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Watchman Warder (1899), 7 Sep 1911, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE TO LET â€"- 'l‘Wt) UUmrUlSltll'L‘lA furni~hed moms with all modern convenienvcs’ and electric light, suhahle for lady students. Apply lst floor over O‘Eallornn's meat market or write Box 128, Lindsay. FARM FOR S;\l.l“..-Ill‘IING PART of lot 10. run. ll. in the township of Scugug, containing 140 acres, more or less. of first-class land. 100 acres under the plow. 10 acres mixed timqer, 3 acres hardwood, balance pasture. with living spring stream, well fenced with rails and wire; there are on the property a six-roomed dwelling house with cellar. in good repair; barn 40 x 60, with stone wall; trams stable, 24 x 40; plggery, 15 x 40:0.11 in der - fifty bearing apple lst it will be rented. Apply to Mrs. George Nesbitt, 195 Bolton- ave., Toronto, or to J. W. Crozier; Scuzoz. Toronto, July 19, 1911. O RENT â€"- 100 ACRES OF WELL improved land. 15 miles east of Downpyville. all clear, plenty of water. Possession Sept. 1, 1911. For further information apply to Mrs. E. O’Brivn. '1‘\W ) COM FORT A “LI". 3 acres hardwood, with living spring ed with mils and on the property a. ing house with mnnir 2 barn 40 x PARM‘FOR SALE BY TENDER. â€" I" FARM FOR SALE OR TO LEASE for a number of years. west. hall of lot 7. con. 14, Gavan, in good condonon. abundant water, splen- did buildings. 100 acres more or 1 less. Apply to J osiah Hayes, I'OR SAmâ€"ata FARRELL FARM.‘ not lid! 0! lot 17. and south east‘ quota lot 18. con. 13. 0pc. 150 m. Choice land. Full posse-lien at March. 1919. Apply Stewart a; Tenders will be received up to Sept. 1, 1911, for the sale of the farm of the late Mrs. Ronert Foster. lot 2, eon. 7. Mariposa, containing 80 acres more or less, 50 acres under cultivation. balance pasture land and swamp. Good frame dwelling,‘ driving house and stables. Splen- did location within the minutes' walk from post ofllce, grain shed store and church, and half a mile _ from Manilla Jct. For further in iormation apply to the executors.‘ ‘°" FARM FOR SA E â€" 9 cans 0 Hrs. W. T- Chfke. RYckmun's Cor-' L 5 A F Mn. R. A. Elleker. Cresswell, n6". hle hall. 100 ar‘rps‘ Int 20. L'on. a, marlposa. all cleared except 1}, “lih acres llunk ham 66 x 44 wmnt ”cor and water taps m stable. Frame house 20 x 30 and 16 x 2-1. Drilled well and young: orchard. Two miles from Mari- 1-05“. Station, untlfi'illage of Oak- mlod. lmnwdiate possession for plnllghing. For further particu- lars apply to J. F. Goad. Oak- wood. ________._.._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" good ram land. buildings in 3000 remit. good well. farm about on. FeneIOn, containing 300 “’93 more or less. For further partic- mum r63 SALE â€" NORTH HALE of lot No. 9 and south ha]! of lot No. 10, 11th con. 01 the tawnship of Eldon. one hundred was. more or less. Hal! mflq from Glenna: Omemee. “1.,“ apply to 'A. E. E E THE wm unuAN-WARDER, LINDSAY. ’4 rm FOR SALEPLO’I‘ 6. CON. 1. in the township of Eldon. 100 FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT - 200 acres 0! choice land on con. 6, lot 7, Ops, 135 acres under cul- tivation and: the remainder good \RM l-‘HR SALE â€" BEING DOU- ble half. lot 20, Con. 3, Mariposa. 