a slo“ rate, when the animal sud- (lo-nly became frightened at the large roll of cable and shied quickly to the lt-l‘t, running almost head on into Mr. McLean's buggy in front, of Gre- gory’s storv. The wheels lockvd {or an instant, but in continuing its mad Career, Mr. Do‘s‘itt's horsv broke away again with the driver still ('lingim: to the? ruins. .\ broken shaft and other injuries to the buggy made it necessarily wahhly, and afâ€" ter running (lo\\n Kent-st†to the Vicinity of the Simpson House. both Mr. Devitt and his son Garvin were thrown out. aliqhtingr forcibly on the puvlvment, while tiw horse continued on its way homeward across the Mr. Devitt, Sun, was picked up and was in a short time under the doc~ tor’s care. but. it. is understood that his injuries are slight. despite the bad fall which he sustained. ’lho accident was one of those unâ€" fortunate afl'nirs in which no person particularly is to blame. Friends of river NH. .IUHN lil'IVIT'I‘ Hi It'l‘. Au unfortunate accident occurred (m' Kt‘lll'ht. lust wvvk, when a hurse drip-n by Mr. John 1K“ in, of tin-inst, Ward, shied at a larm- lol- t~Phune cable rch at the owner of hunt and \V'illiamâ€"sts.. and Collidcd with a home and rig coming the op- pusite direction, Mr. B. 1.. McLean being the owner and dri‘u-r. It appears that Mr. Devin and his mm wm-c driving.r east on Kent-st†Mhilo )Ir. )IclA-zm was going west. 'lhe- l‘urmur was trotting his mare at Cinnamon’s Hardware Store Banana: mm and Hardware. lat-st. my and ask to see our special value in Pocket and Table Cutlery. are invited to visit our store and inspect our line of All Visitors to Lindsay Fair STOYES AND RANGES Graduate of Toronto Univ- ersity and Royal College of Deng.) ‘ Surgeons. ate pricw. All dentil upel‘aï¬ ms care- fully perforlm-d according to the latest methods at moder. mOfï¬cor over Gregor-9s Dru: Store, cox net of William and Kent Streets. PAGE FOUR Write for our private address. see us Sersonally all at our Medial institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. DR. 8. J. SIMS. Dentin WM New System HEN-van NEED NERVE “'I- uâ€" vâ€" -â€"â€" _ Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswgld St, Detroit. Mich. We who cunhlo cues of NERVOUS DEBIIJ'I'Y. VARICOSE VBNS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. GLEET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS nndwe will tell you whether you are enable «not. unsussp their vigor and vitality and they never develop to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- lings. mentally. physically and sexually. How you 5.." Are you nervous and weak. despondeut and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable. palpitatlor. of the been. baeliful, debilitating dreams. sediment in urine. pimple. on the face. eyes sunken. hollow cheeks. cal-even: ex. preseion, poor memory. lifeless distrusttul. lack energy and strength. tired mornings. restless nights. change- uble moods, premature decay. bone pains. hair loose. etc. much. conditionour New Method Tm is GUARANTEED TO CURE Tim have treated Diseases of Men. for almost a life- L.u.o a...l uo not lime to v::~e:‘:mcat. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE The nerves control all actions of. the body so that any- thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of the system. Early Indigo-06a- 1nd Execut- hive ruined thousands of profni§ing young men. Umtunl ,. A, ) -L4_-_-_-_A-__‘_A EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCEBSES HAVE UNDER- MIN ED YOUR SYSTEM uBooklotonDhomsochmlfnn-Hobclu write for omen us'r FOR HOME TREATMENT An letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desjre to iJ. Grundy. ()mcmce I’.