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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Oct 1900, p. 12

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3?] insist, in heavy type, the most prommel positions available :- Iotal deficit for thwe years of Conser- vative rule, 1893 1893 ........ 3 5,694 759 Total warning for three years of Liberal m iA :m 0:9 rule, 189791900 .............. $ 14,0UU,ooo These figures are given by the Grit news- yapers without comment, and the evident intention is to create an impression that the present government had $14,500,853 to the mod at the end of three years of their administration. Let us look into the matter a little. The yresent government collected $22,000,000 more taxes from the people in the three years of their administration above re- !erred to than the Conservative govern_ ‘ ment did in their last three years in office It would be naturally expected that they would have something left after taking this enormous sum in extra taxation from the pockets of the people. But where is their boasted surplus 2 As a. matter Of fact there is no such surplus in existence. The money has all been spent and in addi- tion to the $20.000,000 of extra taxes levied on the country they have mhde away with $7,0(l),000 more, which sums appears as an .addition to our national debt, This is the statement that would appear at the head of the coiumns of the Grit newspapers if they wished to deal honestly with their readers :â€" Total taxes for three years of Lzberal rule, 1897-1900. .$ 102,776,746 Total taxes for three years of Conservative rule, 1893 on '70! (30‘! Cornwall Standard: The Grit news- npers are ontdoing the Grit campaign beets in their efforts to mislead the some. They give the following announce- POLITICAL GLEANINGS 3 28,992,060 This amount has been disposed of, and the surplus that the Grit campaigners will talk about so volublv does not exist. More money was collected from the people than was required for the ordinary expenditure, but instead of applying the annual surplus to the reduction of the public debt it was squandered amongst the friends of the government. Had they reduced the debt they might have had some excuse for that peculiar system of finance, but the deb: has been increased and the people will nod ”be misled by dishonest manipulation of the public accounts. â€"Mail and Empire: Canadians, more particularly those among us who are en- gaged in agricultural pursuits, will experi- ence keen disappointment at the attitude of hostility assumed by Mr. Fisher. the Minister of Agriculture towards Sir Chas. Tupper's plane for the development of the interests of our farmers, and the opening «to their pfoducts‘of 3'12? great market of , L A- __AJ_..-L__) upon? 15 Sir Wilfrid. who has said that ageing-93:30:: “txjgm Brigain jg @136 goal of his .- râ€"vâ€"â€"--- ., Britain. It is really difficult to understand how it happened that Mr. Fisher was ap- pointed Minister of Agriculture. In the past he has antagonized the principal movements looking to the encouragement otthe profeSsion over which he now pre- sides. He fought against the Experi- mental Farm stations so useful to our prime industry. He has opposed all efforts toimprove our position in the British market. Such was his record as a private member of Parliament, and it certainly does not stamp him as the ideal head of 31:0 department he new rules. CERTAINIJ' SIR CHARLES. At the close of an article of better trade relations with England the Mail and Em- pire says : It is impossible to suppose that among sound Canadians there can be two views on this subject. _ Surely Canada 1 “5, then, with a full sense of my per- ona. .eeponsibility and with a deep con- sciousness ot the gravity of the charge I am about to make. that. I state it as my deliberately fox-{neg op_h;_ion that the pre- 11g. the Mi policy Mr mant ht: blemen e believe advantaget presents it: “armbition,” the leader to bring us closer to the Mother land? If we doubt Sir Wilfrid can we fall back upon Mr. Tarte. and place confidence in him? Is Mr. Tarte the statesman to guide our destinies when Imperial Ministers invite us to treat for bettereommercial relations and a stronger Imperial bond '2 Can