ï¬x 48. For I. B. a 0. Oct... 11.00 “E 87. For Toronto ............ 11.50 mm 83‘ For Halflburton ...... 2.40 p.m 23. For Toronto ............... 6.25 p.m 81. For Coboconk .. ..... 6.35 p.m 04. For Port Hope ...... 8.10 p.m Way Fudghu‘ 44. Lindny to Ballerina 8.15 mm. 9‘. mmmd:deor._80 w 34. For Port Hope 12. For fBellevillo .. 51. For ‘wmtby 81. For Toronto .... as. For Port Hope 55. For Whitby ....... 23 Hard w are Merchants Lindsay, - - 1 HE THE FALL TRADE OUR WAREROOMS are now ï¬lled with the ï¬nest stock of Up-to- date Furniturc we have ever shown bought at right prica. The stock is cqual to any city ware rooms in assnrtmcnt. and the prices are lower. Inspecxion Invited. No Trouble to Show Goods Ammunit’i Furniture ï¬ï¬‚flBI'SOH; NUOBHL 6: C0. TEE LEADING FURNITURE DEA- LERS OF LINDSAY. NEW x bfrom Bollovillo ......f. DEPARTURES From Poronto. frt .. Frum Bellevillo ....... 1 From unto ..._... 10.50 p.m. From . . - Hope 2.05 p.m. Frwu n B 0. Jet 5.20 p.m. Hun. I. rt Hope ...... 6.23 p.m. l-‘rvz. Whitby ........ 30 p. In. Fro - Toronto ........... 05 P m- 45 p. 1:1. mm. p. n. ....7 8. 1 an Whitby .. .......... 8- 5. 0. 20 PAGE TWO Loaded Shells, Black and Smokeless Pow= der, Weds, Shot, Leading Tools, Shot ï¬lms, Winchester Rifles. Large Stock Lowest Prices. 0 ram) makesspoorlooklnghu- nest like new. lad. of pure. heavy bodied on.“- pocmlyp prepared 30 mad the weather. nest on soft u' 3 clove mad as tough â€wire by using EUREKA nur- noao Oil. You an lengthen us life-unto it mg: twice as long an 13 would. ordinarily Wty Freight. SWABDSKL CB. -FOR- k Time Table Ont. $80.00 cash will buy a. ï¬at-clam building lot just south of R. 0. Churcsly.3 Apply at this amongâ€"84. A new and important use for reï¬n- ed parafï¬ne wax seems to huvv been discovered by a prominent, resident of ()hiio. living near Lanclxster. who had two trees badly damaged by storm. one being a maple and the other an apple. In each case a large limb ‘was broken down from the trunk, but still attached to it. The limbs‘ were propped up and fastened secure- Iv with straps, verv much as a bro- ken leg might be fastened with splints. and thrn melted reï¬ned wet poured into and over all the cracks. The “gamma! operation.†was entire- ly successful. The paramne prevent- ed the escape of the sap. kept, out the rain and moisture which would have rotted the trees. prewnted the depredatlons of insects, and the limbs seem thus far to be perlectly re-at- tached to the trees. ‘4wâ€"‘v - -.--.v-â€"~ we tangle; x! to Blr. Bonnie? ,, Lhe best road for the farmer, all . Dr. Burrowsâ€"Yes, hand it over. things beingr "unaidCI‘Cd, is a solid Mavor Ingleâ€"Why should we give well-built stone road. 80 narrow as it to him at our prica 1’ to be only a single track, but hav- Dr. Burrowsâ€"We don't lose any- inc: a. ï¬rm earth road on one or thing. Give it; at 25 cents a barrel both sides. Where the tramc is not extra. ‘very extensive the purposw of good Ald. Boreâ€"There is nOthing wrong roads are better served by narrow in letting: him have it. We should’tl‘aCkS than by wide ones, While not lose anything. but we should not many of the objectionable features try to make anything. (of wide tracks are removed, the ini- Ald. Jacksonâ€"We should not try;tial cost of construction is cut down to make on it. That would not be 011L433†01' more, and the charges for fair to the Rathbun Coynpany. - repair reduced in prOportion. Where Mr. Bogue will get the cement. beds 0f EO‘Od gravel are available The commissioner said the poles in this is the Bialplest. chmpest and the market square would be taken ‘most effective method of improving‘ down. He was instructed to build a, country roads. With earth alone. 10-foot platform along the north however. a. verv mesa-Ne road can be side of the market building, put, a made. provided the principles 0! lo- .window in upstairs on that side, and cation, drainage and shape 0! surlace paint the wall. together with that o! keeping the Mr. P. G. Pilkie's was the only ten- surface as smooth and ï¬rm as pos- der for the Sussex and Russell-eta sible by rolling, be strictly adhered sewer. New tenders~will be asked. to. In fact a good earth road is _._____.