mmcmm, London, Aug. 29.-â€"Colo‘ne1 the Hon. Sam. Hughes, Canadian minis- ter of militia, with the pm of Ca.- nadiAn oï¬iceg-s who are to attend the miliury manoeuyrgs m F‘hagjlgpjiiqud on the emf, 931766 30% by the Royal Edward. They were met by Lord Stnthoona, who 63W :hanthisevening atdinner'lt hi! BEACHES BRITAIN 1 Good Pickles land Preserves IIcLAUGHLIN, PEEL, FULTON STINSON. Barristers, Solicitors, and Notarios. Money to loan. Spec. m .ttentibn given to investments, other): Dominion Bank. 'corner'of .Willï¬m and Kent-sts., Lindsay. R. In UNDERSIGNED 1e prepared to loan money on (em. town. and vil- lage property. at Very lowest ate. .9 Interact. Company or private [Intimlunalwqereedyto buy good mortgagee. I. E. WELDON, eoueitor, etc. Milne Block, Lindsey. I. B. WELDON, Muripoaa township Clerk. O‘kwood, Fire ham-moo nut, issua- ot mun-lags licenses. HIGH R. KNIGHT. narrister, So- licitor. Notary Pubnc. solicitor the Home Bonk of Canada. represent.â€" ing Waterloo Mutuul Fire Insur- once 00.. of Waterloo; Federal Life Assurance Co.. of Hamilton, Empire Accident and Surety Co., of London, Ont. Ofï¬ce over Home Bank. opposite Post. Ofï¬ce. Parowax~Tl1e cleanest and_ best w .1.x f )1- sealiï¬g bottles Per cake. 1513 Mixed Pickling; Spiceâ€"The best mixture for making good Pickles. ' ' 2 07.51:. Liquid Catsup "Flavorâ€"An '93; 1111.1 of the best Catsup spicds. S‘IVES time. 1:111:11 and material. P0: box, 250 Proof Vinegarâ€"Is over 3. stranger than xxx vinegar 3 most. desirable a1 ticlc £01 pickling c. Fer gailcn. 50¢ Gem Rubberâ€"Made of best qualities cf 111bbcr, pint. and quart sizes in white and red Per doz.10c and 50 Inï¬ividual Spices, all kinds Cork; all sizes and prices IOORE . JACKSON. Burriaton. otc.. solicitors for The Canadian flank of Commerce. Money to loan on mortgages .t ï¬ve per cent. 0!- are best made with the use 3f good requisites' such as ‘ DUNOON'S Cemetery Work Monuments Bell'15'l L ITEWART O’CONNOR, Bun-intern, Notaries. etc. Money to loan at Ivory lowest; current rates on best 7)“; _...l G. MéLaughlin, K.C., A. 'M. Ful- ton, B.A., James A. Peeil, T. H. Btiixson. ' 'Woodville ofï¬ce open every week gt. oï¬ice of C. E. Weeks. W. H. .CRBSSWELL "m LINDSAY . .OPKINS AND HOPKINS, Bama- un, Solicitors. Notary Public. etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. Honey to loan on terms to suit borrower. Ofï¬cesâ€"6 William street south. Lindsay, Ont. G. H. Hopo kins. K. C., F. H. Hopkins, B. A. bianvéyucing in :11 it. forms. Egoâ€"\i'iillï¬n‘i atraet. Lindsay. l‘. D. Moore. K. 0.. Max. Jackson WV.†-7 arms. N Ofï¬ceâ€"corner Kent um Vork at... Lindon. I‘. Stuart. L. V. O’Connor, 8. A PAGE TWO rugs-v--- v__v VICTORIA. no -â€" Ridout-st., corner Kent and May-31:3. Phone t5-35. Dr. Hall. Little Britain GRADUATE 0F TORORONTO AND TRINITY UNIVERSITIES. SPECIAL' ATTENTION T0 SUR- GERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ASSOCIATE COROXER FOR THE COUNTY OF VIC’IDRIA. Oflice Hoursâ€"1 to 3 p.m. and by appointment. DR. F. BLANCHARD IIADCATE: TORONTO UNIVERSI- â€" 7 _ -A-.‘vm‘r Al’.‘ v.w"v Dork. The ‘luccessful extraction of nun under gas (Vitalized air) gnd tho insertion of the best artiï¬cial matures continue to be a specialty 0! this ofl’tce. Ozï¬ce newly opposite 3:: Simpson house. m. members of the Royal Uol- "0 of Dental Surgeons. We have Ill the lateSt methods of dentistry. Ipecisl attention will be given to D‘thodonin. Crown and bridge ‘ ‘ 0 Ad- -L:-_ ‘ DRUG s'ronn‘ . The REXLLL Store ., NEELAL‘TS J: IRVINE, Doctor And Physician Money to Loan Dentistry etc Col- LOUCKS.