The Daily Warder -â€" one cent per popy. By mail to points outside of um, 82.00 per year. The Watclnnan-Wnrder (weekly) -â€" 31.00 per year In advance; $1.25 11 pdd during the year. Postage to United States extra.â€" an, or weekly, 50¢. per your. Toronto Representatives 3. E. Smallpiece, 82 Church-at. Any of the recognized advertising who in Can“: are authorized to â€apt business for The Warden "A very sgd accident, happened out lieu Fmelon Falls yesterday after- noon. Mr. Alex. McGee was feeding com into a steam cutting box when lomohow one 0! his gloves got. BOTH HANDS (gush: in the mncbim‘. hold with hll other hand ‘tompted to pull the hand Loon Caught out. but be hold With bl. other hand and m.- .tompt.ed to pull the hand um had Loon caught out. but. before he suc- toL-dcd boxh hands were in the ma.- thino. Both Imus were broken. um! ho wax brought. to town in am num- nobilv. and mkvn to tho Rona luv:- ping. r-'--- 'l'ho lnjurml hum!» were nuumlml to; but u was tmmd that mnpumuun 0|", both hunch w“- “bsolutoly mmmmry. ' Mr. mum la rusting well now. Mr. Muwo had purchased ,_ cum- euttlu}: box only a \wok ago. and. ï¬ns whzn tho ucc‘ulvnt happened, nn- . gaged at. silo mung at. his home. Dr. Johnston. 0! Reunion Fans. mas culled. and found it. uowssau‘y to remow Mm to Ross hospital. and Mr Norman Martin took the injured man‘ to Lindsay in his automob‘no. Watchman-Warder WEEKLY EDITION ALLAN GILLIES, Proprietor former Lindsayite Scores the Pact Ladies’ and Misses’ f3 ! Coats That Will ; g Please You Those art- the largest sizv Hunnelette Blankets made and the best quality. too. In the pl'nct'ss of manufacture tho edges were mumed wnll he as good as any. The Some-what frayed. but when h colors are grey and white with mnk or blue borders. 1 47 Regular value $1.75 puny for .. .. ........ .... ............. . Ladies’ Coats in semi-ï¬tting styles and made of all wool Chen-on Chevmt; waist and sleeves lined with satin: lapels and cuffs trimmed With wide silk braid; satin iped slashes: fancy cut patch ckeLs. )raid trimmed: velvet. collar: the co ors are 15 navy. brown and tan Very special (Our 85 coat is illustratsd) Misses’ Coats of all wool Cheviot. serni- ï¬tting style. military (-ullur trimmed With velvet: lined with (-lnth- mlnrs navy, grey and brown: sizes in lit ages 16. is. 2!) 6 95 A leader at o 'l‘hvm- urv n mmmfuvtun-r‘s \‘lmuillg line and thv culmings are Hwy. Royal mu! .\u\')‘. wuh prvtly mlgings 01' white. mu. red. Nu. With ur “ithuut c-ullzu‘s. 'lhvso' me \‘N‘y special] at 97c nun-u. nu....u--uu..u.:u mlrh ............... . This is a clmriug linv 0f Lndiva' and (‘hildwn's \‘vsts mullauhvs' Drmwrs nf :\ fund quality Fall mu] “1 mlvr wright. Yuu u! Nu‘h Girl’s (foals 01‘ all \vnnl (Phewmt lined with cloth. mat Lrunuu-d wnh mu: colnrs navy brown and greet Spoc‘i'lluuu . . .nuuuuuuunuu‘loto THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1911. PAG E TWELVE. ’lbis morning a. Warder man reached a card from Mr. J. W. Britten. 0! Boan Island. B. C. who {or a. number 0! years resided in Lindsay. Mr. Brit- ton seemed any entangling al- liance with the United States, and ends his post Card by 33- ing: ‘ Do all you can to keep the ,Beaxcr and the Eagle sep- arute." Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear, 25c Special in Blankets, Per Pair, $1.47 Subscription Rates Be sureusd come; see Telephon 97 .’ and Girls’ tch little knew what The man who invented the poor wa tchmaker. a boost. he was giving the DEPENDABLE wa You can absolutely rely on what you buy at the The reliable and oldest eaublished jeweIery store in the county. AMPUTATBD JEWELRY STORE 110 (00k the Lindsay Central Exhibition and make your purchases at this store Sweater Coats, 97c rates on There have been many lorcmie arguments against reciprocity be- tween Canada and United States, but The VVarder takes Ideasure in publishing below a letter from the pen of a. former Lindsay lady, Miss Coila A. Dyer, whose home is in town, but who is at the present time residing in Atlantic City, N.J. The letter is decidedly interesting, glowâ€" ing with ringing patriotic senti- ments, appealing and convincing. ’Fhe ladies of Inndsay and the gent- lemen as Well would do well to read what Miss Dyer has to say in regard ‘to the great wsue heï¬ne the Cana- dian pxuufle. 'rhe letter is as fob lows : Former Lindsay Lady Appeals to Canadians its people and its.1uws from an enemy and Canada‘s time has come; Canada calls to arms her loyal sons, true to light, for their country, their freedom and thoir own manhood. AH she has not culled since 1812, and even as thoy responded u, hundred ‘yvnrs ugo so will Hwy answer her irull now and in the grunt “ Battle of 'llullots" on Soplmulicr 21, once Munro will slw riwwlctorious, honor- vd :md rwspwlvd uhroud and wor- shimwd ul homo. | “'0 m‘o nol lighting for party but. 'n. rmlsv tllul concerns not only u ‘pnrly. but an indlvldunl. and not lonly nn individual but. a “nun“. and lum only llw nation of hnluy but. n " m'mum' Hum has \wvn." It Is. Im Hum fur purty \vrnugHugw-whh Hm pulvliv vnvmy nt tho guh'. it. is tlm Hum I‘nr ull mu manor wlmt his puliucs mm) m Nhuultlvl‘ arms bo- musu " Uur vmmtry in tho ommmm vnuso of. all." and luv whu hushutvs ls u mwnrd and n h‘uhm‘, Wu am not. ï¬ghting wllg‘luu-«Lhoro is but uno God and them is no sort tn‘ t.~~..t 0 Ynur chcivo of tho lines to 1513de during the 91‘? 25c many forcible THESE SPECIALS are DEMONSTRATIVE of the SPLENUIU urr Un :- u". - -__ BIG STORE AND ITS VAST ASSORTMENTS THAT ABOUND AT THIS It Is The Only Store in mndsay Selling Semi-Ready Clothes in heaven; we are not ï¬ghting a. petty local cause but a. national one, one that concerns Canada from Cape Race to Nootka Sound, from the ice-bound regions of’the north to the southern boundary, the United States. A cause that echoes throughout the United Kingdom and is watched in every English speaking country, and are we, the oldest col- ony, to turn traitor to the mother- land and to our better selves ‘? Are we to lot the men to the south of us march unmolested through our proud dominion, are we of the smrdy, tried north to bend our knees to a con- queror? surely not, for “ Men of the high north, ï¬erce moun- *†Men of the high norm, new tains love you, Proud rivers leap when you thoir breast. Seeâ€"tho ausu‘re sky. pensive you Duns all her jom‘ls to smile rest. (ihildren 0f nu\nticrs, 'l‘lu‘y \xhn u wnl‘lh, Lm‘ds of pimwm‘s, lmt's have n. ruusv Hmt rnuml tho vnrm.†Whom nrv um chilclrvn of Hm mm.- vd Empirv luynlï¬sts '? Win-m urv tho 3mm uf thu men Mm mmlv Idmuly'u me uml (‘Mppvwn monmruhlv hul- um‘ Mstm'y. whm‘o uru Hm vol - will ring Ilm in mun, Mm. turgnulug‘ \‘nmily. on. lmlilh's mu! so†hruwly fought iu‘i um! um! lu‘moly dim! I‘ul‘ (‘umnlu Um lmiuu Jm’lx‘ Ilmo wv forgot- ton mm“ ‘P Shall \w Muml ltlly ls)‘ and 800 nu lm‘vl‘lm‘ nutlun lake from us what was bought w‘nh lwru‘s blood; shall “'0 yivlll tn tho mwmy tlmt dearly om'nml frvmlmu and 300 an alien moo tlosocrutodlwlr gnu-cs. do- stray their laws and trnmplo all we 31mm sacred in tho (lust ? W should we consider recipro- city or consent to it? We do not need it, we can stand alone, we have proven it not only by word of mouth but by deeds. There is nothing in it but promisesâ€"the same flowered promises which die and leave sharp thorns and regret. Canada has be- come a. great nation. Where are there such railway systems as con- nect our coasts and carry our pro- duce to our ships ? What better ports do we want than we possess or what better markets ? Where do you ï¬nd such horses, such cattle and sheep as graze in our own land and where in the World do you ï¬nd such broad fertile wheatlends or such well cultivated farms ? I'd like to see We are a. rich nation, our vast mineral resources have never been estimated, our forests still rear-their heads above a. free Canada, and our waters abound in ï¬sh. We are a. young nation. our advance has been miraculous. and the tremendous fu- ture before us is appalling in its greatness of length and breadth. We loot I. st â€mum tho \\~ildorno.