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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Oct 1900, p. 10

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W {€93 " In the Clutch Of Consumption. New Raisins ‘Remember About Coffee Waterproof Boots ““- The Life Telephone 82 Remembefi‘ that if your nervous system needs toning you will be miscr- ablc yourself and make those you come in contact with mis- erablc. Remember ’dI-ver box. the boxes for 82 All drugginu, nvgm “Williams a: Go. Toronto. Ont Don’t neglect that persistent hacking cough till you find yourself in the clutch of Coa5umption. It's an easy matter to stop it now by taking ER. WOOD’S NORWAY PlNE SYRUP. No. I and No. 2 i: 503d in Lindaay by S. Putin. A. Higinhottan. Mavgan Bros. and E. (he got: , dxuggists. 10 35;? wwޤ3§6§fi$fi§£§y wWindsor om. gy- 08. 1 and 2 sold and recommended 5y all mousible Dmggiste in Canada. This pleasant remedy heals and soothes the lungs and bronchial tubes, and cures lingering and chronic coughs when other comedies fail. Mr. \V. P. Carin, writing from Morpeth, OnL, says: “I honestly believe I would have died of consumption only for Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I have used it for years and consider it has no equal for severe colds and throat troubles.” Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe,effectual. Ladies ask your dru gist for Cook’s Cotton Root Com- . Take no 0:, er, as all Mixtures. pills and itations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 er bozr N o. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. 0. 191- , 11131}..ng on receipt of price and two s-eent n--1.. n--.....â€".. Xxnnflan’ nut. that you cannot possibly be happy or succssful unless you sieep soundly, at hartily, and digst what you at. that in Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills you have a remedy that has never yet failed to cure any disease mused by im- poverished blood, such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Complexion, Nervous Prostration, Wakncss, are now in stock. We would advise our customes to buy their Currants and Raisins naw, 'for future use, as prices are bound to go higher. Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia and Stomach Disorders, Head- ache, Depression of Spirits, lack of Energy, Pufliness and Dark Circles under the Eyes, Pain in the Back, Kidney and Liver Disorders, and Catarrh. WEST END STORES At this season of the year almost every person likes Coffee for breakfast. If you want to enjoy your morn- ing Cofl'ee try “Our Own” Blend-40c. 1b. “Chrome Kip” bellows ton- gue, just the thing for mechanics,miil-men, farmers etc. Built to withstand either water or slush. See them â€"price $2. of a pair of shoes is about 400 miles of walking. Are the soles or heels of your shoes in need of repair? If 5:), better let us repair them at once. You’ll like our sty}e and finish. Cook’s Cotton Root Compouné‘. FRINGE IUAN’S PUNISHMEHI Chinese Prince to Be Banished to Appease the Kaiser’s Ire. Three Other Princes Will Be Im‘prisoned For Life, and Three, Prominent Anti- l‘oreign Officials Will Be Deenpitated â€"Dowager Empresss Illâ€"At Berlin These Imperiul’Edicts Are Regarded With Suspicion. \. Pekin, Sunday, Oct. '7, via. Tien Tsin, Oct. 8, and Shanghai, Oct. 9.