i": JUDGMENT FOR 345.000. Word was received in Petorhoro by 3 Toronto to the eflect that a judg- ment for 345.000 had been given against the Trusts and Guarantee‘ Compm. This was the result of i an action brought by Mr. R. R. Hall 3 against the liquidators to the Wm. ' Hamilton Company. . BROKE HER ARM. On Tuesday last a. serious and painful accident betel the little sir year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. English. It appears that the little girl, along with her brother were piaying on the tmlk wagon, when the girl fell and broke her arm, the broken bone protruding through the skin. Lindsay Branch. H. A. HOLMES Manager 31% m 33% M00 and 3am. ms ind m be m em .m an m e M. thm M (3 MWWMN MWWNMQW 99mm “ um ï¬lamwmm thmdï¬wmwhmmammmemmm came a very famous man. He lived about (W0 hundred years ago. His name was George Frederick Handel, and if you ask questions about him of any one who knows the history or music and great musicians you will he told that he was one of the greatest composers or writ as of music that ever lived. "But when George was a very young boy his father did not wish him to become a musician. He did not ours tor music himselt. and he discouraged his son‘s learning the srt. Es wanted his son to become a lawyer. Although George was very young he showed already that he cared very mun- for music. so his (other forbade hilt having any musical instrument to pmctlm on. You may imagine how ssd the little boy felt. He did not mean to he dbohedisnt. but he thought that his father was very harsh. “Somehow or otherâ€"1 do not know exactly how. but i suspect that George‘s moths! tnust hare hud somthin: to do with itâ€"tho boy became the owner o: a snail ciaviohord. i do not think you know what u oiariohord is. shit- drsn. so i shall explain it to you. it was so instrument lilts s piano. but not as good as s piano. Cisviohot. wars mods for many rests hstors pianos were invented. . “Walk young Handel tool h. siaviehord up to the carrot. There he stand m all the night. Plum OI tho astronaut. while the rest of the nail: wasaslsso. Build ootdarotoplayonitin thodsytitns. yonuntortssr his hthsr would catch him at it and take away the instrument. “Whoa ho was only sovon years old Goons went with his father to tho ‘sosrtotsdnkonearhishonia tahonld havotoid you that ho was horn in tcommandanthelimitslinslnilthssrsstsrpurtotmstits. stthscoon YOUNGSTERS." began daddy. “here is a story about a boy «no "P m â€Rama‘s“ M a? mem m m mast MW! in m Maw; we? whee mm The» 15%. Rwy! ‘ mg“? m is “$4“ $2? 33%? Wemehgw 23?; m i xx ea 6 es am “$33th mï¬mm BS 3 H â€"v m- ‘wvu'gv vâ€"wâ€"vâ€" â€tmond wmmï¬mmmtmnmdmw um-ï¬wehmmuo: “ï¬tmuamtmuodomtmumuoflm I. , I. I- __ ~ .â€" ~ 1h amt“: __ 1.- _..--.--.__. .--- - W CAPITAL. z smmaop BEST. s 08.0mm THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE QKQ Sci-ES He Played In the Garret It Nicht THE SMNDARD BANK Satisfactory Service assured to all Buslnasl Entrusted to this Bank. “‘03 TWO. 10 to 3 o’clock. Bsturdayt 10 to 1 o’clock. Branch. Branches of the Bank in every Province of the Dominion. A general Banking business transacted. Savings Department at every TRAVELLER?