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Watchman Warder (1899), 18 Sep 1913, p. 6

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Little Stories of Big Canadians-- Big Stories of Littie Canadians Among Canadians, of course. Sir John A.- Macdonald will long remain as the unrivalled King of Anecdo- tagists. More good stories were $555555$$55555$55555 leudvl‘ of lhx‘ Lihvrul party in Onâ€" tzu'io ho haul to Iivv Sometimes in tho local option town of (Men Sound. On ono visit to Toronto. he met a certain prominent Liberal whom, Vic-“'3 on temperance ma) haw been pronouncvd enough to stir the axis- chiel of Hon. A. G.'s wit. “ Well, how's the world béen treat- ing you, MacKay ? " queried the prominent Liberal of Toronto. “ Very seldom, lately," sighed the witty leader. Constipation is one of the most fre- quent. and at the same time. one of the most serious of the minor ailments to which mankind is subject. and should never be allowed ‘to continue. A free motion of the bowels daily ohmld be the rule of every one who upires to perfect health. Keep the bowels pmperw reguluted by the use of Muum'a LAxA-van Plus. end you will enjoy the very best at heolth. Mn. 0. J. Pm“. Medidne Hat. Altm. writeor-JI have been ttoubled with Coustipetion for the last couple of years until just lstely. I tried a great many media ' t my success. but at hot I hard at Mtuvnx‘s LAXA-LWBR PM... so I [an them a trial. and hem getting better right sway. and now I tally believe I m cued. end can CONSTIPA‘I’ION Soon Follows If The Liver ‘ Is Not Active. Whvu PA’GB an Hun J, W. WAKELY W A K EL Y’S One Door East of Dominion Bank (Auvcâ€"dutugo u!‘ (L .v\. Mucdulmld.) 4H inc-hm wide, m all corors, suztahle fur girls :chc-ol dresses or Separ ue skins. Special per y.._.........d .. Men’s wm‘k shirtg made. from black sateen nr black 50 and wlzlte drill, all SiZL‘S. Specml ........................ C English Tweed Dress Goods Pmumn's Mv‘wrine fall and 'I‘WQ'AI‘. #2.; I wear ,bpecial per garment. .. alt si'l. S Doze-n bop m-t ~ue:~ ter~ for 5 to 12 News \f age An as- soned mldict, all colors, worth from 75c to 1..00 ”50 SptCi‘rH .. ............ 6 Boys’ Knickers Boy3 schooi Knickers" made of good Canadian tweed Om Millinerv parlors are now open and patrons” who are looking for good style will find a large and complete stoek to choose from. Pretty pattern Hats from New York and Paris and a large number made in our work rooms. Mac Km was Spt‘Ci‘Il Boys’ Sweater Coats the Cmdiuz Pacific Runny. “ If am gmt oountry is to pro.- lm‘. u this had irto Mm um I Men’s Work Shirts Sir John unevllotvs is but little “m" “0“" “"H “W H ”"1""!5 known, for Various reasons. During iUll‘Ougll-H on» sll‘vllllous election campaign the ” 'l‘ut ! U" 3 .. “PM“? “P “‘9 old chivl‘tnlil went to Roull'ow for -H°"- A-h‘xalldi‘l‘ Mackenzie; “ “1“)" nomination day. After the formal i M the honorable gentloulun will be nomination procemlings- ill those |1°0kiug “P l" days there was an interesting, andl , . oftentimes an exciting after-meeting: The present COHSL‘PVMWO Premier at which speakers for both political :18 not the centre of-as many unoc- partie-s presented their views. Know- fdotes as his great predecessor. Sir ing the power of the wily Conserva- [John -\- Mucdonald, bUt one Of his the leader, and expecting that hisiminiSti-‘FS. Col. the .I-l'on. Sam. address Would need much force to;Hu8‘h9S. has been the centre for offs“ it in the popular mind, the 10- lscores of these good little stories. cal Liberals brought down from One of these