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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Sep 1913, p. 7

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150 a. fine assortment of apnt cCarty’s Wedding J. G. Edwards Co. THI'RSDAY, sum HARDWARE Phone 27. Lil Get Free Sample Sold in 1 Ply 0t $2.25 per Square Sold in 2 ply at $3.00 per Square. 'rices from $6.00 to $10.00 Paroid Roofing For Factories, Bans, Far. and Poultry Buildings flanses, etc, Paroid Roofing in the best wearing surface of u, in the world. We can pm: t. you by the roof now in use ny. where. what it will do; howit stands the wear and tear of all kinds of weather of mm. GET THIS NEPONSET atest \NOOD x'vine. Dentist cut the Mr“ umber (0.. limited School shall I rttend ? "ON a 77 «and. A Mi..- practiced ‘u “I “migrate PP‘W' NOTICE Ion. Etc it. and Sash Factory 00“. NTO. ONI‘ ’ style is the new‘ )reierred. hist. North SHEPHARD’S stone settinsso \' H \ \V. Pres Massey Bicycle mags ! iuo' trained to '5. “he conduct. 'tlln-fls in this d Iii-w tn send mull-Rune. Fall In .019 :VPFXBEa ud J. ELLIOTT Principd atalouue of Lindsay swer the judgmem hoosing 3 ycle repai Lin dsa 0 u 'onto, s Sup- Tires, pera HOW THIS WOMAN FOUND HEALTH I‘ j; face was yellow. \ even my fingernails ' were colorless and I had displacement. I took Lydia E. Pink‘ Com ham's Vegotobla 1: Wind and now I am stout, well and eWW- I can do 81.1 my own work and “than“! to town and back Ind not get Com 1 Would not give your Vegeuble tin mend for all the rest of the medi‘ “:3 1n the world. I tried doctor'l 1106' In? and they did me no good."--Mrs. m} a, RED. No.3, Utieo. Would not give Lydia EPink- hasn't Vegrtabie Compound for All Rest of Medicine moo. IlL-“I was bothered for tel Myith female troubles and the doc- h"Mild nothelp me. sts so weak and ”“003 that I could not do my work geyery month I had to spend ‘ few L 111M IreadsomanyIei’.t’.e1'slb0‘It ,2: n P . initham's Vegetable CW EXL‘URSIONS W 85 ANNUAL WuSTERN All Dmggists, Grocers md General Storekeepen ”ll Wilson’s Fly Pads. SEPT. 11. 12, I3 ROUN D TRIP TICKETS X; \1.}:\ 17““ l{‘\ l luh. ear adaches and Byestrain Use in thr Another Case. them outside, in. or he garbage barrel, as s in the house or store. \\H a QNIS Crab-‘3. {or ‘wur: have suner- mac Sim. headaches us- ”: all kmds without N 2nd immediate and w-zm-dy m properly ud- bct'uuse eyestraxn rat? We remove the r "We is lasting. Sat- ,xrameed. Low prices. Svpl mum“ mxn lnvnm S’l'. l’.\l L T. C. Macchett EI‘TEMBER 11 , 1918 ()1 tam“. i hfid “UMb malls and was dizzy. had black ipoti be- furn my eyes. In buck :1:th and was it! wank I could hardly stand upx My mifnrnd everything ukunai 3!:ch baby World. Spy-in“; HIM"- Hhm Vt we thing “if mm the more man \ifw n-fusvs to Mull mum- once mm am Um psyche idv's hl‘ild ruseml .1 i ng 3%). 1913 This Mr. Ray, who is a prosperous looking individual about 40 years of ago. walked into the branch here of the Union Bank this morning and "Tia spring to nw When I have hmrd n white-throat ling. Into my world he Hows As shyly as u windflower thrown Its petals t0 the air. He comes. he sings. he goes. My glzul surprisv just spa-s Him. singing In-ro and there, When. In. }H‘ is away. And yet ’tis flour to wait a year, Only to hear him sny:‘ “Sweet, Sweetâ€"Canada, (tumult, “will. The hem nf dentiny. An o'er a ship whit-h Mill MN! on thv dwp fhm‘v sweep Bud-shadows nuddvnl . Somethingfi-{un out t 9 ‘WI“: Gull. Sept. 4-9-13} the simple de- vice of a forged letter of introduc- tion, currency to the amount of ap- proximately $8,200 was secured to- day by a. man calling himself James Ray, of Saskatoon. who pre'smlted cheques at. banks in Salt, Guelph and llcrlin. The forger immediately departed from each of these places as soon as he had secured the mo- ney. Late toâ€"niszht he had been traced as far as.IIamilton, and