____ second to none for summer travel. and superior to many of the so-cnll- New .Use for . Reï¬ned Parafï¬n: Wu ed mam“! or “one mas. But A new and Important. use for reï¬nâ€" the earth roads must he covered Wi‘th ed parafï¬ne wax seems to have been some artiï¬cial material it they are ‘ discovered by a prominent resident of to 'be made ï¬rm and “31““de at. ‘ "bib! “Ving near LanCuster. Who had all seasons and in all kinds of weat- ‘ two trees badly damaged by storm. her, with a surface smooth and In- I one being a. maple and the other an pontoon to water. ‘ apple. In each case a large limb was broken down from the. trunk, GOOD ROADS IRAIN - but still attached to it. The limbs The department 0! public road- in- were propped up and fastened secure- nulrios and the National Good Rood:- y with straps, very much as a bro- Association of the United Batu : (on leg might be fastened with combined their forces a couple of F :plints, and um melted reï¬ned wax ears ago for the purpose of turnhh- .' >oured into and over all the cracks. "‘8 Object lessons on the construction Phe “surgical "operation? was entire- ï¬nd value 0' 800“ rm†to farmers @ y successful. The paramne preventâ€" in a lame number of conntrleu. A g .d the escape of the sap, kept, out good roads train was oqulmodnnd h n a he rain and moisture which would ""1 between Chicago and Now. Or- lave rotted the trees, prevpnted the loans. building short “01910 W lepredatio'ns of insects. and the limbs 0' MEI W- â€id- helm: w a! com thus hu- to be perfectly ro-at- convention- in saviour countle- . _ * ached to the trees. , ' the route. . By a“. WI? V a I, ll ‘ i . ~ \ I (â€th 0‘ “mï¬rwiny ‘ m?Myzmzv»; ‘ ' ' ,. ‘1, I -' Va u r. I, :. . y w..,.- ..,; « '. ‘ .4 - . l. H» ,u Ald. Horaâ€"There is nething wrong in letting him have it. We should not lose anything. but we should not try to make anything. Council Proposes to Have the Work Done on the Local Improvements Plan KENT STREET _ MAY BE PAVED One Will be put Along the North Side of the Buildingâ€"Gen. eral Improvements Ald. Jacksonâ€"Never mind the ex-l pensive sort of asphalt. We won't. adopt that. Dr. Burrowsâ€"Oh report on that too. ' It. will be included. A CEMENT FAMINE Ald. O'Iteillyâ€"Comractor Bogue cannot get cement to complete his contract to build walks. The town has 70 or 80 barrels a balance on its contract with the Rathbun Com- pany. We shall not. use it: shall we uansfer :( to Mr. Bogue ? - Dr. Burrowsâ€"Yes, hand it. over. Mayor Ingleâ€"Why should we give it to him at our price ? Dr. Burrowsâ€"We don't lose any- thing. Give it at 25 cents a barrel extra. NEW MARKET PLATFORM Mayor lngleâ€"This last connection across Kent-st. to Flurey's store will about complete the system on Kent. street. At. a. meeting of the Board of Works on Thursday night it, Was decided to have the street. commissioner report. These materials are ordinary macaâ€" dam, at; $4800, tar macadam at. $12000, asphalt. at. 332000, and a. sort of asphalt. that. the commission- er said is being used in London and is not very expensive. It. seems likely that. this last will be adopted. Ald. O’Reillyâ€"We can notify the water commissioners that after a certain time the roadway will be permanent; 7 Com. Chalmersâ€"It has to be laid on conCrete and is expensive. Tar macadam is not. giving satisfaction in Hamilton. on the proposition to pave Kent-st. from the railway to Lindsay street, with one of four compositions of dif- ferent prim. Ald. Jacksonâ€"Ii the water mains were down on both sides of the street, it would seem more advisable to build a. permanent, road. _ Com. Chalmersâ€"In London they are using an zï¬phalt that. has broken granite in the place of sand. Aid. Jacksonâ€"We have no granite. Com. Chalmersâ€"These ï¬eld “on. of granite forumtion will do. Ald. O'Reillyâ€"Leushe commission- or report on tho proposition men- tioning all four materials. Ald. RobsonwWhat' about. brick pavement ? Mayor Ingleâ€"It. is a pity We collld not make some arrangement for pm.