concerns a picture. a Pembroke a vel‘y effective and talent- Presbyterian minister. and a witty ed orator. This orator was a doc: : Irish character. tor by profession. and an unusually! PTGVlOUS t0 thé election, Colonel flowery hut forceful and effective Hughes sent out to each of his con- speaker. Although he used whatistituents in Victoria county a, cabin- would he considered, in this wishy- 8t 3120 lutogfaphed pleturo of his washy dag, abuse and objectionablefiwn attractive sell. . Shortly after- personalities. the doctor’s lengthy fwardl. I Lindsay Presbyterian min- and well-voiced oration contained so ”“0? entered '- barber shop to find i . . many eflective points as to appear [therein MP- A- D. M1311011. one o! the almost unanswernble. The Libernla ~ witty characters of the town. Hr. were in triumph, as their orator re. Mullon won t devout Clthollo and timed his seat. and there was nl- $150 O devout 10110"! 0! 051. Sun. most gloom in the Tory caulp. sn- Hughel. Thl‘nklng to hove oomli John A.. however, come fbrwud fun with him. the minister mound smiling and canfldont. Instead or the crowd in the tensor“! parlor by speaking to the nudienco he turned M's: ' suddenly to the medical orntor. " W011. Mr. “10!. I Nippon you " ‘Phynlcinn. he“ thysel! l’ ” a. hove received one o! thou volition-fill quoted. “ You tuner from n “I? pictures of Col. Sun. Hutheo? 'f (lion-hoes of words on! on acute " 5“" nn' 1 MY. 3.” Wt! “I! n- conotlpntlon of ideal.” â€"â€"â€"â€"T'â€"-â€" over, was 3t the mug and ob; ro- tort himself. He bud been defend- Inc N. on com-Io tn the mutter o! Men’s Underwear Slr John A. Macdonuld once. how- ....o.¢on Just. suitable for 50c 3 The present Conservative Premier 318 not the centre oflas many unec- gdotes as his great predecessor. Sir [John ..\ Mncdonald, but one of his ‘ministers, Col. the Hon. Sam. Hughes. has been the centre for zscores of these good little stories. One of these concerns a. picture, a. Presbyterian minister, and a witty .Irieh character. " And tum-v than thin. I know that 'I will see this railway built. 11' l :dun'l. see it wlwn [ am in olllcv. l iwlll so» it when I'm out. of olhce. If :1 don’t. we it when I'm living. I’ll look down and 806 it running {through.” “ Wen. Mr. Mellon. I euppoee you heve received one of those wonderful pictqree of Col. Sun. Hughes? " “ Sure en’ 1 heve! ” was the re- mmmmmm \w are to become a. mighty people. this railway must i»: built. And this country will prospor. this land will mivmu'v. and we will become a. mighty puopio. And this railway will in) built. " 'l‘ut ! tut 2 " spoke up the Hon. Alexander Mackenzie; “ may- be we honorable gentleman will be looking up !" CASTOB IA E’f 25c tibia-mm eon-mo: a» Mount but» In 1% min it to“: not. author do. It spin. yet It. growth uh m mun-c. A luck to 111ch the drift and 3 fine to carry burning m' chm they will be moat. «the You. we a. Ituinp but-liar named by ; Whis- lncton' inventor; - ' \ ‘ The German Nevy he! converted an old torpedo boat Into a cnmplned turbo“. end tcebmker got use :- round Berlin. \ A new drinking fountnin (or poul- try utilizes tn ordinnry fruit. in, easily roplgeed it broken, for the re- fervoir. The South African Government will erect a la mm to encourage the cultivntton 0 sugar came in Zulu- land. A sixteenth of an inch of scale bn the interior of a holler wlll cause a loss 01 18 per cent. fuel efficiency. ' Canada's water power is estimated at, 16,600,000 horse power. of “III“!!! only about 1,016,000 horse power has been developed. The Gévernment