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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Oct 1902, p. 6

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F‘i’I ”i 43$ Price 50 cents a. box at gist: or by mail. The ] Pitcher Co.,_ Toronto Ont, Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- lets are the newest and most eflect- he remedy for backache. lame or weak hack, Bright's disease, diabetea. dropsy, puflneee under/ the eyes. awdhng’ of the feet and ankles, grav- el, rm-umatism, specks floating before the eyes. Pins his Faith to Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets Mr. C. H. Parker. Tilsonburg, Out.” the Wt‘ll-klloun butcher of that town has been using Dr. Pitcher's Back- achc Kidney Tablets for a. backache and kidney trouble that had been bothering him. When asked to give his opinion of these Tablets, he made this statement: ' “During'a recent, sudden and sharp attack of backache and kidney trounl», due to cold caught in the; shop. I was induced to try Dr. Pitch- er’s Backache' Kidney Tablets. I got a bottle and after I had used half of them the pain was gone. This I- think is rapid enough results for anyone. I think they are a mighty good medicine." Hardware. A ““30an Butchet Boxall 6: Matthie C giniota" . algary gdef; .Strathcona. } :4. For pamphlet giving further '- tieulam, apply to nearest Cam ' Pacific Agent, 01‘ t0 TOBACCONIST A ND FANCY GOODS DEALER, KENTâ€"ST” LINDSAY HARVEST EXCURSWNS A. ll. Natl“, Asst. General Passage; Agent, I King-st, cast Toronto, T. C. Matchett. AgL. Lindsay. SCHUUL BQDKS Wedding Ring Marriage License Agency at Same Place. DWUCIJ Ilwwur- Oils, Stoves and flanges. The cheapest store for Good Goods md Good Wort. me will attend promptlxmtof all orders instructed tom?” Wé’ arai dealt-rs in Plumbing. Steztanit-z ing. Tinsmithing, Iron Pumping Hot Air, Hot Water and Steam Heating, lron Roofing and Eave- troughinz, Pumps and Sinks, Builders’ Hardware, Paints and -~-- TEA Exercises, Note BookS' Drawing Books, Coy)" Books, Envelopes and Paper, Slates, Slate- pencils and Lead-pen- cils, Leather and. Can- vas Shool Bags. Readers, Scrib b 1 e r s, TRY 115 AND SEE AND HAVE THE n vararc Plumbing, and Steam HM' BEST $3008 BUY YOUR- . BEALL’S .A’IL. Pr. Albert». Macleoi. . . Calgary.... General Passellxfl,’ :JL $30 ‘3}535 Jesse Perrin and Geo. Irwin had a fine gasoline launch and an engine with pi‘bpeller attached and set in a tank of water. At short notice Mr. Infin gave an exhibition of how it could be made do its work. BEFORE THE GRAND STAND The entertainers before the grand stand did some most difficult work and were well received. The perform- Upstairs Major Martin of the Vic- toria Steam La'mdry made a very suggestive exhibit of laundered goods. Ms. Thos. Hickey was in charze of an exhibit of the Frost and Wood agricultural implements. _ The Raven Lake ’Cement Company was well represented by an exhibit in charge of Mr. «Geo. Jordan local agent for the company’s stock. The exhibit consisted of a. block of the marl, a. box of blue clay from the. company’s deposits, and ornamental hollow blocks of Portland cement as it is used for building purposes. ms mms CENTRAL rm The U. S. Cream Separator for which Mr. W. H. Clendenn-an is agent; and the DeLaval which is famous all over Canada. and is sold here by Mr. Dawson were both on exhibition. Mr. Geo. Eyrart had a. fine exhibit of sewing machines. By an accident George was unable to get his pianos‘ into place. Small electric motors kept some machines in operation and those who know the White and Ray- mond were never more proud of them than when they’looked at bhefine dis- play inside the south door. North of the auxiliary flower ex- hibit on 'the east side was a display that for size and artistic arrange- ment was equal to any in the main building. It was a display of boots and shoes, and was made by Mr. John Blackhurst, successor to Finlay: and Chantler. Mr. Blackhurst is a practical man who for years?