100 arm-s, all cleared except 1:, acres Bunk harn 66 x 44 with (cmnt floor and water taps m stable. Frame house 20 x 30 and 16 x 34. Drilled well and young; orchard. Two miles from Mari~ lvnsu Station. nn(l,\'illagv of Oak- vmod. Immediate possession for plullghing. For further particu- lars apply to J. F. Coad. Oak- wood. particulars apply to Mrs. '1‘. 27 St. Lawrence-st... Lindsay. m. Frame house and born on foundation. For particulars apply to W. J ‘ well. Grass Hill, Ont. pasture land with never islling‘ creek. The farm is five miles south of Lindsay and one mile from school and contains a. good log house, and a. frame barn 40 x '80. with stone foundation. For furth- er information apply to the owner The farm is five miles south FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT â€" Lo». 9, Con. 11. Mariposa. 200 acre-s. 1-10 acres cleared, new land. Balance pasture and easily clear- ed. 2 good wells. windmill pumps wutcr at barn. 2 barns. , 1 hog pen Telephone connection. con- venient to school and'church. For further particulars apply to D. .\. McPherson, Cunninglon P.().. or on the promises. W.\N'l‘!-2ll â€" .-\ REPRESENTATIVE wanted at once for work in ynur lumlny, Will guarantee $2.00 to $3.00 per day. Opportunity In mlumco rapidly. Will my liberal- 1_\ for sure time. Work not dif- LOST. â€" IN THE VICINITY OF Hartley, a. black coat. conhlnlng a, EOId watch, chain and charm: 0,180 a clinical thermometer. Finder will be suitably rewarded by re- turning the same to R. A. Dyer. V.S.. Woodvllle. Ont. PRO’I‘ESTAN’I‘ mom â€" FOB S. S. No. 4 Eldon, dutleu to com- mence lat Sept. Apply outing :1qu . Experienc International Bible Pmuio. qualifications and 861317 to G. G. Vmsmne. Hurt ll!” mtgâ€"prov!“ property __j_ G “5‘ r not. required. press, Toronto, THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of flu Lesson. Don. I, 8-20â€"Mom- cry Von“. 8. Oâ€"GOIdon Text. Rom. xiv. fl-Commonury Proper“ by Rev. D. M. ammo. The etudy of prophecy should he to every child of God most tuclmtlngly attractive. for “to film glve all the prophets witness." and “the. testimony of Jesus la the splrlt of prophecy" (Act! I. 43; Rev. xix. 10). The Lord has told the prophets all that He intend: to do. and prophecy 1: therefore a light in a dark place to show us the way we are golng (Amos ill. 7; [1 Pet. -- 7-: r «A l- mm Lesson XLâ€"Thlrd Quarter, Fot Sept. 10, 1911. I “811‘ In I. usu- y".-- -- , way we are going (Amos iii. 7: 11 Pet. i. 19-21). Our blessed Lord is Just the same as when on the way to Em- mans. and the same evening in the midst of the disciples He opened to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself (Luke xxiv. 25-27. 44-46). and He still loves to do so. in one of His discourses He men- tioned the prophet Daniel. and the prophet Ezekiel also mentions him by name (Matt. xxiv. i5: Ezek. xiv. 14) Ezekiel and Daniel were both among the captives in Babylon for their good and the good of others (Jer. xxiv. 4-7) They were the Lord's messengers. and in them was seen the wisdom and power of the true and living God as contrasted with the wisdom of this world. i find it helpful to my own soul to watch God working and to re- member that He is as ready now to Work for His glory in those who are wholly His as were Daniel and his friends. Notice in verses 2. 