we trust Mr. Field- in. the Minister who tells us that the policy Mr. Chamberlain adVOcates is ‘arrant humhug"? We fear that these tlemen are not equal to the occasion. e believe flrmly that it Canada is to take advantage of the opportunity which now presents itself the man who will lead us Md not deceive us is Sir Charles Tupper. HUGH JOHN'S PLEDGES. When speaking at Brandon Hon. Hugh John Macdonald made two pledges. The my he has redeemed former promises gives these weight. They are: 1. If elected as a representative of Brandon, he would pledge himself to Also whatever influence he had to have Jhnentire duty removed from agricul- tural implements. This was a distinct nieda'e, and he intended to carry it out. [Loud and prolonged cheering] sent leaders of the Liberal party, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his colleagues in the Cabinet (or at leaat such of them as were members of the Liberal party when in Opposition), have betrayed the principles otourparty. been false to their pledges, and broken faith with the people of Canadaâ€"H. H. Cook, Liberal ex M.P. for hb to be unanimously favorable toa Miser British understanding. But; how are we to act in this crisis? Is Sir Wilfrid Lmrier. who promised us preferential trade in 1896 and withdrew from his pro- Rain {:11 on 3 days Total rain fan 0.4! East Simcoe. October 4th, 1900. Lo§est .......... . ....... 4x. 30 Friday Warmest day, mean of. . ..73.65 Wednesday Coldest " “ 51.00 inday The week “ ...58 35 PRECIPITATIONS IN INCHES. Greatat rain fall in one thy o 28 Saturday 2. When combines areformed to raise the price of any article beyond the pro- m price, he was prepared, altho a. firm lever in a protective tarifl‘, to re- move that protection and force the combines to meet the open competition at the world. 12 Increase of amount col- Luvâ€"-w-_ lecbed ffom the people Addition to Public Debt. our Exchanges have to Ly in this Campaign. [From the Lindsay Observatory} ‘ for week ending Saiurdmy night HAS MADE HIM TIRED. “’HAT HAS HE DONE. SURPLUS BUBBLE. The Weather TEMPERATU RE. the most prominent ‘.'.f.'.’.‘$ 14,500,858 . . . 80. 00 Wednesday THOMAS 80,784,686 7.000;000 HONORS FOR A LEADER IN MASONIC ORDERS Continued from page five in Grand Lodge. Warrants were granted to the lodges N.D. and the jurisdiction was devided into seven districts. London N0. 1, Hamilton N0. 2, Toronto No. 3, Central No.4, Montreal No. 5 Eastern Townships No. 6 and Quebec No. 7. It was deâ€" cided that Grand Lodge should meet annually on the 2nd Wednesday in ‘July in each year. M.W. Bro. Col. Wilson was elected M.W. the GALE. W. Bro. A. Bernard D.G~.M. and V.W. Bro. John Osborne G. Secretary. The second convention of Grand Lodge was held in Montreal on Wed- nesday the 8th July 1857. Receipts £354 11 2, disbursements £173 8 7 balance on hand £181 27 exclusive of £165.51 in the hands of the Grand secretary, total assets £1917. 8. M.W. Bro. Col. Wilson was elected M W.G.M., RAV. Bro. Rev. Joseph Scott I).G.M. and R.W. Bro. 'l‘.l3. Harris Grand Secretary. in the meantime the Provincial Grand Lodge of GW. ER. had been endeavoring to awak- en the Grand Lodge of England from its prolonged slumbers and finding it impossible they on the 0th day of September 1857 dissolved and declarâ€" cd themselves to he a Sovereign Grand Lodge under the title of the Ancient, Grand Lodge, of Canada. They elected ILW. Bro. Sir Allan N. MacNabb, Bart... M.R.W., Bro. 'l‘hos. libbs Ridout ll.G.l\l‘. and LLW. Bro. Francis Richardson Grand Secretary. The. (LN. was installed by l‘l.\\’.'l‘»ros Thos. Douglas Harrington Provincial GM. of Quebec. and a second Soverâ€" eign Grand Lodge was established. The-wiser members of both Grand Lodge ardcntlv desired a union or am- algamation. and after prolonged ne- gotiation this most desirable union was brought about. on the 11th Jul)" 1858. when the Ancient, Grand Lodge marched into the room where the Grand Lodge of (‘anuda was in sess- ion in the city of Toronto. dissolved and was then and there incorporated into the Grand_ Lodge of t'auatda. forming the. Grand Lodge of (fan-ado. with nearly 300 delegates and revenâ€" of about SQOGUMU which has con- ues grown in our day to :1 (LL. sisting of ROD or 900 lllt‘lllllt‘l‘S with a. membership in the. private lodgys of nearly 227.000 ~.nd revenues of about $131,000 and a surplus fund of nearly $100000. l now devote myself to tracing out Faithful Breth- ‘e rcn Lotlgc. The. iirst notice I find of it this lodge was the attendance of Bro A Q.