()., one of the gexecutors of thc said Richard Btn- ‘m-tt. deceased, their christian and 3surnamcs, addresses and descrip- gtions, the full particulars of their ,claims. and the nature of their se- 'curities, if any. held by them. The :suid executor shall after the 23rd jday of Scptcmher, next, be at liber- lty to distribute the assets of the said deceased. or any part thereof unmng thy parties entitled thereto, ‘-u\'ing regard only to the claims of which Hwy have then notice. and ’shull not u liable for the assets or .any part thvreto so distrihutcd to Enny person of whose claim such exe- cutor has nut notice at the distribw tinn thel‘t‘m'i um: hï¬ld by them. The said exe- 'cutor shall after the 23rd day of ;September next. be at liberty to dis- tribute the assets or the said deceas- 'ed or am part thereof among the parties entitled thereto haxing re .gard on!) to the claims of which gthey haxe than notice. and shall not lbe liable for the assets or any part. 'thereto distributed to any person . of whose claim such executor has not lnotice at the distribution thereot. ['m-suunt to Ontario Statute. 1 Goo. \ ., (‘huxx :26, sec. 55 the credi- tors of liolwrt Toole. late oi the 'l'ownship of Emily, in the (â€many of Victoria. {mum-r, deceased. who died on or about the twenty-third day of June. 1913. are, on or before the 23rd day of September next, 1913. to send by post prepaid. to Samuel P. \Iills, ()memee 110., one of the executors of the said Robert Toole. deceased, their Christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims and the nature of their securities, if Leigh R. Knight sulieitor for the Exocutors; Richard .1. Grundy and Geol‘g‘c Grimmâ€"3w. Mr. William Gillies was found dead in his home on Prince Arthur-ave†Toronto. Pursuant to Ontario Statute 1, 090. \’.. ('hap. :26, sec. 55, the creditors of Richard Bennett, late of the ’l‘ownship of Emily, in the Coun- ty of Victoria. farmer, deceased. who died on or aimuL the 24th day of May, 1913, are, on 01' before the 23rd day of September next. 1913, to send by pom prvpaid to Richard The Ontario Hxsturical Society met at (‘huthznm twenLv-ï¬w local 50(3ivtit'S being ropro-Svmo‘d. Dan-d m l.mdsay this 18th day of August, 1913. Dated at Lindsay this 18th day 0! August, 1913. 1:9igh R. Knight, Solicitor: fin" thé Executors; Samuel P. Mills and George A. McQuade.â€"3w. ie< 'l‘ht' mm‘hle- tower at l‘utâ€"in Bay. ()hiu, marking a century 0f peace. was dedicated with ï¬tting ('m‘enmnâ€" Mr. Devitt hope he†will quickly re- IM-vitt hope that he will quickly re- cover and be none the worse for the accident. NOTICE TO ORE DITORS NOTICE T) CREDETORS l CHAPTER XXXV. The Bastion Saint Bennie. T808 mounted on the hatch. with his musket in one hand Ind his Inc In the 0th“: “Gentlemen." and he. 86' dressing the soldiers sud Mantel. '50. astonished at his appearance. stopped at ‘ arty pace. from the button. and bow- [Jug courteous†to then; â€mm uteimmwm‘mmw weapons. “Well." said Athos. “It was hardly worth while to disturb ourselves for twenty fellows armed with pickues. maï¬a-kn and shovels? “new are advam-lng very recomm- :_v. said D' Artugnau. "Baldâ€. In III- dltion to the pioneer; there no (our soldiers and a bundle named with musket.†. . ~ » "'1an menu thordon't no an." aid Amos. “1 ms; confess I feel a great repn¢~ nance to are on these poor bourgeois,†said Arum. "In truth.†said Athoc. “Arum. II right. 1 will warn them.†"What. ls demanding my head of the cardinal?" :rled D'Artagnan. pole with terror. "Then it Is useless to struggle any longer. I may as well blow my bralns out. I can never es- cape wltb such enemies. First. there Is my unknown man of Menng: then De Wardes. to whom I have given. three wounds: next mnady. whose se-l cret I have discovered. and. ms: and worst. the cardluai. whose vengeance l ‘ hzne balked." ,' “Well." said Atbos. “that only makes 9.0m. and we are four. one for one." "If we may believe the signs Grl- maud is making we are about to have to do with a very dln‘erent number of foiks.“ said Porthus. "The secret is." said Amos. “that I saw milady last night within two leagues of this piace at the Red Dove- "What‘s the matter. Grlmaud?