-4)n the 26th, in Bobuy- econ. the wife «Valencia. 9! 9 and m‘g‘matly enjoyed by ail. Miss Minnie Kirkland of Chicago Yis ‘viait'mg her Motha‘nlrs J . Kirkland. ‘* Rev. A. H; Poster, of‘Colbo’me, is i’vi‘sitin'g his bréthér‘ Mri'j Cig‘xnroner. I I'm; :‘Cher'ie: of; Peterboro. spent’a. few days‘tï¬e" gm; _of his parents. ‘ ' Mr. Garfield Heatlie, of ‘Little Britain spent Sunday in our village. .Mr. John Webiter Whed a, very instructive sermon on Sunday night Mrs Trethway died on_. Tuesday last and “as hurried at the East Oak- wood Cemetary. ,. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones. Messers L. Pascue and Harold Hogg spent Sunday in our vilhge. Oakwood Atg. 26â€"3113 and Mrs. Jim Bruce, of , Lipdsay are Visiting at Mr. W. Thorndike.’ . I’FJERs-AIITCHELL. â€"At the rec- togy, E‘s-melon Ialls, bv the Rev. \V. H. A French, on “ ednesdav, Aug. 28, 1912, Mr. George E. Peters to \iolet Ann, daughter -of the late Wm Mitchell, of Somér- \ille. M c(: 1-: I-Zâ€"PO\\'LESâ€"At the ,residelce pf the bride‘s parents. by the Rev. .L Redford, on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 1912, Mr. Arnold McGee, of Fene .lon Falls, to Clara, daughter 0; Mr. and 111‘s. Jas. Powlgs,‘ bf l‘owles' Corner. ‘ P.xpG_!-:T.â€"-T.o m.'ar‘1d.Mrs} IBobt. l’adgo‘t, ; Emily, a. daughter; on Aug. 28, 1912. ‘ Pr. W. Beattie, chief C. P R. sur- goon met the train. It is thought that Murich has sustained .concussion of the brain. ‘ -. - W ~. Toronto, mug. 29,â€"John Murrich, of L'xbridge, who was going west on the C.P.R. harvester special yester- day, fell off the train betwéen Mid- hurst and Craighurst and was se- x’ei-ely injured about the head and side. He was brought into the Un- ion-station in an' unconscious condi- tion at 12.20 this morning on the ORR. tram from Muskoka, under the care of"1)r. W. F. M. Adams of Hillsdale and taken to an hospital. in the police ambulance. I Mr. J. W. Anderson, general mer- chant of Wilberforce, has made an assignment to Mr“ I. E. thdOn, barrister, of Lindsay. Mr. Jack “‘elch Jr. of Moore's Falls. paid a visit to his home in Mindcn over Sunday. FALLS FROM TRAZN MADE AN A S SIGNMENT .-\ sen-m Electric storm passed thruugh hero on Saturday, kill- ing twolve sheep belonging to Mm. Joseph Hughes, of Minden Township Mrs. Prentice Sr. is very seriously in at the home of her daughter. Mrs. J). l'rontonco. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Lindsay .md family have on wednesduy for the \n-SL when) they will make their tut.- uru homo. Dr. H. Brown arrived from the Thousand Islands parts. having been off months vacation. Dr. I'omle, of town, is erecting a new dwelling on Main-st. right next. to his drug store. Mr. George Putts, of Haliburton, “us in town this week. Mrs. ’I‘hos. Trumbull left to visit her brother in Ohio Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre and family of Toronto, who au'loed through too‘ Gull Lake a, couple of weeks ago, left for their home in the city being‘ well pleased with Gull Lake and its‘ surroundings. They think it is an ideal spot. MINDEN Minder], Aug. 25th.