-â€"â€"A response to the German de- mands has Lean transmitted ti) Li Hung Chung. This says that King Xien, President of the Censorate; Kang Yi, assistant Grand Secretary and President of the Civil Board, and Chao Shu Chiao, President of the Board of Punishment, will be decapiâ€" tated, and that Prince Chwung. Duke 'i‘sni Lan and Prince Yih will be sen- tenced to life imprisonment, and that Prince Tuan will be banished to the Imperial military- post roads- on the Siberian frontier, as a further punishment for aiding the 130st. Berlin Suspicious of the Chinese. London. Oct. Islâ€"The Borlin cor- I'CS’f‘OlldLllt of The Standard iunder- stands that the Chinese Imperial edicts are regarde-J there with skeptiâ€" cism, nanmt Count Von Waldersee v.\,:-â€"_ . The Shanghai correspondenti of The Times. “iring Monday. sans it is reâ€" pcrttd there that the allies lime ar- rived sition "Three French battalions started yesttrday for Fun Ting; F11. The Brit.- ish are waiting for the. (term-ans, but may start “1:11am; them.“ Hons. The Times has the following from r~ Tien ’i‘sin, (IateJ Oct. u I‘elxin,01t. 7. via Tion T8111. Uct. S. and Shunzhui. Oct. 2‘. â€"â€" Trust- Wm‘thy (111211-50. reports say 11:11.1 the: Dmvagorâ€"lim}1m.-s is ym‘innsly ill at '1111yu1.n1'11,1’1mi1ue 01‘ 511111131 and the free 11111111 01‘ the limpcror in at" fairs of state ()1 late is leg-aracd as confirma tor”. of these reports. 54 Missionaries \V’erc Murdered. New York, Oct. 10.â€"-.\ c0111plcte list of Protestant, 111issionuriés known to haxe her-11 killed from the leg-in- nimr 01' the Boxer 1110ve11;cnt. to Sept. 5 has been receixed by the \mcrican Bible Sochty from Rev. John R. Hykcs, D. D., its agent at Shanghai. They number 54-. Besideg them, there are named 12$ others, very few. if any, of whom will escape. Of these. ()6 are men, 73 women (-11 married and 32 singie), and 39 children. Chinesa Concentrated. London, Oct. 9.â€"â€"'l‘hc Standard's Tien Tsin Correspondent, wiring Sun- day, 53.) s: “I hear that tho (‘hinasn are con- centratin-z at Huwmiglu Puss: load- ing into tho Province of Shansi, with the intcniion of opposing any at.â€" tempt of the allies to pursue the Im- perial Court." Germany and Russia Agree. Berlin, Oct. 10. â€"â€" The Post. says an agreement exists lctwven Gerâ€" many and Russia, by which Germany is to control the railroad from Pekin to Yangtsun and Russia is to control the road from Yangtsun to 'l‘ongku. The Post alSo denies that, Germany will Stud an expedition to Sianfu. I’ekin, Oct. 4.â€"â€"-’I‘ho I‘ao Ting Pu expedition is waiting for the Germans who are not ready to start. It is reported that there are t\\'elve thou- sand ('hinese Imperial trcops at I’ao Ting EU. a Pekin, Oct. (Srâ€"Prince (‘hing has received an edict from the Emperor dated Oct. 1, in reply to a note sent. at the request of the lc'rutions, say- ing he will nturn m I’ckin as soon as the negotiations take a. fax orable turn. Tho “'arner Jury’s Verdict. Toronto, Oct. 10. â€"â€"â€"The inquest touching the death of Isaiah Warner was continued last, night at Nurses Hotel, Humber Day, before Coroner Orr. After all the evidence was in, the jury brought in this verdict: That Isaiah Warner came to his death by an injury received at Hum- bcr Bay on the night of Sept. 19, in a. struggle with Edward Taverner; but we do not hold Taverncr re- sponsible for the injury. The Burglar “'35 Caught. London, Oct. 10.â€"A valet, Mon- day night, sax'ed William Bayard Cutting, the private secretary of the United States Ambassador, Joseph H. Choute, from being victimized by a burglar, “ho broke into Mr. Cut- ting's room by a window. The burglar was captured with various pieCes of jewelry in his possession. He was remanded at a. Police Court yesterday. Better Times in India. London, Oct. 10.