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Watchman Warder (1899), 22 Sep 1910, p. 8

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Phaland [Kent-at. bllowin‘} Hpilé'psy Syphilis Suit-turt- ! Hillimfi I U!) Soper For Homes .eekers’ IBSTERI I" a atchot tv Me tn get the m-xt. ho :u‘v :ull ? in Lhc- p WW '1 F REAL ’. H. Ki ELLIOTT Kidm-y h For 0' .SG ixit ndvns. -nd histo »r free re-p Sts. Hum ""1;th N Fir-t 1m ILY to Sep. ‘0 ‘ts goudf Round GOING .05 ‘0'!) O. 23. SI Lag/42 SPECIA Rates f PAGE ' NI IP Plum UT t)! VIA El if .1“ b JACKSON. Ban-1m". 4'}. dc" pom-Atar- {or The Canadian flank of Commerce. Money to loan - mansion at five per cent! 0!- l. Iillmn Street. Lindsay. I. D. Moore. K.C. Alex. Jack-on. Still doing business in the same old stand but not in the same old way. We «Inna: with: the times and are in a. position to do better work than ever. New designs. new granites, new and mproved tools and methods, in fact the most up-to-date Marble and Gran- ite Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. Marble and Granite Monuments * Gringo St". immediately north of Lindsay Marble Works 8. CHAMBER. Prop‘ -I UNDERSIGNED is prepared to has money on Farm, Town and Vfllsge Property st. very lowest at. of interest. Company or mint- funds. I am always ready in buy good mortgagee. I. E. I‘LDON, Solicitor, eta, Milne MAUGHIJN, PEEL, FULTON S'I'IN SON , Barristers. Solicitors, nu! Notaries. Money to loan. Spe- dfl attention given to investments. IIIGH R. KNIGHT. Barrister, 80- Mar, Notary Public, solicitor (or firmer-a Bank, representing Water .0. Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of ‘ 'atofloo ; Federal Llfe Assurance l... of Hamilton, Emplra Accid- Cnt and Surety Co., or London. on; Once over Farmers Bank, opposite post once.- a. speciality. Also case work. ._..= Ounu‘ies. Firming! 3! Rabbit- Pigoonu and other pet. for sale at. Taxidermisi Birds "and animals stuffed and mounted ° "ART a O'CONNOR, Burma-I loud“. etc. Money to loan_ at T. W. Campion uoéxms AND HOPKINS, I‘m-tern, Solicitors. Notary Public. etc. Solicitors for Bank banal: Dominion Bank, corner on m and Kent-sum, Lindsay. R. I. McLaughlin, K.C.. A. M. Ful- ton, B.A., James A. Peel, ’1‘. H. honey to Loan 5 I. WELDON, Euriposa township .rk, Oakwood, Fire Insurance Int, Issuer of Marriage Licensel. Myancing in all its forms. Shop and 31101 rooms 11 a: 13 Cam- Ari: 'ronomo UNIVERSI- an, CORONEB FOR COUN- TY OF VICTORIA. ~.â€"â€"Rldont-st., corner Kent and (halts-Its. Phone 45-85. Deer and Moose Heads i; scum. L. v. O'Connor, no. NEELANDS a IRVINE. Den- “. members at the Royal 001- a..- of Dental Surgeon!- “ 5“" all the Intact methods of dwtistry. I'odal summon will be given to Wonk. . Crown and “I“? m The Incocasful extraction of “h under gu (Vitalimd A“) m It. insertion of the best ”two“! figures continue to be a. specialty n this office. omoo nearly op- .odto the Simpson House. lowest current rate! or Inn. Officeâ€"comer Kent Public, etc. Solicitors tor nan: OI Montreal. Money to loan on terms to suit borrower. Offices- 0 William street, south, Lindsay, Ont. G. H Hopkins, K.t.. F. 8, Hopkins, B. A. Toronto Bird 'Store 1 75:Dunda.l-st., Toronto. an. r. nLnxcmmp PAGE EIGHT Barristers. etc Dentistry Ottawa, Sept. 17.-Under instruc- tions mm J. Lockie Wilson, Toronto. inspector of {all hits, the polio: auth- oritiep yegterghx 90mins (310911060111 The location for the building, Mr. Mackenzie stated, was the corner of Water and Main streets, where the old Noflhern Pacific formerly stood. Quebec, Sept. 17,â€"His Excellency the Governor-General, Earl Grey, ar- rived in Quebec yesterday, comi from Nova. Sootia, where he stop on his return from the Hudson Bay regions. His Excellency is expected to stay here about 9 lqrtnight, after A speciil envoy will be sent to the grave, according to custom, to read the proclamation to the ghost of the departed. v. Iwa all the wheel 5! fortune tad paddle men who have been coining mom on the midway at the Dental MI Exhibition. Winnipeg. Sept. 17.