u a 14‘ I '\ Hair Pins, Hair Switches p-11...- can!" "Town PROPERTY FOR SALE frame barn 50x30, cow shed gran- ary large roothouse. A good farm; price low and terms easy. South of Lindsay. 173 acres 01 clay loam, about 120 acres cleared balance timber. Frame residence and good outbuildings. Post ofï¬ce. stores, churches and schools con- venient. A good farm at a. moder- ate price. _ " 74..-... ‘00 apron ï¬ve years to pay balance. , New solid brick houseâ€"in central ; part of town; 8 rooms, closets, ‘ pantry; large cement cellar, cistern, well, etc., a bargain. Eight-roomed residence on Re- gent-st“ nerth Ward, one door. west ‘ "of William-5L; cement cellar, 1,4 acre land; nice propert . Brick cottage. nicely ï¬nished, with kitchen, woodshed, good cel- lars and two acres of land. In south part of town. Nice home for small family. On Elgin-st., north ward, few doors west of Victoria-ave, new solid brick house, 1,4, acre land, shade trees. Price $1050 cash. Also frame house, 1/1. acre land, price i $500. New house on Peel-st. west, north ward; two storeys and attic; 9 rooms; two halls; pantry, bath- room; good cellar with cement floor; high and dry; 1,4 acre land, good well. Will be ready for :5ch- pation about Oct. lst. - Apply to S. M. PORTER, Watch- man-Warder Ofï¬ce. 12 Lot 3, con. 7, manvers, Aw a. stock and grain farm. Frame n veneered white brick house ; acres standing hardwood bush; -â€"---- ,-_A -Ana arre farm in part payment. In the Township of Verulam. one hundred acres, ninety 01 it plow land, balance pasture: good dation for 85 head of cattle ; stab- ling for 6 horses; large pig pen. 'Also ranche of 100 acres one mile distant, and close to lake. . In township ot‘Ops. three and a half miles from Lindsay on Downey- ville road. The farm contains.150 acres good clay loam. in good state of cultivation, well fenced and thoroughly drained; tree from stumps, stones and wild needs. Brick dwelling. on trams barn. and two log ones. log stables. dri- ving house, 25:55; two good wells, Terms to suit punhnser For further" pertimlarn‘ npply, to B. I. PORTER. Watchman-Wade: JAEEthIc. Will accept good bu l Solid brick house in the South Ward, few minutes walk from P.O. Nine rooms. Solid brick house with furnace, on Glenelgâ€"st., near R.C. church. Very desirable location. Brick house and acre land. stable. fruit trees, on Elgin-st., West of Victoria-ave. Price $850. Frame house near Convent ;._ 8 rooms, 34 acre land; nice shade traps. Price $800; $200 down, Lot 1. con; "flv “â€"vâ€"__g the public that. he has removed his Bag Carpet. and Rug Works from Cannington to Lindsay, to No. 11 York-st., and is prepared to execute all orders promptly and cardully. In inspection of my work is invited. (merges moderate. Robert Porteous. LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE vance Company of Canada The Sun gets up early in the mom- Ing, and led all Canadian companies during 1900f-amppqt of pew busi- -‘A Fire Insurance THE WATERLOO MUTUAL} noted £or its fair dealing and prompt set- tlements; also the NORTH nble companies. MONEY TO LOAN . at} the lowest current rates of interest. OFFICE, rear 0! Dominion Bank Buildings, where I will be personally weeent on Wednesday and Satin-dag ;e;sw§akén and paid for being 810,- 500,000.00. Incqmeg $2,790,000.00. FARMS FOR SALE Agent for the Sun ‘Lije Astsur. 