-â€"-â€"-Lord George Hamilton, Secretary of State for Inâ€" dia, has received the following de- smtch from the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon ol Kedlcston: “The general condition of the crops is excellent, and, except in a part of Bumbay, famine conditions are dis~ appearing. The total number on the relief list, has fallen 'to 2,746,000. Liverpool. Oct. 10.â€"-â€"-Jumos Fitz- harris, the Phoeniz Park nmrderer. known as“Skinâ€"the-C mt," who was roâ€"arrcsted hare Monday evening for failing to report himself under the. terms of his prison release license, Was liberated y.-esterday Thomas Langton Appointed. Toronto. Oct. 10.â€"The Ontario Cabinet met yesterday and appointed Thomas Langton secretary of the Assessment Commission. lzeen instructed to resume opera.â€" at Paw Ting Fu without oppo- Emperor to Return to Pekin. Dowage‘ “Waiting For the Germans. “Skin-the-Gout’ ’ Again Free. improsv. Is 111. Coroner’s Jury Finds Walter Gor- don Guilty of the Crime. MURBERH] DEW END SMITH Twenty Witnesses Examinedâ€"Great In- l genuity Displayed by the Criminal in i Pursuance of His Fell Purposeâ€"\Vhen ‘ Details Are Published There \Vill Bo Wide-Spread Horrorâ€"The Alleged Mur- I deter Is 22 'ears and From “flxitby, King-a, Mam, Oct. 10.â€"The inquest on the bodies of Charles Daw and Jacob Smith, “found in a well on Dan's farm on Sunday, opened at Whitewater yesterday afternoon be- fore Coroner Schallnvr. About 20 Witnesses were examined, on account of the ingenuity displayed by the criminal in the commission of his aw- ful deed. The crime is of singular in- terest, and when the details are pub- lished, will cause widespread horror. Everything goes to show that Gor- don enticed DaW aWay on July 31, under cover of taking; him to Delâ€" orainc to hand over the purchase money of his farm, and then deliber- ately killed him. .lacol) Smith dis- appeared the next morning, as far as can be learned. The evidence shows that Gordon told several conflicting stnries regarding the purchase of the farm. The Verdict. Following is the verdict rendered by the jury yesterday afternoon: “We, the jurors. agree to the following verdict: ’l‘hat Charles J. Dow came to his death by Wounds inflicted in the head by a revolver in the hands of Walter Gordon, and we all agrou that Jacob Smith also came to his death by wounds inflicted in the neck by gunshot in the hand pf Walter Gordon.” Walter Cordon, he supposed mur- deter“, comes fromythe Township of Whitby, Unt., and is about 2:3 years Another Murder at Boissevain. Winnipeg, 1111111., Oct.10.â€"â€"An<1ther murder is reported from near Boissw \ain.lh1: body of :1 young woman war £1011 111 in a. \1'011.No names or p111 Unlhars are at 11111111. Boer Leader Had a Thousand Men and Five (Sunsâ€"Boers “'ch Dispersed and Flcd, Demorallzod. London, Oct. .10.â€"--'l‘hc Times pubâ€" lishw the following desputch from \"rcdo Port, Orange River Colony: THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. ONT "The British column had a. thrvo. days' light, from Oct. 5 to 7, inclu- 530, wth (Sen. Dewct's commando of 0. thousand men and the guns. It took place in a \critable sea of mountains near hero. The Boers Wore «Eis‘xo‘iged and dispersed, and they fled demoralized.” Trooper McCarthy Dangerously Wounded ()1’tuwn, Oct. 10.â€"-â€"Tho following cable was reusived at, the Militia Department. yesterday: Sir Alfred Milne-r to Lord Minto: Cape van, ()‘ct. 8.