†said Atbos. “What do you see?†"Sixteen pioneers. four soldiers." “How far distant?" “Five hundred paces.†“Good! We have just time to ï¬nish t t. fowl and to drlnk one glass of wine to your health. D'Artagnan!" Then Athos arose carelessly. took the musket next to him and drew near to one of the loopholes. Porthoei. Arzfmls and D'Artagnan tol- I lowed his example. As to Grlmuud. he received orders to place Manse" behind the four friends. In order to reload thelr i As they Were loading the last mus. ket. Grimaud announced that the breakfast was ready. He was set to stand guu rd. “And now to table." said Atbos. The four friends sat down upon the gmuud. "Not. quite so yet." repfled Athos. “for by this time she must have left the shores of France." D'Artagmm breathed again. “But. after all." asked Portbos. “who is mflady '2" “A véry charming woman.†said Atbos. “who has demanded D‘Arta- gnan‘s head at the cardinal.“ “But for such an expedition we sure- ly ought to have brought our muskets." said l'ortbos. As Athos and foreseen. the bastion was only occupied by a dozen 0! dead bodies. French and Rochellais. "And now.“ said D'Artagnan. “as there is no longer a fear of being over- heard. I hope you are going to let me into this momentous secret.†“We-ll.“ replied Ath. “did not D'Ar- tngnan say that in the attack of last night eight or tvn l-‘roucbmen were killed and as many Ruchellals?" “Well?" "Well. wp shall ï¬nd their muskets. their cartridgl-s and their flasks. and instead or tour musketoons and twelve balls we shall have ï¬fteen guns and a hundred (-hzlrgm to ï¬re." it was impossible to talk ï¬ve minutes in that Inn without being annoyed. Yonder." said Allms. pointing to the bastion. "they will at lens: not. come and disturb us." “In that case I am a lost man.†said D'Artagnan. “We have some very important mat- ters to commuuimte to each other. and “But where are you going to eat my breakfast?" said the host. "Ol‘wlmt consequent-o Is that to you if you are paid for it?" said -Atbos. and he threw 2 pistols-s mnjestlrnlly on to the table. And lmwing to all the astonished per- sons presvnt, tho young men took the road to the bastion Saint Gervnls. fol- lowéd by Griumud. who carried the basket. "Why; you are four. gentlemen." said Athos. “and we are four: a dinner for eightâ€"will that do?" "Capitnlly." replied M. de Busigny. “The breakfast for these gentlemen is ready.“ said the host. "Well. bring it in." said Athos. . The host obeyed A‘thos culled Gri- mnud. pointed to a large basket which lay In a corner and made u Sign to him to wrap the viunds up in the nap- kins. "Well. M. de Busigny. I will bet you.“ said Athos. “that my three com- panions. MM. Porthos. Aramls and D‘Artuxman. and myself will go and breakfast in the bastion Sulnt Gen-r813. and we will remain there an hour by the watch whatever the enemy may do to dislodge us ' “I take it." said M. de Buslgnyl “Now let us ï¬x the stake.“ THE WATUHMAN-WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTABio. We Dec. 1827. E “In fact." said Ara-mis. “it Is an lb- solution in all its forms." "Impossible tnr three reasons." re plied Athos "The ï¬rst ls we have not ï¬nished breakfast. the sen-0nd we have still aume very Important things to talk about. and the third It get wants ten minutes before the hour wlll be elapsed. As soon as the em my are wlthin musket shot We mmt ï¬re upon them. It they mmlnue to advam-e we must tire :xcalu. We tlre as Ions: as we have ImulPd runs If such as then reumln of the troop per slst lu coming tn the assault we will allow the [x'siegers to go into the dltrh. and then We Will push down upon thelr heads that strip or wall whit-h seemh only to keep Its perpen- dlcular by a miracle ‘ “Bravo!" crled Pol-thou. “Gentlemen; aald Athos “ï¬t-ex" The four musket: made one report, but four