2â€" JOHN P. CUNNINGS. LINDSAY Mauvers. 100 w†South 01'- (Continued from Page 10.) 1 GARDEN VEGETABLES. x - Gen-one. short born. 10 entries. 1 Wm Lacuna-ouch. 2 W Bynud- 6 m. inset-madam. 8 entries. 1 W 'Rynerd, 2 1‘ Calvert; red onions from seed, 5 entries, 1 U Young. 2 T Celvert; yellow onions from seed. 5 entries. 1 W M Robson. 2 '1‘ Calvert; white onipng tram aged. 3 entrlee, 1 S Mo Kenxle, 2 '1‘ Culvert; 12 English potato cnione,4 ontriu. 1 W M Robeon,2AE Silverwood; quart top onions. lontry 1 J oDuke; coll. of onions, Zentties, 1 W M Robeon, 2 J Duke; 6 beats, long blood, 3 entries, 1 S McKenzie. 2 TCulverl; 6 beets, blood turnip. 9 entries. 1 T Connolly, 2S McKenzie; 6 beets. intermediate, Beatrice, I W M Robson, 2 A E SilverWood; eix ‘pmnipe. 9 entries. 1 D Luck. 2 T Culvert; l turnips, 6 entries, 1 W Ryuerd. 2 D Lick: sweet corn, 8 entries. 1 '1‘ Downey 2 J' Duke; red tomatoes, 5 entries, 1 WM Roteo‘n. 2 Mr Portcous; coil. of tomatoes. 2 ‘ mum, l J Rickoby 2 D C Trev; 12 popcorn. 4 entries. 1 D Lsok. 2 W Worsley; 2 cucumbers. 6 entries, 1 J Duke. 2 '1‘ Gel- vert; voter-melons, 8 entries. 1 W Rynord, 2 W M Robson; muokmelone. yellow flash. 1 entry, 1 J Duke; citrons. 8 entries, 1 W Rynurd, 2 S McKenzie, Bauverton; sum- mer rqueeh. 5 entrlee, 1 J Cooper. 2 J Duke; winter squash, 5 entries. 1 Mr Porteons 2 D Lacs; hoods celery white, 3 entries, 1 I Dcyell,2 D Lack; Winuin tndt cabbage. 3 entries, 1 T Calvert, 2 Mc- Ker xie: winter cabbage, 4 entries. 1 S Mc- Kenxw. 2 I D:ycll; red cabbage, 3 entries, 1 '1‘ Col rerr,2 W M Robson; Savoy cebbag -. 3 entries. 1 T Culver ; cauliflower. 3 en- trles, 1 D Luck. 2 W M Bobeor; variety vegetab'eï¬. 2 entries. 1 D Luck. 2 J Duke. #4., _- . ‘Tryr‘ A H'I‘I'TD‘C‘Q v '_â€".v Checked or striped flannet, cotton and wool. 1 entry. 1 Born Bros; checked or striped fl mnel, all woo), 1 entry, 1 Mrs U Young. Green River: wnlne flmnel, canton end Wool. 1 entry, 1 Mrs B Short; chilled sheeting, (0 ton and wool, 3 entries, 1 Mrs D Dundee. 2Mrsb U Young; twilled sheet- inc, 9}} joey-203m“, 1 care 8 Short. 2 - -L-A -.. -L..ln â€I 5‘ Ann.) I VII†nvv, - â€"â€"__ checked or stripâ€"27d ï¬mnél. ooctoxi‘mné-wool, 1 entry, 1 Born Bros; pegfl mnel, all wool, 1 entry A n-__-l Alumna and CHUCK!“ vs uw-Pw -- _._- -., ___ _ _ 1 Born Brcs; white flannel, cotton and wool, 1 entry, 1 Born Brat; white flmnel. .11 wool. 1 entry, 1 Born Bros; nwilled sheeting, cotton and wool. 1 entry. 1 Born Bros; twtiled sheeting. ell wool. 1 entry. 1 Born Bro‘; rag carpet, cotton warp. 1 cut, 1 Mrs U Yonot; rec csrpet. wooUen warp, 2 entries, 1 Mrs U Young, 2 Mrs S Oliver; woollen blmkete. home made, 4 entries. 1 Mrs B 81101". 2 Mlss Thorn; woollen . blankets. focaory made, 1 entry. l Hcrn Bros; Lorre blankets.2 entries. 1 Mrs U Young. 2 Born Bras; caveriet. heavy. 4 entries, 1 Ms Porteons, 2 Mrs U Young: gavel-let. light, 3 entrie s. 1 Mrs D Brown. 2 Mrs R Thorn; geots' driving gsnntiets, xnutsd, 1 entry. 1 Mrs D Brown; woollen sacckings. 5 entries. 1 Mrs Wm Cornell. 3381):â€, 2 bars U Young, Green River: wc ollen sccks, 5 entries. 1 Mrs U Young. 