) Le r 21.!) "BY 1 REAL .0. Kit good to ound ' OBONTO nun fl JI’ P3? House SI Phom urist day iti 3) mm mm Mrs. (Dr.) McPhail and Master SF rank Mchail were Oshawa visitors last week. Mr. Pickering, of England, and Mrs. Baldvéin, of ‘Sunderland, were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Glendenning. School Closed at .. Manilla For Week Mrs. Joe. Ockenden and Miss Mar- garet Ockenden, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a. (ew days visit with old fri- ends in Manilla. They were respect- ed residents here for a. large number of years, and were welcomed by a host of friends. School is closed for a. w to an illness among some children. Mr. J. D. Flavelle, and Mr. Wilaon editor of Lindsay Post, called upon same of their business friends in Manma last Saturday. Mrs. J. Allan and child, of Black- water, and Mrs. J. Thompson, 0! .Toronto, spent Friday last the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Doug- las. Manilla, Sept. 19.â€"Mrs. D. 0. Mc- Lean, 01 Toronto, spent. over Sunday with relatives in Manilla. Mr. Angus Campbell and wife, of the Temperance House, have moved to Oakwood. MiSS Helen DeLury. of Ottawa. and Prof. A. T. De Lury, of Toronto University, are holidaying with their parents. Mrs. Abel Grills has gone to Tor. onto on an extended visit. Messrs. Charlie McInnis and Robt. Cobum returned to Cobalt last week to resume their duties. Mrs. Snider, of Antiock, has moved into the east. part of Mrs. John (loone’s residence. lag are pléased to see him out min after his long siege of illness. HA1) 30 RED FLAG. 1). Cinnamon (Linduy) President at tho name association, were in Pom- boro Monday making arrangements for the holding of the mauvcono vention in thct city next February. The above gentlonaen called on‘ tho local hardware merchants this now- ing and also we The Warden g: coll, For going down Russellast. on Tuesday but without carrying I. Mg in from of his threshing angina, an Ops thresher was this morning fined .838. Mr. G. A. Jordan appeared for the “cased. IIARBWA‘RE HEN HERE. V Mr. Weston Wrigley, oditor of Hardware and Metal and secretary of the Retail Hat-Mum Association, Mr. John Ocular, treasurer. and Mr. “I have awful spells of Neu- ralgia and have doctored a great deal without getting much benefit. For the last two years I have been taking ._1 Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills and they always relieve me. I have been so bad with Neuralgia that I sometimes thought I would go crazy. Sometimes it is necessary to take two of them, but never more, and they are sure to re- ___ ‘ oâ€"fi Neuralgia have v â€".â€" ‘â€" iieve me.” “M'RS. FERRIER, 2434 Lynn St., Lincoln, Neb. Price 25¢ at your drugglst. He would supply you. If he do“ act, and print to on. we forward prepaid. , gâ€" - - . A- -‘“_AA 11 II I«\ 0:. mmrno 23.22:. no; .3338. many friends of Mr. G. Doug- RELIEVE week owing 19 of the 56 Years Ago - Battle of Alma fought emy from their positions. Struck on the flank when their front was already broken, outnumbered and badly led thejtussians gave up all for lost. The iorm of an orderly rec treat was maintained only long enough to disguise from the con- querors the completeness of the vic- tory. When night fell the Russian army abandoned itself to total dis- order, and had the pursuit been made at once could scarcely have escaped destruction. But St. Arnaud who was in the last stage oi mortal illness, refused in spite o! the appeal of Lord Raglan, to press on his wearied troops. The Russian leader iabandoning the hope of checking the advance of the Allies and anxious only to prevent the capture of Se- lastapol by an enemy supposed to Monday was the 56th annivm 0f the Battle 0!