-â€"-Oc‘t. 8111, 143, McCarthy, Canadian Mounted Infantry. dangerously wouudcd, Belâ€" fast, 4th OCrb. ' P. McCarthy belongs norâ€"loncral's Body (:u and is a son of Hami‘ the sculptor, of this c (Sgdj Milncr. P. McCarthy belongs to the Gover- norâ€"loncral’s Body Guards, Toronto, and is a. son of Hamilton McCarthy, the sculptor, of this city. Militia to Be Rolloved. London, Oct. 10.-â€"Tho British War (Mice has issued orders that the bulk of the militia. regiments called out, for service during the South Africa: war are to he disbanded. This will affect. about. 50,000 men. Krugor's Old Hat Box. London, OC'L. 10.â€"â€"1“ormcr Presi- dvnt .Krugor's silk lmt box, purchas- vd .in London about. ten years ago, was sold at. uuctiun yesterday. There was keen conqw'titinn for its posses- sion, and it eventually realized £25. A pipe at, one time used by Mr. Kru- ger brought £8 103. The Idaho at St. Holena. Island of St. Helena, Oct. 10.â€"â€" The British transport Idaho landed about 200 Boer prisdners here Monâ€" day. Gen. Cronje and the other Boer prisoners are preparing a big celebra- tion of former President Krugcr’s birthday, to take place to-day. Rhodes Back in Politics. Cape Toxvn, ()ct. 10.-â€"â€"-Mr. Cecil Rhodes will rcâ€"onter politics to-(lay, when he will preside over the delib- erations of the Congress of the South African League. Big \Vhlte Star Liner Was Nearly on the Rocks on the Irish Count Near Funtnct. New York, Oct. 9.â€"-The Evening World has a copyrighted deypatch from Queens- town which says; .4, _. A w v.â€"â€".,.. The giant White Star Liner Oceanic, which arrived here to-dny, had a narrow escape from shipwreck on! the coast of Ireland. While approaching th‘e cgas‘t :1 on the rocks ahead and the vessel touched bottom. Captain Cameron immediately re- versed his engines; the watertight compart- ments were closed, the llfehoats were clear- ed away and the crew were at quarters at once. The big ship got back into deep water without being injured. There was no panic, {Eric-and,iryfiffoVpiok Yip the Fustnot light, breakerswerg s-ugld‘qnly seen crashing Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s program for his Ontario tour so far as arranged is: Toronto, Oct. 16; Strutford, Oct. 17; Wallacebur‘g, afternoon, Oct. 18; Leamington, eveninn. Oct. 18; Wind- sor, Oct. 19;1’9rkhi11,0ct. 20. The lists that Will he used in the fight that is on will be those of 1899, and those of 1001) that have bcen certified to prior to Sept. 1, 1900. In the majority 01' caSes, howâ€" ever, the lists will be 111090 of 1899. Alex}. Smith, Liberal organizer, has gircn a glaztting interview ‘ to the Liberal press, in which he explains how it was that the Liberals have been taking no active interest in‘ the revision of this year’s lists. TheLibâ€" erals were given a. 'tip a year and six months ago to stay' with the ‘ lists of 1899. DEWET FOUGHT 3 DAYS. C I“) THE OCEANIG WAS IN PERIL. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. Frank M. Smiley, the Detective, Has Conâ€" fessod and Will Probably Tum State Evidence. Chicago, Oct. 10.