’ime :s, the dollar, ,1 suns 6.98 a sir, if where ble and do its 'der mills 21'ch DEATH Of JOSEPH COOPER Ono of the In.» tomiuout tou- uemon to I pout is (My in 2.. Buk‘l Invout to Mt. C. II. Suntan! o! Wooten. Kin" I Co. .. N. S. It. Smlocd h n Junie. of tho Paco lo: the County. Ind u mambo: 0! (ho Bond 0! School Commissionen. do in 1.180 Deacon of tho Baptist Church 11: Berwick. Indeed it. would bediflicult to ï¬nd I. nun more widely known and plot-e highl rupected. Here in his â€pmion of m-Buk. He lays :â€"- “1 never need unythlng that we me and) satisfaction 31 Zam-Buk. had I. .ch of Baum on my Lnkle vhlch hsd {jean there for over 20 are. Sometimes {1J0 the diuue would rent out on my â€Lumen. I had applied variou- oint- mp-nifl end tried all sorts at things to :ymzlinscuro, but: in vain. Zara-But. un- 1,46 everything alas I hld tried. proved ngnlv «ntlufactory and cured the ulmont. "I have eleo need Zorn-But for itching men, and it hag cpl-ed tpen completely - AA ,L,,,AL__ am. I take comfort in holpi my brother men. and if the publication my 0 lnion Hr rue healing value of anvBuk wi load otnar sufferers 9.0 t. It. I should be flad. Fur the relief of_ up cring‘coupgl byAPi on 0; 1.1: raurmsy were always He had a passion {or 1 . ~1.m engaged in journals Lr Was ever zealous, the that he built up not one .1 in-ulution {or his paper 112w .- :[thntlid reputation. He ~. 1 11nd conscientious in his 1; “1.11 charitable in his judg- r'mrs. The late gentleman of uhom it can be Said, .1 pleasure to meet him †; pleasant and an‘able, and ~ an unusual purity of con- " '11.: «Many of chiselling in his ~â€" In conversation and in pri- .1 i '3; :10 was modest and retiring. the usual common school '.’~n, but he had to go into the 9-3. soon as he was able to ~15 livelihood, so that the best his edUCation Was gained in i-llbert Hubbard describes' as - University of Hard Knocks.†--at factors in Mr. Cooper‘s suc- were his geniality, long exper- e and constant striving to reach highest attainable. His fair honest methods in dealing se- 3 and rot tained the fullest conï¬d- mi the public. A ï¬tting closing mmsmy, SEPT. 22, 1910. no relief of sutforing can by Piles or Ilinea-el I know of gtooqml Hula . Rm cures ulcers. sheet-m. blood-poison, ~er. (entering or running 00m. bud leg, as vm-eru. an theum. do Itch cuts. _ was... baby'o noun. Pauly Lethal, ._ .zr mziatl mud Item. “no. Imitation. to the above obituary is fur- as follows in a. letter received no of his apprentices, Mr. Hughes Hale, editor of the Packet, Orillia, Ont, who †Mr. Cooper was a. useful earnest and conscientious in 1. ns, genial, hospitable and -_- ?n his judgment of others. -- few enemies and many ï¬rm He lorgot injuries but. {Cot a favor.†rv'rvner and Son, of Little won the special prize oï¬'er I‘eziA-r Ferguson, of town, for st yearling horse on the a: the Woodville fair. The 7-: won ï¬rst prize in the agri- LiCIAL PRIZE. . .1 (mm page A THRIVING CITY. “ Calgary is the next city of hu- pormgce, although we pass through other line cities including Brandon. The city of Calgary operates its own street raiIWay and electric plant. It is a great, thriving city. THE COMING CITY. “ Victoria, the seat of the Metho- dist conference, is a beautiful city, but Vancouver is the great city - of the west, and as one of our fellow- citizens said, it was 'New York of the Paciï¬c slope,’ with the ï¬nest har- bor in the worldâ€"a city rebuilt after the great ï¬re and well rebuilt. It will be the coming great city of the whole Paciï¬c coast."- THE BUSY WEST. The above remarks by Rev. Wilson were but an introductory to his ad- dress, and at this juncture he com- menced to relate about the business which occupied the attention of the Methodist conference. He stated that he was, along with others, bit- terly opposed to the Holding of the conference away out on an island at the Paciï¬c coast, but all eyes had been opened, and all were able to see the vastness of the country, the people and the struggle which was going on to maintain the Briâ€" tish rule and the Christian church. The country was found to be thickly populated with people from many countries, real estate agents were many and the excitement of business was noticed to be most intense, and in the grip of young men. " But,†prophesied the speaker, †if they forget God in their strug- gle for riches then they will