- Alma. ‘ sand. English, and seven thousena Turks, eflected their disembarkation without meeting any resistance. The Russians, commanded by Prince Menschikofl, lately envoy at Con- stentinople, had taken post ten mil- es iurther south on high ground be- hind the River Alma. On September 20 they were attacked in front by the English. while the French at- tempted a. turning movement from the sea. The bettle was 9. scene of confusion. and for a. moment the es- sault oi the English seemed to be rolled back. But it was renewed with ever-increasing vigor. and be- fore the French had made any im- pression on the Russian left Lord At the time of this battle Major Martin was a. private only eighteen years old. Mr. Tucker fought with the sea force. be following at his heels, retired within the fortress and there sank seven of his warships as a. barrier across the mouth of the harbor. “The English lost in the battle of Alma. about two thousand men, the French probably less than half that number. ’ ’ East Oakwood. Sept. 20.-Seva'l.l of the farmers in this neighborhmd attended Toronto exhibition this U Mrs. Dr. Dyer and son and daugha ter are spending the holidays with m lather, Mr. Thomas Grimston. Many of the young ladies from here are leaving us soon to so to college and attend normal school. Miss Florence Graham. who has taught in Ops, leaves for tho Unwa- tity, Mm Millie Hardy (or Pomoro Normal, and'lflu Brown, teacher at Oukwood, leaves for Toronto Norm- 'A largo number from here ' intend going to Linduy {air on Friday and saw a! an. ink. preached two vary instructive ur- mons in the flatbed!“ church lut Sunday. - ,-A_1_ _. 7 air. 7' P. Web-tor ha been buying stock for the put wool: or twp. ing by 0.9.3. «I u: extended trip] â€"Miu mm Park!!! is at. present 19: Part Wu and Winnipeg. , mating with‘ Mend. at Non-land. 1%”! MI" Wm"! of - oopsI'.’ ....m.-‘ EAST 'O'AKWOOD. ,. 'A. Dyer left thin morn- . Glanarm. Sept. 19.â€"Rev. G. 8. Steel was called to Toronto on Tues- day morning of last week, having re- ceived news of the death of his uncle, Mr. Steele. president or the Steele, Briggs Seed Company. He returned on Thursday of last week. [or exceeded anything ever seen In Victoria county. The show of cattle, swine. sheep and poultry was far in excess of anything in the previous history 0! the fair. The grain and vegetable exhiblt was the best ever seen in the township. and very few county fairs can equal it. The ladlee’ department was of the very best. and the show or butter was far above the average, while the show of pick- les. canned fruit, home made- wine and jellies was worthy of special mention. ‘ Some Notes on the ' Eldon fall fair Balsam Lake, has rented Mr. inan- aid McEachern's {arm south of -” the village, and now occupied by Mr. Angus and Mr. Archie McKinnon. We will welcome Mr. Sinclair and his family to our midst, but deeply re- gret the departure of McKinnon bro- there. .4 . Woodmle, Sept. Miss Ester Elton! of Islay, was :a guest at the home of Mr. Argue on Sunday of last week. ,_ ms; Truman visited_ frl’ngl; "a; Kirkfleld on Sunday the 11th inst) Misses Margaret and Bessie Kev Millan were business visitors in Lin'd- say on Thursday or last. week. mu Cameron, of Toronto, was recently the guest of her friend, Mrs. Donal-d Spence, for a few days. We understand Mr. Neil Sinclair. of We are pleased to state that Mr. Dan Campbell’s little daughter is now recovering from her recent 11!