“ CHEQUES 9: £620 («>563 0.13.0; WWW. 9.0.1.: 1310!... vrmxrzwmw (.516. gr 3233!: EBTIBLISHED 181'! Capital Pa (1 Up $l4,400,000 Rest $2,000,000 Undivided Proï¬ts $1,070,735 Bank of Montreal \ Savings Department at Every Branch 0mm Hours: H, B. Black, Daddy’s Bedtime Stow The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Musician OF CANADA MASONIC‘ RING. A presentation was made at the Masonic Lodge to 13:0. William WalSh last. Prim. Bro. Walsh who has been a respected member of the lo- cal lodge for a number of years was completeLv taken by surprise. The Rev. Bro. Wallace made a short address expressing the regret of the local lodge for using such an esteemed member. The Senior Warden, Bro. J. W. Anderson. then presented the departing member with a, handsome ring. Bro. Anderson also made a short address in which he expreSSed the hopes had good wishes of the local lodge. Mrs. McIntyre, of Brantford, was} fatally burned when her clothes and bedding caught ï¬re from a. lamp. ' . $27,470.735 Manager Lindsay Branch about a boy Who Frank Reynolds, the 16~year-old Toronto horse thief appeared beiore the Magistrate on Thursday to re« ceive his sentence. The Magistrate showed leniency towards him, hold ing the view that there might 'still be some good left in the ‘boy a. and a. light penalty might serve as a lesson and set the boy on the right track . The maximum penalty for horse stealing is 14 years and the minim- um is six months. The magistrate gave him six months in Central Prison . Em? ï¬t“ «3%. mm \W% m m “w Mm a? g «8% m MM 5% aw “B m “M: am mm km 1» has Wm hiking wa~. “w W m “mm his 19% was his will“. Wm sum» Mflmtw. we! Jam. mi 9% «awhm», m WSW- ‘3“ mm an hm, W his mmhw Mm W‘WNE 9% HM“!!! ;‘ Wm sistewsq Mrs. Armstrong. 1‘9- me; st. J. 0wa mm- lwwg. Mrs. C. Pogue. Emma». and three brothers. Mrs. George Dayn- ard. a‘etlxam' ; James and wuum M'wd. Port Hope. The funeral will take place to- morl‘uw afternom at 2.30 o‘clock. from the family residence. 569 Al- bert-st. to Link: Lake cemetery. The boy has also to ’face a similar charge in Peterboro. GAME LAW CHANGES. The Me Mr Inward was bum for July and August, returned in M? (’M‘émt’é ï¬b‘omi. “Wt-V 43%!“ Mr! ‘0“ “5m Yb!" “‘9 \“nm m the mow! “5 WWW when a m- cm» a “mum Mm m M“ “‘9 mm" W ““3â€! m, We» a m: u m \mm new. m em MM “W on me er m xgmm‘. M iymm MÂ¥ my mom hm wan m w- m A; 1w!- m AM. AN Imewa m Mam Mam he mum : mu. “9, hm m .5 Wk M \M Na met», 2% a ammï¬w in» \WA “him ham M mmï¬m M M wk! new Magma! use mxflwmw ““9 “5N “5 ‘W W““’* “WW3 “My mamas“ M than “like“ wi‘m Mi? WW6?“ w 5%. â€may @5pr aw a aw. nl,. Fishery Inspector Bradshaw has asked The Warder toxcall the atten- tion of sportsmen to the change in the game laws in regard to the' be- ginning oi the open season for shoot- ing. By the new act, snipe. quail, plover. or any other birds or waders may not be killed before Sept. 15. instead of Sept. 1 as has been the cane hitherto. Dnek shooting does not commence until the same date. Sept. 15. Partridge may not he killed until Oct. 15. ORDINARY CORN GUESS ARR DANGEROUS. Because they cumin midi. but I‘uuun’a Corn Btu-note: in entirely would. in competition. It in per- ieotiy penile-I. ah. ad m to SIX MORTHS. JOHN DAYNARI». A widely known brldge builder in the person of Mr. J olm Duynard pas- sed away Monday night, at his home 569 Albert-st., Peterbom, after a. lihg't‘rihg illness Mm a cancer or the slothh. The coroner's Jury gt. 1'" Hun- burg found mt Rom 3â€" dam m goddamn. PREMC‘TS TURN OVER. Kr. and an AIM Blukwdl. of Montreal. who were recently an guest. 