ICOCQ ney A fEClA ling} ilepsy ‘phllih 'xr-tuu- [ins I on 'AGB '1 Iter an LCI'S ad v is a bistm 'ee N’p‘ â€or. Hour R\ s 10 REAL {batty ’und [n gt-ti nexti re mm the- p4 .tes fr ‘IOTT b “It 0' . “\I‘ "’3‘ “ONTO :3. Se S! MIRSC‘ 'Clfll peg Phom 1'. 1m; «- OI er I) ‘BRN VIA .l. K“ Alvxax m- c: Ho 2.01 13.": Kil hor ll Gregg Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Loose Leaf Ledger, Bill and Charge System, Card System and every commercial subject is taught at the INYESTIG ATE the value of a business education to your son or daughter. DO NUT send them out in life fettered and handicapped by ignorance of business. Lindsay Business _ _qu!ege Enter Any' Day. Individual Instruction A. H. Spotton, Pres. A. M Houston, Pris. Coal We Baker lumber (0., limiten Alsike and red clover seed. old or new, forward samples. Highe est Toronto prices paid. Choicest grades of Manitoba. Flour, Bran, Shorts. Windsor Salt, Shingles and Coal for sale at lowest cash prices. (Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Special Jos. T. Beatty Lumber, Shingles, Etc Cement and Sash Factory Goods Bicycle and General Machine Repairs New stock of tires. tubes, pum 5, etc Cream seperators and farm mac inery repaired, satisfaction guaranteed at Oriental-looking fabrics still have ï¬rst place in neckwear. and 1t 13 not likely that the “ Persiano'! craze will wane before late in the m- 1m- ..- ll ‘ Proprietor WM. WARREN feed Store, PAGE i erms toIsuitlpurchaser. NBXT.POBT BUILDING OMEMEE William-st, St. Andrew’s Church P. O. Box ‘217 PHONE 77 Phone Flour Wood William-st - a... um‘mwm '- * t, sand. Tomato.“ ‘IR'Mt for». wood «£75 .. m~ .‘ vw‘q glam-ct“. thoughts further into words. “What? You may as well say all you've got to say~ while you’re about it,†he snapped. “It’s just this,†she went on. “Never refer to Jimsy in the way you did. I married you, Joe. Please try and leave unsald things that might make me regret it.†‘ “ u-__a_ -_.I Emma put her arm around his neck and snuggled her face against his. “Poor old boy!†she murmured. “That setback we got today when we had it all ï¬xed up was enough to make you feel sore and glum. Never mind; cheer up. You know what J imsy says, ‘Hard luck can give you an awful battle, but if you’re on the square you can hand it a knockout punch some time.’ †It was no use, however. Joe’s sulki- ness had sunk in; his temper was vi- cious, deep and ingrowing. a temper such as she had never suSpected in him, and all her petting, all her loving coaxing, could not wean him from it. She pressed her cheek more closely to his and fondled him, but he jerked away from her embrace and surlily sought another chair. As he did so the bell rang from downstairs. “I'll bet that’s Jlmsy now,†he mut- PAID IN FULL Much hurt, but disguising her feel- ings, Emma hurried into the kitchen and pressed the button that opened the entrance door of the house. mended briskly. “Not a solitary living soul," Emma assured him. “Come in." “Hello, Joe! You a dead one. too?" he said. “Almost." replied Brooks. brighten- ing up a little in spite of himself un- der the influence at his triend’a good natured Imlie and cheat-inane that poe- itively emanated tram him. “Jolt cry on the table. “Just in time." 29.90931. m ï¬nalized From New Walter's Gm: Pm JOHN W. HARDING He ‘ ientured no EERE was a knock, the no latched door Opened, and James Smith walked in. “Anybody at home?†he de- luv-- u nStToayT- mm. m: u reluctant to carry her gloomy gepgcflons. éhzhumuh IV. mi: WATCINAN-WARDER. Lumen. ONTARIO ___‘_____-â€"â€"â€"’ Aâ€"d 3180339833†numb!!!†whatyou .0! “1196!!!! outwithaï¬uaWtonchtlot of basin-TI- that couldn’t be put 0! that I was mm. I» here [hope you didn’t run Ion: for no. l'm'awfnlb m.†- “You look ltâ€"l don‘t think.†she scolded. “Go on; got busy 11 you: going to!" “Al! dent." he answered. taking up gingerly. When do these.go! If you left lt‘to me, was not I'd be putting a soup pub behind the door and sup a broom into the sideboard." '“They go right In here.