8 Mrs Wm Cornell; cotton stockings. 3 entries. 1 Mrs R Short, 2 Vlrs Wm Cornell: cotton socks, 3 eptrhs.‘ '1 Mrs D Brown, 2 , .n-, - “V'V', - Mrs Wm C )rneu; woollen mine, 5 entries. 1 Mrs Wm Gurnell, 2 Mrs D Brown; p‘nln wooflen’yu'ï¬i homi- mede 2 entries, 1 Mrs R Short; ‘2 Mrs D Brown; plain one; bended gen;- ,2_ 913409.} Hora Bros, 2 S L__l-A-J m B n DUW', yu-uu uv-u-u _q_ 7 -___, van. 3 entries. 1 Born Bras. 2 Mrs R S on: rag rug. 3 entries. 1 Mn Wm Cax- neil. 2 Mrs D Dead»; woollen rug, 2 cut, 1 Mrs DDandas, 2 Mrs S Odver dlep’av otrm Inn's, 29mg“. 1 Mrs S 6 Iver. 2 MN D Dundm. LINDSAY CENTRAL PRIZE LIST 1 Miss Cullis, 2 Mrs. ’1‘. smytn,‘ Formore; babyâ€"carriage rug, 1 Mrs." T. Smyth; bead and berlin wool work 1 Mrs. W. H. Hays, Toronto, 2 Mrs. '1‘. Smyth; braiding with silk, 1 Mrs R Butcher, 2 Mrs Porteous, Nestle- ton; braiding with cotton. 1 Mrs. Porteous, 2 Mrs D Brown, Gleharm: braiding with worsted, 1 Mrs T. Smyth; banner screen, 1 Mrs Hayes. 2 Miss J Hayes; berlin wool work flat, 1 Mrs. R Butcher, Aurora. 2 Mrs T Smyth; best dressed doll, 1 ‘Mrs R Butcher; button wreath, 1 Miss lounis; chenille work, 1 Mrs Hayes. 2 Mrs Smyth; crcton work, 2 Mrs Hayes; crochet work with wool large 1 Mrs Short, 2 Mrs. Dundas; crochet work with silk, 1 Mrs. R. Butcher, 2 Mrs Hammond, Lindsay; crochet; ,wor-k, coarse cotton, 1 Mrs ‘Wm Cor- ineil, 2Miss Thorn, Seagrave; crochet work ï¬ne cotton, 1 Mrs. Hammond, 2 Mrs Brown; child’s dress, 1 Mrs R Butcher, 2 Miss Thorn; camp stool 2 Mrs R Butcher; Crewel work, 1. Mrs. T. Smyth, 2 Miss Hayes; Crazy patch work, 1 Miss 'F. Neelands, Lindsay, 2 Miss Cullis; darning in net, 1 Mrs. R Butcher, 2 Mrs T Smyth; Mexican needle work, I Miss Cullis, 2 Miss Neelands; embroidery on muslin, 1 Mrs T Smyth, 2 Mrs Porteous; Embroidery on silk, 1 Miss J. Hays, 2 Mrs Hammond; embroid- Iery with worsted, 1 Miss J Hays, 2 Mrs. T Smyth; embroidery on plush and velvet, 2 Mrs. T. Smyth; embro-: idery on linen, 1 Mrs T Smyth, g Miss'jL Robson, Lindsay; fancy apron 1 Mrs J Swain, Lindsay, 2 Miss Cullis‘;â€pin cushion, 1 Mrs H Down- ey, 2 Mrs Wm Corneil; knitting with wool, 1 Mrs R Butcher, 2 Mrs D Brown; fancy knitting with cotton. 1 Miss Thorn, 2 Mrs Wm Corneil ; fancy mitts in wool, 1 Miss Cullis, 2 Mrs D Brown; foot rest, 1 Mrs: Hayes, 2 Mrs D Brown, gents shirt, hand made, 1 Mrs. Wm I-Iickson, 2 Mrs Porteous; gents’ shirt machine made, 1 Miss Thorn; guipure work nun-v -‘_ , DOMESTIC MANUFACTU RES. 2 Mrs Cullis; hand screen, 1 Mrs J Hays, 2 Mrs. W H Hays; camp mat, 1‘ Mrs Hays, 2 Mrs S Oliver;mantle drape in silk, 1 Mrs '1‘ Smyth; Ken- sington’ embroidery, 1 S Oliver 2 Mrs T Smyth; ornamental pottery, 1 Mrs A B Terry, 2 Mrs S Oliver; outline work, 1 Miss J ' Hays, 2‘Mrs T Smyth, ornamental screen, 1 Mrs Hays, 2 Mrs T anyth; ottoman, 1 {Mrs Hays, 2 Mrs Smyth; piano 1 Mrs D Dundas, 2 Mrs T Smyth ; Honiton lace work, 1 Mrs T Smyth. scarf, 1' Mrs R Butcher, 2 Mrs T Smyth; paper work, Mrs. W. Worsley Lindsay, 2 S Oliver; Pillow Shams, 1 Mrs Porteous; quilt patchwork, 1 Miss Thorn, 2 Mrs T Smyth; quilt, Diece'work, 1 Mrs Porteous, 2 Mrs Thorn; quilt log cabin, 1 Miss Thorn, 2 Mrs Win Corneil; quiltfsilk, 1' Mrs T Smyth, 2 Mrs D Dundas ; _quilting by hand, 1 Miss Thorn, quilting by machine, 1 Mrs Wm Cor~ neil, 2 Miss Thorn; quilt knitted, 1 Mrs D Brown, 2 Miss Thorn; ribbon Work, 1 Mrs S Oliver. 