0! “hum a Ruben spun. M 01 Int we“ with his mum. Mr. W. H. madman. 0! CW1». mmolowormtplmw: "Bo upon! tint than will. ho . amt turnover politically ° in tho Province cl Guam. a. any- mt tho I'm-*Cundhn hm m kept. Midland. Sept. 28 and 29. Newmarket, Sept. 19 to 21. Norwood. Oct. 10 and 11. Oakwood. Sept. 25 and 26. Odessa, Oct. 6. Oshawa, Sept. 11. 12 and 13. Peterboro, Sept. 14. 15 and 16. Renfrew, Sept. 20. 21. 22. Simcoe. Oct. 17, 18, 19. Stirling, Sept. 21, 22. SuttOn West. Sept. 28, 29. Toronto (Can. Not), Aug. 26 to Sept. 11. Tweed, Oct. 4 and 5. Zephyr, Oct. 10. Gravenburst, Sept. 14 ‘and 15. Guelph. Sept. 19. 21. Haliburton, Sept. 28. Huntsville. Sept. 26. 27. Moe. Sept. 27. 28. .. Markham. Oct. 4, 5 and 6. Medal-d. Sept. 28. 29. Kingston. Sept. 27. 28. Kinmount, Sept. 18 and 19. LINDSAY, Sept. 21. 22. 23. Lakefleld, Sept. 19, 20. London (Western Fair) Sept. 8.16. Caullc'wood. Sept. Fenclon Falls. Oct. Gut. Sept. 22. 23. We are pleased to hear that Rev. womb. Sun. 11. as. W. 80m. 20. 2?. Bhutan. 8th. 19. 20. Breaking Sept. 5. 8. Campbdltord. Sept. 26. 27. Cmvright. Sept. 20. 27. Cobdon. Sept. 38. 29. Colbome. Oct. 3. 4.. 0!“ FALL FAIRS or INTEB‘ 881‘ T0 LINDSAY, ‘ ()BIY UARY. FALL “IRS Ouktt 27-80. WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY» Mrs. J. B. Warner, Miss Marjorie and Gerald Warner went to Toronto for a few days. TERRILL-To Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Terrill, Cambray, on Aug. 31, a daughter. Mrs. Stewart and baby. of Belle- Ville are the guests 0! Hrs. J. 0. Grace. Mrs. J. C. (ï¬'a'oe gave a bridge party this afternoon and a large number 0! people were guests. The Point is quieting down now and soon most of the cottagers will haVe left, not to remrn until 1912. hwmn mm: m \M “KHAN“! M! m mum mm mm MW in «M in '1“ Wk mm! wen “u MM and in m 04va M! “We“ 1 mm “98th am_ My mmaiw mm m w Sivan» ( 82M WSMMY 9% Wm km: mm ¥§K¢ MN «m in “mm 9% ma 95mm were rm 9“ a NW)! NW! WWW We Omani WM: WIN the mm mm W on We 80“ links. The “among boys won on .u Prof. Caz-rumors and family. who have spent the summer at Sturgeon are returning to Toronto to-morrow. BIRGENAWâ€"In Lindsay. on Aug. 30, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Birgenaw, Russell-st. a son. C U STOMS REVENUE. According to the omcial ï¬gures there was a decided increase in the amount of customs ut the Linda» ofï¬ce during the past month a! com- Pared with the same month last your, and the some can also be said in MIN to the mind revenue. In August, 1910, the customs returns amounted to 83,574.76, while this yen: they amounted to 08,787.97. The inland revenue Int ya: {or Am» amounted to ’169 as com- bmd with cam for tho um. Sturgeon Pom, Aug. 31._m. and ma. F. W. Summe and many. who have been at their summer mum for only and August, returned m tom {ts-day m Um mum. Hy old friend Juan MIG-“W 5" . 