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Ebbetts of Toronto, arrived Sat- urday afternoon to apend a holiday at (:ull View Cottage. Miss Maggie Deyell has returned home. from a pleasant stay with Hamilton friends. Mr. Will. Garnett, of Lindsay, is holidaying at Mr. Wes. Deyell's. Mr. Luther Hart has been secured as teacher at I leet“ ood. Miss Rollie Jackson is visiting friends at: Sonya. ‘ Mr. John Caldwell is home again from the hospital. We are very glad to hear of her recovery. Master Melville Sanders, of 'Lind- say, is visiting with Master Herman ï¬tment. Mr. han Mdore left for the west a few days ago. Mr. Wesley Moore, wife and son, of Buffalo, visited at' Mr.~ James Moore's recently. Misses Ethel and Mary Deyell were the gueststof Miss Mackinnon, Cress- well, for a few days. Mr. Héni‘y Philp and Maist‘er Ho- ward Jackson attended the Toronto exhibition. Mr. Mark Lee had the misfortune to lose a. valuable colt latebn . . MOUNT HOBEB. Mount Horeb, Aug. 28.â€"The har- vest so far has been one of the wet- test on record. We have jalao‘ hafl several electric storms lately. MARRIAGES.‘ 0A KWOOD BIRTHS. this week and other on a two this week II i‘HE WATCI Fish were in abundance, and the‘ campers had fish for breakfast, din- ner and supper, during the two weeks sojourn, Mr. P. A. Ferguson, secured a beautiful Salmon trout in Bear Lake whiCh measured 37 inches from noseto tip oftail, hadaciram- ferenoe of 19 incha. and WE“ 21 lb. The party was ‘ made up ol‘the‘ following mandam. “Rd Hughes; Frail w; James 800†J J A. lam-ids; Charla m; 'J. A: mi has m John†The same party have been visiting this favoriate resort for over 36 years, and the last visit was more agreeable then ever. ' A PLEASANT PARTY OF CAMPERS Mr. 1‘. A. Ferguson, returned home on Saturday, after a. pleasant two weeks outing, with the Waterloo Round Lake Fishing and Hunting Club. 7 Tlle injured are all doing well in Mattawa hospital, with every .pros- pect of - recovexgv Injuredâ€"Thomas Mc\Ianus, fore- man of work train; Peter Morrison. brakeman; Wm. Roach, ï¬reman, Sig- fried JoudOin. Adelard Bei‘trand, Da- ‘mas Chenier,.1\Iatthe,w C);,_Alfred Bangs, Neil McCalpin, Clarence Mc- Calpin. Deadâ€"Thomas Duncan. conductor of the work train; Thomas. O’Keefe, Fe- liz, Chenie-r. August Desjandines, and Ernest; Ckï¬niexj, laborers. No blame is attached to the crew of thc fast {reight as it was the du_ty of the men in charge of aha work- train to give ti e iréight a clear track. The casualtx list is: North Bay, Sept. 3.â€"Five dead 'and ten severely injuredmas-thé toll taken by' an accident on the- Canadian Pa- ciï¬c near Mattawa on Saturday morn- ing.'whc.1 a. work train engaged in ballasting.the tracks. while running caboose ï¬rst. collided- with a dust through .ireight train. The dead and injured. with the ex- ception of Conductor Thos. Duncan, were all residents of Mattawa. Gon- ductor Duncan was a young, runmar- ried man, residinz with his mother and sister at North Bay. Five Killed in ' NINTEEN |YEARS THE STAK- DARD. Prescribed and. recommended (01. women's ailments. a scientiï¬cally prepared remedy_ of pro'ven wbrth. The result of their use is quick and permanent. >For ml. at all drug HAS RESIGNED. It is understood that Mr. Henry Cooke Hamilton, organist of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church for several years past. has resigned hig position. Dr. Martels’ Female Pills no on cutter another (13 with Itchins'- lood‘ inc. or Hound- mg Piles. No surgical opoy anon vacuum. s u r2 1 o a l ope? anon momma. Dr. Chase's Ointment. ml! .vllovo you at once and as ourtunly cure '2! 