of Uruguay “w" organized an institute of geology. with an American director and u- aistantl. \ nowl orange poolvr is made of n c'lr‘nni pin-co of bone with a nick at one em! to cut the skin. Ingenious sliding racks for silpnr- ware. instead of the usual shelva. feature the bottom of a. new shie- board. In Germany a powerful machine has I’m-n built for compressing scrap mo- tnl into more easily handled bales. Morn celluloid combs arc will to ho mmlo at Oyonnux. l-‘nmco. than at any olhm‘ place in the world. "1'“? "HUI. A spring rool that. takes up the sluck wire of dunk ton-phonon is a now convunlvnco for the business that. takes up the The Other Cue. Cuy, Hungâ€"“I fool iuduty I m to all suffering women to all what Lydia E. Pinkhnm’a Vega-No Compound 6:! forum. Ono yango I found myself 3 A regular storm period invnh'es the 17th in the 22nd. 'I‘liis periml in M. the centre of eurih‘u autumnal equinox. ’l‘he \‘ulenu. Mercury l'lurtli and Jupiter (listurlmuses will all combine their forms un this per- imi. l'k'uinnelinl Him-mu of wide sweep and violent. furee ure inure than prulmlile M this time. .\ emu reel inlerpretutimi of lmrmuelrie readings will foreslmdmv the A reactionary storm period will bring storms and (Ill-Ur uutur “Antics 0n and touching the l lth, 15th and tlfith. The full moon is at an toCIipse node on the 15th. and on the 151mm dute it is in apogee and on the celestial equatwor "lhe great plum-.t Saturn, is in quadrature with earth and sun on the UHhâ€"a fact that al- most certainl.v,increuses the tendency to sever earthquakes for several days before and after This period is al- 86 near the (entre of the earth's autumnal equinox. and at. the en- trance ot' the Mercury equinox. Watch your buromeu r at this per- iod; it will foretell the approach of any po.~sihle danger from utmos- pheric convulsions. Earthquakes and storms will reach a marked crisis within sixty hours of sunset on the 15th. Another high barometer. and change to wry much cooler. with I l l crisis within sixty hours of sunset on the 15th. Annther high buromeu-r. and chungo tn wry much cooler. with frost northward, will follow an the western flanks of those storms. Wutchfulnoss may save many. perish- nhlc plants and fruit frum damageâ€"- ospociulh in the nortlnwsu-rn to Central sections. Beatrice. Nab. â€" “ Just after my mar. flags my left side began to pain me and the pain got so aevere at times that I auflored terribly with it. I visited three doctor: and each one wanted to operate on me but! would notoonaentto an op- eration. I heard of thcicood Lydia E. Pinkhun' I Vegehblo Compound was doing for other: and I used uvcnl bob- tlen of it with the not". flat I havcn' 3 been bothered with my aide since then. Imlngoodwchmdlhnnmutflo lid;”â€"In.R.B.Cun.D.Batdco.Nob. By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- W0 WOMEN SAVED FROM .‘ flPERATlflNS WOO-00000000000 (.3 (Rev. lrl flicks.) It will be remembered by those who have studied our forecasts close- ly, that September the lltli, and a few days before and alter that date, as a rule brings a phenomenal crisis in the magnetic and electrical ele- ments. Northern lights, electrical storms. earth cwrents. volcanic un- rest and all related phenomena are most probable about this time. If the barometer fluctuates rapidly, lin- ally falling to yer} -low reading-s. any time in or about this period. such may be regarded as evidence of violent wines. hurricanes and possib- ly tornadoes. These disturbances Will probably culminate on the 9th, lUth, llth and 12th. (.