m â€. MEEHAN. AUCTIONEER FOR tho Counties of Victori. and Peter- '0. 'Phom 449. Lindsay P.O. m UNDERSIGNED is prepared to ha money on arm. town and vil- lus. property, at very lowoat rate- ol Interest. Company or printo hands. I an dwuyu ready to buy mm 11. cm. man, IcLAUGHLIN, PEEL, FULTON a: BTINSON. Barristers, Solicitor: and Notaries. Money to‘loan. Spec- “'AN APPRECIATION OF FASHION. £12108 R. WIGHT, W. flcitor. Nata-y Public. Solicitor (or “In Home Bank of Canada, repro- untlng Wuterloo Mutual Fire In- cunlco Co.. of Waterloo; Federal Lilo Assumes Co., of Hamilton. anplro Acddent and Surety 00., as London. Ont". Ofï¬ce over Home Bank. opposite Post om“. mum's 0F TORONTO AND TRINITY mam. mom ATTENTION T0 SUB- emu! AND DISEASES OF woMEN AND CHILDREN. 3330mm comm ma THE COUNTY or VIC'IORIA. moo Hours-1 to 3 P-nh ““1 by 'ncn TWO FA WILY good mortgages. I. E. WW. solicitor, otc.. Hill. Block. nudity Money to Loan. . B. WELDON, Mcripou township Clark. Oakwood. Fire Inaurueo mt. Issuer of marriage licenses. Conveyancing in :11 its forms. m nttention given to investments. 0am: Dominion Bank, corner of William md Kent-sts., Lindsay. R. G. McLaughlin, K.C., A. M. m- ton. B.A., James A. Peel, '1‘. H. Bunsen. Woodvflle ofï¬ce open bury week 31: omco of C. E. Weeks. In many homes old reliable re- cipes are depended upon ior the euro 01‘ minor ills. Such recipes have here as careful attention as the most intricate prescriptions, and we can guarantee that our prices. quality of work consider- ed, will always be as low as can be had. F. I). loom, K4}. do†Ioliciton for The Canadian Bank a! Comment. Money to loan - mam It lowest current .. HIGINBOTHAM Doctor And Physician m 195!- Not too quiet, Not too loud, ~Not loud enough To draw a. crowd. Kot too sombre“ Not too gay. Not gay enough To spread dismayc, Not too costly, ' Not tog cheap, , Not chéap enough For mimic aheém Not any enough ' - To be paged by; mum-ins, mystic. Not too (tilled. Just trill enough To show your skim Not too {Wadi : b J ACKSON. Little Britain RECIPES K43. Alex. J ukson. I. William-It. p OPP; New Britain. Conn., Sept. 9. -â€" Father Walsh of the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Mercy has announced that he will not. give comâ€" munion to aux woman who ap- proaches the altar railing in a. slash- Detroit, Sept. 10.â€"Romnn Cathoâ€" lic priests of this city have begun war on the extreme styles now pre- valent among women, and will refuse the rites to those who come to church in immodest dmsses. The slashed skirt and diaphanous gown are particularly placed under the ban. While the priests are making it clear that they are not going quite as far as J ohu Wesley took the early Methodists in the casting aside of all jewelry on the ï¬ngers and “ stick-ups †on the hats, they do insist on some sort of conformity to the spirit of Paul when he pleaded for shame fncedness and sobriety. They quote St. Paul in 1 Timothy 2: 1-9, as follows, for precedent: " I exhort therefore * * that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shameiacedness and so- briety; not with braided hair or hair or gold or costly array." ed skirt or in diaphanous garb. Moreover, he will not receive at his parochial residence any woman who wears such gowns. WILL REFUSE . SACRAMENT No, Alonzo. you can never tell how heavily she will tread an your neck after marriage by the size of her tan ozdord. Japan has delivered to China what is tantamount to an ultimatum. A British steel concern was award- ed a his contract by the MN)? De- partment at Washington. A special Northwest Mounted Po- lice patrol is being. sent to investi- gate the murder or H. V. Redford. of New York, and George Street. of Ottawa, by Eskimos at. Bathurst in- let. is soon réduced to gmt languor and IQ prostration. of Cholera Infantum can be speedxly of "ca van. v. .