want mama Boy will stand .3 Be. Peekst. ., {or service ‘breeders would do well R. this Stallion. ‘ ..fl CRBSSWBLL ,. m2: LINDSAY F THOMAS l‘RSlHY. SEPTEMBER 15: e and Residence corner 3"â€. md Cambridge-u... mm!" . Phone 887J. Beam ’3“ '30? Graduate LE 10 H R. KNIGHT mmpt Service." In our No“. S. LINDSAY PHONE 53 bags of 33 Directory PBELL HF?!†not, how There in a Cnlndt ruit. Low Veterinary 91128903 PLUMS, ARS ic cunudian Family Car c 191;; model dcmcstrated at '. F. Broad, H U PMOBILE ENT “'3 LL PHONE '1 STOCK NOTE Delivery. FOR SALE and Feed College. Post-6w†1e lu-twecn Francis I I ()n Kent-st. West. “rs and sidewalk. n: lots for sale on mate Agent. 352 K William-St. Wm. Warren The Canadian Bulk-of Commerce, by reason of its large number «of lbranches in mry Province of Canada, with direct representation in London, Eng.. .New York, San FranciSCO, Seattle, Portland, Ore., Mexico and St. john's Nfld†with :Agents and Correspondents in every part of the world, is able to ofl'er unmr‘passed ï¬acilities to the travelling public, enabling them to obtain money in the simplest way at any: point on their journey the world over. The Travellers’ Cheques and Letters of~Credit issued by this Bank overcome the annoying dimculties of obtaining funds abroad,~ especially in places where identification is difl‘icult. Cheques and Drafts on all the countries of the world. drawn 'in sterling, francs, wkri, lire. kronea. “9.. can be cashed or purchased at â€enumerates. _ g. CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $1 n ¢ THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE TBURSD 11-115 Bi. QNK OF ndsay Branch, Omemee Branch- C. Hodgetts. Mgr A new 331'] very special stock just arrive Nets, Barrents, Fancy Pins, Special Prices in All Lines This ‘ Sure to Visit Us. DRUGGIST “‘t A SPECIAL SALE HAIR GOODS [I I.-rxu.w.n.,zac.tu.1\. gcnpgcnno )4 5: @222. we. Ea . TOURIST S E TRAVELLERS SIR EDMUND WKLKER. C.V.O.. LLD†D.C.L. m ALEXANDER LAIRB JOHN AIRD General Manager Assistant Gen“ Mm BANK OF MONTREAL m m 3 o’clock. Saturday: 10 to 1 o’clock. 111$» inn: 3 nice book of post cards, 24 £0? ncorporated by Act Essabli of Parliament A. D. 12; (a ay Branch established A D. 1258 Paid up Capital ------------ $16, 000, 000 Best - - M616 000,000 Undivided Pnï¬ts $ 802,000 v PAINT co's UOU'D 9“â€? ‘az'gc n-smn‘cos of the 151 «in: its list, of Director that monoy deposited in If us Branches will be a Ofï¬ce Hours : branches In over) F) (wince 0' ’he [)0- minion. every important city in the 00mm- ion, {\cwfoundland. Lcndon, England, New York, Chicago, etc : ~ \l Every description of Bankmg business transacted. bavmgs Departmem at. avery Branch I'u‘v I‘vsmn‘cvs of the Bank of Toronto, and the names «in: its list of Directors and Ofï¬cers afl‘m‘ds ample assur- nut money deposited in the care of its [lead ()ll‘u-e or MS Branches will be absolutely safe. Savings ac- . which we cordially invite, are increased automa- hy the semi-annual addition of interest. REMEMBER 18, 1913 A sset s ...... Deposits . AND OPTICIAN RIGGB OLD STAND . L. MORGAN OOOOOOOOOOOO just arrived. Switches. Hair Mncv Pins. Etc. 'this locality been so tragic as that {of the infant son of J.. H. Brown, of ISeagmve. The accident occurred a 'little over a week ago. The boy was about ten months old and. was ‘beginning to take notice of things. lHe seemed to be particularly fond. of _ ‘1.-.â€" «new..- beginning to take notice of things. He seemed to be particularly fond‘ of horses. His father had just return- ed from a trip and picked the, little fellow ~,up,, taking him to 'the stable. He went into one of'the stalls where a horse was standing. The child 7 AI. .1. 1“- was lying out in the PM“ dandy having been kicked there the horse. Its“? was b torn. and it is 911011831}? ‘2“ m ,nw‘nm H. B. Black, HOLMES Manager $32.802,000 Hanger Lindsay Bunch Opposite St. Andrew's Phone 131-L Box 217 ribs broken. Escablished A. D. 1817 $58,000,000 41,000,000 RESERVE: $6,176,678 ï¬mï¬rd â€i’ until he the stable Be 10c Mariposa Council. Sept. 8. â€" The! members were all present and the] minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. George Barry was present and informed the council of a dangerous washout at the corner of lot 5, con. 9, also some culverts on the side road south, required some repairing. Mr. Robt. Hodgins, of Manilla, wished the council to purchase soï¬me 12-inch tile for the roadside at Manilla. Mn; Angus Gillies, David (.