- worlced at the trade and afterward was a traveller for some of the best Canadian houses. As a result he has been able to do great things with the business here since he took hold of it. His skill is shown in the choice selection of footwear that he keeps. and by hav- ing sufficient capital he has been able to buy heavily, and by paying cash. to save discounts of which his cust- omers get the benefit. SYLVESTER’S IMPLEMENTS The Sylvester Manufacturing Com- pany had an exhibit of implements. the chief feature of which was their ;cultivator. It may be that the far- mers of this district do not realize what an effective implement the Sylâ€" vester people have supplied them *‘In this cultivator. No other is so per- fectly adapted to the methods of modern scientific agriculture. It is an implement that cultivates the land in the most thorough fashion-â€" ‘it will break up and pulverize the H-is display at the fair included heavy and light footwear, leggings, rubber goo‘ds, trunks, valissos and kinâ€" dred lines. The famous Sovereign Shoe is a great favorite with both Mr. Blackburst and the. public. Mr. Blackhux'st has gone about it to keep his business before the public and deserves success. . The new poultry house is too small. Such an array of fowl was presented this time as to put that statement fiast all controversy. Nothing so fine in the way of ducks, geese, chickens, ginea fowl and turkeys was ever. seen herebefore. For. details of the ex- hibit and those who showed the best birds our readers, must be referred to the prize list which appears in this issue; vâ€"w rwâ€"v . One reason for their success with ‘the public and at the fair is their ideal plant and equipment. It is upâ€"to-date and so wholesome as to invite the visitor to buy the braid made in it in preference to that of most competitors. The plant is new, new lumber, new cement, new ovens; the equipment is as bright: and clean as the most fastidious could ask. Many peoule declare that their bread is superior to that which is imported from Toronto. Home» made. bread is a specialty with Pilâ€" kie Brothers. Their trade is stead- ily increasing and it seems likely that it is only a matter of ti.’me before competitors at home and abroad will be clearly second to our enterprising young townsmen. They have the c‘apable assistance of Mr. Robt. Mar. shall. an expert baker. - THE POULTRY EXHIBIT lanvuv vvâ€"~~ up the soil more accurately than it can be done by any plow and many times faster. The cultivator is not choked in stubble or rubbish for the frame is so high and the teeth so far apart that what usually clogs in a cultisvator is no inconvenience. It is easily tilted to 'work at any re- quired depth. For the surface culti- vation. so much in vogue nowâ€"aâ€"days the Sylvester is the king of impleâ€" ments. The ribbing up attachment is a. great boon to- those who like to leave their land in that shape in the fall or Who have seeds to sow in drills . PILKIE BROS . There were some fine exhibits o! bakers’ bread. The leading bakers of town competed. and after a care- ful examination the judges awarded the first prize to Pilk-ie BrBthers. those young bakers who have made such headway in the business during the past two years. 0A.. (Confiahed from P3361.) JOHN BLACKHURST OTHER INDUSTRIES ne east side was a. dismay size and artistic arrange- equal to any in the main It was a. display of boots 5, and was made by Mr. :hnrst. successor to Finlay: be said for the clpvr qhfld contortioniht. Sfio 12911:?“ and more â€" for to seer jext, tome ‘ '9th “was pathetic. It would be better to 1111. out that sort of entertainment in “much can The showing for saddle horses was hardly in keer‘wg with the import-l ance of this fair. as neither of theq contestants could qualify in such a,‘ class. Mr. I. Deyell was awarded} the second prize and Mr. Thos. Day-1 all third. .‘ SCOTT BOWNE, Camus-rs. Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $1.00; all dragging In the class for single drivers three years old and under Mr. Curtis dup- licated the honors with Ncliie Kes- wkk, Andrew McGill securing the place while Mr. Thos. McKiver was third with a rattling good chestnut by Kawick. We will send you a little free. Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valu'able mal- terial. Some pay more, some ‘zess, some get nothing for their 'money. You get your money’s worth when you buy Scott’s Emulsion. In the class for single drivers 15) hands and under Mr. Geo. W. Curtis carried off the honors with Nellie Keswick, Mr. J. A. Brown securing the next place and Mr. W. Roddy winning third place with a, tangy bay filly. She was thin and walk and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott’s Emulsion, and by tak- ing regular doses had gained twelve b'pounds m weight before the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid fot twelve pounds of flesh. There were a number of clever-gw 5 (mix . IN THE HORSE RING in appearance they are the eqqu 0! the registered Din-hams. Messm. Cullis and Inn of Powles’ "orners showed a fine herd of 10 pureâ€"bred Shorthorns that. met, with a. great deal of approbation from the 'udgm. 