- ..._._, any one. I gave him-“Dir; Fom's," and the ï¬rst dose helped him, andcne bottle cured him. I recommended it to a idend whose children wuesick. and it cured them too." - , - D2. Fowuu’s We! 1 81â€me is a. remedyfhï¬t‘ on the market for over m4 39d hgs .beenpsed in thousands iiiEdurm'gthae LI‘ITLE BOY'W†WAS SO SICK ’ Did Not Think He Could Live. {1:33 annderful remedy. You are at liberty to me this testimonial to prove to others the good that “Fruit-a-txves" has done me†TIMOTHY McGRATH. soc. a box. 6 for $2.5oâ€"trial size, 25c. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited. CHOLERA INFANT UM WAS THE CAUSE. II. num’u’o’eua‘m r30 Ammc Am, Momm. MARCH 1st. 19x2. "For years, I auï¬ered'from Rheuâ€" matism, being unable to work for weeks at a time and spent hundreds of dollars on doctor's medicines, beaidea recdvin treatment at Notre Dame Hospi where I was informed that I was incur- able. I was discouraged when a friend advised me to try “Fruit-a-tives". After using three packages. I felt relieved and continued until I had used ï¬ve package: when a complete cure was the result after ears of doc. taxing failed. I consi er "Fruit-a- .:..-.I ownnrlorfnl romedv. You are at GRATIWDE . PRBMPIED IHIS [HIER Prominent People Proud To Testify For "Fruit-I-flvu" The bride‘s dress was of dainty white marquisette, and she carried a. bouquet of bridal roses. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome sil- Ver mesh bag, and to the pianist a dainty gold watch fob. About, titty relatives and intimate friends of the bride and groom were present. The young couple were the recipi- ents of a great many beautiful gifts, among them being a handsome cut- glass water jar and tumblers, from the employees of Geo. Copeland Sons, (where Miss Dudley had been employed for a number of years, and a. beautiful cut-glass vase from the ï¬rm. Nor_was Mr. Caswell forgot.- ten by his fellow-employees at the Aberdeen Elevator, whose gift was a. beautiful silver tea. service. Miss Dudley was pleasantly sur- prised on the Wednesday evening pre- ceeding. when the Young Ladies' Bible Class of the Methodist Church. of which she has been Secretary tor CASWELLâ€"DUDLEY. A very .pretty wedding took place at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dudley, Midland-avc., Midland, on September 3rd, when their only daughter, Lylian, was united in mar- riage to Mr. James G. Caswell. of Midland, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Caswell, of Richmond, Que. At twelve o'clock the bride. leaning on the arni of her father, entered to the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Dorothy Brown. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 1“. VV. VVatch, under an arch of chr- green, decorated “ith pink and “lute asters. the past two years, tendered her a kitchen shower, at the home of their teacher, Mrs. '1‘. J. Campbell. Her young lady friends also rtmtmbered her in a similar manner on Thursday evening at the home 0! Mrs. Robt. Bates. by giving her of linen and china shower. ‘ The bride wore a gown of white satin trimmed with Irish lace and pearls and carried a prayer book. the gift of the groom. Her tulle veil was caught with a wreath o! lily of the valley. Miss Mae Lamb, dressed in shell pink silk draped with green ninon attended her sister who wore a large picture hat and carried pink roses. Mr. T. B. Spiers, B. Sc., of Toronto, assisted the groom. During the signing of the register the choir sang “ Oh Perfect Love.