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Watchman Warder (1899), 29 Sep 1910, p. 15

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.....Olo.80 11 @35! 3W?” W -N u Sea/ding. off promptly. The muddy complexion, dragging u» 1s and dislike for mental or physical :52: show plainly that the child needs Dr. Morse’s Indian Root_ Pin! to 8th up 5:: liver and kidneys and regulate the '~ Dwels. Dr. Mom’: Indian Root Pill: do this most effectively, cleansing the whole system, purifying the blood, titling the digestion and giving plenty of life and activity. As upon the education obtained may depend the success in life Excitingjkunaway onLKent-SHo-Day where in turned 800th, going at incrvr'ifilir; speed. The rig oven“: thrown: the man and his son with ‘cz‘rifiC force, but beither a. had: rm ta ...mt Sea/ding. tonished that places esca " ac :ime for entering cases Ior mu terminated yesterday, 'Fui. Assizes otheran inlonned and Registrar So efnzie case was entered. ’I'he County Court cases are also supposed to come up for a. hearing on the same day, October 3, but as yet there are no cases on the docket. However, parties have still two days in which to enter County Court. cas- c. by all dcalcn at 25c. GASOLINE ENGINES. A: the LindSay Central Fa C. W. Hall, the wellâ€"known mml‘me engine expert, had 1 itzon the famous Fain-Jan}! gazJine enginesâ€"a. 34} horse single cylinder two cycle ens ‘ horse power stationar: If a L, The latter, which is : ’. is well suited for ligl r~_-A tain WC AA. “Lars. \,.-v - as is the cooling apparatus, Wan-u, with about three gallons of water, od running 1“ 1-3 the cylinder in go crdv-r. The gasoline tank is a. com- partment, of thawgine base. 0‘ “'9 marine engines five have been in- stalled in launches this spanner. sud one 1113 travelled 2500 1111188. In‘ other 2,000 miles, without W to“ n? rarmir. The marine 5W“. , m \ Monday at 12.30 a.m., Mr. “lance, of Pleasant Point, and fo:r«yea.r-old son very narrowly 3ch being severely injured. They .,- rxriving up Kent-st. in a. buggy, the horse, which was only a w an automobile, and bolted n .A :‘i .i~h-t-:l that the boy or the ape-2i being seriously hurt. ‘he buggy was someWhat i th~ colt Was cut in broken, several repair "ounty of Victoria. wm De L "clean bill" by Mr. Justice rd next week when he pre- t the Fall Assizes. That is to! ,‘: residents of this fair county ,uxvvabiding and contented peo- URSDAY. \ w-ABIDING. 0 come up for a. ne daY. OCtOber 3’ but as ases on the docket. ' two days 5r, 33mm 29. inactive bowels, lazy liver cw sluggish kidneys. The growing child, with a m ;§:Pet'ite, certainly cannot long ' healthy and bright if the sewer: of the body, the bowel! end the kidneys, are choked up with impurities that should be thrown Many #W Victoria. will beg cases for the man MURDER. CASE AT 000mm Police follow Various Clues in the Mystery 0011‘ Goderich, Sept. 27.â€"-No clue has yet been found to aid in solving the mys- tery of the brutal murder of 16â€"year- old Lizzie Anderson, whose nude body, with throat cut was found in the basement of a vacant house last Sunday morning. Because Frank Smith, a painter: formerly of Toronto, was seen down town the night the girl disappeared, and his not being seersince, his name has been connected with the tragedy. Inspector Greer of the provincial .de- partment, who reached here yester- day, found blood in the cellar 12 feet from where the body was found, and is confident the murder took place in 1 the basement: ‘ 7.. :‘~--~59 Lllc UGmeu-n Coroner Holmes opened an inquest last night. No evidence was taken; and an adjournment was taken until Tuesday next. V Wesley Anderson, father of the girl, says she had shown her brotherrfif- teen cents, which she said one Fred J ardine had given her. She also toll the boy that Jard'me told her to meet him on the street afterwards. ' Mr. Anderson says he went to the J ardine A:_LL knmm, .1UUCL auu nu; u home at midnight that night, becom- ing alarmed when his daughter had not come home. He could not rouse anybody, but on going back again at 6 o’clock next morning J ardine.’s mo- ther told him that her son had not come home yet and Anderson would likely find him at the fair grounds. where he was working. Mame Spatoro, an Hoban foreman, who boards at the house, and had the girl out driving several times. was home about 10 p.m. the night of 1 the tragedy. Smith had been working at the or- (giantiactory here and seemed despou- \ en . tie body has so dried up um... u .w- lmemsewu ”WW W.._-_,, ed like a mummy, a condition that , , was unusual. They did not think presswe. And then 8831“ the 8101" there had ever been life Pin the body, ‘ious fall fairs, the happy 1131‘th but, owing to the condition in which ‘homes, and the fowl suppers, where they found it, it was pretty hard to health and plenty reign supr g, are tell whether there had been or not. . _ , . . waited for impatiently in this final Coroner Dickson had charge of the Attorney Washington season of the year by both young . q . conducted the examination of the wit- and 01d_ Truly autumn in Ontario messes, and George Kerr, K'C" was while in many senses sad, is for all present in the interests of Miss Sweet. She was not asked to give evidence. a season 0‘ sweet content and joy _...â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" i of reward for past labor and of gen- }, 3 nine hospitality and sociability. ‘ 1‘ RTZ‘E BUTTER FOR TORQNTO‘ Almost everyone took in Lindsay 7 1n m---m n: nnaen Val- Central and report a. good time and PRIZE BUTTER FOR TORQNTO. Mrs. J. E. Terrill, of Linaen Val- ley, who took first prize at the Lindsay Central Exhibition for her butter, sold her large crock at a. The accident occurred shortly after four o’clock at the corner of Wil- liam and Pottinger-sts., where sev- eral young fellows had been playing. Mr. Thomas Ellis came along with little chap jumpea on we "use? tongue and fell ofl‘, with the result that the front' wagon 'wheel ran OVer the side of his head, inflicting a, deep cut. The little chap was at 01 kc his home, where he now critical condition. >k first prize at the lan em 11 Exhibition for her other er large crock at 3. ed on Mrs. H. J. Rea. one. the fa +n Hm, fair from T0‘ of 0V! ver known I sure oi‘oleo- the wagop An interesting case appeared beforelperson refused Cbmty Magistrate Moore at the pol- -hounds otJthe ice cbm't 'on’ 'Tueedey'. " A well- person and to known Ops tanner was charged .with providing. of ¢ refusing to' pay a girl who began to do it violentl: work at. his house at the beginning bodily harm“. of the month, and then assaulting evidence nothi her when she retused to leave the accused had an house without her full pay. ' therefore diam The accused claimed that he had sault. hired the young lady for two dol. ilars a. week. She had been at the ties were agr had ,that the mag: been 111 a. part of the t-ime, anddid‘to propose. 1 -,,11 |. not work the full number of d Whén he came t01p3y her 05 he cordingly withheld a portion of wages: agreeing to give her tour dol- lars instead of six. She retused to leave the house when he asked her to go“ He took her by the am and led her to the door. Thereupon she sat down on the floor and he was forced'to take her by main streng'th out of the house. The young woman forthwith lei/d a. }charge of assault against her ant-1 while employer. She gave her evi-‘ dance in a very intelligent manner, but the magistrate could find in it 71W Charge of assault. He claimed that the master of the house had a. right to ask any undesirable inmate to leave his house. and if the ” are once more upon us. Once days ed co'm more the yellow stubble. frost and the dark heavy hanging 'clouds remind us that "Tempus fugit." The balmy days of spring and warm at- mosphere of summer, laden with the perfume of sweet-smelling flowers, have come and gone. Yet is not. Almost everyone toms 111 um...” - . Sunday. Central and report a, good tune and Mr Gustavos Staples 1 r ed an excellent fear. The directors and nit er visiting Lindsay friends. other officers are to be congratulat- Mrs Margaret Staples has return- ed on their honest endeavor to make ed aft er visiting Lin (1883! friends. the lam the equal 1n many respects So let the curtain drop. we are-at Of eve; agrontowf;::::hpefio'f: the “finis”. Your correspondent ~ : ' ' 111111111in both quality and number. while the gfiieson tilesnezzrfrefg ”18me I] ' ‘ , 1 th | ‘ .. races were 110:1: 3n;::ted,rh:1 nor; are who have been pleased and some ' gran d displeased with what has been writ-‘ «Land bordered on the semational. Ixere all?“ :29“ aldtzwggloifii while the Midway was better than be kickers yBut it is to be hoped ever before, and was largely patron- that some. more worthy correspond- ized by young and old. We con- ent takes u the pen to rd the gratulate our neighbors who were 1 p successful in winning prizes with pr in“ 0'10” pretty] burg. “‘11. their horses. Messrs. J no. Sisson. 1112:0311?