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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Sep 1913, p. 5

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THURSDAY, 32 Uinnipexx. Aug. 29.â€"-According m .p reports compiled by the 0.; ry (‘redit Men’s Association, 001': ng all the southern portion of u... pvince and as far north as Stei- r, the grain yield will be about a ’ cent. in excess of last year, “a [1 be practically all WW mendous increases in mixed farm. . output are reported. For in- mce, Lethciridge district .which lug .r shipped 50.000 hogs will 3m. ,r market 450.000. It is exm that the hog output of the Pr re will be considerably in exceu‘ one million head, as compared- }, ZONING last year. iter a. tour of a. number of West. mug-s sn- William Whyte, direo. of the Canadian Pacific Railway, “$98 the opinion that the West 1 huI‘VPSE a. good crop this year, ‘ that there is little prospect of ‘ \r-M- .u Wonderland." m I H213: 4 that her collar hon. mm m1 other injuries 1‘" when a trapdoor at 13110 ”It men house fell on her- 3’ iting for her daughtfl'. m in: part in the production- to a. mcety ; whok,‘ nealy and full 'xavored. Hating )nly is necessary. 1i1dren CIY FOR rmcnsn's \STORIA ixed Farming Increasing in West \l’u he crop is late in ‘r mom-y or active business ' tithe. tn was appointed of Nurses for Park t ‘E Beans y it was v baked . is late in the norther'u Erna and Saskatchewan," at in the southern partj at, two weeks ahead of < at this time last year hemm. Around Calgary I, at. Roast. one-third o! 5 cut; in fact, from west a. good portion 01 us iaHé‘n before the bin- s m-athor continues for 1;, from 40 to 60 per win-at will he cut. 0n will he a. fair average r in places, it is compen- MI by heavier yields EC-ULATION. ‘noss conditions Sir ,1 that. trade was ad a lot. of vacant ion in some of the "Places like Leth- Jaw with a. heavy n, are in better. ; without similar we that we cannot may for some time. :6 $500 ’0’ in“ ins; the W for Total!” me up opted Grand rrw- ml, under the Master Lord and [FT hing. though. ance to clean ing ahead too I stability of annot be the I“ ‘al condition nancial situ- ere are indi- be a general mu almos‘ m 3M”' \‘en‘ mu“! nion in real m end, 110““ William. 1'91 nation. " is There is but no one hundred we Grand xrpose of » occas‘ [LRJL here is menial 1g [‘6’ ‘ Wm pmonyi “t mo «mafi- nomad Prince ow us f\ 11 for a THE nnnnnnnnnnnn l BA NK OF TORONTO I: Omemee Branch- The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. a, CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE iindsay Branch, ,H. A. HOLMES Manager ‘1 an} i: . . 1.1. Q J 1.. 7 . . n ‘l o ‘3. A l 7. .Lhi‘chl 31.. .1: 1 3.»? c .npflcnno 9‘ Consol-ex Bonded Spectacleware ‘ Prism Brand DRUa‘wan‘ AND OPTIOIAN RIGGI OLD STAND Ready Mixed Paint McLBNNAN Co ware in ex" 9M fox SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O.. LL11. D.C.L. W WNDER LAIRD JOHN AIR!) Genenl Mm Anti-mt General M EKNK 0F MONTREAL FARMERS’ BUSINESS _""’I m w 3 o’clock. Saturday: 10 to 1 o’clock. WM" Lindsay Brunch ncorporated byZAct Eugbli of Parliament \ ' . D. ‘ Lindtay Erarch established A D-18t8 Branches In ‘very Fmvince 0‘1 We Do- minion. every impoxtant city in the Donna- ion, bcwfoundland, London, England, New York, Chicago, 2%: : Paid up Capital ------------ $16, 000, 000 Rest - ----,$16 000. 000 undivided Pnfits a 802,000 e the year of its incorporation, 1855, the policy he Bank of Toronto has been to provide a- full {0 its many customers. Its afl‘airs have been vii} administered, and its prosperity and service Rent pace with Canada’s development. office} Hours: 11. B. Black Ilnu‘!l..ltal..t ‘1. .02!‘!:.‘. I. 56}. {tell}. 1.! IE...“ ll...‘a!.l fl. , V l ' - we figures tell :1 plain story of growth and success Paid up Capital ............................... $5,000,000 Reserved Funds ................................ $6,176,578 Assets. over ...........$58 000.000 Deposits, over ................................ $41,000,000 Evuy description of Bankmg busmesa transaceed. havmgs L-epartmma an avery Branch 57 Years of Safe Banking ‘LI-ZX is the highest grade of Gold Filled Spectacle- “‘01-le. Each article bears the trade mark " Consol- l "n the metal and printed on the tag. 4'th agents for " Consol-ex” Spectacleware and we ‘3 “v of correctly fitting them. We issue one of the rs Hunds with each article of " Consol-ex” Spectacle H-l promptly replace the gentle Free at any time if M‘ in any way, knowing that the manufacturers Wlll co‘s uounfi 9W R. L. MORGAN ;, SEPTEMBER 11, 1913 Invites Your Banking Business Friday after spendiog teefiey at, Me um fishing gr‘ymde on Rice Lake. He reports the fishing good. but. ducks scarce. He says the 'lungedn that. lake are nearly all the same eke. from five to six poundi. but. he managed to land one that tipped the ofiloial scale at thirteen pounds. .â€"-Mrs. S. Rosa and family. includs ing M. H.. H. M., and N. M. Ross. passed through town Thursday on their way home to Kirkfleld. For several weeks past they have been doing the sights across the ocean. and in England particularly. â€"Mr. A. McFarland, of Fenelon Falls. after spending a. cough or â€"Mr. A. McFarland, of Fenelon Falls, after spending a couple of days in Toronto doing the National Exhibition, returned ‘to his home in Fenelon Falls last Thursday. uâ€"vv ‘, ing for the world’s championship at Camp-Perry, Ohio. A tiny particle 0!,radium valued at $3,000, stolen from 5 Vancouver doo- probably being afraid of it, . Hodgetts. Mgr $32 £02,000 Eatablilhed A. D. 1817 on the trail who immediately started to investigate. The first 'clue was the discovery of an iron rod which had a wooden handle about six in- ches long. With this crude instru- ment the burglar broke open the trunks ~which he rifled and took therefrOm anything in the shape of valuables. Through the finding ‘ of this instrument the constables start- ed their clue and after a. little de- liberation on the part of Chief Chil- ton and his assistants the prisoner was c0nsidered the guilty party. A youthful tow-headed prisoner of 19 summers, answering to the name of Benjamin J. Madison, appeared in police court this morning. on a. ser- ious charge. He had arrived in town about four weeks ago after a six month’s graduating course at the prison farm. The array of jewelry, knives, razors, shoes, handkerchiefs, cufi‘ buttons, watches and pocket books which were displayed on a. table told the tale of Madison’s ex- ploits since coming home. The prisoner it. appears broke into the living apartments of some Ital- ian laborers while they were at work and stole therefrom the above sundry articles. Clever Arrest of The police force of the tOWn did quick work on being notified of the burglary, having their man in the toils inside of twelve hours. Chief Chilton placed Acting Chief Parks About, midnight Acting Chief Parkes and three constables from the fire hall marched to the home of Madison, and while Constable I’arkes demanded entrance to the house the balance of the men stood outside with guns in hand ready to meet the burglar should he endeavor to make his escape through the window. Kingston, Sept. 4.â€"-â€"That iliegitim- acy is on the increase in Frontenac County; and that the number of girls ruined |a rising, is the statement. of Rev. A. W. Smart. local inspector of the Children‘s Aid Socieiy, in his quarterly report. Improved legisla- tion is hereasary, he says. Mr. Smart sees the need of doing away with Justices of the I‘em‘e. A pal of Madison’s of tender years was also in court and was remanded to the same date. Both men Were handcuffed together and taken to jail by Constable Parkes to await their trial. ILLEGITIMA(‘Y INCREASING. On entering he found Madison in bed and who surrendered to the of- ficer without any trouble. ~At' this morning's court the prison- er was remanded until next Friday. tIfiRNBms‘l‘g Mr. and Mrs. Harem Homer, camels-ah. a son. Bot Next To Your liver. How My Hair ' Is ConnngOut! Tonight rub your scalp lightlywith Cuticura Ointment. In the mom- ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap. N oother emollients do somuch for dry, thin and falling hair, dandruff and itching smlps, or doitsospeed- ily, agreably and economically. Full directions in every package. I! you