th 19, “ “SA ronstrnction BUCK ST ovn ‘5 Brantfom "s D RITTON VIHQSGO in request. Saturday evening Manager. L! N DSAY. of the V0" XL! I \--.- vâ€" -,, S Linen bouauo . w sLiIlCnC Cuffs reg. 25 .............. 1â€5 Un nlaundxied \\ hite Shirts all â€y Tics reg. 35c ...... .......... Derby w:Lined \Ioca Gloves, reg. 65c .. 1e“slined kid «vlovs.e 10g. $1. 10 . . {3:15 Braces reg. 300M Undershirts. reg 35c, 400., L5, reg. 35c .. s Flannel Top Shir ar, reg. 50c ...... Li? Cashmere : in owelling. m Towelling , an Towelling. m- Table Linc fllï¬ï¬‚ GRADE ,. E. W. MCGAFFEY. 7: FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"The I mm“ the Province tor sale “can“ at once. It is situated N sognfle and a. half northâ€"east Hip“: on the fourth can. of 2 The south half of lot ‘ emits«ining eighty acres, mï¬ï¬ï¬‚ame and eight good |h ' «‘1 - Those Who §tm flhmiszmis Cuffs. reg. 25 ..........‘...........-.. ndried White Shirts, all sixes Ting reg“. 35c ...... ............ u-" SHOES Collars. 3 WANTEDâ€"Apply at 83 "’ North Ward.â€"1-u THE “SLATER 511913†FOR MEN THE “ NEILL QUALITY †SHOE and 506 different, styles,reg. THE WATCH MAN'WARDER. 00000.05... 00.: Come Early Friday get First Choice Ic..I0uo nun... 3-00..- .. ...-.. o-o .- Colo-â€*Ooolt‘ S IN LANDSâ€"Santa) par- BngGAng, 100, 300 to 500 acres for sale in the townships of Fenglon Bexley, Laxton and Digby. Pnces from $75 to $4,900 Man “188 4‘ A‘sA“.-- 0 YOU WANT A HOME ? -â€" Two ï¬rst-class building lots for sale, Each 50 feet frontage, situated on Cambridge-st, just north of Welling- ton-st. No ï¬ner .location in town for a. nice residence. Apply to JAMES LEROY.â€"â€"37â€"4. cabâ€"50, 100, 300 to 500 acres to:- sale in the townships of Penelon Bexley, Laxton and Digby. Prices tram $75 to $4,000. Marriage License ismed. A. C. GRAHAM, Real Estate Eta, Yietoï¬aBogd... m,»JV_.-£A\"1..AL‘ 3c -.._,. ...... Bargain ............ ...... Bargain reg 55c .. I_3argain ‘_....=..~, -.=â€"-= 412m gbhzrï¬srmmtg Bargain 0.0- FRIDAY and SATURDAY . Bargain Days Bargain Days Bargain D8312 for Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Oct. 4th and 5111, I901 Bargain Days Bargain Days Bargain Days Bargain Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Davs Davs Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Davs 18 40 30 19 21 20 18 17 6) ," a. 10 42 b“? 6! 42 24 LINDSAY. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3rd, 190! WANTED â€"- MALE TEACHER for School Section, N0. 7. Ops. Apply with references, stating salary ex- pected to J. A. BROWN, Reaboro FARM T0 RENT.â€"â€" 100 acres, in Manvers, near Lifford, P.O., black- smith shop, school, church and postofï¬ce close at hand. 100d buildings. Only a ï¬rst class man accepted as tenant. Apply to S. M. PORTER, Watchman-Warder FARMS FOR SALEâ€"West half, lot 2, con. 2, Verulam, 100 acres, 80 cleared, balance pasture. Frame barn and log house. Within two milw of Dunsford. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ~â€" A fiveroomed frame house on the north. side of Regentâ€"st, North Ward, between Adelaide and Al- bertâ€"st, will be sold cheap. One- half acre of land on which is a very ï¬ne garden. Immediate possession. Price 3350. Apply to J. H. KNIGHT, or STEWART O'CON- NOR, Lindsay.â€"37â€"4. FARM FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"That 73 acres being lot3 in the 2nd. concession of Ops’. On the premis- es are a. log house and frame barn. The orchard and wells are good. Possession will be given lst of March. For particulars apply to HENRY WOODBINE, Lindsay, P. FARMS FOR SALE.â€" In Emily on the Ops boundary, ï¬ve miles south of Lindsay ; 220 acres, over 100 plow land, some valuable timber FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€" Lot 22, Con. 4, Brock township, about 1% miles southwest. of Man- illa Junction. 100 acres, 75 under cultivation. Good buildings and well fenced. Frame house. large frame barn and stables, good well FARM FOR SALE.