‘ulbert, Joiml Martin and J. J. Sloan applied for the oflice of tax collector. Mr. Charles Jenkins reports Mr. Samuel Starr having fallen, ‘in the‘dark, and sustaining: severe injuries at the part- ly built bridge at lot 17, con. 5. The clerk read†a communication from Mrs. Hannah Cox, pf liiceton, Sask., protesting against her portion} of the expenses in connection with the? Spray drain. Mr. Albert Scott inâ€" formed the council of having: built some 60 rods of wire fence, also that the water from the road allowance; was doing damage to his farm. Mr. K A. L. Minthorne writes respecting ; the notice the council gave Mr. \\'m. l Channon to remove the stones off i 'the road allowance which he placed? 9 l . _. .._..<.'_.__._.__. there, (Mr. Minthorne informs us) fer the purpose of taking them to the stone crusher the next ‘time it is in~ these parts. The reexe remarkelil that any ratepayer could use the same excuse and make the roadsidel a dumping ground for all the stones in the :township. Mr. A. G. Cavana reports the 'township part of the Kinghorn drain as being completed. The treasurer reports that the coun- cil will require more money to meet all liabilities, and an amending by- law was prepared to borrow an adâ€". ditional two thousand dollars it' necesaary. RESOLUTIONS PASSED. Motion by Messrs. Edwin Rogers and Charles J enkins, that the reeve and Messrs. Rich and Ferguson be a committee to meet Mr. Scott 'and others on the side road between lots 20 and 21 in con. 2 regarding the water running from the road onto Mr. Scott’s farm, the meeting to be on Friday, Sept. 26th. at the hour of 2 p.m.â€"Carried. Motion by Messrs. Edwin Rogers and Sharles Jenkins, that Mr. Angus Gillies be appointed tax collector for the north half‘ of the township of Maripoaa for the year 1913 at a. sal‘ ary of $50.â€"Carried. Motion by Mes-Jars. William PM: and Neil Ferguson, that Mr. ‘ David Culbert be appointed tax collector for the south half of the township of Mariposa. for the year 1913 at a. salâ€" iary of $50.-â€"Ca.rried. Mr. George Martindale rendered aoâ€" counis aggregating the sum of $94 for. men and teams working on the 30 Champagne St... Mum mâ€" "Ihaveaflvoymr-old boy whowum in: fi'om what the doctor said was "in patella." His body was nil covered with running sores. The trouble started with pimples and opened up into sores. Of course scratching made it worse. The erup- tions appeared on hh face and disï¬gured him nwi'uliy. The boy could not sleep at night than; the itching nnd pain. had I did not know what to do with him. Itmadehimcrounndi’rethn. III have tried one. I have tried ï¬fty remedies without result. At last I got ample. ol Cnticurn Soap and Ointment. and alter using them two dnys I noticed a change. I then bought a full-sized cake of Cuticun Soap and one box of Cuticurnpintment end lusedtogivetheboynhothnthdnuy using Cuticura Soap freely. end then nppiied the Cuticura. Ointment. He had suflered three months with the horrible dine-so be- fore I started to usethe Cuticurn Swnnd Ointment. and nine days after the boy was cured and has not been troubled since." \Signcd) E. Cloutier. Dec. 12. Hill. Body Covered With Running Sores. Could Not Sleep from Itchin and Pain. Cross and Fretful. ried Fifty Remedies Without Result. Cured in Nine Days by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Cuticura Soap and Guam Ointment are sold by drunk“ and denial! everywhere. A single set. Is often suflldent. Liberal sample of each mailed nee. with 32-p. Skin Book. Adam post. card Potter Drug a: DISFIGUREH W†H ERUPTIDNS UN FACE s? W m “4mm -°'“°“‘ ..yappetit.ew7 “31 amf'sn-w ~ ,'and I am wuss" W without any ' lc feehnzs. ] .n. mvlv mend B‘B~E.gto any I sunnocx noon BITTERS cunzo He’s. MARIPOSA COUNCIL INDIGESTION THE WATCHMAN-WABDER, LINDSAY. ONTARIO. TROU BLED WITH I Although there were only two schools competing. the rural school gm:- at s.s. No. 2, 01:8. 