~'.~x, princess uru wonklings. hunuryuur Unduy’s Most Acceuible Store freedom. smrnful of sky. Ponsivo above you ride on your nf UTCLIE are a. peaceful nation and a moral one, and where peace and goodness exists there God is, and where God dwells great things abound and shall we with such a. glorious to-morrow dawning for us sell our heritage for a mess of potage and live in bond- mm cm- 9" â€mo ? Shall we 3011 (he dwells great things abound and snan we with such a. ginrious to-morrow dawning for us sell our heritage for a mess of potage and live in hund- age for all time ? Shall we sell the unborn generations ‘0 a nation that to-day has lived su recklessly uml cxtmvugumly nnd wasted its own resources {hum it must seek new m-ms wlu-rowith to live '1' â€, THE ONE PRICE STORE Shun I'nir Fumuln. n jam-l “mung nations, whose high stundunls haw mmlo her mum revered thmughout. the World. huw her knee to n nuliun upun whusu puges ul‘ hislury mach lhlngs us lhu l‘untmlllo lynching mat u mm“ '3 'l‘hm‘u is nothing in it for Cnnmlu hut lhu shuuhlvring‘ of foreign nuisa- os which hnw uwrrun iho linilmi Slows. null the losing enlil‘vly of her own identity and n ropontunco that will inst till (lnhriel hlown his horn. 'i‘ho Ynnkeea say there is no- thing in it for them. thut. â€or love for the motherlmui is n fairy tale. it doesn't exist. that reciprocity is the wedge and once in the cutting to annexation is easy. Yet there is no- thing in it for them ! Are we no- thing ? Even now how little the' think we areâ€"our i‘eir dominion where " the rose and the thistle, the shamrock and the lis. nil bloom in one garden nenth the maple tree." Such mdgnnnimity is really worth looking into. If there is nothing in it for them why do they banker after it like a school boy around the lockedmentry door '2 Why did they overwork Congress and rush their president from place to place making reciprocity speeches that. savored of annexation. Usually when you don't need a. thing and don’t want it you sit. quietly at home and don’t 80 chasing alter it like greased light- you PAY Lass HERE the soldiers of her country the ene- W More approaching; the women of Omnda in 1911 u by“ and true as 11 there is nothing in Canada, what, brings so many Yankees homestead- ing from their own land, and men who are amoug their best citizens, the New Englanders. Did not even Theodore Roosevelt protest at their migration and urge Congreu to do something to keep, them at home ? But there is a. line drawn between one’s country and the politics of that Fountry: a woman may not step over the boundaxy oi the latter. she is out of her sphere wd had better stick to her knittingâ€"but one's coun- try. Ah 1 that 19' different: 3 W0- man is justiï¬ed then‘m taking “.9†knitting with her and remembering brave Laura Secord. the heroine of 1812, who risked her life to “'5’“ We want you to dollars worth of merchandise or not. To se..