was then believed to be heading for the boundary at Niagara Falls, but the police and railway people every- where throughout. Ontario are watchâ€" ing for him. Something hum out the vvnrl A emlu nhmlo uptm me. am. Ho t as (hr fit" Hf fours, "Hwovt. vaehfihumdu. Candi, The nprinu In him And mum I'll hmu‘ a whltmthrou “D‘- But 51w. my lady Mom, In mum. So to mv bur-ran brunt A wiutrv drift cling-I fast. Though Nay doth brautbe hat but. 0 Hummer note, 0 throat 01' now! Your song at hut, At last I undeutaud. It in, to me, an memory 0! her, in a far and. “Sweet, Sweetâ€"Canada, Gama... Canada." wThoreaa V. Beard, in the Bella-,1. That spring. 11mg gnne. When first I hvurd n whitHhroat ling, It ntnppvd my hmn‘t. until With (”nary-Mug breath it ouught the 'r “y D Uluv‘râ€" -_ ac dot which the whole people are fled under three beads, Good l tors, Conciliators and Evildoers‘ system is all embracing, so thn‘ is hardly an inhabitant of 3 whose name is not duly recon cording to his conduct and ch: The nameg are entered in :1 “ # _-.. o m vvâ€"â€"_V The state of Furidkor, in the Punjab, is making an interesting experiment in the censorship of ublic morals. The affairs of l'aridkot are adminis- tered by the president of the Council of Regency, whose avowd aim is to develop a erfect community, where no crime aha exist aniwhero n11 men shall work for the . set up_ n‘sye‘tem 0 state registering- Axg- -mnln am e . Friday The Warder contained the exclusive article that banks in Gait, Guelph and Berlin had been visited by a man punporting himself to be Mr. Ray from the West, who suc- ceeded in securing about $8,200 by fraud in all three hanks. At the time little did The Warder man, or the citizens of Lindsay, dream that the same Mr. Ray, \\ ho was suppos- ed to be heading for the American side of the border, would dare to visit Lindsay, especially after his Smooth 'Mr. Ray Operated in Lindsay-$2,000 Secured From Local Bankâ€"Made Escape Consor 6! Mord: in 11131;. Cu mu! u Canada. ’ ’ The Migrant. rv-- 'V A beads, Charac- aud Evildoers. The racing, so that there .bitant of a village at duly recorded ac- nduct and character. entered in a public Chief Chilton has secured the fol- lowing description of Mr. Ray, which 'tallies almost identicallv with that zfurnished by the police of Gait. ;Guelph and Berlin. ' Ray is a man about 40 _\ears old, 5 feet 10 inches 'in height. and weighing about 150 ipounds, with .two week's growth of iheard. His complexion is dark, fWith rather long hair. streaked with gray. He was 'w'earinn,r a gray suit fof clothes and panama hat, and pre- !sented a rather sicklx' appearance. g Rav had all the appearances of be- ging a farmer home ii om the west or :a down and out Show man, and \\ hen he produced his letter of introduc- ition, signed with the forced name of ‘the manager of the hank at Kindersâ€" le_\‘, Sask, nothing suspicious was surmised. From the recollection of thOSe who noticed him while in town ;Ra.\"s clothes were not the .neatest litting, nor were they the pressed fund creased suit of a business man. 'He was badly in need of it shave. his éstrug‘gling heard drawing attention. iWhile in town stranger Ray put up Eat the Hotel SimpSOn, registering as EJas. Ray, giving no address. How- it-ver. he did not remain long, arriv- iing Thursday night on the flyer and ileaving Friday morningâ€"with the lcurrency. He had nerve unqualified, l gas cool as a cucumber, not fdisplauing the least Sign of nervous- rnests even in the bunk. Evidently :his plan of action was premeditated John B. Booth is An Inderaugme Worker Despite His Age. Some men have apparvntly the gift of perpotuul youth. They never grow old in the sense that others do. If the aver- age Canadian [loos not think this is true let him conjure in his mind. Sir Charles Tuppor, Lord Strathi-onn. Hir Mackenzie Bowel]. Sir