†He stopped on the way to the side- board and turned to Brooks. “Seen the tatest extra. Joe!" he 3n- mu wv In. W. '_-_v, quired. “The Orinoco Vwaan’t hardly scratched getting out of Rio Janeiro.†“You don’t say!" “Kind 0' scraped over the but. She'll only be a day )aï¬e now.†- -lâ€"-- .â€"u ‘I'lm. nu yuan-u -â€"â€" v to me. Here’s the paper. Joe. You'll ï¬nd all abeut the Orinoco on the Inc tide page." He drew it from hi: pocket, and as he did so one of the cups balanced on the saucers slipped 0! and smashed to hit! on the carpet. V†n.-- 7, I; â€V u “J “Do be careful with those cups. Jim- sy.†admonished Emma. “They're “Jimmy," she chided. assuming an expression of mock gravity. “how could youâ€"my very best Sunday so to meeting china! How could you!" “Not how could Iâ€"how did I?" be corrected, stooping and picking. up can pieces. “You know, Emma, I’ve had butter ï¬ngers ever since I was a little shaver, and I guess I always will haveâ€"in business and everything else.†“Why, how do you mean?â€- “I've been clumsy all my_ life. that's all. Everything I’ve ever had in my hands that was worth much I've m erally let slip and tall. Out in Colo- rado when I was a kid nonnd Lend- “All china and Oblmunen look alike A Remarkable Record of Itching, Burning, Disï¬guring Eruptions Successfully Treated. HOW SKIN-TBOUBLES HAVE BEEN CUBED- 'l'hst those who have suflered long and hopelessly from eczema and other torturing. disï¬guring eruptions of the skin and scalp and who have lost iaith in all manner of treatment, may learn that there is one way to ï¬nd immediate relief. the following remarkable series of condensed testimonials is published: W. H. White. 312 E. Cabot St.. Philadel- phia: . Knee to ankle a mass 01 eruption. Buffering simply indescribable {or six long years. Had to scratch till blood ran and health was undermined from lack of sleep. Cuticura Remedies cured it without a mark. Mrs. M. C. Maitland. Jasper. Ont.: Itchy rash on her baby’s head when but three months old. It spread over entire body. Put mittens on him to prevent tearing skin. Reduced to a skeleton. One bath with Cuti- cura Soap and application of Cuticura Oint- ment soothed him to sleep. A single set cured him. Thinks child would have died but tor Cuticurï¬ Remedies. A-A “-1â€";un-6 A ‘1. uuu nu vuu»-.â€" -v-__- Mrs. Wm. Hunt. 259 Falrmount Ave. Newark. N. J.: Whole body a mass of raw, torturing eczema. A ny was beyond words. Hair all fell out en ears seemed ready to dro on. Clothing would stick to bleedin fl . Ho death would soon end fear! suturing. u‘ticura Remedies cooled the itch. ing. bleeding flesh at once and soon cured her. Mme. J. B. Renaud. 277, Mentnna. St.. Montreal: Treated by doctors 25 years (or bad eczema on leg. lt peeled from knee down; foot like raw flwh. Doctor edvbed cuttin le on. Decided to try Cuticura Rem la t. In two months’useol Cuti- cura. Remedies she was cured. Mrs. Nora Emmott. 26, Lena Garden‘z Brook Green London: Two little girls h dreadlul scalp trouble that doctors called ringworm. C with intense itching; Hos- pital itreotment gave htiui pain ut did no good. Suflered ee yenrsucured by three sets of Cutlcura. Soap and Omtment. H. A. Krutskofl, 5714 Wabash Ave.. Chico : ltchin eruption spread from hand: to bo y. Litera ly tore his skin of! in shreds. Doctors and remedies did no good. Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Pills stopped itching quickly and cured diseue in three weeks. Frank Gridley. 325 E. 43rd St.. New York: In twent -iour hours he become my from head to oot with n dreadful burning itch. Suflered monies md could not lie down or situ . CuticunSoa md Cuticurn Ointment cures him in |_sin e doy.m 1“... m. cured him in a single any. Mrs. Kate Bmuflgm. 