www.mun .mwmmmMmm I‘LALï¬HLIN. PEEL. FULTON . a L L.\ :. UN. Barristers. Solicitors, on: Sotaries. Money to loan. Speâ€" cial attention given to inx'estments. nukes: Dominion Bank, corner of .ï¬EIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister. So- licitor, Notary Public. solicitor [or 'Mers Bank. representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance 00., of -Wa.terloo: Federal Life Assurance 00.. of Hamilton, Empire Acci- ~Ient and Surety Co.. of London. MM!!! and Granite Monuments "EWART 6: O'CONNOR. Barristers. Notaries. etc. Money to loan an very lowest; current rates on best. Sax-ecognized as “Canada’s High Class Commercial School.†The instruction is absolutely ï¬rst~class. ’Write to;day for our catalogue. Enter now. ' -» 9f interest. Company or private ' funds. I am always ready to buy ..-good mortgageS. I. E. WELDON. ~«solicitor, etc. Milne Block. Lindsay. “PUXS AND HOPKIXS. Barris- an. Sohcitors. Notary Public. etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. Kacey to loan on terms to suit borrower. oriï¬cesâ€"6 William street. south. Lmdaay. Ont. G. H. Hop- kins. K. (3.. F. H. Hopkins. B. A. mms~~ Stfli doing. bu>ir€>§ in the same old stand but not in thesame old way. We avarice with the times and are in a position to do better work than ever. New designs. new granites, new and mproved tools and methods, in fact the most up-to-date Marble and Gran- ite \Vorks in this part of Outer-‘1': Get our prices and see our de signs before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 : 13 Cam- bridge St.. immediately north of Fire Oat. Ogce over farmers Bank. upocite post ofï¬ce. â€BOATS TORON'N UNIVERSI fl. WINNER FOR COUNTY OF Lindsay Marble Works ‘3 - fluent-st... corner Kant and â€an. Phone 45-85. LOTT W nnnnnllln AWIRIA [HE UNDERSIGN ED is prepared to .loan money on farm. town, and vil- 11836 property, at very lomt rates gimmr'tgagaes at ï¬ve per cent. See William Street. Lindsay. 9'. D. Moare. K. 0.. Alex. Jackson Oates: Dominion Bank, corner 0 William and Kent-sts., Lindsay. R U. MCIAughlin. K. C., A. M. Ful ton. B. A†James A. Peel, '1'. E v“, _ “ms: Ofï¬ceâ€"corner Kent and York sta.. Lindaâ€. I. Stew'art. L. V. O'Connor. B. A. Btimn . B. WELDON. Maxiposa township Clerk. Oakwood, Fire Insurance ‘gent, issuer of marriage licenses. Conveyancing in all its forms. [OORE 8: JACKSON. Barristers. can. solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan -_ www.cm .9 ï¬ve net cent. 02- -. NEELANDS IRVINE. Don- â€. members of the Boyd Coi- ~0 of Dent-.1 Surgeons. We but. all the luau methods of dentistry. locum attention will b0 gm: to Modems Crown and bridge rock. The menstul extraction at “I under 3:: (Viwized air) and tho insertion of the best. artiï¬cial htures continue to be a. apociglty d this omce. Oxflce newly opposiu tho Simpson house. What about having your photo taken while 3t the Lind any Far. You gotthe verybest FAQ E 810 HT. Photogggnlï¬ nearly opposite the W DR. 1'. BLLNOHLRD CHAMBERS. Prop "mney to Loan TORONTO, ammo Barristers. ate Col. Hughes dealt with the var- ious thases of the issue Lciore the people with his old time convincing thuroughness. He asked why the Laurior Government had not gone abnut the question of ‘reCiprocity in an intelligent way, by submitting it to the people independently of an elemiun. Ii thEy had been willing to trust the people they would have been willing to submit a referendum. Had they done so, reciprocity would have been snowed under 3 to 1. "hey had brought on reciprocity on them- srhes to cover up a, multitude of Government sins. The speaker ably dwelt upon the undeveloped condition Col. Hughes, the.Consex-vat.ive can- didate and other speakers associated wuh him held three enthusiastic and rousing meetings Wednesday. The Colonel Was accorded a. most earnest and ai'prOCiatiVe hearing by the ex- cellent. audience last. night at Kin- :uount. In the morning Col. Hughes 5, oï¬e at Lamb’s m \‘erulam, and M. the Kinmount meeting Col. Hughes was assisted by Geo. Mc- t'av.-tn.