1.5:. week, lwss a marked success. The exhibits ‘were of a. very high standard, show- ‘ing industry and enthusissm on the part of the pupils. A long sport .program proved very exciting owing 'largely to the intemchool competi- tion. S. S. No. 6 Ops. the visiting school in which Kins Brady is mu- ting were the winners of the larger 'number of points in the sports. but 8.9. No. 2 Ops, with Miss Bertha Nichols, as teacher, carried the red ‘Industry and Enthusiasm A SOLDIER AND 51111103 Home and wilderness. If space permitted many exciting: BUILT A 111' MBFR 0F S‘a'TORlLS. and interesting stories of war could l A large percentage of stores on the be told, Mr Tucker having been a south side of Kentâ€"st. were built by ‘British soldier and sailor. He was :Mr. Tucker for Mr. Keenan, most of 111 the navy at the time of the Crim- i them being still in good condition. lean war, when Russia undertook to: l-‘ 11in 111‘ BRIT'I‘US’S‘. Iforce its right of protection on the' Mr. 'l‘ucktu- “ell remembered a fire Turks, and England interfered. He which took place at Britton's store. !was captain of a p11ot gun on board The 11 hole store as 11011 as the ad- {the “ Conqueror“ for four years Ijoining building 1er1 narro11l_\ es- :most of which time the 1essols “ere gunned being burned. Mr1'l‘ucker's istationed in the Mediterranean Sea fexperience at this tire was one that i and the Black Sea. he never forgot. To get at the tire CAME T0 CANADA iand save the contents it was 11:131-5- In 1862 (51 1ears pgo) he came to 358111 to get in a 11indo11 and us the Canada to make his fortune. Atxheat was so great and the smoke that time the steamships. 11 h1ch '11ere iso dense no one cared to do so. un- lthe only means of communicationitil \lr. Tucker stepped for11ard and between America and the continent,!1'olunteered to go if amone would {were not {asn 1com111odious 1t-5se191follo11. He no soomr got inside ilike we have now1ulu1s,hut small .than he 1111s otercome lw the heat steamships of no glt‘tit speed which land smoke and he 11'11~: obliged to itook {r0111 tun (11115 to two weeks to lcrzml along the 11001: on his hands cross the Atlantic a. trip “hich “as land knees in a semiâ€" â€"consrious con- iexceedingh perilous at that time. dition, and managed to struggle to SETTLl‘JI) 1.\' ll()l‘.CA\:GI'2().\' a 11indo11, which he smashed and fell I 1121‘. Tucker ï¬rst suttlt‘d in Bolicav- in a fainting Condition in the open igeon and after a short sojourn there Estaited farming in the to11nship oii Bl‘ll.’l‘ S'l‘lCAMBOATS iAnson where he remained for a cou- The S‘cugog river and Sturgeon !ple of 1'ears.lle then returned to ‘ Lake long sened us a means of com- 'Bohcav goon, 11 here he started as a lmunication to pleasant summer re- gcontractor and built a number of sorts on its shor s, 11hich prove de- istoras 11hich are still standing. Two lightiul spots for one 5 vacation. ln Pears later in 1865 he moved to the early stages of Mr. Tucker's -Lindsav, where he li1ed ever since. Lindsay career he was given the con- Lindsay has. now a population of‘tract and built three paddle wheel eight thousand but at that time the steamers,“ The Commodore," " The population was not much o1er the Champion,’ and " The Woodman," |11000 mark. land 11ere manned by Capt. George 1 .11- .1: a1r. The town was then a small village along the river from I-‘lavelle's grist mill, and from there. across the river near the Baker Lumber Company's ofï¬ce, and proceeded along the west bank scattered throughout a wooded and swampy country. THE BIG FIRE. The big fire which swept out most of the town occurred about one year before Mr. Tucker moved here. What now is known as Victoria Park‘ was at that time a dank. woody swamp. Kent-st. also was at that time com- posed of a few scattered stores and public houses. The G. '1‘. R. branch line to Lindsay was at that time only eight years built, and did not come west of the river, but ran along the east bank to the station. which was then across past Parkins' mill (now belonging to Mr. Oarew.) One of the pioneer citizens and and on northward the