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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Oct 1902, p. 12

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HOUSE TO IONEY FOUNDâ€"In Lindsay on Fri- day Sept. 26th., a. purse containing a small sum of money and railway ticket. Apply at this office. rm FOR swim EXCHANGE. â€"Fifty acres just outside corpora- tion of Lindsay. Clean am rich. rm FOR SALE OR TO RENT.â€" TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. -In South Ward. south of Catholic church, I'm FOR SALE OR BENTâ€"Being out hall lot 24, con. 9, Brock, om mmrthofnamng4mޤeehnm FARH FOR SALE.â€"West half lot ', 3. con. 8, Eldon, 100m, all , cleared and in good state of culâ€" tivation. Fenced into seven fields, tree {tom stumps and stones. Forty five acres seeded in clover. Frame dwelling and kitchen ready for veneering ; two frame barns on stone foundations, pig pens, driv- ing shed, etc. Two good wells. One and a. half miles irom Grass Hill; six miles north of Oakwood, , 5 miles east of Woodville. This is - one of the best farms in the county. Apply to MALCOLM MYLES, Har- had. Apply at A. Q B” oocx's Grocery swn- William“ don has 100 acres to rent or work on shares, lot 15, con 9 Fenelon. Sixty- aaves plough land, balance pasture; Applyrto ELIZABETH ROBE, Fen- c- “mn “ADD 1311 FOR SALEâ€"North half lot 9 and south half lot 10, con. 11. ndon township containing 90 was more or less. Good comfortâ€" able house ;'barn 42x60, hip roof, stone foundation ; pig pen and hen n, 100 acres. 90 acres Cosmo M, .011 dark clay loam. On tho km in a good stone houseJadr, M88. orchard, two good walk and never-failing spring creek. nu ploughing well advanced. Ap- fly :1 by letter, GEO. J OHNSON, Box 58 Cannington, or on lot 3, won. 13, Marlpoea..â€"6â€"tf. EHIFOEUD, Inn: nfiki 156n1<3kmarnL cuhus appmy on thelnwunâ€" AJIBIK)SE)II. to __-_-, Fbr in- yours, that desirable farm of 200 m, being lot 25, Concession 10, Township. of flavors. On the promise! as two substantial barns .nd outbuildings. comfortable frame dwelling, etc. For particulars ap- Pl! to MRS. JANE LEE, Bethany. doctric light. Reoéntl} renovated throughout. Beaufiful. lawn. Std- “ and garden in rear. For pur- __ _ A..~-w“' 150 acres on the 12th con. of lunar: , 80 was working land, flu rest in wood and pasture, well watered. Good orchard, large hung house, good out-buildings, burn 80160 with stone‘foundation. This farm is convenient to post once, store, cheese factory, school dmrch, blacksmithshop, station and grain market. For further pin-tic- nhu cpply to the omenâ€"JOHN BROWN, Fleetwood, P.0.â€"36â€"tf. W apply to McLAUGELIN, RDIARMID I: PEEL. â€"3.'.L muuummr. BOY“ rooms; l. P.O.â€"88-4. RENT.-â€"The undersigned or LEWIS ROBE. Wolfe-st- 1N ENERGETIQ MAN can cairn {tom $15 to $18 a. week selling our demand. Write for goods. Large particulars. C. R. FEGAN, Fen- wick, Ont.â€"-39-8. MAN WANTED. â€"Good man for work. Highest wages ‘30 mamâ€"39.2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.â€"In the estate of John Warder, late of the Township of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria, Farmer, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1897 c 129 that. all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said John Warder, who died on or about the Second day of July, 1902, are required, on or before the First day of November, 1902, to send by post prepaid on deliver to the undersigned solici- tors tor Lucinda. J ane Warder, the administratrix of the estate of the said deceased, their names, address; STRAYEDâ€"Came onto the premises of the undersigned, lot 17, con.15, Mariposa. on or about August'20th 1902, one steer, coming three years old. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and remove .the animal. SAMUEL LOV-ETT. Woodville, P.0.â€"40-3. STRAYED.â€"Came onto the premisa of the undersigned. Lot‘ 8, Con. 8. Ops. on or shout 15th September, éix two-yeamld cattle. ' ’Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and remove the aims. THOMAS HAWKINS, Reaboro. P. 0.â€"-39â€"3. ; An 3 m and pcrmncnt can for Kidneyuad Blade!» Troubles. DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS. BACKACHE II the first sign of Kidney Mb“. Don’t neglect it! Check it in time! Serious trauma will follow if you don't. Cur; your Bukacho by taking And further take notice that 8.!