-y, of Bethany and Dr. Sims, vi Fenelon l-‘alls. while Mr. Jas. R. Mark. of Kinmoumi noted as (human. Among the prominent, 211(1) on the platform were John Lyle (burn-an of Luuerworth : Amos 'J‘rn‘n. nx‘ Kinmount ; and the old :ucn nu the platform were (hunt-an of Lune-tworth 'l‘ra'n. oi Kinmount; and. Veteran, Jas. Wilson. in the afternobn addressed an en- thusiastic meeting at Burnt River. People in North of ( anada. when reciprocity was sou-5 hr. with the [nited States. Then tame the Knox-Fielding pact brought aiout in secrecy, the announcement being made simultaneously at. Ot- tawa. and Washington. As to wheth- er this pact was for the beneï¬t of ('anada, we had only to reflect that the United States is not anxious to beneï¬t. usâ€"she is not built that way. Ontario, in the next. ï¬fty yrars he saidi would be the Birming- ham of Canada. We in Ontario, had been hearing the expense of the legislation. The speaker pointed *0 such articles as hogs, hamS. bacon. lard, shipped to Canada, paying the duty, to the value of three million dollars yearly. “hat would they ship in if the duty were removed he asked. They export $20 worth of soc. a box. 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on rcveipt of price by Ftuitaa-tim Limited. Ottawa. “ Fruit-a-tives " keeps the whoie system free of uric acid and will shay! cure Rheumaï¬spjn eyery form._ "i‘Jmit-e-tives", 'or intensiï¬ed fruit juices, is the greatest blood purifying medicine in the world. Until Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Dewittville \’ .Y.- “Before I start- ed to take Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vege- tab__le Compound? - Fortunately. about two years ago. I got “Fruit-a-tives" end they cured me. Since then, I uke them occssionslly end keep free of 'n. I am satisï¬ed that "Fruit-a-tives ’ cured me of Rheu- matism and they will cure anyone who takes themâ€. JOHN B. MeDONALD. Rheumatism. Sciatica and Lumbsgo are caused by Uric Acidâ€"a poisonous substance formed as s malt of acid indigestion sud impurities in the 131004. ‘ ontinuous pain in my left Slde. It made me sick if I tried to walk much. nd my back was so weak that I was obliged to was: corsets all the time. But now I do not have any of these troubles. I have a ï¬ne strong bsby daughter now, which I did not be" before taking Lydia E. Plnkhsm'l Vegetable Compou ."-Mns. A. A. Gun, Boats 44, Dewittville. KY. â€rho shove lapel: one or tbeï¬hop; Mass.,whioh rovebo Lydls r. If: t undo from roe 23:31: does can thy; The above is on! mi. oneotthohthon- tun w bike m b: the oonEantly b'eini {waived by th. Pinkham ’Modicxm Compilaoogm Mags . Eldon grpnbemnd - _L.‘.I- “fl-â€" a year. nnd not being nble to work nt nnything. I went to different doctors who told me there was no undoing anything: ig‘wonld pus away. _ MchLux's Conn. Out. “Your remedy Fruit-a-tives is: perfect penne- for Rheumtism. For yen-e. I suffered distressing pains {tom Scietie Rheumntisxp. beigg‘llid q}? seven! times “FHIJIT-A-TIVESâ€WII.L ALWAYS BUHE THIS TROUBLE PERFECT PANABEA fUR RHEUMAIISM Hear Candidate PAIN vuuv-I- .w. p-I‘ Eat-Judy Ouimot. conservuuoe nominee In Yuma)“. cu... has ro- meduxdthopartyulooklngtor . now nan. ‘ Two million donm :- the ultimat- odlou.uptounpunnt.by tho ton-t are: using in NMoundl-ad. June- Wu'd. at Port Demonic. 109 you: at as... mu to no out to veto on.“ 311%. A Pha- m mm m for up - .- ,,,.n-.__ JAtign -. The close-lining hats are numer- ous, but the medium are quite as at- tractive. A pretty model of the medium hat was in brown velvet : a full draping of velvet formed the crown and a narrow all around brim ï¬nished the edge. The trimming was a chenille banding, passing from side to back and a. large green mount at the side. The much favored large black picture hat was trimmed by a. mass of ostrich and willow plumes. and tinished with long black satin streamers. The total value of this model was 75. One attraétlve shape at MiSS Mit- chell's is a small Tyrolean hat in black pan Velvet trimmed by two willow plumes and a full draping of corded silk at the back. White felt hats and beavers will be much in favor this year. The lead- ing fabrics for trimming will be vel- veï¬, satin, corded and shot silk, chenille, and