†The groom's gift to the bride was a gold engraved locket, to the brides- maid a. gold necklet, and to the groomsman a pearl tie pin. At the conclusion of the ceremony a small reception was held at the home of the bride’s mother. The happy couple left on the C.P. R. evening train for a two week’s honeymoon among the Thousand Is- lands and eastern cities. The bride traveled in a blue broadcloth tailor- ed suit with hat to match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Arthur will reside at 93 James-st., Ottawa. The young couple left on the three o’clock train. amid showers of con- fetti and good wishes. for a trip to points in Eastern Canada. and .the New England States. The bride’s travelling suit was a. tailored suit 0! nzn‘y blue, and a. white hat. ’ Among the out-ofâ€"town guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Lind- Peter’s Cathedral, Peterboro ; Father Kelly, of Norwood ; Father Galvin, of Peterboro; Father J. O’Suuivan, 0! Victoria Road; Father Fergus O’Brien, 0! Peterboro; Father Dwy~ er. of Rookester; Father Cote, o! Peterboro; Dr. Galvin and Mr. 0. Brady, of Peterboro, and Mr. Hat- thews, of the Kara-Morris Organ and Piano 00., Woodstock, Out. The visiting clergyman were de- lighted with the recital and with the general toq‘e of the new pipe orggn. whilé Hr. mttheflws’ expressed him- The grand organ recital at an. Mary’s R. C. Church last week was largely attended by outside visitors, including the following reverend gentlemen: Dr. O’Brien, Bishop- Elect, of Peterboro ; Father O’Brien, of Lakefleld; Father McColl, of St. ARTHURâ€"LAMB. ‘ A pretty but quiet wedding took 'place Sept. 10th, at two o’clock in St. Paul’s church when Dora. daughter of Mrs. M; I'Jamb, was united in marriagejo Mr. AUred J. Arthur, B.Sc., of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 0. Arthur, of Carleton Place. The Rev. P. M. Lamb, B.A., of St. Cuthbert’s church, Toronto, brother 0! the bride, assisted by Canon Marsh, rec.- tor of St. Paul’s church, performed the ceremony. Miss Leary presided at the organ, and as the bride en- tered the church on the arm of her mother the choir sang “ The Voice That Breathed O’er Eden." say, and Miss Dorothy Brown, Fenc- lon Falls. Visiting Clergy at Grand Organ Recital 3911 as well planned With the i meat and the team organ recital at THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. of the course is “The Cathedral Choirâ€â€"nine personsâ€"comprising a. ladies’ quartette, o. malelquartette, and a. pianist. The members of the choir have all occupied leading church choir solo positions, or as soloists in Grand Opera companies. The third concert is "The Dunbar Male Quartette and Bell Ringers.†This company. besides being a. sing- ing quartette, play a peal of two hundred bells ; one is a. violinist. an- other a. cellist, and another on im- personator. The last number of the course is the â€Killarney Girls and Beta. Rich." This company consists o! 7 ladies. appearing in Irish costume. all sing- we are as pepper gross, mighty smart. to Hornet we are cut down like a cowcumber of the grownd. Jem kept a nice stoar, which his wife now waits on. His virchews wos numer- ous to behold. We never new him to put sand in his sugar. tho he lino a big and bar in front of his hous 3 nor water in his milk. tho the Ohio River runs past his dare. Peee to his remaines! He leves a. wife. 8 children. a cow, 4 horses. a. grocerry stoar. and quadrepets, to mourn his loss; but in the lsngwidge of the poit his loss is there eternal gone. The advance subscribers’ list has been even larger than last season, and as Mr. Forsyth is‘ still receiving