â€"Three hundred acres, lot 16 and west half of 15 in the 4th concession of the town- ship of Eldon; 160 acres under cultivation, 90 acres wood, balance rough pasture land. Very good dwelling and outbuildings"; plenty of water. One mile from school, three miles from Argyle grain market and two and a. half miles from Eldon Station market. Eight miles from Beaver-ton, ï¬ve from Lorneville, seven from Woodville. Clay loam land; all well fenced. An excellent young orchard containing various kinds of apple trees It not sold before Jan. lst, 1902, there will be 45 acres of large, standing tamarack and 20 acres small wood suitable for cordwood, for sale. Apply to HECTOR McEACHERN, Argyle P.O., Box 12.â€"-38â€"8. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"That valu- able property situated? on lot1 _5, Also southwest part, lot 7, con. 11 Emily, near Downeyville, 50 acres all plow land, no buildings. For Particulars apply to JOHN G. ASHMORE, Dunsford, or R. A. POGUE, Lindsay.â€"37-4. O. or at Fox’s brickyard.-â€"-38-3. ofï¬ce .â€"â€"40â€"3 . ALEX. FERGUSON. Sonya, Ont. ince 72x54, with stone foundation 9 ft. high and 27ft. thick ; ï¬ne or- chard. A ï¬rst-class property, and win be sold cheap. . . 2 and a never-failing spring; young orchard commencing to bear. For terms and particulars apply to :on balance. Good log dwelling and one of the ï¬nest barns in the prov- Also 150. acres adjoining the viI-é' Inge of Cannington. Fine brick house and good outbuildings. A very desirable home. for further particulars apply at this ofï¬ce.â€"39-tf. MORTGAGE SALE OF TOWN PROP- ERTY.â€"Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered fo’r sale by Public ndn. .11,- Elaon, containing ninety acres, more or less. On the prem- ises are a. good log house and frame barn. Well watered and in a. good state; of cu}tiVa.tion. Nearly all good tillable land, about six acres of hard wood bush. It is about one mile from the village of Hartley and convenient to Palesâ€" tine and Cambray cheese factories. Possession lst of March, but. the purchaser or tenant will have the right of fall ploughing. Terms reasonable. For further particulars _._.r- apply on the premises or to JAMES GILCHRIST, Hartley Auction, on FRIDAY the FIRST DAY of NOVEMBER, 1901, ï¬t the Simpson house, in the Town of Lindsay, at the hour of one 0'6100k in the afternoon, the folloWing property : all and singular, that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the town of Lindsay, in the county of Victoria, and being com- POsed of the east half of lot numâ€" ber eight, south of Glenelg street in the said town of Lindsay. There is on the property a neat frame house. Situation'good. This iS your chance to buy a home. There will be a. reserved bid. Terms 0‘ saleâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale, the bal- ance to be paid Within thirty days. ‘A portion of the purchase money can remainon mortgage. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time 0‘ sale. For particulars apply to McLAUGHLIN, McDAIRMIDPEEL Vendors Solicitors, Lindsay. Dated at Lindsay Sept. 27th, 1901.40â€"3- cï¬â€˜m Abberï¬szments. CHOICE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE â€"On north side of Wellington-st., west, north ward ; IA acre, with apple and other fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply at this ofï¬ce.â€" TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For School Section No. 4, Eldon. Duties to commence ï¬rst new year. Apply stating salary expected, etc., to JOHN SMITH, Hartley, P. O. Ont. WANTEDâ€"Teacher for S. S. No. 1 Verulam, for the year 1902. Ap- plicant. to state salary expected. Address application to ROB 1‘ ROBERTSON, Sec-treasuk, .3 S. No. FOUNDâ€"On Kent-st. west', Lindâ€" say, on Thursday evening, two coats, black and blueish drab in color. Owner can have the same on applying at, this ofï¬ce. STRAYEDâ€"From the premises of the undersigned on or about Aug. 1st, a dark red year-old heifer, grade, Shorthorn and Durham. The ï¬nder will confer a. favor by giv- ing information to CEO. SLUG- GETT, Valentin..