â€"â€"Frank M. Smil: ey, the detective of the Mooney and Boland Agency, who Was one of the men arrested on Monday in conneC- tion with the insurance frauds which ended with the death of Marie Defen- buch, Aug. :25, has made a. full writ- ten conferssion of his part in the crime. The confession, if true, Impucawu with him Dr. August Ungcr and Frank Wayland Brown, assistant man-jger of the Mooney and Bol'and A}. cncy, the other two men under ar- rust When the case goes on trial, Smiley, it. is announced, will turn State’s evidence. State Attorney Denecn ex- pects that all three men will be con- victed of conspiracy to defraud the New York Life Insurance Company, and the two benevolent orders, the Canadian Order of Foresters and the Knights and Ladies of Security, but it is very doubtful whether any charge of murder can ever formally be made on the evidence available. At least one other man connected with 'the Mooney and Boland Agency is; now under surxeillance for sus- picious actions at the time of Miss l'o‘fcnlgach’s death, and it is not im- probable that several other conspira- tors may yet be connected with the crime. The people of Honolulu have sent $3,300 to the Galveston sufferers. 'lhe Canadian Patriotic Fund, as reported from Ottawa, now amounts to $323,138.33. Limitâ€"(fol. Lee, R. A., formerly pmfwsor of strategy at the Royal Military College at Kingston, Ont., has been elected to the British l’ur- liament. The United States Board of Ord- anco and- Fortifications has recom- mended to the Secretary of War that“ no mm‘a disappearing gun carriages Major-General John II. Brookv, cnmnmnding‘ the U. S. Army of the East at, New York. urges the neces- sity of 1110 reorganization of tho army on modern lines, so 'Lhat the nation may be able to “nulintain the position in whi‘ch it. now finds itself placed." Affer- Dr. Chauncey M. Dopew's speech in Chicago Monday night the Republican clubs had a grand nulrchâ€" out. The procession was attacked from a, dark alley with stones and bricks and several men'received bad wounds. Tho assailants were beaten off, but none were caught; AL tl‘e meeting of shareholders of the Grand Trunk in London on Tues- day, thi- cx-l’resident, Sir Henry W. Tyler. attacked the President Sir (‘hurlos Riversâ€"\Vilnon so vehemently that Sir Henry Was threatened with expulsion. It \‘as the most drama- tic financial meeting ever held in London. I". A. 1“it.2geru1d of London and James Sifton of London Township. have entered am action to set aside tho will of the late Josoph Sifton, whose murder is charged against his son “Child and the young man, Wal- ter Herbertâ€"claiming that the will of which Edgar llerden is exocutor, is a forgery. Is Friéndllness to Europeans and More Than That to United States. London. Oct. 10.â€"Mr. Chamberâ€" lain, Secrutary of State for the Col- OIliCS. speaking last. evening at fitourbridgc, said: .7 ”Grunt Britain's foreign policy, as I sum it up, is to remain on friendly terms with every country in Europe, and on something more than friendly terms with the United States.” Mr. Chamberlain ridiculed the . at- tempt, of the Opposition leaders 'to hold him up as a. bogey to foreign nations. “Great Britain's foreign policy," he exclaimed. is in the hands of Lord Salisbury, and I have not the presumption to meddle with it." The Gigantic Tin Plate “'orks. l’ittsburg, Pa., Oct. 10. â€" The American 'l'in Plate Company will have in operation this week twenty of its tin plate plants out of thirty- fixe, uixing employment to at least :2.) (‘00 Work-men. The Tin Plate (Annually employs in all over 530,- 000 workmen. and Within a. few weeks, it is said, every plant in the country will be working. The plants have been idle since the expiration of the scale in June last. CHICAGO CONSPIRACY. Desmoinos, Iowa, Oct. 10. â€"â€" The official preliminary estimates of the (TOD .V'it‘ld 0f Iowa for the current year ShOVV' that the total of all c-ervuls will be 531,439,025) 1311511913, which is ten millions in excess of any previous year and 131,000,0{;(‘) above the average, yearly output. the past 'ten years. ' an“-.. . Hoiyoke. Mass,. Oct. 9.