same as the builders of the town of mam pm Pmem “M The G T R station ed away on Friday at 10 15 o'- was moved to its present. site short- b' alter. when the station across the clock in the person 0! Samuel Tuck- ' river “‘8 burned er, a Crimean veteran. and one of BUILT lRON BRIDGE. the most highly respected residents, Mr. Tucker was the contractor 0! of the town. For several years the iron bridge. and he helped also past the deceased. who passed away to build the present line. which runs at his home on Durham-st., had been through what was then a boggy, living a retired life. and death at swampy and stumpy land. his age of 83 \ears. was not entireL BOBCAYGEUN AND “-35le ly unexpected. In his prime he was. I“ \l. l..‘ l\' 1870 an active and industrious citizen. In 1870 liohcnygeon and Fenelon and one who saw Lindsay bud forth Falls, which are to-dny two thriving from infancy into a full grown town. towns, were composed of a couple of He was born in Devonshire, Eng- log houses and an inn or two and land, in 1831. , gwere closed in by great depths of grader, which were ordered paid. Mr. David Yercx rendered accounts aggregating the sum of $385, which were ordered paid. Several overseers turned in small accounts aggregating the sum of $40, mostly for overtime on their statute labos, which were ordered paid. The township also paid accounts aggregating the sum of $649, in- cluding the sum of $233.56 for tile for the Spray drain, which will -be repaid by levying on 'th'e several per- sons interested in the drain. By-law 721 was passed appointing; tax collectors, and also by-law 722, authorizing the reeve and treasurer] to borrow an additional $2,000 toi meet current expenses if found neces- sary. Mr. Anson Walton was ap-l pointed poundkeeper in'the village of Oakwood, and then the council ad-i journed till the second Monday in October next. I William Mackenzie has started on an exploration trip to Hudson Bay. Four bye-elections are likely to be held early 1:} November in _S. Bruce, An expedition ï¬tted out.†township also paid accounts Clerk. of Rural School Pupils ' Bl'lI.’l‘ STICAMBOATS ! The Scugng river and Sturgeon !Lake long: served us a means 01' com- 'munication to pleasant summer re- sorts on its shores, Which prove de- lightful spots for one's vacation. 1n the early stages of Mr. Tucker's Lindsay career he was given the con- ‘tract and built three paddle wheel steamers, “ The Commodore," " The Champion." and " The Woodman," and were manned by Capt. George fCrandell. By some strange work of fate these three ï¬ne steamers were burned at diï¬erent times, and so for some time the service through the lakes was suspended. I Besides providing amusement for I the visitors to the Lindsay Fair dur- - ' g the day-time; the.direCtors also ihave to provide amusement for them For a year or more Mr. Tucker, who was knowu for his skill in plun- ing and constructing, built a large number of building's in Chicago. AN HOSES'I‘ LIFE. Through life‘Mr. Tucker was hon- at, and no one who knew him could say a bad thing about him. as he never tried to. " do " people and get the best. of a bargain, but earned his money like a man. The deceased gentleman is survhed by his belaved wife, one daughter. Mrs. Robt. Graham. of Lindsay, and one son. Mr. Sam. Tucker, of Deâ€" troit. The funeral. which will be announced later, will be private, ribbon {or the best school disphy. It may be noticed by some that at 0mm lair Risa N. Xuzhou won ï¬rst for the school display. The teachers are sisters and it is due to their originality and perseveranCe that they won out at each 0! the two fair-I. The following judges ofï¬ciated: Hrs. le'hnyden, Lindsay, flowers. sewing and baking; lea-rs. Dunbar and Robertson, Lindsay, vegetables 11nd trait; Hr. A. A. Knight. 13.8. A.. Lindsay, nnture collections; Hr. Jan. Robertson. Lindsay, sports. Ernie Marks Coming For ‘ ' Lindsay Fair at nights; and consequently through Manager Roenigk, oi the Academy of Music, have arranged to have the Ernie Marks Vaudeville Co. sppeei‘ in Lindsay during the three nights of the Lindsay Central Exhibition. For- several years past Ernie Marks and his vaudeville artists have been witty jokes, the humorous songs, etc" all combine to make a. jolly en- mam in the shows write am; for reeeyved 3°?