- t'ing the wires all under ground too. Dr. Burrowsâ€"We couId try that. as a. new thing. Other places would adopt our Way. They have not. adopted our street lamps yet. though. Mayor Ingleâ€"It. seems to me a good gravel road would be all right. Com. Chalmersâ€"1t. cannot be swept. You would have to aJWays use the watering cart. Dr: Burrowsâ€"We can take a bond that people tearing up the street Will leave it, as they found ri-t. Am. armingâ€"You know what that means. Aldf Jacksonâ€"We can notify the property-owners on Kent-st. and see it they approve. Aid. O'Reillyâ€"I know some of them do. William Pym,s.zid he would pay his share in cash to have a good street. made. Com. Chulmeréâ€"The road would have to be built by contract. It. would not. pm to buy a. plant, for making it. Ald. Robsonâ€"If we put down per- manent. streets, we should have to buy a. steam roller. Would the peo- ple endorse that ? _ ' Ald. O'Reillyâ€"The statute powers us to buy that. Realizing the great good that 1 Subscribe for Tho "wan-WM The road that will beat suit the needs of the farmer in the ï¬rst place must not be too costly: and. in the second plac'é. must be of the very best kind. for farmers should be able to do their heavy hauling over them “'th tthr ï¬elds are tvo wnt to work and their teams would otherwise be idle. ed. and that they should be surfaced with the best 11:4me procurable ; that they should be properly main- tained or kept constantly in good repair. gy; that. they ahéuld be properly constructed. the ground well drained. the roadbed graded, shaped and roll-7 ness and vehicles, and enhance the market value a real estate. They raise the value of farm land. and farm producth and tend to beautiiy the country through'wldm they pas-j they tacilitate rural mail delivery! and are a potent aid to education, religion and sociability. Charles Sum. ner said: “The roadand the school- agents in adVancing civilization." master are the two most important agents in advanclrg civilization. Characteristics of good roads : The aim in making good roads iis to establish the easiest. shortest and most economical line of travel. It is therefore desirable that roads should be hard. smooth. comparati- vely level. or laid out on vthe ground so that their grades may be such that loaded vehicles may be drawn over them without great loss 01 ener- Good roads, like good streets,make habitation along them most desir- able; they economize time and force in transportatlon 0! products, re- duoe wear and tear on horses, har- A Novnl But Effective Method of Educat- ing the Public in Favor of Better son says: Bag roads are the great,- at drawback to rural life, and {or the lack of good roads the‘farmers suffer more than any other class. Some of the beneï¬ts that would ac- crue to farmers through the con- stitution of good roads are : HIE GOSPEL OF GOOD ROADS SPREAD BY CONSTRUCTION TRAIN streets,make W: from Chicago to points in Color- Mn Nah. Montana. Nevadt. Iduho, nregon. Wuhlnston. British Colum. "In. Calllornll. and Mona other nohtn. Also special round-trip Home seekm' ticket; on flat and third Tumduyl, August. September 1nd October to Paciï¬c Gout and the Want. Full particular- from near» an uekot wt or akin-1.3. 8.1%:- nett: 9 But King-ct Toronto. Ont. -84~t0. Qoptpmhcr and Octnber. Ones-way second-chm ticket: :1: very low nt- from Chicago via the Chicago and {Fora-Yum _R'! 9'†db): during Baby's Own Tablets replace with 1 great, name cantor oil and other nauseous. griping drugs! They sweet- enthoatomnch.quietthenervunnd promote healthful sleep. They an guaranteed to contain no opiate and to be absolutely harmloan. If your Waco. notkeapthemyoucnn‘ obtain a full-size box by Ind]. mt paid, by sending 25 cents to the Dr. WHHunn' Medicine 00.. Brockvflh, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. 'A Family Event that does at Always Inn III-lull Joy. Baby's ï¬rst. tooth does not. come unannounced. lnflamed gums and impaired digestion produce a feverish and Iretful condition about. which'the mother often feels concern. The baby boy of Mrs. George McGregor, of Hamilton. Om... was troubled with diarrhoea while teething and was gross and restless. He did not sleep well and matters became serious. The mozher Writes as follows : "My sister had used Baby's Own Tablets for her baby and advised me to try them. 1 got. a boot and after giving the Tablets to the baby a (cw times he began to improve and was soon wall. He is new ._,bI¢. healthy but. and whenever he gets trettul or does mtieel'enlgivehima'l‘ubleceu he is soon Ill right. again." 