“:H‘ Q‘V nt‘ F‘nifliful llt‘tflllrcn of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re- stores it. When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. W'hen youlose flesh,it brings the; plumpnessi of healthy ‘ When_ work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can’t di- gest it? If you have not tried It, send for free sample, its agreegble taste will sur rise you COTT BOWNE. Chemists. Toronto. 50c. and $1.00 ; all druzglsts. _ Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is thefood that makes ygu forget yourstomach. 869"} til 1891 and as- the succeeding years are within the knowledge of the brethren I did not~think it necessary to trace the matter further. The lodge had its first dispensation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Can- ada. West ER. and was one of the lirst lodges chartered under the Anc- ient Grand Lodge and was finally warranted by the Grand Lodge of Canada. after the union of the Ancients with the Grand Lodge. And now brethren let us assist one anoth- er in spreading the benign influences of Free Masonry and more uarticuâ€" latrly let us buil up, strengthen and establish Free Masonry upon a, solid and enduring basis in the town of Lindsay. The clmirnmn on introducmg the toast "Our Sister lodges” and ex- pressed the pleasure of all in the presence of our Visiting brethren. ill. ,c 11n+nrhnvn l‘hnl- just returned from a trip to Cleveland and other Cltieu in Uncle Sam‘s country. “ e regret to report that Mr. C. rIark is in bed with typhoid fever. Mro. Mark in also very poorly; but the Workmen, of which society Mr. Mark is a member, will see to it thatrhe hasgroper care. ”4‘5“-“ THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. ONT DUO UU Au uuuu uv “a“, _.,.re , An enthusiastic Conservative met-ting was held here on the eve ot“t.he hero of Cape Colony's return to Lindsey." Dr. Vroomen and Mr. Boxnil were present and all seemed quite confident of victory in Victoria. county. m”. Mm \vnnfhhl’ in almost here. Have in Victoria county. The cold weather is almost here. Have you grt your overcoat or winter suit yet? J. .1. Rich, our local tailor, has the goods to suit you, and he makes clothes that fit every time. Prices lower than elsewhere. Mr. R. Greenway is a very busy man just now. That house on Front street in -A_I_ A__I U I U". Lljllv uv-uvv _ v 7 , .lu" . being fitted up in true Briton style, and then, 1 tell you confidentially. he Will not be long in moving into it. The revival meetings in the Methodist church, conducted by Revs. Robeson and Hopkins, are growing larger and more interesting each afternoon and evening. Our citizen“I deem it wise to put aside their work and attend the services. Our pastors evulently have something they are not ashamed of. They preach a. religion that shows itselt in the church. in the home, and in every day life. Most em- phatically do they preach the Methodist doctrine ot Chri~tian perfection as set forth by John Wesley. Fencv goods in combs, b1 ashes, albums. photo frames, etc.. with trunks and valises, are among new goods recv. ived this week at Hogs: Bros. A pair of Hogg Bros. boy's brown over. 3118 at 37);. 45 or 50 cean 8. pair, may save a good suit for the boys when picking potatoes or turnips. The best 25 cent tweed in the county. Hogs Bros. have it. \ vqu â€"_V- Ties formed between pastor and congreg- ation are often no less painful to sever than those which bind the members of a familv and doubtless such is the ex eri. ence of the Presbyterian churches or am- bray and Oakwood in parting with their pastor, Mr. Russell. who for the past six months has faithfully and beneficially ex- pounded the truth to his flock. Farewell sermons were preached last Sunday and is is superflous to state that the best regards ofa social people accompany Mr. Russell on his divine mission. __ _ Any grocer has 253 tea. but, Hogg Bros. have one special blend bought in large quantity, worth more, but are selling at 250. Get asample. We were surprised to learn that the proprietor of our village hotel had taken his departure without previously announc- ing his intention of doing so. Many of his friends much regret his sudden exit as they would liked to have had a partin word. It is to be hoped he will be succeetfi ed_by a_ live roan. __L__, A_.J A_____._ vâ€" _-.. “Magiâ€"e 38th, charms" is the unprejudia- ed verdict; of those who were fortunate to attend the concert; at. Little Britain last Sagupd ay evening. 