‘nol nights with frost in the northwest will fol- low this period. spreading eastward- ly over the country from about the 10th to the 13th. cable Compound â€"Thoi1 Own Stories Here Told. sell Wilson' '0 Fly Pads. the them outside. in or near the garbage barrel. as well as in the house or store. WEATHER F OR BALANCE OF SEPTEMBER ' School chum at Woutmounh Q“... m [buttocks for but! am ~hour III. at mm- ueh day. “ovoid M o! M will cat the Gum-mt for g on custom Inn at put ole. In. Flora ()elunko. aged twenty. ot-‘Thnrlow, was fatally burned when her clothe. Ignited h-om a stove. Scarcity of baht. u canning mm- mm In the Munro min-uh much am and loan. Boom Gmhom. iced an. who had been loot {or {our days near Wino. I‘m, wu found alive, un- do":- u pile of brunt: in the woods. Scuclty ot baskets in causing, fruit-grower: In the Nut“: penin- Iuh much anxiety and loan. 1 C. W. Lgnvltt, 1 New York expert. bu been enguged to prepare puns to bunny Berlin. Ont. - l .\ rt-uctionnrv storm period is cen- :trul on the 2.1m 26th and 27th. I'l‘his period is at the centre of the ‘Merrury period. and at the culminâ€" uting crisis of the autumnal equinox .ot the earth. There are strong prohuhilitivs of a spell of threaten- ;ing. stormy weather extending ovor fnevt-ral days, and perhaps tilant' the (up hotwu-n the regular storm per» iods immediatel; before and after :thoso tlutc-s. We calculate th-t equatorial. or equinoctiul storms u-u'i hurricanes will be moi-u- numer- ‘ous and more snore durm: this uutuumul period than comnmn ln their progress from t’m- “est lmlit-s. nutter tho influence of the J 'pztcr nut ti 'tt periods. thtu “ill o.tln.~t und ovvrlap the normal limitations w’ nyulur and rl‘tiCl"NltIl“ ~torm uric-Us. ‘llul they wtl‘ Duke .w in- tt't-mmi rnet‘gx. and he .otu-«l l._\ lo- cal and inland storms of iiitt-nnming Violonce. during.' the central thus of tho storm periods. There “ill be danger of frosts at nights in the high lmromvtrr urrus that. follow on tho hoels of storm areas. and the danger of frosts at those times will he in proportion to the lmu. ms if barometer readings attending t'u- storms. The 29th and 30th belong.' to a regular storm period control in October. 0n and about the 29th there are good reasons to expect violent perturbations of earth. at- mosphere and seas. On that date moon is in perigee, or the equator and newat an eclipse node. One of the maximum aeismic periods at the year it! central on the 29th. ex- tending from about the 25th to 0c- tober the 5th. Sea coast. are not elevated well above sea level. in all parta of the globe especially expos- ed to oqulnoctial stoma and tidal waves, will he aubject to ouch dang- ers at this time. In such localities. the barometer should be closely watched. and atom warnings heed-l nature 0! approachifig storms before they strike. Boreal storms from the northwest will meet tropical storms from equatorial region» at this time. resulting in tornadic storms ovvr central to southern states and change to much cooler and frosts will result in mam}~ state:. as a sequel to these equiuoctial con- vulsions. 'W. G. BLAIR é: SON ladies’ and Gentleman's Tailor. Kentâ€"5L, Lindsay M-v,_Â¥ For yeura we scoured the man-ken for black and h llu that. would retain tbeur color while the last fine .13. gamer. We have customers «he have their ~ui1~ ”W those materials sew-on after season. and the m d, ,I‘ retain their coior but the fabric giveq the hi i-ew‘ sati~ in wearing quality. Not too early so order your m: S Bl AIR’S :derson, Nugent 5? J: FURNITURE FAMOUS BlACKS AND mus 'l‘ako native that a Bylaw for I at raising the sum Ol‘ 55.4““ for dram» Ii“ gage. undl'r the provisions of THE ӣ1111: Im.