9. 17. of our les- son chapter that it was the Lord who gave the king of Judah into the hand.- of the king of Babylon. He also brought Daniel into favor with the prince of the ennuehs and gave to him and his friends knowledge anti skill in all lenrnlng and wisdom. "Whatso- ever the Lord pleased that did He." “He doeth accordlng to ills will in the army of heaven aml among the lulinb numb-Oh In one of his cusu donned the prophet L prophet Ezekiel also a name (Matt. xxlv. 15: III-a; v. u‘._. - 1mm of the earth." “as Worketb all things utter the counsel of ills own will" (Pu. cxxxv. 6: Eph. I. m. These young men were clan-m to mind bofnre the him: of thyiou (verse 5). but "my never forgot mu they annys Mom] helm-e n mm'n greater Klmz. own the Lord. the Km: of lamp! (anh. m. 1:». Tbs-1r lwmm l‘ul nunwu «unifying and In my gum». vanh in gracious. who to m- uml II. Jehovah my hopper. might I», «mm-«u by Mulnmmu nunwu. hm wlmt mun mm vnll mom dld hut mm Hum mmmm Imruro (and. lawn in mg mnuvr ot mum mm drluumu we can I0 atom; uoa mu! no! bu mmrornwd to the an In wmu-u VII not be cuiirurnwd in we no in winvii wn iiva (I Our. 1. 8!: Ram. xii. 1. '.'i. to Daniel [MW in MI Mari iimi iiu WWII“ noi dome Mum“ with tuna uii‘vmi in ionic) (um UL in Hill umiiur God wmnlht for "win. nui only i'ivinu "WIN tiiwr wiiii ilmio an over mam. hut also causing them to ilu'iva been" on their plain fomi than did ilio uiiwrs who ate the portion 0! (1m king's meat (verse- 0. H. lbi. it is not :0 much the 1001! we eat. ehiwr nu In quantity or quality. as the blending of God upon it. On «mu m» ennlon our Loan taught that "nut vint whivh [new mm the momh iiefllmh a man." and s.» i'ani wrote. "i know n-‘d am pennant-d by we Lurd Jonas that there is lmlhlng nncionn of il-elf" (Linn. xv. 1i; itom. xiv. i-iv. Ordmnn- ly we are to eat what is net betoro us. asking no questions. but in Daniel's case it was a matter of sanctioning idolatry or sending for the true God. and when with us under any circum‘ ‘stances it becomes a question at God ‘or the devil there is only one thing It) L2: We cannot drink the cup of the rd and the cup of demons (1 Cor. ‘0 6". We are not to lmaglne that God gave them knowledge and skill ln all learn- In»... u.-- ing and wisdom (verse 17} apart from study on their part. whether it was the wisdom of Egypt or the wisdom from above. which is first pure. then peacetime. gentle and easy to be en- trented (Jan. tit. 17). Some of us can almost imagine with whet teller and Joy they would turn from the books of Egypt to the book of the law oi’ the Lord and how there would be tultilled tn thom. "Blessed are they that hun- per :ud thirst utter rigthounness. (or "my shall he tilled." Tho natural man can grasp the wisdom or this world. but the things or God knoweth no unto. but the spirit or God. in his un- derstanding of visions and dreams also he wmxid doubtless protit by the ex- pet‘letn-e of Joseph and the ability giv- en to him and to others. I] IV Ill-.- tun-â€" “111: who; sublime confidence In God he amid to the king In connection whh Ills llfit (In-um that If tlme wan granted to hlm he would show the ln. lorprolallon and how gloriously God honored his mm: by reveullng to him the soorot in n vlslon of the nlgm (chapter ll. 16-19). See In chnptor ll. 28. 