600. u no: - ll dealers. or Edmanson. Ham. Ch. Limhod. Toronto. Sample be: free it you mention um we: and enema 20. stamp to no: pout-.20. A few points of, this character may ufton he made of service when ap- pouring in the local papers. It. is alright. to have them stmved away in. scivmil‘tc books and monographs. but it, is through the papers thut it, reaches the people. The pink, black or hrmx'n-g-illed are safe. though the pink is the most delicious. I‘ufl‘ bulls are poisonous. Mora-ls are .all good. :\void all the h‘hite-g’llllul‘ and yellow-glued nmshl‘ooms. AVuid all 01%! m‘ spoiled specimens of all kinds. The chief things to be kept in mind are the characters of' the poisonous forms. These all, practically all, belong to one genus and have these points of distinction which may eas- ily be recognized byl everyone. They have white “ giHS,†i. e., they are white under the cap, not pink, black or brown. They have a, ring round the stalk. This is nearly‘. always apparent. They have a sort of cup of flaky material round the base of the stalk. At times this is not eas- % ily distinguished. These. three characters distinguish the genus AMONITA or Death‘s Cup. No amateur should meddle with the white gilled fungi, though many of these forms are amonp.r the best. None of the pink. brown or black gilled forms are deadly. how of the yellow~gilled fungi are good Avoid them. These fungi, so called mushrooms or toadstools, or véhageve'r else may be, in view of their: use as food, classed into three groupsâ€"-(1) those which are edible and goodâ€"(2) those which are poisonousâ€"(3) those which are indifferent, neither poison- ous or good. ers. 'Cool damp Weather is favor- able to the growth of such fungi, consequently they are «usually most abundant in the fall. (In the West Durham Review.) 5‘ V. . Deaths occur in this country eve‘ry T010130. Aug. 29.â€"With a number vear owing to the'fact that N mahy 0‘ men Stufdlng on a saw mthzn ~ ten feet of him, 3 mm named 31ch maple who use mushrooms at table was drowned y | rday afternoon in are unable to distinguish with car the lagoon mm. the isluxd. where they tainty the poisonous from the 001- I aret puugm through a cut for the ' wa erwor s. l‘nn‘ flannn ‘l'nnihm- h: favnr- In... Railway Wreck JIM [PLLES CURED at HOME ‘by New Absorption Methoda If you suï¬er from; bleeding, itphing blind or protrudx ng Piles. send me our addresspand I will tell you ow to cure your- self at home by the absorption }!reat_rhent, ° and will also send some Ofthls thlshome treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re quested. 'Immediate relief and WE cure assured. M Send One citizen estimates that the pro- posed Sussex-st. drain will cost $20;000 before it is completed. A 135 pound printer married a 650 pound bride. Imagine what would happen if she sat down on him ! Wongl'er' whether '- September can she a better imitation of summer than August did ? Misses Ex elyn and ’£ iolet Clinic of Liridsay were the gliests of Miss zeua MCNeVan last week. ‘Mi'ss Ford. of Port Perry, is holi- daying at Mr. F. Smitheranis. The O. W. 1. Picnic to Rosedale on the 22nd inst†waslwell amended in spite of the threatening weather. The O. W. I. mettmg for Septem- her “ 11] be held on the sécond Thursâ€" day of the month instgad of the ï¬rst Thursday on account of the Toronto Exhibition ' Miss Janet MIA of Reaboro and Miss- Alberta Nugent, of Lindsay spént. the ‘ week. end at Mr. Jas. Meynes. ‘ I ' - c" , PL’EKSANT. VATIJS’Y Pleasant Valley. Aug. 28â€"311mm MrS. John Harshaw and littlé grand- son of , Grimstgy, 'Ont, were .in t}}is. néighborhood a. few days bf ‘ last. week renewing old «acquaintances. 