200 Dewey St..' Bennington. Vt.: h ceme on her baby end soon turned to watery. crusted eczem over nee. bud and body. He m a. teerful $3M sud nu “tempts It cure were fruitless. utiy improved in 1 week b use of Cuticun Benediu end soonskinwu eumd hedthy. G. J. Dance. 27. New Raced. Brenttotd Enclmd: Tortured' (or Me feet: with but akin dices-e. Attended hoe}; tel five months without success. Covered w h emgtion. 0 “£2.13; radium Witt ï¬rst out":L . e p ('3. Dim t w relieved end got good nbht'um‘decq. n s {bot-taint Outi- maven: sad Cuucururwug‘aa .°Oo "baton In... form mmaokuukhm 803.8 Outlcunum {vent mung nucup Pmuro .. â€my. lot." “Emmi.†he declared solemnly. “there have been moment! 0! M stringency when that dechndon nun- ed to be open to doubt." «1m, you're an ldlotl" Ibo unth- ed. “Discovered!†be snowed, m ceremonlouly. A _ _ __-_Il‘â€" “A “I know you've slaved and bore with no long enough! ere I urnâ€"handling an the money or at line. ain’t that so. 11m!†“That’s right.†admitted the latter. “But what‘s the matter?†a .‘AA know Iâ€â€" "u- n 'â€" .__ “Matter? Isn’t it matter enough that I should do all this for a mean. amen. hlo living? I suffer and work, and work and miter, tor that nut†nix-‘ gardly salary and this beast. this wild animal of u Williams, keep. us all starvingâ€"yes, starving! Don’t I do- nerve something a little better? Do you know what I could do? I could steal thousands. and no one would ever know it!" “Joel" she ejaculated. gratly shock- "Oh, I'm not going to do it; but, with all this responsibility. when I ask for money I don't get-itâ€"uot a dollar. You do. Jlmsy; you're single and you can quit. And then Williamsâ€"whet does he do? Comes around here to my wife with my motherin-law-dâ€"n him â€"und rubs it in." Emma looked at him pleadinzly. “Joe, you mustn’t. Captain William means well, but"- He turned upon her savagely. “That's it-he means well. He meant well when he was 1 south Pu. cine trader. He meant well when he treated his crew like dogs. Ho meant _well when he’d kill a sailor with I! much thought as s spider kills a 11,. He meant well when he cheated n8- tives. murdered men, smuggled China- 1:0:- insurance. He went well when ae came cut. bought the Inga-Amer!- gun company and put your rather on! or business. and nowâ€"now that he has his money, his millions may) ae‘m; {veil v'v'hen he refuses to 3m humenamlrshnroot wmttheypro- duce. Means well). Yes. he douâ€" not!" “Joe, are you crazy?" demanded his wits. alarmed nod a llttle may at his outburst. “Well, there’- a whole lot of truth it: what Joe can." put In Smith coo- eflhtingly. "You see. William did muontuauptnlnotnlmthl’l’ cine trader. but. like most of then fellows. I guess he stole a good don month“ hotnded. Hawthorn)- mutton of being the mount m on the coat or In tho boom-couldn't! Immune“ he got con-U01 ottho LadnoA molten. Holovodm, “dugoutâ€"moat “grub-coda. raked-unto Mvommthtt'lm 30W†hulkâ€"bulb m’d mp t straw. Eda Mun. WI- this co'nntry. sunk vessel! Smith," he cried excitedly. “I'm no. CLOTHING ' you're like all the not of the captai- n. isflc'crgwtt-cflnd. £1204. bgrind. wall: A PPETITE look on ne'l :0 amu . :11: -â€"you understand) Anmashnp, and you $£3;$rhh£: 338,28?) 1:}; my In goâ€"mfl'lionalrel. We“ andâ€"well. to grow hungx-S' when you M ' that“! 111 IVOM tony- loo ’ over our sw-k of He snatched MI bat trom l book In suntmgs for this season. ‘ Bo word. slamming the front door behlnd Lou Wickett ro- udeboard rattled. ' . 2nd door to Past Printing Ofï¬ce . Emma gazed at Smith In blank dia- William St. - Lindsay . may. A. d “I can’t understand Joe." aha oaid. «mum m me m. a 1 mm “a mmmmmwmm m ,m m MmmeJ mï¬hmmw » m Wmmw m m today 810 a week he would have been a ï¬rm believer in capital and the way It works." . 