1.1 ,II,,-,, , A 1 ~7fh-iswvmi'n1't5 woes fairly well represented at the Presbyterian church opening at Cambrey 2n M.°_nd§ty,-. Q I ! AI ‘ww'-w‘ Mr J. Boxall of Lindsay occupied the Methodist pulp it Sunday morning, w hiie Mr. Both of Son adelixered an instructive discourse in t. e evening. Rev. Glare officiated at. Victoria Road, As a matter of course a large number of personal admirers and political adherents visited Llndsay on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, to am the flaunt-less soldier and politician, Col. Sam. Hughes. No. I and No. 2 is sold in Lindsay by S. I’- run. A. [liginbotl am. Morgan Bros. and E. Gregory, druggists. Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe. efiectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook’s Cotton Root Com- found. Take no other, as all Mixtures. pills and mltations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 er box; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. 0. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt. of price and two 8~cent 5mm 8. The Cook Company Windsor Ont. 97‘ 08. 1 and 2 sold and recommended fiy all responsible Dmggiats in Canada. Cook’s Cotton Root Compound LITTLE BRITAIN OAKWUUD 1 1h!“ SOUTH VIGTORIH the Liberal Conservative candidateas follows: FINGERBOARD-Tuesday, Oct. 16111 VALENTIAâ€"C. O. F. hall, Wednesday, Oct. 17th. RAMSEY ’5 Orange hall Thursday, Oct. 181h. Reoresentatives of the Liberal party are cordially invited to be present. The meeting will commence at 8 o’clock ‘ p. m sharp. It Public meetings will be held . . . .of. . . . The pain, nausea and dis- tress thztt Dyspeptics suffer after every meal can all be permanently removed by Bur- dock Blood Bitters. stomach to normal condition so that it digests food without causing discomfort. Here's proof positive: wrote the following: “I have been a sufferer from Liver Complaint and Dys- pepsia for the past two years and felt very miserable. I could not take much food as it hurt me to eat. My friends said, ‘ Why don’t you try B.B.B.’ I did so, using two bottles. th‘i made such :1. completu (-ure that I can now eat any- thing I like without it. causing me discom- fort.” “JESS Maggie Splude, Dallionsie, N.B., VETERINARY SURGEON Inspector of Live Stock for Dominion Govern ment. Office and residence, 46 Peel-sh, between Salvation Army Barracks and Curling Rink. Telephone 146. Calls answered night and day. forms of SexusI Weakness. all eflects of abuse or excess, Mental Won-y. Excessive use of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price. one km :1. six. :6. One willpuase. 05sz cans. _smpt_ngts free to any address. A--_ (I... W- W- Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by a druggiets 1n Canuda. Onl rel able medicine discove . S guaranteed to cure a lnnnno Sexual Weakness. all effects 013193: Wood’s Phospbodmc is sold in Lindsay by E. Gregory, Morgan Bros... A. Higinbotham and 5. Palm, druggists. ....OF.... Valuable Farm Properties AUCTION SALE at 2 o’clock p. m., at the Benson House in the Town of Lindsay -. PARan 3â€"Southwest quarter lot 3, 6th con., 50 acres. known as Reynolds farm. TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA PARCEL 4â€"South half of north half lot I, con. 7, 50 acres, known as Edwards’ farm. PARCEL 5â€"West half of north half lot 2:, 1st con , and west half of north halt lot 22, [st con. 100 acres, known as May farm. TOWNSHIP OF SOMERVI LLE PANEL 6â€"Lot No. 10, in the 8th con., zoo acres, known as the Read farm. TOWNSHIP OF FEN ELON PAR(‘EL 7â€"West half lot 7 and west halflot 8, in the 11th con., 107 acres, on Sturgeon Lake, opposite Sturgeon Point, known as 'Willock farm. TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS PARCEL 8â€"80th half of south half lot 21, 12 con., 50 acres, small House and Barn. TERMS Ten per cent. cash at time of sale, balance to suit purchasers. For further oar: iculars and conditions of sale apply to G. H. HOP. KINS, Vendors Solicitor, Lindsayâ€"303. The following properties in the County 0! Victoria will be ofl'eted for sale by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th TOWNSHIP OF OPS PARCEL Iâ€"Eastquuter Lot 22. 