'ougg-gy. Aug. sq,- -“Tbe Liberal in England is on the wane. have been steadily going down hill, as the recent series of by e-elec-a tions shows,†declared Sir yPhilip Sassoon, M. P. for Hyde in the British House of Commons? who is now in water taxes. etc. The remainder will come out 06 loans. Montreal's Spending Money. [Manta-ea], Aug. 29.â€"Ao_oordiï¬_to a prepared by the city au itor. Pelletier, the city will next Year have at its disposal $16,000.0w to Spend. The report shows that $8,: 100,000 of this amount will come out a! revenues; such as real estate, taxes, Montreal’: Highest Death Rate. Montreal, Aug. 29.â€"That the high- est death rate is among “Other Catho. lice.†which is the form in the health statistics used to denote all Catholim not French-epeeking. is the conclu- sion enived at by Dr.- Louis Laberg. medical health oflicer, in compili autistic: for his reunite: the pa twelve months. percen of deaths as against birth: is‘ as f loin" Other Catholics, 06.71: ancbspeeking Catholics, 59.40; Proteetnete, 59.13;. Jews, 33.14.- Nearly Jumped Into Rav3ne. Hamilton. Auc. 29.»Dr'. J. Robert- son. of Stratfurd. and a party nf seven Wumen and twu vhiidmn. returning from Toronto. hm] a rumarknhie es- cape from death on tlw \\'atcrduwn road while trying to race tu Hamilton ahead of the stnrm nn Tuesday. One of the cars became unmanageable. and was nnly hrmxuht to a stop an the edge of the steep ravine. when the second car. following it. crashed into it. locking the brakes. Dr. Ruh- inson and his wife. with their party,- veturned to Stratford yesterday: ‘ :Irhni: .10 (‘r- 3‘. Tn: 505 erdm‘. s!x1:1.~'.5: g mm 3‘“! jn‘t; r‘rmn their sc: =. No 15' hut... G.T.R.- Engine Hit R3631! Ctr. Hmniimn. Auyz. 2Lâ€".~\ Gram: Tmm engine <nx::.2u I .19.» a radial cur M» 11‘"!!! :10 "1- in: if! the and (A '1 yesterday. >!ll:1>.ifg the si' :e uf t.. war 3‘â€! jnltg‘; 'E‘u'l'J; para-curm- r‘rmn their seats. Ne, one “-1.5 seriu'n Get China's Laans Elsewhere. London. Aug. 2 .--Dr. Sun Yat Sex. proposed yesterday at, a (‘abiret meet» in: that China burrow nothing (rt-n: the six-power :rvmp of bunkers. av coming to a news money despnm from Ticn Tsin. He «Fochned if [m- sihle for China tn "Main funds frnn. uther suurues withuut \'e.':xtiuus our: ditimxs. Hamil‘qn Man Beaten. Hamilton Aug 29â€"Zhe po‘ioe have another 1ms.erv on their handS. Yesterday morning a. man, later idenz tiï¬ed as John 3' CG ~e-gur. “as found in a “estend :rraxe! pit with his skull cracked and hi< body badiv bruised. 'It is believed that he was badly beaten. McGregor is still un- conscious. The mayor‘s representative toh Chief Flynn that the mayor believea the secret service man could aeccm plish effective police reforms. Waldc will resign. New York. Aug 29â€"Mayor Gaynor has asked W. J. Fly nn. chief of the secret service of the department of the east to take the Inpb 0‘ P0509 commissioner, it was learned yester Several of the men threw ropes to the drowning man but none of them seemed to reach him, and he was pull- ed out later. dead“ D'r. Clarke "of? the Hospital for