beautiful Silk fringes. Wings and feathers are much used. One feature of all the new hats, is that. they ï¬t down well and com- {orinhly on the head. A good stock of felt hats, beavers, and made hats, all at reasonable prices, will be found at MiSS Mitchell's. The particularly new feature of the advance models is the height of the crown. The extreme height is con- ï¬ned to the small hats. The large shapes are comparatively flat and the medium sized hats are medium in crown and brim. Among the small high crowned hats the 'n'rol- ean shape will be a favorite. This particular feature is a high crown running up to almost a. point and a narrow up-turned brim. x The helmet is another small shape and comes to more of a point at the top than the sununer models of the same name. A ROMANCE AT TORONTO. '1 oronto. Sept. 7. â€" A little ru‘ mance was rudely interrupted at the Xingara Navigation Co.‘s wharf yes~ market" argument. He demon-tort- ed clearly that It would be ., ruinous loss to the Cum-mun tamer l! the am y were token of! America horses. The speaker also showed conclusive ly Ivy the record or exports and 1m- ports or eggs. and ., compulson or primer that under reclproclty tho Cungdian {armer would not get rich by the sale of eggs. The market for garden produce would be destroyed. owing to the earlier dex'elopment of American vegetables. “Are you tarm- ers in‘a. better or worse condition than the farmers to the south or you." he asked. "Are your lax-ms in'u‘cuting in value or are they not." MAGNIFICEN'I‘ DISPLAY AT MISS MITCH ELL' S . As the season opens up the ladies naturally repair to the millinery par- lprs. At Miss Mitchell's may be seen this season one of the most up- to-date and hes: displays that. have ever been shown. Adapt’ations from some of the best French and New York models are d splayed. wen: quogtions they would have to “ark out for themselves. on a. correspondence with a. widow, .- rs. Don-ell, of Buï¬alo. with that owed. in View. Early in the week the yair, who are both about ï¬fty years of age, met, in Buffalo and de- cided to get married. The bride-to- bl; was a Roman CathOliC, and the priest, who Was asked to perform the Ceremony asked for the bride's bap_ usmal certiï¬cate. This coukï¬ only George Eddy. of Coming, .\'.Y.. be- lieved that matrimony was desirable, and for some time back has carried nn _. rnrresnondence with a widow, txsmal certiï¬cate. This could. only he obtained from her birth! place. Multon. 011?... so the couple set out for Malton and came by way of T0° routo. While here they boarded on Mutual-st, took in the exhibition, and the prospective groom lavished pz esents on his intended wife. He found. to his sorrow, however, that. his su eetheart had extravagant taS- tee. and he took this to heart to such an extent that he decided to jumb the job. ‘ He paid his own bill at the board- inghouse and then hurried away to catch the boat for Niagara. But, alas ! His intended arrived before the baat left and complained to P. C. Ska-Ito: that she had been desert- The stalwart guardian of the peace immediately took the affair in hand The woman wanted her ticket and her transportation papers. wanting his diamond ring back. The policeman acted 3,8 conciliatory agen 9_A2_-_ :_ _ air exchange. “You give up her ticket at! Papers “1â€" ticket and pm": but MILLINERY OPENING m: WATCI-MAN-‘WARDER. LINDSAY , later 0mm. Cmmtibo rut m little 1;; Who‘s Mount Hot-ch, Dec, 2, 181)2.â€"-.~\5 Mr. W. J. Skucc Was threshing at Mr. Jas. Munro's, in sume way he go! his right arm broken in two places. but under the careful treat- ment of Dr. llegrassi we hope to see him arnuud again hefure long. On Tuesday cYPYllng' a mu“ ...-... em occurred on the farm of Mr. l~-:‘x.nk Chambers Fenelun an the boundary between Maripom and Fe- nelon west of the \illaqe of (‘am- brmv, whereby Juseph Wells, 3 young man of twenty-three. lost his life. Mr. Wells. who mvnecl and ran a steam threshing machine, had been threshing for Mr. (‘hambers and hav- ing got through climbed on top of the engine to lower the smoke stack, when he slipped, falling between the fly wheel and the builer. Death was instantaneous, his head being crush- ed in as “ell as the body more or less crushed. The deceased was a son of Mr. Robert Wells of Mari- posa. and A BAD FIRE. Franklin, Dec. 9.