â€"The Canadian Northern Railway will begin shortly to build the proposed hotel in Win- nipeeu go 00.32 52.009.009- To Tell the Ghost. Victoria, B.C., Sept. 17,â€"Despatches received yesterday from Tokio tell of a unique telegram sent by the Gover- nor-General of Korea, ’instructing young Prince Ito to inform his late father’s spirit that annexation had been completed. '"ifiéiidoént Mac'kémi'e has intimated as much. to stay here about a fortnight which yhe will leave for Ottawa. - "Guilt: of corporations is personal and penalties for guilt should be madq personal." "What I wish most for the State of New Jersey is a system whereby the haphazard business of the state maV be pended and a. more thorough and conscientious system devised I want the state’s business done with the thorouwhness and honesty that should pervade in a business house. I intend to bring that about if I am elected. Secondly, I would like to see the taxation of the state equalized. I do not believe that the taxes of the state are equitably adjusted. Property held by citizens is paying an undue tribute to the state, while the co rations-â€" and by that I mean the rai roadsâ€"are escaping taxes which should be im- posed 111301! them. Outlining his views on political questions of the United States and of the commonwealth: over which he hopes to preside after next election: he said yesterday: ...V_..., ».4-.- â€". vvm “Thivavemt‘f‘s‘afiool. Toronto; * Iu’flmt fiat. tin-oi Cw to am- ot III-n authority on government, and he has read and written extensively on poli- tics, the science of government and history. Woodrow Wilson has never been known as a politician, although he has been an educator of prominence, a writer on political and historical sub jecta, and in his 55th year. For a year he practiced law in Atlanta, Ga. It has been his ambition to become an "Wilson for governor of New Jersey in 1911 and for President of the Unit- ed States in 1912. This is said to be the program of New Jersey Democrat: and others. 7 _ He Has Been Nominated For Gover- r’morship of New Jersey For the Com- ing Year By the Democratic Party and Probability Is That He Is Be« ing Developed as a Candidate For the Position of President. Princeton, N.J., Sept. l7.â€"Dr. Wood- row Wilson, who was yesterday nomi- nated for governor of New Jersey by the Democratic state convention, said yesterday afternoon that he would of- fer his resignation as president of Princeton University to the board of .rustees at its next meeting on, Oct. A PRESIDENTIAL 800M President Woodrow Wilson Princeton Looms Up For Job C.N.R. lzlotel For Winnipeg. DR. WOODROW‘ WILSON. 03min; Up the Fair. Earl Grey at Quebec. THE WATCI-MAN-WARDER. LINDSAY, DNTARIO. Sir James Whitney has frequently expressed the opiniOn that public school education ought to be framed for the benefit of the 95 per cent. who receive no other education. not for the other five per cent: who go on to the high school, and the still smaller number who proceed to the university. He is right so far as he goes, but he does not go lar enough. No readjustment of the public who-01 curriculum would meet the case. What is required is that the educa- tionoltheboywholstoboa me- chanic or a. farmer shall be continu- ed beyond the public school, just as The Kingston Standard points out that the Ontario system of education is lop-sided. Ample prm’ision is made for the education of . teachers, lawyers. doctors, clergyman, engin- eers, and dentists. while the poo:- boy, anxious to learn a trade. has to look out for himself. ‘;Every city in Canada. should. have a techincal school with both day and night. classes, for many boys. working throngh the day would be only too anxious to get. technical training in the evening. This may cost a, great deal of money, but the Government must face the issue squarely and spend the money.” EDUCATION FOR WORKMEN. I Aliases Lena. Wilmott and sister Nina,- at Sam... are visiting their ’aunt, Mrs. B. Young, town. Capt. I‘m will attanpt to navi- gnto the Whirlpool npidn nt Niagara in' a. motor boot on Saturday. Tho Premier oi Spain has renal-m. ed his intentIOn oi forcing the mali- gioun societie- irom their prominent position in the public life oi the com"! , . 1m Friday’s daily. â€"Mr. M. E. 'l‘angney recently re- turned from a few days trip to Mon- â€"Mrs. Peter Heals, formerly of W, now of Gnvenhmt, is v19 {ting triads in town. -â€"Master Harvey Young, of Strat- ford. is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. 