istock of .te. m the .her ï¬ne {a show- , f. cc. .BDX Q" new I,“ ï¬x..- as objectionable in fact as in lxmlten as 5mm: or appearance. Gen. Hertzog lish possess i; u, Imer. politician, now a member Cher, it is ; of "Ion. Botha’s Cabinet, formerlyof DUtch p l'r‘emicr of the Orange River Colony, - English tee uni before that a. capable warrior of between th‘ "he veldt. As Premier of Orange cognizing ( he established an edu- portant as that is very unpopular naturally V and The fact t? trustees at lziver Colony, cation act with English-speaking citizens, i< alleged to have “aroused racial mimosity, retarded education, and fluence on rulnfd the Free State of valued puh- _ - 7‘ ., , servants.†Since Gen. Botha has! E’M'HDH w Hen. Her-tang a member of his The pa mum-m the Premier is saddled withspeaking F . rpm-«mum for his minister‘s actsj 1 ,m * < 1' h an extent that a Wt'itef in‘ab 6'7 : mmre Review says that “gm, when“? am 1 c («emulatefy mm , hatig’s‘ï¬b‘et by u,“ .um-Plï¬l by HM 8M§ iii the 0! English ‘v‘v‘ihf! (If “39 Gdblflé’t:†reimiflpgyej -: m M. mwmatï¬ enter: as being g. :~., .lt, 4â€;ng as if} ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬da, (‘6‘ â€3 {HF QF! . A , V A I???“ ESM . .. .a a mailer Ni .Smte 9? pm: 5 alight by oi la/hlpï¬)‘. ""hBFB, 9.5 mg' thgzy 1M8“: I! Jr. .. . :.~... m-ublem pi twat) igmgges @4990?th (‘DI the the WY fair, (t both races; though in its tors r: it has proved almost de- Sir“; "le to the teaching of English. A BABEL IN SCHOOL. 1%.; 'at-rtzog Act provides that all an: ., --:ts shall be taught in both :31 and English» To Carry this gâ€; A through, wither the number of ":1ch had to be doubled, or each Iz‘EL-Jhcr would be required to speak 1‘ '1 English and Dutch. The latterl themative has been chosen, andl :‘;roughout the Orange River Colony‘ nnly bi-lingual teachers are employ-‘ cd. Moreover, almost all the teach- ers are Boers, for a. few months’ ex- perience has shown that few Eng- ;zsh-speaking teachers know enough latch to teach it. There is no par- ticular incentive from- the point of new of general culture for anyone to learn the Dutch tongue. It has no literature, and is ' ' ed in scope than the " :‘ish. Those English-speaking re- ski-ms °f the Orange River Colony who do not actually make a, liVing ‘0': doing business with their Boer 1___€nnv reizn‘r‘ors The Contrary, however. is true of the Boers. Those of them who are not iliiterate realize that a. know- ledge of English is a. tremendous. in- trumcnt for purposes or 'gducation and material‘ advancemrnt. Thorp- fore. nearly every Boer who is cap- able of educating Boer children be- yond the primary class has 916305 u_LA THE DUTCH 0N mi the issues that Contributed n-I'ul Botha’s defeat is describ- the word “Hertzogism.’-’- a, 10mg “whim“ of two iamages! ahnugh they have am: out: I problem of two utterly .- ideas on the subject of re- a t. retraction in schools. Most unions in the Orange River have both English and mixing children. The con- . granted the colony by ‘ .vlish Government left each i ..-.- to nuke what arrange-f i-imse as to language and The Dutch being in the in the Orange Rivernatur- - m it that their own lan- ..1.< not thrust aside. But 1 not desire to arouse English on by appearing to slight ‘ush language. So Gen. Hert- w up his Education Act. :m the surface, appears to be Mâ€, Mme - thouz‘h in its of the central government this educational bungle, in this belief that they supported the Unionist the recent election. Through Low_er This is the first tin rapids have been na‘ rel. Nissen made the killer, Larsen did ix Ferro. at the whirlpool, so that it might be brought back up the river, Hill was offered a two-dollar bet by a bystand- er that he‘ could not make‘ the trip through the lower rapids to \Lewiston in the barrel. He took up the offer and made the trip successfully in an hour and seven minutes. For twenty- tive minutes Hill was held in an eddy. less than a half mile below the whirl- pool. ’l‘ho distance between the P091 and Fred _Cla._rke, the Pirate manager, thinks he landed a prize in Pitcher Ferry from Jersey City. DE! I..- I--â€" --_ Spanking does not cure children of bed- wetting; immersing constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summus, Box 283 are 'it can’t help it. This trauma!