32300, and this outï¬t, would he nul- ticiont. to do all the work for any urdixmry municipality. a. sight extent in some locditielbut m‘w of keeping it In repair willbemuchlblthnnloruordh- nry clay road. COST OF SUCH ROADS T Ronda such as those thnthuVehDI-n ‘built by the goodroub trnin cost anywhere from 8500 to $1.000 per mile according to management and coat of stone. The ova-ago stone road cont- trom 8000 to 8750 per mile. Such roads need a certain mount 0! repairing. the some as other roads. but not much. The number of cords of stone re- quired for a, mlle of road depends ni- together upon the depth at stow hid down, I! laid on eight (at wide and eight inches deep in the centre. it would take about 220 to 240 cords pa mile. OUTFIT 01" MACHINERY A traction engine for hauling the grader and working the cnmher. n crusher. elevator bins.‘spreuding waâ€" gons. and a ï¬ve or six ton horse rol- ler would cost altogether about water will readily run of! into the ditches. Alto: rolling with the big steam roller, n trench about eight feet wide and six inches deep is cut don the centre of the road. Into this trend: is put first a. layer of coarse broken stone, then a layer at ï¬ne stone. lastly a layer of still finer stone as a dressing. This lgst layer, helps to hind l the stone into 3 solid mas, wine the sides of the trench hold it all in place. The ten- ton steam roller is run over each lay-1 eroi stones as it is put on. The rolling is always done down the sid- es 0! the-tract: first so that the stones will be crowded towards the pie stretch is completed. the stone should be shout seven inches deep. whldi is Meient to stand ordinary trains. Such 1. road my heave to { mango for work of this 333:1 at: Ottawa district. Chlefly “throufli"“â€thd_ gufuom of Ir. a. n. --- 11190nma\ narroâ€" the mocninery. The Canad- ian“ Portland Cement Company at béeronbo' (hit. @1118! the enter- prpe by dbnntin’g some 150 to 200 SAMPLE smmcms or ROAD. It is desirable that all heavy traia ï¬c roads should be nmcadnmized or gmvelled. wherever the materials are available for the purpose. In order to: give an object lesson on the value was employed to build a model stretch of stone road from a. third to a half a. mile in extent. in each of ten counties, and to roll and grade an additional stretch. The selection of the varioun stretches oi road wen left with the county councils, with the understanding that the township councils shalld furnish all the news- sury atone. teams, laborers. etc. Owing to the heavy expense incurred. each county council was asked to make a. grant of 8100 for each stretch of road built. In building these sample roads. the ï¬rst thing is to provide the requisite drainage, which is the fundamental principle oi road-melting. The road. of charge It" '1'" for such an 31““ $33 to the Paclflc Cont BABY'S HRS!" lOJIfl. 0L , this Ontario. u". (Ottawa) W ado mutual the Sawyer- E. PROUSE, Harness V IN SEWING “crimesâ€"111m Standard. The New Williams, The .3 the Wheeler a Wilson. In BICYCLES -â€" 'l‘nc lribuné and Columbia; use Th6! VaporBuhs.tllofv‘1khvil he sold on mm: terms. A m mt mam» fmmï¬i'! m. A . . _ u“. l we mm minutes! vat ofth b'mztalc in a nice convenient locality um. mmflmmm ‘u'rrur-mtrm WMyulPr-Imm "music: nice supply of Wool Rugs for fail, 1th ha hm, Blankets and Coolers. A full supply of Trunks and Bags. We vi]! nysmmnmacost. -. HERB._£. 5127115, Mgr. Rudd Harness Co 'l'heFanPairswil! soon be here undvoumayneedt m of Shgtcflamm «tomb thingintheflamasm We unsupplvyouin uhtyud Givens: Organs Repaired m “mm-WARDER GiveisaCalandSavc Money. mung laugh“: 9 jov m being Wit'l eI‘u mchide her and mat her grave: ORGANS‘ and PIANOS lreoommendtlm admin: Dominic-d humanlbxh. Just Arrived For Harness and Hmmï¬mï¬ Wholesale and Rail Dale: . WETHERUP, a “a? ‘ Im whom 0‘ I you “Malice: M w :55“ ,3 p.- F E i W is plain “I" no me h; 4'. mï¬um I†he not I obedient and I‘ with a an M of kindness MI his gun a 3“ last nigh u‘ OW Elias! tedim at. If word ul!