2 Mrs. T Smyth; rustic .work, 1 Mrs D Brown; roman embroidery, 1 Mrs T Smyth, 2 Miss-J Hays; sofa pillow, 1 Mrs '1‘ Downey,“ 2 Miss F Neelancls, silk patchwork, 1 Mrs Porteous‘, 2 Mrs LDundas; slipper holder, 1 Mrs R But- 'cher; silk knitted, Mrs W Worsley, 2 Mrs; R Butcher; sett table mats, 1 Mrs D Brown, 2 Mrs D Dundas; tat- ting won cotton, 1 __Miss Cullis; toilet LADIES’ WORK. ; 5151114101151} 735d twistbd :- ‘t__ I) Mrs . T. Smyth, set work, small with bottles, 1 Mrs Q R Butcher, 2 Mrs Hayes; transfer M work, 1 Mrs Hayes, 2 Mrs T Smyth; table drape, 1 Mrs R Butcher, 2 Mrs . T Smyth; table doyles, 1 Mrs. T Smyth, 2 Miss L Robson; tea cosy, 1 1 Mrs Hays, 2 Mrs R Butcher; tidy 2 in cotton, 1 Miss Cullis, 2 Mrs '1‘ Smyth; woolen tidy, 1 Mrs Hays, 2 b Mrs T Smyth; worked slippers, 1 8 Miss J Hays, 2 Mrs S Oliver; Wall - pocket, 1 Mrs T Smyth, 2Mrs S Oliv- er; whisk holder, 1 Mrs W Worsley, 1 2 Mrs S Oliver; bracket 1 Mrs T Smyth, 2 Miss L L Lytle, Victoria Road; collection of fancy work, 1 Mrs R Butcher, 2 Mrs ’1‘ Smyth ;ex- tra entries, 1 Miss F Neelands, 2 Mrs Hammond, Lindsay. FINE ARTS . Oil painting professional, any sub- ject, 1 Mrs Hays; oil painting, am- atuer landscape, 2 Mr J Swain Lind- say; water color, landscape, 1 W A Goodwin, 2 Miss J Hays; water col- or, animlas, 1 Mrs Hays, 2 Miss J Hays; water color, flowers. 1 Miss J Hays, 2 Mis Fraser, 2 Mrs D, Brown; pencil drawing, ï¬gure sub- ject, 1 Mrs Hays, 2 Miss Fraser ; pencil drawing, any subject, 1 Miss Fraser, 2 Mrs Hays; crayon drawing animals, 1 Mrs Hays; crayon draw- ing, any subject, 1 Mrs J Swain, 2 F Robson: colored crayon, any sub- ject, 1 Mrs Hayes, 2 Miss Hayes ; colored crayon, animals, 1 and 2 Mis Hays ; ornamental penmanship, 1 Miss L L Lytle; sepia drawing, 1 Miss Fraser, 2 Miss Hayes; pen and ink drawing, 1 W A Goodwin, 2 F Robson; mapping. 1 Miss Fraser; photo portrait. ï¬nished in oil, 1 Mrs W H Hayes; painting on velvet. 1‘ Mrs Hays, 2 Miss Hayes; painting on silk or satin, 1 Mrs Hays, 2 Miss Hays; painting on plush. 1 Miss; Nays. 2 Mrs Hayes; burnt work on leather, Miss Neelands; carving in Wood, Miss Neelands. ‘ LEATHER AND LEATHER WORK Set farm harness, 1st John A. Wilâ€" f i I J Ilt'wâ€"‘wâ€"v. TdDDH-ID (‘0‘. 2 Rudd Harness Co; sett of rness double, 1 Rudd har- t. carriage harness, single ess Co: pair working Williamson . --â€" A u-vhn a 1Liamson, carriage ha ness Co; set 1 Rudd Harn collars, 1 John A PLANTS AND FLOWERS ‘ Collection Window plants, T. Con-‘ nolly; single fushia, T Connolly, geranium, double T Connolly; gerâ€" anium, single, 'I‘ Connolly; climbing plant, 1 D C Trew, 2 T Connolly ;' tuberous rooted begonia, 1 W Wor- sley, 2 J Rickaby; Oleander, 1 D (I 'l‘rew, 2 T Connolly; collection ferns, J. Cooper; hanging basket, 1 William Swain, 2 Mrs J Swain. vase of plant. 1 T Connolly, 2 W Wox'sley; collection ,coleus in pots, 1 'I‘ Connolly; collec- {lion geraniunvl in flowers, T Connol- . . . ., “A," 1 W \‘JVA. ovâ€" -___. 