“ also mainland 3306 MW mamas-Mancunian. The distance between the p001 anu Lewiston is over four miles. It was dark when Hill was picked up at Lewiston by a motor boat. special Notice. BETTER THAN SPAN-KING- .u‘ A__ .2“ Rapids in Barrel WU“ flawemw, â€PM" 98.81? 33!; mé' W for yeats he felt the iron at insati- tudo thrust deeva into his heart, but there it would remain. {or he would new: .address another Consetuï¬u ‘ n3- . The only promise of the; successfui Gandidate, who is a soft 01 Dr}. Henry Hewitt, and thifl 4% acts of age.- wus that he watt , Mai to get trwie stringent; Wigwam: Iaws, so that me wwkgagflm was 219$ have Ayn Maniifl may Hie thrkruanxgv m". .. - in its“ ““33 $5“ twist? whezny wow u r if 91m; Mal 3461,9885}, my. €19 @IHHGHS: (m Wésdnegisy next the Libmig will Md their mminatm mtiag, Wilt Ask Qhange In Act. Montreal.- Sept: flesh 1991555 very much as it the three maritime pm.- v‘lnces were etxyat to approach the Federal authentie§ mtg exwflte .se 0 F62 3 WI. Mm; birth Amen/3e Act at the “â€3955 the Imperial Government. This, in fact, was intimated 79813?- day at the Windsor by Hon. W. H. C. Grimer, surveyor general of New Brunswick, who stated that although he was not a participant in the re- cent conference in St. John between Attorney-General Maclean of Nova Scotia, Premier Hazen of New Bruns- wick, and Premier Haszard of I'rinoo :Edward Island, he believed that a common basis would be reached by which united actionhyvould be taken 1 AL. AL... WIUUXI uuawu "UV-'- by the local authorities of the three lower provinces to ensure against a further diminution of the Federal representation in the House of Com- mons from the lower provinces. If something, he said, is not done in this direction, the representation fol- lowing the census of Nova Scotia, will be cut down to 13, that of New Bruns- wick to 11, and Prince Edward Island to two or three. Being asked if a modiï¬cation of the ‘B.N.A. Act in such a sense as he had ‘indicated would not open the door to a like demand on the part of Quebec, the surveyor general of New Bruns- 'wick admitted that it would. He said. in fact, that it was a very serious problem, and would have to be band- led with very great prudence and .care by the local and Federal statesmen. London, Ont., Sept. 26.â€"-Rev. Wil- liam Lowe, rector of St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, announced yesteb made vacant by the removal of Rev. from the Whirlpool, Bobby Leach did not repeat his trip through the whirl- pool rapids yegterdayf He will make another trip through on Friday. WWFFF m'lflflfl: VERY POPULAR. “Burton, Ohioâ€"Thci'rehneasbeans se- cured for opt Gang. County Teach- ers’ Institute concert at Burma. gave entire satisfactiop. Every num- berotthevariedprdgramwas en- secretary caromâ€"L. Vivgfl'lfllls, ‘ . Y. ;M.C.A. concert series, Academy 01 Music- Mpgday. Oct. ad. . i‘enzance." given by Will Tempt Rapids Friday. Tendered His Resignation. m m we 68m 11312 mm .mzm mm B 3981;: m H: m: amen wawiwngxa me me mum gm! me am a»: «83 mm; H“ Y“ ("lat â€I"! ’ l" "I". W!‘|IIVIO w Mammal h «33m mi Wm?! M WM“: HM RM W , ,3 RR . W W it 9M 95 Hi? “Im- .° imam mum item rename Mil m m? mm. m t am he tum . through the blmd- All the uni- meets. and mhhins- and ale-celled 91- ectricel treatment in the world will not cure rheumatism. This is a med- icsl truth which every suflerer from this excruciating trouble should. ‘know. Rheumatian can only be ‘cured by driving the poisonous said out of the blood, and enriching and purifying it. There is no medicine will do this so speedily and surely as Dr. Willieme' Pink Pills, They actually make the new, rich. red blood, which drives out the poison- ous acid, upbuilds the system. and makes the suflerer well and strong. It is because they do this that Dr. Williems' Pink Pills have cured thou- sands of cases of rhmatiem site:- all other treatment had felled. As proof we give the case at ï¬re. I". x. Boieseeu. Stl Jerome. Que. who says: “Almost tvro years ago I was a terrible We! from rheumatism The trouble ï¬rst located in my right ieg, rendering all work imposeibie. and weiieisg excessively dimes“, i tried to 6er myself by means at all gene 9! “sweets and lotions. but without eveii. The treubie was con-- steamy spewing worse, end the gain more and more unbearable, Fiesiiy weuid he a, euflerer tor the rest 9! my lite, At this time I feed as never-- ltimt is our heme vapor, at this trouble being cured by I", Williems' pink Pills, end I decided to try them, I ï¬rst got low beam at the - Pills, sad sitar using them for sev- ‘ srsi‘wesks I could see that the pair» ' Iful Matisse was Mushy die- LL- mail at 50 cents a. $2.50 from the D1 overcbat, gloves and hat. While Rev. Mr. Marshall, of Hamil- ton, Ont... was preaching at Wesley church, Vancouver, a. thief visited the wash-v and stole the clergyman’s Wireless Saves Lives--C}'e_w WWTIC PAINS New York, Sept. 26.