men ten. “Gentlemen." acid be. addressing the soldiers and pioneers. Then the ahota were repeated “1.11- out regularity. but always aimed mm the same correctnen. Nevertholeu the Rochellala continued to advance. although upon every three m at least two men tell. This time a small troop advanced. consisting M from twvntv to ï¬ve and twenty men But they were m-Iouger pioneersdhey were soldiers or the garrison. v "Shall we return to tbs» ramp?" said Purthos. “1 don't think the mdes are equal." “Than paper must be torn to places." said U‘Artugnnn. who fancied he read in n his semvnce of death. not give this pupH‘ for as many .‘old pieces as woulti mver it." “I have an ium.“ said D'Artag am “What is it?" said the musketeum “To arms!“ cried Grimnnd. The young men sprung ubnvud seized their muskets. When arrived at the foot of the hat tlon there waa still more than a dean of the enemy. A last dlacharge web corned them. but dld not atop them. They Jumped Into the ditch and pre- nared to scale the breach. “Now. In) friend's," sald Athoo. “In- lah them at a blow. To the wall! To the wall!†' And the four friends. ascended by Grlmand. pushed with the barrel. of mu mnaketa an enormous sheet at the wall. whlch bent over u If lend C hil dre n C ry run rLHcHER's {CASTORIA "On the (-ontmry." said Athos. "it must be preserved carefully. I would upon by the wind. Ind. becoming do tncbod from In base. fell with I bor- rlble crab Into the ditch. Then I tearfulcrywu bettinclondotduu mounted toward heaven and m m “Can ve have deltmyed than all? an Athon. “No."‘crted Porches: “than to than D’Artaaman uttered an exclamation of surprise and astonishment. "But this is inhtmollsf" cried be. “As to that." said Amos. "I beg you to believe that I c-nre very Iittle about. it. This Woman «started from the car- dinal a kind of signed vane blunt-he. and by menus at it she vould with im- punity get rid of you and perhaps of us." went on AthOS. “Here it is." said Atuos. D‘Artagnan unfolded it and read: It is by my order and for tho good at the state that the beam 01 this has don. what he has done. RICHELIEU. “She is going into England." said Attics. “With what View?†“With the view of assassination or causing to be assassinated the Duke of Buckingham." “You were saying " sand D'Armznan. “tint after having demanded my head of tho c-nrdhml milmly had In" the shores of Future. Where is she going to?" added be. considerably interested in the itinerary mllady followed. “Reload the mnskets. Grimand." sald Athos. “and we. gentlemen. will go oh with our breakfast and resume our conversation Where were we?" Four shOl.‘ replwd to them almost Instantaneous-15. but lune-h better aim- ed than those or the alum-«Nuns. Three soldiers fell dead. and one ot the plo- neers was wounded. The rest or the troop took to flight own. ume ueuce. uuuess. much would be far better. you turn: the salami" resolution to quit the nude of the reb- els and come and drink with us to the health of the king of France." Four shots wer} tired. am: the balls were flattened against the wall round Atbus. but not on» m: Iiim. Ame-160306 at us much. Inuctthmortourotthqgm athl- nun. hat. 3 mm “'0 WW" mmmmyuwv My Deu- Cousinâ€"Hi: eminence the cur- dinal. whom God preserve (or the lappi- nssa of France and the confusion of the enemies of the kingdom. in on the point of putting en end to the heretic rebellion of La. Rochelle. It in pmbabie that the «coat of the English iieet will never even arrive in eight of the place. i will even venture to fly the! i am oer-min M de Buckingham will be prevented from net- ung out by tome great evenL Hie em- “uplmlr’ cried Atboa. There I: mthlng now to do but to put the ad mess to this letter.