Sumll'oril Fleming. J. R. Booth and a. few othors whose combined ages-Will average over the ninety mark, and yet these celebrated Canadians in no some seem to he loosohing their grip on life or ntl'airn in genoral. , Something went wrong at the big uw mill of .l. R. Booth in Ottawa | few days ago. and ropoirn had to be made that night. The veteran millionaire hm» barman. piper manufacturer and ruilwni bulldor was on the upot until ll o'cloo in the morning nnpervlnlng mutton-«Ind the next «in mule not 3 rtlulo of dif- fernm'o in in breakfast our. H. mm dawn to tho ()lmudlvre on only In ununl. Mr. Booth in in Mu olghtymethh your, 3nd seldom li’ ovur «km: a holhlty. A Wow years 330 Ma hmlly prevailed u’wn him that'ho mum: a rant. and. I tor muuh parunuulou. ho was lndunml to “- uompnuy than: to Mlsutla City for, I tow day». The tint morning after their "rival Mr. Booth was: up and out on tho gxpaunlvo boardwalk a tow mlnutou “to: announced himself as a customer. He produced what purported to be a. letter of introduction from the man- ager of a branch of the bank 'near Safliatoon. The manager's signa- ture is known to the bank people here. and the signature on the letter appeared to them to be perfectly genuine. His “identity ” thus es- tablished, Ray announced that he wanted to draw $2.800. He drew and presented a cheque [or that amount and received the money in currency. Mr. Ray then politely withdrew from the bank and from these parts. ,\ It was some time later before susâ€" picion was aroused at the bank here. Comparison of the signature on the letter with that kept on record showed disparities, however, and. it UVUJ] “w; u- -_.__ No, sir: This is no spot for s busy man. and I am going home to-dny.” And Home he went. in spite of the pleading of his family and friends.â€" Toronto Saturday Night. use-nu” .â€"_..V the place, nnd there in nothing to see here, and no people that I know. I have met several hundred and not one of them has said ‘Good morning, Mr. Booth.’ I am going home. What. is the use of staying in a. place where you do not know anyone, and where you can- not get brenkfut until 8 o’clock. Be- sides, I have seen everything, nnd as for this so-cnlled famo walk, why I out enough lumber in my mill at Ottawa every day to build 3 dozen such. walks. u- “2-. mm. :. .m not for n busy mnn. OOVVI When the other mambo" of the party "on lute:- thoy inquired tt‘ he had break- fast. sud he replied with I nigh: "You, I just got it. but had to wait nearly three hours baton I could gm into the dining-room. I {awe wandered Ml over 1â€" _...‘l.:_n .A m short time Chief Chilton was engag- ed on the casa. The Chief telephon- ed and telegraphed every adjacent village, town or city, giving the poliCe of other places a. careful deâ€" scription of the man and asking that he be arrested on sight. Now A BUSY OCTOGENARIAN. that the large advertising poet- r were so great a disfigurement Plover THE WATCHMAN-WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. I Precisely the same procedure was 'followed by the lorger at Guelph, where he han secured 52.900 and odd and at Berlin, whence he carried away $2,500. The railway and rad- ial network in this district. and the fact that discovery of his fraud was so tardy, made it possible to execute the three coups with'little risk of being challenged at any of the banks. It, is quite evident that Ray has a confederate in the West. as the forg- ed letters coming from the branch hanks in the West hme been arriving.r four and five days previous to Ray's appearance. The letters. and also the letter 01' introductiomcnrried by Ray are a” written an hunk sta- tione_r.