- ’ Miss Effie McMillan of Palestine. also Mr. Willie McMillan, have re- tumed to Lindsay to resume their studies at L.C.I. Many of our residents attended the fair at Woodville on Friday of last week, and are loud in their praises of same. The baseball tournament attracted a large crowd. What’s the matter with our Hartley team ? Well, don’t be discouraged, boys, try again. Miss Annie McMillan, daughter of Rev. Mr. Mann, pastor of the‘ Presbyterian church, or ‘Woodville.l took charge ofthe servim in thei Presbyterian church here on Sunday‘ last, and. his excellent sermons, de- livered in a. very eloquent manner, were listened to by large congrega- tions. Mr. Menu may always be sure a! e hearty welcome to Glen» am. He also occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church at Hartley in the afternoon. The attendance at the young peo- ples' meeting on Friday eveningshee for the past few weeks not been as large as usual. possibly owing to the farmers being ‘too busy to attend. We sincerely hope that new when the evenings are becoming longer. thet the young men will nuke en eflort to be present. At the meeting last week, interesting papers were read by Miss Mabel Corrine and mu May Tolmie. Hr. Steele end Mr. 1Den Sinclair also spoke on the topic lot a few minutes. The meeting for next week will be in charge oi three young ladies oi the congrmtien. find an interesting and profitable meeting is anticipated. Let the at; tendon“ be u lore! u pee-Me. Mr. James McMillan, recently spent a. few days with friends in Toronto: THE "WATCIâ€"MAN-‘ZARDEK (:NDSAY, DNfrAI Mr and In John mums and son went a few days at the Nution- 01 Exhibition. ‘4 GLENARM. 19.â€"Woodvme'| Changes in Thg ’1!» W this week was both: .ttdl‘ed thus it was lat week. but the prices have mint varied. Butter bu (one down . cent. but. meat market.‘ ' Flour, best mtobe. retell :8 90 Rolled oats. retell, 82. 96. am. mil. 01.20. Bran. pr cwt. 81-10- Fall wheat, 90c bush. Gooeo wheat 82!: bulb. Kinmount, Sept. 20.â€"lflu Flossie Dunbar and her sister, Mrs. Hardy, of Blind River, are at present visit- Mrs.F1nch and her mother. Mrs. White, of Halibut-ton, returned to their home last Thursday after a. short visit at Dr. White's. .1138! Amy White, of London. Ont... went north with them to enjoy the‘Enllburton milee. had the misfortune to meet with an accident last week at Mr. 8. Keller'e threshing. having the little fingeroihierighthendbuny leoero ated by; e amt es: in the hende of two young men. Rev. Mr. Ferry. Preepyteriea min- ister oi thie piece, wee celled ewgy suddenly to hit home et Outlook, Sula, where hie wife iiee demons- ly iii of typhoid {ever. He leit on Wedneedey morning. We truet he mey soon return end that hie wife my econ be recovered iron her in- Mr. Percy Cheasell was a visitor to Peterboro exhibition last week. Mr. J amee Morrison. who lives Auntin's mm was shut down {or a. few days. the dun mm ro- pam. It will 1M7 begin min when the 1dr 1- our. Mr. Prey Brown and wife. of Tun- m m at m Villtin‘ In the “11m. Mr. L. Bouduu'n uh is announced 10: the 22nd um. Bo {Mandi luv- ing for Man in an us: figure. .1113. Ethel Road has "tuned homo to Gun um um- spanning a week with Unduy (rm. .1 Lamb. 1913 and 186 lb. Beef, SC to 18¢. Pork, 18c. Rib roast, 14c. Sirloin Ito-k. 18c. Spun ribl. 8 lbs. to: m Bod cam. 85 to “.75 pa m. Pen Mu, 01.50 pl land. Straw 85 load. Cream per qua-t 80°. Lard. 200 pound; Chickens 81 to $1.20 pair. Hens. 15c pound. Ducks 81.15 pair. mm. 186 lb. Peaches 81 basket. Plums, 60c basket. CAST.ORIA ‘5': at the home or their parents Children Cry to: nmm's ‘ KIN MOUNT. Market Prices ”vow... “, Iwwâ€" 1â€"- Wm: receipt- run: we. Penn. and nan-by henna? whim, 80 to 00¢: 60.. (cmflwhltoh ac to to; do. hennefi A - 7 ALL __-A L“â€" lactose. m It oncon-ocoooouoooooau 0 II V I" How. extracted ............ 