new? “new“ «do»: my "OW Cuticma Soap and Ointment I iw""“’fmâ€"‘ 15, Out. Youthful Burglar 1N RTE. The passing of the 'I‘haw case into Thaw is that he entered Canada by the hands of the Canadian immigra- Istealth, thereby violating the immi- tion authorities puts it where it. igmtlon regulations, an,order [or his should have been in the first place. [deportation would seem to be the It makes easy the return of 'I‘naw to 'logical outcome. for there is no the United States without more,de-|question of whether he is guilty or lay. 1n ordering the release of not. If the issue at 'Sherbrooke Thaw from Sherbrooke jail, on ._ the leads to Thaw's eviction from Can- writ of habeas corpus, Mr. Justice ada within a few days the people of Hutchinson took the ground that, as gthis country will feel well satisfied the arrest was clearly illegal, the {with the celerity of Canadian justice. State had no warrant {or further de- Z'Ibe mistake in arresting Thaw so taining the prisoner. The law can- lprecipitately in the first place. pro- not hold anyone whose commitment ,viding room for the use of technicali- has been illegal, even though that ties in delaying his deportation, is prisoner most strenuously desires to regrettable, but amends have been stay. Now that the charge against partially made. Lindsay property owners have once more manifested that they will vote favorably for anything that will ad- vertise the town and help put Lind- say prominently before the outside world, when they voted in favor of the new system of street lighting. By the vote they also demoustrated that Lindsay people want a'town beauti- ful, and a. main street that will con- tinUe to be the enVy of all other towns and cities, North Ward, North Ward, North Ward. Despite the fact that it was the' holiday season, and that many citi-{ zens were away on vacations, there' \\ as a. very good Vote polled, namely, 9 317, of which number 224 voted iav-‘ orahly and 93 unfavorably, leaving a. straight majority of 131. By: wards the vote was as follows: E For Against f North Ward. No. 1..... 34 6 E East Ward, No. 1. East Ward, No. 2 South Ward, South Ward, South Ward, South Ward, For his age Benjamin J. Madison has, perhaps, few equals in his voca- tion of a criminal, for such seems to be his profession. It was in the category of criminals that he was classed by Police Magistrate Jackâ€" son last. Friday when he appeared to answer to the charge of burglary. Madison pleaded guilty, defending himself. and was sentenCed to serVe mo years. less one day. in the Cen- tral Prison. “ Many mothers amuse :their be.- biea when thâ€"ey arise, sometimes very early in the morning." said Dr. Leopold. " The baby will then want to sleep during the morning and afternoon. In ninny cases the baby will, then. refuse to sleep until late during the night. At three months of age g mother should start Up-to-Date System of Magnetite Lights for Kent-St, and Clusters for Streets Leading to Stations The sentence oi the Cadi. which! On tho way from the court room was preceded by a sharp reprimand to tho lock-up beneath the lire mm caused no more ovulation to ihc'iho primner made a bold and deter- prieoner than the tickling at a tea-.minod one". to mam from Cum-in- thvr on the back oi an elephant. the hie Parka. bui. we 0mm w“ nut, no Mmm anemia: an airy and non-‘muy tooled. and max-on wml mm chain: manner. that. damn not au- 3 up and mid to behave Mun-oil. filll' well luv NI nature behaviour. Micrwuuli in was romowd iu the Winn naked ii he had anything io cutie on Victoria-aw. when he will say. he requested Muslim“ Jack. await imuporiation to (mini. son to send him to Kinglion Peniâ€" ma companion. a young lad from ioniiary instead at to Couirul. a he um «um portion at an town. who had jut secured NI release from that. hold a u accomplice. was re- Tomto jail. Indiana in his pummeled until May next. Prisoner Sentenced to Two Years in Central Made Bold Attempt to Escape [ Speakins' More nearly any woâ€" shaping the baby a habit: so am men in attendance at the weekly lit will sleep at certain fixed hours of 1:]: an ego sh be or- Iothers' Clinic of the Children' s! e y. Th t 1'02” 1:“: so the th chi ill be Homeopathic Hespital, Philadelphia,l sl I Wm] e its mother is busy Dr. Isaac 11°90“ emphasized the with household duties. Mothers importance of causing babies to 013-" who assert that they can not get serve regular hours of sleep daring their work completed because of I! their early infancy as on aid to {u- [fretiul child will then how: nothinx tux-e health. . :to complain of. Treat Criminals as Sick Men, Not Imprison Them as Bad Men, Say Lawyers Montreal, Sept. 3.