\l.\du;l-: .wr. uill u er ; [alien into cunsidoratinn by thalliu- 93 Vjcipal (‘ouncil of the 'l‘mulship d n- ' Ops 0n the 'l‘llirtm-nlh da} of Uno- ber, AJ‘. 1913. at the huuruf! 0- o'clock in the afternoon. m which h- ’ Lime and placu the mo-mlwrs of the he ; enuucil are heron) required 10ng n- ' for the purpnse ul‘m‘tsmd. Twenty-Me hundred dollars 0‘ jewellery was ntnh-n {rum 5 't' shop, Toronto. whllv the “u getting shaved. Wulken‘me bu vote-d 816.2 "I incinefltor punt. m Walkerton powor an ‘0“. and built of cemvm completed. and the town fluted on Saturday night od'by many Lindsmiu-s a ing and convincing sp Spoken hora on s(‘\¢'rfll among others at the La)! Sional‘y banquet in 1911. yet” Mr. Senior has lwn Worker in the cuusv of mi: his wide experience and should prove a tom-r of st the Institute. Mr. W. (7. Sonia! Baptist Laymun's ‘ ment, will be 0m- ( the coming Lindsay tum. Mr. Senior wwwquw». ‘RI'UBSMY. SEPTEMBER 18 NOTICE OF BY-LAW UNDE RTA 1(IE-"G “I. ”10 Spa“ ,‘ Missions” M Ligiflllflr.‘ will IN sinner} no” mo swukm" Iissinnar.‘ 1"“- ‘u lu- n‘mm” was as a P” 3 speaker U and PM“ r strength misuim‘s n« It \‘ZXFW 200 " 1‘0 purchaser to invos: ‘h ““9 M’- his own expense, u! ”I Shall not be bound 10 pl M110! of the Estntn o1 M will be retain-d {a m 0‘ the East Ill!” 0! it 80: Concession, the- HHS dw 7. “I the 8th (‘onm‘ssm 1M 8, “I “I. 9th Conn-mum ( Mil) of Bexley, up to HI!‘ “I! 01 509mm. 1913, nn x‘ W m and conditions ; 1- A lurked cheque for S“ I“. to the undersigned. nan "'1 web under, which mu m 11 not accepted, and t u a the Purchase money Nd 'iufln twenty days aft “”0 0! the tender. ll\fiI-J‘JOGJILIN, mar: ' FULTON STIVRG mean“. Lind! Vendor's Solm ’. m-GOOD swamp] ‘ “d Stow businvai M- Apply J ' LlndIuy-SL, 1-‘4 ' KW between riwr F” ““9 deeds or W ““0 deeds or abstracts ui lot "I NI Wion or Contrl)‘ " "0 holder will necessarily ‘ m or FARM I'RHI'I “1' an: TOWNSHIP mv mu - BY Taxman. FARM Fm: r»'_\l 1 17. § 0! Lot 19. r taking 100 8(‘1'1‘8, in good state of . ~ the promises Uu-ru 501180 and good fr ‘ utter 80x45, on s The subling is in tion. Throv m‘l‘vs chard; good spring fuming stream Mr M ii the must «h Ill Opt tomship. : boundary of Lindm on apply ‘ an. Lindsay I’J FAB)! TO RICK"! lot 1, con. 13. clear, about 5‘ _ last spring; 3 church and pus Ct and G.T.k. .~ school. lam-'8 stone staiulim: water in sun 30 x 50 wit how with h: '0“ water in field with \vir chard. App] Janetville, (n 100 acres near ' ”van miles north of m land_ “cud I: hit game of cultixa mad for 3 “Wm suitable tenant. A; Copeland, 139 “‘1” or at. Horn Bros. \\‘ mat midway bctwet-n :1 pm- and within half a up “1001. For further I." apply to MrS. Mary .1 do on the premises, or addressed to ()akuood In floore Jackson, Snlxcim m FOR SALE.â€"CON.\‘ dtbeWhalf of Lot 2' 8th Comma OI ' Mtripo “hing 100 CcneS. mone :IliCh is .11 cleared exco acres. This is a 1’ :roperty in every “a3. and veniemly situated on the m between Lindsay and 1) a.“ Nposa Station a w M's. a mail 811‘ a, v.“ be suitably rewa ”m .3: at. Mr. Bert G as: 7. . on. 2 8 Con. 1 buildings “a. 06109. nearly am“ Full". mnduy' Shim“ RENT.â€"â€"FARM Ens REG IST‘ ~~ " -' NIH, for! .2 loot cmlhed unw ~- It South Impuubod. link in tl .F. FARE FOR .1 Jmes Ftrrell m and first-cl n (or ploughing m particulars O'Connor, Sol wit! Output Sho‘

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