2nd Con., 50 acres, on Oakwood toad, two miles from Lindsay. PARCEL 2â€"South half Lot 22, 3rd Com, containing 100 acres, 60 acres cleared, good {tame barn, two miles from Lind- Subscribe for Watchman-Wards! of Peterborough, will visit Lindsay Every Wednesday at the Simpson Mouse. Hours IO a.m. to 4 p.03. Consultation in Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose diseases.â€"-4- I yr. D. MOORE, JAS.L1THGOW, ._‘1._‘ Couldn’t Find De Wet Dr. Vrooman, Secretary God Save the Queen. . McCULLOUGH um. 'Psmphlets free man The Wood Company, W TOWNSHIP OF EMILY 11w Viv-v uv-wi.- ..__.., Sold and recommended by an dmggisu in Canada. 0111 reli- able medicine discove . 8i: - nteed to cure all Weakness. all effects of upgse ‘. BROAD, m Gm: English Remedy in the interests President I have over 20 applications from parties throughout the province inquiring for farms in this lociility. Parties having farms for sale will probably find an early customer by apply. in: direct to me. I make no charge unless a sale is effected. MI Valuable Properties iM I also have several inquiries from good pxompt paying tenants who mt to lease farms for a term of yearsi I! ownerg who_have_ farms to rent will. apply to me I can in all ptgbability fumisp them vyith a Qainblc gsngnt: ‘ Tenants: wanting to lease fans will find what they are looking to: by applying direct to me. Money to loan on mortgage at the lowest current rates of Interest. Mortgages bearing xnterest at former high rates can be pdd off by me and advances for that purpose made at the present low rates, and the cost of change will be very small. There is no difficulty in getting a good sur- face when you use the right kind of irons. We have them in several sizes and want you to see them. Dark flights need Lanterns to help you see your way safely. We have some for this purpose at a reasonable price. We also have some Cold B‘raet Search Lights, and Acetylene Gas Bicycle Lamps, which we are Selling a lauge number of and at a low price. Ironings a Pleasure Hardware, Iron. bteel, Coal Paints, etc. J. G. Edwards ,6: C0 91 Kent-st. Lindsay. The R. M. BEAL Le LIMITED Officeâ€"Lislc’ s 0 1d S and, 97 Lindny, Ont. Tannery. Logic 5 l-North hm lo: 11. north of Wailingwp‘sm': fronting on Cunbfldge meet, :wofiszcrey. 0mm “9 119°? (6909'!!! comse- 7 3â€"North hall i0: 6. nonh of ande KM. brick home. (lune mbla, known a McKibbin wom- BOUIH WARD ‘ lâ€"The out put lot 19, north Melbomze ms wt. 25 (oer. twinge, mull frame b-1299. 2’1‘“ ‘a west. 0! Wow street, about hall 1:: 93: mall {rune home. S-Lot 22. south of Russell street, Lame home. ' 4â€"3. pt. lo: 8, north Russell meet. 72 (on Mr IRE. rough-cut. homo nod fume stable. 6â€"1;”. 7 md 8 eat of Simcoe street . 6â€"H. *0! S. g and S. § of N.§1¢:1C.ns.‘3 Ewell, floating on Cunbridge greet, know Duly fiance, consisting o: 5 housea .. 7-5511: lot “N” thou: 6 m. net: the 55-1"? to unit are m we sppliufione and.“ "u Iold and humans m: be m c H. Hopmsai Wiggle“ 1-1»: 12, was: of St. Patrick street and at; =5 Cundon Itreet. one-fourth of an acre. more a! #- comtomble fume house sad stable. 2-8. §ol 8. § 1‘. 00ml] of Bond street. mama Victoxjs Avenue, comfomble fume cottage. Chat-Ste! to deliver and mike; m \1 County for old established manubc wholesale house. $900 a ycsr, 581:3 H°n¢$ty more than experience rcquirec. Menace. any bank in any city. Each)! “it-fussed stamped envelope. ManuhCT Third Floor. 334 Durham-5L, Chicano» TANBARKTHIDES. SHEEP" SKINS AND “no“. Leather and Finding 5’ 1"” Hair, etc.. for 5319' Sâ€"Lot No. 6 meet of Mill street, ‘2 TANBARK! WANTEDâ€"Active Man offfifi HIGHEST cAsu PRICE mm F03 TOWN OF LINDSAYâ€"NORTH WARD ....BY.... H. HOPKINS. Eanislc:; EAST WARD TERMS 1\ p: ”Chiuflo ’3 rc: in “at“ sellin “

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