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Watchman Warder (1899), 14 Sep 1911, p. 9

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M“ as a b’ :“Thera I. .0 at pg a (1151] m tchea 0 W92! mime. in the ma- » mom Svrioul and be m to perk“ O ing. Wedo bud». b (h. Bend" Y‘ r blood db. case. 009‘ pd has us PW” ” panes will ”no” LL'u termew MIR imo "FIE-‘- “gm“ TO PAY ,imited NTED a at W“.‘ 3 maintain." P neulrwize NI 1e] mm! (mpg but clan cl Saskatchem gal inveulnfllt You an b- n from 85%.” are. Send ‘0! Investment." dincton and ‘untltli oi 001' mum Stout” b :FREE waned mm ghlifl, Mo m 1mm! rem? ney cent. ”nuéd 11â€"9 '0 offlo- 7 ‘ . v-â€"â€" uovuuua I L I): U to tnei public.- Lindsay Citizen’s Band 1n attendangzn 23t)p.m.-â€"â€"Judging in the m hall commences. de meals furnished on the grounds for 25¢. l'l'x E‘ZNING AT 7 O’CLOCK; :"tl‘l Illumination of the:Z .-\gricultnral Park. The Nurse and Cattle Stables, zilsn the Poultry House vill be lighted by elec- :“icity. gum. Principal Build‘ 'ug.‘ upon to the public. 13th Regt Band will be newent exer) afternoon W1 exciting .IUMGI‘H lttt’KHUN, 1H'I‘ \‘mm l’Nl‘lHHH‘lN’I‘ v 1'”. 32m. (inter; clused. Mewn.» ”WVMJLW . ,7" r Mrs, P. (J. Burgess and Miss Bird- ie Archer were in Peterboro last tree. attending the marriage of Mr. 3‘11: Archer. Mi“ (“elia Lodge left on Friday for ’.- .-ronto where she has secured a goo I g osition. M. W. H. Kearsn returned to'10Wn la»: -. we; after spending several We; .. in ‘J'reherne, Manitoba. ' Mm. Moore and Miss Moore, of Links? are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 31. Moore. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kerr, of Hot fings. are the guests of Mr. and was Kerr for a few days. Mrs H. Brooks paid Toronto fri- Gui; a short visit last Thursday. this week the 5mm. of Mr. and Mrs. Wess Pollard. 0 Mr. H. Pearce and daughter Ella and Master Melville spun! the \veev end in Toronto. \[r. and Mrs. J. I". Arnald awl Maw-r Gordon vflsllod in 'l‘m'untn ’ltm Woman's Institute will hula mar u-gular meeting on Tuesday, Suvaunml' 10. at. the home of Mm. L. iaulllfly. Dr. M. l“. Macblachern. of Montreal, will locturu on "The lichtlunship 01' Hucteria ill the noun-:5." A curdlul Imitatiun is exâ€" tenh-d to all who are internatml. Mr. F. Iwrv and Mia: \‘hien Kerr an- m l'umrlmra this “ask. llama“ .flHS. P381": Iii-=95”: ‘f. (I! “autumn, ul'gpnidl at F“: AMI‘NVH church Mums-a5. was in ma hum nu 1‘“ch arranging tor a. mush! Olaf-'3, Kernels of Interest Mix"; MORNING AT. 8 O'CLOCK Grounds and Buildings open for receiving LUU punâ€"Tbs Exhibit'ign Grounds will b: public. - Lindsay Citizen’s Band in attend 2.34)p.m.â€"â€"â€"Judging in the hall commences. Gmd meals furnished on the; grounds for 25C. 1 First Day W t WILLIAM (‘1! ,\ N NI )N lwllu liruckenahire returned [Him the city on Monday. HANS. Graham visited in Lindâ€" r i. few hours on Friday. \iartin Sharpe is in town KEITH. 8E TREASURER. 13th Regt. ] present gave and evcmng‘ ' . m. Gate rxd Illumination \ rricultural Park Horse and Cattlec L also the Poultry “ill be lighted b tricitx. Di ram 0: , Principal Build- npen to the public. Regt. Band will be mt every afternoon Id Cattle Stables, Poultry House lighted yby elec- Daily Programme From Cataract Village SECTION TWO Wil-l riot have {aha districts In J from a. th‘vwoolu visit. gt Omen. Iron: hm, to Cement. mu Mo Bumpy! by! 'Mn. 11. mm. o: fluidity. in .m- mac at Mn. Men. . filings vm. Show has «turned homo from Fonda: Full. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. AW ham w tumor! home iron I. M monthl’ trip through Mnitobu. Aim“ and British Columbia. Th0! report a. splendid time. and In [Mfly Mon up with the welt. BURNT RIVER.- Bnrnt River, Sept. 1Lâ€"Mr. and Mrs. J. English, of Toronto. and Mr. (‘onkeii an visiting irisndn. - Mr. magi: McKochnio. oi Toronto. is spending his holidays at Mr. 1‘» duo‘s. W. Lougheed, a. one time resident of Fenelon Falls, and for 22 years pas- tor in St. Andrew’s church. The sympathy of the friends in this vicin- ity ere extended to the Ihereu-ed fam- Word was received in town ’to-day of the death or Mrs. Long-heed, of Brantford, wife of the late Rev.’ Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Kelly and children are visiting friends in Tor- onto this week. Mr. James Shaw, G.T.R. tie in- spector, of Lindsay, spent. Monday in th! burg. Miss Della. Copp returned to town on Saturday evening after spending several months visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Purvis, of Saskatoon. 'l he Baptist congregation are bold- ing a, chicken pie social in their church on Friday evening. September 16. Supper will be served and a good programme is being prov-god. Miss Margaret Little, of Havelook. arriwd in toun last week. and will hate charge of the (‘ampbell millin- ery parlors for this seasdn. Mrs. '1‘, Hull luft (m Wadnasdm’ t0 spend a womb \uoatinn with frienda in (‘ollmrm and 'l‘renmn. gayed by all pt‘ps'pht.‘ MIHH‘ UUflNPH Lam-vs on finturnlm- fur l‘ewt‘hmun “here she wall resume her fiMIHéH‘; Mia's: 31;:th Mitch?“ speak a few claw in ‘l‘urmuu; MN, M: Ma. gaginml h.“ MM Mar: gum Lap. numrmmad ma Ht, Arr «1mm Ladiugs‘ Am at their pm”; humu an “mummy anemmm, Mrs. W Muhnugan and Mimi Kath: hen Hammad tram ‘l‘uvanm un Mort (M11 Miss: [Milan (‘0me mtertnmml n mmmpr ur' new mung friends uh ‘rues. my ewnim. A gum] time was en Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lord are Visit.- ing Grafton and (‘obourgw friends. In Mr. Lord‘s absence last Sunday Rev. Mr. nest. of Homer-tun. occupied the pulpit and gave two splendid serâ€" "mus. Mm lmttw (A‘npp spent several days in Toronto lagt weak the guest at Mr. and Mrs; A. McArthur. JHE WATCHMANâ€"WARDER. Miss Alice Hand left on 'l'llursduy for Hmheater, N.‘Y.. whom uhu will In) for tho next tow weeks the guast of relatives. Miss Luella Jewell in thv guest of l‘rlvnds In Plato}: and Prince Edward Island fur a few weeks. Mrs. Albert McIntosh spent. Satur- day in .l.infl5ay on business. Mrs. James Awry is spending n l’uw days in Toronto. Miss Milldrad Roadway. a! Jew- ralt. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. “agar. Mrs. W, McCarty rammed homo tram ‘I‘orunto on Thursday. The Miaaaa Lee. a! Goldwater. v13! Had their relatives. Mr. and NHL 1!. Lee. on Friday. Thursday, Sept. let “3 [ram . “II" 11le h Manitoba» MM?“ tad umbia. 'I‘W "DO“ I- nc. uni are greatly taken 3 welt. , aid. at Lindsay. in via- I. Reid's. Mn. Tipiiac lave movod; 900mm. rio Brandon in: rotumd . week: visit gt Omicron. m m. admin-midi»- Tho horn-ruin; wants will be inter than .oVfl‘ “4 ”W“. PM”. in: to be some oiuay racing judging by the way the horn. at being tninod. Said” the local hot-u. than Will be 5 ill". numbn- oi ouuidcu. The ground. will be brilliantly lighted with hm no light... ' which will bu pin-d at! our Io u to give tho 31'0““! ll “a tructivo look. ‘ 3 Elem-mmmh'om :11 outside ”hilt!!! tha- wowdwiiiboumordbnhhr. viii " . Evuybodymudwwwhthom quin‘ m.mmtwmmm¢nymmmmm. hoithlirmv I , ‘ A .4 ‘ ,A. i.-. Imfl‘ receiving Exhibits. i will be open to in attendance. A very prett;r “adding took place Saturday, September 9th, at the re‘ eidence or Mr. Samuel Kerr. Zioq, Mariposa, when their eldest daugh- ter Eva and Mr. Joseph W. Beck, 'm‘m united in the bonds of matri- mmy. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. N. Ccnkle, of Sonya, in the drawing room, “hich was very 1 prettlly decorated In pink and whiLel esters and palms. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a teautitul gown of white lingerie, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses and lilies of the valley. She was .ttended by Miss Eva Craig, of Tor- onto, as bridesmaid, the best man 1 ., LOU nunâ€"Judging Hackney and Road Horses. it 1.00 p.n1.-â€"Grand three mile Relay Race of , . three men in each team. Will start in M :, front of Britton’s store, and finish on : r the half-mile track in front of Grand vStand. [ l 1.00 p.n1.