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Watchman Warder (1899), 14 Sep 1911, p. 6

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One of the best politiCaI meetings ever held at Glenarm Was the one held in the interests of the Conserv~ ative party and Col. Sam Hughes, the candidate Friday last. The The Electors of Glenarm and Vicinity Are Opposed to the Reciprocity Pact M11 was well filled with the sturdy young yeomanry of that district who listened attentive throughout to the speeches delivered by Messrs. J was BOXall, G. A. Jordan and William Mr. DunCan Tolmie, the popular and energetic Reeve oi the Township of Fenelon, occupied a. chair in a manner which deserves the commend- ation of the speakers and the and- ience. Mr. Tolmie in a brief address handled the reciprocity pact in a manner which showed that he was alive to the situation and had the interests of the farming cOmmunity AL- alive to the situation and had the interests of the farming cammunity at heart. Being familiar with the raising of stock and the growing of the much-talked-ot barley the speaker clearly demonstrated to the farmers present that if they Voted for recip- rocity they were going it blind. He further said that in talking with 3 number of those who were imbued with the idea. that reciprocity was a good thing that they became st. worked up that one would think that they had ., "glory fit.” Mr. .Toimic. oCcupying the position he 1â€" 2_ .J unnu‘ ' vâ€"V7‘ . (ices as reeve of the township is in touch with the community and he Concluded that 001. Hughes will have a greater majority than ever. In. MAM WAN The next speuker was Mr. William Warren, . lormer resident '0! that community, km; for a number m your: coldtloted a cheese business them my; Mum largely dealt with the manufacture or ehaeae Mil" tiw msmsutm uni export thmei from (kinda; fie compared the mat: in; at Eileen la ensues with that at the Felted State»: am having learn: GI his business hem a Amman he the m that steam was had: led on an Ageless side sad mm m audience law it was that Await has maximum an interior ar- ticle ta tint manufaetmd m the fimdim; sew the Maine: were 0.00!“ "I!!!“ IITTII THAN .EQNKWO' 53%?» "e; 1 LI‘ www*'5 v‘7 m 3 2? 0M. t a. .1 to i? ‘3! prone to send their product over to! England and sell it as a. Canadian make. This the Canadian manufac- tuers had to strive against and at last stamp their cheese in a mannerI which could not be imitated by Uncle Sam. Mr. Warren touched on the poliCy of Sir 3051 Macdonald, ham; rim; the subject well. U. A. JORDAN. Mr. G. ”A. Jordan followed and in a rousing address to those present, in which he was listened to with ,rapt attention, he dilated on the ‘early history of the country, and as1 there were a large number of elderly gentlemen in the audience they. were able to appreciate all that he said in regard to the pioneering days in Canada. Mr. Jordan scofled at the idea of the Grits ridiculing senti- .mcnt stating that the person with- Tout sentiment, no matter who he [might be, was not to be trusted. The speaker dwelt. with the grand heri- tage which the pioneers, their fath- ers, had earned for them and em- phatiCallly urged all present to be like the English bull dog when he stood on the Union J ack, and stat- ed, ' What we have we’ll hold.” In his patriotic address the speaker re- quested the people of Fenelon to hold steadlust to thelr grand possessloss and be esreml in taking any step whlch might separate them from the Mother Land and ultimately lead to annexation with the people to the south. Having lived In the West fur a number of years Mr. Jordan spoke about its rapid developments. showing thawing that the east and west were new linked together by an Inn harm (the great CJ’JL) and ‘ wane was new one young nation on when the jealous. envious eye a: rude Sam was being east; mum: 9W. 8"“? III ml: meant cm manna dad was not wanted by {‘95 name §= A mung fiueefih. éonvinfiiaa in 9?: can when as well an “Mammy In: twatm. was made by m. James 1mm}. wine in his 9905113 MI fluted that the large “may pm: «at spoke vammea to? m mm at 001.. flushes and m Oeamm five party, Hung a. human as: K" new“ 1m 39 time in taking up the pregame issue home the page Ne and handling it I; m a col: vinamg lama man he 19% no dam on the minds 9! his “mum that he knew M he was «packing, but. big address it was quit: «my ‘that Mr. Mi who we . in Jim “a mud. no mt u: [to mm m an may at man HR: JAB: WALL mg in w- 31 undid“: opposed a in germ. 913eg inâ€" mm... in the 1m firemen! flee: ‘. Jam “on has when a dawned mm min unlufi WW. x“ mummy mg pm- Wm mark em ‘9 a Ian.