0 no 0 11 Honey. comba. noun :8 81! Now York Dale-y MM NEW YORK. 80m. nâ€"Butm-Eun mu 11.9.. W WI. W8 «mac; thwtoflmuctoalc:mu dairy, common to fine“. 23c to 18¢; pro- cess. oecood to special. 23c to tie. Chanâ€"Quiet. but than; pace- um NEW YORK. Sept. nâ€"undon nod Liverpool cabl- quoto American cu- ueeuy.at12c to 15¢ oerpound.dreu- ed weight; WW boot lower. st w to 10360 per lb. Toronto Liv. Stock. TORONTO, Se t. li).â€"’.l‘he railway: reported 131 cu coda of live stock. a 108 lost, consisting of 2210 cattle, g Cattle Unchangedâ€"Hogs Off a} Bugfalo. NEW YORK. lept. m-Bmaâ€"Roodpu a; no trading; nominal In ; around boot study. 1’ W Calves-30cc! u; t ' for n: ma; arc-0249‘s.”... 11:; m g 12:13, 14c to 1798:: cmmtry arc-ca, 10¢ shup' ma mum-mm zu- mama “m 3"“ o z c . Bouâ€"lepu no; any at I.“ to I... Chicago. Liv. flock. CHICAGO. W. n-Cumoâ€"W . mum wax: hung. up to 0.1; “unnumflfltoflzwmm nwflzstockwoandtmflfiw so: can ud Mien $2.8 to “3' cum. em to am. ' ' 8 Reed Hogs. Hon. selects. red and watered at tho muket. :9 to $9.10, Dad to drove" for box: t.o.b. ctr: 3t country points 88.8 to 8.75 per cwt. Both prices were paid In tho country. and we hard thnt the unnot- aot 88.15 a name pluc- In the country. East Buffalo Cattle Market. “mmmwa 8x. ”m”: l' y V0 Vedaâ€"m I head; “a" and My. Honâ€"Rood). no» haul: dull and Do to no love; uvr. Ito “fl: mixed. :3. ms? .. “rm-am din-la. to :6 am. '7' Show ud umboâ€"Rccdm no bad gcuyo; M gm; mm. to NM; and Menu-m demmd; beside. watch there were seven] local outdde bum on hand. Prices mused tron: 83 (or Interior to a” for : mpdor quslity cow. the bulk going at trom_$50_to 865 e331. Veal Calm There were many interior eastern mon- grel passer calves. which sold at from 83 to 84.60 per cwt. but good «any cum sold ct O8 to 87.50. with :8 per cut. for s few select. Sheep and Lambs. The make: for sheep“ firm 3: lion- day'a prices. while lambs were u little stronger. Sheep. em. sold ct $4.50 to 8 percwt:cullewd run-.utoner cu; hmbs. I to 86.5 per ch. with t few choice lots It 8.” and “.8755 per humus”: The best butchers' 3:1 to I: not many melt G And tow sold st or m 1 cause the quullty yu not 0V8?- Stacker. and Feeders. Int-by Wilson 00. report e good trade for feeder: end “ochre o! the right kind. end, in feet. oil the commie-ion ale-men report the ume. Belt feeders, $0 to 1m lbs. etch. sold gt 36.8 to $.65. the letter price being the top reported: steers. no to no Ibo. COCh. It 34.75 to “.5; yearling stockere at 84.5 to $4.75. Milken and springer-n. The make: tor unlike" end springer. was a! strong as at any time this season. This may be accountedfor by ghe Quebec 5 good cutlé Hold u from 8 m 35.50 common ud mfoflor u tron “.5 to 34.!) cows, 5) to 34.80. with s very few :1. S or Toronto 0051'! “3*"- Mot. W. lb. 9 g New York Liv. flock. CATTLE MARKETS. THE NARKm .“ Chic-ID What Futon- Butchers cocoon-I meta I'lédlmn brown. *1" Mm who? 1;? IO M action No. 8 in thatch, in!» o! Eldon. and that suck is. was registered in the 1‘98“th h d the County 0! Victoria on I?“ day of August, A.D. 1910. m motion to quash or set a“. a» m or my part thereof mm b0 Dado within three month. um. (I. int publication of this um- .31! «and. be made thereum_ ‘ mad the Slat day of August. A. . 1910. I“. I0 “3001. 80.80010! fl}. by. Ill health. Inspection W Orchard of fruit trees planted m . Manama: pomouun (all. Apply to George A. M S'I‘RAYED IN“) THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot. 12, can. 2. Eldon. on or about the middle of August, one heifer, 2 years old. Owner prove property. pay expan- MOVED FARM FOR SALE.