«â€"Jndging Percheron Horses. 1. 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Grand Vaudeville Performance U MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK The Grounds and the Buildings open to the public. All Live Stock and every department of Exhibition open to the public. ThirdiDay Tho cmlonl' and“!!! be lat-cunt, both mm m Iowans. with a oholco auction at music. this your. Exponuo has not boon considered thu your in 8000”" Morm- uhcoo for tho front at tho grund .tuad Tho pot-form wm be hottor than over bolero in tho hutory of. tho tulr. . 'rho Lladouy Contrul will be boyond on provlouo rooordo u. tho dlmtoro uro doing thon- utnmt to brook uh "cordo. and um bo tho buotoot non In IAndouy In u tow mot-o duo. The big Lindsay Central opens pn the 21“.. Entries are pouring in and there will be a 81‘0““ ““359" exhibits than over More. 'ho midway to alwuys an attraction, but It will in (10“ny II OFFICERS ~OI= TIIE SOUTH VICTORIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY her, wore While at. the Lindsay Fair don’t a lingerie, fail to have your eyes tested by our Ida] roses new methods. Special reduced prices She was In spectacles during lair week. R. L. ', of Tor. Morgan. Druggist and Optician, ast man Rigge’ old stead. LINDSAY. 0N1" THURSDAY. SEPIEMBER M. W" [mm a beautiful silk umbrella mount- ‘ed in sterling silmr; to the best. “.33! a gold aignut scarf pin. Alter tho ceremony a damty luncheon was served in the dining romn, which was lumutifully decorated for the occas- ‘on. Mr. and Mrs. Beck left. later for their home in Toronto. the bride travelling in navy blue serge willy Vehct hat to match. SALE OF SPECTA CLES. Daily Programme JOHN t‘MHGW. PHNNHHCN‘I'. by all Artists engaged. Also Horse speeding, etc. 1.30 p.111.â€"-â€"Jndgiug Draught Horses. 2.30 panâ€"Lady Driving. 3.00 p.n1.~Best Tournout, single horse. 3.45 pansâ€"fGrand Parade of Prize Animals éround the ring. Free-for-All and 2.35 S ceding toâ€"day. GOD SAVE HE KING - Saturday, Sept. 23rd "unlu'wmm‘ In. Lamb. 0! North Bay. ll in STEVENS â€" RICHIAN â€" In Gnlt, town the [nut of her church-law. on Wedneadny. Sept. 6th. at the In. J. Harrison. home of the bride's brother. w. L. In. flaw-look Fun. of Lind-w. wu Rlchnun. Adehlde Rlchmn. of homo om 8W- Coboconk to Dr. Walker Steven, Hr. Clan. W. Alton. o! W-lnghun. of Yslo. Inchlgon. The luppy 5 mutant“. 0! tho Pourbom couple wlll ruldo In Yule. Dullnul College. In 1: ton on â€"â€" but“ on may. was put'zkod and speeches were deliv- ered by Dr. Vroomun and D. Cin- namon. who explained everything to a finish. Much credit is due Mr. Joe. Hick. son, Reeve of Heaven. an! F. Hlakcon. member of the council of Ops. for the job they did on the cast but. Now wm Mr. J. Hickson and Wm. Best no O aimilu' Job on the west hill on the boundary ? Vote early on the Blot. and vote gratitude to Mr. Younger {or hm for Col. Hughes. the rim man in delightful treat. and with the aiming the right place, loyal and a good of “Ho‘s a, jolly good fellow. military man oble to take care of A meeting in the interest.- 01 C01. unythlng in the military movwwnts. Sun Enghu will be held on 610114“: 1mm. mum of the mm «to mentioned In . previous lune. "Annfnnt‘a W Pretty mm- to; on Wodmdu' Page 10 'meaamufzéafi.’ «SEE-- MA RRIAGES. l '80- .94» Wr'flhfld‘tmhoncot In.- ’Jofimdmxm "d 'n' . W. B. Norris. o! Powboro. town an M in an inur- noll'ulophoao comm.“ H'of-Mdhfltm flwmgtflpoom Q ‘II'. a. G. Ann-um. of Klnguton. monum- ed!- on Thur-day. I:- no regular monthly muting or tli Web-'- W m m nu Toronto Mr. It. W. mum". 0! Tomato. m In Om on Nd”. moi Johnson was tho bolu- or a. cures report the best sitting of their‘ Miss Thornton, whb has boon tho lives. Alter dessert, a fragrant Hm“ guest. 0! friends out of (mm for a nun was passed to those WhOSOJrc-nt put of the summer, has re- ‘mms enjoy the reminiscent andfiturnod home. «nothing influences of My Lady Nicoâ€"1 The council 0! the township of Em- tlne. Mr. T. C. Ivory was calledl uy convened on Tuesday at the Com~ upon to mume the role of toast mere!