â€"The Pavilion on Mount Tom, vmlued with contents at $25,- 000, was burned last night. A new build- ing will be ready for next season. BRITAIN'S FOREIGN POLICY Mount Tom Pavilion Burned. TZ'LE‘GRAPHIC BRIEFS. Iowa Crops Largest on Record. if true, implicates Newfound- Wheat Prices nave Fallenâ€"Declines on Liverpool and Chicago Marketsâ€" Latest Quotations. Liver 01, Oct. lobe-Wheat futures yesterd ’ closed 1/éd to 1,4d per cental lower than on Monday. Chicago, ()ct. 10.â€"â€"-C]os-ing wheat futures declined half a cent a bushel yesterday. LEADING \VHEâ€"t'l‘ Mszzilcrs. Following were the closing prices at important, wheat centres yester- day: * - A - v”. nu. Chicago .. ....$. 7'$.. va York ) Milwaukee . .. O :50 Toledo .. U 74“}; U St. Lnuis 0 741,4; 0 Detroit red . 0 715' U 110., white . U 76 .. Duluth, No. ' 1 Newborn .. 0 T9 0 Duluth, No. 1 mrd ....... 0 81 ‘. .. Miunmpnlis, N0. 1 Northern; 0 78% .. ,do., white . 0 76 .... .... Duluth, .\'o. - 1 Northern . . 0 7 O 79 .... 0 79% Duluth, No. 1 mr‘l IIIIIII 081 ‘0... C... O... Minm-npnli-s, N0. 1 Northern. 0 781/; .... 0 77V; Minuonpous, 3'0, 1 hard 1) 80% Liverpool, Oct. 10. â€"-â€" Y¢stcrday’s close: Wheat, spot steady; 2(0. 1 standard (111., 65 (ib’fid to 65 7d; Walâ€" la, no stock; No. 2 red winter, (Es id to (is 311.11; No. 1. Northern, spring, m: an. {0 (Is (-23.31; futures, quiet; Pet. to 65 31,111; No. (55 60. to Cs (it-3d is 31/;(1, 1’01). Gs T0 HUNT” TORONTO LIVE STJCK. Torento, Oct. 10.â€"â€"The run of live §tock 1'1; the cattle markc; was light, ybstnday, only 36 carloads, ébmfiééâ€" 563 cd of 5-14 cattle, 857 hogs, sheep and 15 calves. The quality 61‘ fat cattle was only medium. About {our loads of cattle were bought as 3 highest pri’cu pgid exporters, and th while did ,not exceed {-34.50 per 0%., G rn i nâ€" Wheat. prime “'011 fir are 5;“ng at Expolft Eâ€"atrle. chuice .....$-1 30 t “ cattle, light ...... 4 00 “ bulzs, choice ..... 4 1:11;; “ buds, light: ...... 3 123,2 Loads good butchers’ and exporn-rs. mixed‘ .. ..... 3 90 ‘4, n a- a 3 ‘4‘ Buti-hcrs' “ goose, bush . . Oats. new, hush . . . . . . finrlcy, bush . . . . . . . . . Rye, bush Pens, hush . .. Buckwheat. bush. . . . Ingcrsoll, Ont. Oct. 10.â€"â€"0flerings yesteday. 1.9.05 boxes; no sales: 101, «1 high“: 1 bid. Cal: 1 flnllxord, Ont, Oct. 10. --â€"- Yestexdzu 1 145 boxes were bow-(led. Sales 111ado:1,-135 at 10 15-16c.Ba1- anco refused. Sifton Mania:- Articlo in London News Possibly l'unishsble. Toronto, Oct. 10.â€"-â€"'l‘he Siitcm mur- der casi‘ was in court at. (my-ode Hall yesterday morning- Mr. D. W. Saunders made an cx-parte motion b6 fore the Divisional Court. Chancellor Boyd, Mr. Justin: Ferguson and Mr. Justice Robertson on the bench. for an order summoning C. B. chnley- side. managing editor of The London News, and H. D. Cannon. the news editor. to show why they should not. 3 committed for contempt of court. t is aliezcd as a reasOn for the mo- tion that an uréiclo which appeared in The News of Oct. (5, headed “Sif- tou is Doomed,“ was caiculated to inflame public opinion against the prisoner. The motion was granted. London, Oct. lO.â€"-â€"John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Marquis of Butc. died yesterday morning at, lmmfries House, his seat in Ayrshire. from paralysis. . He was born Sept. 12. 