29. 47. how be. honored God. who revenled to blm the MN. and now rte-muse or thlu the klng honored God now u the God of gods and a Lord at kings. -- - 1â€" n-nld “And Daniel continued" (verse 21). There is a most profitable mndltuuon in those words. and we are reminded of Acts xxvl. . “Having therefore obtained help of God. I continue unto this day." Paul believed Moses and the prophets just a Daniel did. and mm 11.2.hoteunusthtthehnd lwenstudyMthewoflotth-Iordb! meflm _ ‘_________ Do not forget the mount Fill wwdeonthelethmdlmh Sept. Come and spend at good 110“- day in the north. It will do You good. Train lotus Lind-3y tt 9 an. Returning lave- Kinmount .t, 6.80 p.111. Robert, . motif-M was glorified he wisdom of this helpful to my own 1 working and to re- 13 as ready now to 17 In those who are a, ..¢?3 1n Daniel. Gnu-'- Wheat. :00“. bush“. Rye. buohol 032:. bushel ................ 0M3. new. bushel Blfley. bushel Buckwheat. bushel ' Pm! bub.‘ OOOOODOIOIOIDOOO Toronto Dairy Mn Butter. nor. lou Butter, upmtor. wry. lb. Butter. crenmery. lb. roll!» Butter. crumery. and...” Honeycomba. doun ......... 53". “QW’l‘Jd gong-00000.0!" Cheese. new. lb............. Liverpool Provisions. 0600000! 3333: 3382 0.0090 ”sgkfls c 5' 2- 3 E j 1 1 OC: a-an - a“. . 0c- 0 eee §§5 3% LIVERPOOL. Sept. 6.-â€"Beef~1~3xtra In- dla mean. 578 6d. Hamsâ€"Short rut. to 18 lbs“ om.flsL 708. Porkâ€"Prime meSa wen Buconâ€"Cmqberlgno out. .u II... em. 87: 6d. Baconâ€"cwuucuum n... .. to 3) lb... 580 6d; short ribs. 16 to 24.th em- 6d. clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., 615; long clear middling; light. 28 to 34 lb... 638; Ian; clear mid... heaQ’. 35 to 40 lbs. 63: 6d; abort clear backs. 16 to 20 lb... 63.. Shouldersâ€"Prime western. In tier-col. 493: American refined. In pails. 505. Cheeseâ€"Canadian flue-t white. new. 83:; do., colored. 83:. Turpentineâ€"Spirits. 39: 6d. Rosin-American strained. 1.55. P.- ‘ “' ' II “I - nâ€"HA-‘1 .7. inIeiin. refined. MONTI’JL'AI. Sept. 6.â€"There we con- uldenble demand from foreign quarter. for old and new crop Manitoba nprlnl when. and u the price: bid were high- er 1 m.- unount of bullneu was work- Amerlcan corn was very uronz. um prices have advanced twu cents per bushel 'wlth ulel of No. 2 yellow ex- ntoro at 72c. 0d. are strong and prlrel uro lac to me per bushel higher. Sale. at round lots of extra No. 1 had were made at «Inc and «15¢. An nrtlvo minim-g! hu hot-n dom- In moan {re-lam room during the pan! few days. Ind ran-- an- Itndlly udmnclng for grain. and flour mnu In (Wu to three cents per 1w pnumln Muhrr. Then toMlmwn 10 hp at good dflmmul frnm European nourro-a {m spy-1m: Whom flnul M ads-anew! prim-on. nml hHHu-V‘ mm: mm won- mndo. Thu- Im-nl 1mm II M'- Ilw and flrm. Immmd fur mm lead loud and nuppllw IMIIL .I..ll_m “n-1- IW'" lllu .Il'lriurr ....... (‘hmo mud Ind Mon‘m'. Hum-r cam-In 1n hum. mu m» «Mun! ann- m t'NM I'mwalmu firm ungiur‘n mmd dumMnL a... n. . .. “n kl ' HERE“ mid mum...“ mm. 9'! 3°." W'- A. . ,,.....I_ um I "filing-Flak. mm hunch. harm-In. am "on. mm, (M um, "I"! lard A'mmuumn Harman. 