3 1y; collection begonias in pots, Worsley, 2 T Connolly; display- flowers in pots, '1‘ Connolly. CUT FLOWERS Collection of balsams, 1 '1‘ Connol- ly. 2nd Mrs. R. G Corneil; collection punsies, 1 Mrs R G Corneil, 2 W Worsley, collection of asters, 1 Mrs R G Corneil 2 W M Robson; c'Ollec- tion of asters. 1 T Downey, 2 Mrs R G Corneil; phlox drummondi, 1 T! Downey, 2 R G Corneil; _ collection Zinnias, 1 1) Lack, 2 Mrs R G Cor- neil petunias double, 2 T Downey ; petunias single. 1 Mrs,R G Corneil, 2 T Downey; Verbenas. 1 Mrs R G Corneil, 2 '1‘ Downey, Japan pinks, single, T Downcy ; Japan pinks, double, 1 T Downey, 2 Mrs Wm. Hickson; Antirrhimus, 1 Mrs R G Corneil, 2 Mrs Short: sweet peas, 1 Mrs R G Corneil, 2 W Worsley ; ev- erlasting flowers, 1 Mrs. R G Cor- neil; dahilias, 1 T Downey, 2 Mrs Wm Hickson; cockscombs, 1 D Lack, 2 J Rickaby; annuals, 1 Mrs R G Corneil, 2 Mrs T Downey; table bo- quot, 1 T DoWney, 2 Mrs R G Cor- neil; hand boquet, 1 Mrs. R G Cori neil, 2 Mrs' Wm Lownsborough ; floral design, 1 Mrs R G Corneil, 2 T Downey; floral basket, Mrs.- R G Corneil; buttOnhoha Downe)’. Mrs. I D! ‘ Collection 1 Mrs D Br minerals, birds and shells Piano, 1 .fl 1 Dominion: facturc, 1 J inc, family, diSplay 0f ‘ Lindsay; 8kj 1 Mason and Risch; organ,‘ Piano, . . l Dominion; sewmg machlne, manu- facture, 1 John Horc; sewing mach- Standard ; diSpl Lindsay: _ a Best general purpose team, 1 '1‘ Graham, 2 J Bushell; lady driving, Single horse, 1 Mrs Bushell; best turnout, single horse, G. Curtis ; boy driving, 1 W J Mulligan, Liï¬'ord; 2 John Deyell, 31'. 3.43. 13 Terry ; ponies, 1 W F McCarty, 2 Mrs D .n___....“ rh'cnlav of buggies, s'inglc norac, 1 ___,_ _ . turnout, single horse, G. Curtis ; boy driving, 1 W J Mulligan, Lifford; 2 John Deyell, 31'. 3.15. 13 Terry ; ponies, 1 W F McCarty, 2 Mrs D Brown, Glenarm, display of buggies, cutters and wagons, 1 D Sinclair, 2 R Kylie; 3 J Hamilton. of Clo-o lhnv'es [An Dal. l , In shoving to mske tho skin perfectly smooth requires not only tho removal of tho hair. but also a portion or the cuticle. nd a closo shsve means tho removal of o lsyor of skin all around. The blood vessels thus exposed no not visible to tho eye. but under tho microscope each littlo quivering mouth. holding n mlnnto blood drop. protests against such trest- mont. Tho nerve tips are also uncov- orod. snd tho pores sro left unprotected. which mskes the skin tender snd un- healthy. This sudden exposnro of the inner layer of the skin renders a person liable to hsvo colds. hosrseness and sore thrashâ€"London Family Doctor. Not Up to Sample. “How do you buy your apples? By the barrel?" “That'a the way I try to buy them. but when I get them home I generally ï¬nd I have bought them by tho top 1.10:."â€" Chicago Tribuno. _A _____,___, _, __ _‘ -.. -Dvu I ï¬eyell- Why Are Side Tables Pntronlul More Than the Center Ones! Why is it that most person: when en- tering a restaurant wm sent themselves at farm of the side table: in preference to the center tables? If this idiosyncrasy of restaurant patrons has never attracted your attention just note the apneurance of your own restnugant when next you have occasion to go there before the mid. day rush sets in. â€-7, als, Mr. W. Worslcy‘; and animals, 1 Mrs D , 1 W Worsley. MISCELLANEOUS Almost every side table will be taken by one or more persons, while of the