not prosper. â€" However, we found the church with its back to t1. wall ï¬ghting the good cause. We speak of the ’20th century as being Can- ada’s century, but do we mean by that the hoarding of riches, cattle, horses and land, or do we mean the 3 Vancouver, the “New York†; of the Paciï¬c Slape--Snap Shots of Methodist Conference GREAT GRAIN MARKET. Continuing the pastor said : " Win‘ nipeg is the first great city of im- portance we meet on our way out to the roast, wifh its one hundred d thirty thousand inhabitnnm â€" e grantvut grain market, in the empire. Winnipeg has 81. mum: of street railway in the city and forty miios outsidn um city. The city also has {our humirm miles 0! Parks. " The success of the country is as- sured," said Rev. Wilson. “ Beyond the '5'5th parallel successful farming is being carried on and the people are building ï¬ne homes. In the not. farâ€"distant future one hundred mil- lion people will people this vast country of ours. We have a heritage out there that no man can esti- mate.†A country meet from the very ae- ture ei things either develop and prosper or be nomprogreuive. The Paciï¬c regions have greatly develop- ed within the last few years. be: it is only by comparison ihei the ob- serveai traveler ï¬nds out in“ how much the country has developed. The meter 9! the Cambridgesi. new» diet, ehureh. Rev. J. P. Wilson. Ii. A†hes Just; returned from a trip t9 Vieierie. 3.0.. where he combined business with pleasure. Rev. Wii= son was enjoying a weii=eemeci va= eetiop and M the same time also attended the ennuei coniereuee oi the Methodist church, being a delegate from the Bay at Quinta eoni'erenee. Sunday morning instead of preach- ing a. sermon to his flock he deliver- ed an excellent address on the re- cent conference, touching on other public questions of the hour. I’HENOMENAL GROWTH. It was in the course of his ad- dress that he lauded the regions of the Paciï¬c slope, stating that since his visit across the mountains some years ago he noticed many develop- ments. The growth of the country was termed phenomenal; little ham- lets are now progressive villages, towns have grown into cities peopled with industries, progressive peeple. THE WATCHMANvWARDER. UNDSAY. ONTARIO o! [my extent, the vote standing 220 to an in favor of church union. “ Dr. Glover‘s resolution against Iir, Jackson caused a heated discus- sion, and Dr. Watson's resolution re the same matter passed with a ma- jority, but I was with the minority, because I felt that we should recog- nize Jesus Christ as the infallible teacher. The resolution was again modiï¬ed to suit all." OTHER DEPARTMENTS. The speaker referred briefly to the matter of preacher's salaries. The Women's Missionary Society was giv- en an enlarge ï¬eld in the Sunday school. Woman's suffrage was given ten minutes and voted down. Mr. W. Flavelle's motion to en- large the Bay of Quinte conference so as to take in part of Toronto was discussed, but no action taken. THE FAMOUS FOOTNOTE. “ A vexed Question was the foot note." said Rev. Wilson, “ and it aroused considerable discussion. The great weakness with the foot note was that no person knew how it ever CHURCH UNION. " The union question "or the Metho- dist. Prosbyteï¬an and Angucnm churches passed without a debate p.m., and 8.80 p.m. till 10 p.m. The state of the work was reported to be most encouraging, great emphas- is being laid on the necessity of home religion. Methodism was shown to be on the increase on all sides.- A TEMPERANCE HOTEL. " The committee on temperance gave an excellent report. One of the best hotels in Vancouver is a tem- perance hotel and is patronized by the best railway lines. The mis- sionary report was also a good one, and we have the interest of fourteen million people in our hands. 90th century for men 'I THE EUCHARIS'PIO CONGRESS. " On the one hand we have world- iiaess and Christianity no on the other ideielry and nomsnism.†Continuing Pastor Wilson referred to line recent Catholic congress held in nonlreei. sleliuc that " to bow prostrate in line slreels oi Noniresi to e piece oi breed end a bottle oi wine is idolatry of lhe worst kind. Ii our ehureh is not aroused by the scenes in the east end in lhe wesl then the cardinal is rig-M. we are e ’seulless peeple.‘ but I em glad the whole world bristles against the idle statements made by a venerable lather." ililbum’n Bean and Nerve Pills“. 