7A _ -lL- L- I'm worth more money. ‘Come ecroel or we separate} I my, end so tar he'- Brooks jumped to his feet. “You don't need to will: that. Smith." he cried excitedly. “I'm no object of charity-no, I ain’t. And you’re like :11 the rest of the capitol- isdc crowdâ€"grind. grind. grind. Well. look out. there': going to be u Imuhun -you understand? Aemuhup, and you :11 goâ€"mullonuree. handles end-wen, that’s all I've got to any." He snatched his hat from e book in the hell and went out without another â€" â€"â€" I. ALIâ€"l Tivcan't understand Joe." 9110 It“. shaking her neadmworrywdver' plenty. “He’s growth: '0 “30’0““ discontented.†7 7 -- _ She sighed. to?“ a seat opposite to hlm at the table and with great ear- nestness started in to question him. “Jimsy.†she began. “tell me honest- lyâ€"why doesn't Joe get on?" “I really don't know,†he averred. “I’m afraid you do.†Emma insisted. “Honest. I don’t. I've been so busy getting along myself that ! haven't paid much attention to any one else." He paused and gazed up at the cello ing. engrossed in thought “You know. Emma.†he went on end- denly. turning toward her. “this get- ting alon’ business is a funny game. Buchalotdependlonwhataman means when he gets along. Some get along when they have got a lot or money. some when they have a W01 and a home and a bunch of kids. some I when they are able to pick pockets? and tool the eoppera. Getting along andwhyyondoorwhyyoudon’tde- pendsagood deal on where you want “And you. lunar Ibo questioned. “Honyoubeencetunxdongr’ “Ohyeqlgueuoo. lun’tgoto whole lot to kick about; perhaps 1 nt- fleleqmyhoaunhmthwho. Buttbogmttduunottoptooro. Joe'lnnrlzht. Who'sjutbelnz menu-o6 torobetteruvtnz. Wheat: maho’lloppnchtoltmoro.†“Somehow I don’t seem to undea- “Mala-durohocom Mahmocm that word. noâ€"thot'orflamonutly.’ mmmozmmwu dummvaMou mmmmmpuumm Bug: or broche. suspended by long twisted cords of ellk. ue modleh. In some lnetenéee the-e cords are so long that the bog huge below the mmmmmm QASTOR IA ‘- “W W wwwuwo-W a “null" ll rum-momma. To be continua. THURSDAY. SEPT. 22 Always reliable. Purely Vegetable, Small and easy to take Cures headache, billiousness and Mandrake Liver Pills - ' indigestion. A pnrely‘ vegetable sugar coau pill which can be easily taken by everybody. W and mu“ m... M “Ma..."- You may study artly vat home [and unit-1hy at the (E: 1k ge Enter Any Day. Fall Term 0pens Aug. 29 PETERBORO Peterboro Business Collége In a. link in Canada’s Greg Chain of Etgh- Grade Gongs: {minded dunqg the past twentv “years. The chain is the 1313'. at more (If young people in Maud It IS freely admitted â€at its graduates get the best Mucus. There is: a reason- "m for it. A diploma m; the Commercial Ed ucatm-s' As. â€cation of Canada is a passport to 3000068. Wassweu (3me LINDSAY MONUMENTS £2 “1" E11 Chas. W. Burns. Geo. Spotton The Canada Paint Cos, Hardware. . GREGORY Mllflflfldfl M0. BUSINESS COLLEGE Corn er Drug S 25c Per Box .ndu' buttons' / ,1 min has 8. pr an ornament. ï¬gurin‘ b bucklï¬'w mounts. . 1910 Store furnished Iron med THE CANADI OF COME PAID-UP CAPITAL, $10,000,000 LONDON. ENG: 2 Lombard Street, EC. MEXICO CITY: Avcmda San In addition to the ofï¬ces namwi o! inevery Province of Canadarindudin-A and‘in the principal Paciï¬c Coast m u x; â€It is thoroughly equipped {01' the other banking business in the turritur Inc Vittona loan Authorized by The employment “1 x â€I inpomt, and smm tilm Citrate: of interest on ' those current, namely â€"-â€" ) thy“ deposit to day 01 v THEFARME W. FLAVELLE, TRANSACTS GENERAL Interest allowed on f'epositfl day of deposit to day of Withth‘m "Bank of M Oï¬ice Hours : '10 to 3 o'clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o'clock. Capital Pa d Up Rest Undivided Proï¬ts transacted. Savings Depart Branch. Branches of the Province of the Don A general Ban SIR EDMUND WALKER C. V. ALEXANDER LAIRD ’AYO SAVINGS we remind the pu ESTABLISH}: HEAD OFFIC E l. 22, 1910 President. Order-in-Council 1 classes of Trust ESTABLISHE