“ ”“30 w I): the th. Sisson. H. Preston and Wm. 1d mda e , ‘Non denim veal certainly obtained their share. ‘31ch 3' '10. m M!“ The first prize fox-the relay race when not sleeping whose eyes are shut). â€" “ifl- Clean“? show Lifford, Sept- a. former Lifiord boy, was 0‘?” otthe team that won. One thing that seaned to be regretted was thefact DB (3- vvâ€"w ‘ man Wilson leave this week'for‘ Too route, 'to attend the Funky 0! Ed- g Alethamsmon Wilson leave a“? m w ”CMWARDERL LINDSAY, DN'_I autmnn beautiqu ,7 15.â€"The "melancholy fonr dol- Liffbrdâ€"Melancholy Days inoviding. of can: do it violently 0" bodily {131111.39 evidence; mm In the matter 0! wages both par- ties were agreeable to a. settlemant that the magistrate should see fit to propose. Alter gong into the matter fully he thohdlt that the girl should - receive her full threei weeks pay, a. sum of six dollars in; all. She had. however. to pay a.‘ part of the costs for the chin-go of" asséult which had not been proven. The magistrate did. not like to im- pose the costs, but could not seehis way out of it. He made them as light as possible. and all parties went away satisfied with the settle- ‘woman in future to consult. a. m..â€" yer of the magistrate under such circumstances. It would simplify jmatters considerably. and make it 'much easier for herself. Mr. Leigh R. Knight appeujed {or the defendant. order, and in his limited time gave an eloguent address on “The Value of railroads to a community." ‘A se- lection by the orchestra. then follow: ed, after which Miss Ethel Mulligan gave a paper on “Fall fairs. from an educational standpoint)? .Mr. Mark White then gave a. lew pointed no- marks on “Loyalty". Mr. White de- clared that it is the duty of every rural British subjeCt to have a. flag 17019 The maxim“ accompanied by her friend 1m ham. Peterboro, visited Mrs. proceedings of 0“? P“ mg that, let those to Liflord is "at rest” Monday morning Mr. George John‘ who resides on Francis-Btu IOGU'EF-OI It 1910. tom and 3 a; E °f__lthe law in taking mt and forcing him or her out, 3, of course. Wt 39 did not .olently or WM men" ‘° ‘1". mm. He could' fwd in u” ' mm to prove that the #had acted cruelly. He would .. dimisa the charge 0! aa- L." fie second M "' " hemwithin the advised the young aim into the int that the her full three 31: dollars in 3r- to Day I- Mrs. Clark'8 R. Wilson. on James The only helpingr hand our splendid$1 gloves 1 Once on, it stands up under the hardest sort of Come in'and glance at . form-fitting underwear, plain and fancy h051ery, ,comfy collars, and a hcst of other dress needs for !________-â€" illness of Manila paralysis of two days’ duration. and despite all that specialists. trained nurse, or loving friends could accomplish. she passed the citizens and entire community. She viewed her home here only um weeks previous: to her demise. and locked the picture of health and strength. Maggie's death réeembles a Luutiful flower plucked in the bloom of lite. With a bright future before undone “011130:va mo. ""l days inVschool, and at the age of thirteen years she was successful in passing her entrance examination. at.- ter which sho went to Toronto and entered a commercial conege. From‘ college eho graduated. receiving herj diploma: as Mographer. She then respectedbyallwhokneIVher. The running were bl'o‘nht 1’0“” on 7 ,o‘_ “-3- Walmv. find am Thu heartfelt m“! ombud- mss MARGARET JEWELL- was only 17 1;. OIITUAIY Iof the Ho! For Bobcaygepn [fair wwâ€" “m M a mo." quit. a, number o! .4qu .W- m ”“”“°“ W to over a. and will b‘ in WEdnesday-Almost a Blaze gloves uetd is yours. sort of wear 1n the nd smart neckwear, hoSiery, stylish and eeds for man or boy. seeingthatchurchunionisnom in thedI?_ 'l‘herewasaclosecallto‘u fire lutweek..Mr.Brondinpz-eparmg hisoventorbgkingldtthesamoto attend to onset- dqtiea in‘the shop. Insomewaygeodmsthavodrop- pedout and startedufire wun somewoodclooeby.- HrHCdx-ndul! going into the shop a. few minutes late for a bag of flour, saw the blazerunningupthoddewnnofflw buke-shopandnntfnandamm firowespmpuypntout. but had it got alittlém'omy might import autumnu'm-ro. rontoandmtafitym row. Tuesday. starting on lab M run gt 10.40 to.mdu~ow m. Ir. Fordhubym’plmtwlm himnaltmanytrlndtm. aflthai iano personvhodoumtvflilfi'. Ford granul- m in II!- lager, field 011m. . AN OWNER WANTED. 'ChlerIncentha-uedveds curd www.mbmm at Balmmthubhuu an. Mme. a name democrat, w.” dictum-suiting a mar. “Ml-hm my. “mantel-m, new hardwoou

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