â€"40-â€"3. HOME FOR AGEIkâ€"Noticc is hereby given that, the Sixth Annual Meet- ing of the Home for Aged Society will be held at council chamber, Lindsay, on FRIDAY, OCT. 11th, 1901 at 2 p. m. THOS. STEW- ART, President; E. E. SHARPE, Secretaryâ€"4404. FARM FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"South half, lot 3, con. 9, Fenelon, 100 acres, clay loam. Ten acres clear- ed and under cultivation. 50 acres chopped and seeded, balance small timber. Log stable, 20x30, not quite ï¬nished. cellar dug for house, and quantity of lumber on ground. For further particulars apply to JOHN DAY, Powles’ Cornels.â€"40-8 AYRSIIIRE BULL FOR SALE. â€"â€" Pcdigrecd yearling bull, sire and dam bred by Caldwell Bros., Mount Forest, Will be sold at a bargain if taken at once. R. MACONACHIE Burnt, River P. O.â€"40-4. W hat has Transpired at the Cataract City During the Past Week Mr. “J. H. Carnegie spent Tuesday of last week at the Falls and was as usual welcomed by many. a Mr‘. Horton of Bobcaygeon"spent. a few hours of. last. Saturday. with his brother Mr B Horton of the public school stafl.. Mr. William McKinnon of Red Rock was at the Falls for a. few days last, week. Mr. Geo. Jordan of Toronto is on a. visit. to his father, Mr. William Jordan, sr. Miss May Brokenshire who has been for some weeks the guest, of her friend Miss Campbell, .left. on Mon- day for her; 110mg iin Minden. L -L Dr Neelands, dentist. will be at the 'Queen’ 3 hotel, Woodvillc, on Tuesday, Oct. 8th. Keep the date in mind and call early. .V. _ ’ Mr. F. McDougall went. north Monday on a. business trip. r p; The Rev. R. C. II. Sinclairc left last week to attend the funeral of an aunt of Mrs. Sinclairs’s, who died at Utica, N. Y. His pulpit, was oc- cupied on Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Carlyle. - â€" if 77,,, .1-A__ A: friends in Cameron. Rev. R. C. H. Sinclaire came home on Tuesday from his sad trip to Utica, N. Y, The W. F. M. S. of St. Andrews’ church held their annual thankâ€"offer- ing service this (Thursday) evening on which occasion they will be ad- dressed by Mrs. Ross of Lindsay. . A large number of our citizens Vis- itcd Lindsay during the central ex- hibition. The train took seven coaches and the Crandella took a good crowd. The thanks of the Public are due to the ladies of St. . Verulaxn, Bobcaygeon P FENELON FALLS HAPPENINGS gum ghbtrtiszmmts 0 .â€"10-3 Andrew's' for bringing the Crandella up and allowing the people to have a. chance of enjoying a. sail on such a magniï¬cent evening. The boating season is keeping up well. Last Wednesday the Dauntless took a party up to Latidlaw's Landâ€" ing. A number of persons drove to Victoria Road on the same day and attended the Bexley, Eldon and Car- den Agricultural show. The body of a son of Mr. W. Adams of Verulam was brought to the Falls on Monday and driven through the village to his father’s residence whence it was interred in Verulam. The death of the young man was very sudden and the case a particulâ€" arly sad one, as none of his friends were with him at, the time of his death which took place at the Soo. As the train was returning from Lindsay on Friday last a. cow beâ€" longing to Mr. J. Twomey of the Mansion house stood on the track and was injured so badly that. it died the following morning. Our local millinery openings took place last week. At Mrs. Campbell’s show room, presided over by Miss Archer, some very beautiful hats are to be found, the new flat shapes be- ing particularly fetching. Miss Ar- cher’s great taste is well displayed in many beautiful creations and so a call to the show room will well re. pay any lady for the short time tak- en up in the tour of inspection. At Mrs. McDougall’s show room Where Miss Washburn holds sway there are also some very beautiful hats and all ladies should call and see them if they have not already done so. Quite anumber of persons drove to Coboconk on Tuesday to enjoy the fall Show and a great many more are preparing to go to Bobcaygeon Fri- day. The Manita. is to run an ex- cursion Friday and the Kawartha is expected to run down also. Our own show takes place on the 16th. Among the guests at the Brooks House during the last week were :â€" Messrs. Thos. Carinon, W. J. Con- ron, R. Lynn, and B. Lawrence, Tor- onto; A. C. McLean, Stratford; John