“ m m mm mm 6001mm: at 3!. um. 6m: 3m: he W96 to to“ what in ..... “mm...“ in um and m "A consumed at home. He dwelt upon the home markets and quoted the Splendid prices that the farmers were getting for their produce right at their doors, eggs and butter par- ticularly, cornpared with the low prices on the American side of the line for the Same artiCIes. Mr. Box- all that touched on the horse ques- tiOn and handled the subjeCt in a convincing manner demonstrating that if this pact was carried out that Canada would be a. dumping ground for the caycuse and broncho , A‘AAâ€" n‘fln b ,,,,,,,,, , of the Yankees. The Speaker also referred briefly to the scandals at Ottawa, namely the Quebec Bridge, the sawdust wharf, tend the New market “ditch” which holds no Wat- er. The cost of the Grand Trunk Pacino came in for its share of crit- icism. justly due. and in conclusion the free trade "deal” and the two men who slipped over to Washington to tsrde of! Cmsda to the detriment. of this country were bundled with- out gloves. Mr. Bean's speech was creditsble and on his return to “M VI vâ€"- vâ€".._- ___v Glenmm «m be well received in undies» opposed it A. lama. MSW“... I! “0 1m 9'9““!!! “*3 Hen has taken u «bruised and gum MW. x“ “tummy will we?! 9% u a 19“." m m mimic 6001mm: cl 3!. m m be Wed to an what in m you may! in the 9906 m mum. 6819th m nu- --â€"I-A_- _._- I.‘ M SEED PEA BUSINESS FHE W4 seed pea exporters in the business gan, for the purpose of saving this duty, we are in a position to say that the United States farmer has been practically receiving this 40¢. per bushel extra. over the Canadian tamer. We have recently purchased an elevator and warehouse at Osha- wa, to which we have removed our Port Huron branch plant, and have 1 enlarged and improved the buildings for the principal purpose oi handling seed peas there, as well as at Picton. and are satisfied that reciprocity will enable us to obtain better net prices. not only for and pea. but barley and other grain. and as a conse- quence the farmers will receive the same benefit. and we have no fear oi having to reduce our mm at any of the branches on this account. I Yours truly. 31099 a 11W. LTD. nomm. m mm in his own mm m the pm But” sabbath easily. "1 cu 000 I19 mom [rem mlpmtw. and 1 do no lea." “ Again. it tho dlw 1| cm: 0'0“! an! goods “u will be m M“ Q In Mind M an new “um. fld Mei shape an we an. an 3 E E 3‘: 2 a z Rout m m 0‘“ meeting w you “an .me. ‘3'.“ M Mt flu: miprmty and m ‘1'!“ W “(I were loud); WW' -â€"'. “This disgrace in m Opinion. should be wiped out. an! the only way to do it. is to turn the Gov - meat out. and bring in Mr. R. L. Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. Rate Vancouver, Seattle ; $45.0 fox-nit points and others. 1 Widdess, uptown ticket .gent. SPECIAL now FARES To Pacific Coast. The Grow Trunk railway will issue cheap fares to Pacific Cont points. Good going ‘H""' â€"" 7U ad to use SALVIA. After two weeks my hair commenced to grow. I now lave the uncut becutyul hold 01 hair "A- had... {had given up all hope 0‘ mm ham m "1"“ I "' “M” A n; -_ L__A _AA‘-- ‘l‘hul writs x11. Jecknon. 01 new Yuk. We all point to thou-MI o! instance. where the proper use 0! BALVIA ha been followed by I re- wkublo growth of we. BALVIA in the orig“ remedy which km. the am pm Ind utop- Iulllnc w. 500 . lug. bot- ue. Bold and ‘11th by Elfin- The mum MAM young man up In MM and PW work um! all“: tdognphm ’11:. ' enum tutu IBM“ In! mum our name! ENTIRELY BALD 11¢ knows them. .. Fever 330v} AFTER 'rwo WEEKS' USE or SALVIA HAIR PARENTS AND ALL . a M Whoa-h, to be entirely English YOUNG of New TO them. and they look very etha- dogl. But they my be the â€"-nnl n! “Vim ‘ British wt. they are almost as ads, and they ”'0 For the 1 their 9-“! ue Airedales. the Finence Mlnleter When new ur Iconvenient queetlonl II to : e1 wee better fortified by m 0‘ uree during the Weehtnston moth- none. There 1e no e therefore. I! to ho' fer the 1m “feet of the Agreement on the Preference. ;to It! nothing fig h eftecL wee conetdered 1:. But. tn the “(ht of Ir. W13 mphecy II to whet ntdht he?” to genuin- .nmm: reletlonl. It I doubly new! On Flvo and city has at. prosaic o. arebug in mid-t. and every effort is being made vthe police to locum him. Last midnight . boarding house stable conducted by In, Dennis Lucas was out are to and partially burned. At the some time a. pile oi wooden moulds of tho moulding shop of Mc- Carthy's loundry were fired. In both use. cool on was used. a bottles containing cod on were {ound in a mungfl' of the table. at! also near tho moulds. Fix-Judgo Oullnlt. Conurvulbe nominee in Numb. 01:... m ro- utodudthop-rtyhlooklngtor . H" mm. Wan So Nervous Could Not St In The Home A om an”? Ian at ' would ‘Iom “m3“ who-ninth Mu un‘o “smmxca be ARSGN AT BELLEVILLE Flvo and a Half Million Dollar. 