“ Home. mater, end the list was varied and Mr. J. Johnston, of Peter-bore, was well relponded to, especially that 0' in town on Monday. (In W. The evening’s 800‘“ time! Miss Millie, who has had charge of concluded with many references 0“ Ir. C. Ivory's millinery department gratitude to Ir. Younger for his‘lor the past two seasons, has re- deughttul trenb. and with the shining turned to again mume the same 0! "He's n Jolly good teliow. position {or the coming season. Miss 31'. John Sharla wu . visitor to UM‘ 10ml Mrs m uuractmg at- u-ntmn. and Judging from comm-m- ums mum will he a harm» aupndame M mar «Minoan M, l‘elerlmm [air this «not. mm at Mummy Inh' "PM wwk. ‘ ‘Hw but”: of m;- wimut. which ummnnhcd by ”My tuo‘luuu July norm. hm: hm» mama! mm "mm cued, Ono owning 1m. week. Mr. \‘ounua‘ or. or New York. an ex-(hnauwaiw‘ who ha: been mum; an his many trienda. was the huut. of a vary on- 305 thus flapper that WM tendered ‘0‘ his gentleman Manda. The event Wul held In a many little corner a! Green's landing. which in a short distance out of town. Tables were erected, and Mr. Younger. personaliy Mr. t‘llflord Mulllgw. or forum" spent the week end with ma mm: Home and fire. Mulligfln. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eaton, with their children. Timothy and John. M‘rltod h om Toronto on Saturday evening In Mr. Eden‘s private car Etonln. They no the goats of Mrs. Heel-go. motlm- 0! Mn. Eaton. Mr. ‘1'. J. l'lrsonu hull been engag- ed at a contract of work on the rom‘ of the new town hull. Mr. Chu. McCum-oy ls Ivonne from ’l'oromu for . holiday. Omemoo. alopwmlnr Ila-Ir. Goo. column; the funeral of the late Mu. Italtour'a auction we of stock. farm Carroll. tumlomontl and household moon was Mum. Jun. '1‘. Benny, Harry Ma- lwld on 'l‘uenday uwmoon. Under you ad a number at others, €ormod tho able hammer of Mr. J. 3. “'11- 'u purw that Visited the C.N.lu Inn uon. or Port Hope, hood price. were. weak. "OHIO“. ‘ Tho E. V- W. Imtituln will mmt PAGES 9 to l6 Happenings of the Week open to the public. hand Illhminated PeHornmnee in front of Grand Stand. “Hiyuirww'l‘he Great Ceil Dumnmn. Sensetiunai and won- eri‘ul nets. The most extensive and varied jlieri‘orumnee ever seen at any Fair. Also the Seiilite It all in their great sensational nets. 10.80 p.111. Gem cloned. IUHN A. WILLIAMMM’. 9ND VIU I‘NMMDIQN‘!‘ MORNING AT 8.30 O’CLOCK Grounds and Buildings open to the Public. 1.00 p.m.â€"â€"-]udging General Purpose Horses. 1.00 p.m.â€"- Inspection of the Military Transport of the 45th Regiment by Col. Young of Kingston. 1.00 p.m.â€"Judging Light Horses. Second Day Daily Programme At Omemee and Vicinity ' 7.1K) pan.~~PrincipnIbuildiugu 3mm! Illuminated Performance m [ Miss Millie, who has had charge of Ir. C. lvory's millimry department {or the past two seasons, has re- turned to again assume the same positiOn {or the coming season. Miss Perrott will be again in charge of III. Ivory's dram-making department. (I My Hr. James Smith and his daughter. Mrs. W. F. Brown, passed through Omemoe on their way homo to Haunt. Plea-ant, uter- hiring ”on the light- of the Toron- to exhibition. of l‘eterboro. were business \isitors on Tuesday. Tho E. \v'. w. Institute will meet at the home of Mn. John Sanderson on Thur-day afternoon. mach mom- W In ukod to bring along her need- le and thread. Mr. C. Young and his son of Peter- 110m, “mood to town on Wednesday. lleuru. w. Scott and Thou. Ruth. EVENING AT 7 O’CLOCK v fural Hot-3E3. v 2.30 .m.--â€"Sheep and Swine fudging. ' Green Speeding and 2.22 finish to-day. 11.30 to 5.30 each day, Circus and open air advanced Vaudeville, Horse Speed- ing, Athletic Sports and many other features. 1.30 .m.â€"â€"Judging Carriage orses. . 2.00 p.m.â€"Cattle Judging. 2.00 punâ€"Judging Agricul- LOO PER YEAR E. H. Hows. Friday, Sept. 22nd ALEX. CLAQK Director

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