57:} Ha. ”MN tuna-I. M "a, not cwrutmwm tum". WM mm. an than. not urnuwd. lwu mama. Ma”. twill. um . L” "on. ”0|. “\‘fl HI villa. I! Hal, gran. Ihc', l'ul'uwlluu' Pun-mt “m" an! Hum-l. hurrah. Nb to a man“, mm, hull't'm‘v "In. Ila; "anu at..." out mm I-mu park, 45 m 55 Mamas. mm“. :3, t'uuudn vim mm. barn“. no 10 5 mural, no»; Mu pork. In." ploou but an. hurrclu. "MO. mac-«mama» wot-um. Nu. 2. “MO our In" cal-non: our: Nu. 1 bed, {56: Nu. I I‘.\\’.. «‘60; Nu I luvs! whflr. “a. Flour-Manual). uprlnx when! men". (tr-u. $.00; ucondu. “.00; winter who“ muonu. 345.3. “mm Inukvru’. SUD: utrumm when, “.5; In bun. 31x. h 0:. Rolled mu. var hurrr'. $4.“; In; d 9) Hm“ 32.85. Com-Ammx m Ru 8 :,'r!iuw. T30. Mlllm-aI-m'nu. Dunn-1n. 3;: to I23: ‘0 832. Buns-downed. :k to Sc; No. l flock. ”c to 2:0. Choseâ€"Vfutonu. We to 1351‘: em- ernn, ”he to age. Bauerâ€"(moleut. me to 36kt; ucondl. Toronto Livo Stock. TORONTO, Sept. 6.â€"-‘1‘ho railways Imported 75 cat-loads of live stock at the City Yards. compris us 1091 cab tle. 1135 hogs 1051 shenp and lambs, 238 calves and 1 horse. Butchers. Goo. Rowntree bought for the Hurri- Abcnolr Company 90 cutie. umuz mu: of those on sue. u touows: Butcher-3' steer: and heifers. 83.15 to 86.10; cows. 83.50 to $0.85; bulk. 83 to “.90; cannon. 81.60 to 83. Stock»: Ind Feeder-t. Stocks”. 500 to 700 lb... mm: at sun to $4; feedera. 800 to 1000 lbs. $4.50 to $4.5. Milken and Springer: Receipts moderate: Luce slow. with prices ranging at (nimjsi to 8:0 uch. “Veal Calif“. Receipt: of mm! calves were modern". with pricelflnn, at _u_ to 8_8 per cwt. Rhoop and lnmboâ€"Receipta all» head; market ucuvo Ind study; choice lamb; 5.8 to 67: cull to fair. M50 to 5.75; 5.3mm 84.50 to 85: sheep. :2 to “.8. a.“ to 8.70. HonLRecelpu no; market slow. 100 to 150 Iowa: Yorkers. 88 to 8.10; mu. 5.60 to 8; pin. 3740 to 87.;50 mled. to”: navy. 87.0 to 81;!) roughl. “DA ‘A A... NEW YORK. Sept. 6.â€"BuVuâ€"Rocotpu, :11 Road: _no grading; many gowns. cunt-Bacchus. do: head: fooling only; vests. 37 w :10; culln, “the to “.60; com- mon (futon. u: southom and venom ages. I to 87.50. ”P "'4 “mu-Minn. «so he“; W39‘¢_".‘!'~ “0347; Ihogpljz to 86: gnu-kn quiet. but study: uh . $2 to N: I to 81-0: culls. u to 75. outâ€"Recogtl. an had; aunt shout My. u 01. to 01.10. mmmav-II-tofi 9.3-. («WWI-qt. an. Inn ”Wham-nim- ”Mtyotpulpmh Now- Dr. T. P. McCullough Montreal Grain and Produce. Immmlo-o. m. t dun. ;' shunt. Toronto THE makers. CATTLE M \RKETS. m m on. I... .0“ a n I... I... “ onto Gnln Market. L11, bulhel........l) 84 to I) 5 ma. bunch"... 0 so l.‘ noooo-oo-oooooco o 70 ... u! .,.,........m. 0 47 o «s v. bushel 0 « o 45 uhel .......-u.... 0 70 1. bushel 0 4s 0 a» no! 0 18 o 80 onto Duh-y Market. a lot. 0 1'! o n mtot. duty. lb. 0 23 o as »â€"--â€"â€" “- Mn.” 0 33 o n «II N". 3 :.'ruu". :t“. I u. Gama-1n. 32‘.“ to 1:3: middllnn. Ontario. 821- to manomwcn; momma. ”I was very Itrorg‘. 3%.“ W Linseed oil. Main. 14» "an rm 30. Harman. am "on. LIV. m IN.“ TEUBSDAY. SEPT. 7, 1011 AN EASY The truss you War 2.1... 'Mll'l u. art too stronc u. pro-h- un- and ”a". m‘urt. If fitted [Irwin-1]" ig ”i” hold the hernia securely with hm .flght pressure. Trusses we fit urv ens)- um] but, “GNU“ they (‘ullfnnu 1 calves of the lmiy mu! fil m put. LOU us at 3‘0“. 