â€"â€"A disastrous ï¬re occurred a mile north of here on Sun- day night 27th inst. All the farm stock and implements of James Pritchard, together with the most of the yearfs crop. were burned. Cause of the tire unknown. The loss is said to be cox'ered by insur- ance. (:rcat sympathy is felt for his widowed mother and two sisters. NARROW ESCAPE. Road, Dee. 9. â€" What, (“31' Victoria might. have been a serious accident. . I'eia‘ happened here last Friday. I'olly the ( Chirpa“ and Sarah Shields. two Prov: a \iocl little girls aged 6 \ears,. got on sleigh at the hill near the school- utonn house and some one pushed the ~unres sleigh and down they went. Sm, i frorn kno“ 111:: an\ thing about steering thevl '.poiic .LA - CHEW DULL. LOST SNAP, vm. A man never realizes the strain of my until tailing ability to work thugs it. sharply home to him. "I am an insurance agent," writes Mr. W. R. Nemino, of Montreal. and to make commissions a man must. have both energy and snap. My digestive organs began to give out: ï¬rst a Sluggi:h action of the bowels ï¬lled my blood with humors. A little acrutch Would tester .nd my face get red we pimpiy. Hot rushes 01 blood to the baud nude me very irriublo ad PrPV'entod sleep. I thought 1 Could excl-cine it 08. but the more I did, the more strength I lost. m. div! gum mymnlsttor-eom- would cm emu- mom ‘0 I" ss§“s‘§“ â€-“-§‘â€â€ Tuesday evening a fatal "Lost His Grip†(‘AI'SE OI" liSRliF‘uT. , Dec. 9. â€" What l'ekin, Sept 7. â€" Missionaries in l serious accident t Friday. I’olly the outlying districts of Swâ€"Chuen th Shields. two Province have been ordered by the years,. got on a \ iccruy to concentrate in the larger near the school- itoxxns in consequente of the general one pushed the unrest among the natives, arising they went. Km 1 from the Governments railroad about steering thev i policy. All foreigners in (‘hcngtu. 1 the capital of Sze-Chuen province. i are taking refuge in the compound of “5 Grip†EL"? Missionary Society. of the Hem. vst Church of Landa- â€"â€"- Many of the missionaries endanger- DST SNAP. \‘IM. 'cd by the Chinese rioters at Chengtu Llizes the strain of are said to have been sent out by the 1g ability to work Baptist mission Board in Toronto. km to him‘ "I I Ontario. __â€"â€"â€"--- uvmv v- __,____ _ agent," writes ML: CAUSE or DISORDERS Montreal, and to Sue Chuen is a western province at s a. man must. have China. bordering on Tibet. and map. My digmtivc Chasm 13 some 2,000 miles from give out; ï¬rst a‘tho gout. It has an ma of at» .t the bowels ï¬llediwardl 0! 200.000 square miles. The human. A little populate! is estimated at ubout Ler and my face get 70.000.000. far exceeding that of my Hot mines of blood other Chine-o province. 3 me very irriubto Tho pooplo have then in protest ep. I thought I .91»th project 0! the 33, but the more I Chine-a W tho qiuuon ength I lost. Fin. mmmyumt tho mist to Mom- 9m 7“ 0b â€Chm-Eu:- would cmoouu- hum MWu‘ to at!“ link-b .n. b0 mum nap maul. . not“. 11» am Ion at mummy an mono ..a m n right. So hm “#ï¬u» mt- accid- 0 g 1*: "I‘ZMYYIH 1w Vim; 103 m : 1'1: :‘ly an M~nduy morning a house | .tives, 'm-cupicd by “iiiiam Balance, in the W C east ward, owned by a Mr. Curr’m ._ m‘ Toronto, “3.5~ u‘cstr03ed by lire. Mr. Balance lost all his en‘ects that, were upstairs. all down stairs being saved. The ï¬remen were early on the scene and did good work in pre- venting the tire spreading to adjoin- ling buildings. -_~.-. .. __- , llunsford. Dec. 9.â€"Bemg 1 gatiun has closed Mr. Geru his double rigs on the road conVey passengers and mag tween Lindsay and Bobcayg RAIDED THE BOWERY. (Thief Constanta Bill. â€sum; by (‘onstable Foster, made another raid on the Bowery last night. arresting two of the inmates. On Monday they were arraigned before the chic! magistrate and sentenced to one your and eleven months in the Mercer. brought the sleigh up in the river and both were immersed, bul it was not. deep enough to drown them. llunsl’ord. Dec. 9.