“ Tours" MAN’S KIDIEY PILLS HIT HER OI HER FEET. Aramls resumed his pen. reflected t llttle and wrote the followlng Hues. which be Immediately submitted to the uppmbatlon of his friends: menu. A: (we In». nah.) “nus puuucueu n times past. of times present and probabl} of times to come. He Would extinguish .tze sun ii' the sun incommoded him Give these hepgy tidings to your sister. my deer cousin. l have dreamed that the: cursed Englishman was dead. 1 cannm recollect whether it was by eteei or lay poison. Only or this i an: sure-l have dreamed be we- deed, and you know my dreams never deceive me Be natured then. of seeing me soon return. wéfimk'aai kidneys. I had terrible dizzy hadadms. and could not sleep night. In this I way suï¬en_d for t; , _ "_‘A____, In France. But the third time. which to mu. you moy succumb. Your relation 1m Lo Rochelle for England during the nlxht. Watch her arrival, for she ha great and terrible projects. It you require to Know positively what the Is capable of mod hot put history upon her left shoulder. yuan. until I read about Dow's Kmm PM I purchased two boxes. ands: they helped me, I sent for two more. and they putaeonmyfectandlhavebeenable to work ever since." For Rachelle. Lyme Back. West Back. or any other Kidney Trouble, there is no remedy to equal Dow's mm son he thinks it his duty to respond ‘0 that friendship by sending you important odvico. Twioo you have curly been'lho victim at o neu- rehtion whom you be- iievo to be your heir because you on ig- norant that before she contracted a Inor- rinxo in England the wu timdy marriod in the evening at Athos' lodgings the four friends met. There only remain“ three things to be «harmed upunâ€"wnnt they should writ? t0 miludy’i twotiwr. what they sh‘vuld write- to the never pawn at ’l'oun‘s and which shoulu be the int-keys to carry the setters. They MM Aram'm should write- tho lec- terst Plant-bet to sorry 09? to De Wm- tef. Balm the other to Tom's. Aramis took the pen. reflected (or a few moments. wrote eight or ien lines. then read the toiiowing to De Winter: !tltordâ€"Thoperson “to write- these for hes bad the honor of cmsnlng sword. with you in the mu. bobcat-e of the Ru. d'Entcr. As you have tavern! time. since declared yourself tho friend 0! "m per- That evening D'Artaznnn went to present uh; compliments to M 095395- sari and inform him nr his promptinn. He begged nun in have the diamond he put into his hand valurJ. as he wish- ed to turn it into money. 'i‘np next day by 2 o'cior'k M. [)eanrt’s valet came to D'Artagnan’s lodging and gave him a bag (-ontaininx 7.000 livro-n. This was the price 0! the queen's diamond D'Artagnun was beside himself with joy We know that Hm dream of his life had been tn lwl'onw n musk-leer. The three friends We're likewise greatly delighted. reoc' pt of ts per box. 3 boxes for obtained at 111 denier: on roe by Co.. Limited. «onto. As the friends approm'imi ihe- whole camp was in motion Marv than 2.000 persons had assisted. us at a stun-tune. at this fortunate but wild nmivrmking of the four friends an undertaking of which they were far from suspecting the real motive. That same evening the cardinal spoke to M. de Tron-ill» of tho exploit of the morning. which was the talk of the whole camp M de 'l‘reville. who had ra-pivod the ac-munt of the adven- ture from the mouths of the boron of it. related it in all its details to his gunnem-e. The latter. as a reward 19 D’Artagnan. transferred him to the muskeieem. At the ond of an Instant a furious ï¬ring mm board. Tb» Rm-helluis bad at last taken :mmxlnn or the bastion. Amos marched majestically and his companions regulated their pace by his. "W9 wnl zlw thoom monov?†mug-d Alhus. â€Have you .my unmey. men!" “I will send the diamond which the queen gave me. Quick. quick!