Coppins, Ban Point; J. C. Ray, Lind- Vsay: James Hyslop. San Francisco ; Joseph Cochrane, Chicago; Alex Wal- ton, Kinmount; Thos. Goodheart, Milwaukee: 8. A. Johnson, Ottawa; M. II. Cochrane, Kingston; C. A. Gibbons. Brantford. The following guests registered at the Mansion House during the last week : Harry Atkinson. F. Mitchell. W. J. Back. Harry Moore, C. E. Kyle, A. M. Thompson, D. W. Andcr- son. W. D. Fox, A Sutherland, J. R. Holden, J. H. Hunter, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. John McEachern and son and W. A. Bishop, Blmdale; C. W. Grogan and Chas. Stock. London; A" C. McLeod. Stratiord ; J. M. Marâ€" tin and W. Musselman, Lindsay: H. Steen, Waterloo ; J. Blowery, Prankâ€" ford; Jas. McLean, Port Hope; W. H. Smith, Guelph; L. W. Monds, Hamilton: W. W. Phillips, Montreal. On Tuesday the “Marita†brought the Peterboro Board of Trade and some gentlemen from Lindsay up through Fenelon Falls. The party passed north about noon and return-? ed towards evening. ‘ On the same afternoon the “Calumetâ€. Mr. M. Boyd’s pretty-yacht brought a party from Bobcaygeon. Last Wednesday evening Miss M. Roberts and Mr. Wm. Webster were .united in matrimony at the residence lof the bride’s uncle Mr. Thos. Rob- ‘erts, by the Rev. Wm. Farncombe. A number of intimate friends witnessed the ceremony and the presents were numerous and very beautiful. as both contracting“ parties are very well known here. The Gold Medal Was Captured by the Province Against Two Continents The Globe : Ontario cheese has txiumphcd at the Pan-American, Where it. Was in competition with‘» the “hole of North and South Amâ€" crica, and won the gold medal offer- ed by the exposition. The victory is notable and is one more trltute to our dairymen and to the ciï¬cials who selected the exhibit. The Ee- partment of Agriculture mi (mtario through a committee of the Western Dairymen’s Association Sent cver at different times during June. July and uAnavn v-ov --___- , August 140 boxes of cheese which were, scored by expert judges. The exhibits were the product of 57 fac- tories of Ontario, situate in both‘ east and west, and included a ï¬nel lot from the Ontario Agricultural‘ College. According to the rules of the Exposition, any exhibit scoring: 94 points or over would receive a: diploma and of the Ontario August .cheese, which was last scored, only one package failed to reach this standard, While some of the packag- ‘es scored as high as 991/2 per cent. Provision was also made in the rules and regulations that “an aw- ard Will be made to the state, counâ€" try or province having the greatest aggregate score on its individual ex- hibits of dairy products, and an award made to the exhibitor receivâ€" ing from the judge the greatest ag- gregate score on his exhibits from each such state, country or proâ€" Vince.†‘ ‘ ' ‘l-_â€" 1.1... V JILUV c The award decided upon by the Board of Jurors was a gold medal, and at the meeting held last. week this gold medal was awarded to the province of Ontario. Only one gold medal was awarded, and the cheese-makers of the province are to be congratulated on having secured this high honor. and navy chariots, doubld breasted, “ml-tlflrt backs, at $3- 75. DUUDAS i :14va anus. ONTARIO CHEESE WINS 75¢. a Year in Advance; $l if not so Paid '3 Mn!†Goats, In black OUR SOLDIERS WILL SEE THE DUKE Instructions to the 45th Regiment Regard- ing the Trip to Toronto to Welcome the Duke of York (b) The LeeEnï¬eld rifles will be distributed on arri'val in Lindsay, after which the regiment, will pro- ceed to Toronto. Victoria soldiers will see the dooook Headquarters 45th Victoria. Rest,- Lindsay, lst October, 1901. Regimental orders : Under general and district orders, Aug-Sept. 1901' the 45th Victoria regiment will pro- ceed for four four additional days annual drill to Toronto to take part in the proceedings in honor of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York. The regiment Will mobilize as follows : (a) The staff, the band, and Nos. 1, 2, and 3 companies will parade at. the market square Lindsay at 8.15 (c) New uniforms for