10mm nam' ablp An quit. as lot. 0! other “‘9' 3‘“ .110 " took tho “1%†‘ nanny Gm up in Wound- '3 Lloyd am up in 3"“ Sod M to 31;- m. “'1‘ uuller an. we cum" It'smmhhd «hm' 3'“ pmd with 88 month this you. lt'l Just like mix? to tho Y†" Nov M. vii“ 3°“ on no." 1001:.th ’3“. the Val! not" Cot‘tagers Are Packing up at St. Point RECIPROCITEE. ! I’ve um voted LINN! â€1' I‘m ï¬ght to our crowd. An' “mum d1 our mm '5‘! tin Tom. honed loud: But rubodmulmlmm' tresslng ills should not. lose sign; of these facts or doubt the ability of ydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If on want special advicewrlte to DIX-s. Pink m, at Lynn, Mus. She will t ml- letter a. strictly oonflden Fox-20m she has been helping sick women in this my, free of charge. Don‘t hesitateâ€"write at once. - ‘ Vegetable Com- ‘ / ,1 x pound and it re- , /. stored me tohealth. t r I have no more in. my nerves are stronger and I can 0 my own work. Lydia. E. am’s Vegetable Compound outed me after everythm else had failed. and I roc- ommendi to other sufl’erin women." â€"MRs. WM. SEALS, 605 W. oward St, Creston, Iowa. Thousands of unsolicited and genu- ine testimonials like the above row the eflicienc of Lydia E. m'a Ve table ompound. which is made exc naively from roots and herbs. Women who suffer from those Edie; gain. my nerves are a o my own work. L! Canton. 1011â€"“ I was troubled to: mammtion. P31“ in my side sick headaches 3 nor- vousness. [had ta- ken so man meal. .' "i; cines that W8 l discoura ed 1nd thought would never get W0“- friend told me Of Lydia REM" Swell by wait E. meme Compound~ MATION \ AND PAIN °° mwm" vhrb.‘ BIRTHS. NM“ AN mmmxew. “We 5W \ma‘mg given by um â€um hum (HM a not ma mmt MI Why manna we mm m mam «M! M.» WQM “MW “a Mm «n mum m my aw in» “MN“ \‘Mwh mm H mm manlx- M M my 9W. ’1‘» MW! m mm- mm («MN m “w Www- WVM‘: “w Hm» I‘mwv. Wu mum mum « mm WWW}. “w hwwmmh Ham'smw Cw :. We w'lm., kw mm; m 3%“me M. Huh mm :‘ um Acwn WNW Wu Tuwnw :. The Nkwâ€" me- 097. Maw: tho um Wuim 09“ mm; “so am M. Monte; l". G. Evans. inn-ism. Grim“: two with the Nmiomd Hardware 00.. 0mm ; "to with the CM 0m. Toronto; “to with ml estate ï¬rm in Odguy. Am. ; one in Fort William; one in Simp- son. Suit. and one in Aberdeen. Just Escaped Jaundice you will realize that jaundice is no- thing to be snilied at. ' " Despite the best mediCaJ skill my face grew more yellow every day. It is no fun." bu writes, to be given a lemon and find its hue reflecting itself from every Part of the body. My physician in- formed me that ‘ caterrhal condition had resulted in ‘ plugging oi 'tho bile ducte end the absorption of bile into the Hood. I had some know- ledge of the l'emerkeble etimuleting end [reeling queliuee oi Dr. Hem- ilton'e Pine. end stewed in using them. M. em I felt better. had more eppetite end entire freedom from heedechee. Then ceme en oer ior feeling in the region 0! my etom- ech end I eew ee elmoet impercep- tible tedlnq em 9! the yellow unqo hmyekin. Ipereevered; need Dr. Beniitee‘LPme (or twelve week. I: rewerd wee meâ€"te-dey 1 en Melt». he»: eed well." New“ ever MW he: Inch en Hence on liver eieeeeee ee Dr. mtn‘e H“- et w end Butt-em. Mee en eebetitete. m 3e 8" NR. ell eeelere. or “he Gem 00.. m on- Aa’ to toll us me- our what to "It on man“ 309‘. 