- w such date the said adn-Sn‘lstra- trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased umong the parties entitled thereto. having roâ€" gurd only to the claims at which she shall then have notice, and that the said administratrix will not be liable for the said assets,or es and descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, the state- ment of their accounts and the na- ture of the securities, i! any, held by them. any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have heed received by her at the time of such distribution. Dated at Lindsay this 20th day of September 1902. McLAUGHLIN PEEL, Solicitor for Lucindw Jane Wander, the Administratrn. ”TIOE TO alumnus um MUTE! â€"Sunday was Rally Day at the Baptist church. The pastor Rev. L. S. Hughson, B. D., preached morn- ing 8.11;] night. In the alternoon a special session of the Sunday school was held. The pastor addressed the Si hulars, using a magnet to illustrate the text “I will draw all men unto .ue.” Twenty-five scholars were pro- scnted with diplomas. Mr. Jones. f i- .M.C.A. secretary talked on the Val- ue of the Bible. Miss Silver sang. Miss Jean Anderson recited. At night Rev. Mr.~ H‘ughson preached on the words of Zech. 8.21 "I will go also.” These words were often the utterance of the hero. Into :unpopu- lar causes, into places of danger for the physical or spiritual salvation 01" their fellows only heroic men can say “I 'v'vill go also.” Of such spirit were Ruth, Adoniram Judson and Grace Darling. Everybody should say": "‘1 will go to Christ for salvation ; and I will go into the membership of the churc .” The church was said to be the great agent for the spread of salvation and 'morals. flihis 'sermon Was an impressive and inspiring dis- acourse. ' The date set by Parliament for the people to docile as to the continu- ance 'of the present tramc oi intoxi- cating liquors is fast approaching, therefore, with a view of organizing for work in this County a convention will be held in the Baptist church, Lindsay. on Wednesday alternoon, Oct. 8th, at 12 o'clock. Much, very much, will depend upon the attitude taken by ministers of the gospel and other leaders in Christian phil- anthropic work. Let every temper- ance man and woman feel "I must and will do my duty in this matter, and by pulpit announcements and ot- herwise will do all possible to have our Young People’s Societies and Sunday schools well represented at this inaugural meeting." Be sure and; comeâ€"all are invited. Ladies and gentlemen, come one, come all, and on December 4th be in a position to shout victory. REV. MR. HUGHSON. Pres. REV. A. J. H. STRIKE, Sec. Academy of Music, Monday. Oct. 13th- This, the first concert of the qeason prom to be one of the best Lind- say has had. Harold Jervis, De- troit): great tenor is known as the most popular singer before the Am- erican public. Toronto Saturday Night says : ".Mr Jarvis' voice is grand beyond expressing." . 7 4],- â€"-Next Sunday evening Rev. G. W. Henderson pastor of the Cambridge- street Methodist “L 11 Neath on “What the World has a. Right to Ex- pect from the Cht: tch.’ Hr. Hauler- son inVites espo mm those who dq not usually atzundmhurch to be there. Mr. Smiley a eccepted as the foremost resder and entertainer in Canada. and wherever he goes he is a. great favorite. Madame Richardson of London. England, now of Toronto, has had the greatest successes both in Eng- land and America. The list is now open at R. 8. Por- ter's bookstore and the plan will op- en to subscribers Tuesday next. the 7th at 9 a..m. Rfien‘ed seats 75 and 50 cents, gallery 35c. â€"At St. Andrew's Rev. Mr. Sin- clair of Sonya. preached thoughtful and forcible sermons. The pastor was preaching at the jubilee services of the church at Sonya. â€"-Next' Sunday Harvest Home ser- vices will be conducted at St. Paul's. Rural Dean Marsh, BeV. T. Marsh; late of Hay River and Cur-ate Per- kihs will be,present. The church will be decorated. Died. FLUREYâ€"On Friday. in Lindsay. Mrs. Jas. Flurey, at. the years. J A RVlSmSMILYmIICflARDSON» JONES Prohibition Rally. Church Notes m0f65 The mag m GRAINS Fall wheat. per bushel-â€" O 00 Fyfe Wheat. per bushelâ€" 0 00 Spring Wheat, per bush. 0 00 Goose Wheat, per bush... 0 00 Buckwheat ........... . 