â€"Being that navi- gation has closed Mr. Germyn has his double rigs on the mud and will convey passengers and luggage be- tween Lindsay and llohcaygeon, leav- ing Maundcr's hotel, Lindsay, exery day at 12.15. J anetville, Dec. 23.â€"Mrs. Henry Heaslip. of‘ the Temperance House. slipped on the ice and fell, breaking her arm above the wrist. Dr. Xa- smith was soon in attendance and set the broken bone. Mrs. Ileaslip is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. §-§-\Q-§Qâ€â€˜Q-§m-“ may BUSY Ghmploi 0f Doin‘t in 1892 in the river protest. TURNED IT DOWN. oftho " The '1‘. Enton Co.. of Toronto. wen-Eur uric." any: the Beeton Wald. " 3.. III†to ltd. a pm by Brit- W oeutly we were asked ngdn to quote price. for their .11., by u ï¬rm who are bundling their run! “Wag. W0 con-Idem it would I» W. mmminmotourtoum- Invest Your Money in Guaranteed 6 per cent N1 particulars on mortgages an non on pruperucs can be obtaxned 1‘ ton and SLnson, barristers, Lindsay YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED runner: Dns.|III(ENNEJYNE,DY pm. my a; WY. WW. on gnu- arm-“nu. m In: W buinesd only. Address all legtcrs as Follow the enmple of the lead- ing Lou: and Insurance Companies. end invest in ï¬rst mortgages on improved Saskatchewan farms. Get 6 pet cent. interest. Buy the mart- IPA-- the puyment of punapa-l um intend. We collect and remit the .CERS, BOIIS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLEI'ELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT Got. My. Ave. and Griswold sc, “ ~ 4 flo- " “In!" â€J John wwonh “v.5 H 3 London hotel by ““1â€â€œ d“ lled in ‘ at.“ as moron sum us'r. First Mortgagesâ€"q guano-mm ER; “" wig-TM“. Mich. 'T'c All Ian†M Quads must be :uijre _ toour Canadian Correspondezm"1)q mentin WW) out. If you (1051! an Itour Medical Institute in Detroit as we .m- m: at Windsor 050:: which are for Correspond“?c§. and Olen Vac-Int. 8.0. nJ vduations and detauea uuuuua from least-s. McLaughiin, Peel. Fm- r .nh Penelon Falls, local represem We desire to an the creation of .n that! “acted with any Blood or Skin Din-ow our Nev Method TM 35 a int-“3““! cure for mac complaxnm Thu-0 is no ex- cuse tor any'pcraon having a d;s;X-- mo tron erupuons and blowhes. 30 W whethgr herediury or acquired. our groan: romaine: tad treatment neutr;:..; l poi- sonsin the blood and expel them from the I’m. Ont-us: exponence it. :{ze unt- 3'0“ 50" quick! our mm» ‘ios mi; remove 31! evidence: 0! disease. I.‘ 3 wt 11:" inflpenco of “30 New w Treatment the rkm be- comes dear. ulcers. pimp. s and {-Zozcha bed up. cola-god glands ar- nedumx. mien 0m hair grow: in again. 'Yze eva‘ lemme â€Mk “Blithe and enemy return. ymd the Victimmumsnew life 111w opeLL-J up to Sad (a Book!“ on DEM-nu “THE GOLDEN uomTOR '“ngwï¬tifor I Q THURSDAY. SEPT. 14. 1911 NW "at 0' \ “"“‘ in- h‘. of Chicago. H‘I'WW†(«Italic Coloninuivn WWW hum Lmd south tO-nit:ht “not W mmemms M!" “m f.“ b “an where-w four minioi tï¬ , of land want and" “mm to ISM pd â€Kw by Rout ~an“... “1.0wa “:4. um. you cm ARRANGE TO my Am YOU ARE CURE-D A VAST SCHEm-z. - â€VON to Rh‘ersido ccxzw‘ mm. Sept. 7. -â€" '1' “much scheme of rem in! M hunched mum-dull" â€a“. M of Cumin- V m, of Chicago. to] w COMIC (Clonihflinn W south to-night am W Mama wit your choice of the best class of ï¬rst mortgages in Saskagchewan â€"a.n excellent and legal investment for “Trust" funds. You can in- vest with us any sum from $500.03 to $10,000.00 or mom. Send for booklet "A Safe Investment," CONSULTATIO N I, TORONTO ’t- ' .. The“ no of roam 3" immedimel) in “.4- W. C- detailed inform {Men Hrs. H. Brno ids -_ short \‘i this week 1 Hess Pena Mr. H. i m m Penn-5 U? The Wow. :1 ~ their regu!ar September 11*. L, Townle}. I of Montrea . \\ Mationship 1) Homes." A (a: tamed to a]: v Master Gor Kiss 1 home frm‘ First Day fngs open The 45th Reg present < and even? Kernels of 7.30 p.m 10.00 p.111 2.30 pins-Judging hall commence Good meals fumisl grounds f0? L’ .7 Grand Illu Agricul Horse 1 also th< will be tricitv. EVE {4 9 for p.m.â€"â€"The E public. - Lind: Grounds and m. S! TREASURER MO