Sick Children. was sent for,» and he.workec} over the man for i:‘lcgme time. but was unable to revive 1m. Say; Liberal; Are Waning. To Succeed Waldo. rand Watch’ed , Man Drowning In Lam 01- WLVE. WM: 102-. cigars! The September meeting will be held on Fridav, September 13th, at 2.30 p..m .. at Mrs. Dunk Webster's An i‘unusually good program is being ‘prepamd. We expect to have Dr. my, Mr. Thom: Stewart, Lindsay. and Rev. Mr. Howard to addressus on Friday, Sept. 13th. st 2.30 pm. Stoddard a Stoddud‘ will mecca! the won-known and long‘esuhlilhod partnership with his brother, II. B. V. . SW. The new ï¬rm 0! cake had been served, we all went home, feeling gratiï¬ed that such a plehsant evening had been enj0yed by so many. The program was splendid. Mr. Weeks, Lindsay, gave a. ï¬ne address on “Women. and Banking," which was very'instructive and was much appreciated by all. Mr. flank Web- ster gave a, splendid talk on Pioneer Days. and Experiences of the Early Settlers in Penelon; also he told of some old‘land marks, that- few of us had everzknown. Mr. Weeks, Mr. Pethic and Chas. ‘ Maclnnes sang. while Mr. W. Perkin gaVe several ï¬ne reeitations. After ice cream and The social- e\'cning of the Cambray Woman's Institute «at held on Ang. 7th at Mrs. Wm. ‘Tamlin‘s home. PU’I‘NAM'S - CORN EXTRACTOR ' {BIDS FEET OF CORNS. What any corn' needs is the sooth- ing influence of Putnam's Painlesn Comand Wan. Enn'ctor. which in twenty-four hours lifts out every root, branch and stem of coma and warts. Just glean riddance of the foldgéfléndersâ€"that' s the way Put- nam's Painless Corn and Wart Ex- tractor acts. Refuse a substitute preparation for for Putnam's Ex- tractor, 25c, at druggists. WOMAN’S INSTITUTE OF CAMBRAY ~ HOLD SOCIAL Hr. Stoddard in leaving for North grain, and much of it :is rotting in the‘ï¬eld‘s. Mr. Duncan Tolmie, ree\e Renelon, ;informed The “arder on Monday‘laat and many 'acres -of grain “'ere‘still green. and in dang- e'r of being destroyéd through wet from lack of sunlightqmd dry weath- er. As much lake grain is through the county the outlook is serious. unless dry weather. approaches at once. ’I‘ripped with honey-scent and rose,‘ Notwithstanding the many pious prayers ofl‘ered up in tho various churches, beseeching the ommpotent Lord to lessen the rain .falls. the ele- ments still persist in sending down goodly nualitles of the refreshing wales. Shower followed in such goodly quantities of the refreshing ible for farmers to harvest their OUTLOOK FOR THE ' LA TE GRAIN IS . BECOMING SERIOUS the blood is not in a. pure, healthy condition as it reaches and nourishes every part 0! the system. For a. ltime you may not be aware that your blood is becoming vitisted and carrying poisons to all parts of your system, but soon some impor- tant organ will refuse to nerform its proper function and a. serious ill~ ness is the result. It is advisable to take an occasional dose of Hender- son's Herb Tablets to keep the bleed in a healthy condition. even though at the time you may not feel ‘ the necessity. Provided you have no Serious symptoms, one or two Teh- iets taken two or three times a. week will be found sumcient to preserve the equilibrium. ,m .31.. an; as .0. him kitchen and dining rooln We Wham, eating on some indacï¬hable nastiness less than an be“, 380, and ash single flyoï¬eucm'ia many Wdl ofle germs attached to its hairy . body. it is the duty