- it, which is just being completed. and all its modern shopping facilities remind you that it should stand preemineatly before the people of this county as their store. You will then realize what a splendid opportunity you have for ï¬lling all wants at practically )our own doggfctéblï¬ Â§t0fl=’8 fine delivery systrm brings your wants as close to you as though we were your neighbor. We want you to come and see this big dollars worth of merchandise or not. which is just being completed. and all ft“? On all pun exprvss charm great} help to t JAMES CASEY. Director, Valentin. “v nu- ‘I tion on all mail rvlmsoa amounting to $25 at over we will pwpaw gvs to yum- nearest stutiun on the C RR. ur 1331' those living 0 It of mwn. \Ve guarantee yo 1 mail order purchases. I Afterwards‘ he emigrated to Can- i ada. where he says he squandered his [money and became I. slave to mor- phine and whiskey. ‘ The man is apparently about forty . Hem of age, and was employed for I a tune as a draughtamm on the n11- 'way. end hm! became funnier with their cheques and pow-sheets. some 1 of which he Ind token ad. copied. the heroine of nearly a. hundred yearS, may warnfthe ï¬ghters of red- procity that the enemy is at hand and must be ’eheCRed. The time is ripe, the standards are raised, our Union Jack is floating over free Canada, the bugles have called to arms, and on September 2lst Can- ada “ expects every man to do his duty Improvements at The Fair Grounds The fair grounds are beginning to take on a very busy appearance. The driving shed is being re-shing- led and a cinder course is being put in the ring for the judging of light horses. There is a large turn-out of race horses every day and there should be some fast events on the racing list. The new horse stable is a Very valuable addition to the fair grounds as many more horses can be accom- modated . By all mbpearnncos the fair will be a record-breaker as the onlrees are pouring in. There will be owursions from out- side points. A SLAVE T0 ’I he fulluwing clipping from Lloyd'g Weekly, of London, Eng" will he mm with interest by Lindm' cm- rom. as it. refers to Col. Sun. nughva when he was in South At- rlm. The article was handed to The “'urdor for pulrlicution by Captain Flu-kc. ot Guelph. who Is waiting in tuwn, tho gum: of his ulnughtor. Mrs. (Judge) McMillan. It is an ful- lo" : An oflrnordinury story told h)- u man arrested on a charge of forgery is being lnvosflgatul by tho police of St. Louis. ’l‘ho prisoner glwa his mum as William dough, and declares that he is the Boer general of that name who look part In the South African Wt?- 110 asserts that he “as military gov- ernor of Krugoradorp, az‘d led smur- al commando†during the war. Ho shaws considerable knowledge of the events in South Africa, gnd says that his father was one of the wealthiest men in the Transvaal, and that he inherited a large fortune from him, but his downfall followed the elopement of his wife with a British Army omcer. He was wound- ed twice, and the physicians treating him gave him merphine to allay his sunerinss. but the craze {or the drug remained with him when he was re- leased from the hospital as cured. De J ongh says that he fought against Sir Charles Warren, and was eventually taken prisoner by Col. Sam Hughes. who parolled him. and sent him back home with several other prisoners who had promised not to take any further part in the W. On his way home he says he was recaptured at Karma by Col. Goldsmith, and later sent to St. He. SHOULD INTEREST I.“ I. st Incline“; DRUG HABIT . nu- mole of this coun‘)’ Store. its new lumuvâ€" __, _ See The Sutdiffo Greml- ’/ m to any phce in (9". including any“, “.50â€. Overcoat Value That is Hard ' To Equal plepm tlu-m-ight ur or (331111. This is a we you entire satis- YOU t “0! eggs Cunnd. brings in the huge otal of 9.999.999 per your, the duty Lin: them is 8 Cents per dozen, this :3 vats per dozen is stricken on by tho "Nothing like the automobile for covering the ground when election- eeting." said Col. Sam Hughes this morning to a. Wuder reporter, “ es- pecially when one has to cover such a large constï¬tuency as Victoria and Halibut-ton in such a short time. The past ten due or more I spent in the north. 