center tables scarcely one will boast of an occu. pant. This rule holds good from the highest class 0: establishment to the cheapest form of “heenery,†end not only is it true of eating places moetly patron. ind by men. but also of restaurant: in the‘shopping districts where women tom the greater part of the custom. Many waiters with whom I have talked on the subject conï¬rmed the truth of the statement. but tew sought to expleln it. contenting themselves with the remark that they much preferred to be aligned to side tables. where they were not only “- sured of more chance te nuke “tips,†but where these self lame tips were also much more generous. the eetlstnction o! sitï¬ng at the side seeming to promote the good .naturc 9f the luncher or diner. What the explanation may be in am, cult to say exactly. Perhaps become the coat hooks are usually rented elong the walls those seeking to replenish their in- ner economy prefer to be where they can at the same time keep close watch 0! their outer internment†but this only comes into consideration during the Who ter, as in eummer there are no costs or wnpe to watch out tor. Men, and wan. an, too, for that nutter, is e creature.“ habit. however. and the custom ‘ tug-ed auring the winter probably “chug only. clings in summer. Another reason adunced is thet many persons prefer to eat with as much pri- vgcy as possible and think they c‘n 39. care this in a greater neuure by sitting at one side of a room rather than in the middle, where they Ire exposed, a - were, to the concentrnted an 01 .1 those in tho “nulliï¬ed. V NATURAL A RESTAU RANT ENIGMA. HISTORY Hickson: GXtm' raanoatperbu'sia'.;.... Fyte Wheat per bushel ...... Spring Wheat per_bushel.. . . o o 9. cocoa 00:00 92999 3858 A) WhatperbuohoL... ooowoss oomannt. Buckwheat .................. 045wooo Box-101,1»: . .......... owmou Bye ................. . ........ 000w045‘ mu†OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .... omwom Pmsmull .................. 070m070 gmllsllummm. ........... .. g‘ggtoO'ls no. .................. moss nigh†. .. ......... 0ww075 VEGETABLE. Potatoomperbushel ......... 0 $030 Chloien'ï¬, Wool, unwashed ..... “ washed†0 n - Hogs, xï¬o’v’reight. cwt.. Hogs, dressed, pet-23!; ...... Hay. per ton. ................ Eggs, per dozen .............. Export Cottle,choice,per cwt..“ 75 to 5 00 “ “ medium " 3 75 to 4 25 Cows .......... . ...... 3 00 to 3 75 Butcher-9’ cattle. picked ..... . 4 25 to 4 50 Butchers’ cattle, choice ...... 3 75 to 4 25 Butchera' cattle, good ........ 3 50 to 4 00 ' do medium ............. .300to 350 ‘ Butchers’ common, per cwt.. 3 00 to 3 50 Bulls, export, heavy, per cwt 3 50 to 4 00 Bulls. export, light, per cwt. 3 00 to 3 30 Feeders. short-keep .......... 3 75 to 4 00 do medium ............ 3 50 to 3 75 do light ........ . 300to 350 Stookers.400t06001be ...... .325to 365 do air-colors and heifers. . 2 75 to 3 00 Miich cows ................... 40 00 to 47 00 Sheep,_ hegvy ewes, per cwt.. 335‘ to 352 Tomato Grain Market Whoahwhite .............. $0 6| do red .................. 0 a do goose .............. .. 0 62 do spring .............. 0 6i Barley ...................... 0 4' Bye ...................... . 0 SA Buckwheat ................. 