subscriptions record houses are as- sured. The course "tickets are 82, and can only be got through It. Foreyth. If you wish to subscribe ’phone or write him. Single seats to non-subscribers will be 75o. The following obituary notice was sent for insertion in a Yankee jour- nal :â€"Mister Edatur : J em Bangs, we are sorry to stnit, has deeeized. He departed this Life last nundy at the age of 28. He went. 4th without any struggle, and sich is life. Tu Da The ï¬rst entertainment will be on Thursday evening, October 2nd. The following is the list of attractions: Laurnnt .;‘ Company, three artists. Mr. Laurant is termed “The Man of Many Mysteries," and is no doubt one of the most cleVer magicians in the world. Not only this. but he is a natural born entertainer, and in- troduces lightning character imper- sonations in as ï¬nished a manner as he executes his tricks in magic. An- other member of the company. Mr. Ernest Gradolph. is a pianist of un- usual ability. The second number Mr. C. C. Forsyth has completed arrangements for his Lyceum Course for this season. The course will consist of {our high-class entertain- ments in the Academy of Music. DANIEL J. DUGGAN. Word has just been received in town of the death of Mr. Daniel J. Duggan, of Verulam, following ‘an operation in St. Michael’s EOSpital, Taranto. ' ers. and also playing the violin, cel- lo, comet and Irish harp, while Miss Reta. Rich is an elocutlonist. The course is a. much more expensive one than last year. but Mr. Forsyth has tried to improve on the course of last won. Lindsay Lyceum The deceased left home on Tuesday to consult a specialist regarding the lameness, resulting from a fracture of one of his legs near the thigh, which occurred last spring. Mr. Duggan was Very popular, and one of the oldest and most respected citizens, and his death is regretted He leaves to mourn him a, wï¬iow, four sons: Kessrs. J oseph. Neil and Harry at home, and Charles in the West: and two daughters: Kisses Jennie and May; also two sisters: lira. Vmoe, of Fenelon Falls, and Ira. Jinkinson, of Venlamc ‘A chapel-on is a. woman who is supposed to be unmana- mw.flomdm TRYâ€! ScodtocFmColocCaII.oulooklet The Guaranteed “ONE DYE for All Kinds of Cloth." To-Day’s Bat Star, OBITUARY HOME DYE ANYONE Concert Course politician who can plant, met\ boar three or four miles below the W Btpidl and killed Canada May Refuse Evelyn Thaw Entrance Ottawa. Sept. 11.â€"Evelyn Thaw, who has been engaged for theatrical appearances in Toronto, and Mont- real, may not be allowed to cross the Canadian border. The Canadian authorities are con- sidering- the advisability of refusing her admission as an undesirable. It is held that. she is being brought from the United States for the pur- pose of exploting ï¬nancially the un- pleasant notoriety which she and her husband. Harry K. Thaw, have re- ceived during the last ï¬ve years. FILES no not mm m “373 Inc. or Id- lnz Piles. No surgical 09'? guon mum“- The Canadian Immigration law au- thorizes oflicials to refuse admission to Canada those whose mentality. morals, ï¬nances or general record are under suspicion. The provision is believed to be wide enough to close the door against Evelyn Thaw. 'sOl-n Moss-tun «humorsun to. sndeno EEEE- 'Iurzlcul opt-s vanon malted. 