3nd I m \ery grateful to north, and I an wry grawxui w those who addressed meetings in my interest in this part of the riding." Col. Hughes went on to state that his campaign back north was very successful, and he anticipates a 131';- er majority than ever in the north- ern section of the riding. In his route he addressed large and repre- sintative gatherings of the elector- Three weeks ago the Toronto Globc'l'rade Pact, making the 1522'500'†a- wcs endeux-oring to prove to farmer tint with reciprocity (war would get. higher prices his eggs. The Toronto Star and Globe on now trying to prove that the consumer will pay lower prices for eggs if the redprocity treaty cmiod into en’oct. Stu says : This is “hm the ) for is the In other words are worth to-day : and the price of e :35 to the Globe I in the United Sm the price there in day-n, then “hell 1 ed American eggs cents per dorm. ' ‘lc-d suck styln with peg ~1ylv: \wll trin ('hc “'hvl‘. ¢ hlr II!!!“ A genuine gum! quality lmpur lll‘\\'\Ԥl (lrsignu uml plo-Nsing c-uluril will lw plum-d to have 3')" plum- to} and knuw tlwy will stand the must 3 .\ 4 yds.. for $10.00 Sin 3 x 2%; 3' Buy~' U\ «mounts in human mu] g M‘INL flmshc-d < “( «mu-um 2h. I‘ur n "my \u I \Uu'! ~.-.o :Il An Overcoat abouza ~ "Oman-L in new «Milieu and splendid shoppin‘ hdlities. Rotten Egg Argument Tapestry Rug a with vent: tmuserr: :uv x-ll truulm-d and uuulv in I quality lmpurh-d 'l‘uuadry {uh-«hing vulm'ingh. TIIO'M‘ u ,\‘(‘ ym plum- alung~idv um)" «and the mus! rigid rump“ Campaign in North THURSDAY. SEPT. 14. 1911. '3 x 35 yds.. fur ‘ llfl'l‘ï¬ulo' kl:-'\\:I:‘~u.u:§l:u: “ 7‘ "Huh. in 1-“ |'_\ \\u\ 11.3 For The Boy, $15.95 C' w. mo ate at Lamb's in Veruiam. 2.. River. Kinmoum, Borlzmd. 334.â€.- Kirkï¬eld, Uphill, Head Lake. 1-- ley, CObOCOn-k, Miner‘s Hay SKLC Gelert, linden, Dorset. Alkaw, ' lin, IrondaJe, Gooderham. 1m: ;; South Schoo), Wilberforaa, >1, School, Essom'ille, Tor; 11:1; Victoria Road. r In forty-eight hours (‘01. l;.;..»‘ covered some 200 miles and :9 r. nine meetings. He was gin-:22 r_.".rr, did ovations and states ma: '2: ptOple in the north are solid . ,3 v w the meiprocuy free trade dea‘ _. also agunst the Laurier admmx'; tion, “kid: has been in 1-0‘w.’ 'cz. enOUgh. In other words if eggs in (‘21:. are worth {0-day 20 cents pm“ do and the price of eggs which am m-nts per dozen. This “-oum .1 mt loss to the Canadian fur six cents per down. 1mm»- doubledly 1h? middle mun \u as math proï¬t as he did m‘m 4 Men‘s «lurk oi M humd Smu hath-n. Hugh \x‘n w- mulmm l4 y \s'u\‘............ 4 â€try Rug: in l}: we zuv \‘Ilur~ '1 Men's Ovorcna: brown 1! i «4; n : tWeet‘.duuMuh1(. (Jed styu: with ‘ verbo†collar. \ back: this is u m“ ly correct (an-1' every Way and m \que at 14 I only ...... .. This Suit Very Special: $12.50 I“ 5m; ing of ( if; 9.00 14.50 If. Stinson Irxino hu M . week in Toronto. ‘ ma by man Lich I lad happy life. In. Alvin Gmud Cornwall on hidny nï¬ W With her husband . Hr. Jas. Dicks‘on doing seine Stu-w; .1 : â€"m8l Viola Meir“ Saturday alter a W“ hero and Dummcr fr I'qy she was prosd“. flags of her cousin. Word, of Dummm‘. Archer. Penelon Pal} 900919 are well knm M many friends w Mr. and Mrs. 11 lcr a fortnight. V to welcome Mr. I to well after his (humour. ‘ Rt“. am (*3 l-‘ridw Dr. H. and Child? \"uli‘elldvn Lindflq‘. coxtagc x} Mr. I'Q‘Y'Vx Mr. Arch» \\ robe, o! 1.1an Icecroit. elm? are holidu) :11 Weeks. [*r‘ I ate as m lvh‘ M ‘llq â€tun: Do do luh~E turn. .1 IlomL-n Miss UM bout Slum M 1x Mr. [‘1 r; Cuminâ€.- 'w \huuh iHv Miss Mu'l Misses 5 "(Lend Hm! Mr. 1:. l'v (m 'l‘uvmh'x The mm date. Mr. large!) been. (vn Mrs Gus l’ daughter 7M2 day to rvsumo seph‘s .‘h‘auh‘l: Rev. Mr pit in the day, after friends in Mr. and 5 I'hyla .\duil in For! “H Sit with Na l'rouse. “(are Mfr. a: ham Mt'la‘n Marshall. Dolly (.‘rm-n. ridge, Mr. ‘\ Gram. Mi» Misses Mum: lht stilt u might-d Wotnh ilk who has In lic H‘hnn] 1' h! In in an )I’ til 91: Mr \mun ht M 33‘s Mix Ian