040 Barley, per bush .. 000 Rye ..................... .. 000 Oats ..................... 000 Peas. small ............... 0 00 Peas, mummies .. .. 000 Peas, Blue ............... OiOO Blackeye Peas .......... 0 00 Alsike Clover .......... 6 00 Red Clover ............... 0 00 mum Potstoel. pa- ba.‘ ... O90t0100 HEAT, POULTRY AND DAIB! PROM Turkeys. per m Butter. per lb KINGâ€"DERRICKâ€"In Lindsay,» on Tuesday September 80th by the Rev. J. W. Macmillan, Mr. Garden King of Mariposa to Miss Ada. Der- rick of Fenelon. GRAHAMâ€"AUSTINâ€"On Sept 25th at the residence of the bride's parâ€" entG,- by the Rev. 0. Klaehn Mr. Robert. Graham to Miss Mama, daughter of Mr. John Austin. WARRENâ€"STANTONâ€"-At Orulia on Wednesday. Sept. 24th by Rev. L. ' M. Weeks, B. A.. William Wm of Lindsay and man Lillian Stan- ton o! Orifiia. EADEâ€"WINDRIHâ€" At the Cun- bridgo-ct Methodist. church par-on. ago hyRcV. G. N. Wu. a; Wednesday, Sept. 34th, J. R. M and lug-rot mm of M'.’ Hrs. J. '1‘. Well: have Eggs, per do: ...... Hogs, live per cwt Hay, per ton ...... . Cattlle, per cwt ..... Miss Haggis Driscoll and mu Tenn. McRay o! Gleam-m spent. lat week with friends in the “Glen." Miss E111 Campball. teacher at Powlea' Corners spent. Sunday at. home. Farmers all busy ploughing and thrashing. A good number of the citizens of this locality took in Lind- say Fair-.011 Friday. 'Miss'. M. Hale of Mfllbrook is a present visitirg at llr. J. Yggstqne's Mr. Edgai- McDonald of the L.C.I is at present home. The new house 01 Mr. Alex Spence is well on the my to completion. Mr. C. Jones of Uxhrflge called on Spring Brook friends Inst ween Mrs. Connor ldt on Friday to via- it lriendl in Toronto. ooooooooooooooo Buying a Rangeflfl HARTLEY Ll' 00010062 00000060 000t0060 000m060 04000040 0001:0087 000m045 026 caogoco 8888888 8888888 pmooco 38838.8 munmxummm 000000683 mummommmm 7mmm1mm mu 0! Ma‘ooâ€"“ Dugh’oAfl-zgy Thought ” $80.00 cash will buy a. nut-clues building lot just non“: of B. C. Chm-ch. Apply gt thi- amtâ€"884. A free trial is given intending pur- chasers. A post. card will bring you one. If you live south or east 01 Lindsay or south of Oakwood road semi to GEO- HUNTER. Massey- 'h1l"""~ shop. Lindsay; if north or drawn produce "disey flavor" cram Which makes "discy hvor" butter, sometime- moneously called "fishy flavor.” Clunlneu is the most cer- tain 1.70300 to gilt-edged dairy pro- ducts. This is not g matte o! sen- ciment. but of dollars. THE TUBULAR IS RIGHT NOW THE EASIES’I‘ RUNNING. HOST CONVENIENT AND CLOSEBT SKI- MMING SEPARATOR EVER BUILT Tbey hove but one piece inside the bowl. and that a simple as a tin cup, while other eepuatore hove as many as thirty or more discs and other parts in the bowl alone. The TUBULAR produces pure. sweet cream. while other complicated sep- \uost \\ rite t0 TUBULAR SEPARATUH CAN BE KEPT E ‘5 VIII: ”it Madmen for in 31de Gadogue. THE WM. DUCK STOVE (30.. I in the lightest fuel consumer in the world, and the most perm: lug! constructed. It is a perfect wow “22"“- lathe lent importmt. A good Range will last may yam," when“ uvesin fuel it pays for its self. while u cheap Rang. '. may oddinz to its price in extn consumption of fuel. n. “ Happy Thought ” Range sin. who and dwt Iron m .- 10110" : A u RIVALS From mum-um .. 8. ‘0 mm. mm l'un Hop. ...._. 9. 05 mm. Prat.- .‘utoeonk... 10.10 am, From lavnto ........ 10. 50 p.111. From t‘w Hop. ..... 2.05 pm. Frau I B. 8 0. Jet 5.20 p.111. From Hart Hope .- 823 nm. Frc'» Whitby 7.80 p.m. From Toronto 8.05 p.111. From Toronto _. 1.0m Whitby ..... From Toronto. frt For For For For From Bollflfllo .. 10.20 Grand Trunk The BOXALL 8 IATIIIIE, Lindsay, 0m. llfldhglmlltSde Port Hope .......- 6. 00 o...m WIN. .......... ...6 25 In D. Whitby. ........ 0.80 0»!!! Toronto ......._.. 9.10 ohm. Port Hop. .. 11. 50 1-m- Whitby _.........._ 11.05 o- m. I. B. b 0. Oct... 11.00 ohm. Tomato ......-_ 12.05 ohm. Romain-ton .â€" 240 9.121. Toronto W 0.25 p.m. The" nre three essential things to consider when aw Wagon of Fuel, and the Price. The”; DEPARTURES W:y Mt.- 8.10 pan INSONJ‘“W This gun Is 1 quality of our rif yws haVC bCCn It is made in 3 5 16and20 gauge- POWDER and fill Send st: THE I08 and “”1 0’l0l um

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