'mey captured first honors {0‘ herd. first on afim impound yen: "Id bull. and four additional red tic. kets. They are ; croditabie lot. and go far 'to W the gradual im- provement in tho: live stock of “10 county. ‘ w - ‘hwsm- Mctkmo'a‘l, Brandon . Ana. tin of Melon Faun. showed 101% Mr. Robt. Engleoon of West Ops showed a fine “thoroughbred bull and‘ ten head of high-class grade Dur- hams and made a clean sweep- This herd is not. only in fair condition, but they are so nearly Pure-bred that In theold reliable Shorthom class there was a grand showing. Many of the animals would prowe red-rib- bon winners at the ProVincial or In- dustrial fairs. In the special competition for a sylvestaer plow Hr. Thos. halmm’s matched greys Were first, and G. Malâ€" oney's bays second. inson of Peterboro Thos. Calvert, won with a clever pair Sunshine. In tam was sufficient and ‘the animals had to stand two and three in a stall. While the owners were forced to put, up with this inconvenience they did so uncomplainingly and made the beat! of it. IN THE CATTLE PENS This yeur'thc cattle man did themâ€" selxes proud. making a new record for number 0! entries and quality of animals exhibited. So many herds were brought in that, the stabling East of Benton flour, THE KING CLOTHIER -mot This Messrs. Wm. Stewart «I: 80:: 0! Lu-' Vice K021“ “ r caevilie also made a unite! ahowing heads this tine h in this class with nine head of his particularly P“ famous Willow Grove herd. They. sired by immfl‘ semi-ed first. prize for but fiye gm- 1..“ bg-gmer to‘ male in the herd comm Ibich' sold for $1500 tells it: own story. can at “1.1%“.Roberuoat 8a of Mr Stephenp] mustard showed 11 head at this 9 head of mm m N- No W prop-J's- second honors “ Wiorflwfiow-rin‘mpmmfle Mia“. P0845” it“ MLanIthothe herd also '0" m. W flay pan-eased Oliver came fl?" the witty and Media-‘1' Ewl/ W5 (000W Messrs. Wm. Stuart . Son of Lu- casville also made a capital showing in this class with nine head of his (anions Willow Grove herd. They uncured first prune {or best. fiye ani- mals in the herd comma"... which tells it. own story. Mr. McLeod of Cobourg was to the front. with 10 head. including the im- ported bull Pradamere. This bend was in excellent shape and W many of the leading premiums, as well as second in the herd competi- tion. -W W. P. and G. King of Oak- wood showed three head of Dar-hams which included a fine white male, aged cow and spring cal!- POLLEQANGUS CATTLE. There never was a. better showing of the ”black beauties" at. the Cen- tral (air No less than three splen- did herds were on the ground. and the' Dodos" had a, host of admirers. "in Herb. Graham of Ops showed . m-‘W'fiis‘ 4m was may nicely formed two-year-old heifer (.th Elm\a.1€. “bile his an.“ secured third-class honors. 'I‘hisheI-g Armour. a nowd prize 0:", [er will be in the ring next .yeur and has six SW68! to ”fl it. is good betting that she will be Ladv Ottawa is not!" ‘ good enough to win out. Hr. Gr..- mal. having won first 5‘9", ham is heading (or a herd of thorâ€" ranto Ottawa and Lol“ otchbreds, and recently purchased [woe of the hard we we youngest- a Wm 0‘“- conous. A. w. ‘- n 1‘ I- K~ run a of rmal bred outta ;h;d form. Thewa with a. mag!) I‘cem. Cruickshank .md ‘ came t.“ the herd lust K11: 1 securg prizes. ate-’39} dro «? improve liw the whale m ,IANWJARDER, 00 " wEleking to aha-Vests 0‘ er ailuw1u5:qucu.._‘ .0"... Lt the CPn- : ed to win out, against “Jame splenâ€" gwgauon. ”“Wever' 9:2" , "ound. 11161118 breeding and won I admirers. feven in this ho COM. majority of 0” Son of u- Vice Regal. a WM: ml shown; heads this fine ha“: 0‘ ‘ nd of his particularly pro 5 I” :11. . “we: sired by imvo"ted not ' 1-. 11!. w- i’u’ w! sold {or $1600- ‘8. of Id 0‘ fibe head of I! M' whim. «we‘lnrd, also quently they a to wm 0“ even in this Messzs. \ Manic, exh winning he in all. 'l‘i‘ at, all the Toronto. 1 have 3. Ion credit. '1 Rover (J'Bl a grand LXI has never 1 NeVer Central s herd has 3} VA RENT VA ulst‘ 5.80 0.! I Stand [war t of.“

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