8. Young, town. â€"Mr. Jack Spratt left this morn- ing for Toronto, where he will at- tend St. Michael’I‘College. ' ’is the education of the hey who is to be a lawyer or a doctor. here should be more technical schools or technical classes in high schools ; there should be night. schools and half-day schools for the benefit of boys who are learning trades and partly earning their own living. There should be ample Provision for consulting reference librarian _ at night. And there should be a begin- ning made in the establishment of a. night university, a place where a. complete university course can be taken by those who must work for their breed during the day. There is no reason why education should be confined to office hours. mmvaxmiunxmm» Wad-u .01.“ All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Cnnadnn Correspondence Depm' mentin Windm,0nt.1f you ddirc to ”mm“! tall at our Medial Institute m Detroit as we see and m1 in our Wind-or ofioet which ure for Corres ndence ‘93 hr Canadian basilica only. Address 311 lettcrgoas follow!- Dns.KBINEDY 8: KENNEDY “DER Anyou a victim? Have you mt ho 7 Are ouimrndmztonurfi'! Mr been isetsed? Yizu'e you"! vastness? on New Method T unonuri “to you Winn: bu done m 7:?ka it twill 0W F". of Chane. Book! Fr “ boomhnhood. ' mum!“ ed on I “neiftherhow 4. mm m wmaour woman. so...“ 0‘“ mflhm Gideon-tunic“! arms-m 35%?!10” NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold 5L. Detroit. Mich. Whit-.13; CM to'c‘éthb 17.6.. comm curs GUARANTEE on no my mm A10 you a, victim? Have you ? Are ouintrndmrtoml 10‘"- - been isomh Yim-eyou “ -- - . - . ._-- YOUNG MEN AND MIDDILAGED um. thevlcumotwly indiscrcziuns and more; 0mm are failures in meâ€"ynu are the one.” can restore to manhrmJ and revive “'0 Wk Of energy and vuahty. bun‘t gm “913W? because {on have treated with ectric belts and tried mun drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment ha< snatched hundreds from the brink of ‘lo-spmr. has re- stored happiness to hundn‘ds of homes and gum successful men of thus» who we” dongndout." We rcscribo specificrg wet for etch individu case accordmg w hue no 3mm md complicatinns-we potent modscim This is one uhhe seer-cad our wonderful success as our 1m . m for '0 prescribe remedws adapted to ach'filvidul cue. Only curable. 03315 «gummy. SEPT. 22 I"; done Blaine“ nanhond and red” vitality. DH!” 81'. 1 have treated With lric bolts and and IfifilB W new In Gin-19¢ church Hr. W. Smythe, a student of m “11001, has secured a In: . Mini of a. public school Quantum-st. Miss "Millie, who had charge Ivory's millinery department w. is again over the Same tier t'ou Toronto. A m 01 our citizens attmdmi b M It Dowmyfllie on Wed- It. Crank. of the stat! of her; M1 store, and whose efficior M (will disposition have mm In any friends, has resigned n “In: this week to accept a rm “on u. looses“. The street. commissioners haw been making some imprOVements. If. H. J. McLean of Mount I’loas ant, was in town on business m Thursday. Our electric plant has rem: “a tad our streets are again W a fight. It. 0. H. Shldd drove out 1, Hunt Pleasant on Saturday. '1". m Parsons have rcmrno The midence of Mrs. John McCrcu :- being painted. Friday. Mrs. J. A. Wylie returned 0‘ day awning from a visit to 1 Wtion and at. her father’: In Toronto. ~‘ Mr. Barry Beatty. of Wcl down the river hunting. “1'. J08. T. Beatty and Miss ‘5'. were visitors to Peter-bum The Hethodists have improved 1 appearance of their property trimming the shade trees and {mil in; the outbuildings. Omemee, Sept. ILLâ€"The Aug have improved their property w cement. walk leading in from Uu lie Walk to the church. WeeklyfiltémsLFrom Omemee Village Mr. Hart. who is remm'ing, nounces some of his household f ture by private sale. E.E.W Interesti 53rd YEAR. Heavy rib]: boys, 25C and Ribbed cm and misses, ~ week .......... Cashmere for (early fall, and ............ 3 Pattcrm special ...... . 36 Inch range of pat! Apron ginghm 'or 10c, 15c fmn. DC «‘11) irev woo HOSIERY AND G .. confirmation PLAMETTE pos las 1r!

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