“ cried D‘Ammnan. “I m black points and rod points movlm: yonder! It :3 no 'u urmy. “Yes." said Amos. “there they are. Think of the sneaks coming without heat or drum or sound or trumpet! Let us don-amp." Grlmuud went on before with the basket. and the {our friends follow-d at about ten pat-es lwhlud nlm. tors." said Animist: “g1 and an! them forward." "That's won done." and Annals. nod The three friends looked at one an "To Mlle. Mlchon. seamstress. “But I think It would he stlll better." said Aramls. “to Inform the queen and M. de Winter at the same time." “Yes. but who Is to carry the letter to Tour: and who to London? We can- not leave the cnmp without belng sul- pected " “I answer for Bazln." sald Aramls. “And I for Planchet." said D‘Am- here an hour. and our mm In won. Now for my idea. This mlladyâ€"thll womanâ€"this cmmmthls demon. has n baother-ln-law. Lord de Winter. In London. Well. that's Just the man we want. We will have hlm Informed that his sister-ln-lnw ls an the point of having some «me assassinated. and we be: of him not to lose slght of her. He must place his slcler In an lnstltutlon. and we shall be ln pence." st. En. Bonk. Nokomis- Theyluvebeeuonthemketforï¬ an and therefatc must be a staple FOUR BOXES “Thls very day we will write- thn Iot- “give ms puhucmu 3f them money In the tent or D'Artemn they llt e lamp. and while Plum-hot stood at the entrance. that the four friends might not be lurpfleed. D'Amimen with n trembling bend broke the non! and opened the letter. It contained half a "no In 3 hand perfectly Brmun and o: a cocci-on.- “ My Spartan: Mk you: to my. Atha- took tho letter from the hand: at D'Mn. dnw our to the map. at an to the paper and did not Ian “Melitta! u "woodman†and his friends. "Thnt'n well." amid Atbos. “Let on go home and road It.†At the same time D‘Artagnan felt that Plum-her slipped I note Into his hand I familiar to D'Anngnnn. and a well known voioo sum: “Monsieur. l :m we brought your clock. I: ll chflly’thlll ovonlng." ADVERTISE IN THE WARDER D’Anagnan W5!!! 0 Trembling Hnnd Broko the Soul and Road tho Letter. Hm all at our» :1 slmduw awn-med in the darkness. the outllm- of which was 0n Uu- nixlm-mh day D‘Artncnan and his friends (-uuid nut rmnain quiet long 'u an» plat-e. and In the ensuing they wandered uhum like ghosts on the mud by which l'lnuvhvl was exported. Bum had not. by his fortunate rt» turu. removed mare than :1 part of the uneaalnms which weighed upnn the {our fripnds Tlu- days of “pm-nation are long. and D'.\rm;:n:m. In particu- lar. would Inn-9 \\':I;.:vr9d that the days: were forty-four hnurs lung. 0n the morntmz or the eighth day. Basin. fresh as ever nnd autumn: ac- Nrdlm: to custom. entered the ion of Parpulllot as the four ï¬rieuds were att- Unu dowrNo breakfast. saying. as had been nut-em] upuu' “M Annuals. here to (the answer from your mmsln," The letter rend: My Cousin-My ulster and‘ I ere skillful In lnterprettng dreams and even entertain treat fear or them. but of yours It may be um. I hope. eVet-y dream Is :m "In. ulon Adleu' Take care of yourself and act so that we may from time to time bar you spoken at in the morning. no Plum-net wu mounting on horseback. D‘Anaguan, Who .‘vlt :2! tin- hminm of nu: heart a paniuiity for the duke. took mm aside. “Listen." said he to him: “when you have given the letter to Lord de Win- ter and he has rend it. you will fur. thei- any to him. “Watch over his grace. Lord Buckingham. tor they wish to assassinate him ‘ " “Be Vitilst‘ed. monslour." said Plan chat. "you shall see whether com! deuce can be pl 'l in me or not." It _‘ LA“. And. mounu-d'" ull an excellvnt horse which he was to leave at the end of twenty lemme» to take the post. Plan one! not 00' at a guHop and was nllowpd emu days to perform his commission In â€(- .v --_ V ‘ Winter. you have eight days to return In. In all sixteen days» If on the six- teenth day after your departure at 8 o'clock In un- evening you are not here no money. even it It be but ï¬ve min- uteI met 8." other end law They were caught. . “Pinochet must receive 700' lines for going and 700 lines for coming back and Basin 800 lines for going end 300 lime to:- returning. not will