50¢ per box, or 3 boxes for 81.25, at all dealen or mailed direct on receipt 0! Erica by The T. Milbm 00., Limi NERVE PILLS. Mr. Regis Levallee, Sorel, Que., write: “For six re, at least, I suï¬'ered from heart trou 1e and nervousness which took from meelldesire to work and even to live. “When I found myself in this condition and dgetting worse I took the medicine the octor pnescnbed for me but without "1 On t' ' I reedxng the ‘ e evenmg was ' paper when I saw your edvt., so cut it out end the next day went to the druggist end procured 0. box, and since that time my nervous system has been in perfect condition. “Be amused, gentlemen, that I will never be without Milburn s Heart and NervePillsfortheygnvemestmgthto â€work and support my mother, who II on lnï¬rmwidowendofwhemlemtheflll! man," Rev. Dr. Carman, who went back again into office with a. sweep- ing vote. The committees were very busy holding daily sessions from 9.30 11.111. till 12, 2.30 p.m. till 5.80 Suffered from Heart Trouble and Ieneusness for Six Years A SUCCESSFUL CONFERENCE. Referring more particularly to the conference Rev. Wilson stated that it was attended by four hundred and thirty-six delegates; it was a big gathering and a very successful one. The conference was formally opened on Monday by that “ grand old Lost All Desire To Live. WASFIIALLYCUREDBYTHEUSI OFIILBURN'SHEARTAID got, thereâ€"the general conlerence did not put it there. It was weak be- cause it mentioned certain things and left out a whole lot of other things. Dr. Andrew’s resolutiou eliminated the foot note in detail, but retained the great principles. ELOQUENT SPEAKERS. “ From Bermuda to Victoria the conference was one great connection in Methodism. Some 0! the most eloquent men were present repre- senting other conferences, and many eloquent addresses Were delivered. There was no diversion of opiniOn in regard to the great work of Method- ism. The great conrerence closed This is the natural site‘ for the building. Hr. Mackenz a stated. and here it would be built. The property, 0! course, belongs to _ Winnipeg. Man, Sept. 15. â€" The Canadian Northern Railway will be- gin shOrtly to build the proposed hotel in Winnipeg to cost $2,000,000. President William Mackenzie, who ar- rived irom the West toâ€"day. intimat- ed as much. The location for the building, Mr. Mackenzie stated,- was the corner of Water and m-m.. where the old Northern Paciï¬c form- erly stood. the ceinpany. With the building of the hotel, the structure at precast used as a depot will be renovated. and every man felt as John Wesley did when he said, †The World is my Paris .†C.N.R. Will Build flippers mdne from ï¬ne dongola kid, light flexible polemcg. 81.50, sale price 1 25 tO'InOn'OW.u-un.uu ooooooo O! oooooooo o-no . Dongola kid, box calf, extension sole, low broad heel, size 8 to 10, sample sale 896 A good reliable stylish and comfortaï¬le ï¬tting dongola kid, blucher boot, sample 1 ‘9 sale price ................................. n Black doagold kid, bluchsr, all sizes 8 to 10"... ......... . ........................ FELIX FORBERT OOOIIIOO'IOIIOIIIO o c I ', Womens’ 8 Bar Strap . Wear a pair of our shoes and then you'll know why so many people buy shoes here. Sample Womens Little Boys’ Little Girls’ Boots .A Costly Hotel ALSO OUR CLOTHES WRINGERS, every wnng er is guaranteed and will be replaced if not satisfactory. SEE OUR NEW CENTURY washing machine, the best machine made, Saves Fabric, Time and strength; “Pandm,†“Peninsular†and “Champion†Stoves 'apd Ranges. Call and see our stock and get our prices. Headquarters for stoves and harawai'e, Kent-at. Phone 52K Stoves-«The Big 5 Lines ALSO OUR CLOTHES WRINGERS Gmt club will now drop off the on Sample footwear to-morrow. Look at thooelpriceo and your feet and pm will both get uneasy. . G Edwards 'Co. D. GIN N AMON WAS HIN G MACHINE Tan willow calf, box calf, leather lined, reg. $3.50, sample sale price ............ ....................................... 2.50 Mens’ box calf, blueber, sample size 7, on sale to-morrow .................. for farmers and teamstcrs, 9; and 14- inches high uppers, tan elk and black boots heavy double pole, strong and neatly made,-size 6 to 10 rug. 6. and 6.50 sample sale price 49 5 Boots for the little lad s, the kind and style Mens’ Long Laced Boots Mens’ Sample Boots Every Day Wearing PAGE