'l‘ht- px-i. A. fliginbotham, Druggist Var m; Ph‘ 01' Ila“ ..I}-L1-0ub1e with your ayes. vmwin‘x \nul'ather go to n sped-din m m Wm] Work who isendm-sa-d 3'1!" n-ndingmed. ical men and 1"“ (I‘m 4:141 has hisofl. ice permanentlv in Lin-ism)? Exam. ination and consuluuiun ':-.-.-; Eyesight, Spmzinlifi 92 Kenbsn, 3V9!“ Neiu‘s Shoe 8mm. Eyeglasses renai. .41, Broken Lenses r9plam-d. We’re Not Satisfied "311‘ pmmu) Dentistry a specmlt ( 'lmrges attended to dav nx‘ xxigni. to hear. an equality with but we want u: haw a "10:32:: plea stock than i\ tn lw fuund Clfi: when-fund in nu dvpm-nm-nt of our store Is this ln-um- demonstrated than in .1 M. B, ANNIS ppm. Veterinary Surgeon Honor Graduate nx‘ 1hr (mm-m Vela orinuy College. Punt-(inulnnxe Royal 315.. “f the Land- Veterinary Culloge. on School of Trnpit'nl .‘lt‘dlClM r Raul! one. and Residence Come Among recent. an 1\ 1‘.» an? D-jor-kiu. Rosadorn. “on. Austen. Highland Heather. Tall- !n‘ Arbutus. Allusian. Chen», BIOIIOIII. Sunkist. Boquot. In. bu Ducal. Phulnnna INGERSOLL DUNOON ’S and Cambridge Dulce Phone 257.] Ingvrmll “c-Ilu. urn gmu'umml 1 time for (mu ywm' more expounix .- u iug.cumping, lm. lug. Account, 11le01! 01mm NATIONAL EX“11 â€"_A‘__ I I...“ Sent. 12~ 'You can [my woudorfuf Iiuh- \\ run “‘3 V Between all stations in to Detroit and my. Flglsfl an Port H u $3”;ng 6th 19]] Wedding Rings Marriages Licenses natal-n Limit. Sept- 1 THE ”’3? AW! JEWELERY STORE Dispensing Dr in gg 5 at Ll N USAY in connection w "7 Iowans eowS’, (minimum charsc 3'3 “C non LABOR DAY in Hm: DRUG no“ The chall 51m SINGLE Pertumes Wouldn't You WATCHES «on: uWIu-nl "I \ “uh'h. Tm In luc'lt mrfoct 1‘ 'l‘luyv new“ Wuh'h \\ “"6 “db «I ingulul motor- ; FARE HIM st... Linduy lx'ugi‘lc-nce 337M sat Ills prom?” cum these b ”10?“! the young :A ~n ' - 1 “a Um heritage an :1 *' -- t'uhymfalse {LI‘LHL T‘.‘~ m “a. Step that mm»: 1,2, . m of their father» «.1 a w the land 50 ,- m as Mr .30: 1‘11 .â€" .1 ' ”‘7 Was the first vw ‘ annexation and "~;.~ ' In good enough :1):- 1 N San being tired of ‘ ' M trusts and VHS! to dump he: unemph to Canada. the com Warren aim) .fi'.\c'.' on 0‘ Lb“. Coann‘j .n'n-y' Policy and (Hn..n-'1"‘ that undm‘ :hu- lulu-m" ‘ men: (‘anmiu \\.a~ cundinons \\(-!'w > .- Iould moan :1-E-.“1 tax-men. .xi-n . .; ‘ ““18 Of ”11‘ A; .zlmh , 0‘ cheese and 5m" Sums conqunn-d “I“ ”I" \\;|l'1‘v*z; “ d that he knn-u u :. 'ith little 110'\H‘.1H‘ v “mfaction n: the ;; . . - 351‘. questions. .911 excellcn' mt‘h? adhered by m. u \ . m times humu- ' . w «w Mk 0‘ the a‘mfi" .; \"U mpolitical pLafimru .mnmcnts. ‘l'hA- >‘H .~.‘ M the early Mum-mu in. who had hem-d a . ”'3 homes and ltd-I Luna 9 “mm to Lhcir Lu 31:. “111. Warren, led Lhc‘ chm-eso- and and ha‘dng \\ «fined for a. number of )1 to Speak 211101th with tho) pact and ultimate” ihafl :1‘ I mean th "mam. be annexed m inn Col. Sam 1““;th you known: resyn- becupied the cha; uptabln manna“. We Messrs‘ “m 'Jurdan and 1/. L‘ “5'. Mr. “Lm‘cn uvci LI‘. Ihc 1mm !4.vd.'“~ {211’}. in langv nzu.‘ tend the mar! hula L (8881.8 0.11th Conservatives W14». 2-3/0 rQ-c're e - v lei We an etsmeries. \ recogn w feat uri n good \‘u wool QUALITY Our stor: ing, greatest most satisfmrt Our Stu!“ the “M EC( 3 A Never ii of Lind tions ha as muci this yea Cash an he (0 8U ‘adll- s SEC

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