'orth of Goods Imported from Great Britain. the Agmmom Hum tho Profonnco cxille. Ont" Sept. 3, Joan v. nous. Mint-hr when and In- ”gin-n. two sturdy 11“ are not show its WSDAY. SEPT. 14 SELLING connwoon nuke room. Cnlland at ‘ w all kinds of woo‘fi mm“ [It Balm lumhet (0., lime. FOR SALE OR To LEASE The Woodville Coal Business and Sheds To a trustworthy person the above business will be dlsposed of beme the middle of March, to enable the buyer to stock up while Coal i. ch in the Spring, Already 7m tone ve been sol this season and them is not a bed dollar on our books. Good money can be made et this business by a. capable m Enquire of DR. MACKAY Woodville. Woodville Feb. 14th. 1911. (not. you ut the amine 015“ unm- with a. number of S005 wand opportunitu- to buy machine of the very best mks that can be procured. We no not selling goods at costâ€"no- body does tint in staple line! like ours. So don‘t listen to take ads. but come and see hon’ est goods at honest prices and one how close we will sell yOI en tantrum; or a machine on time 1! your time required is not too long. In short we will give you ask prices if paying in good {also ads. but. a at goods at he no how close w W; or a 1! your time ret long. In short cash 9’10“ 1! AN INVESTMHTT in edacatior. always pays the but. burnt. For years we hue lven hundreds a foothold in e commercial world. An in- crease of 119 °/0 in utendnnce 0'. or that (f 1m pron: the gmwin popu Lflty of our school. \ hat we have ydone: for otIu-u- vu- cw do for you. non ITUDY COURIII Linda! Busine§s College A. I. SPOT'NN - President M Mm'fiogt. l W In"! H: 9 9-. Hum. Binder Twine, 6 5 1. College 0! Toronto infirm: you to write for a. copy of its cuniculum if you are in my '91 jntetgsted in a mum..- -â€"The Central run... A. IL..-_4 BM"! a nu. IKNW" "" («1 wfl‘kly. MNIUW‘ mm'm‘u 1H“ d; Piano and Organ Dealer 'm" V “0"“I'v . V mm!” A!" ”an! I III-{ch Ind 60! - anion umruln our 0; punt-u {r ee' 9m" ‘” lnvem .- probably pm nut-BIB ("mi-Am WW Non-luscu‘ficonfldeml n1 . don. nvy M pgcuru an: numh Muxmt 3 :3 WW? ”mum “lined with Dominion Donupondence School ARkaN Hm your ahlpr on“ and MW 1‘ will lead yfm; oummE PHONE 77 WARREN Juat received 3 cm chestnut Bert ficrmnmn l‘ “3.7:, per ““9 June and July «191“th 8“" 095‘ .(prO {0"- . 1911 ml: M1103 in gnd around 1v :‘tmfl‘d at the menu». .00“: \illage Satin-Ln interests of the (haw-n aw, COL Sam Hugh-s $.03: hall at the rvar. 1“ church was om umw :31 were content. to Mand ‘0‘" The audiemc xnri In that thus: present m- rt- “ 2151: of Septexm-vr 2. Hr franchise in the mh-r 'M. and vote against 1 trade pact. é'lâ€"Erge Anti-Reci â€"The “Deal" 5‘ Uncle San r“ “If“ i6 hiifi E k MM ‘1“ LA , “W 0! ladies and also a I ll thinking Liberals and zhw ill were listened m mm Malignant. AS thv ‘rm‘ trum- n 860!“ and the shamm ~ [auricu- administratmn lulai ) ’ i mounds of applause fallout-IL I h. m IcRoe. 62. 6th St. North . “h, Iliumâ€""It 'u muc In. to any that I bun: u M'- Exmc: 0! Wild Sum... W h. "cry Summer. for the I M. I . i ‘5 it ”Wren and have u-ed ' MN no cl m an. “a “myself nod an do" m gI hit-mum" my MM as “o W um wn Moll mt :m. Mad we ”mum “- O 'mHIF I“ D Wild Nrurhorn- cm l Extract of [Wild Strawberr On motion Mr. I’arknr Mud chairman. and after ‘ ms USED DR. FOWLER’ h n. um Mun You-I '9 Dana Men... 62. 6th St. N m strength of tin w “'0 Isaac slut a! !_~dy Dc Fo'wlor- Fm“ w u m um «um lh-uhu m M at “n «we modmu :- W cum! M "Hub that k .30“! 00 load tor a IW is, I an whim; t IIhHHm linden for me." In '08. axiom“ " All Um VIA? YOU AS! m h ‘0 him (I; mull dun ‘3’. “M quw «9" m mam». m um i:« a. land ‘0th u- tvl very best. an} ing and we un quality. and :T complete Hm: TH m gonad bum the meeting be] a, up. 1'. lab 14, 1911 {Nd

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