-â€"Scientinc study of crime. with rational procedure in criminal trials was the subject for discussion before the American In- stitute of Criminal Law and Crimin- ology here toâ€"dny. in connection with the meeting of the American Bar Association. ~ Among the points brought out by the epeekere were the abeurditiee et- mding lend ereceeeee and Ian- Babies Should-Zitfl}; Have Their A ~';v'â€"‘ Bnr Association. » “Quite a important as changes 1:: Among the points brought out by thotrinlmcbmgeainthnwound the speakers were the absurdities ot- tmunmt o! prisoners altar they tending legal processes andlnn- anonnvictedandaenuncedtom me. the (not that o glut den of institution for punilhmeflt." “By the crime should be nippod'in tho bud institution 0! the Juvenile Court and could be prevented by an sin-3nd tho parole systaln much. how- cientponco {one baked up by heal-over. had been dgno in tho right di- Total majority for 131. THAW’S STAY LIMITED 5.912 O 0 3°!" 9 5*? No No‘ No _â€":-_- «I.â€" v. 14 16 l3 Regular Sleeping and Eating Hours ER, LINDSAY. ONTARIO. 13 ' On the way from the court. room to the lockup beneath the are mm the when» nude a bold and deter- ‘mtncd econ. to ”cum tram Chm-(n- ble Parka. hm. the 0mm was nut, no ”any holed. and Hum-on wu- xxx-on c rap uni told no behave Mum". [Mm-ward. he was moved to the cutie on Vinturlu-«wu when he mu mm taunt-tam: to ('oau‘ul. By the new system the Seymour 'powex- Company will install at their own expense 18 magnetite lights, 14 on Kent-st. and {our on William-st" between Peel and Russell-Ms, while they will also install at the town's expense 30 two-cluster lights on Wil- liam-st., to the G.T.R. station, and on Lindsay, King and Caroline-sts., to the C.P.R. station. The old are lights at present in use on these streets (11 in all) will be removed to outlying streets. ger but. for the fact that it is the holiday season. The Company would In conversation with Manager W. E. Reesor, of the L. H. P. Co., this morning, he stated that the Company were well satisfied with the result of the vote, and felt, sure that the vote would haVe been much lar- go to work at once and install the system, and efl'orts would be made to have the current switched on in time for the Lindsay Central Exhibition. He assures the citizens of Lindsay that they will be more than pleased with the new system. one which is being adopted all over the continent. The illumination will be much super- ior to the present arc lamps, While the new system will also add to the ornamentation of the town. " Just. as important as WIS? hours of sleep as fixed time- tor feeding the baby." continued Dr. Leopold. ” flowers should not give the baby a bottle of milk just be cause it is fretful. In the majority of cases. the infant is not hungry, but tosses and frets because the bed clothes are not comfortable.” The Canadian Produce Aasociation will seek to enforce Ihe “ lossâ€"of! " system in buying eggs. From the auction sale of stock on a. farm in Middlemarch more than $21,000 was tenlized. W so that the child will be sleeping while its mother is busy with 7 household duties. mothers who easel-t that they can not get their work completed because of a fmtful child will then have nothing to complain of. career also served time in the Indus- trial School, and even when a citi- zen of Uncle Sam's domains was un- able to keep out of trouble. and was incarcarated in the Rochester "cooler." The charge of burglary included the theft of numerous articles 0! jewelry and money from the colony known an "Little Italy." in the East Ward. Madmen havmg been found with the good- on