reduce the sum to 6.000 lines. We will each take 1.000 lines to be employed to seem good to each. and we will leave . fund of 1.000 livrcs under the guardian- ship 0! M. I'Ahbe here for extraordi- nary occasions or common wants." it was so agreed. Plant-bet was sent for 1nd inutructlons were given him. "Now." continued D'Artaznan. ad- dressing Pinochet. “you have eight day: to get an interview with Lord de Winter, you have eight days to return in. in all sixteen days. if on the six- L‘EE‘LTH‘S W] have a note." «Id be to Amos 1‘0 no continua-2. MARIE MICHON The Ontario Government to Se} DAYMAN.â€"0n Tuesday. at Ross Humor-ml Hospital- .nd In. C. a. D-s‘m‘m ‘ Dr. H. Irvine. Dentig‘»? Lumbar. Shingles. Etc Conant 3.11:1}th Undsay Marble W0 R. CHAMBERS. " P {It Bake: lumnet (0.. u: this part 0! Ontariu. Get price. and see our desim‘ purchgsing. Shop and show room 11 5" Junbridge-ot†immediately W ï¬reball. tad are in a position to do I work than ever. New design. mites. new and improved "Id methods. in fact, up; most wâ€"duto Marble and Granite ‘ Still doing busmess in the old stud but not in the sen way. We advance with the Dr. Neelands, Dentist ‘ suocesstully practising u we um o d 7 Over .Spratt Killen s Store validation Free. Telephone (1.- Cor. Yonge and Alexander 5- m, Andri- Gertrude- (l'wsti’ n. Carnal shnuhi In: exercised in schowL TOR ETD. ON in MN] help you In a f Agent for the Massey aim? Sealed Tenders. Eddy-“5W1 Postmaster General. mu 1... at Ottawa until noon, on Fr 26th September. (or the m of His Majestys Mauls. (m 3 ed contract for fuur guns, 5 per week each way, homuen via. Downe} ville, and from t mter Generul's [IIQ‘HSHI‘O m Printed notices C(miuxmug (1 information as to cmuiitmns 0 posed contract mu} he Seun blank forms of tcndzrr may he mined at the Post ()mc‘vs of 1,: and Downeyville. and at the of the Post ()mce Inspector. ronto, Aug. 15m, 191:; THURSDAY. MONUMENLI‘E GEO W. SHEPHARD'S William-St. Forth Next't’ts Bui’dinv Lmdu ‘ It. Isn’t the Smake I mind Tom it’s the Tobacco ode, In your Breath HARMONY SPEARMm TOOTHPASTE removes “ Tokaccn we all unrflea‘xsnt ummh cumplete'y ax 1: ch whitens the [Ohaf‘cu s neglected teeth 5 .11 plips_ Dunlap 'l'rucuun Tires. Tubes. Pumps, etc. Repairs kept {or â€iv Massuy, “Inn-land â€4 Perfect DiCKCIPS. Hm‘m' (limm. and Muwvr Kuhn-S sham-cued. Sewing Muchimï¬â€˜, lint, repaired Marble and Granite: New Spring sux-k plivs. Dunlap 'l Tubes, Pumps, 01 ['0 S t 0 IT N: 9 I ll ‘ sum-Ct ()r' 5 () ï¬' 10 8 in 5'18“": Sl'hmll~ To young p 05.1; aw 'mix. earn mind Salmiw. ‘Vrt'u ï¬ve Burp-inns 5“}llh'fls u: city. \Ve would Iike to y..u our latest, mlnlugae. term from Sept. 2nd. \\'. H. NH UV. Pre “.ritï¬ tnqiav fur ('JlYalHullr DUNOON ’S MAIL CON IRACT 275019401134... LLlOTT WOOD PHONE 77 School shall I attend ? BIRTH. SEPTICYBER Is, NOTICE pleflsu re ueXt y. hetwven Lind and from the p. -huol~ 'l'o-nntn, me huilmd to Ms. ‘Ven-mduc' "‘hun‘s m this Id like 10 send W4 JV ELLIOTT Frincnpu Factor! and! Gleam I ’ Stained '†Olm- vn of Lino.“ the 0th, u ('5 1:19 sup ath ‘ 1m- m Full furth- of m I)‘ men Everything poi say Central is z Pric Ladies ’ SPECI AI SPECI \1 SPECH; Carpets, Cashmere Wool Hosp :2: Cashew 14.05“ (hildren's huh Ken's Hoavx u Visit Ou A SPLEN WEAR, B Attraction irï¬ce 75c to $6 «hibit of live stm'r â€'3. wagons, gram, â€CY Work, 1h» 11 Th Bureau of act-d5 and Col ored \\ Coiored W. m that registered Holsw ‘0‘“. yrs.. all Quod b‘ Shrop lambs and show M colt. rising mm 4‘1 purpose, M0111 bull, good I Flanneim It “50 and Ken ‘5 Boys' Bovs' Ladies’ Kn; Just, two days 1 My Central 1 5c and ...... Heavy “'0 Children's 35c and . “awaits 2 Canadin vest: and l Wendy-t} Ladies’ F¢ MISSES’ AN] COATS A ABLE SECTION TWO and “8 two years. ‘. Graham's brad-t "‘4 rock cockervls are out usual the dir‘ Swea trr pod dim: “(u thou- HP!) \ Sony‘s van 00 uzhs and WANTED FOR good ml our ch: «m SALE