each com- pany has been forwarded. This will be worn. ((1) New overcoats with detachable capes are also issued. Only the capes will be taken. It will be worn rol- led (and tied) over the right should- er. (h) Haversacks only will be worn. In these will be carried rations for Tuesday, and also knife, fork, spoon, cup, plate and soap, towel and clo- thes brush, blacking and brush thereâ€" fore Will be otherwise provided through the ofï¬cers. on Tuesday 8th October and at 8.30 will march to the station to meet the remaining companies. So. 4 Umemee Co. will reach Lindsay on the 9 a.m. train from the east. No. 5. Fenelon Falls Co. will arrive at Lindsay at 8.45am. on the northern train. No. 6 Woodville (So will enâ€" train at 8.15 with special engine and coach and reach Lindsay at 9 ('i) Good walking boots should be worn. (j) Numerals will be worn on each shoulder strap. Deï¬ciencies will be made up. (e) Helmets will be worn by both ofï¬cers, non-commissioned officers and men. Shortage will be ï¬lled on application before Tuesday. onet. and ball pouch will be worn. (1') Only the waist belt with bayâ€" (g) No kit bags or valises will be taken. (k) Their being no provision for extra cartage, ofï¬cers commanding companies will be particular to take only such cooking outï¬t or other im- pedimenta as are necessary. (l) Comfortable sleeping quarters with three blankets and straw per man are pmvided in the main ex- hibition building while the Parkdale Curling Club have kindly granted their rink for dining hall for the 45th Victoria regiment. (in) This regiment having been honored by being the ï¬rst selected for this review, officers, nonâ€"commis- sioned ofï¬cers and men, alike, will, on this, as on past occasions unite in upholding their high standing and do honor to their families, their county and their country. SAM HUGHES, Lt. â€"Colonei. Commanding the 45th \ ictoria Regâ€" iment. Another 'large case of overcoats and fall and Winter suits opened this week at Hogg Bros. School report for September: Fifth classâ€"Goldie Dickey 42, Roy Gard- ener 27. Senior iourth classâ€"Han- ry Perrin 98, Emmerson (load 92. Cecil Rennie 71, Stella Philp 58, Vera Tait 35, Reggie Rennie 22. Maude Thorndike 9. Junior fourthâ€" Leta. Philp 97, Gladys Hughson 73. Flor- ence King 69, Almina Coad 67, Sara Savinac 54, Clara Bell Falls 52, Pearl Coad 37, Pearl Thorndike 32, Ettie Walton 30, Laura Connor 9. Senior thirdâ€"May Coad 94. Arnold Coad 73, Pearl Irwin 68. Harold Hogg 64, Morley Goard 40. Horace Goad 37, Russell Giles 27, Roy King 27, Katie Copplestone 25, Louis Pat- terson 21. Senior secondâ€"Mildred King 95, Pearl King 81. Lucy Fane ’7 6, Laura Lake 76. Dannie King 66 Stella Connor 65, Roy Philp 61, Ida Webster 54, Evelyn Cameron 5], Louie Woods 47, Willie (iopplestone 43, Eddie Lake 33, Frank Ferguson 32, Myra Taylor 28, Willie Martin- dale 20. Junior secondâ€"Florence ,Fairman 66, Lizzie Hyland 60, Alice Rigby 40, Edith Garratt 22. That tea (special) direct from Jap- an, is the best value we ever had. Ask about it. Hogg Bros. The returns for the month of Aug- ust of the Oakwood Cheese and But- ter Co. are in and cheques handed out to patrons. The price received for the cheese for the ï¬rst half (-f the month was 9 5-16 cents and for the last half 91/3 cents. The number of pounds of milk delivered at, the fac- tory during the month was 113,618. The number of pounds of cheese made 10,856. The average net price to patrons for their milk per 100 pound was 65.2 cents. The average test of milk required to make 2 cheese 10.4. , Those cases and hogsheat goods have arrived. Have to be appreciated, at Hog The annual show of the fermion Penelon Agricultural Society will be held On Wednesday, Oct. 16th at Fénelon Falls. The prize lists are now in the hands of the secretary Mr. I Naylor, and can be had on ap- plication. Given ï¬ne weather the show will be a very successful one. ‘Good prizes are ofl'ered in the speed- ‘ing-inâ€"the-ring events. and no doubt many fast horses will enter, Penelon Falls Fair. OAKWOOD at Hogg Bros . of the Fenclon 'sheads of fancy Have to be seen