0 5‘ Oats, old ..... . .............. 0 41 gate, new .................. 0 3‘ nan Trains arrive an Lindsay as follows : 18. Gillespie 8M0. WHEN YOU WANT NEW AND -â€"-UP-TO-DATEâ€" Call on us. We have new goods arriving almost daily. GILLESPIE 5: C0. nnx'r'roo'mtm Gmanmmnms 52Kent-a - - Lindsay New Boot and Shoe Store SUITS and OVERCI’ATS The Lindsay Markets mlobwruur, . mama From From From From Way Freights. Lindsay to Belleville....8.00 tun. Lind. to Mid. 'and Tor-.830 chm. Grand Trunk Time Table Toronto Live Stock OOTS and SHOES BellevilleI..."=-..l.-6.25 mm. Whitby- ............. 7.00 mm. Toronto......--..._.9.10 sum. Port Hope. ....... 10.5? mm. Toronto..........--..11.50 a..m. Haliburton..-=--..2.40 p.m. Toronto....--- --..6.17 p.m. Coboconk ....... 6.35 p.m. Port Hope--- --..8.10 p.m. DEPARTURE. Haliburtong-....=8.50 3.111. Port Hope... ..... 2.05 p.m. I. B. 8: '0. Jct-..5.20 p.m. Port. Hope..=-..-6.15 p.111. Whitby ........... 7 .45 p.m. Toronto..--,_.2-..8.05 p.m. J." RICH, Whitby--..-;,._...-8. 45 p. 111. Toronto. trt. ..... 5. 00 a. m. Belleville-..†... ..:,10. 20 p. m, Coboconkm ...... -10. 10 a. 111. Toronto... .10. 50 p. m. Way heights. Midland. .= Belleville. Are Now in Order ON'T wait. un- til the la 3 t minute before leav- 1m: your measure. We can give you better service now pelha. than later on,w en ardersare rushin in. Nice lines 0 New Eng. “8h. Scotch 3nd Canadian Goods to select from. Prices :by...-...-..--=-10.9" a..m. . a; o. Jct--11.oo a..m. cog-nqo o - 3-9----“- no. 0-.gooU- uwmmu 7860 wwmww ï¬wmmm 16750 8.10 p.m. “073% ~WARDER ..... » l8 Immuin tting We“ DOsted ' ‘ H {ERAS bmu h "1 a1 and Paris. Remember we take no . this line, but give you 512%“ PM I much Lower Prices than you can . the town or city shops. A trial will?†vlgge tlgq most. sceptical. “ Thanking yod_rf<->;';ast (“an solicit your Fall and Winter order. Bicycles and Hardware..â€" W9 a_re_ aggin Seeds Bicycles Sending, Sash, Door and Mouldings: flaï¬l and Soft Wood for 58k- VERY, MW STYLE The Ganada Parmancnn am Western Ganadaï¬orwwï¬ corporation ward, Lindsay. Orders promptlv ï¬lled Phone 1‘3- Money to loan at very lowest!“ d terms to suit bfl‘ rower. The Corporauon be!!!" r four commaâ€! If you will cone-~90nd Win In: 7 ference to the trmune“D I â€Wt“ the Drink Habit, I will sen ‘ my. matter explaininfl it- A hweugd‘ not surpa‘scd in the “dd. cmve and cause 0f crave. 1 dorsements than we 1’?le 1:106†cheapest in 050359“ wuhm of all. Conï¬dential- mxon, Room 6, 15 Tamara. / The undersigned would mum to the residents of Camh‘aym vicinity that he has addedam line of General Hardware, '5, ware and Graniteware. We are selling agents form and bat bicycles in the maria. We are handling the Cleveland and Welland Vale Wheels. um number of good second-hank; cycl'ea in good repair: We guarantee our Grass“ ï¬rst-glass in every way. and!!! from obnoxious seeds. Pm moderate. T. 11. JAMES M» a": W" . HOPKINS. Axt. 11* “n“ Almatodflnflflm 060. J. BRUMWELL atâ€, west of WillM-m LITTLE BRITAIN Infan- Au)- with 1119? u ' 8' There a qualities d different kiy cloth, the: alike, and f 1y varies. Furs from have conï¬< many test Ions, when cuted thei .RINES -f; ,Ve_ than in Electric Electric Electric Coney