\', and when Ru) was asked for a sumple of his simmture Ivy Man- ager Meorn. of the Standard Bank Anuther unfortunate side of the caSe is that the police at Guelph and Galt telegraphed the pallet: officials in every town in this vicinity, but failed to telegraph Lindsay police of Ray’s whereabouts or scheme. {customer from the West as it was glearned that one of the banks in the *above cit) had received a letter an- ticipating the arrival: of Mr. Bay on a similar mission. However. he was not to he found and it is surmised that Ray has yet failed to reach the Electric City. It 'is unfortunate that a bank in Lindsay should be defrauded in this manner, but circumstances, or fate. augured favorably for the schemer. Lindsay was the only town in this part of the country that was not no- tified in any way that Ray was oper- ating in the country. After having been defrauded in Gait the general manager of the Lnion Bank in (‘an- ada, telegraphed all branch banks in the country. including the branch bank at Peterhoro, to be on the lookout for Ray, and if 12a)" ever reached l'eterboro and presented the forged letter of introduction at the l'nion Bunk there he Would have been detained. There are curtain accidents which are all "in tho gaxxw” at crirkct. chlors and lu‘lds‘llu“ n-uy (mail) split a lingc-r Ill momma: :1 hard hit. .‘- wicketkm‘pcr's 11mm!» :‘nui lingers art often brunt-n or sprzmu-d. \\u:l0, u) «nurse, batsman must 1w prvgun-d 1‘ take bard knows from lust an. ‘ ‘ bumpy " buwling. Sumo cricket uu-Mvntn, lmwuvvr, In: ut of the conunnn. Unly the 0th- ~lny Mr. J. E. liupnuvl, [no cx-Surrl‘ unmtvur and inn-rmmonnl rugby llim‘ lvullt‘r, playing fur the M. C‘. C. v. Kw. dlnlm'ntml his right. slmultlvr. llc le' so when lhruwing in MN bull from 1.. long Held. .. .. l._u........- n u Bull“ 0' UV uâ€"v '-__V sad to Indie. In the eutern colonic: the whole subject will be dedt with ix one genernl ordinance. The powers 0: the protectors of Chinese Mung. end the 301i“ no to be incrmoa, nnc the pen provisinos of the 03-.“ch m to be made very severe. VIV VI | En mum run I thmurlcul mmuou u tha Huyumrkvt Thnntro. 1! WM nu wry Invent-ml; in furl. tho thuutro m. nearly umpty may waning, Ind w. box naive ruturuu wcm' lwurv-broukiuh Ono night tho manager ukod M: Brookflold u be WM 303"“ on "W "M!“ " What time ahull 1 bring you the: Do. 0816» rooeipu’” “Just before I go on in my pathetic scone, plea-e! " and Mr. Brooknold. Marv extraordinary. however. \\ r. the uwiqh‘m which lwt‘vtl flarflgnn, 1L South .\I’rh'xm. lmfl “mum-r. lit-um mg a hull lw gave hm urm much u jv. that it mu: broken, nu unprm'mlmnr uncidvnt in um hiamry of the game. The flogging pénalty for ”whim aluvo” tramcken worked to well it England that it has been daoidod to ox tend it to rtho 83m!!! crown colonic. ,_A-A_ -Al.._; Perhnps one of the'funniest “Spoon crime ' ’ told in the story 0! the pepper) old retired major who wched in’u church one Bnndn nnd found a. etnng er occupying his nvorite mt. Choking with indignntion, he glut send out: “Sir, no you unto thy you In Wm n! m!" Holptnc mm to Play Bomr. Mr. Clmrlm Brookllvld, thv Brmz': oo=00nuur of l'luyl. whu hm lmm mu; m luwly, in“ tho Mpuhnlun ut’ lwm on» o! the wink.“ gum aln trunnion. Cnckct Accidents. The funeral will take pine? on Mon- day afternoon from the family resi- dence on Kent-st... leaving at 2.00 o'clock ; sex-Vice half an hour earlier. Interment at East Oakwood ceme- tery. LATE PETER MITCHELL. The Grim Reaper removed one of the oldest and highly respected citi- zens of Lindsay Friday night, Sept. 5th, in the person of Mr. Peter Mit- chell, who for years has been the highly efficient bailiff o! the Town of Lindsay. For a ndmber of years the deceased arted in the capacity or deputy-sho- rifl under Sherifl‘ Kempt. never being known to shirk duty. Having been born in the Township of Mnriposa, a son of the late Donald Mitchell. one of the pioneers of the section. and having resided in Lindsay for uu- wards of 40 years, he was widely known, his friends and ncguuintunces