“ luncheon gt London. wcidcntto a Tflmn Shantz. n. W , Visitors tram the gountry who it were killed in anotha' a German dirigible Elli!- in thé shov'vs should 3r reseFVed seats. MK _._.â€"â€"â€"Iâ€"- a; cbmplimentu'y 01 mm.- Broke Leg Getting It. appears that. Mr. Bell was re- turning from Toronto. and while he was getting off the train the cars be- gan to move out. He was thrown in such a manner as to sprain his ankle and break a small bone in the right leg. Dr. McAlpine was called in to at- tend to the injured limb and the fracture is knitting as rapidly as can be expected. However, it will be some time before Mr. Bell will have the free use of the limb. Mr. John Bell. the well-known cat- tleman. of Dunsford, met with «Ba painful accident the other day while getting 01! the C.P.R. train at Duns- ford. Word was received in OttaRa from two sources of the death of two ex- plorers at the hands of a band of Eskimo‘in the far north of Canada; last summer. one being George Street, of Ottawa, the other an American, H. V. Redford. Martin Powell, the alleged robber of the Bank of Montreal at New Weatminster, was deported from the United States into Canada at Wind- Sir Oliver Lodge spoke on the con- tinuity of existence before the Bri- tish Association. -â€"Mr. Louis Henry has returned to Hamilton, after visiting his friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought JOHN DENNIS Wells drilled at shortest PUMP MAKPR notiCe, terms reasonable RUSSELL- ST. LINDSAY ONT. NEXT T0 CREAMERY Low prices, I have no middlemen‘s Incorporated 1895. Capital and Reserve Fund $42 0,000.00 THE YICT OR IA LOAN SAVINGS CO. The F at! You Have Alwyn Bought, and which has been In “he for over a) years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pen- scmzl Stycrvision since its Infancy. a Anew no one to deceive you in this. All Connterteltl. Imitations and “Just-wgood†are but Experiments that trifle “1th and endanger the health of Intent: and Children-Experience against Experiment. Castor-la is a harmless substitute for Castor on, Pare- BOrIC, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, .Iorphme not other Narcotic substance. Rs age in its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allay: Feverishnees. It cures Diarrhoea and W 1nd 0015c. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulcncy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowds, giving heatthv and natural sleep. The Chndrcn’v Panamaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. Notice is hereby given that a DiVidend a Per Cent. per annum has this day been decl. Capital Stock of the Victoria Loan Swings ending June 30th. 1913. and the same will be of the Company on and after Wednesday, .J 111); The Stock Transfer Ledger J ulv 2nd inclusive. L} orde Lindsay, June 10th. 1913 What is CASTOR IA iJfND S AfB R AN C H Children Cry for Fletcher’s Off Moving Train In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUI COI’ANV. 77 IUEIAV mart. NEW YORK cm. DIVIDEND N0. 44 8. mm III-Ica- will be closed from June 2 of the Board, mee on October 81h. The Conlerene ces are to be addressed by the Gem eral Secretary, the Re\‘. S. '1‘. Bare tlett; «the Field Secretaries. Confer- ence oflicers, and local leaders. Tho meetings are for the purpose of In- tensilying the Chm-Ch lite throughouï¬ the Province. and the promotion 0! work among the Epworth Leaguu ï¬nd Young People's Societies ot the Methodist. Church. MEETING AT OMEMEE. The list of centres and the datei of Conferences arranged by the Exee cutive of the Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagues of the Methodist" (‘hurch includes a conference at 01110! The St. Catharina»; Horticultural Society's tenth annual autumn exhiâ€" bition was opened by Hon. Martin Bum“, Minister: of Agriculture. Pumps, Wind Mills Gasoline Engines end at the rate of Seven 1 declared on the Paid-UP Swings Co. for the quarter will be payable at the oflico I, Julv 2nd, 1913. commission to pay . E. WEEKS. PAGE 25th to Manager-