18-17, and his heir is the Marquis of Dumfries, who was born in .1881. Deceased published “The Early Days of Sir William Wallace,” “The Burn~ ing of {he Barns of Ayr" and other Works, and has seats in Glumorgan- shire. Wales. Rothesay, Fifeshire and Wi'gtownshire. Satin-Ia! Laugno Testerclav. ‘St’. Louis S. l‘ittshurg 4. The Methodist )Iission Board. Kingston, 01112.. Oct. 10. â€"â€" The Methodist, Mission Board has 111:“ 7.»: concluded its sossxms. For t‘m‘w days it; has been pussixg appropri.:- tions. It- devotes m‘er 581).UOO for home missions and about $190,000 for Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Ffefich work, as well as for conduct- ing .the work _ of the board. "Moscow, Oct. 10.â€"-â€"A report from Piraeus says that the Egyptian mail steamer (,‘harkieh has gone down, due to the explosion of its boiler-8e Two hundred passengers perished, EDITORS TO SHOW CAUSE. F‘ ‘HE MARKETa. white. bush red, bush . fife, buAsh _. CHEESE Marquis of Bute Dead. LIP. ”Us“ no...0;'»«1 nu .. , bush 0607/1; , bush 06!) so, bush 069 hush 0 29 05:31,;- .............. 05-51,.) bush. .. 0 58 0......0 Cash. Oct. yes»; Nov. DN‘. $0 761/4 $8 77 291% liShC 200 Lives LoSt. :.=â€"'i..30 per cum, \‘cliiié . shed steers at. Chicago ».3. ~10 to $6 per cwt. :olce .....$430 to $4 :30 5ASEBALL. “'ILENCE 31A “KEY. 0 7,25% 0 731/2 0715 liKETS. $0 69 to $0 69% 0 (297,1; . . . . (J (i!) 0 7O 0 w.) o 29 0 291A 0 44 o 49 0 791/; 0 74 o mix/4 U '09:. 0 801/: ‘1 40 u) Buckwheat ............ Barley, per bushel ...... 8’0 0 o o o 0000000000 a - o . Potatoes, new, per bag, MEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY Butter per Tb ........... Chickens, per pair. . . . Eggs,perdoxen ......... Hogs live weight per. c an Hay y, per ton. . . ......... Lardper lb..... Hidesâ€"Beef... ......... I What’s the Matte: With Your Watnh~m W. F. M GAR“, Tan WM Trent Valley Navigation to Cowman: 30nd”. Ocuw ls: “”3890“; 56““ 8 Lin. Lindsy, cri're If)?” u ' ”,E.‘ MY. “ 3 pm. Bobcageon Calling ut Sun-goon Point on signal uni? The slum" will rot unit the min] a! new MI tum Sonata (:1 Enun a}! site: Genie: hi. Insurance Agent ' Issuer of Marriage Lxcenses fl“ Conveyancing In sums to Little Britain, We: to â€"dclivcr and comecz C0 for old cstablisbei mam: who] e house. $900 a year sure 3“.“ Honesty more than experie: cc m: if” '3 te'cxenee, any bank no my city End“; addressed stamped envclope. wumm Thixd F ‘00:, 334 DurbomsL, ChiC8§°"-w' Ofi'ice at Oakwood ~ 1 Wednesday and Friday- A Inge mount of pxivate 4% and 5 per 0cm- ,__.v'l Dominion Bulk Building. â€"34-Iyt. Lindsay. BOUEHT M53 3333 - MISSIE. ESTURION Ihavcanumber 3.‘ first -;c as: ,, \ taunt. They achr: 3:314} located. Prices range r‘uza :3, I also have a number cf c: , z 0! tent. They are $7.537 ’ 51 Li 8006 State of cuhivazicn. A . CHITTICK, Better let us look it over! Get none but good repair- wmkâ€"such as we do. It pays. ‘ Perhaps ycu’il need a new time-piece; if you do, ccme here for that. Here are some of the watch-bargains we are cffering just now; We carry the largest stock of Watches, Clocks, jewelry and Silverware in town, and at lowest prices. KAWAR THA LAKES Mane}? t0 Loan HARIPOSA TOWNSHIP CLERK- SAILINGS 0F BOAT-5' MONEY TO L0AN ”1' 005861 0". 0 do do.,.... . 00“ 1365 do (16 do do. 00.4.38: Gum THE JEWELLER, VIGITABLXS. . Weldon (umnm) ‘. star-:88, ‘77 waS’... Sthirlr Ont. mix John F John 1:4 «chaell; and A! the 23‘ old hei 2 yr 0|: 1 yr 0! heifer Burtrcl ewes, Shit rehaell McKa Cullis Cullis Lamb I N 213'] .lam b, Kayla! Na) 10! Yorl saw, :3 Day. 1 LPlyni BT05: Anda ‘Smi‘ Oats. Sofia Othel Le‘u

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