1' m' Jon M w W and d Nun." M. “00' 0' a. l.“ John MD (mi: u hunc- mskor In this So muml'unutanomm mm. nun: cow-nu am Mon An‘mmhuthovommmhd Malawi, will rub-numb! u... “human-ya.» Woman-Wham It»: umwmwadm ho- m4“.- hâ€" m__‘- ..- SHOWS HOW Infl‘ORTANT IT IS TO KEEP LIVER AND KIDNEYS ACTIVE. ' When you read of the growing yel- IOWishness of the skin extending to the whites of the eyebdls. as de- scriLed by Mr. J. P. Nostrand, a well known grocer in llamhester. “h: 8 EM Agriculture is the basic industry oi Canada. I! it. prosperity grown in‘ greater ratio than that of other indua-. tries. it in in the doubly happy poni- tion of flourishing itself and ell-bills other: to flourish. ‘ This has happened with a home market that in nothing like as b‘ an it will be. Canada has only real y be- gun her manufacturing career. if she is permitted to retain her (local in- dependence. The staple lines. which reprer-n‘. over 90 per cent. of the farmer's ex- penditure have only increased 14 .3 per. cent. while the good: he sells huve 1n- creasedSSJpex-cent. A__ _ Woonen goods .. . . . . . . . . Cotton goods ........... Boots and shoes . ....... Metal. and tin laments . . Imported goo Heel-cane Cattle and cattle products. hogs nnd hog products. sheep and sheep pro- ducts. fowl and turkeys. 48.6 per cent. Dairy‘products. 38 per cent. And that the. price of goods the farmer has to buy have not risen to an equal extent. as this list shows:â€" Grain rand fodder-.1 mam; thfrteen selected standard com odluel. 49.9 per can t‘ The farmer particulnrly has flour ished. The Dominion Government re- ports show that in 1909 prices received by the inrmer had risen over those of the ten years before 1899. like this:â€" “itâ€"ionnothins to chow thnt Sir John Mecdonald wu carious or newly u- tute in ndvocntin; Reciprocity. tom. thirty. twenty you: ego. He in not with us now. We hove condition: to which his utterance: do not oppiy. Sir Wilfrid Lnurier’l poeition is dil- ierent. He was an advocate of Red- pmcity. On his experience he re nounced it. The commercial! condi- tions which caused him to nnoimce it â€"-the prosperity of Cnnndu without itâ€"heve b’ecome greatly accentuated in every porticulnr. tow. 150th!“ II more nimble then ‘he touching: 0! history. than“ 1- non mule then piling up prooï¬- am new you: experience have chased the point of View of a man or a party otlnen. A __ __7 (floo- Por Which N. do". Have In- c...“ Mon Rapidly mu tho M 0! Wk“ H. Um .3 J0“! Y. ICINI. "no who an often chun- MI and: thatcolnomHmotnr m am the politics! wisdom of «>th In the political toomhnm of touch A‘ A_. LOVE’B F‘OiLB ........ 23.3 per_ cent. Lindsay muomeï¬amfanada I O .mxuxuxnxu...A:????XJ§.