numbering in the hundreds. In town he was a familiar figure. and was known even to the younger genera- tion, all having a good word to say of the kind bailifl. In politics the deceused gentleman was 9. Liberal of the old school. The late Mr. Mitchell, who was 67 years of age, is survived by his de- voted wife and three sisters, namely: Agnes Mitchell and Mrs. Buin, o! LindSuy,.and Mrs. J umieson, oi Sus- katoon. For a. couple of weeks past the de- ceased has been gradually sinking, and it was not. expected that he would recover, but. yet. his demise comes more or less as a shock to his intimate friends, who will feel his loss keenly. He was ever a courte- ous olliclul and filled the office of builit! with credit to himself and the court. If you have poultry of any kind for sale you will do best 'by- dealing with me. I will buy your Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, old Hens and Chickens for which Iwill give you top prices right at your door. Just phone No. 337L, or drop a to th Lindsa P. O The wagon will call at the ap- I M» at. m». on Pilo- Vorlcocolo I) open“ Ecum- Kplle R eumwem grim Lon V'IulIty. gum». gmlu om fiducyL” don. And Blood. Nun-M smear Dquu gull or and hmory tort . mmodvIoo. ' "- noufliiili'ifi'inim 5'66 {bonanza mo DRS. SUPER WHITE. BR. SOPER DR. WHITE â€"buy St. Lawrence Extra Gra- nulated by the bag. You get the choicest, pure cane sugar. untouched by my hand from Refinery to your kitchenâ€"and FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED Bags mo lbs.. 251M.. :0 lbs. Cartons 5 lbs.. 2 lbs. 3 RM! (ta/(r: can sup/)1} you. St. lzmnce Sugar Refineries. United. IMmL For Preserving Q "m' ""53 "6:7é.5:'.5h"oiaaaaa tum. “ladle!” rmmlghod In pubic! ____ gA- In the following Dime. o! In. OBITUARY D a 5 nhfi'fi’fim Lon mum fill: Dlu us dneyA deal d“'““' in the tnrtfl‘ “RM M \Vunhtng- Opportunity mldom makus the man ton. .. Until ant-r the mun has made the op- _ Sonmhow a womnn'n Votco tn nl- I'Ol‘wmt)‘- ways the «woemt to u man «he lovon Lyman W., Cox. and to another wanna whom she velar. and a promtnent carter. dted tutu. ot blood-potsontng u Truro. N.S. a commarctnl tru- (.‘natlmok for gambling. 'l‘hu Ropuhllrnns Won in n fight for delay in the tart" fight M. Washing- l I Attorney .lcrumo was arrested at I l Livery and Autos for Hire Lindsay’s Business" Directory Jas. A. Isaac, 10 York-st “Mm-toot! e. w. moons, William-st Ovcr HOPKINS LAW OFFICE CLEANING PRESSING AND REPAIRING Quantic of Nice Rich Clay Loam National Concrete Co. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Tailor. Kent-5L, Lindsay For years we scoured the market for black and blue Serges that would retain their color while the last thread held to- gether. We have customers who have their suits made from those materials season after season= and the goods not only retain their color but the fabric gives the highest satisfaction in wearing quality. Not too early to order your Fall Suit. Groceries and Chin [lull â€"â€"l(ent-st.. W. G. BLAIR 8: SON PEACHES, PLUMS, BIAIR’S ADVERTISE IN T H E WARDER Phone 266 day m- light. Finest Quality Fruit. Low Prices. Prompt Delivery. [hand or at pit. . L. CAMPBELL AND PBARS Bell and Machine ’Phone 10. AND SAVE TIME FAMOUS IOW. BLACKS AND BLUES Choice building lots for sale on Victoria-ave" between Francis and Colhome, also on Kent-st. West. 1' Adelaide. Sewers and sidewalks al- ready in. Indiana. Bay will stand At his stable. Peek"... for service. In ing breeders would do well to upecv. this Stallion. R. F THOMAS William CHAS. LINDSAY PHONE 53 Dr. W. F. Broad, Owner LIVERY and HACK The canadian Family Cur See the 1913 model dcmcstrntcd at Prompt Service." 1- our moth LEIGH R. KNIGHT Flour and Fwdâ€"lilliam-St. BELL PHONE :*2 K HUPMOBILE Real Estate Agent STOCK NOTE FOR SALE PAGE SEVEI

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