â€"-Wireless sav-i ed nineteen more lives on the last trip of the Koenigen Luise of the North German Lloyd Line to the Mediterranean and back, being those of the crew of an old-fashioned, full- rigged ship, the Harvest Queen; built a score of years before wireless com- munication was used, which, leaking, half sunk with water, drifting five days helplessly in the sunny seas 1,000 miles off the nearest landâ€"the Azoresâ€"with three flags of distress hoisted on' the mizaenxnast, was sur- ..._1 -_ c- IIUI§W ULL luv mowvâ€".â€"__-, prised when these signals Had earriod beyond the horizons and brought sue cor One steamer, an unknown Italian. described the signals and made -them out “Ship full of water, in instant need of help, high danger," and then flashed over the surrounding seas by her wireless apparatus: “Ship 1.000 miles due south Azores sinking; we are too far any to assis‘tlin time." That message. out upon the air n'hnnt the water! caught at the wire- That message. out upon me an about the waters taught at the wire less instrument. on board the steam ship KoenTgen Luise at about N1 o’clock in the morning of Aug. 24 The captain (gym to M Brockville. Rescued From a Derelick . vem 012M! BM m. . soldiers to“ clamp My 8013:: bury Saturday mmn and entrain: m: The 39 I" bum! pubic-d as they wrongs? 9:4 {W bum hat a ‘ 8m gm M '5 33“? mmwwlg: [103% a. ï¬lm W! ' The lollowing young ladies lelt on Monday to attend the Normal School. Petaboro : Miss Neva, Dav- ey. Miss Mabel Jordan. Miss Jessie Graham. and Miss Blanche Jackson. WILL ATTEND NORMAL. Graham. well was it calculated that in four hours, when day had nearly broken, the disabled old ship was sighted. She was “swimming,†as the sailors put it. A few steadying sails were spread, but she rolled in the swell like a log in a swift river. There were the flags crying for aid. Lumber was scattered over the face of the seaâ€" her deckload of timber could see her going lower and lower into the water. According to the maritime register the Harvest Queen was of 2,544 tons. She had been captained by E. A. For- syth {or twenty years and was owned‘ by him and his‘wiie. Other react-d3 aboard the Koenigen Luise showed that she had sailed from Windsor. Nova Scotia, for Buenos Ayres with The ï¬rst to return brouflt ten men. all the belongings they could carry and worn that there a â€Harvest Queen’s bottom as wide as a sea chest and that. all that was keep- ingher afloat was the lumber with which she‘was laden. One 0! hot ownr‘hostswssussd'iortho'uttrsus- The ï¬rst to Mum I all the belongings ‘ and war?! that there «Harvest Qnegn’g bot fer of the crew. Have A Look At Our Stock! We make to order a class of Garments which for style and 1. ï¬t cannot be surpassed. If you have not yet secured your Summer Suit you should see our-range before placing the order. W. G. BLAIR SON 2mm",- Putting Furniture Stoves-«Tho Big 5 Line: I an AA: AI-A.U .n.‘ “ï¬lm-Jan" 30041qu for stoves and WWDW. FURNITU RE In Labor Savers We 0dr west window will show you this,including New Century Washers}. which a child can operate. ’ Bicycle wringers, ball bearing, solid rubber rolls, gearings all ‘ for three years from date of purchase. n “he putting money in the bank, I: is a mic and positive wayofnddingWyour world of W" Just now! «Womymwyulimw. Also, ant-pet sweepers, assbestos sa boards, sleeve irons, self wringing mops, food choppers, bread "mixers, etc. adjustable, sleeve ball bearing, solid rubber rolls, gearings all for three years from date of purchase. (1 irons,ironing bonnie We will do more for you than the bapka. Our In: is beautiful in design and for goodness and qualfty be beat at the price. BOXALL 6: MATT HIE We Want to Show You Our furniture- UNDERTAKINO Phone 531‘