1y uncut. sill snag: you 0.10:3 cute '31 I 00Xâ€- n. M 00.. Limited. Bungle obox (met! you warm on um mmuwvnw'u WW TRANSPARENT CLOTHES. Great Scott and Great Caesar! An old-fashioned geezer is shocked by your feminine clothes. with skirts that are slitted to show of! silk knitted hose. garters and ï¬xings like those ! A small piece of satin you can't wrap a cat in will make a. grown woman a. gown; flve‘ounces o! shoddy will tog out a body. and then she goes prancing through town i The short-waisted fatty. the girl tall and slatty, the maiden as thin as a rasp. go by in their' hobbies ‘till man’s reason wobbles and old- timers sit and gasp. I! this be the fashion. dressmakers should cash in. but that they'll objeCt to. alas l. They won’t be contented till they have invented a woman's regalia of glass. Do dressmakers’ patronsp'er open country and .settlm ure com- ingacroastheminptrtstheydonot Sana-intends“ of the town’s power Orillia, Sept. 10.â€"Deer hunters are becoming anxious lest the bush ï¬res have spoiled their hunting grounds and scattered ï¬he deer from their old haunts. The Long-lord Hunt Club has received word that their quarters and equipment were destroyed, .1- though nt'nret reported sale. The Red Tam Club has sent men into their camp to ascertain whether the ï¬re did any damage and see it the deer are still feeding in thut ndgh- borhood. ' The bush ï¬re: this emu- buys driven may wild unbal- into the think of the matrons of old. bless their various names; their stately way going in drapery flowing. those queenly and digniï¬ed dunes. Oh, maiden! Oh, wider! Just pause and cansider your fashion, coatrastp ed with theirs! Then. Marys and Besses. put on modest dresses, and throw your ï¬erce rags down the stairs iâ€"Walt Mason. BUSH Roaedale, Sept. 11.-â€"l[r. and Mrs. E. Lytle, who have been in Bosedale for a. law months, left on Friday (or their home in 0akwood.‘ to Lindsay on Tuesday, alter upend- ing the m st their pretty home Kiss Johnstone returned from Whitby. and will reams duties at the school.. In. Sutherland spent Thursday in Cobodonk. CLEANING PRESSING AND REPAIRING 8. VI. M00115, William-st Clay Loam M. spud-l pm. I at. now. Do Livery and Autos for Hire Jae. A. ism, 1o York-st Lindsay’s B_u_sj11e§§ ' Directog Quantit of Nice Rich National Concrete Co. Ovu- HOPKINI MW OFFICE .Gmceria and China Hall- -â€"l(ent-st.. ADVERTISE IN 'T H E WARDER PEACHES, PLUMS, Phono Finest Quality Fruit. Low Prices. Prompt Delivery. ROSEDALE. AND PBARS Bell and Machine ’Phone 10. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18 513i]. F. Broad, Ownef Yommu'y “"3â€" the 011“"m Um College. POStâ€"GnduԠBlvd van-1m College. “9° “ lxedi' ch [gallon School of 'I‘ropic‘1 m can undkuidcncc corn“ 3â€â€œ! and Ombfldiut" “â€1un m than. 887-!- Md†Indians Bay will stud n m. Peel-ctâ€. {or sen-ice. lag Newer. would do We“ lpect this Stallion. " Prompt service." 1' 0‘“ mom I I A cans. LINDSAY PHONE 53 Choice building lots for sale Victorig-.,\'e., between Francis I Colborne, also on Kent-st. West, Adelaide. Sewem and sidewalk. LIVERY and HACK Monuments The canadian Family C See the 1913 model dcmcszru LEIGH R. KNIGHT Flour and Feedâ€" William-St. BELL PHONE 353 HUPMOBILE Real Estate FOR SALE Agent sale (I won CAPITAL, $15,“ TOURIST? Th Candi-Ln Batik of Col m Province of Canada. wi “I W0, Seattle. Pordanl Was in every part a unveiling public, enabling then “rjmey the world over. £7 flit Bunk overcome the arm “ï¬lm where iéenï¬ï¬catimz is , A__I ““1.“ Lâ€" (“1‘ â€"râ€"E|â€ques and Dmï¬s mi Quin. tin. krona: 0h. Cit Wm. Warren ndsay Branch WARREN BA NK Omemee Br; Special Prices DRUGGIST AN D Mummers for ING MACI‘D 31> m just. n0w :1 EVERYTHING (ll AIL sn coucxo w W LAIRD Genet-l Ma of Parliame‘ .1 'e also have a niCc omce Ho 10 m 8 o'clock. “tun-dun 10 to 1 new C Al‘ITAI 000.000 composmg 1! “Ce that mu any of its‘lh counts. whu «fly by UN The la n: Paid up Ca} Rest Undivided Every des mental. Branch Branches I minion. eve ion, hcwfou York, Chi (I :3 yE I 9? er) 'ets V B CO'S