of every housekeeper to assist in exterminazing mu. The remains of' the late }eneral William Booth, founder o‘f the Salâ€" vation Army were interred beside those of his wife. ' British suflragcttkis. issuvd a state; John Sequin. engineer of a men} declaring that- they intended Vermont paSSenm-r train \xas organizing their forces in Canada. crushed in collisiun wi.h d :':- g Two ï¬re insurance .pmpanies were gine at St Lamhext. put out, of the‘Western Canada l-irc' Only four ' niomhs mm» . " Unteriwriters' Association. tor violat-‘Year girls. . ing rules 'conoin'ning'mte-cuiting. I You won't travel wry.- :1â€- i The rgmains of ' the latet }eneral Ttread 0n osher people's toes I D THE F. F. LOOSEMOORE. Manger. Mogul†IIWBIMW WWW-fora. *F. F. Loosen _ M). Lin]. Britain 8. H. Sher“. Mano!) .Nedloton Sution (R. H. Co 4.01;. 7 _,JIII_-J_.'I'- «somoww »~~â€â€œâ€œâ€œâ€˜ ' 3'?) MAKE SURE 0F DRY FEET BANK Kill flies in such immense quantities as cannot be By killet. .“MW“"“ Being made of edible products Just TEE-"‘3" " -|-|-| ' . . , r , - ~I- '1, " c 3 ‘Hi" -,‘ , 7 , “ Children like FAIRY SOAP. Its whiteness shows its purity and appeals to them. It floats always within easy mob; the youngster does not have to dive for it. ‘The shape of. the cake is oval- ï¬ts the handâ€"ï¬t for any hand. f FAIRY SOAP lathers freely, cleanses quickly and thoroughly, without smart or sting of any kind. ©F‘ ©ANMA Open an meant, in our Suing us Bmk Deparrmexr Unusuplly high security and a liberal interest rate are the features which have given this Department of our bUeinebb its great popularix y. A C.E.WEEKS, Lindsay Street 'I'IIE VICTORIA LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY Incorporated 1895 Oqital 5: Reserved Fund 340000000 Money to loan on ï¬rst mortgag‘: at, (uncut ram and on terms to suit borrowers. LINDSAY. BRANCH Rapmivi \‘l â€.13 Call and get'a pair of WILSON’S STANDARD J. HUGHES’Waterpmi Beets Rn'ei.’ $553.6: Mania). Neilloton‘ Sution (I Must-rhgefferluv. Sandal-ad and Woodville. 7 an] P-Jngtly and Willéam "Edited States ' lroulv \icaragua to protect \m ter‘ésts. is an advantage sometimes to keep a bank account It: the names of two persons. so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an account is called a “joint account." We shall be pleased to fumishpar- THI’RSDA Y. SEPT .LHLI ‘--“O.“‘C- approached by any etha- Street. N. or Um Execuzej Imps Assistant \“ssq 13d" 4* you “Veloping a character ‘ ‘on am will my ; m In mid methmg I invasion- 91 the oldest ml: WE "117-31?! .Iil ,, ____ ,,_.,,,,,V We sell reputable and _h M low as consistent mt 390d§ we sell, and gun Lindsay Branch, Victor Gramoph: mc Or‘gthegfake propositn. ll Headquarters For WARREN’S Ihould be nude by means «4' r» ORDERS. 13808;: \Vilhuui ‘10'24 .“W004w 90. § only whtr g“ 2‘) That Ian Issued by The Cum-“22.x: inexpensive method m : payable without dm 1 gr Territory) and in Ih‘: pr the following mu ~ .- The National Co CAPITAL, $15.01) THE CAT OF C (4) (I) That Did it Eve Bout. cinuian and Am That cvmcn perfecz land you 1' ncr- -a~ That the pr is returned uni.- D‘Ir 'y' BANK tome and inspect l Over W to 3 o’clnvk. "â€rdnyfl 10 to Incorporated b: of Parliamo C‘ wanna)“ I!“ Ofï¬ce Ho 10 Lindsay B‘ MON Paid up Rest .. Undivid mlmun. 0""! ii’h. >‘3‘Vf‘fl‘ York, Clnca tmnsacm Branch and under and not ex: REMI'I CONN 2113 rrn [~90 kind harv fro: n Branches [iIil Llj IIIIIi] H US