Ms person. Lhy public opinion; the necessity o! truth: prisoners tron: tho cox-reo- uvora-mâ€"er than the punitive sund- “Our prisons are manufactories of criminals, and it is time we changed our whole method of dealing with convicts,” said the speaker. " All convicted persons should be turned (Wer to a commission charged with full responsibility for their Care and custody under an indeterminate sen- tence, with authority to release them at such time and on such terms as would guarantee their future harm- lessness to society." Mr. Storey added : "In other words, we should treat. criminals ra- ther an sick men than as bad men, and our places of confinement. as hos- pitals rather than u prisons." (‘HURTH COLLAPSED. Brnmford. Sept. 4.â€"The Rawdon- at. ficthodint Church, A new building In courue of erection. collapsed here at 5 o‘clock to-night. txnperilmg .the mu 0! a large number of workmen. The building. which «an being erectâ€" ed at a coat. of 820.000. \"nl just, about completed. workmen bring on- rection The present penal system was. in the opinion of Mr. Moorfield Storey, of Massachusetts. quite inadequate. paged in mum; on the root. For the mum that. It wan m be left. um an: an alumna: could he mado. no mu- wan wu bum. Thin. n. m thought. mm the an» o! the col- lnm Sydney Dean'- collar home In broken. and Chm-Iva lionuou‘a Mp wu «floated. Others had an arrow mm. To-ntgm nothlnz but. the trout won at the church is 0mm. UHTHE The Kind You Have Always Bought GENUINE CASTORI A ALWAYS JOHN DENNIS fizfiflfi: 32.22222: PUMP MAKF‘ R RUSSELL-ST. LINDSAY ONT. NEXT T0 CREAMERY Low prices, I have no middlemen's commission to pay Incorporated 1895. Capital and Reserve Fund $42 0,000.00 THE YICT OR IA LOAN SAVINGS CO. Wham mm- Castor Oil,Pare- goric, Drops and. Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Substance.1ts age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aim) s Pcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuiency. It aesimilates the Food, nag-luau: the Swmacn and BOWK is, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. The F md You Have Always Bought, and which has been in us: for over so years, has borne the signature 0! and has been made under his pen- m son! supervision since its infancy. ' ' Anewnoomtodeeeiveyouinthis. All Counterfeits, Imitation; and “J ust-as-g ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. Inn-bulk“ I”). my Notice is hereby given that a Dix'idend at the rate of Seven Per Cent. per annum has this day been declared on the Paid-Up Capital Stock of the Victoria Loan Savings Co. for the quarter ending June 30th. 1913, and the same will be payable at the oflioo of the Company on and after Wednesday, J 111:; 2nd, 1913. The Stock Transfer Ledger will be closed from June 2512: to Julv 2nd inclusive. 15; order or the Board, Lindsay, June 10th, 1913. LINDSAY BRANCH What is CASTORIA Children Cry for Fletcher’s In Use For Over 30 Years m MAUI CO..AIY. 71 IUIIAY mt". It. YORK cm. by). PM. ‘ A SINGLE TAX CITY. ,1 system was, ini Edmonton's tax rate is 12 mills. Moorfield Storey, , 1!. is a single tax city. Property is quite inadequate.’ not assessed up to 100 per cent. 0! manufactories of selling prices. Her main streets are 3 time we changed ‘100 feet wide and side streets 80 of dealing with ; feet. Edmonton owns her oun clean a speaker. " Allflric plant and sells Steamâ€"produced should be turned' light at 8c. and power at 3% pet. ion charged with kilowatt hour. Owns her telephouq for their care and . system with 7,000 telephones, which‘ indeterminate sen-.is automatic, and dorives a surplus. DIVIDEND N0. ‘44 S. ALCORN. Mamet. LEFT FOR TEXAS. Mr. Jack Spratt. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Spratt, William-st... south. left on Thursday for Toronto. from which city he left Friday alter- noon for Texas, with the Town of Waco as his destination. At Waco Jack will enter College lo resume his studins. He will be greatly missed in sporting cin‘lcs during tho Coming (all and winter Pumps, Wind Mills Gasoline Engines C. E. WEEKS. I!!! FAG E P!" E Manager.

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