¢§3§§§§ ‘When you want to clear your house of flies, see that you get J. HUGHES We don't Cobble Shoes The three Capital “L. L. L. ’5†3?? Laurier, Loot. and Lower prices: :3: The three Capital “F. F. F. ’s"- The; : Farmers will Finish Fielding- :3 IF THERE WERE N0 There’d be No‘ Tailors 1mm There? W C. Blair (‘3' Son «a, my. Ml)‘ [M M N“ kflhfl‘ VIM M “M elm «Mam: W» a)“ MM WATERPROOF PAM mm. m MN “M “88 BOOTS: W «Maw Wt MW m 0mm human weak «that; visa \ .. mi km aw:- cm sum. . m- um WM When you mat shim {EBBMM mm them 10 a mm» If m “at them Wind 4» they .mm he N‘ï¬â€˜g m w Head Ohice and Seven Branches in Toronto. Branches end Connections throughout Canada. QUARTERLY DIVIDEND NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of Six Per Cent. per annum upon the Paid Up Stock of Tm: Hons: BANK or CANADA has been de- clamdior the three months ending 3lst August, 191 1 and the same will be payable at its Head Ofï¬ce and Branches on and after Friday lst Sepember next. Toronto, July 19th, 1911 H The Transfer Books wili be closed from the 17th to the 3lst August, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board, Imitations are always unsatisfactory. OBIYUARY. It costs no more to wear clothes made for you, and in many instances you save money in the long run. And as for youâ€"Do you belong to the class of people who insist upon good tailoring? There are tailors because some people in- sist on having made-for-themselves clothes. PARTICULAR MEN J. K. Hislop, Manager We Repair Them i If you suffer from blot-dings tï¬mng, blind or protruding {:31 and me gout address. and ten you ow to cure yourv :3“. home by the absorption . tm'eï¬ntéhitniwin also sen: â€â€œ0 ome treatmen be for trial. with reference; a†m own locality if rc‘ W Immediate relief ant! W cure assured. Send . “W. but tell others 0’ . *6 Write {0-day to M134 , in: n ,aWinésda mm "mm \‘olod . 000 M u now cough" mum. FILES CURED at HOME ‘by New Absorption Hem 0d .0 mammv. SEPT. 7, 10†UNDS‘Y 3'!“ and Windâ€. 81‘. NORTH JAMES MASON Genera] Managvr Ladies and Gen tlemens Tail or Janetvill 3“ no mistnkv n} “W." (!O('\ ‘x ‘ . Wtion sum . - m u M“ tun Al. h this strain, but ‘r,.. _ ‘. ; him-me of Sir mars-2.. {any II has bean usv x,._ \ - M for man\ nun» x w a“ maple of the l . h lie considers 1h 1.â€.- WM: ( Imam.†mm -: ‘ Mk through :1 ‘5 "I“: 'a Canadians “h“ *v ‘ be tho duo and n.“- to be paid by lhmn 'u and the stalmuertxs Thompson in the B. when he spoke 01 U miprocity as urdvri‘ to slap l'nc'le Stuff-- these Tories as not l tools (‘nuuflh to I which a justly in?» LV â€) embitterui [ï¬rm '00“ speedily (Tenn he went t-n 11; things are not min the ministeriuliMs ‘0 my than; hï¬â€˜uu not our jimms hw: 3h sun-n.» 18123313.“: SE]: unmwul‘n an: I" Hm H\P 1» WC†learn as f» 2L4“: DRS. KENNEDY “hafpfï¬mu‘ mid n-u m It marry: if you m‘v m: w And expOhing your 12.51. ; ateâ€"ons. K, a. K. Am: than conï¬dcnnan} um: tixm w. Tm: 3nd Care VA and URINARY CO! â€and.“ Diane- Peculua‘ TATIODLEBEE. B“. ,‘ hawk-ah for "0515': rNOTICE Ont. If you desire: W as we Ser am used for th'rm‘pun SOWING any Canadian shou amount tn an They are tru ’. Thompson : HEAD OPE‘ACF. 4:» v expressn Imperial 1 ï¬empan FORCIBLE ANNE â€LY. Liz-'u-n w. m iulluvnhu CI WU“ ('11) n Cor. “Schigan Ave. ‘0'. AND AFTER ( n8 noun AND H p063 AN Farm 1 MPASS rr "E H: “A? THERE wo NAT I 0 “4 A nvonmc THE P! Mm or 0 nilod YOU CAN may rq h. the recip: fl A VOICI rwazupc [GULF 'l‘l’l WIPROCI WE at E WOU Ol' AL )m I'O‘