- The estate of the late Lougall Junie-on, containing 216 was, being lot. 13, con. 8, Eldon, about rm FOR SALE.- oonth of Omemee. In." of lot 4 and IUI‘ICE 'I‘O INVESTORS. '- lotion I. Mbe given llvo mp. Also 100m. 30;"; I“. N‘D‘B. ‘10t91..1.eon, w urn-cleared.uad Manchu", _-I. -_J _l_. 1.1-1; a-__- oak cud pine. Both 10mm]; and an ad one-ham am. from chm-ch and More. le- thn m In“. to «1100!. Reason to: Id; 6. My. This 18" m, fences in 800‘ orchard. two 800d V‘ munda- WW” ”d bun 46 x 70 on 8“ not floor. "am attic. 0,100 trough i1 .91 on barn which man. cuts feed and barn 46 x 70 on stone wwo " mt. floor. “it“ in mm at attic. also troush in y‘rd’ PM ml a M thh grinds. palm punt". cuts food and "0°" my tort In connection. Pig Pen 22 x 54. mt floor and "0W” ”9' I: aim 1mm and Wane. "m imp}? «W Eamon 'an to .0 “on“' :3; Ina-at. ncuushlinv him a: sun-on. W good: business. State 389 school waning-"E- E u and We her away Campbell. Argyle- I 1 BY WANTED.â€"-'I‘O ‘LF‘ARFL I’m, s: It 1176801!" I" Mbythe at 111"” °' which we can db ”7' 311125 CE” ‘1‘ ’n 1910‘ The open season for duck shooting opened Thursday the lfith. Whon' the first. shots came bounding ovor {ha river that morning in the gray {It'll it roused the writer from M and happening to think it might be duck' shooting time, mixing ”on parties make up a camping out. fit the day before. I wakened up my old girl and said. “ Do you hear 3_ that noise? " “ What noise ‘? " she . ' said, for she must have been dream- ing- Just then some more Sh0\.\‘ came booming out and I said than some (allows were very likely 0m sheeting ducks. “ Ducks t " she ‘ mid. “Ducks! " my duel-gs, and As Recompense h His “Old Girl” t ”Sm the desired. and the attendanvc 'u w. The meeting opened in "a. My manner and two very W. papers were given h} m Joint @2211th and Mrs. Dun- “, W, on “the value and Cookâ€" ”; o: meats and fish." .\n mm. m discussion followed. Miss May W gave two selections of in- medical music in a pleasing man» ”r. '1‘” meeting closed by Singing national anthem. All relumwi to their hotnes feeling that (ht‘y hurl ML; profitable and pleasant uf- Poultry Show Wil‘ on Jan. 17,18,19 A meeting of the Lindsay 1w Stock and Poultry Association \- is held on Ionday in the town clerk's ofice, the following gentlemen bum; present: President. B. L. lieu-s“, Port Conquer-good, J. O'Rielly, i. R. Trotter, A. W. Eek, W. Hoar uni Bert Leta. Considerable routine business Wa> transacted, and judging from 1?» tone of the discussion the fair llizr lintel'. which will be held on Jan‘ 17. 18 and 19, will be the best e\ er held in this section of the Province Already a. large number of pouhr; and” have signified their inten- tion of exhibiting birds at the {3.1 this winter, afl the directors pru- pose ofla’ing better inducements :1 exubitors in the matter of SPLK‘iAL It was stated that Mr. Enos 31cmâ€" erell, of Hariposa, would bea largm exhibitor ut the coming show, and 0150 Mr. MoGregor. of BobCaygenn. who exhibited at the Peter-bore ’ .al‘. but no action 1rd! be taken Uri; 1 DrObtbflity a now .«v Wm secured next \(m‘. m to thee coop: used at Tornn‘n Id “when. [1-1. J. P, Ryley, 1). 0, Th" 9‘? g? a Ill! 1', R. Trotter were appoinm! :. m to bring recommendation 1' rue-rd to the improvement of 9? n ‘ “ WW“ W Jot G" ls Lost .1 Way--H mUBSDAi . (“in this formula is arming Cons ua’flmam Does not 801 Ibo. falling Hair W Dandruff W, Sept. 19. â€"A ven- W was spent at 1h.- E'I. B. J. Murchison ()n Uni-t. it being the regular m of the Women's 111' [to weather was all this! Mod. and the attendant-c Mrs 8m. 22, 1910 Imrio attt and. m an l‘ah M witla M1 the: lake uhl isi 1r Ill

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